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. Trump and his allies said the disclosure was proof that Trump was under surveillance while he was in office. knew of the political connection, agents might have treated the matter differently. The situation along the southwest border has deteriorated so badly under President Joe Biden that in the last two years an Arizona county about an hour drive from Mexico has seen a Al Qaeda Plans Plane Attacks Using New Techniques and Tactics as Air Mars Hackers Tied to Chinas Govt. Monitoring such traffic reveals only that one computer or server is trying to reach another, he said, not the contents of a persons screen or messages. An observant Catholic and avid Red Sox fan. AP Photo/Jon Elswick, The trial beginning this week was supposed to be the culmination of an otherwise spotty and languorous investigation, now entering its fourth year. Im not talking about videos about a certain topic or recent videos or videos of his personal life. Intubation in town (ah-ah-ah), Rudy It needs to be called out as such. Tap below and Follow @DailyNoahNewsthats me! Almost five years to the day since the start of the Mueller investigation itself, the views of political observers concerning the 2016 election and the Trump-Russia investigation seem impervious to change. Why was the investigation closed? The FY 2022 budget estimate is $4,463,525 which, after Office of Management and Budget technical adjustments for the mandatory sequester, totals $4,209,104 in available operational funds. His appointment came on the heels of a newly released Justice Department report indicating interrogators abused prisoners by, among other things, threatening to kill one man's family and choking another man to the point of unconsciousness. Durham loses again in court, but trial airs FBI flaws. Msg&data rates may apply. Were still waiting for a report from a man named Durham who Ive never spoken to and never met. Led numerous public corruption investigations in Connecticut, including that of former Governor John Rowland, who resigned in 2004 and pleaded guilty to accepting gifts and vacations from contractors doing business with the state. Judge Christopher Cooper of the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia, an Obama appointee, has imposed some limits on what Mr. Durhams team may present to the jury. 23d. That we had to file a federal lawsuit to get basic budget information about this historic investigation speaks volumes. The judges rulings were thoughtful and well-reasoned, which managed to obscure just how unusual it is for prosecutors to be so thoroughly constrained from presenting the case that they want. Monday, December 9, 2019 Statement of U.S. Attorney John H. Durham "I have the utmost respect for the mission of the Office of Inspector General and the comprehensive work that went into the report prepared by Mr. Horowitz and his staff. "I've never met him. But the judge barred Mr. Durham from presenting evidence or arguments along those lines, saying that unless there was proof Mr. Sussmann had reason to doubt the data when it was brought to him, there should not be a time-consuming and largely unnecessary mini-trial to determine the existence and scope of an uncharged conspiracy.. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. BEST OF: Left Targets Elon Musk, FBI Investigated Fauci Agency, CA Court Vi BEST OF: Twitter Changed Rules to Ban Trump! | Updated Aug 14, 2020, 12:54 PM. Yet, far from alerting the FISC judges that there was significant reason to disbelieve the information from Steele about Trump who was by then the incumbent president the FBI continued to rely on that suspect information in sworn surveillance applications in April and June 2017, based on which the FISC granted additional spying warrants. Jeff Head has no business being an umpire. As youre looking for videos, dont both sending me this one below. IE 11 is not supported. On Watch: The #COVID19 Crisis on our Southern Border the Media ISN'T Coveri On Watch: Marxism & the Current Insurrection in America. The document production comes in the March 2022 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), filed by Judicial Watch after the DOJ failed to respond to an August 2021, request for records of communication between Special Counsel John Durham and Attorney General Merrick Garland, and all budget records related to the operations of the office of Special Counsel (, Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Justice. Notes of a March 2017 F.B.I. If you love what we do, please consider a $1/month donation to keep us live! 1:22-cv-00734)). Never spoke to him. Special counsel says tech executive used White House computers to look for dirt on Trump, a special counsel appointed during the Trump administration, Accounting firm cuts ties with Trump Organization, retracts financial statements, House committee calls on Rep. Jim Jordan to provide information about Jan. 6 Capitol riot. [FULL Democrats Hiding That John Fetterman is Brain Dead to Prevent Special Election? ABOUT | CONTACT | SUPPORT | COMMENT POLICY | PRIVACY POLICY | LOGIN. texas congressman louie gohmert says at a press conference with freedom caucus members calling . I have personally searched and searched and still nothing. Attorney General William Barr said there will be a "development" in U.S. Attorney John Durham's criminal inquiry into the Russia . The Justice Management Division has completed its review under 28 C.F.R. The team argued that he lied because if the F.B.I. FITTON: #TwitterFiles EXPOSE FBI & CIA Election Interference! Whats funny is they often place a whole bank of microphones in his face to plant the idea in your head that the guy is speaking a lot and holding lots of press conferences (yet none exist): Yet, despite all those photos, I cant find a single video of the man actually speaking. This man reportedly ran the historic Whitey Bulger trial, and no video from that time period either. No, not the fact that he resigned. Last year, Durham indicted him on five counts of lying to the FBI. Perhaps most notable among the twists and turns of the investigation was the conservative media frenzy that followed a peculiar filing by Durhams team in February. about possible links between Donald J. Trump and Russia. The brief was nominally about whether Sussmanns law firm may have had a conflict of interest in representing Sussmann a very tenuous claim that was eventually resolved in favor of Sussmanns lawyers. Classification is but one of the many authorities this president has abused. to serve as Special Counsel for the Department of Justice on October 19, 2020: The Department of Justice initially produced budget records responsive to the Judicial Watch lawsuit on June 3, 2022. [Emphasis supplied for previously redacted numbers], In a line-item breakout of costs for FY 2022 attached to the memo, DOJ has now released figures indicating that total income paid to Full Time Permanent personnel, including benefits, was $1,874,193. Based upon reporting, the information Trump compromised was provided to the U.S. by an intelligence partner pursuant to a bilateral agreement. Most people are probably not looking for a reason to revisit the 2016 presidential election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, but if you are, then youre in luck this week. Too late to straighten right out (ah-ah-ah) According to prosecutors, Sussmann did not disclose to the agency, identified by the Times as the CIA, that he was working for a client when he provided the report, when he was actually representing Tech Executive-1, aka Joffe. I was writing an article about John Durham and his missing "Durham Report". We invite you to become a WeLoveTrump insider. John Durham speaks to reporters on the steps of U.S. District Court in New Haven, Conn., on April 25, 2006. Cybersecurity expert Rob Graham told NBC News that what Joffe appeared to have been doing was a search for domain names and addresses to which a computer had tried to connect. who posts videos online under the name Erik D. Kirk. Yes, I know he is the man who allegedly took down Whitey Bulger. That summer, as suspicions escalated about Mr. Trumps relationship with Moscow, a group of data scientists identified odd internet data that appeared to link servers for the Trump Organization to Alfa Bank. Yesterday, the Eric D. Kirk channel posted this parody (you can ready my thoughts on it above): And yet despite me telling you in the article that it was fake, so many of you keep emailing me saying here it is! Judicial Watch challenged the withheld information, and the DOJ now has re-released the documents without the redactions. Also spearheaded mob prosecutions of the Gambino, Genovese and Patriarca crime families. Sussmanns attorneys told the court, This is not the first time in this case that the Special Counsel has sought to include allegations about uncharged conduct in public filings and done so using inflammatory and prejudicial rhetoric., In a statement, a spokesperson for Joffe said, Contrary to the allegations in [the special counsels] recentfiling, Mr. Joffe is an apolitical internet security expert with decades of service to the U.S. Government who has never worked fora political party, and who legally provided access to DNS data obtained from a private client that separately was providing DNS services to the Executive Office of the President (EOP)., Joffes spokesperson said that under the terms of his contract, the data could be accessed to identify and analyze any security breaches or threats., As a result of the hacks of EOP and [Democratic National Committee] servers in 2015 and 2016, respectively, there were serious and legitimate national security concerns about Russian attempts to infiltrate the 2016 election, the spokesperson said. Durhams investigation continues and has resulted in one other indictment besides Sussmanns. And the photos that do exist look very staged and/or edited. Durhams prosecutors presented abundant evidence that Sussmann had falsely told the FBI that he was not working for the Clinton campaign when he peddled spurious information about a supposed Trump-Putin communications back channel. Mr. Baker is expected to be a primary prosecution witness. Hey, its Noah and I want to make sure were connected on Twitter. When you type in the name of a website like, Graham said, DNS will translate it to a specific IP address and a specific group of servers. They deserve credit." But thats not the half of it. Reply HELP for help, STOP to end. Glad to see you again. Upon identifying DNS queries from Russian-made Yota phones in proximity to the Trump campaign and the EOP, respected cyber-security researchers were deeply concerned about the anomalies they found in the data and prepared a report of their findings, which was subsequently shared with the CIA.. Mr. Durhams team is expected to object to any such constraint. The trial centers on whether Michael Sussmann, a cybersecurity lawyer with ties to Democrats, lied to the F.B.I. Then returned to Connecticut to join the State's Attorney's office. But rather than showing wrongdoing by the F.B.I., it is a case that portrays the bureau as a victim. (Read "Five Questions for the CIA IG's Interrogation Report. He just made a video to say hes real!. Judicial Watch On Issue: The Battle for Election Integrity, Judicial Watch On Issue: Leading the Battle Against Illegal Immigration, Al Qaeda Plans Plane Attacks Using New Techniques and Tactics as Air Marshals Keep Getting Sent to Mexican Border, Biden staying at St. Croix villa of wealthy donors who got state dinner invite. Prosecutors said Sussmann stated falsely that he was not working for any client in reporting the suspicions. Fridays court filing was made as part of an inquiry about whether the law firm Latham & Watkins had a conflict of interest in serving as counsel to Sussmann because it also represented other parties with interests in the case. individuals, There do exist photos of the man, but the same 4-5 photos is all you will ever find. A deep dive into Bill Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham's investigation and the costs entailed. killed the press story, which was inconsistent with what the campaign would have wanted.. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered remarks at the 2022 New York State Democratic Convention in New York City amid the Special Counsel John Durham probe controversy. It accuses a researcher for the so-called Steele dossier a since-discredited compendium of opposition research about purported links between Mr. Trump and Russia of lying to the F.B.I. He said Ive never met the man, never even talked to him., You have Bull Durham, who is supposed to be the toughest, Trump said over the telephone during the show. In 2008, Attorney General Michael Mukasey tasked . SIGN THE PETITION: We Need National Voter ID! As it is, the court seems to have conscientiously attempted to wade through a thicket of unusual and complex legal issues in order to focus the trial on what should be at issue based on the crime that Durham actually charged whether the alleged misrepresentation by Sussmann actually occurred and, if so, whether it had a material effect on the FBI, as Durham has claimed. One person did some great detective work and determined that even the 4-5 photos look rigged: A couple of you both sent me this message, which is very weird: Up above you can see I posted a video by an actor (comedian?) Last year, he charged a Russian analyst who was a source for the Steele dossier with lying to the FBI. Non-reimbursable costs totaled $2,334,911, for costs such as travel ($457,207), rent ($306,350), and Other Contractual Services ($1,297,054). Two of the men were released, and later won a $100 million civil judgment against the government. This is not a video of him speaking, its a still image of him with audio over the top: So it this one, still image with audio over the top: AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ THIS: dont send me this one either. Hugh Keefe, a Connecticut defense lawyer, comparing Durham to Chicago U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, who led the investigation into the leaked identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame (Washington Post, January 3, 2008). That was detailed in yet another Durham court filing last week, in the Virginia federal court where Danchenko is soon scheduled to be tried. Durhams investigation suffered a significant setback in the spring when a Washington, DC, jury acquitted Democratic lawyer Michael Sussmann. [Side comment: I bet theyd love to Cancel that guy right about now, huh? Heres How (and When) To Watch President Trump At CPAC! United States Attorney John H. Durham has kept such a low profile while handling some of the country's most infamous criminal investigations that he once made New Republic magazine's list of. And please, if you do nothing else, read this.. They were spying on the sitting president of the United States, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told Fox News on Sunday. Durham said he would, but cautioned that the statute of limitations for some crimes might . Responding to a reporter's inquiry about the Boston mafia probe. (Its been like that since J Edgar died.). While the bureau used inane, unverified information from Steele and Danchenko to suggest to a court that the president of the United States might be a Russian asset, the FBI had intelligence indicating that Danchenko himself might actually have been a Russian asset. Thank you! "You know, I'm not the only person working on this case. Anyone can read what you share. John H. Durham is the special counsel the Trump administration assigned in 2019 to scour the Russia investigation for any wrongdoing. NATIONAL POLL: Do You Believe John Durham Exists And Is A Real Person? The same restrictions pertain to a U.S. president. The press-shy Connecticut prosecutor was tapped by Attorney General Eric Holder on Aug. 24 to investigate alleged mistreatment of terror suspects by CIA interrogators and contractors. officials had opened that investigation on other grounds, and the special counsel who completed the inquiry, Robert S. Mueller III, did not rely on either in his final report. But once he fixes on a target, the veteran lawyer usually catches his prey. But it gets worse. John H. Durham is the special counsel the Trump administration assigned in 2019 to scour the Russia investigation for any wrongdoing. Sign up for our free email newsletter, and we'll make sure to keep you in the loop. would have still investigated the allegations. Bob Child/Associated Press At the same hearing, a defense. But hes supposed to be the smartest and the best, and he works for Bill Barr, who is a great attorney general. Both of those things are old news. Yet these prosecutions are secondary to the vital story: What role did the FBI, whether by misfeasance or malfeasance, play in the Clinton campaigns project to paint Trump as a clandestine agent of the Kremlin? And that the Garland DOJ is still hiding documents adds to the scandal.. Why don't you write about the others. To support the emptywheel site, choose the option below that works best for you. The Trump forces, [] But as for now, I wonder if weve just uncovered a huge piece of the puzzle thats all about to come out soon? And not the face he is reportedly staying on as Special Counsel. Steal $20 Mil in U.S. COVID Relief Funds. .hustle-ui.hustle_module_id_1[data-id="1"] .hustle-layout .hustle-button-cta {width:100%!important;font-size:18px!important;}.hustle-ui.module_id_1 .hustle-popup-content {max-width: 400px!important;}.hustle-group-content p {font-size:18px!important;margin: 24px 0 0!important;}.hustle-content-wrap{padding-bottom:0!important;}, We may receive compensation from affiliate partners for some links on this site. Polk County Sheriff's OfficeA "self-proclaimed" Florida rapper has been charged with murder after detectives tied him to a killing using his own lyrics and music video, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said Thursday, as he skewered the "stupid" singer at a press conference.La'Darion Chandler, 19, started "crying like a baby that lost his pacifier" when he got slapped with murder . If you love what we do, please consider a $1/month donation to keep us live! This may seem counterintuitive, since the judges decision to prevent him from airing his ambitious theory of a Clinton-orchestrated conspiracy should have diminished confidence in his work and in his various assertions. The disclosure about Joffe, who has not been charged, came in a filing in the court case of Michael Sussmann, a lawyer whom Durhams office indicted in September in connection with allegations of lying about his relationship with the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Beginning Monday morning in Washington, special counsel John Durham the prosecutor who was appointed in 2019 by Attorney General William Barr to investigate the origins of the Trump-Russia. Ive been asking for 3 days and so far no one has risen to the challenge. Both companies denied a connection, and the FBI eventually closed the investigation. You been drinking brew for breakfast Its safe again and were having a lot of fun over there. Find professional John Durham videos and stock footage available for license in film, television, advertising and corporate uses. If so, I guess that will solve the mystery. John Durham was appointed special counsel in 2019 to investigate the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation in the wake of the Mueller report. Im happy to be proven wrong, Im not saying this is some huge, massive conspiracyunless it is? Trump-Era Prosecutors Case Against Democratic-Linked Lawyer Goes to Trial, In the original indictment, the FBI was presented as the victim of a crime, not the Trump campaign. to share the material, Mr. Sussmann reached out to James A. Baker, then the agencys top lawyer. In 1999 he was selected by Attorney General Janet Reno to probe law-enforcement corruption in Boston. 0:00 2:45 Outnumbered digs into Durham's Russia probe investigation Fox News 10.3M subscribers Subscribe 4.1K Share 217K views 3 years ago #FoxNews #Outnumbered The Outnumbered crew provides. In 2000 he uncovered FBI documents showing four convicted murderers had been framed by agents in the 1960s. | When the bureau finally got around to questioning Danchenko because it hadnt been able to corroborate Steeles claims despite relying on them in court it learned that Steele appeared to have exaggerated and possibly fabricated rumors and innuendo about Trump that Danchenko was said to have passed along. In the filing Friday, prosecutors said Tech Executive-1 gave Sussmann data about communications between computer servers at the EOP, two Trump-owned buildings in New York and an unrelated medical firm with Russian-made cellphones near the White House. If youre keeping score, that would be throughout (a) most of the FISC-authorized surveillance; (b) the Mueller investigation, which somehow failed to detect or at least to report that Danchenko misled the bureau; and (c) Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitzs investigations of the FBIs misconduct in the Trump investigation in the reports of which there is no indication that Horowitz was told Danchenko was on the bureau payroll and available to be interviewed. Unusual public remarks at press conference the day former FBI agent John Connolly was convicted in 2002. Thanks for contacting us. WASHINGTON When the Trump administration assigned a prosecutor in 2019 to scour the Russia investigation for any wrongdoing, President Donald J. Trump stoked expectations among his supporters that the inquiry would find a deep state conspiracy against him. No, Im talking about why a man with such a storied and PUBLIC career does not have a single video existing of him anywhere online. A man who has led such a long and storied public career, and its as if he doesnt actually exist. Mr. Berkowitz noted that Mr. Sussmann had told Mr. Baker that he believed The New York Times planned to publish an article on the Alfa Bank suspicions, which was why he was reaching out. Dec 5, 2020. Last week, in a jaw-dropping court submission, Durham revealed that the FBI signed up Danchenko as an informant and paid him for almost three years from March 2017 through October 2020 . This is largely due to a series of rulings in recent weeks from the presiding judge as part of standard pre-trial litigation about what evidence will be permitted at trial. Mr. Joffe, who was already a client of Mr. Sussmanns, brought the matter to him, and Mr. Sussmann relayed those suspicions to reporters and the F.B.I. Easy enough to edit and remove those no longer needed. I've been covering a REALLY weird story about John Durham recently. No offense, but if you think that is real as posted on the Eric D. Kirk YouTube channel amid a bunch of other satire videos of this actor trying to do comedy sketches, I dont understand how you navigate life. No video of the trial, not a single press conference or interview or questions from reporters. It was also unrelated to former special counsel. Things picked up last fall. Today I got another HUGE confirmation that President Trump reads this site when he posted a press release about John Durham. (@disclosetv) February 26, 2021 Already covered that. On Monday, attorneys for Sussmann filed a response to the special counsels Friday filing, in which they alleged the special counsel had attempted to create the impression that Sussmann had provided the CIA with data collected from the White House during Trumps presidency despite knowing that data given to the agency dated from the Obama administration. The defense argues that Mr. Sussmann was not acting on their behalf at the meeting. NATIONAL POLL: Should Fauci Be Prosecuted For LYING To Congress? about some of his sources. Durhams investigation indicates that Danchenko lied to the FBI multiple times, falsehoods that should have been easy for the nations flagship federal investigative agency to run down. He just posted a new video today apparently responding to my articles covering the question of whether John Durham actually exists. John Durham, Special Counsel - February 2021 (Wine Cellar) - YouTube 0:00 / 0:35 John Durham, Special Counsel - February 2021 (Wine Cellar) 79,164 views Mar 1, 2021 Like Dislike Share. Durham was appointed to serve as Special Counsel for the Department of Justice on October 19, 2020: The Special Counsel is authorized to investigate whether any federal official, employee, or any other person or entity violated the law in connection with the intelligence, counter-intelligence, or law-enforcement activities directed at the 2016 presidential campaigns, individuals associated with those campaigns, and individuals associated with the administration of President Donald J. Trump, including but not limited to Crossfire Hurricane and the investigation of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, Ill. Terms & conditions/privacy policy apply. Election Law Update, Heavy Lifting Ne NYC Cleans Voter Rolls Thanks To Judicial Watch. I actually think this is a major story just waiting to blow up. Now I want to talk about something else. Defense lawyers have also argued that even if Mr. Sussmann lied, it would have been immaterial because the F.B.I. All rights reserved. A registered Republican, though he's worked under both parties and associates say he keeps politics out of his work. Dr. Faucis "SHADY" Gain of Function Research! Assistant U.S. Attorney John Durham, left, is seen May 14, 2002, in this artist's drawing, during the questioning of convicted mob hitman Kevin J. "I'm not at CPAC. Durhams conspiracy theory and I do not mean to use that term pejoratively, but that is what it is and will remain will not be tested in court anytime soon, but the notion is likely to live on among conservatives regardless. That insinuation also hangs over the other case Mr. Durham has developed, which is set to go to trial later this year. Ill wait patiently over here but I know you cant. The FBI, for some reason, is at least 15 years behind, technologically speaking. Simply put, its this: have you ever actually seen a video of John Durham speaking? We would maybe have ended this thing a lot sooner had he been there originally. Ok, were talking John Durham right now but maybe not for the reason you think. A lawyer for Mr. Lichtblau has asked the judge to limit questioning to his discussions with Mr. Sussmann, avoiding other confidential sources and journalistic matters. Wes Durham, Jordan Cornette . White Students Forced to Pledge Allegiance to BLM, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. John Durham, appointed by then-Attorney General William Barr in 2020 to probe the origins of the FBIs investigation of Russian election interference, said Tech Executive-1, not named in the filing but first identified by The New York Times as Rodney Joffe, used his access to domain name system, or DNS, data to compile information about which computers and servers the White House servers were communicating with. During the run-up to the 2020 election, both Trump and Barr suggested that Durham would finally unveil dramatic evidence of misconduct within the FBI and Justice Department during the Obama administration, but nothing of the sort happened. Analysis by Chris . . Legal experts said Sussmann could face additional legal exposure if he failed to disclose his relationship to Joffe. Instead, it has become increasingly clear that the proceeding is unlikely to offer any sort of definitive resolution to the most politically consequential questions at issue. I hope that some day in the future we will reach this height of technological prowess. Though its come to represent much more in the public imagination, the actual charge is quite narrow. Three years later, the team led by the special counsel, John H. Durham, on Monday will open the first trial in a case their investigation developed, bringing before a jury the claims and counterclaims that surrounded the 2016 presidential campaign. Legal. A message to you, How you get a rude and a reckless? Just in case the local LEO decide to make you or someone nearby a target. Special Counsel John Durham is alleging the Justice Department's internal watchdog has held back information relevant to Durham's probe into the origins of the FBI's Trump-Russia investigation. They love our country., We caught them all, Trump said. According to Durham - a holdover from the Trump administration who was appointed special counsel by then-Attorney General William Barr to review allegations that those investigating Donald. While the charge against Mr. Sussmann is narrow, Mr. Durham has used it to release large amounts of information to insinuate that there was a broad conspiracy involving the Clinton campaign to essentially frame Mr. Trump for colluding with Russia. I could still be wrong, maybe some Internet sleuth out there will find the video for me. Still, the judge has given prosecutors broader latitude to call witnesses associated with the Clinton campaign, including Mr. Elias and Robby Mook, the campaign manager. And Durham is gearing up for his last trial: the prosecution of Igor Danchenko, the principal source for the discredited Steele dossier. "John is a . is something that was inconsistent with what they would have wanted before there was any press, Mr. Berkowitz said. Acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia hold a press conference to give an update on the investigation into the Capitol Hill riots on .