A smart phone or any other type of phone Cuando est fro afuera, los estudiantes pueden usar suter o cardigans azul marino encima de la camisa blanca. Conduct of Hearing. Welcome to Northwest Christian Middle School. Further, the principal or his designee should make reasonable effort to contact the parent/guardian/custodian via telephone or personal contact to communicate the specific acts for which suspension was ordered and the length of the suspension. The annual fee can be paid online through a link on the districts website. If the student intends to receive an excused absence, he/she, upon returning to school, must present a statement from a licensed physician certifying specific dates missed due to the medical condition. The School Counselor will administer necessary Carnegie Unit test(s) and submit summary sheetand test score reports to the District Grade Placement Committee. When raising your hand straight up, your belly must remain covered. Appeals not granted by the schools Teacher Support Team will be reviewed by a District Attendance Committee composed of teachers and administrators at the end of each semester. The district may first remove the student for up to ten (10) consecutive school days while convening the IEP committee to determine the students interim alternative setting. If the student needs additional assistance they will visit the designated technology support area at their school. Fax:601.939.1946, RICHLAND HIGH SCHOOL Click here to view the safe school resolution. Students who are severe discipline problems CAN be referred to the Alternative School at the discretion of the home school principal, provided space is available. The School Counselor will enroll the student with temporary grade and class assignments, andgive notice to the student and their parents/guardians of the date of test administration. If the student does not respond to the MRO calls within 48 hours of its first attempt to contact, the MRO shall have no further duty to attempt to contact the student. If the behavior is determined to be a manifestation of the disability, an intervention plan will be reviewed and/or revised or implemented, if one is not already completed. Taneytown. Bullying or harassing behavior is hereby defined as any pattern of gestures or written, electronic or verbal communications, or any physical act or any threatening communication, or any act reasonably perceived as being motivated by any actual or perceived differentiating characteristic that (a) places a student or school employee in actual and reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or damage to his or her property, or (b) creates or is reasonably certain to create a hostile environment by substantially interfering with or impairing a students educational performance, opportunities or benefits. Any student participating in any school sponsored athletic program, including cheerleading, will have a physical examination prior to participation in any practice activity or inter-scholastic competition. The district also provides equal access to district facilities for all youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code, including scouting groups. It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent and principals to develop such further rules and regulations as necessary to insure that students conduct themselves in a manner conducive to the best interest of the school and it shall be the responsibility of the students to obtain and follow such rules, oral or written, upon request and in an expedient, efficient, and timely manner. Students are responsible for the safety and security of the device and any activity on the device. We encourage you to let us know how to better serve your children. 2. Children who are currently enrolled in Rankin County School District will provide annual updated and satisfactory residency information. The Superintendent or designee(s) shall make a determination, which the student may appeal to the Board of Education of the District. The program will be offered to eligible students in each attendance zone with participation elective on the part of the student and parent. Any Activity Student selected at random must give a urine specimen or other reasonable, customary and necessary specimens for testing as determined by the testing laboratory or school. Develop or distribute material, or operate programs or courses of instruction directed at youth, that are designed to promote or encourage sexual activity, whether homosexual or heterosexual, 2. 2. The person to whom an RCSD network account is issued is responsible at all times for its proper use. This is for the safety of all students. Step 10 Once a student has been exited from EL status, progress should continue to be monitored for four (4) years. The superintendent or designee shall establish procedures to support this policy. Principal:Dr. Josh Jones 200 School Road Shorts may be worn by students in grades K-4 as long as such does not constitute, in the sole discretion of the principal, a possible disruption to the educational process is uninterrupted. Teachers and students will work cooperatively within the given framework to design a program specific to their needs and interests so that motivation will be maximized. Additional removals of not more than ten (10) consecutive school days in that same school year for separate incidents of misconduct may be ordered. In order for The Learning Center to be considered an appropriate placement for a student, there must be evidence of interventions for Tier 1, 2 and 3 for behavior (and academic if applicable) with data to support decision-making in the RTI folder. The Rankin County School District believes that every student has the right to accurate information concerning the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. One middle school required inseams . Supervision will be provided by, or arranged for, by the teacher or principal who detains them. 125 Tori Bowie Lane Schools cannot discriminate against you based on your sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. Alyssa . However, school personnel is prohibited from using corporal punishment on any student with a disability. However, all such schools so closed shall operate for the required full time after being reopened during the scholastic year, unless the school board of the local school district submits a plan to alter the school term that is approved by the State Board of Education. Officials of other schools or school systems in which the student seeks or intends to enroll, upon condition that the students parents be notified of the transfer, receive a copy of the record if desired, and have an opportunity for a hearing to challenge the content of a record; 2. A handgun means a pistol, revolver, derringer, or other firearm of any description, loaded or unloaded, from which any shot, bullet or other missile could possibly be discharged, the length of the barrel, exclusive of any revolving, detachable or magazine breech, which is less than sixteen inches. When enrolling students, district staff may not request information from students or their parents or guardians in order to deny access to public schools on the basis of race, color, or national origin. The Rankin County School District will take the following actions to involve parents in the process of school support and improvement under section 1111(d) of the ESEA: Hosting an Open House for all parents early in the school year at each school building. Kindergarten1st LEGAL REFERENCE: MS Code 37-7-301; Financial Accounting Manual for Mississippi School Districts, July 1, 1992. 1. Meals may be paid anytime 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Children can attend school with mild sore throats if no other symptoms are occurring. If parental consent is not given and the refusal seems to fit a pattern of child neglect or abuse, this refusal will be considered as evidence for a decision to refer the entire case to the proper legal authorities for resolution. Risk of infection to the affected student by other persons, 5. Legal Reference: MS Code 37-15-35; 1972 Educational Amendments, Title IX; 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title VI; 1973 Rehabilitation Act, Section 503 & 504; 45 CFR Part 84 and Part 86; Brown vs. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954); MS Public School Accountability Standards. IV. The precautions include: 1. Where the evidence is presented in writing, he will have the right to see and refute such written testimony. Parents are expected to accompany the student back to school for re-admittance after each act of truancy. Tier 2: Focused supplemental instruction, 3. 9th12th 6. LEGAL REFERENCE: Goss v. Lopez, 419 U.S. 565 (1975). Parent Conferences (IHABA) If a child is living with an adult other than parents or legal guardians, in loco parentis authority will be recognized to establish residency of the minor in situations that include, but are not limited to: 1. death or serious illness of the childs parent/guardian, 4. verifiable unstable family relationships or conditions in the home of the parent/guardian having a documented detrimental effect on the child, 5. students enrolled in recognized exchange programs residing with a host family. This is the first time the CPS community will have LIVE digital access to all athletic schedules and content through the new website as it showcases the incredible achievements of all our students, coaches and programs. PROCEDURE FOR WAIVING HEARING. If counseling session(s) are refused at any time the student shall be recommended for immediate placement in the Alternative School for two (2) nine weeks. A letter shall be sent to parents regarding all specifics of the field trip and asking permission for their childs participation. The warning system and appropriate procedure shall be known and provided to all personnel in the respective schools. Students will be expected to leave cell phones, and other electronic devices in their assigned locker before 8:00 am and will not be allowed back to their locker until 2:30 pm. 8. engaging in any other unlawful activity. All progress reports must be based upon full information, accurately and honestly reported with the proper maintenance of confidentiality. Obtain assignments before scheduled absences and. This group will be consulted for anticipating the needs of the infected student. Any changes are recorded in the surveillance report (AHERA book) of the management plan. The purpose of any rule or regulation related to school transportation service developed by the Rankin County School District is to insure the safety of our students and to provide for an orderly operation of school buses. The parent/guardian consent for medication(s) at school and the physician order for the medication must be kept on file for a period of one full year. If a student fails the test, but passes the course, he will be assigned the earned Carnegie unit credit. Homeless students may enroll without school, medical, or similar records. The district shall develop interventions and strategies to address the needs of those students diagnosed with dyslexia which provide the necessary accommodations to enable the student to achieve appropriate educational progress. The parents, guardian or custodian of a compulsory age child is expected to enroll said child in school unless the child is determined by school officials to be incapable of school attendance as based upon medical documentation, a handicapping condition, or documentation that the child is enrolled in a legitimate home instruction program as accepted by school attendance officer. The permanent record, while active, shall be kept in a fire resistant container in the school office. Hair Colors Most schools prefer students to maintain natural hair colors, although each school may have its own definition of what is acceptable. It is the intent of the Board and the administration to maintain an educational and work environment free from bullying and harassing behavior. We ask that everyone please stay in your vehicles. 6. ; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act; Section 921 of Title 18 of the US Code. 4. REFERRAL DETERMINATION: REGULAR EDUCATION STUDENTS. No lo comparte con amigos. 13. A schedule for the administration of term tests and semester examinations will be established by the Board and included as a part of the official school calendar. Encourage positive, constructive discussion if allowed to use communicative or collaborative technologies. They also help middle schoolers know what they are wearing everyday :). Parents will be notified of the nature of any complaint involving their student. Dresses and skirts shall not be more than or shorter than six inches while sitting from the middle of the kneecap in grades 5-12. Violations of this policy may have disciplinary consequences, including: Suspension of network, technology, or computer privileges; Detention or suspension from school and school-related activities; Employment disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment; Employees, students, and parents/guardians shall be required to sign the Districts Acceptable Use Policy as part of the districts Technology Handbook before Internet or network access shall be allowed. If the victim is not satisfied with the decision of the district official or the superintendents designee, he/she may submit a written appeal to the superintendent. 7th12th Users should not plagiarize (or use as their own, without citing the original creator) content, including words or images, from the Internet. The testing laboratory will notify the students parents or guardians, the principal of the school that the Voluntary Student attends, and will also notify the Superintendent or his designee of any positive test results. An accumulation of unexcused absences may be one (1) factor in determining promotion or retention of a student. If a parent refuses a device for home use, the student will be allowed to check out a device at school for use in class. Drug Test means a scientifically substantiated method to test for the presence of illegal or performance-enhancing drugs, or the metabolites thereof, performed by an independent testing laboratory. In Mississippi, monitoring occurs through both the annual English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) and when students take mandated state assessments required of all students. Engaging in these behaviors or in any online activities intended to harm (physically or emotionally) another person, will result in disciplinary action described in RCSD Policy IJB CIPA Policy - Acceptable Use. <>/Metadata 108 0 R/ViewerPreferences 109 0 R>> Do not leave the device unattended in an unlocked classroom or during an extracurricular activity. The parent/guardian gives written authorization for self-administration of epinephrine medication and acknowledges that the school shall incur no liability and the parent/guardian shall indemnify and hold harmless the school and its employees against any claims relating to self-administration of epinephrine medications by signing a RCSD Consent for Medications at School form. Florence, MS 39073 Habra oportunidades para que los estudiantes tengan dias fuera de uniforme. Upon notification or discovery by the school district that an enrolling student has been expelled or threatened with expulsion from any public or private school or is party to a potential expulsion proceeding, the principal may deny enrollment or admission until the Superintendent (or his designee) has reviewed the students cumulative record and disciplinary notes and complete disciplinary files of the previous public or private school, to be immediately provided by the students or his/her parent or guardian, and determined to his/her satisfaction and discretion that the student does not constitute a potential threat to the safety of self or others or has participated in successful rehabilitative efforts or requirements of the previously attended school and the Rankin County School District. Perfect attendance is defined as being present 100% of the time that school is in session while the student is enrolled in the district. Kannapolis City Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnic origin, sex, or disability in its educational programs, activities, or employment policies as required by Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and . The Rankin County School District will provide assistance on these topics by undertaking the actions described below: 1. Student Health ServicesMedicines (JGCD) For Elementary and Middle Schools. The Rankin County School District will adhere to the document THREE TIER INSTRUCTIONAL MODEL TEACHER SUPPORT TEAM as its procedural guidelines in complying with the requirements of: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Title II Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Student automobiles are subject to administrative searches. The student will then need to place their phone in their locker before going to class. Student/parent is responsible for making their first counseling appointment within five (5) business days of their positive test notification. LEGAL REFERENCE: MS Code 37-15-33, MS Public School Accountability Standards, State Board Policy. The administrative staff member is required to write, in reasonable details, the facts, symptoms or observations, which form the basis of the reasonable suspicion. Upon request, the person administering corporal punishment shall provide to the students parent/guardian a written explanation of the reasons for such punishment and the name of the other certified staff present. 4. Principal:Dr. LaMarcus Norman 4. Grade frequencies shall be as follows: A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 0-59. 6th8th Viewing or taking the files of another user. denied, 103 S. Ct. 35 (1983); New Jersey v. They should, however, receive treatment for the condition either topically with an over the counter medication or orally with a prescription medication. Fax:601.992.5553, NORTHSHORE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A public school teacher, assistant teacher, principal, assistant principal, or other school personnel shall not be granted immunity from liability for the use of corporal punishment on a student with a disability.
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