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If youre not involved in a breakup, youre usually supporting someone else who is. Does it feel like pulling teeth getting him to say how he feels about you? RELATED:5 Zodiac Signs Who Hold A Grudge After A Breakup. Dont encase your heart in an igloo, Virgo! Tries to act like nothing happens They don't want you to feel bad even if they are hurt badly. Your Aquarius woman will generally be less interested in looking for romantic or even casual relationships but she will be adept at socializing which might make her flirtatious. Aquarius Women: All The Secrets You Need To Know, Is 2022 Gonna Be A Horrible Year For Aquarius. But many have different ways to overcome the pain it gives and actually moves on. If they do? So, those are the answers as to How do Aquarius deal with breakups? The explanations above probably turn out to be a lot closer than what you might think. Either way, we hope you can now understand better. But somehow, youre never prepared for your own heart to be broken! Youre proud and confident, and the thought of someone rejecting you is a massive blow to your ego. Maybe they just need to take a break and see how they feel. What Does An Aquarius Woman Like In A Man? We know its a shock to your system, but sitting still and being with the pain is the only way it will heal. Everything You Need to Know About Aquarius Man, 25 Celebrities That Share Their Zodiac With Aquarius, The Ultimate List of 60+ Gifts for Aquarius Men. Give her topics you can debate about whether its politics, law, religion, or even anything esoteric or mystical that she might be interested in, this will stimulate her logic and her senses, and as you do that you are growing positively with her. While others may battle through a separation, Aquarius set out to find whether their ex was swindling or if they are as of now into another person. Rule of thumb: no snooping or spying! However, if you genuinely and practically give your reason for breaking up with them, they will respect and abide by your choice and let you go. People strive to protect their inner world from invasion from the outside while being kind to others. Libra is the sign of the scales, so balance is the first thing to go when emotional turbulence hits. Now that doesnt necessarily mean all Aquarius take up this and will get into stalking. Getting into relationships with the person you love can be dreamy but losing that person to a breakup can be the worst nightmare. They are great at conversations, no doubt, but when it comes to talking from the heart instead of the mind, they simply cant just do it. Ive had some really great feedback from readers whove tried this program and had remarkable results. But this is one of those moments where you should really let old friends and family be there for you, just as you've been for them! Can you make an Aquarius woman fall in love with you again? Or, panic-stricken at the idea of being alone, you put on your thirst trap bandage dress and head to the bar, only to attract the shadiest character you could meet. But everyone has their dealbreakers and traits that make them happy. When the tables are turned, however, breakups infuriate you. We're adults just like you, so we don't need you to patronize us or demand things from us. Dont get stuck in these feedback loops! Waxing Moon visits Aquarius zodiac sign only in the period from August to February and Waning Moon transits Aquarius only from February to August. If a relationship ends unceremoniously, some Cancers put up a fierce front, excoriating your ex to anyone in earshot. Aquarius Pisces Love Love Traits Dating Relationships Marriage Jealousy Seduction Kissing Sexuality Cheating Breakup Compatibility Love Compatibility Zodiac Soulmates Best Match Elements Compatibility Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Ideal Partner Friendship Compatibility Astrology Moon in Signs Planetary Transits Venus Mars Mercury Jupiter Saturn Your Aquarius woman doesnt thrive on emotional and chaotic drama, she tends to detach and build a wall over her own emotions and other peoples emotions, as such it is best to keep things light-hearted and friendly after a breakup. Since you view every relationship as an investment, breakups just dont make sense in your playbook. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. They wont confide in people and would not like to talk or speak out about anything regarding their relationship with anyone. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. We don't just throw away a good thing unless we realize that it's been spoiled. That's one of the biggest reasons why the following three zodiac signs will always have a place in Aquarius' heart. This is part of the reason you're reluctant to get involved in the first place: You know that once you're attached, that bond runs deeper than the tree roots in the upside-down world of Stranger Things. How to Talk to Your Girlfriend about Getting Back Together, Obvious Signs Your Ex Boyfriend Is Trying To Make You Jealous. At the point when Aquarius people need to manage a separation, they do not pitch a fit, request answers or flounder in lament. . The mind of this man seems always to be going full throttle, so it is no wonder that it is why he . No one needs to be freaked out by another false alarm meme! They are people who strongly voice out their points, hence, they may not back away from a disagreement if they find your point to be illogical. And once you do, you're surprisingly forgiving. Treat yourself to weekly therapy, heart-healing seminars and retreats. What To Expect When An Aquarius Zodiac Sign Dumps You & Breaks Your Heart, According To Astrology. Youll analyze the situation from every angle, spinning out until youre mentally exhausted. In most cases yes, this is because of the thoughtful, open-minded, and deeply caring side of the Aquarius woman that is hidden beneath her cold facade, you just need to tackle the issue that caused your breakup and grow from it. In general, she will act cold and aloof after a breakup and might cut off ties with you after, this is her way of coping and detaching herself from you, the breakup, and the pain that it caused her. 4) How Do Aquarius Start To Pick Up Pieces? That said, there are some basic things that almost always come with a breakup with the Aquarius zodiac sign. With your deep compassion and inbred wisdom, you know how to handle matters of the heart. Dont pretend you dont care! . While other signs might mope around the house, you stay on the move. (When she vacillated on the vows for too long, he disappeared on the pink bicycle hed rode in onno kidding.). If an Aquarius is interested in breaking up with you, it is majorly due to them not getting enough freedom in your relationship. Aquarians are like, "I do not have to break down why this did not work. What signs are compatible with Aquarius Women? This clinical way to deal with sorrow may appear cold, yet it is the manner by which these powerful air signs adapt. One Aquarius friend bragged about her amazing artist partner. Proceeding onward for Aquarius is not as simple as their cool mien would recommend, yet for the zodiac's visionary, it is essential to remain concentrated on what is to come. They do not bother with anyone to connect. Moving on is not easy for a sign that values history like yours. Some attempt to stay away from sorrow out and out by imagining the relationship never at any point occurred like Aquarius. Trust me, I know this because I'm a proud Aquarius who has, on more than one occasion, detached emotionally. Its more than just an urban legend: Summer is officially uncuffing season." The factor influencing your mind and emotions. The Libra man may end up tolerating a somewhat open relationship in a bid to keep his Aquarius woman, but ultimately this would break his heart, however much he tried to hide it, and could be quite unhealthy for him. Hey! They may also suggest friendship if they feel you can still be a good friend to them. Clich as it may be, time heals all wounds for the heartbroken Libra. Why Would An Aquarius Want To Breakup With You? Therefore, if their partner is hurrying out the door, he or she may need to analyze who's actually looking to in ways with the other. Taking the risk of trusting again can feel unbearable, and we know many Cancers who have gone decades dodging relationships to avoid feeling that level of hurt again. There are high chances of them breaking up with you if you don't provide them with enough space for themselves. With a little time and space, youll be ready for the next perfect person to sweep you off your stilettos. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine. Do not derail the possible reconnection by creating or spurring anything that might create possible scenarios of confrontation or drama, instead be the cool guy who knows how to handle things calmly. Once you find that special someone, you pour yourself fully into the relationship, and you want it to last forever. Is it over for good? Aquarius is living, breathing Idea Factory, with brains that produce so much and move so quickly all at once that it's often . The signals show through your body language. 15 days until the Spring Equinox. In this silence, we begin the first step of unflowering into a new form through the full moon. If you are granted a second chance with your ex (and you want one), choose bae wholeheartedlyfor all the flaws and strengthsand stop looking around every corner for a better fit. Like a post-Kris Humphries Kim Kardashian (a Libra), indulging in spa and beauty treatments can help you bounce back faster. You can imagine him wearing a pair of washed-out jeans, a gray hoodie, some undefinable blue-gray T-shirt, and sneakers. The stress of a split can show through your body language. If you are curious, then please stay tuned. On the other hand if they feel that the burden of having a commitment is hurting them, they will manipulate their partners into doing the split-up for them. How do Aquarius deal with breakups? Apart from this, Aquarius are also known for hiding their emotions very well. Aries. 2021- Know Your Aquarius : A GrowBizx Venture| Managed By Yash A Khatri. On the other hand, Aquarius is known for craving that sweet freedom of being single AND not feeling tied down to any one person. But Aquarius, being a progressive sign, does a pretty good job at that. Take a deep breath. Suddenly, youre all twitchy, full of nervous energy and adrenaline. In some cases, they may also refrain from gathering and isolate themselves from their friends and family. If you actually sort it out and try to make them understand your point and reasons for your breakup, they may actually consider it and let you go. Another Aquarius just insisted he was over the breakup, but 10 years later, he still refused to have a serious relationship because he was so angry inside. They can actually be very sensitive and warm when they trust the person they're around. Besides serious environmental issues - federal assistance was not forthcoming (look over here Ukraine . But, no. Theres no emotional breakdown, no crying, simply nothing. Even though they may genuinely have some feelings for you, they may not showcase it and be cold regarding the decision of ending the relationship. For one, the most emotion you'll probably ever see from theAquarius zodiac sign is when they are totally in love with you. They may start hanging out with new people and make new acquaintances. 302 days until 2024. Sun in Aquarius: Splintered Solar Rays. Invading his space is a major reason for saying goodbye. If you simply cant get out of your funk, do some volunteer work. . Customer care; 0091-79-4900-7777 . With that philosophy, one might think youd move on quickly. 14 Secrets of Aquarius Girl Personality You Didnt Know, Best Suited Career Options for Aquarius in 2022, Everything You Wanted to Know About Aquarius Lucky Numbers, is aquarius a air sign -, The Secret Truth About Aquarius And Aquarius Compatibility. Read on to get an idea of the classic positive and negative Aquarius traits, be it Relationship, Marriage, Love and Career Status.Know Everything. Even if your crab claws arent visibly engaged, you may cling to the nostalgia of what once was. Aquarius are definitely one of those people. Its all about psychology! When someone breaks your heart, youre quick to get lost in your head. This may make you question their feelings for you !! You and your boo may break up and get back together numerous times, which can exhaust friends who spend hours comforting you. If they are social people, they would plan out parties and hang out with their friends! As the zodiacs perfectionist, you can waste far too much time guarding against heartbreak happening again. March 21st, 2023 - New Moon In Aries. If the relationship falls apart, expect some form of ghosting or cutting off, she might shut down her feelings for you and might not talk to you in the next few weeks or even months, she will best be selfish but she can easily detach herself from her emotional processes. If only people understood how to read between the lines of your complicated twist on love. Well by working on it! The male with his moon in this placement is a creative genius- the scientist, the mystic, the artist, and the musician. The Best Way Out of Breakups The Aqaurius Way. Go for a run on the beach, or do some breathing exercises, book a session with a Reiki master, energy healer, or acupuncturist. In 2017 I decided it was about time I started a blog on the topic, and since then more than 2 million people worldwide have read my relationship advice. Its not wrong to say there are a variety of Aquarius people in the world. If you hold a stubborn view towards something and are not ready to take in others logical points against it, then an Aquarius may just not want to be with you. If an Aquarius is not that social with people, they might still be able to move on! If you were born with the Moon in Aquarius, you are something of an emotional rebel - Uranus rules Aquarius, and this planet always brings a certain disregard for norms and conventions. We know that recovery is hard, especially for a creature of habit like you. He bleeds pure originality and is a quirky innovator. Never derail or criticize whatever her current passion or ambition is, instead be even grateful she accepted your truce or friendship, she is the literal embodiment of the thinking Friends are forever and lovers come and go. Calm, cool Aquarius, you may act unflappable, but breakups can really rattle you. Looking into our topic, lets analyze and conclude how would an Aquarius deal with a breakup!! But on the inside, your mind is a REVENGE CIRCUS, spinning with ideas about how to. However, there is another category of Aquarius people who may actually stop socializing after their breakup. As the zodiac's humanitarian, making a difference for others will lend you some needed perspective. We're definitely cut up about it, especially if it wasn't our idea to end things, but we cope in our own way. Behind the scenes, youll plunge into your wounded feelings, isolating yourself or huddling up with your besties or your mom. Aquarius breakup secret While Aquarians seem to be doing well post-breakupby seamlessly going back to work, connecting with friends, and pursuing their hobbiesif they don't take measures to identify their emotions, an old relationship can leave lasting scars. Enter the courtship stage again and be patient, Be a good friend and show her your support. Aquarian will just turn out to be much increasingly antisocial. Or maybe youre all in your summertime sadness feelings after being dumped. It is noticeable that ones personality and way of reacting to things sure will play a major role in how one actually deals with breakups. Nothing throws a Virgo into analysis paralysis quite like a breakup. When Aquarius does break up with you, you can almost guarantee that the light will go out of their eyes. This is a marriage of logic and passion. Ironically, the fastest way for you to heal is for you to consciously change your environment and daily habits. But should a relationship end, the first step is to find something new to obsess over (instead of your ex). You may also check how to make an Aquarius woman stop ignoring you. Vent proactivelyto a healing circle, support group or a great therapist. Explore all about the 9 Agents of God - the 9 Planets. As the zodiacs hopeless romantic, love is your favorite drug. You're ruled by glamorous Venus, after all! Find out all about Aquarius Sun Gemini Moon - these attractive, artistic, optimistic, and sometimes clumsy individuals. The idea of breaking a connection literally feels like your insides are being torn out. Though all these methods are quite different from each other, one thing is sure that an Aquarius may eventually move on from a breakup!! Alas, your other half probably won't see it that way. They will eventually work towards moving on by actually enjoying the way they want!! But both times, they need space. Either way, these natives are very confusing and difficult to read. Breakups can be really heartbreaking!! She might even ignore or act like you even existed, she will be cold and aloof, incredibly silent about the relationship as if it never existed in the past, in all ways the breakup with Aquarius woman will leave her emotionally drained and battered and she will cope by shutting down and detaching herself from the emotions shes experiencing. Planets. If an Aquarius breaks up with you, the most likely reason is that you've been violating their need for personal freedom. Aquarius seeks to give away . Capricorn. Here are five basic things to know about how Aquarius act during and after a breakup, how to bring them back if you push them away, and their overall method of learning how to get over a breakup. But feelings are something a human is born with, so theres no doubt that they would have to feel and deal with them too. While nothing could be further from the truth, your tendency to waver on feelings might have something to do with why you're breaking up in the first place. It can be difficult, at times, to pick up the pieces of a broken heart. Show her your true intentions by being sweet and romantic to her, even if she has a hard time responding to it because she mostly rationalizes deep emotions, she will appreciate it and will help her reconsider your relationship. Now and again, one of the most exceedingly awful pieces of a split is finding that one person and their previous sweetheart have totally disparate separation styles. At this moment, we're protecting our heart from any more damage. Plus, you may have created a 10-year plan with your ex-bae that you now have to rewrite. Youll read every relationship advice book, burn uncrossing candles from the local witch shop, enroll in expensive self-help workshops. Other times, they just need some time alone to recover and gather their thoughts. Aquarius Moon compatibility with Aries Moon. This doesnt say that Aquarius women are detached and arent capable of displaying true emotions, most of the time they have a hard time showing it due to intellectualizing or rationalizing their thoughts or the situation. Any intolerance or close-mindedness about that and we're done for good. RELATED:What He'll Be Like As Your Ex, Based On His Zodiac Sign. Even a hard breakup will not mar their opinion and love of true love itself. Daily Aquarius Horoscope, Wednesday, 1st March 2023 - Plan your day based on daily horoscope by moon sign from and set the goals for the day. She's passionate about the environment, feminism, and astrology, and plans on writing a book in the future. This sign is known for not holding resentment or grudges. 6 Signs An Aquarius Woman Is Falling For You, Aquarius Woman in Bed, 7 Steamy Tips To Turn Her On. Join our online community and be a part of this revolution to usher in the Age of Aquarius! Although you may appear fragile and broken at times, you possess an amazing inner resilience. No matter what the situation is, people tend to have different perceptions and ways when it comes to dealing with breakups. They will be okay. A 20-year-old student residing in Mangalore, India. Air sign Aquarius lives in the clouds when it comes to love. How do Aquarius deal with breakups? A heartbroken Libra is a depressing sightand requires emergency relief. The New Moon is conjunct Neptune (25 Pisces), conjunct Mercury (5 Aries), sexile Pluto (29 Aquarius) and square Mars (28 Gemini). Because you get so swept up in the fantasy, you can take breakups particularly hard, like a sad Disney princess whose glass slipper doesn't come in time for the ball. If its truly over, nothing heals the Leo heart faster than diving into a creative project. Sagittarius. 5 Things Aquarius Does During a Breakup Known as the sign thinking 100% logically and 0% emotionally, here are top 5 things an Aquarius often does during a breakup: 1. Instead of socializing, they may actually begin to isolate themselves from people and spend some time alone. Jealousy and Aquarius cant come in a sentence together. Making a difference for others will remind you of how privileged you actually are, and lend you some needed perspective. They do not bother with anyone to feel frustrated about them or reveal to them. Some may be genuine and some not so genuine. Before you do anything rash, read on and find out how your zodiac sign bounces back from a breakup. It can be due to misunderstanding, feeling getting faded away, or if the relationship seems too burdening or frustrating to handle!! Some Aquarians may drink away their sorrows and pains with friends.