The following foodstuffs are good for you: anis, avocado, carrot, celery, cheese and dairies, cumin, fennel, linden, marjoram essence, pineapple, raisin, spinach, turnip, and wheat germ. The ascendant rising sign is the zodiac sign that was sitting in your ascendant house (1st house in Vedic astrology) at the exact precise time you were born. The whole physique gives an impression of softness with some degree of strength at the same time. The height is small to average. When Gemini is ascending in a birth chart, the person tends to have a quick, alert mind. The Ascendant, which is Latin for "rising" or "of the rising", is the zodiac sign that was rising over the eastern horizon at the moment of a person's birth. Therefore, there is a possibility that you undergo some small "repairs". Capricorn is an Earth sign, and so pertains to the tangible and practical dimensions of life. You give a little bit of attention to all the different things that interest you, but dont often give yourself the time and space to become deeply acquainted and expert. It also affects their compatibility with other signs. This makes every engagement feel genuine and fulfilling. But he is always honest and upfront about his intentions. However, your need to please is so strong that you quickly take action in order to get back to your so nice, delicate, deeply charming and elegant look. Your email address will not be published. They often look like a scientist or a philosopher, a scholar or a wise person, and one perfectly understands that their interests always involve long term goals. Your Sun sign is Taurus, which means that it is only when people know you well that your Taurus traits become obvious. In short they would like a disciplined family. On the other hand, you are generally picky and demanding regarding the quality and the variety of what you eat. Indeed, Aries people do not belong to the discreet type! They can focus more on yoga and other fitness routines which can be beneficial for their respiratory illnesses. These individuals are also known to have a wandering eye, so to offset that they need a partner who isnt jealous or is open to having non-monogamous relationships. Due to their love for learning and knowledge, they are good conversation carriers regardless of the topic. Their respiratory system and breathing can also be vulnerable so they could be prone to chest and lung congestion from time to time and often fall sick due to the cold, flu and illnesses such as bronchitis. . It is certain that the major danger comes from the heart, and that there is a risk of developing a heart condition if you experience situations of severe stress and serious annoyances. Not only will their body be long, but their limbs will be lengthy as well (think: legs, arms and fingers). Gemini ascendant traits can have key aspects to your life. You are highly adaptable and intelligent, so you are quick on your feet and figure things out fast. Sometimes it can seem their mood swing appeared out of nowhere; its something they must learn to control in order to fully thrive within their life. In this article, we will discuss the meaning of rising signs and their basic characteristics. You are particularly resistant, actually, the most resistant sign of the Zodiac with Capricorn, and you always recover remarkably well. Gemini is the 3rd sign of the Horoscope and it spans from 060 to 090 degrees. For a Libra ascendant, love is the be all and end all. Let's get back to our Taurus Sun with a Scorpio Ascendant example. You are the eternal student. Offer available to new customers only. Simple and wholesome dishes may become a source of pleasure, even though it is obvious that you will never be a Gargantua, the legendary giant devised by French Renaissance author Franois Rabelais. A Gemini ascendant native can be very possessive of their finances and equally possessive when it comes to their assets. For instance, if you are a Taurus with a Scorpio Ascendant, your must FIRSTLY read Scorpio for hints on health, behaviour, and above all, physical appearance and food. They usually choose a work where they could express themselves artistically or something which helps society or mankind as well. Let's take a closer look at what it means to be Gemini in ascendant. You belong to the category which produces the most wonderful elderly people! Example : Actor, comedian and singer Jacques Dutronc. You dont consider yourself to be the center of the universe and for other people to accommodate you. Gemini rising personalities are outgoing and curious. You are quite frail, but you have a good and reasonable nature. A Gemini ascendant also enjoys dating numerous women and flirting around. Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Sun in Virgo. If Gemini is ascendant in your natal chart, this means that Gemini was the constellation on the horizon at the time and place of your birth. Example : Actress and model Latitia Casta. You always have in mind the balance of your diet. Astroguru Online - In fact, it is a turn off and a cause enough for a Gemini male to desert his partner if they are emotionally demanding. We earn from qualifying purchases. I'm 28 but people often think I'm in my late teens or early 20s. Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Ascendant in Pisces. Depending on who is around, a Gemini Ascendant may show off their shy and reserved side, or they will be their fun-loving energetic selves. Gemini is one of the most dynamic and inviting Rising signs a person can have. Gemini rising have a good conception of their place in the world. Cancer Rising. This level of relentless working and singular focus could however lead to a poor social rapport with their co-workers and employers. They dont tend to trust that you will turn up, or that when you are there you will have the right mindset to help. Of these three, the rising sign is the most personal. Anxiety sets in for the Gemini rising whenever they surround themselves with people who cant match their need for deep, intellectual conversation. Gemini is a Mutable Air sign - which means you need change and variety to feel alive. However, since you have a nervous and quite compulsive nature, you keep on analysing everything around you, including your own health. It is strongly recommended that you tackle this issue in order not to suffer from high blood pressure or more severe disorders affecting the liver. The career House of Gemini ascendant lies in the Water signs. The following foodstuffs and condiments are good for you: fatty fish, fruits and dried fruits such as almond, hazelnut, and nut, linden, liquorice, mint, mixed salads, parsley, sage, sunflower seed, green vegetables, and wheat germ. I definitely blush very easily and a makeup artist once told me I have perfect shaped lips. Well shaped forehead, oval face. They are very energetic and have quick reflexes. As already stated, caution is necessary in this regard. There is more to this universe than what we can see & touch. However, you must be aware that in the long run, in your fifties, you may suffer from weight problems. Your health is quite frail because you are sheer sentimentality and your nature is not too physical. With their ever-flowing and evolving preferences and emotions, they may go through several relationships or marriages in their life. Their height is average to tall, of average build. People under the Gemini Zodiac need their space due to their intense work regime that usually is the root cause of their stress and nervous breakdown. They are always in cares, but not in one direction; They prefer to keep in mind several ways, at night to reject nine out of ten, choosing the right one through intuition. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. You also have a tendency to lose interest when things get monotonous. The Ascendant shows our natural defenses and how we cope with day-to-day issues. It is the only sign of the Zodiac which can take on many different appearances. You dont dwell on the past and can even have a tendency to just exclude memories that you dont like. Gemini rising makes an excellent match with Aquarius rising, who matches Geminis confidence and curiosity. The Rising Sign or the Ascendant is what defines how you present yourself to the world, including your looks. The selection criterion of the celebrities quoted as examples is the Ascendant. Appearance. Venus is also the lord of houses 5th & 12th to Gemini. In his case, Aries features are obviously prevailing in his outward appearance. Of course, this doesnt mean that no one gets hurt. This rising sign suggests a petite body type. A Gemini ascendant has the gift of the gab and is great at communication. It provides an insight into your outward personality and shines a light on the path of your life. As a result, you are prone to neurologic disorders, brain tumour, epilepsy, or just unexplained periods of anguish. Their hair tends toward naturally curly or wavy. You are a great listener, and you are also open and happy to share your own experiences. Your behaviour is quite unusual in this field too. Your potential weak point is the kidneys and the bladder, which are ruled by your sign. Aquarians are . Active in conducts and delivery and that too in motion, have broad forehead and skull. Similarly to Taurus people, who are definitely more active than you, there is a danger that, with time, you put on too much weight because you do not practice enough outdoors or sports activity. . Their clothes are always stylish, rather classical, of fine quality and good taste, and meant to last a long time. But, while few people would think you unintelligent, many assume that you are unreliable. It all depends on how you look at the Gemini personality, traits and characteristics. With not much self restraint around him this native male could end up facing serious repercussions in his marriage. Even though these individuals are always calm, knowledgeable and capable, Gemini ascendants are inherently restless and have impatient personas. The face is usually square or oval with a prevailing middle part, and the nose is round-shaped or turned up. During the first part of your life, your level of energy is very high. You are more intellectual than physical, and nutrition is not your first concern. A Gemini ascendant man is not bothered about who is the dominant partner in the relationship and they are more interested in the games of seduction. You particularly enjoy diet low-fat food such as the Japanese cuisine or the French nouvelle cuisine. They are optimistic by nature most of the times and the betterment of society or humanity as a whole is also their cause for concern. Their favourite colours are black and all the hues of gray, green, and brown. Their favourite colours are yellow and silver. They enjoy and value their freedom and do not like others infringing on their personal space and independence. The eyes are often large, attractive, quite fixed or slow, and almost hypnotic. Indeed, his Sun sign or his Ascendant is almost always the same as the parents', along with many other similarities between natal characteristics. In the long run, you may undergo drawbacks, which are the consequence of your intense lifestyle, in the areas of physical expenditure, sexuality, or food. They can see that you are intelligent as well, but probably think you are a bit flaky and unreliable. Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Ascendant in Virgo. But they are highly charismatic and have good hearts, so people tend to support them through thick and thin. 11. His partners may end up felling insecure or jealous as he has many admirers around him. Because of this, they may suffer from chronic anxiety or nervous breakdowns. Aquarius with an ascendant in Gemini wants to reduce the social to the group; While they do not need to be in the first place, they want to be harbingers. And only THEN, you may read Taurus. They are athletic, of average height and build, with fair or red hair, a protruding arch of the eyebrows, tan complexion, a virile deportment for males, and a dynamic one for females. It is his relentless charm and love for life that initially attracts his lover or partner. We will also explore the compatibility [] She likes being complemented and flattered. The lucky days for Gemini ascendants are: The Lucky Colours for Gemini Ascendants are: Emerald is the lucky stone for the Gemini ascendant. Since you use up a great deal of energy, your food must be rich and energy-giving: proteins, meat, rice, pasta, dried fruits, etc. As a consequence, their look is neutral. Nevertheless, you have every chance to live to a ripe old age in good health. Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and this lends its chemical attribute to Gemini ascendants. He is also unhappy with his wife and is deficient in sexual pleasures. Gemini risings can have fun in any situation, whether its a small get-together or a large party. The look is of course showy, often enhanced with jewellery and adornments. They enjoy intellectual debates and exchanging ideas. Many feel their upbringing lacked some warmth. Your astrological signature is said to be the signs of your Sun, Moon, and Ascendant or rising sign. Gemini ascendants are curious about everything and want to be constantly learning. Their respiratory system is also very vulnerable so they may experience chest or lung congestion or be more susceptible to the cold or flu. People born under Gemini rising believe that they are in the world to learn and grow, so you always jump into new situations, happy to be a novice and learn through doing. Can you tell someone's sign by their physical appearance? Your rising sign is the sign that was on the horizon at the moment of your birth. How people see and perceive you, and your general outlook on life. In one-to-one relationships, Gemini rising people often seek a certain amount of personal freedom and space. The British chic may be one of their favourite attires. Whatever the case may be, Gemini Risings want their home to look and feel special. virgo rising - mostly accurate. These individuals are blessed with a retentive memory that serves them well for remembering even the finest of details. oval or diamond faces, generally pointy chin; their faces can almost look 'empty', as they usually have these very small features that are quite close to each other at the centre of the face . Your health is usually good thanks to your great energy and stamina. Further, their core features are embellished with long arms . In the bedroom, Gemini men are adventurous and curious and want to try new things. Gemini Ascendants are typically very calm and cordial individuals, but keep in mind Gemini is represented by the twins, meaning there is duality in their personality. There is a risk that you do not properly care for your food, and that you swallow anything junk food, which may cause overweight problems in the long run. Red colours are frequent. You are often a big hypochondriac. Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Aries, you might take on the following characteristics: Physically speaking, Aries people have strong and angular features, with a prominent chin, nose and mouth. Mental Tendencies of the Libra Rising Sign. However, for the sake of your health, you ought to force yourself into eating more, particularly during the first part of your life. The facial expression is nice with a shade of seriousness. Gemini Ascendants have the gift of gab. You worry when there is no reason to do so, you grow anxious and become the cause of psychosomatic disorders, the very victim of your excessive mistrust of everything related to your health. They would rather spend their time with a partner who is intellectual and independent. Their energetic nature helps them maintain a nice and flexible body, and they are known to have quick reflexes. In social gatherings conversations with a Gemini ascendant can be engaging and interesting which is entirely due to their wit and overall knowledge of things around them. A Gemini ascendant should also make sure to keep themselves well exercised to boost their immunity and to counter various illnesses that could afflict them. Taurus rules the throat and neck, so taurus risings will often have noticeable neck areas- either thick and "bull-like" or long and graceful. Being an airy sign the Gemini ascendant is blessed with a prowess for mental ability surpassing their physical abilities too. Most of their health issues stem from mental stress and extreme mental exhaustion hence any activity to calm their senses or nerves is beneficial to them. In the long term, you do want a partner who will keep you on your toes, both with exciting life plans and a rollercoaster of emotions. Leo rules the heart and the backbone, and it is also believed that like Aries, it symbolically rules the sight and the brain. Hence their women will have a difficult time trusting them as they believe that a Gemini ascendant man will cheat on them or will not be loyal to them as a husband. The Twins is the symbol for Gemini which lends the added dimensions of another personality to their characteristics. Actually, nearly everything . The following information applies to pure signs. Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Ascendant in Leo. Since Aquarius rules legs and ankles, falls may have severe consequences. While you might have big reactions to things in the moment a friend might reasonably fear a drink in the face you dont hold onto things or over-analyze in the aftermath. They prefer to be around people who provide them mental stimulation and who engage in meaningful conversation. As a Gemini ascendant, you always follow your heart over your head and tend to fall in and out of love both intensely and quickly. You can tell someone's ascendant or rising sign by how their physical appearance, but remember that genetics, lifestyle habits, and just life events can affect a person's appearance. Their favourite colours are green and brown. Besides, you can hardly take big meals. Gemini sign in 1st house gives one good height with very attractive features like nose and lips. But you also dont plan for the future, which can sometimes result in challenges. Gemini rising sign comes at about the same time every day, so all signs have a chance to be born under it. Besides, Scorpio is in analogy with the 8th House which represents surgical operations. The latter is more moral and spiritual, and the former, practical and much more physical. They dont like to feel restrained or tied down, and they dont want a partner who is emotionally dependent on them. Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Libra, you might take on the following characteristics: Physically speaking, Libra people are harmonious, with regular, fine, and pleasant facial features in an oval face. You have a small nose and face that make you appear doll-like. Your mind is in a state of perpetual alert, and therefore, burnout or nervousness problems may affect you. Following this, natives of this ascendant have the following alignment: This alignment influences a Gemini ascendant to be dependent on their money not just financially but emotionally as well. You shift from cravings for exotic and original dishes from Asia, Scandinavia, Central Europe, etc. It goes without saying that your life is not a long quiet river Scorpio rules the reproductive organs, the sex, the prostate gland, the anus, and the intestines. Gemini Risings love spontaneity, and they are very interested in getting to know people. She loves variety when it comes to her relationship and this keeps her energized and happy. To the serenity of Taurus is added the high value of balance. After having read a host of books and analysed thousands of charts, we believe that some circumspection is needed. The following foodstuffs and trace element are good for you: banana, basil, cabbage, lavender, linden, magnesium, mango, mushroom, pineapple, strawberry, and watercress. They have a deep need for finding connections and are known to be amazing communicators. Scorpio rising: Fixed, intense gaze (but this can be found in Scorpio suns too) Virgo rising: Narrower face/features, youthful cast, and sprightly expression. Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Gemini, you might take on the following characteristics: Physically speaking, Gemini people have sparkling eyes and expressive mobile traits which are nice and well-defined. Men born under Gemini ascendant live for the moment and for enjoyment, but they want everyone to be happy. Your health is good, particularly owing to your constant concern to improve yourself and think before you leap and eat!
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