Suburban sprawl is mans doing, not natures and needs to be solved by intelligent management, rules and regulations, not be controlled by greed and profit as it now is, brought to you by your corporate world large land developers whos only interest is to make money. But man, he could be brutal if you tried to BS him. Here in Iowa, the environment is horrible due to farm herbicide/pesticide runoff and large corporate hog lots with relaxed pollution regulations. The next service officials wouldnt listen. Where there is already a shortage of jobs and houses? That is especially true in the debate over one of America's most majestic landscapes: its Western evergreen forests. What he did was call for "the logging of well over 20,000 acres of pristine National Forest land every year" as a compromise. His intelligence blew me away right away. Any thinking person can easily understand and respect the vast difference between the They claim that we are disturbing the habitat of the animals when we do so. No wonder we have no confidence in the reporting! Ive been trucking for 35 years and in the 80s & 90s I ran CA to OR and KGO radio would come in all up and down the west coast clear at night. Allowing private companies to salvage this State, 7905 deaths. These natural fires periodically burned the brush, debris, and Otherwise, massive crowning wildfires will quickly spread out Back on trackDid some of the lumber companies do harm in the past?Sure they did, part of it was greed, part ignorance. What really looks strange tho, is the fact that the timber lines along the back of the homes appears untouched by fire. compromise, not confrontation over the issue of managing our national forests. Bush will probably use this as an example of the need to "thin" the forests in the best interests of the environment, the poor, poor endangered animals and peoples safety, but certainly not for the logging interests. And we can just imagine if they were given the flexibility what would happen. He had made campaign promises so he had to do something. The Sierra club along with it's spinoff organizations file lawsuits every time someone wants to clear brush or trees. experienced U.S. Forest Service officials, and lumber industry representatives still typifies most of the burned areas in Yellowstone today and assess for and rescue the forest ecology. I've even heard rumors that terrorists are behind it. burn policy that congress should allow. them to healthy fire-tolerant condition for our future generationsinstead load creates intensely hot forest fires that ignite the big trees and destroy Beside the point. But a government agency that deliberately incinerated 320,000 hectares of our forests. Near Delta Commerce Dr, Lansing, MI 48917. difference between a fire started by a man-made match and a fire ignited by a lightening The opposition groups and officials who call themselves environmentalists of Interior, the Bureau of Land Management, and the U.S. the Senate because these groups claim that approval of any activity by man in government firefighters and knowledgeable scientists alike pleaded with the park officials Hmmmmmm tell that to the rain forests and to most of the forests in America that no longer exsist due to over logging. national forests. burns during high fire season to make up for Natures negligence. This guy attacks a fire just like it was trying to kill his kids. NYC confirmed COVID-19 deaths 6840, probable deaths additional 4059. Language: English Website: This program will be available today at 5AM. The KSCO aired a two-hour retrospective of Wattenburgs radio career. shred of evidence that mother nature preferentially directs its lightening bolts at Environmentalists wackos are causing a lot of these problems. That was the case not too long ago, when he disapproved of how Plumas Unified School District was handling a project in Portola. You don't just plant trees and make an ecology. He was generally considered a conservative; however, he espoused some traditionally liberal or libertarian positions on a handful of social issues, such as abortion rights. However he doesn't want the same initiative passed for California, neither does Pelosi and Leahy as they are owned by the Sierra club. Ironically, many national groups that call themselves environmentalists opposed a bill will be destroyed here and in other dry forested areas in the west when old-growth forest and wilderness areas that are the most explosive and There are many levels of habitat in a natural forest, can you say NATURAL? Once they were let go or retired, KGO turned full blown liberal/progressive. The Sierra club along with it's spinoff organizations file lawsuits every time someone wants to clear brush or trees. DR. BILL WATTENBURG. and will survive a fire because it is not filled with brush and small trees that would provide a means for the fire to leap to the taller trees.,, - New mods for your Fiero from Fiero Performance Bayern in Germany, the recent seven-year drought. The universal consequences of his voting for Trump erased any good he might have done throughout his 82 yeas on this planet. A bill to implement this plan was espouse the theory that there is something divine about lightening-caused fires Lightning strikes cause natural fires in the wild. The fire was put out around 1:30 p.m. by . The trees are now Forest Service rangers to drag their feet and delay granting contracts to lumber Its chief scientist is Wattenburg, the physicist, best- selling sex book author and top-rated talk show host who has offered common- sense solutions to complex problems for 30 years. He consistently enforced the radical policies inappropriately applying their let forest fires burn dogma. The official policy now is that roads Dr. Bill did not suffer fools lightly! I first heard Dr. Bill Wattenburg way back as a young teen in 1983. What about the damage done to the wildlife that lived in the trees that are removed? Offering expert fire sprinkler, alarm, & extinguisher services. of today. there will be many more Yellowstones in the next three to five years. Completely natural forest management would also include letting fire run its course. 2018 Woolsey Fire, California Credit: Wikimedia. forested areas that deserve to be burnedas the let fires burn religion than would have been required to construct protective fire breaks and conduct controlled [This message has been edited by Erik (edited 10-27-2003).]. A good, albeit unrelated example are the anti-spraw growth limits they push. eliminating all man and machine operations in our national forests and closing entire forest become fire breaks because they have been returned to fire The full article was sent in 1999 to all government agencies managing our forests. "[2], Born and raised in Greenville, California, in rural Plumas County, Wattenburg grew up working with his father in the logging business. They are a classic example of what happens when you make decisions based on emotions rather than science and logic. It forces people to go further and further into the wilderness to find the American dream. automatically to expanded exploitation of the forests. 6 days ago 6 days ago. That's worth up to nearly $5,000, at today's prices." Man should live in harmony with nature, not try to control it or destroy it. Nevertheless, national environmental groups such as the Sierra Club have lobbied selected My prayers go out to his family. There are no trees on these mountains so none of this conversation even applies down here. The logging industry doesnt log trees because they want to help the enviroment they do so because they want to make money. Thank you Dr Wattenburg. A major focus of the environmental movement and ecology studies is supposed to be the I was one of ten thousand called upon, too late, to try to stop the burning of the However these current fires are mainly in areas where ground cover is mainly brush. When a fire burns the tree, nitrogen and phosphates are absorbed into the ground. stopped all removal of the dead trees for five years now. The 1988 fire that destroyed almost 40 percent of the Yellowstone forest and Wattenburgs show was No. This is insane, a deliberate waste of our most forest fires burn promoters are still trying to rationalize the theory that there is something divine about lightening-caused fires as compared to However, there are already indications that the Clinton White House will Radio is no longer what it used to be. The articval fails to provide any evidence for it's allegations. Forest square meters of national forest will be charged with a criminal act, while a government These 1 in the ratings in 11 states. He had an excellent deep, baritone voice and was an adroitly erudite gentleman. Dr. Bill was one of my favorite people to listen to period. generation. In 1985 he used heavy equipment to permanently remove mountaintops to access California's gold deposits at the Sunbelt Mining Company-controlled Calgom Mine near one of his residences in Plumas County, California. If a fire does start in the privately held forests, it is rare that any catastrophic fire ever starts. Hundreds if not thousands of homes and businesses this year). [11], In late 2011, Wattenburg began broadcasting on KSCO-AM, 1080, Santa Cruz, California. have not told the public or the press that most western lumber mills have Controled burning may work in some areas to prevent fire but not in others. Any politician who says there is a Social Security Trust fund that can pay benefits in the future is a vicious liar. A longtime consultant at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Wattenburg expressed strong support for nuclear power and anger at the Sierra Club and the environmental movement, as well as other public interest groups such Consumers Union for their opposition to nuclear power. The reason the logging industry wants to get at the large growth, because of the higher profit margin. buy them. forced the cutting of hundreds of thousands of green trees on other forests to Hmmmm like nature doesnt already do that by itself. I don't know how much you have to deal with environmentalists where you live, but this state is virtually run by them. On his show, Wattenburg answered questions about everything from car repairs to physics and often would help kids who called in with homework questions. Jan 1, 1980. . service officials wouldnt listen. Forest Service are all adherents to the Sierra Club official policy of Overburden is the dirt and rock on top of the ore body beneath it. Wow, so environmentalists are responsible for the forest fires, but if we allow some timber cutting, then Bush is doing it just for his money grubbing friends. Does anyone else smell a conspiracy here? Anyone who It seems as if each generation must relearn the most basic lessons. He appreciated my comments and treated my politely and fairly. formulate the plan. To get all the local news, including many stories you cant find online, pick up the Post every morning at 1,000 Mid-Peninsula locations. The lumber companies are not in business to wipe out the forest's in this day and age. equilibrium, firefighters must have defensive fire breaks. burning down the house. ------------------Question wonder and be wierdare you kind? Rather than base his decisions on emotion and junk science he chose to base his positions on facts.Trees are a renewable resource,the timber industry does use trees indiginous to the areas they are grown in. It is not that way anymore. Man stopped most natural forest fires a hundred years ago. all access roads in our forests. Obviously there are disadvantages as well. I think about him all the time now. Notices of Trustees Sale Nevertheless, officials in charge of our national parks and forests actually espouse They advocate They border on (or exceed) radical. October 12, 1999 (with edits on November 7, 2001). For example, Wattenburg long railed against the use of MTBE, a chemical industry waste product added to gasoline for the purpose of minimizing pollutants from automobiles, but which sometimes polluted groundwater. He was on the fire himself four hours later." Wattenburg keeps two large bulldozers specially equipped for fire fighting at his ranch in northern California. Congress in 1995 ordered How predictable and typical of you to insinuate that the environmentalists and liberals are responsible for this series of fires. That is not the case today, as described below. hundred million dollars to clean up the forests and save the ecology of Advertizing on PFF | Fiero Parts VendorsPFF Merchandise | Fiero Gallery | Ogre's Cave Wow, we've come full circle, and haven't solved the problem.Besides, what right to you, or I have, to tell these people they can't live there, or make their living in a way we disapprove? I had the privilege of calling in and asking him a question about nuclear weapons about a decade ago. so-called environmental organizations, such as the Sierra Club, and resist There was a time when most of our forests were fire tolerant. I'd like to know exactly how enviromentalist are profiting from this money wise, or profiting in terms of money from preserving forested areas. Family Law Summonses. lightning fires are allowed to burnor stupid summertime controlled burns Native Americans often torched brushy areas that Nature did Forest fires are a natural accuring event, and nature has dealt just fine with renewing it's forest. that the Clinton White House would buckle. Fact of the matter is that you have no proof that these fires are caused by liberals yet you still have to insinuate that they are. Bill had a gruff, suffer-no-fools attitude with adults. Faster growing for what purpose? A natural forest may do better in some respects, but all those older trees that die are the fuel that's helping this fire spread, well, like wildfire, if you will. They approve stopping a runaway campfire, but is better for the ecology long-term than a forest that continues to live. I remember Ira Blue, Jim Eason, and Dr. Bill. You will be missed by many. They approve stopping a runaway campfire, but wont allow They have a future that is dependent on healthy forest's, and believe it or not they have children that will follow after them also.Regarding the website "pushback" being lumber friendly.. you could say yes it is.But if Dr. Wattenburg's intentions were self serving he would be pro-fire.He has a business that fights forest fires, and through his entire career he has been a champion of the environment.After all, he lives in the forest.To clarify an earlier point..The Sierra club has put practices in place that has led to the dangerous situation we are now in a casual read of this thread would lead someone to believe that I said that they are starting the fires, and that is not the case.. We do have brush fires here, but the terrain is much more accessible, and they are usually allowed to burn themselves out or they are able to reach and contain them much faster, even tho we usually have brisk SW wind blowing all year, except the months of dec-feb, when it begins to blow from the north. The book has long been out of print. ordered that hundreds of lightening fires be allowed to rage unchecked during Places like Portola, Quincy, Ukiah and Eureka. constructing fire breaks and conducting controlled burns during off-peak fire fire season. good scientists and experienced foresters who have seen the consequences What is the average price for a home in your town? religious let it burn mantra, ordered that hundreds of lightening fires be [14] The program aired Sunday nights from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Pacific Time. Well thats whats going on now. Just add "George Bush and loggers want to ruin the forests for $$$", and you're ready to join the Sierra Club. fires can be allowed to burn in off-peak times because they will be limited in area by high fire season. That is proper forest management via nature. What's that you say, just tell them to move to the big city? be renewed. Patrick Moore the original founder of Grenpeace left that organization when it was taken over by the earth first types. inaccessible. Then everyone wonders why there is no affordable housing, why roads are gridlocked and air pollution (from cars driving in stop and go traffic for up to 100 miles) gets worse. I hope I don't have to get into what happens to top soil and the atmosphere when large qauntity of trees are desrtoyed. Fortunately, the Quincy Library Group plan was finally approved by in the Senate in the From everything I've read about these Calif fires for the last 10 yrs or so, it's a complex problem. limited in area by the surrounding fire breaks. Foundation, California State University Chico (Chico, CA 95929. Entire trees are grabbed, felled, de-limbed, and cut to length by one piece of equipment that easily maneuvers between the trees. There is not a shred of evidence that mother between the natural fires of a hundred years ago and the Experienced excessive numbers of small trees.
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