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Jesus received a set of 23 chromosomes (22 + X) from His mother Mary and a set of 23 chromosomes (22 + Y) from God the Holy Spirit ( Mt 1:18-20; Lk 1:30-35 ). Ron Wyatt discussed chromosome count in 'blood' sample and impact of archaeological discoveries. blood cells present on the cloth or is the result of contamination from exogenous sources. A blood sample is obtained by inserting a needle into a vein in the arm. That is the subject of an article by Andrew Lincoln titled How babies were created in Jesus Time that appeared in the November-December 2014 issue of my favorite magazine, The New Yorker. 2:3-4 The blood of Christ tastes like wine. 1:35 (Luke 1:35) The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you, the angel said. It is the most frequently regarded burial place for Jesus Christ in the world today. This absolutely applies to the completely fabricated claim that genuine blood of Jesus has been discovered! Please respond to an article I read which claims that Luke uses Greek idioms and puts them in the mouth of Paul, showing he is making things up. This blood has only ONE Y chromosome and it is not . The bleeding Host was preserved and can still be found today at the Church of San Francesco, in Lanciano, Italy. A viewer submits this question in this clip from Fr. Research on mice has revealed that an egg needs possess a pair of chromosomes from both the father and the mother in order to grow into a healthy embryo. It could be argued that if there was a human genetic profile in the sample tested then it would not be the Blood of Christ, because Jesus is said to have been born without the intervention . What are your thoughts on the phrase divine DNA? They believed that Jesus death was a necessary element of Gods plan to rescue humanity. Sheep are members of the Genus Ovis and have 54 chromosomes, while goats are members of the Genus Capra and have 60 chromosomes. This may indeed be the worlds biggest open secret; spreading quietly but surely, this scientific discovery of evidence of the historical Jesus divinity may not have made international front page news like it should have, but the story has been reported to millions by Christian news networks and alternative media for almost thirty-eight years. In the end, as in the identification of the man who left His image on the Shroud of Turin, it is science that enables us to decipher DNA testimony from the Shroud and the Oviedo Cloth. 1:3, Luke 3:33). Modern people, with the exception of individuals who derive the majority of their ancestry from Sub-Saharan Africa, contain traces of Neanderthal DNA in their DNA. The most crucial point to grasp here is that GOD was the source of the fathers portion of Jesus DNA, which is perfectly compatible with the Biblical portrayal of God as the Father of Jesus. We are looking forward to our Kings Second Coming with bated breath! He is a charlatan and a self-serving self-promoter, and Christians would do well to not use any of his material. In sum, 2 of His mothers autosomal chromosomes duplicated 22 times, plus 1 (X) chromosome + 1 (Y) chromosome = 23 homologous pairs of chromosomes. The identity of Jesus biological father has been revealed via scientific discovery. Yet, Christ's words were unmistakable. This video is audio of a press conference with archaeologist Ron Wyatt.Having 24 distinct chromosomes or 22 autosomes (mother's are duplicated) in addition to 2 (XY) chromosomes, the 22 autosomes of the mother are equal to the corresponding 22 autosomes of the father (one to one) and the X chromosome of the mother (XX) plus the \"Y\" sex chromosome given by father being (XY).In total, 2 of His mother's autosomal chromosomes duplicated times 22, plus 1 (X) chromosome + 1 (Y) chromosome = 23 homologous pairs of chromosomes. The DNA of Jesus is 96 percent derived from Mary, rather than 50 percent derived from Mary as would be expected under normal circumstances. Microbiological cells, for example, reproduce by binary fission, a process in which the cell develops, doubles its genetic material, and then divides into two identical daughter cells, each of which has a copy of the genetic material from the mother cell. Keywords: Jesus, Host, blood type, miracle. Initially, the Host had . A team of research scientists working for a private facility in Tel Aviv did a genetic analysis from a blood sample widely believed to belong to Jesus, concluding that Jesus biological mother was a normal human female, while His father was not a human male (Jesus apparently has DNA twice as sophisticated as a normal human beings). June 23, 2016. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Here are four of the most incredible Eucharistic miracles that have been examined by top scientists around the world, who ultimately concluded that science could not explain the miraculous . . Skeptics have scoffed at this idea since its inception, but scientific research appears to have silenced them. It served as a focus for contemplation and gave worshipers with a method of expressing their devotion as a result. Antibody type: Mainly IgG, some IgM The majority of Rh antibodies are of the IgG type. Humans have 46 chromosomes. Mary Magdalene in the role of Jesus wife. Chromosomes in somatic cells (in the human) are divided into 23 pairs, which is to say, two sets of 23 chromosomes per set. The atheist lab technicians. Every species has a specified number of chromosomes in its genome. This scientific discovery should have made international front page news, but it was largely ignored by the corporate news media, while it was reported on quietly but enthusiastically by Christian news networks. As a result, the mother contributes 23 chromosomes and the father contributes 23 chromosomes. Saint of the Day for Saturday, March 4th, 2023. It is hypothesized that parthenogenesis evolved in some species as a fall-back mechanism to allow females to reproduce in situations when males are not readily accessible, such as when females became geographically isolated from men. Hi readers, it seems you use Catholic Online a lot; that's great! If there are any genuine relics amid the large quantity of fakes, how can you tell which ones are genuine and which ones are not? Sign in|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, JESUS'S BLOOD: The Astonishing DNA Analysis of Jesus Christ, Science has revealed the identity of Jesus biological father. Phylogenetic analysis has revealed that humans have 46 pairs of chromosomes, 23 from your father and 23 from your mother, the former of which is contained within sperm and the latter within the mothers egg. Geneticists Study Jesus' Blood - 24 Chromosomes and 'Non Human'. His mother, Mary, provided his human substance, and in this case God, through the agency of the divine Spirit, supplied the animating principle instead of a human father." The blood of Jesus has the ability to set you free from your prison of sin. Sex cells contain 23 single chromosomes, some of which were inherited from the father and some of which were inherited from the mother (see Figure 1). Naturally, when we take communion, it does not taste any different before or after consecration. Whats more, my fathers and grandfathers Y chromosomes are nearly identical (they differ only slightly from one another from generation to generation), which means that whoever my distant grandfather was in the village of Lindley 400 or so years ago, my Y chromosome is almost exactly the same as his and that of all of his other male descendants (and there must be hundreds or thousands of us). This discovery would have made international front page news, but for a total corporate news media blackout. Is it biblical to say that the blood of Jesus protects us? Multiple tests have been completed to uncover the truth about the bloodstains in the Shroud. Blood of Jesus was never contaminated by Adam's sin/blood. So, the bottom lineand the big pictureis that the Rockefeller family, descended from the Illuminati lineage, is working on behalf of Satan and his New World Order to stifle the spread of truth. Jesus is who he claimed to be, according to forensic science. We know him today as Pope Francis. However, the sheer quantity of relics that have been claimed as genuine is so overwhelming that it is evident that the vast majority of them are fakes. Chromosomes Did Jesus Have? Despite the fact that goats and sheep seem similar and sometimes be seen mating, they are members of separate genera in the subfamily Caprinae of the family Bovidae. In the event that He is the Father, it stands to reason that He is also the direct source of the Sons genetic material. This excerpt from an interview from the documentary film Revealing Gods Treasure (1998) features Ron Wyatt debunking the Israeli Department of Antiquities false claims about the discovery of both Jesus blood and the Ark of the Covenant. Purification. If you reject the story below because a Catholic did not make the discovery or a Eucharistic miracle was not involved, you have less understanding than most about how God moves. Under his guidance and leadership the department was expanded and restructured, in 1990 becoming the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) with Drori as its first director general. According to a study conducted by researchers at the National Institutes of Health and other institutions, expanding noninvasive prenatal screening to include all 24 human chromosomes can detect genetic disorders that may explain miscarriage and other abnormalities during pregnancy, among other things. The technicians from the laboratory in Tel Aviv approached Ron Wyatt and inquired as to where he had gotten the blood from. . Those born into these families are born into genetic bondage to the powers of darkness that . Jesus Christ represents humanity in His obedience, sinlessness, and spiritual and physical life. Peoples shattered connection with God is repaired, according to Christians, as a result of Jesus death on the cross. God granted unique graces to a amateur godly Or, perhaps it is all an astounding coincidence, that multiple bleeding Hosts from around the world, and across history are all type AB blood in human cardiac tissue. So, theoretically, the Holy Spirit had to have miraculously inseminated a virginal Mary with the "Y" chromosome of the non-human God of Abraham. While this scientific discovery of evidence of the historical Jesus divinity has not made international front page news as it should have, it has been reported to millions of people by Christian news networks and alternative media for nearly thirty-eight years, making it the worlds largest open secret. Please consider subscribing. If not why not? He has been known to fake data, the use pictures from out of contextto flat out lie. Having 24 distinct chromosomes or 22 autosomes (mother's are duplicated) in addition to 2 (XY) chromosomes, the 22 autosomes of the mother are equal to the corresponding 22 autosomes of the father (one to one) and the X chromosome of the mother (XX) plus the "Y" sex chromosome given by father being (XY). The presence of an unusually large number of chromosomes in the body is the root cause of Down syndrome. In the process of getting freedom in Christ Jesus, it can at times be necessary to separate from Illuminati bloodlines. I have a personal friend who confronted Wyatt face-to-face. I assume you mean Ron Wyatt. During the time of King David, an angel visited a lady named Mary who was a poor descendant of the king. Who is the Mechelsadeck? Representational Theology. People usually have 44 somatic (22 from the father + 22 from the mother) and the pair of sexual chromosomes. If the blood found there, indeed, was that of Jesus (which seems plausible to me), then He had 24 chromosomes, rather than the normal 46. Question:I heard about Ryan Watts finding of Jesus blood on the ark of the covenant, and Id like to know more. Sheep are members of the Genus Ovis, and they are chromosome-positive. ! There are various hypotheses regarding who Jesus genuine biological father was, given that the Gospels were fairly unequivocal in their assertion that Joseph was not Jesus original father. If you get an X from your mother and an X from your father, you are classified as female. Upon further analysis, the blood was found to contain 23 chromosomes from the mother (Mary)as is normalbut only one (Y) chromosome from the Father (God)which should have been impossible, as regular humans have 23 chromosomes from mother and 23 from the fathera total of 46! One possibility is that God created 23 chromosomes to pair with 23 of Mary's, thus providing the Y chromosome for Jesus. For a church to be consecrated in this part of Europe in the fifth century, it needed to contain a relic from a holy saint or religious person. Because the typical person has 46 chromosomes, Jesus could only have 23 chromosomes, according to genetic theory. just before Jerusalem's fall in 586 BC. But what about Jesus' Y chromosome? Lincoln clarifies: "In terms of ancient biology, even without a human father, Jesus would have been seen as fully human. Biblical analysis: We know that Jesus Christ was crucified, died and was buried after being wrapped in a burial cloth, such that if an image should have been miraculously imprinted on the cloth,. Unfortunately, this individual proves to be a wholly untrustworthy witness. Mary, to be sure, but who contributed the other half? Most people donate because Catholic Online is useful. Jesus has DNA created entirely by God at the time of His conception. If they contribute an X, the child is female, whereas if they contribute a Y, the child is male. A new study says the bloodstains on the supposed burial cloth of Jesus depicted a blood pattern from a person who is in a standing position. * Chromosomes, Somatids, and the Blood of Christ. There was a . Mary possessed solely the X chromosomes. Nothing but the blood The nature of Jesus' crucifixion as declared in the Bible is one filled immense with torture, humiliation, and pain. If Jesus was ONLY human we would expect 46. It is believed that Jesus blood has just 24 chromosomes rather than 46, with 23 chromosomes coming from His mother and only one male chromosome coming from God the Father. 98% of our readers don't give; they simply look the other way. Three days after Jesus death, the Lord God of Israel raised him from the dead and exalted him (made Him immortal). Such events have been reported, even in ancient times, and they defy explanation. June 23, 2016. Because blood is a manifestation of divine life that acts within the human body, it represents life itself on a global scale. Thus, His (Heavenly) Father's (Y) male chromosome determined only Jesus maleness, while His physical characteristics would have been determined solely by His Mother. Did Jesus claim to be God? Indeed, there are some Ethiopian Jews who inherit the Aaronic gene marker, which was passed down by priests who journeyed back and forth between Africa and Israel. The inspiration for todays piece came from a recent query from Dylan. 2. His response (paraphrased), I have to make money somehow. I strongly urge you to not use Wyatts material and if you have published anything on line, you should take it down and perhaps apologize for putting out unreliable material. First and foremost, because the individual making the claim is a well-known liar and charlatan who has lied and deceived many others in the past. Otherwise, you are considered to be an XY and consequently a woman. What can be revealed if, at the end of the day, DNA testing reveal that a certain sample came from one of us? Jesus, being fully man, must have had a Y-chromosome, but since he was born of the Virgin Mary, where did it come from? Is this true? The chromosomes are abundantly present in the cells. A prophecy was given through Isaiah (7:14) that said, Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel. After successfully conducting a genetic analysis on the ancient blood sample widely believed to have belonged to the historical Jesus of Nazareth (discovered beneath Golgotha by the Ron Watt excavation team in 1981), a group of Tel Aviv-based research scientists came to the conclusion that Jesus biological father was a non-human. Ron Wyatt had kept the location and method of obtaining the sample a secret from the rest of the crew. Although the Bible makes no mention of Christs blood being kept, one of the apocryphal gospels claims that Joseph of Arimathea did so after washing the dead corpse of Christ and preserving the Precious Blood. So the Holy Spirit had to have inseminated a virginal Mary with the \"Y\" chromosome of the one true almighty G-d of Abraham. However, if that were the case, God would have to have those chromosomes in a human body someplace in his Heaven, else he would be unable to teleport anywhere. One of the 23 chromosomes, which comes in two varieties: X for females and Y for males, is responsible for determining gender. The other possibility is that God used 22 chromosome pairs and one X chromosome from Mary, and created one Y chromosome. The nation of Israel's priestly class, which is passed down from father to son, began with Aaron (Exodus 28:1). If Catholic Online has given you $5.00 worth of knowledge this year, take a minute to donate. Jesus has 50% DNA from a human female ( Mary) and 50% DNA from God, to replace that of a human male. A team of research scientists in Tel Aviv did a genetic analysis from a blood sample widely believed to have belonged to Jesus, concluding that Jesus' biological father was 'non-human'. The extracellular matrix (ECM) lies outside of cells and provides support and attachment for cells inside organs (along with many other functions). When the sperm penetrates the egg, the two sets combine to produce your own chromosome, which you pass on to your children. Jesus has 100% Mary's DNA with a divinely created Y chromosome to make Him male. He has done this again and again. Humans normally have 46 chromosomes in each cell, divided into 23 pairs. Without the whole set of 23 chromosomes, which is the exact essence of a man, he couldnt have been human, but rather a monster like Superman from Krypton or a Naavi from Pandora, which are both mythical creatures. ISRAEL: Video report on the DNA analysis of Jesus that changed the world forever. Parthenogenesis is infrequently observed only in other species of vertebrates, which may explain why imprinting appears to be restricted to mammals among vertebrates. The cellular portion of blood is made up of three major blood cell types: red blood cells (erythrocytes) which contain hemoglobin, important for oxygen transport in the body; white blood cells that function in defense against foreign organisms and disease, i.e. Are there any natural mechanisms that might account for this occurrence? When scientists studied the dried, two-thousand-year-old dead blood, they were surprised to discover that they were able to study its chromosomessomething that could only be done with living blood at the time. Human chromosomes are thought to be the bearers of the genetic features that distinguish individuals. This certainly applies to this totally bogus claim about finding actual blood of Jesus! Lk1:35 Mary was impregnated with male chromosome - came from God. ('one blood' in the Majority . Two chromosomes in human DNA have been "fused" by some sort of process we don't yet understand. Because none of Dylans normal biological conceptions of reproduction pertain to Jesus conception, the only way to properly appreciate the miracle of Jesus conception is to first utterly dismiss the ordinary biological concepts of reproduction that Dylan indicated. In fact, they were completely unaware that Aarons Y chromosome included a strange repeating pattern of genetic code known as the Aaronic gene marker, which they didnt know about at the time. However, because of a complete corporate news media embargo, this finding would have made international top page headlines. There is an "X" chromosome in the blood, but no "Y" chromosome; proving that the person whose blood it is, had a mother, but no father. My brother had leukemia and received a rescue bone marrow transplant from me, and it turned his blood into AB negative FEMALE blood, like Christ';s or the Man of the . An episode of Korina Sanchezs television show from last year featured a teen-aged girl who lived in the boonies of Cebu province, who claimed that a troll (dwende) in their garden fathered the child she was carrying in her womb merely by starring at her as he perched on his mound of dirt. The Astonishing DNA Analysis of Jesus Christ, Archeologist Encounters Jesus While Restoring His Tomb, Head of Human Genome Project Convinced of Jesus, Shroud Hologram Reveals Secret End Times Message. I highly advise you not to utilize Wyatts material, and if you have published anything on the internet, you should remove it and possibly issue an apology for putting out untrustworthy information. How can we know? . Through the prophet Isaiah (7:14), it was revealed that the Lord Himself would give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and she will name him Immanuel (God with us). This one had a full set from mom, and then a single Y chromosome, definitively proving its authenticity as the blood of Jesus. Dan Bahat Dan Bahat is one of Israel's leading archaeologists and a senior lecturer at the Land of Israel Studies at Bar-Ilan University. When the lab technicians asked Ron whose blood he had submitted for analysis, he said, This is the blood of your Messiah, and the technicians were astonished. The Israelis, too, concluded that Jesus had 23 chromosomes from his mother but only 1 chromosome from his father, making his blood unique among human beings. Even the Bible makes mention of Jesus's blood relatives. Unlike the multiplication of plant cuttings, the virgin births that occur in certain animals have a fundamentally different process from that of plant cuttings. Here, we report the main findings. Ron also exposes the corruption of the Israeli government by offering proof of their lies, showing the media photographs of him taken with one of the multiple heads of the Antiquities Department that Ron had met withwho had previously denied ever having met with Ron after the authorities had confiscated remaining artifacts and analyses and apparently classified the discoveries as Top Secret. The globe was taken aback by the studys findings. Tad Lindley contributed to this article. Yosef Gat was in charge of excavations at the Talpiot Tomb for the Israeli Department of Antiquities. The Eucharistic miracle from Buenos Aries was sent to the USA for testing. No one is covering anything up. 2023 Proven Way | Theme by SuperbThemes.Com. Dahat Bahat is one of Israels most renowned archaeologists, and he also serves as a senior lecturer at Bar-Ilan Universitys Land of Israel Studies department. Jesus' Y-Chromosome Watch on (Mitochondrial DNA, similarly, is the easiest to track in women, as it is passed on through daughters.) Ron Wyatt discovered the ark of the covenant and found the Blood of Christ on the Mercy Seat at the site where Christ was crucified in Jerusalem. To be more discerning, we must ask probing questions of persons who make assertions about their beliefs, even if such assertions appear to support Christian doctrine. Jesus, who was both completely man and fully God, would have possessed a complete set of human DNA in addition to his divine genes. the blood contains 23 chromosomes. Except in exceptionally unusual circumstances, DNA in blood destroys within a few days, none of which would apply to the blood of Jesus, which was shed for us on the cross. Suppose anybody wants me to elaborate or indicate how this plays no factor in the concept of the Godhead for him simultaneously being fully God. And if so, then the bread and wine really do become the body and blood of Christ at Communion, and Catholics are right to follow their Church and keep its teachings. All materials contained on this site, whether written, audible or visual are the exclusive property of Catholic Online and are protected under U.S. and International copyright laws, Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. Required fields are marked *. According to Ron Wyatts lectures, the blood that he discovered and tested contained just 24 chromosomes, indicating that it was a single cell. JESUS IS ALIVE Ron Wyatt discovered the Ark of the Covenant, and, as a totally unexpected second discovery, to his astonishment found the blood of Christ on its Mercy Seat. The 23 chromosomes helps to form a baby and the fathers chromosomes decides gender of a baby, But Watt claims in Jesus blood they found an extra chromosome.