Okay, I think we might have lost Joe, so I'm going to ask Renita to pull up the scenario at this point. You've got to sort of get to what's behind that, right? We're really excited to kick this webinar series off. So you can certainly use those tools. Certainly, we want to train all education staff to implement the curriculum as intended using any fidelity tools that may be provided by the publisher, and I think several of you mentioned that in our chat box. Fidelity Observer(s) - Use this form to score implementation fidelity on four key elements. And so in programs where you're seeing a high degree of implementation fidelity or processes to support that, you're going to see staff focus on the specific goals identified in the lesson plan. And that's important, right, because if we believe in something and we believe it's something we can do with support and that it will be beneficial to children, we're gonna continue to do it, and we're gonna continue to work hard to do it well. 0000009277 00000 n We do have a couple of activities where we utilize the chat box, and we look forward to your participation. So, we could sort of think about that as the sort of the way a curriculum What sets your curriculum apart, you know? And you can use the chat box to jot your answers in. And then by week three, I start to think about, "Well, maybe in could just introduce some dark chocolate 'cause it has antioxidants, and that's good, too. So, I start to maybe drift away from my initial commitment to really following something with fidelity. Gained valuable experience in breaking down . 0000041633 00000 n It's the extent to which a curriculum, including its content and processes, are implemented as designed by the developers. We want you to walk away with a clear definition of what that is and how to ensure that in your program. That might be something you'd want to think about when you're assessing how your program is supporting curriculum fidelity. The Fidelity Tool Teacher Checklist September 20, 2022 Paraprofessional Training 09.29.2022.pptx.pdf CC Paraprofessional Training September 29, 2022 Paraprofessional Survey September 29,. For example, maybe there are certain components of the curriculum that are implemented less frequently or with less fidelity by the majority of classrooms. So, you'd think about that. I adhere to that exercise routine. So you may have terrific up- front orientation, maybe you bring in the office of a curriculum, you do coaching, you do all of these things in the first three months. And so that's one aspect of implementation fidelity. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from Lilian Katz, which is, "Feed the staff so they don't eat the children," right? So, you're going to want to know if your program is using assessment data over time and that that formative assessment data is used to inform curriculum modification. Go ahead and have a minute there to chat that in. Really thinking through those things, both the content knowledge and also the processes, because. Also learn ways to help education staff to implement the new Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS) related to curriculum fidelity. We can't emphasize enough, right, ensuring time and support, including materials for proper implementation. More importantly, simulation-based education should be a teaching approach, and many simulations are utilised to substitute high-risk, rare, and complex circumstances in technical or situational . tool (e.g, Zones Check-In) Adult does not check for student learning Clinician/Adult - Use this form to monitor your own implementation for adherence, quality, and level of exposure to match the form below. Shop The Creative Curriculum Fidelity Tool, The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos, Mighty Minutes for Infants, Toddlers & Twos, All Products for Infants, Toddlers & Twos, Al's Pals - Social Emotional Learning Solution, The Creative Curriculum for Family Child Care, The Fidelity Tool: The Creative Curriculum for Preschool, Sixth Edition (refill), The Fidelity Tool: The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos and GOLD (refill), The Fidelity Tool: The Creative Curriculum for Preschool [Fifth Edition] and Teaching Strategies GOLD (refill), Spanish, The Fidelity Tool: The Creative Curriculum for Family Child Care (refill). The Creative Curriculum comes alive! Barbara assess if teachers receive the full, interactive orientation to the curriculum. The second handout is the scenario. Karen Campbell Sawyer Oh, I recognize that name. A multidimensional evaluation of the benefits of an ecologically realistic training based on pretend play for preschoolers' cognitive control and self-regulation: From behavior to the underlying . Teachers have used cartoon characters to help children develop self-concepts. So, those are the types of things you really want to track over time. 0000008709 00000 n It's never gone that way for me," right? That That would Those are really the things that you need to do, just like we tried to figure out how to support children, you know, looking at what data tells us, asking teachers what they need, and then trying to come around and provide those in a meaningful way. Asia-Pacific early childhood care and education: teacher training handbook for social and emotional learning Corporate author : UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific Person as author : Singh Diwan, Monisha [author] Document code : TH/C3-5134/IQE/22/022-HB So, again, really just thinking about making sure that we shore up that pillar of the house by making sure that we're following the curriculum and implementing it in the way it's intended. The curriculum features 264 Activity Cards organized by domain and age, which provide best practices, information on child development, learning objectives, required materials, and activity instructions. Registration must be received two weeks before the training. I think we have time for one more question. So, if teachers believe that this curriculum is effective, that there's a need for it, that the curriculum will be effective and that they themselves have the ability to carry it out and that, in doing so, that's going to benefit children. The Creative curriculum the curriculum that this program had chosen was not implemented with fidelity in terms of providing examples of diversity and ethnicity in 4 of 13 classrooms observed. So is that teacher available to do training? And I would say P.D. You might want to familiarize yourself with where the chat box is. This webinar helps Head Start administrators, teachers, home visitors, and child care partners understand and explore curriculum fidelity. It's informing the types of things you assess, and those assessments, in turn, are informing your curriculum plans. 0000025690 00000 n But since we're talking about curriculum today, Joe and I thought it might be interesting to have you all start with just entering a word or two in the chat box about what you think of when you hear the term "curriculum. What's a curriculum to you, with your program? And I'm gonna get to interacting right from the start. It comes within that tool kit, and it really walks you through the process of pulling a team together to think about these issues. Resources used in the formation of this checklist include: The Creative Curriculum, The CAP of WI Head Start Policy and Procedure Manual, Head Start Performance Standards (HSPS), and the Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale. Similarly, you can think about the implementation issues across a program or even across several programs within an agency to strengthen your curriculum implementation. Fidelity Checklist Items Yes No Comments for Program Improvement 10. The Guide to The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos orients teachers to the curriculum materials. Does this curriculum meet maybe all of the critical domains in the ELOF, and does it meet or address activities in support of the school readiness goals we've set for our children, and if not, what is missing? And then if there is a significant thing missing that a curriculum and augmentation might address, then you would go about looking at that and really, I would say, bringing the group together to figure out goodness of fit between your different curricular options and your program needs, your family culture, the local community needs, and then really develop a plan whereby you can think about sort of the initial rollout and training and then the ongoing P.D. Manual. And those things should be tied to another part of the performance Standards around professional development and making sure that there is a place for teachers or home visitors to really get one-on-one feedback and supervision and mentoring around the use of the curriculum. Okay. 0000001939 00000 n 4.8. So, thanks for sharing. Discover research about why curriculum fidelity is important. Curriculum Materials to Support Implementation: The HighScope Infant-Toddler Curriculum provides a comprehensive set of materials to support implementation. Creative Curriculum th . And maybe that teacher has children who just really can't attend or she feels like she's losing children halfway through that and it's not really having the effect that she wants or that is intended. And that information is really helpful to program leadership, such as education managers, such as yourself, As you think about what supports are needed to sustain curriculum implementation. So let's just summarize some of these things that came up in the chat box, but let's think also just globally about all kinds of things we can do as a program, really foundational things to support curriculum fidelity from the start, right, so thinking about how you hire staff. So, teachers and staff with regular, individualized consultation and coaching, procedures for providing teachers with specific and regular feedback, and ensuring that that feedback is focused on curriculum implementation, okay? Now, that sounds like a tall order, but when you really think about the ways in which we are already coaching staff to do some of these things, you can sort of use other data you're collecting to inform this. This set includes 13 no-prep templates perfect for exploring shapes, critical thinking, and creativity. by. Does the curriculum have to be stored or located in the classroom? Great one. And then slowly, you wean back, right? You can then easily cross-reference between the checklist and the CLASS Dimensions Overview or the CLASS Dimensions Guide.
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