While April initially still refused to tell Jackson, she finally realized she needed to do it before he found out from someone else. She suggested that she take the next day off and take Sofia to find an adventure. She didn't dare to tell him the truth until they were at the bar. What happened to mark on Greys Anatomy Season 9? Richard proved a very capable wingman and got her connected to several women to her liking. When Eliza was in the elevator on her way to Bailey's office, Arizona walked by and asked if she needed help. The cause of the crash has yet to be determined. Arizona walked away and discussed the problem with Richard, who understood her urge to protect herself but also exemplified April and Jackson's turbulent situation, caused by overreactions and misunderstandings. Portrayed by They disagreed when Arizona wanted to change Dr. Kenley's course of treatment. They came to the conclusion that they could not continue their relationship, as they both wanted different things. Callie soon decided to ask her out, but Arizona declined the offer after finding out Erica was Callie's first girlfriend. They decided to go see a marriage counselor who told them to take a 30 day break. [63], Eliza "ghosted" Arizona, not replying to her messages and moving out of her apartment without saying a word to Arizona about it. After work, Callie came home where she saw Arizona having a little dance party with Sofia, and Arizona told her about her good day. At the end of the evening, Callie and Arizona started fighting again at their apartment. She asked for an OR, but Cristina, who had been questioning Teddy's abilities all day, was reluctant. They passionately kissed in happiness. "Snap out of this? On the day of the judgment about the plane crash, Arizona interrupted Derek's ping-pong game to inform him that the lawyer called to tell that they had to meet at the courthouse. [60], Eliza asked Arizona about how big her stove was, because she wanted to make Arizona pierogi. [62], After the hospital fire chaos had settled, Arizona found Eliza and suggested they go back to her place to have overly tired sex before getting some sleep. Arizona agreed to follow Kenley's course of treatment for another day, but did want to explore other options. Right before opening the door, Lauren told Arizona she was allowed to lose a little bit of control. As they began to work together more frequently, they got closer and became less hostile towards each other. Noah was diagnosed with a brain tumor and when Arizona tucked Sofia in that night, she cried because she realized she was so lucky to have a healthy, smart girl and she was sometimes too busy to understand that. She revealed it was driving her crazy how Callie kept on trying to forgive and take care of her. Callie took the drawing and thanked Arizona for being there. Lauren continued explaining her approach, and said she'd make sure to show off a little in surgery for Arizona. When Herman was blind after her tumor resection, Arizona took over being head of fetal surgery. Arizona described the sex the two of them had as pain-relieving. She was drunk then and now only had a vague memory of Leah in her kitchen, making her question if she slept with her. She assured Arizona she could see Sofia whenever she wanted and then got paged away, leaving a shocked Arizona. Later, when Arizona noticed Teddy staring mooningly at Owen, Arizona declared that the two of them were going to be friends, going so far as to claim that, "I'm an awesome friend." "You're adorable," Arizona said, as she touched Leah's nose. She was stared at intensely by Callie's dad, as he found out she cheated on his daughter. She suggested that they do a ladies' night. Arizona reminded Callie that they had an appointment for couples' therapy, but Callie wasn't sure she was going to be there yet. Eventually, Callie revealed that she was pregnant with Mark's baby. She told Leah a similar story to reach out to her. However, Callie began to withdraw slightly and began to avoid Arizona. He took a look at her residual limb, commenting that it was healing well as there was no scar tissue. When Callie was sad because her research was failing, Arizona tried to get her to cheer up, but after some snapping, Callie just walked out on Arizona. Arizona was named after the battleship, the U.S.S. The four people killed in a jet crash near San Diego were the pilots and two flight nurses who were heading back to their home base after flying a patient from Callie tried to cheer her up, but it didn't really work. While walking to the ER, Arizona noticed Heather with the wheelchair and asked if she could help her, but Heather talked herself out of it with an excuse. The next night, they left the hospital and went to Arizona's house, where they had sex. [37] The drinking helped to ease her nerves and she and Penny were introduced by Callie. Later in the cafeteria, Arizona tried to ask Alex to testify for her, which he promptly rejected, as he considered both Callie and her as friends. Lauren, who was still lying in the bed, asked if she needed an extra set of hands to help out, but Arizona rejected the offer. Arizona had to bribe her in order to get her to go to school. The now happy again couple went to look at a house with a pool and a swing set, where Arizona started dreaming of the life she and her family could have there. At the end of the day, when Arizona was leaving work, she saw Eliza crying in her car and hitting the steering wheel. Arizona pondered the thought for a moment and ended up locking the door instead of opening it. Eliza thanked her and then they hugged. She asked Bailey to start thinking about Jackson instead of her, as he needed all the time he could get. While Callie was putting on her pantyhose, Arizona noted that Callie had her wedding ring back on. Moments later, the storm hit Seattle and Arizona and Lauren went to talk to Tyler's parents. When Bailey and Robbins first worked together, Richard said to Bailey that "She's the best that anyone's seen in a long time, just like you are". When the lights came back on, Arizona pushed Lauren off and walked towards the door, saying she couldn't do this. Arizona yelled at Callie, who was heartbroken that Arizona still hadn't forgiven her about the leg. Worried about what took place that night, Arizona asked Leah if anything happened between them and Leah told her nothing had. Arizona asked April if she thought Callie was ever going to forgive her, and April honestly told her that Callie was telling everyone at the gala that Arizona was dead, so she guessed not. Outside the room, Lauren asked Arizona to show her to an on-call room as she likes to stay close by in case anything happens the first night post-op. You're one of the Seattle Grace Five. That evening, Arizona was nervous about meeting Penny at the dinner party and started drinking excessively to ease her nerves. She met Carina at a bar. Whenever they would get somewhere new, her father would take her skating first thing. Arizona then asked if their relationship was just a fling and it had run its course and Callie told her that it probably was. He went to Callie, who was in the middle of the surgery on Derek's hand, and she ordered him to cut off the leg and do his best at it. Following the death of Dr. Jordan Kenley (John Sloman), Chief Webber (James Pickens, Jr.) replaces his head of pediatric surgery with Dr. Arizona Robbins, a graduate of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Having learned her lesson, Arizona respected Jenny's wishes while April eventually told the mother. She used to be a fan of punk rock. Arizona then yelled back that Callie hadn't been on the plane and out there in the woods for days, even though she kept on acting like she had been. She stated that she "rocked the heavy eyeliner and had some t-shirts". Jill Robbins My family of four visited Universal Orlando for one day and it cost us over $2,000. Impressed by Lauren's skills, Callie whispered to Arizona that she was a little bit in love with Lauren, and Arizona awkwardly smiled. During their flight, the back of the plane broke off and the plane crashed in the woods.[2]. After becoming Callie's girlfriend, Arizona also became good enough friends with Mark, Lexie, and Cristina. Raised to love my country. April found her there and offered comfort, but Arizona kindly sent her away. At the end of the season 8, Robbins is hurt badly in a plane crash, resulting in her left leg being amputated. The feud with April was solved when they worked together on Jenny Parker, a pregnant teen who refused to tell her mother about the pregnancy. [67], Sofia was suspended from school for stealing the field trip money from her class. He did everything he could, but she kept deteriorating. She advised Arizona to follow therapy on her own for a while. They moved closer and hugged, and as the lights fell out due to the storm, they kissed each other in the dark. After the surgery, Callie held Arizona's hand until she woke up. While she was out in the woods, Alex left her a message to tell her that he chose to go to Hopkins to see if he was something without her around. Later, she returns to Seattle Grace as an attending under Dr. Robert Stark, the interim Head of Pediatric Surgery. Arizona said that she was back, but not to be Callie's whipping boy and then demanded to sleep in the bed again. [10], While waiting for Bailey to come to the wedding after the surgery, Callie assured Arizona that her comment to Bailey was just a joke, but this made Arizona think about their marriage. Annoyed, Callie confronted her, but the situation was made more awkward after she discovered that Arizona was on a date with a woman named Julie. Richard encouraged her and she figured out that she would have April and Jackson's support. However, the two ended up making out on a different occasion, causing Leah to become somewhat obsessed with Arizona (much like she did with Alex). They made up when Nicole returned to Grey Sloan and offered her money to open a center for women's health together.[75]. However, tensions continued with Mark in the picture as an active and interested father. Her optimism and child-friendly abilities can be seen frequently and are also shown as she has cute animals on her lab coat; what appears to be a monkey or a lion above the Seattle Grace logo on the right hand side of her lab coat and a cat above her name and title on the left hand side; and she even wears Heelys at work, heeling around the hospital. Her brother later joined the army and died because there weren't enough doctors. This touched Arizona and she tried to talk, but Leah ran off into the restroom. This caused the horn to honk continuously. The four people killed in a jet crash near San Diego were the pilots and two flight nurses who were heading back to their home base after flying a patient from Arizona, according to a report. Arizona didn't deny she was a cheater, and explained that she cheated because Lauren stared at her too, but in a different way. Then Callie appeared, just as the electricity came back on. CurrentAttending Fetal SurgeonAttending Pediatric SurgeonFounderFormerBoard DirectorHead of Pediatric SurgeryHead of Fetal Surgery Six months after the shooting, Arizona received word that she had been given the Carter Maddison Grant, and was allowed to go to Malawi and become a doctor there. She argued Sofia's life was in Seattle. Callie promised her that there was no way she was going to leave Arizona's side, and Arizona then proposed a good old fashioned junior high makeout. Without Arizona, she went to the meeting, where it was decided not to take the settlement. While presenting the procedure to Tyler's parents, Arizona told the parents she was not worried a bit, clearly complimenting Lauren's skills. They called a sitter for Sofia and went to the dinner, where Callie celebrated that Arizona stood up for 5 hours and that they were all still alive. [44] Arizona continued to push April to tell Jackson since she worried April was doing this alone. She is the ex-wife of Callie Torres and the mother of Sofia Robbin Sloan Torres. They leaned in for a kiss, but Richard Webber interrupted, discovering their relationship. The plane crash put a strain on their relationship. When Cristina Yang was put on her service she made Cristina attach a small toy bear, Mr. Bear, to her lab coat and made sure she knew that pediatric surgery was not general surgery in miniature and that Cristina had to like children. [38], Soon after, Arizona decided it was time to get back in the dating pool and picked trivia night at a lesbian bar as the perfect opportunity to dip her toe in. She then asked Arizona to stay away from her and told her to go to Hell. Later that day, Arizona met Alex in a supply room and they talked about her cheating. Arizona agreed to continue to work with her without telling anyone else. implying that she wanted her to come over. Eliza told her she couldn't. Lauren tried to come up with an excuse, but Callie figured out what had happened. They started flirting somewhat, until Jackson entered the scrub room too. Callie then went to Arizona's hotel room, and told her that she got that Arizona made one mistake. At the hospital, Leah gets bit in the neck by a drug addict and is tested for HIV. When she did find out, she thanked Alex for telling her. Penny then appeared. Arizona was later annoyed when Eliza moved one of her surgeries, and accused Eliza of turning everybody against her, but Eliza defended herself by saying that people were simply afraid of change. [55], When Eliza came to the hospital to help out after a building collapsed, she was surprised that Arizona appeared not to remember their conversation, but Arizona admitted that she did and she was interested, but she didn't like that Eliza talked like she owned the place. [49], Arizona met up with Callie, who was excited about moving to New York and shared school brochures of New York schools, for which they would need to apply if Sofia were to move to New York. She also said that she didn't want everything to be about the leg all the time, and that she couldn't lose Callie. Even after Andrew came home and interrupted the events, they continued. Callie started to avoid her, but she was eventually cornered in the elevator. She had expected her father to react by saying "How fast can you get the hell out of my house?" It helped a little, and Owen asked her what Callie said about it. Parents That night Arizona texted Leah asking 'What are you up to?' She ended up bringing her home and the two had sex. Callie later came to apologize, she brought up that Penny was moving to New York after winning the Preminger Grant. Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Arizona blamed Callie that Callie's decision to cut off her leg made her unable to go the toilet on her own. She needed to pack up her things because she'd been fired. He then took a look at her left leg too and told her they needed her back in her department. After Arizona cheats on Callie Torres with Lauren Boswell during the superstorm. They managed to stay professional with Leah, who tried her best to forget about Arizona. [53], Arizona traveled to New York to help Sofia get settled with Callie and Penny. Arizona really wanted to meet her, but she was nervous and it also reminded her that she had nobody. However, that night, Arizona came to Meredith's house asking for a couple of minutes with Sofia. At the hospital, Arizona and Callie found out they both made different costumes for Sofia. [35], Arizona had a moment of looking back on her life when she worked together with Alex on two equally sick twins and they had to decide which one would get the donor liver. A year later, Arizona resumes her position as the head pediatric surgeon. Arizona is one of the "Grey Sloan Seven". However, the back end of the small plane broke off, leading it to crash in the woods and even though Arizona survived, as a result of her injuries, her leg had to be amputated. On the night of the fundraising gala, Arizona Robbins and April Kepner bonded over drinks in the hospital storage closet. Callie explained there were waiting lists. [73] While working together with Alex on two equally sick twins and they had to decide which one would get the donor liver they both needed, Arizona had a moment of looking back on her relationship with Alex. Dr. Lauren Boswell came to GSM to perform a surgery on an infant with his brain growing on the outside of his head. Grandfather After being kicked out Callie and Arizona both agree couples therapy would be the best option. As the chart wasn't there, Arizona was angry and called Bailey, who promised her to check with happened with the chart. He helped her to remember what it was like to be fun and confident and a little slutty, something she wanted to embrace while she was still young and fun. Count [40], After the failed attempt, she and Richard continued their nights out to the lesbian bar. When Callie finds out she is furious she ends up kicking her out of the house. When Mark died 30 days later, Callie went into her bedroom, where Arizona was just sitting in bed, and she told Arizona that she couldn't keep doing things alone. When they got paged to the ER, Arizona told Alex to run and that she'd follow. Arizona apologized, but Lauren made no big deal out of it and just took Arizona's coffee instead. They were drinking wine while Arizona asked Callie if she was going to like being pregnant, and Callie said it's the best, aside from numerous disadvantages, like no drinking. What happened to Arizona Robbins? Super." [46] As April continued to be mad, Arizona found herself in the middle of other people's situation again when Callie lied to Penny and told her that Arizona was not comfortable with her meeting Sofia. However, they got into a fight in the waiting room at the surrogacy agency and put the idea on hold. She lost the baby. The next day at the hospital, Callie told Arizona, who started apologizing for the previous night, that they were going to take a break and live apart for a while, with switching off Sofia every two nights. Owen then promised he would help her to figure it out. Arizona regularly treats patients under the table because she finds it hard to say no to parents of sick babies. [59], Around the hospital, the two continued to pretend not to get along. "Then great, stick out your leg and I will go grab a bone saw and let's even the score!" Arizona made Callie promise that she would not cut her leg off and Callie agreed. She gets ready to leave, waking up Arizona, Arizona says that she doesn't have to leave. You have screwed dozens of interns, and you got them all fired. She is very much aware of the nature of her job, Robbins has seen things in pediatric surgery to the extent she has nightmares about the tiny coffins that her patients will be buried in, and so she will remain optimistic in the face of the tragedy involved in her job. However, after working with Arizona on a woman with quadruplets, he had a talk with April. At some point, April asked her if she could try on her leg and they both laughed. Instead of making her go to school, Arizona took Sofia to work with her, where Sofia met Noah Brosniak, the son of a patient, and the two played together while Arizona examined Noah's mom. Arizona and Callie were forced to work together on a victim of the mudslide caused by the storm, much to Callie's dislike. Arizona did help her, but when Leah was ranting at her after the surgery for having told Callie that they slept together, Arizona made it clear that her marriage was more important than making sure Callie wouldn't hate Leah. Arizona played it cool and acted like she didn't remember their conversation by the elevator. When a new consultant was hired by Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital to revamp their surgical residency program, Eliza made a loud entrance. Arizona inadvertently complimented her butt and they bonded over the fact that both their jobs meant that other people had to go through something bad. In the aftermath Arizona Robbins Two Arizona firefighters died in a plane crash on Saturday while they were responding to a wildfire that started one day earlier. She attended Johns Hopkins Medical School. Karev's decision to leave Seattle to take the fellowship offer at Hopkins led her to take his place on a plane that ended up crashing. WebThe episode was originally broadcast on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in the United States on May 17, 2012. Richard accompanied Arizona to a lesbian bar as her wingman and became her go-to person for dating troubles. Two firefighters died Saturday after a aircraft they were in to respond to a wildfire crashed in Mohave County, Arizona, officials said. At the end of the season 8, Robbins is hurt badly in a plane crash, resulting in her left leg being amputated. When things sparked between Mark and Teddy, Arizona was again the one she confided in. "Callie is trying to fix everything and I'm finally feeling okay the way that I am now, and I'm not sure Callie will ever make me feel that way," Arizona concluded as April hugged her to comfort her. She noticed the skating made the kids feel at ease, too. Arizona thought it wasn't working, though Bailey fully supported Kenley's plans. Meanwhile, Arizona was introduced to her prosthetist, David Moore.
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