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Jake admits to his defeat to Amy, crowning her "Queen of the 99" and declaring everything she did was awesome. [Jake opens the box which is empty] It's empty, there's no cake inside. Jake grabs Amy's hand and the two of them duck out of the meeting in the conference room. During the heist, Holt plans for Amy to tell Jake she's pregnant with their daughter and has a sonogram and positive pregnancy test ready on-hand. Amy: We washed him off. When Rosa reveals that Amy has passed the exam, Jake says Amy needs room to do her signature dork dance. Jake then offers to grab her a change of clothes and a coffee, promising her they will solve this case. Jake: And, you know, there's really no one else's opinion who I care about more than hers. Jake disagrees and says that it is perfect. (Lights Out), Meet Jake and Amy's New Baby - Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Jake & Amy Get Married Brooklyn Nine-Nine. However, Jake calms her down, saying that he will win the case because he is innocent. She tells him that she already turned down the job because she likes where she is now. He becomes furious and lets them know that as long as he is their captain, they won't have a romantic relationship. Season Three: Yeah. Amy: I like the second one. # 1. She calls her doctor to see if her emotions are simply a side effect of her treatments, but the doctor says they are not, adding that it could be because she is pregnant. Jake: I love how much you pretend to like "Die Hard." Jake always leaves a mess in Amy's apartment, but as with everything involving Jake Peralta, she eventually finds herself loving it. Terry questions Jake and Amy about the cause of Dozerman's death. Trying to blend in as ballroom dancers, Jake offers to show Amy how to dance. Jake and Amy reach a stalemate in their volatile relationship. 2009, Prior to the series Charles notes that there are some serious sparks happening between Jake and Amy, but Jake denies it. Jake pulls the pin and runs out with Amy, leaving The Vulture helpless as the can of tear gas explodes. So she got on the first boat she could find, taking her to New York. She continues, saying that she loves that Jake is messy and cares so much about his dumb sneakers and doesn't get stressed out about calendars. Jake and Amy were assigned a robbery case, but he was initially reluctant to work with her and spilled the beans that he was planning on asking her out. Jake does so much for her, he is definitely the most thoughtful man on earth. The two take a trip to Horseditch, Pennsylvania to locate Matthew Langdon, one witness to prove that. However, the peace offering is actually a can of tear gas. Jake makes a speech after the funeral, masking it to be for Dozerman but really for Amy actually, stating, "I'm not giving up on us. Jake notices that Amy is impressed that Teddy's team broke the course record. All he wants is to solve crimes and put away bad guys and never, ever, go into subspace again. They have a very competitive relationship, including participating in bets and always trying to one-up each other. Rosa asks if Amy has done the double tuck., stating that Amy nervously tucks her hair behind both her ears when she really likes a guy. Santiago The Fugitive Pt. 3Mr. If we are gonna make a baby then its not going to come from plans, or vitamins or weird baggy pants that make my balls feel breezy, Amy chuckled in response, its going to happen at the right time and the conception will be hella toight, and full of our love. As Goose moves out to live with Carole, Pete meets his new roommate Jake, who seems to be an interesting companion. Let's just take our clothes off. Jake (with Charles, Hitchcock and Scully) is cornered in the kitchen of a Wings Slutz restaurant. Charles tells him that he just texted a bunch of crazy, weird, random letters that actually went to Amy. Jake: Yeah, one of them. Jake describes why he bought his car, which caused him to go into debt. Jake then asks Amy if they could talk together alone. It's revealed that Amy isn't actually pregnant. Terry is surprised and suggests that they have more drinks. They have a very competitive relationship, including participating in bets and always trying to one-up each other. Jake says "I love you too" back to her. Amy: Please don't say that during the ceremony. Amy: I love you. She also struggles to remove t Soulmate AU Amy: Yeah. There is a staff meeting at the Nine-Nine and Jake and Amy show up together after it already started. He assures her that he's not joking, promising that this is real, and then proceeds with proposing. Amy and Jake do some role-playing, where Amy dresses up as. Teddy is still in love with Amy, so he stalls the crew as long as possible while Amy continues to freak out. (Tactical Village), Jake: I don't know what's gonna happen on this assignment, and if something bad goes down, I think I'd be pissed at myself if I didn't say this. They continue to misread what the other is thinking, proving they lost their sync since their time apart. Jake tells Rosa that its too late to do anything as Amy and Majors are on their way to the bar. When it is revealed Jake has won the bet, the bullpen erupts with confetti and cheers. Jake questions how he is attracted to her; stops himself, and says it doesn't matter and that he just is. "Look. Jake apologises for everything that has happened, not understanding how some people could do that to a woman. (Ding Dong), Jake: [about sex reveal cake] Hey, listen, I'm sorry the cake was green. Jake apologizes and agrees that he shouldn't have said that part. 3 - When they shared an UberPool with [someone who looked like] Michael Caine. . Sergeant Jeffords thinks she'd work well with Detective Peralta, but she's less than impressed at the idea--until the day the precinct has to take care of a little girl named Samantha, and everything changes. Amy decides to join the games to avoid losing the car. (It is looked at as a joke and Amy blows up on both of them saying it is worse when they are nice to her than mean-as they had been earlier). And the sex oh my god the sex, they were both SO fucking good at it. There was a second bomb. Amy smiles, thanking him. She also gets distracted after seeing how much community service Jake did in high school. They're both kind of dorky about police stuff. Jake and Amy must convince the Vulture to give up the house. As Jake makes a toast using orange soda, he toasts to "sex with Amy". Jake: Told you water was bad for you. While apologizing for his awkward joke, Amy kisses him anyways. Protective Jake Peralta Jake Peralta/Amy Santiago Fluff Amy Santiago is new to the Nine-Nine. Jake: Guess that is kinda cool. I'm scared that we're gonna have a child and I won't be able to handle it, I'm scared that I'm not gonna be a good father, and I'm scared that I'll make a mistake I can't take back. Jake came in to work two days after Amy had told him that she wasn't going to date cops anymore. Amy: That's not the takeaway. After the fall of Casita, Mirabel felt so guilty she ended up leaving; the problem is that no one found her in time. rosadiaz. and 's friendship is something seldom seen. Jake goes on saying how if it doesn't go well and what if it's weird since they haven't seen each other in a while. Amy asks Jake what Holt would think is her biggest weakness. That was until this unhinged familiar flower summoning lady showed up at her precinct and punched her across the face. Jake meets Amy's father for the first time. 2 - Amy's most-favorite moment of their entire time as a couple. Amy is annoyed at the fact that Jake says "mischief managed" after they finish sex. Santiago suffering from FOMOW, Jake mouths 'Yes, she is.' Amy thanks Jake for helping her through the rough day. Jake: Oh no, is everything okay? Amy: Okay, stop it, or I'll crash the car. And you, Jake Peralta, are the right person for me. This wasn't our plan, and we agreed we'd wait a year and there's so much to do first, and it would've been crazy, right? Jake and Amy pretend to be a couple in order to arrest their suspects. Amy and Jake become closer and close everyday , it's not easy being in a relationship and working together but they figure it out :), Brooklyn 99 fanfic~Amy Santiago/Jake Peralta. Upon Teddy making a joke that he hopes he doesn't bore them to death, Jake tries to avoid replying directly and pretends to hear the "crime phone" ringing. Jake agrees and decides to go to Amy's apartment to tell her how he feels. Jake: Well, the important thing is we'll support him no matter what. Amy corrects him that it is crushing debt, and he notes that she knows him well, a callback to an earlier conversation about his debt. The past has moved on. Jake says he cant tell guys not to ask Amy out because [he] likes her and [hes] too dumb to do anything about it. Rosa tells Jake to ask her out before the case ends. When he mentions the author's name, Amy gets turned on. Like Sophia, Sa (Jake stammers to shut Boyle up), Jake tells Boyle and Rosa that his childhood crush, Jenny Gildenhorn, is going to be at the wedding. Amy: True, but when our son wants to learn about the day he was born we get to tell him that his dad helped a bunch of people, and foiled a bank robbery. Amy: Yeah. Jake tells Amy that he's just working and asks her what's wrong with her. As Jake is doing his speech-declaration for this year's Halloween heist, Amy joins in in the middle of it to quote Jake word-for-word. Amy tells Jake that she loves him for the first time, and after an awkward response from Jake, he says it back. a rewriting of my With Jake undercover with the FBI, Amy struggles to come to grips with the fact of her possible last conversation with him was so awkward. Jake tries to calm Amy down when she's worrying about the test, going so far as to set up a practice test for her. Jake says back that he loves her too. For you to be the mom, I wasn't just agreeing with the nice thing you said about me. Amy: Oh, that's exactly where it's going. Jake informs her that it was a good date anyway. I just hope Pitt can get in good enough shape to play me in the movie, you know? She's caught off guard and confused. Jake & Amy Amy confesses to Jake that, at her former precinct, her boss had sexually assaulted her, saying that she "owed it to him.". Jake and Amy hold their respective Bachelor/Bachelorette parties ahead of their upcoming wedding. When a van containing nine prisoners overturns Jake and Amy make a bet - whoever catches the most fugitives has to move into the other's apartment. Jake asks Amy if she did like him, and she says "Maybe. Jake reveals he spent $1400 on the date, but refuses to admit its because he likes Amy. Jake catches himself and apologizes to Charles for saying something selfish. [Said mockingly] You have any milk? Jake says today has been crazy, but he's not surprised because everyday with Amy has been a crazy adventure. Upon sneaking in and seeing Amy do a double tuck while talking with Majors, he is caught and thrown out by the bouncer. While struggling about what to do about his apartment situation with. Jake tells Amy about having to find a hacker and that they talked about her having an unhealthy "Fear of missing out on work" -- FOMOW (/fm/). in response. The truth is, our job isn't always great. Amy: I'm so excited. Jake tells Amy that her using the word rabbi turns him on. In one of their cases together, their perp kidnaps Amy and Jake goes crazy about it. Amy: Love you too, sir. Terry asks Jake if he's never been to therapy. She says that it feels like she's kissing Vanilla Ice. Jake makes a weak noise indicating he doesn't understand it either. Amy thanks him for telling her that. Neither think this evening is in the running. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, Im going to be writing one shots! Amy explains to Jake how much more difficult it is to be a woman than a man. Jake: Love you too. At Shaw's Bar, Jake is surprised to see Amy still in town. Can I help you, Mr. Mustache and Mr. Shiny Shoes? (Pete is pretty sure that is not what he was heading to, mainly because curly brown hair smirks and mouths a nice save Jake to himself. Jake answers his cellphone, automatically knowing it's Amy. Jake has to pick up the pieces that Amys kidnapping left behind. Amy tells Jake that women don't find make-believe attractive, but he compares himself to an actor, such as George Clooney. The Bet Jake and Amy: [in unison] Yep. Jake: Surprise. Amy: [Chuckles], Jake: Amy Santiago Will you marry me? Good news everyone, we found the name of Santiago's sex tape!". She taunts Jake. Amy disagrees but before the end of the scene, Jake catches her trying to erase the word 'CONTROLLING' on the whiteboard while they are kissing. 11.5K 229 6. Jake asks her about turning down Majors. But then, it all seemed hopeless even with a plan. Jake resorts to immature babbling instead of revealing how he really feels about her dating Teddy. They both seem to be getting along lately. Having an obsession for crime and murder, when. They agree that they would both like to explore a relationship, and to try to keep things "light and breezy." But, when you were in danger [sighs] I just didn't care anymore [about beating my brother]. Jake replies by saying "I'd rather have a drink of that mouth." HoneymoonThe TattlerHe Said, She SaidThe Golden ChildCasecationTicking Clocks Upon entering, Amy says theyve solved the case. Jake makes a bet with Hitchcock, putting his and Amy's new sedan on the line. If this is part of the heist, I will dump you so hard. Jake and Amy have a pre-game plan session before Thanksgiving, where he labelled Amy's parents as controlling as their daughter. I love how beautiful you are. Amy: All I wanted was just for you to be okay. Jake: Yeah. S.H.I.E.L.D. [Said sarcastically] A flashback reveals a previous guarantee Jake made to Amy. Their desks in precinct's bullpen, were adjacent to each other . Jake and Amy go to Mexico for their honeymoon. Jake: I'm just curious. He reaches out, grabbing her hand, to which she smiles at the gesture. Jake: [on the verge of tears] I love you so much. Charles suggests that if Jake wants to date Amy, he should try actually asking her out. He is the "third wheel" of Jake and Amy's relationship. Later, at the precinct, Amy goes into the break room and says "I'll love our little Shrek no matter what. Jake put up walls to protect himself, and it made sense to everyone that his long sleeves were just another wall. Having captured the perp, Jake offers to buy drinks for both he and Amy, but she mentions that shes still planning on going to the interview for the position in the MCU. After learning about this, Jake recants his confession. Holt, and Sgt. I'm not, I got my period. Not everything's in our control, but as long as you're with the right people, you can handle anything. She tells him she had a dental emergency, to which he notes that he knows that she is a good brusher. I mean, I guess he's okay-looking. I broke it, like, 20 minutes later. Because Jake wants to talk to Amy so badly, he buys an illegal phone from a very dangerous prisoner. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (14), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (1), Established Jake Peralta/Amy Santiago (15), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Jake Peralta as a victim of a sexual assault, Past Jake Peralta/Original Male Character, pls read notes for any trigger warnings thanku, Camilo Madrigal & Dolores Madrigal & Isabela Madrigal & Luisa Madrigal & Mirabel Madrigal, Charles Boyle & Rosa Diaz & Jake Peralta & Amy Santiago, jake peralta taking on the sexist world in his daughters defense, The Sullivan-Peralta Relationship (Was Doomed From The Start), Obscure Fanfiction Series (RichardGraysonPercyJackson), Jake Peralta/Original Female Character(s), Jake Peralta: Detective By Day, Single Father By Night, nothing political guys this is just fanfic, canon divergence but peraltiago in the long run. Jake Peralta has been i "It's what she would have wanted" Amy: "Oh my god. Jake says he figured out he wanted to marry Amy on April 28th, 2017, when she pointed out that her crossword puzzle had a typo in it. please feel free to leave prompts and suggestions for different oneshots, but it wont be guaranteed I will get round to writing it since i have a lot :) it also wont be in this work since its completed, but will be a seperate fic to this <3, i WILL do:- smut- hurt/comfort- drug abuse/alcohol abuse- fluff- trans jake/bisexual jake- first time- married stuff- kinks- probably other stuff, i will NOT do:- underage stuff- focusing on different relationships- thats pretty much it rlly im open to anything :). Everyone balances work and kids. The exact moment is when Amy, exasperatedly, points out that her crossword puzzle has a typo in it. Jake knows what Amy's going to get as food after work. Jake Peralta, an immature detective feels a strong feeling towards Amy Santiago, the super organized, and beautiful detective. Jake and Amy are forced to make a decision about their next step. Your butt is the bomb. January 6th, it was the coldest night of the year and Jake put socks on Amy's feet while she slept and he didn't even take credit. Jake: I absolutely do. They end up brainstorming for baby names, Jake thinking of many such as Blaze, Viper and Nitro. Also check out my oneshots! (Casecation), Amy: Hey, so today was pretty intense. Lets stop doing this the Amy way or the Jake way or even the Hitchcock way, Ames. Jake looked at Amy reassuringly and put his hand on her wrist to comfort her, stroking her with his thumb. ", causing Jake to smile. S7Ep6, 1:04; 5:48; 7:59; 15:28; 18:07; 19:54. Jake verbally panics, but is relieved when Amy tells him she was kidding. Although they often bicker and tease each other, it is clear they have mutual respect and share a friendship. Jake shows an interest in finding out more about the guy with whom Amy had to cancel her date. When they find the bellboy jacket in the dumpster, the mood is lifted and the detectives share their excitement over the new development in the case. And I love you both. Read full article on Title of Amy's Sex Tape. Shes offended, but he assures her that it's nice. Jake rushes to talk to Amy thinking there is still hope. Charles uses every opportunity to be part of their relationship. Jake pulls up in his car at Amys apartment and honks for her to join him on their date. Of course she's dating a cop by the name of Teddy. peraltiago. Amy joins the conversation and sides with Jake that he should go out with Katie. Categories . Amy: Yeah. (Halloween Heist 1). Amy puts on her wedding dress, and Jake says "Wow, you look beautiful." Jake: Me too. Jake: I got another cake just for the two of us. While going over a case with Amy at her desk, Jake asks to switch seats so he can use her computer. When their plan doesn't work out, they decide to hold their wedding on May 15th at a public recreation center. It's been 8 months since Jake & Amy got married and everything is going smoothly until Amy realised that she's pregnant. Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) and Amy Santiago (Melissa Fumero) from Brooklyn 99 may be one of the cutest on-screen couples of all time. Jake admits that he doesn't know why he keeps doing that. Written by: booth-brennan-forever Genres: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Established Relationship. Ames, look, it's really happening, okay? Jake denies this and refrains from teasing Amy, even though it is obvious he wants to. I am thrilled to know that you used to like me, and I will bring it up constantly. When Jake gets out of prison Amy asks him "Can I buy a free man a drink?" They name their son McClane "Mac" Peralta after John McClane from Jake's favorite movie. You don't know where his loyalties lie. Jake notes that it ended in sex, like always, and that it didn't make him horny. Their new venue is right outside the precinct, in the parking lot, with police sirens acting as lights. she shot Jake with a real bullet in the past, Charles Obsessing Over Jake and Amys Relationship, the midnight conclusion of The Annual Halloween Heist,, Amy tells Jake "I hope you die." But she finally agreed the 14th time and now they had been together for 6 years. Jake: Yes, I was going to do an Addams Family-themed rap, but my beat-boxer isn't here. Jake: Yeah You're kind, and you're funny, and you're the best person I know, and also the best detective. Time, though it was during the Halloween episode that he first references the titles of her sex tapes. Holt calls with news that he has found someone who can take over their stakeout so that Jake and Amy can go back to their extravagant date plans. Jake becomes upset, calls her a bad partner, and storms off. However, throughout the course of the show, many of these jokes have not been subjected to Amy, and numerous characters have used this joke, including Charles and Rosa. During their prisoner transfer, Jake and Amy agree they are just friends, but Amy looks disappointed that Jake and Sophia are still together. Soulmate Watches. Amy: Okay, well, I've been planning this wedding for the last six months, and if you told me yesterday everything that was gonna go wrong, I would have had a panic attack that sent me into the ER. When he attempts to dunk with the help of a ladder, it collapses beneath him and he falls to the ground. This is my very first fic so feedback is encouraged! Jake and Amy toss nuts into the air for the other to catch in their mouth. The case is finally solved, and when Vin attributes the success to Amy's mind, Amy says that it was all Jake who helped solve the case as he is a genius with this stuff. Jake and Amy break into Jake's high school's Administration room to solve who might have set Jake up with the lifetime-regretting nickname "The Tattler." Jake: Oh, thank God. Jake: Every other big decision I've made in my life I was sure about: becoming a cop, asking you to marry me (Casecation), Amy: So, did they defuse the bomb? Amy admits to Teddy that she and Jake are different people but she loves that about them. Amy: It is? When Terry tries to pry for more information on Jake's feelings for Amy, Jake suggests they need some shots. I'm shaking, I'm definitely gonna cry." Amy gives Jake her grandfathers hangover cure, a cup of raw egg yolks. Amy says Jake looks beautiful in his suit. Charles: Because he actually asked her out. ), Detective Jake Peralta and Rosa Diaz had been dating since they were in the academy, Jake had asked her out 13.5 times before she said yes (dont ask about the half). I'm proud of you. Jake: No matter what happens, you're not allowed to fall in love with me. Amy: Say cute Jake. Amy: Ha, ha. He eventually decides that he can no longer be Amy's handler because he isn't strong enough to watch her be put in danger, but he ultimately trusts that she knows what she is doing. Season Five: Jake is clearly very upset, given there is only a visiting day once every 3 weeks. Jake: [Stammers loudly] (The Wednesday Incident), Rosa: Look, if you want to give her a real choice, you've got to let her know that you are an option. Jake suggests that they go to either Paris, London, or Rome. Amy: Babe, we talked about this. After Figgis lets go of Jake and Amy goes to him, he confirms that the nod he gave was for her to shoot him. Amy: Oh, especially then. At the Major Crimes Division, Jake finds Amy and gives her his support and a letter of recommendation for her interview. But it sucks a little less when I get to do it with you. Jake smirks at her, saying they found a common ground. After Rosa is overheard going into an active-shooter incident on the police dispatch scanner and Capt. When Jake tells her Teddy is coming to join them, Amy gets upset and tells Jake she was planning on breaking up with Teddy. [takes out positive pregnancy test and shows it to Jake] Amy: Okay. Amy: Actually, vultures do very well in captivity - and they mate for life. Jake tells Pimento that he and Amy are still together and pauses, ready to regret, in saying that they are "porking." Jake and Amy work their first case together and appear to be on the edge of fighting, but manage to smooth things over at the last second. When explaining how the bet works, it's revealed that if Jake wins, Amy has to go on a date with him, which he guarantees will end in sex. Jake says that they are in love and mentions that while they haven't said it before he thinks now is a great time. Jake: Research burn! He tells her that she will regret it if something happens to her brother. Holt telling the squad to stand down, Jake tells Amy (calling her "Ames") that Rosa will be okay, to which Amy says she knows and tells Jake "I love you." He makes the point that if her brother gets hurts but she doesn't have his back now, it will haunt her for the rest of her life. After reuniting with his co-workers, Jake and Amy greet each other awkwardly. And I took a pregnancy test, but it didn't work because I drank 11 gallons of water. Amy assures him that they are a couple, even if they don't work together. HalloVeenThe VenueTwo TurkeysThe Puzzle MasterDFWBachelor/ette PartyJake & Amy Jake: Did you? They will be Jake centric. Over the course of six months, Jake and Amy cohere to specific times and rituals, but each pregnancy test Amy takes comes back negative. Rosa says no and figures out that Jake is doing the Jimmy Jabs just to get Katie's number. While talking to Amy on the phone, Romero comes up to him and threatens him. Jake: Nope, this kid is liquid fire. Amy also says that life is unpredictable, but as long as you're with the right people, you can get through anything and that Jake is the right person for her. After Amy accidentally sits on a pie in her date-night dress, Jake tries to console her by telling her he thinks the world of her as a colleague and a friend. Amy: Jake, I get it. Pimento is catching up with Jake and asks him who he's "porking" right now. Jake: Ames, are we having a baby? David tells Jake to go break into the room that's not being guarded anymore, and then Amy says she's ". She placed a hand on his chest, her fingers over his heart. Jake explains that the subtext of the guarantee was that she would be entertained, and he succeeded. But, it sucks a little less when I get to do it with you. At the end of the sentence, Amy tells Jake that she heard him practicing in the shower and that he can't surprise her. In the ending scene, Jake tells Amy that, because of the NutriBoom incident, their honeymoon money is gone. The squad were just trying to go on a road trip, but somehow they've ended up in the wrong time. Amy says it's okay and is actually glad he said something. As he leaves, Amy does the double tuck.. He is often seen wearing a button-down plaid shirt, a hoodie, jeans and at times, a stylish, black leather jacket. Holt: Friends, colleagues, gawking New Yorkers, we are here today to celebrate the marriage of Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago. Amy: No, no, it's okay. Amy accepts. Everyone forgets jakes birthday , except one very unexpected person. Amy screams and her reflex makes her punch Jake in the jaw. Right before the dinner, supportive-husband Jake tells Amy that besides him doing the hype man thing, they should have a back-up plan to win against her brother. They compliment each other on their acting skills once the criminals are under arrest.