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@curiousdannii I don't disagree with wikipedia.. can you quote where you think I disagree? So that'd indicate that the Vulgate chapter divisions has the original ones that Langton or his Paris School Of Savants, came up with. [Note: Different editions of the KJV show various treatments of the punctuation, especially at the end of the verses, and of capitalization, especially at the beginning of the verses. It was a gift handed to Queen Elizabeth on her coronation and described as such. It can be used without internet access. The remaining 150 changes from 1611 to today are composed of printing errors, spelling standardization, and a few minor phrase changes. If anyone asked me what WLC meant, I'd probably refer them on to William Lane Craig. And why was it changed? This is true, but a little investigation will show that great ignorance still exists on the subject among the less-informed in the Christian community. Some simply cut out sections of the Bible altogether or add ideas that were never in the original manuscripts. It does not appear here in the majority of important codices, such as ,B,C,D,L,W,,, and Latin, Sahidic, and some Syriac and Boharic manuscripts. There is power in the Word and we need to keep that in mind when reading and studying the Word of God. (2 Samuel 12:22) And he said, While the child was yet alive, I fasted and wept: for I said, Who can tell whether GOD will be gracious to me, that the child may live? On that same basis, for the KJV to change at all would mean that it, too, stands condemned. The Westcott & Hort Greek New Testament omitted the pericope from the main text and places it as an appendix after the end of the Fourth Gospel, with this explanation:[145] "It has no right to a place in the text of the Four Gospels; yet it is evidently from an ancient source, and it could not now without serious loss be entirely banished from the New Testament. It is possible that verse 48 was repeated by a copyist as an epistrophe, for an oratorical flourish. As Conybeare described it:[98] "Now in this codex the Gospel of Mark is copied out as far as [i.e., the end of 16:8]. why does the kjv have extra verses. How foolish of me. Lists of "missing" verses and phrases go back to the Revised Version[2] and to the Revised Standard Version,[3][4] without waiting for the appearance of the NIV (1973). Friends, this is the ENTIRE extent of the nature of the changes from the King James Bible of 1611 to the King James Bible of the present day. ", Several other sources, such as Codex D (Codex Bezae) and some Italic mss, extend the verse with the ending, "and Judas traveled alone"; and a couple of Italic and Latin mss add to that, "to Jerusalem. Whereas a Christian website, has the format used by the KJV, of 3 in Joel and 4 in Malachi. And one can come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ reading the KJV just as one can get saved reading the NIV. So looking onwards, to Joel and Malachi, to see which is 3 and which is 4. (2 Samuel 12:29) And David gathered all the people together, and went to Rabbah, and fought against it, and took it. Meaning that the . Robert Barker, the printer to the throne, inadvertently left out not in the seventh commandment! ", Mark 9:44: "Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. [107] It appeared in the footnote at this place in the RSV and then in brackets in the main text of the NRSV: RSV & NRSV: But they reported briefly to Peter and those with him all that they had been told. Amen. The words are found in sources not quite as old E,, some minuscules (with many variants), some Italic mss, and the Armenian and Ethiopic versions. Uncategorized According to market research firm Statistica, as of 2017, more than 31% of Americans read the KJV . The principal problem affecting this paragraph is that, although it appears in many ancient manuscripts, it does not consistently appear in this place in chapter 8 nor even in the Gospel of John. [74] The 18th century Bible scholar, Johann David Michaelis, wrote (c.1749), "[This] long passage has been found in not a single Greek manuscript, not even in those which have been lately [ca. I recently came across a video that highlighted the fact that new Bible versions were omitting certain verses visible in the King James Version (KJV). Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023. Yet other ancient sources include this longer ending but mark it with asterisks or other signs or notations indicating the copyists had doubts about its authenticity, most notably 1 and several minuscules (all twelfth century or later), according to the UBS notes and Bruce Metzger. [111], As a result, there are five possible endings to the Gospel of Mark: (1) An abrupt ending at end of verse 8; (2) the Longer Ending following verse 8; (3) the Longer Ending including the "Freer Logion"; (4) the Shorter Ending following verse 8; and (5) the Shorter and Longer endings combined (and we could add as a sixth possible ending, anything after verse 8 enclosed in brackets or otherwise distinguished with indicia of doubt). The division of the Vulgate into chapters was made in the 13th century, and Jews began adopting the numbers for use in concordances by the mid fourteen hundreds, yet until Bomberg, no Hebrew bible had ever included the chapter numbers as part of the book itself. [10] Bomberg not only added the chapter numbers; he was the first to indicate verse numbers on the printed page. KJV: Notwithstanding it pleased Silas to abide there still. [89] So it would appear, initially, that the evidence was nearly in equipoise. Amen. KJV Only movement? Why is it that this error is defended as inspired while other printing errors are not? Luke 6:38 - Give, and it shall be given unto you . ), (The Good News Bible, as a footnote, gave this as: At every Passover Festival Pilate had to set free one prisoner for them. Thanks James and Narnian for your explanations. which means beraishit-Genesis parshiyot-portions(Jews wouldn't refer to christian chapters as parshiyot-portions nowadays , nowadays they call each christian chapter a perek, but they , or the bomberg publication does, there, and the word parasha is a general term so technically it can be used that way), and it says Chamishim-50, i.e. But that's not all. Conybeare theorized that Ariston was the Armenian version of the Greek name Aristion. curiousdanni has pointed out in comment, a line from wikipedia's page on the book of Malachi , that says "The book of Malachi is divided into three chapters in the Hebrew Bible and the Greek Septuagint and four chapters in the Latin Vulgate" Though since chapter divisions were created around 1205CE which is after all those books were produced, that line doesn't tell us which came first, who changed it and why. In the case of Codex A and C, the manuscripts are damaged so that the actual text of John 7:538:11 is missing but the surrounding text does not leave enough space for the pericope to have been present. Reason: The earliest Greek manuscript (Ea/E2) of the New Testament to include this verse dates from the late sixth or early seventh century[26][27] and it is only found in Western witnesses to the text with many minor variations. KJV: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. ); An Historical Account of Two Notable Corruptions of Scripture by Sir Isaac Newton (published posthumously 1785); Letters to Mr. Archdeacon [George] Travis in answer to his Defence of the Three Heavenly Witnesses by Richard Porson (1790, London); A New Plea for the Authenticity of the Text of the Three Heavenly Witnesses or Porson's Letters to Travis Eclectically Examined by Rev. which means "Of the Presbyter Ariston." Reason: This verse is very similar to Matthew 6:15. 1 According to the software program, Accordance, the KJV has 585, 761 words in the 39 books of the Old Testament that are accepted by Protestants as canonical; the KJV has 180,376 words in the New Testament. why does the kjv have extra verses . The beginning was made by Rabbi Solomon ben Ismael who first (c. A D. 1330) placed the numerals of these chapters in the margin of the Hebrew text. A piece torn from a bit of satin is appended to the torn end of roll of homespun. I submit that many of the changes that modern translations make are a mere updating of the language of the KJV, yet even these get condemned on the basis of altering the Word of God. dnieper river pronounce. Short story taking place on a toroidal planet or moon involving flying. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. I used to think that the whole God/Satan thing was dreamt up by some good story-teller that, should he have been eligible for royalties would be the richest man in existence! Those which contain it vary much from each other." Brill); David Alan Black & Jacob N. Cerone, eds., The Pericope of the Adulteress in Contemporary Research (2016, London & NY, Bloomsbury T&T Clark); John David Punch, The Pericope Adulterae: Theories of Insertion & Omission (2012, Saarbruken, Lap Lambert Academic Publ'g. Talk about what services you provide. All "Evil Tidings" is "Bad News" but Not all "Bad News is "Evil Tidings". It does not appear here in any New Testament ms prior to the end of the 6th century.[17]. But with the money making skills of modern translators, there are . Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. I think WTT stands for Westminster Theological Text. I could move it into the answer from the question.. Never mind, I guess Wikipedia isn't quite as clear as I thought it was, and it may not mean the chapter divisions were there from the beginning. Or whether it was B) 4 chapters in Joel, 3 chapters in Malachi, like the BHS. The King James Bible of 1611 was printed in the GOTHIC TYPE FACE! [99] In other words, the Longer Ending was attributed, in this tenth century Armenian codex, to a "Presbyter Ariston". I'm aware that chapter divisions were created around 1205 by Archbishop Stephen Langton. A commonly accepted theory for the condition of the last chapter of the Gospel of Mark is that the words actually written by St. Mark end, somewhat abruptly, with verse 8. "from evil" (KJV) versus "from the evil one" (NIV). The King James Bible contains 791,328 words. Why is there a voltage on my HDMI and coaxial cables? It may not be an instant, miraculous change, but when you receive God's forgiveness, He will give you strength to change your life. So, the newer translations remove these verses or place them in footnotes or in brackets because the translators believe they do not truly belong in the Bible. The NIV translators simply made a different call from those who translated the KJV. All this is not to say that the KJV is a bad translation; I still think it stands as the greatest literary monument in the English language. Many contemporary translations, in an attempt to make the Bible sound more familiar to readers, dilute the Hebrew feel of the Bible. baseball font with tail generator. Reason: The verse closely resembles Mark 9:29, but it is lacking in Matthew in (original handwriting), B, , some Italic & Syriac & Coptic & Ethiopic manuscripts. The twelve verses shown in the KJV, called the "longer ending" of Mark, usually are retained[84] in modern versions, although sometimes separated from verse 8 by an extra space, or enclosed in brackets, or relegated to a footnote, and accompanied by a note to the effect that this ending is not found in the very oldest Greek mss but it is found in sources almost as old. @curiousdannii The Vulgate wouldn't have originally been divided into the christian chapters.. Acts.4 [1] And as they spake unto the people, the priests, and the captain of the temple, and the Sadducees, came upon them,[2] Being grieved that they taught the people, and preached through Jesus the resurrection from the dead. It appears in K (Codex Cyprius) of the 9th century, and codex 579, of the 13th century, and a very few other places. Check it out at the bottom of this article. UBS loc.cit., Nestle-Aland loc.cit., Souter loc.cit. King James Onlyists frequently argue that the KJV is superior because it is based on the Textus Receptus tradition, and Douay-Rheims Onlyists often argue for the Douay's superiority from the fact . "[38] It was omitted in the Complutensian edition, and included in Erasmus's editions only because he found it as a late note in the margin of a secondary manuscript and, from Erasmus, it found its way into other Textus Receptus editions and then the KJV. why does the kjv have extra verses. God spoke the world in to existence. (2 Samuel 12:20) Then David arose from the earth, and washed, and anointed himself, and changed his apparel, and came into the house of the LORD, and worshipped: then he came to his own house; and when he required, they set bread before him, and he did eat. It is not found in any manuscript before the 5th century. Christianity Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for committed Christians, experts in Christianity and those interested in learning more. Is there a solution to add special characters from software and how to do it, The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese. you will not . And it seems the difference is in Bible versions. This is suitable for older children as well as adults. Also, many of the general populace may find it difficult to comprehend. Since the KJV text was completed in the early 1600s, we have discovered manuscripts of the Bible that are older and believed to be more accurate than the manuscripts that were used to translate the KJV. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. The Nestle-Aland and UBS Greek editions enclose it in double brackets. Each group individually and collectively analysed every available manuscript (of which there are currently about 5,200 separate documents in the world) and created what is accepted as the most comprehensive Biblical document available. This clause is not found in ,B,D,L,W,, 1, several cursives, and Latin, Sahidic, and many Syriac and Boharic mss. I read from the KJV & I did a side by side to see if what I was told is true. "[65] Even the two leading editions of the so-called Majority Text (Robinson & Pierpont, and Hodges & Farstad) omit this verse (the Hodges & Farstad edition acknowledge the 'Textus Receptus' version of this verse in a footnote). Does not this affect fundamental doctrine? Currently many Christians use the New International Version (NIV), New living Translation (NLT) and many more. Numbers 6:24-26 grace peace light. This, indeed, is one reason why the vast bulk of biblical scholars reject the KJV as the best translation available today and why they reject its underlying Greek text as being identical with the original: errors in the transmissional process have always taken place, and a great number of them are self-evident in the KJV tradition. There you have it. ". ', Last edited on 24 February 2023, at 00:55, Today's English Version (the Good News Bible), personal reflection, personal essay, or argumentative essay, Learn how and when to remove this template message, An Historical Account of Two Notable Corruptions of Scripture,, "Missing Verses & changed words in modern Bibles compared to the KJV? The only exception was Augustine (A. D. 400) who included the books of the Apocrypha (those "extra" books that some Bibles include between the books of the Old and New Testaments). This might be in the masculine or the neuter gender - the word forms are the same. [15] The UBS text assigns this omission a confidence rating of A. KJV: But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses. His Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament More, The Net Pastors Journal, Eng. for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. Among major Textus Receptus editions, this verse does not appear in the editions of Erasmus (15161535), Aldus (1518), Colinaeus (1534), Stephanus 1st 3rd eds (15461550), but it did appear in the Complutensian (1514), and in the margins of Stephanus 4th ed (1551), and all of Elzivir's and Beza's eds (15651604). Dr. Bruce Metzger points out that The corruption of tree into book had occurred earlier in the transmission of the Latin text when a scribe accidentally miscopied the correct word ligno (tree) as libro (book).6 Thus, a handwritten error that originated in Latin found its way into the first published Greek New Testament and consequently into the KJV. These apocryphal books were positioned between the Old and New Testament (it also contained maps and geneologies). Why does the KJV put "mine" in italics in Deuteronomy 8:17? Out of the 421 total changes amounting to only five one-hundredths of a percent, the following should be noted -. As this wikipedia page indicates, this is a variance between the Majority Text and the Textus Receptus. The Douay remained the standard version for English-speaking Catholics until the twentieth century. The King James Version is in the public domain. Metzger speaks of the "inconcinnities" [sic] between the first 8 verses of chapter 16 and the longer ending, and suggests, "all these features indicate that the section was added by someone who knew a form of Mark that ended abruptly with verse 8 and who wished to supply a more appropriate conclusion. 56And they went to another village. [duplicate], from your pastor, priest, or other trustworthy counselor, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Acceptable comments policy for Christianity Stack Exchange. [43], As F.H.A. Browse other questions tagged, Like any library, Christianity Stack Exchange offers great information, but, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Matthew 23:14, Mark 7:16 despite the existence of a concluding benediction at 16:20 (whose purpose was obscured by the greetings appended at 16:2123). Scholars have generally regarded these verses as later additions to the original text. He grouped the seven deuterocanonical books of the Old Testament under the title "Apocrypha," declaring, "These are books which are not held equal to the . At about the same time someone else made in other manuscripts the addition of verses 16:24 and 16:2527. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. [28] The majority of Greek manuscripts copied after 600 AD and the majority of translations made after 600 AD do not include the verse. Christianity Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for committed Christians, experts in Christianity and those interested in learning more. KJV - This translation is known as the Authorized Version or the King James Bible. "[11] A movement called King James Version Only (KJVO), which believes that only the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible (1611) in English is the true word of God, has sharply criticized these translations for the omitted verses. [5] And a certain man was there ", and as a side-note, "Many ancient authorities insert, wholly or in part," and here present the italicized words exactly as they appeared in the KJV. The Roman Catholic Church was a bit more resistant about yielding up this verse; an 1897 decision of the Holy Inquisition forbade a Catholic "to deny or even express doubt about the authenticity of" the Johannine Comma, but this was effectively reversed by a declaration of the Holy Office on June 2, 1927, which allows scholars to express doubts and even denials of the genuineness of the Comma, tempered by the fact that the Vatican would have the final authority. Chapter 8, The Christian Research Press; 4th edition (August 1997), A list of 46 "Treatises on the genuineness of the disputed clause in I John V.7,8" appears in "An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures" by. "11 She said, "No man, Lord." It stands to reason that anyone who is afraid of the power of the Word of God would do anything to diminish its effectiveness, but how? Several modern versions similarly relegate those words to a footnote, and some others (such as Moffatt) include the words in the main text but are enclosed in brackets with an explanation in a footnote. "[79], KJV: 9 Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.10 And she went and told them that had been with him, as they mourned and wept.11 And they, when they had heard that he was alive, and had been seen of her, believed not.12 After that he appeared in another form unto two of them, as they walked, and went into the country.13 And they went and told it unto the residue: neither believed they them.14 Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart,because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;18 They shall take up serpents;[80] and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.19 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. The NAB, like Bomberg, has 4 in Joel. Charles Forster (1867, London), Memoir of The Controversy respecting the Three Heavenly Witnesses, I John V.7 by 'Criticus' [Rev. Burgon also found a patristic comment previously attributed to Gregory of Nyssa (of the late fourth century), but which he suspected was more likely written by Hesychius of Jerusalem (middle of the fifth century) or Severus of Antioch (middle sixth century), again answering the same sort of query, and saying, "In the more accurate copies, the Gospel according to Mark has its end at 'for they were afraid.' It is also missing from the Syriac and Sahidic versions and some Egyptian versions. The sentiment was articulated (but not originated) by what Rev. KJV: And Jesus answered and said unto to him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. The translators claim at least 40000 mistakes in the KJV. My Blog why does the kjv have extra verses. Leviticus 25:17 - A completely different word is used here than that in verse 14, but the KJV translates both as "oppress." For me, I get goose bumps. [69] Moffatt characterized this verse as "an explanatory and harmonistic gloss. Only 421 changes to the KJV equals an average of one change per 1880 words. The RV of 1881 contained a footnote attesting to the existence of this Shorter Ending but its text did not appear in a popular edition of the Bible until somewhat later. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Philippians 2:4 - Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. 2 junio, 2022; couples challenge tiktok; dome structure examples . The King James and New King James versions keep the extra verses, even claiming them as authentic. ", Mark 15:28: "And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors. and Codex Athous Laurae ("") (8th or 9th century); in the first three it is preceded with a copyist's note about being found in only some manuscripts, in it follows verse 8 without such a note, and in all four the Shorter Ending is followed by the Longer Ending. This passage in John 5 is the only mention of this pool no such miraculous pool is mentioned in Josephus or other histories[23] The words in question do not appear in the oldest manuscripts, and in those manuscripts that contain them they are sometimes marked as doubtful, and differ from manuscript to manuscript "with that extreme variation in the reading which so often indicates grounds for suspicion". I did mention more in my question about how Stephen Langton used the Vulgate and would've added the chapters to the Vulgate.. The differences between the NKJV and KJV Bible translations. Bible translation differences. The chapter divisions would've been added to the Vulgate around 1205. It is accepted that the bible is the most valuable item that exists on the face of the earth. In fact, there is a denominational distinction as well: the standard Catholic version of the Lord's Prayer does not include it, but most Protestants do put it in. For you have given him his hearts desire; you have withheld nothing he requested. why does the kjv have extra verses [verse 8] For at those words, in almost all copies of the Gospel According to Mark, comes the end. As the adage goes, Those who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones.. Amen. It was not included in the earliest English versions it is missing from Wycliffe, Tyndale, the Great Bible, the Geneva, the Rheims, and the Bishops Bible, and it apparently first appeared in the KJV. The voice which speaks in Acts 8:37 is from a later age, with an interest in the detailed justification of the [Ethiopian] treasurerer's desire for baptism. "[36], "For although in the Acts of the Apostles the eunuch is described as at once baptized by Philip, because "he believed with his whole heart," this is not a fair parallel. 22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. ", In 1891, Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare, while collating several ancient Armenian manuscripts in the library of the monastery at Emiadzin, at the foot of Mount Ararat, in what is now Turkey, found a uncial codex written in the year 986, bound with ivory front and back covers. why does the kjv have extra versesinternational criminal court objectives roles and functions. Recently a reader of the BSF web site sent this letter to me (and presumably to several of his friends as well): Daniel Wallace is a noted Greek scholar and professor of New Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary. It does seem strange that all the other chapters have the same number, apart from Joel and Malachi which have the number of chapters in each, reversed! And in response to curiousdanni's comment regarding the relationship between the WLC,BHS,and the LC.. However, as the years past, the KJV (also known as the Authorized Version) was in serious need of an update. The sixteen omitted verses (1) Matthew 17:21. Is there a single-word adjective for "having exceptionally strong moral principles"? This verse is lacking altogether in ,B,D,L,Z,, 1, Ethiopic, Armenian, several Italic, and Syrian and Coptic mss, and the writings of several early Church Fathers.