What Happened To Eben Britton And Mike Tyson, Bingo Poems For Funerals, Articles I

Personalities in the Doctrine and Covenants and Joseph SmithHistory. He took down his gun, shot the deer, and after dressing it, sent portions to his neighbors. Chaffee,History of the Wyoming Conference, 36. 175. Wells village in the central valley became the center of business in the township, while the northeastern portion of the town where the Lewis family lived did business in the village in neighboring Middletown Township where a booming settlement began to develop. The similarities in name, location, and activities can easily lead to confusion between the two men. . Since Elizabeth died in 1842, Blackmans date would put her initial conversion at 1792 when William Colbert took Methodism to upper Pennsylvania but not the Susquehanna Valley. He said it was a young child. 98. 111. Methodist Martin Lane controlled the turnpike, operated a large sawmill, and was a partner in a dry goods store. . Wells Town Clerk, Land Records, A: 23. Blackman (History of Susquehanna County,88) believed John Hilborn did not arrive in the valley until 1791 to serve as an agent for Henry Drinker, who arrived shortly afterward. He married Elizabeth Lewis on September 20, 1790, two months before her twenty-third birthday.91 Isaac and Elizabeth Hale took Nathaniel and Sarah Lewis, along with Sarahs mother and her eight-year-old sister, Lurena Cole, and quickly left for Pennsylvania since they would travel over two hundred miles to their new home barely ahead of the winter weather using a small, single ox drawn cart to carry all their goods with those of the family members that accompanied them.92 When the Hale and Lewis families arrived in the Susquehanna Valley, winter had already arrived and the struggle for survival began. The young prophet was installed therein not exactly to the satisfaction of the other members of the family. This local awakening had more in common with the Second Great Awakening that would begin in a few years, however, since it attracted the unchurched in the area until nearly all the families in the valley offered morning and evening prayers.168 Both the Hale and Lewis families were caught up in this awakening, and the parents took their one-year-old sons, Alva Hale and Levi Lewis, to Buck for baptism.169, John B. Buck, a grandson of Daniel Buck, recalled years later, after the valleys Congregationalists had transformed themselves into Presbyterians, how during the 1790s the congregation, was scattered up and down the river, in cabins. . Wife of Joseph Smith Jr. and Latter Day Saint leader (18041879), "Elect lady" and the early church, 18301839, The workers were searching for the supposed silver mine for. Near the end of that year, an assessor appraised the Hale family 15 x 30 foot log home as worth $26.133 The tax assessment noted they lived on a 150 acre farm owned by Charles Francis, using either an alternate name for Tench or that of an as yet unidentified son.134 Isaacs brother-in-law Nathaniel Lewiss family was also listed as occupying 100 acres of Charles Franciss farmland just west of the Hale family that included a 15 x 28 foot log home and a log stable of unspecified size.135 Francis paid the tax for the land, not Isaac Hale or Nathaniel Lewis. Although Raymond Bailey noted It is thought [Emma] . 308. He eventually studied at Harvard like his father, became a member of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences in 1827, was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society in 1828, and became a leading American naturalist. (Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2013), 2:33138; Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, A House Full of Females: Plural Marriage and Womens Rights in Early Mormonism, 18351870 (New York: AlfredA. Knopf, 2017), 8696. Not everyone in the Hale family participated in the search for silver, however, as Isaacs brother-in-law Nathaniel Lewis seems to have separated his family from these efforts. Young Joseph (as he became known) was the first of her natural children to live to adulthood. Although a large, level valley in the center of the township became Wells village, the Lewis family settled away from the village on inexpensive land on a rocky mountain top near the northeastern township line. A final report of the excavation is forthcoming and will be placed in the same files. During the Panic of 1837, the Kirtland Safety Society, the banking venture that Joseph and other church leaders had set up to provide financing for the growing membership, collapsed, as did many financial institutions in the United States at that time. 2 (1988): 1739. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Plans for the Pickering home included directions for a drain pipe from the kitchen sink to the outside and a cloaths press or closet to hold clothing for each of the main upstairs bedrooms. He was a man of refined taste, a poet, and a scholar.227 Rose set up camp in the woods and used a large box of chocolate as his chair while writing his fianc a letter in which he promised her he would build her a frame house, whose habitation ought to be a palace on the mountain where he sathe soon built her an elegant mansion, on the bank of Silver lake, surrounded by one of the largest farms in the state.228 Based on his several letters to his fianc, Rose knew he would buy the land before he even investigated it, and shortly after his visit he bought the land owned by the Francis family of Philadelphia for $75,000, including the tract owned by the Hales, and on February 18, 1809, Rose formalized a new deed.229 He registered his purchase a week later on February 25 and immediately contacted Isaac Hale and the other men who headed the 150 families on his property, demanding payment.230. He may have also visited his father, Reuben Hale, or older brother, Reuben Hale Jr., both veterans of the recent war, or with his sisters Naomi and Antha (Diantha) Hale. which was then sanctioned by the government.69 Nathaniel Lewis reenlisted in the navy at Sea Brook, Connecticut, where he served until July 22, 1763.70 But after his father, Gershom, died in Litchfield Township October 18, 1766, 27-year-old Nathaniel returned to Guilford to marry Esther Tuttle January 16, 1767. He was a member of the Army. Emma was born July 10, 1804, in Harmony Township, Pennsylvania, the seventh child of Elizabeth Lewis and Isaac Hale. His statement appeared in the NY Baptist Register June 13, 1834 and The Susquehanna Register on May 1, 1834. Deacon Stowells Long Hunt for GodHis Belief that Smith Could See Fifty Feet into the Earth,Bainbridge Republican,August 23, 1877, 2; reprinted inMontrose Democrat,September 19, 1877. 191. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,485, emphasis in original. 281. His large farm was on the best land in the valley and others grew significantly less produce. 80. Pickering grew up in and returned to die in the 1651 Pickering house in Salem, Massachusetts, which remained the oldest home in the United States continuously occupied by one family until the end of the 20th century. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,101, 103. July 3, 2022 . The Comforts named their son born May 15, 1811, Isaac Lewis Comfort. 20. Mudge,American Camp-Meeting Hymn Book, iv. Rachel Cope, A Sacred Space for Women: Hymnody in Emma Hale Smiths Theology, Journal of Religious History (2017). Hale also bought an additional 40 1/2 acres of land from Caleb and Sarah Carmalt for $101.00 but did not record the deed until he sold it years later to a son-in-law, Michael Morse.234The Carmalt addition was a section of land attached to the eastern edge of the Hale property above the land of Ezekiel and William Travis. 8. Isaac Hale mentioned his log house in trial testimony recorded verbatim by two of the three judges presiding at the trial of Jason Treadwell. Windsor Bridge Company, Subject Files, Broome County Historical Society, Binghamton, New York; Trial Notes of Scribe A, Transcription of the Testimony Given at the Trial of Jason Treadwell, August, 1824, Historic Site Files, LDS Church History Library, hereafter CHL. He blamed Federalists and Whigs for their problems.282, John Comfort saved his harshest words for the decline of religion in Harmony. Almon Munsons tavern in Taylortown, two and one-quarter miles west of the Hale home, was the only one near the Hale home in 18241825.271 It was in the Munson tavern where the Hale familys neighbors regularly gathered for activities, and it was in the Munson Tavern where Isaac Hale sat on the Grand Jury investigating Jason Treadwell for the murder of Oliver Harper in 1824.272 That tavern building still stands today.273 Charles Hatch operated a tavern in Lanesville, three miles east of the Hale farm, but not until 18281829.274. MatthewJ. Despite the difficulties of poverty, displacement, and persecution, Emma and Joseph maintained a deep love for and bond with each other. The later history of the home and Hale property are documented in Mark Staker, Emma Hale Smith and Her Family in Harmony, Pennsylvania, Historic Sites Files, 2010, CHL. The term South Sea man applied to all men who lived the southerly part of Barnstable, Massachusetts (on Cape Cod). 287. The farm continued north of the road through a section of swampy ground known in local dialect as a swaily, and onto the mountainside with a large stand of ancient hardwood forest thinning at the top to provide a good view of the surrounding area at a spot known in local dialect as a keek from the Scottish for a peep or quick look.7. Shortly before the Hale family moved from Harmony, provisions were also enacted to tax pleasure carriages and watches, of which they had none. : N.p., 1955), 86. John Comfort wrote his son on Christmas Eve 1836 of the Hale family exodus. In response to Emmas invitation, Isaac and Elizabeth Hales children who had already left the Susquehanna Valley settled farms within visiting distance of the city of Nauvoo, although they elected to not live within the Mormon community. Upham,Life of Timothy Pickering,19. In early 1776 Nathaniel Lewis transferred his home with its sixteen acres of land by deed to his commanding officer, David Welch, and he took his family north to the Green Mountains.73 Although the family may have traveled with relatives, Elizabeth Lewis at only eight-years-old still held significant responsibility during the move, helping her expecting mother with her brothers and sisterseven-year-old Nathaniel Jr., five-year-old John, and two-year-old Esther. 18008 Bothell Everett Hwy SE # F, Bothell, WA 98012. But he may have also selected the site because of its sacred nature. Tell us. Jill Mulvay Derr, Carol Cornwall Madsen, Kate Holbrook, and MatthewJ. Grow,eds., The First Fifty Years of Relief Society: Key Documents in Latter-day Saint Womens History (Salt Lake City: Church Historians Press,2016). But an examination of overall land values suggests a modest drop in value between 18601861 from $600 to $575 which may indicate the removal of a rear kitchen or other modest structure on the property. David rented the entire James Westfall property in 1825 and thus controlled the potential silver mine on the Westfall farm.258 The Westfall family continued to pay the tax for the James Westfall home indicating someone, likely the Widow Westfall, continued to live there. . John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, had recently coined the phrase, cleanliness is next to Godliness, and his thinking clearly influenced Colbert who frequently used the word filthy in his journal to describe the cabins he saw, the people he met, and the meager food they shared. Frisbie,History of Middletown,5556. They were Henry Drinker, who acquired large tracts of Willingborough Township, particularly on the south side of the river, and John Hilborn, who served as his land agent helping to sell the Drinker property. 157. Lavina Fielding Anderson, ed.,Lucys Book: A Critical Edition of Lucy Mack Smiths Family Memoir(Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 2001), 430. 311. When Joseph Smith arrived at the Hale farm in the fall of 1825, he found a family living in fashionable comfort incorporating in their lives American ideals of refinement and sophistication. The Hale and Lewis families began to make themselves comfortable on this land as the early settlers cut timber along the river floodplain that could easily be floated downstream to market without special equipment turning the bottomlands into rich garden loam. When Joseph returned to Harmony, he received a revelation for Emma, now known as Doctrine and Covenants25, calling her an elect lady and encouraging her to comfort and support Joseph in his afflictions. When the saints were expelled from Illinois in 1846, Emma Smith chose to remain in Nauvoo, encouraging her son Joseph Smith III that he was to be the successor to his father's position as President of the Church. Saved to reddit here. Versaggi, personal communication to author, September 13, 2013. "[11] She served as president of the Relief Society until 1844. Posted on July 4, 2022 by . James Westfalls headstone stands in the cemetery known today as the McKune cemetery just east of the Joseph Smith property. Isaac did not pay the tax for the log home and it may have been used by others who paid the tax for that home. Emma's continuing public denial of the practice seemed to lend strength to their cause, and opposition to polygamy became a tenet of the RLDS Church. Robert H. Rose, letter to Miss Jane Hodge, October 1, 1809; Day,Historical Collections of the State of Pennsylvania, 622. 52. After Nathaniel Lewis married Sarah Cole, Isaac Hale arrived back in Wells sometime in the summer of 1790. By February they had arranged to buy the house from Jesse and the 13 1/2 acres of farmland from Emma's father, Isaac Hale. But he is never mentioned in later accounts of Rodsmen activity. Zenanah Gilbert, who attended a Methodist camp meeting in the area in 1810, described her experience: Sunday early in the morning Brother Ths [Thomas] Sister F [Fanny] and myself set off for to go to a Methodice field Meeting we call at the Post and [pick up numerous others with the wagon at several locations] . 288. A successful farmer, sawmill operator, and grain trader, Stowell hired the men either because he had heard something of a silver mine having been opened by the Spaniards or an old document had fallen into his possession, which minutely described the spot where a mine had existed in that valley. The artifact scatter suggests a door in the log home faced east toward the work yard and toward a rock-lined well that still exists near the seasonal brook. His headstone reads Zachariah Tarble, contemporary property deeds use that spelling, as do local histories, e.g. attended a Girls school for one year, he did not document his source. . Joseph lived near Palmyra, New York, but boarded with the Hales in Harmony while he was employed in a company of men hired by Josiah Stowell to unearth a "Dream Mine". The modest headstones the men could see as they traveled were made by stonemason J. W. Stewart, known for years as Coffin Man. But it was Oliver Harpers large, ornate headstone just to the south of the two simple ones that would have likely been the focus of any discussion the men had with its neatly chiseled inscription announcing Harper had been robbed and murdered the previous year on March 11, 1824. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,131. On April 6, 1860, Joseph was sustained as president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which prefaced "Reorganized" to its name in 1872 and in 2001 became known as the Community of Christ. 18 (October 27, 1821): 141. When Pickering announced to his friends his plans to move in the neighborhood of the Isaac Hale family, his associates tried to dissuade him from settling along such a remote area of the Susquehanna. No, it wasnt, replied the accused, for the Lord knows that when he sends blessings to me I dont wait until the next day before I take them. He was acquitted.215, Alva Hale used the Sabbath as a day for target shooting, and his father, Isaac, often found himself in the woods hunting. The turnpike crossed the river at the bridge into Lanesville where it continued south past what locals called the Vermont settlement on Tyler Road. The detailed reports of this excavation are available in the unpublished documents: Hartgen Archaeological Associates, Inc., Report, Historic Sites, Church Historians Office, 2005; Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc., Archeological Field Investigations and Addenda 1 and 2, Joseph Smith Jr. House Site, Town of Oakland (Formerly Harmony), Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, May 2005. By implication the Presbyterian minister seemed to think praying for direct answers and prophesying would invite influence from the devil on him as well.184, Although Colbert left the region and never went into the Susquehanna Valley where the Hale family lived, his type of Methodism became widespread in the region as others did not seem to share the concerns of the Presbyterian minister. Lucy had her scribe insert every with a carat in front of appendage in her history, assuring the reader would not just imagine a few conveniences but every one. When Isaac Hale was a young boy in New Haven, Connecticut, he was raised in a culture that promoted the search for gold. George Peck listed the text of each sermon he delivered in the Hale home in a Memorandums booklet he kept for each place he stopped on his circuit. 282. But the Hale family was never issued a tavern license. Their families all lived in Lanesville where the generally shallow river water filled the air with a constant roar and the creaking of several sawmills added the noise of industry and pious work to the setting. Comfort apparently disagreed. 1 Joseph Smith Jr. (1805-1844), was a treasure seeker. See Land Survey, R. H. Rose Survey Map, Bound Ledger, Rose Family Papers, Binghamton University Libraries Special Collections, Binghamton, New York. An 1857 hand drawn map of the Susquehanna Valley includes a stylized sketch of the Hale home depicting a structure similar to the one Timothy Pickering hired Isaac Hale to build for him.244 Pickering designed a typical Federal style home for his plantation in the Susquehanna Valley that included a neatly balanced appearance. A digital copy is available at,http://www.sidneyrigdon.com/dbroadhu/IL/miscill3.htm#043079. 1771, to live with maternal grandfather, Arah Ward. 317. We will do it, said Hail; we will fix the stones, so that Charles, when grown up, if he should come this way, may find the spot where his fathers body was laid. These words were uttered with so much affection and respect for the deceased as showed how greatly your brother was beloved.163 Colonel Pickering wrote to his son Henry, Mr. After living out their days, Isaac and Elizabeth passed away and were buried in the little cemetery adjacent to the Smith Harmony home. 188. Father of Jesse Hale , David Hale , Alva Hale , Elizabeth Hale , Isaac Ward Hale and Emma (Hale) Bidamon. I have concluded she was born in Goshen on the family property. 121. 13. 195. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,136. [11] Untangling the church's debts and property from Emma's personal debts and property proved to be a long and complicated process for Emma and her family. . Joseph had come southwest from New York seeking employment in the Susquehanna Valley. I am grateful to Nancy Mess for helping me find the location of the current Timothy Pickering headstone in the Lanesboro Cemetery. Emma apparently had an education equal to the other prominent members of the community. But it also aligned him culturally with the local Native Americans since they considered it shameful for a man to do agricultural work; men were expected to hunt and fish.126. The only child of theirs to be baptized after the controversy began was Isaac and Elizabeths daughter Emma, who was baptized by Buck not long after her birth in 1804, just before Methodism arrived in the valley.173, The slave Sylvia Dubois attended the same congregation where Emma was baptized and described it as the Calvinistic faith . George Edward Anderson, 1909, Courtesy LDS Church History Library. He was only twelve when news arrived of the first skirmish on the Lexington Green in Massachusetts. 279. Journals from the region indicate women held tea parties frequently.248 Many fragments of white kaolin clay tobacco pipes suggest that men also gathered at the home to socialize.249. Emma Hale was subpoenaed to testify, but Isaac gave details about the breakfast in his testimony, and Emma was not called. Introduction, Blessing from Joseph Staker and Jensen, David Hales Store Ledger: New Details about Joseph and Emma Smith, the Hale Family, and the Book of Mormon.. . Lurena was born in October 1782 and married Timothy Pickering III in the Susquehanna Valley in 1801. . A little over a month after Isaac Hale arranged to purchase his land, a change in county government gave the Hale family a larger political voice. 108. Josephs mother, Lucy, noted, he boarded a short time with one Isaac Hale, Anderson,Lucys Book,361, italics added. Nahum 1:7, Romans 10:1, Luke 11:1, [and] John 21:15. Sermons preached in Sela Paynes home a little over a mile east of the Hales were based on the texts Sam. Many faithful saints soon followed. Levi Fry settled in the low mountains on the northeastern border of Wells Township just east of the Lewis family. Francis Asbury, Journal July 11, 1807, cited in George Peck,Early Methodism,154. Shortly before this, Joseph had initiated the Anointed Quoruma prayer circle of important church members that included Emma. He recorded the purchase agreement with Isaac Hale in the county deed book on January 2, 1810, without noting when the payment or payments for the property fell due, or if Hale would pay the debt as a single lump sum or in regular installments over an extended period.236The latter option was more likely since the Hale family only paid one dollar down and built a new, large frame home at about the same time.