One thing for sure Microsoft killed off it's chance to reenter the smart phone arena again, Consumers , it's oem partners. I don't mean this to sound hyperbole, but I'm beginning to think in 10 years or so, MS will be IBM. Dont piss off too many partners. Most infrastructure people do not get transitional stages or phases. Should I take the bait yet again? Mobile is small?? Unlike an outsider, Nadella knows precisely Microsoft's strengths and weaknesses, and has . Satya Nadella - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Amy Hood - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Alice Jolla - Chief Accounting Officer Keith Dolliver - Deputy General. Instead of capitalizing on that, he stopped making Windows Phones at all. I think we will see the opposite now that mobile is king. Hey Jason, thanks for this article. Andoroid's dominance as the most prevalent OS on the market was built on that, and the "App Gap" grew as a result of that. " Our ambitions are bold and so must be our desire to change and evolve our culture. But this is still sad to see. The mobile division was a money pit that was unlikely to turn a profit anytime soon (ifever); Bellifore even said that they had a PAY developers to make WP apps. The only thing wrong with Windows Mobile was that MS did not commit to developing the OS and decided that MS did not need the consumers anymore. If this trend keeps up, there will be little to no need for our consultants to even know Microsoft products. I've owned Zune/Groove, WinMo 6.x, Lumia 900, 640, Yezz Billy 8, and Now Lumia 950. Maybe it's not too late. Contacts (People), email, calendar etc are all tied to MSFT ecosystem and the mobile thread is Windows Phone. Nhu Tran February 10, 2023 Satya Nadella at Microsoft Case Study 1. being a Windows Mobile user since the days of the PocketPC, WM4 WM5.3, WP7, etc etc.. etc.. I still see people in the subway with their iPhone 4. Silly statement !! It's still a devkit not used but anybody relevant. Im not going to pretend that I have enough insight or experience to tell Satya Nadella how to run Microsoft. Frustrating as hell! Give me a call when you hit 51% anywhere consumer market based. no not old desktops. It works perfectly, we get updates each month that don't cause problems on the phone. Meanwhile, they failed spectacularly in the biggest markets such as US and China. "We didn't get networks," he said. This is a more general risk, but a portion of Microsofts recovery thus far is due to macroeconomic conditions outside of its control. Even Youtube apps are fine on Lumia 950 XL. Now time to guarantee their devices on point of sale. just about ALL Windows 10 Microsoft Store Apps anf the Centennial Win32 desktop PC programs that are in the Windows 10 "Microsoft store" such a device would be like a smallhand held Surface Pro Tablet and run the same apps and PC proghrams the Surface pro 2 in 1 uses. Analysis of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study. It is sticking to the same game that Microsoft already lost. I have a simple straight question for Jason Ward in order to better understand and "position" his analysis and Warditorials. Thats where therolling-up-the-sleeves partbegins. Good, but completely and utterly useless, worth a poofteenth of nothing unless you actually demonstrate you've learned your lesson by acting to correct your mistake. Many people would buy this device on a world wide basis even though it is bigger than a smart phone. So here's my planI'm going to get Panos to build the best goddam phone he can, and I'm going to make sure we upgrade it every year. But I get a feeling its history repeating itself all over again in the mobile space. Satya Nadella's weakness shows he's human like the rest of us A Hyderabadi romantic. Apple sells that many in 6 months, and Apple is #2. According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study, this can lead to serious road blocks in future growth as information in silos can result can lead to missed opportunities in market place. My phone and PC no longer communicate the way they used to. Here's a bulletin for Satya NadellaYou have to have a range of products and services for your customers if you expect to keep them. I wish this information had been available a couple of weeks ago. If the current Windows users can use their MS stuff on either mobile platforms, they will be ok. This time, it promises, will be different. Good-bye MS. Good-bye Edge, Bing, Cortana, Groove, Office, Outlook, Photos, OneDrive, Skype, Store, etc., etc. It doesn't make any sense to support something useless anymore. And when there is no mobile for Windows anymore, who needs UWP apps? The world may not need a third ecosystem, but Microsoft needed to be that third ecosystem. I get the abandonment of Windows 10 Mobile, but MS seemed to have had pushed really hard the Continium feature. Wiith The HP Elite x3 smart phone going to be discontinued and the Microsoft Lumia 950 and 950xl gone what does Microsoft have nothing something is better than nothing. I feel angry and betrayed for ever having stuck up for Windows Phone against the people around me with iPhones and Android phones. The market behaves opportunistic, if MS releases / creates an entire new device or form factor with a high "cool" usp, the market will behave opportunistic and shift back. In the scenario where the mobile is the Personal Computer it is much more important than building a laptop, an ultra mobile PC, a PC anything in fact. It's all good in their bank account for now. I looked into that and once again it would require rewriting and they wonder why, other than marketshare, developers stayed away they couldn't provide stability. Yet they keep making the same mistakes, over and over and over. That is just plain the stupidest business decision I have ever seen, I just hope Microsoft can dig themselves out of the hole that the CEO and VP has put them in before it is too late. The case study provides background on Nadella's challenges and context, as well as how he and his leadership team executed their culture change effort. Opportunities and Threats are factors that are analyzed in view of the prevalent market forces and other factors such as economic , social, health & safety, technological, legal & environmental, and political. Before slinging the "A" word around, try doing some research. Nadella was also executive vice president in charge of the companys cloud computing platform, which provided the infrastructure for such Microsoft offerings as the online search engine Bing, the Xbox Live broadband gaming network, and the Office 365 subscription-based services. Then just like Centennial, allow Android apps to take advantage of UWP features (live tiles, etc) this is the 'extend'. How much would it really cost to provide support for some company to continue W10M on a phone that it could sell at a profit? Enabling them to help lower insurance premiums for safe drivers, a vault for safe drivers of sorts. Now the global perception about the company has reached the lowest level. Nadella will come out of this looking like a savior. Developers may see it as a new platform, and knowing how MS dumped windows mobile, they are going to be afraid to put any work into software for andromeda, for fear it will be dumped a year or two down the road. A few apps on iOS and android will do nothing to change that as Microsoft become a forgotten company for the vast majority of users. It doesn't have to compete against companies that make a lot of gadgets. The few million people who owned windows phones I guarantee were Microsoft's biggest fans. Microsoft partners earned an estimated $9.58 in revenue through services and software for every $1 that Microsoft generated in 2020a total of $984 billion, according to IDC. The synchronization between the 3 is important to me. I noticed MS focused more and more on this third segment. Plus, Win32 apps are running in emulation. It wasn't as straightforward as "keep mobile alive at the cost of other projects" or "killing mobile is the only way to start working in new ideas" It seems entertainment and software are what Microsoft can handle (and precariously, at best, if you consider their bungled XBOX messaging over the years). Maybe other basic apps like To-Do or even Windows Central? I am one of those MS loyalists who believed all the hype (now looking like BS) about Windows utility and productivity across all platforms. and i knew then, it was the death of Mobile and there was no way in hell MS was going to recover from this. Please forget about Win32 antiques. So the future is going to be more difficult because Microsoft filed to develop a mobile OS market You killed the original middle ground, you numbnut. But there are no wow factor you put into the phone.. Google can get into cloud services easily. Google and Apple worked out a long time ago that Mobile is VERY important. MS missed the mobile train and at this point there is nothing they can do to overcome the app gap. It's sad really. I love Windows Mobile for what it is but I am willing to give other things a shot with the caveat that I am going to very picky about the phone I get. Frankly, I don't trust MS any longer. I agree with much of what you said.and then Befiores comment.he must never have gone into any of the phone storesbecause during MOST of windows phones life (regardless of iteration), you could almost never find them in the storesor they were relegated to the back tiny corner with next to no supportand most of the folks in the store would either tell you bad thing about the phone (not truly knowing the truth or having any experience or training in the phopne whatsoever), or push you to either android or iPhones. Just once. HOWEVER, If the shift towards business grows and windows turns into a business only OS, with lack of cool features for producing, photos, videos etc, I am going to have to go to apple. If only HP had its own mobile platform. May also look into jumping to the Apple ecosystem because it all just works together like the Microsoft one used to. Other than that, this company is doomed. This presents Nadella Satya two big challenges how to maintain loyal customers and how to cater to the new customers. But what really happened? A low cost, touch device, similar to the Surface. Everyone has seen the clip of Steve Ballmer doing that chant, right? As an end-user, I was frequently frustrated by the lack of a Windows Phone/Windows Mobile version for an app specialized to our industry. (And Im always amused by my colleagues when the 18 Things Satya Nadella Must Do Now to Save Microsoft phase begins.). WC was giving this guy credit for a lot of Ballmers work! I bought a Zune, loved it! Silverlight, WindowsRT, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Microsoft Band, Skype (Consumer End), Windows Phone, Nokia, Windows 10 Mobile, and now Groove and we could probably read the tea leaves to see what's next. :))) Are you smoking something? The Nokia acquisition has the potential to bring in some hardware genius and sales that could scale up to 100 million devices a year in fairly short order. He didn't want to have purchased Nokia and it was his intention to crater the whole enterprise. Nadella was the worst thing that could have happened to Microsoft. In a recent interview, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said he failed, multiple times, to remain committed to consumers who have shown a commitment to Microsoft. Yes. There are many companies in the world that sell software for more than 20 billion dollars (including Microsoft). Xbox will be spun off as a self governed entity and Windows/Office is already bordering on non relevant seeing as most people today, and I'm talking about real people, not you or me, get along just fine with an iPad or Android tablet. You can create superb augmented reality but if people are using it on the device people have in their pocket you are lost. MS will be next IBM and after short time success in B2B market, they will slowly be lost like IBM does. You can create the worlds finished machine learning but if you are not getting the input from people on the most used devices then it will gradually lose traction to the devices people do use. The elder Nadella announced the news of his son's . Do I miss Windows Phone yes, but they also didn't seem into promoting the platform, giving developers incentive to develop apps for the platform, or come out with decent new mobile phones I mean, he could have used the comment section/forums of Windows Central and got all the feedback he needed. Now given the fact that the future of computing for the masses is mobile I do not see Microsoft dropping that at all but rather trying to change the approach to mobile for the next generation of computing. The really really sad thing is that for a while ago, I was still defending for W10M and truly believed that MS had something cool they are working on. The only app I use, besides MS apps, is WhatsApp, if that went I would have to leave as I have family and friends all round the world and they all use WhatsApp. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. quote from 2 years ago: " If anything, one big mistake we made in our past was to think of the PC as the hub for everything for all time to come," Nadella As developers we embrace new technologies, and most of us have spent much money and many hours learning it. Apple is not churning the same 100 million users every 6 months. They should have kept alive the Windows 10 Mobile until they will be releasing the next big thing. The mythical Windows future device to change the world. The digital imperative for every organization By Satya Nadella Jul 19, 2022. But life has literally been moving and Windows 10 Mobile has almost stood still and now to the point of going away. And how's that Groove subscription doing? So, if you can't re-model or create a market, you have to figure out how to survive in the market(s) that exist and that is what Nadella has done. Satya cuddling with baby Zain. Regards MS has long suffered with a lack of systemic thinking - an inability to see beyond a US centric closed system. Microsoft was churning maybe 20 million actual users. According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study, Nadella Satya can use this trend to expand in adjacent areas Leadership, Organizational culture. The thing that frustrates me the most about this is how the company was so secretive about its vision for Windows on phones; or lack thereof. Satya Nadella. MBA students will look at it for years to come. This has had to have had a big impact on Window 10 and its mobile ambitions. How long before Movies and TV go? Windowsphone was not about phone. They will swap to Apple as the trend is there. In the BB days no BB owner would have imagined they would abandon their platform, then enter iPhone pardigm change. Who will buy MS product except company who use Office and cloud. basically anyone on Windows was using MS services, so transfer to new product which would not be compatible with old system would be easy for them. MS was not in the position to deliver half-baked stuff at that time. A big mistake. However, there are a considerable number of things missing in Android as a basic function that Windows Mobile had built in for years. But he had passion and he truly seemed to care about Microsoft. Whether or not Microsoft want to admit it was their own decision to give up when in fact they had a growing market with thanks to the Nokia team. Six challenges for Microsoft as the Satya Nadella era begins His CEO speech: Reading between the software lines Those are gentle, highly sanitized code words, of course. . Oh well. It seems the company is desperately looking to draw the attention of the audience without a defined plan of action. SWOT Analysis stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats that Nadella Satya encounters both internally and in macro environment that it operates in. Not only has he failed loyal consumers multiple times, he continues to fail as a CEO in providing a true vision beyond what he wants for himself. No thanks MS. Bye Bye. Except if you paid sometimes after accepting agrements, but if you did, please tell us what? As you rightly point out, Jason, "eradicating" Windows phones and their ngegative perception was paramount to "hitting refresh". How can MS kill its own future? Satya Narayana Nadella has been the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Microsoft by succeeding Steve Ballmer in 2014 and under him, the company had witnessed considerable growth. Lets take a moment instead to focus on what could go wrong for the new CEO. I have not commented on an article here in such a long time! Nothing good can come of that.. They would have been the first to buy mixed reality devices and paid monthly for Xbox gold and Groove. Well, I started getting angry with Mr. Softy when they screwed over we Surface RT owners. I truly love technology and I keep up with the news here because I like it so much. ". You may want to try. For me, I love my HP Elite X3. Leaders with intellectual stimulation traits motivate employees to rethink prior situations and problems in new ways. I feel betrayed and very disappointed. They are Personal Computers that happen to make phone calls. Their exclusivity killed windows phone. If Google made a Google laptop running android with similar interface to Windows. I say, it's never too late for Microsoft to put out a device and market it, as they should have been doing with previous devices, and it taking off. I think MS has decided to maintain a strong footprint in games (XBox, PC) to ensure every so many years there are unique games that go with Xbox releases to differentiate from Sony. Its up to Nadella to ensure that the Surface project can finally be taken off financial life support and walk under its own steam. All except Surface Pros have been ditched by MS. MS cons consumers into investing in its ecosystem then dumps them a year or two later. Apple does that in a single quarter, so even this desperation strategy would likely have failed. The work that goes into Windows and Office ends up in both the enterprise and consumer/soho versions of those two products. The only thing he could have done at that point was to discount hardware, but after the billion dollar Surface RT write-off he would have been crucified if Microsoft had to undertake what basically would have been another write off to discount hardware (i.e. Satya Nadella is an Indian-American business executive who is best known for being the executive chairman and CEO of Microsoft.Before becoming CEO, he served as the executive vice president of the cloud and enterprise group of Microsoft.Satya has been the recipient of honors like the Financial Times' "Person of the Year", Fortune magazine's "Businessperson of the Year", and CNBC . This is Satya Nadella, Microsoft's new CEO. I have been Microsoft everything since the DOS days, not anymore. Theres obvious resistance from customers who prefer the control of "owning" local installations even when their software goes hopelessly out of date and becomes a security nightmare. Microsoft is still pulling its re-org together at the same time it is changing its business model. Of course most people don't know about or use W10 M so they will not be feeling as I do. F-YOU MS I'M DONE. Early last year, the ValueAct Capital hedge fund took a $2 billion stake in Microsoft and began agitating for change. He needs plenty of energy and motivation to face his busy day. The Surface division had a rocky start but seems to have recovered after those initial stumbles. Roll your sleeves up and put in some work Nadella/Microsoft.. Because if you can't make windows phone work..Then I wonder.. what cat was riding a fire breathing unicorn? ), an Xbox one and Xbox One S, a W10 HP desktop for my daughter. Nadella's greatest weakness may be his lack of consumer market experience. Satya Narayana Nadella became Microsoft's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in 2014. I enjoyed it! The contract, which would supply the . After going through a frustrating week of having to decide which phone to move to because my 1520 is officially dying and recieving news that I would essentially be wasting money by buying another Windows Mobile phone as they are pulling the plug, this is cold comfort. Most people in the US don't understand the pull of Nokia as brand. He is the executive chairman and CEO of Microsoft, succeeding Steve Ballmer in 2014 as CEO and John W. Thompson in 2021 as chairman. DAN HOWLEY: Satya Nadella has been Microsoft's CEO since February, 2014 and chairman of the board since 2021. Something we can print from, and something that doesn't suffer from poor performance. MS has screwed every single fan over and didn't even try lube. The fact that it was hard enough to get a 920 din't help. It feels like Microsoft are deliberatey sabotaging themselves. FOLKS PERHAP WE WILL SEE MICROSOFT DEBUT AND SELL A MINI TABLET CELL PHONES HYBRID DEViCE. I'm shocked how the Surface tablets are doing. why they killed project astoria? I still use Bing as my search engine on an iPhone (1520 died and instead of utilizing the only company who actually innovated with WP, MS decided to kill off the deal), I like Microsoft Edge, I use Windows 10 Pro on a PC. According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston , this can reduce the potential of success of Nadella Satya in the international market. Nuttela's Puffer-in-Chief LOL. One of the most amusing and disturbing anecdotes that Satya Nadella likes to tell about himself is this one, which hes repeated several times now. - Inventory Management Based on the details provided in the Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study, we can conclude that Nadella Satya is not efficiently managing the inventory and cash cycle. Windows 10 has the numbers and we see new good quality apps appearing in the store on a daily basis. In todays climate more and more people (ie..consumers) are concerned about loss of privacy, ID theft, and compromise of their personal information whether it is banking or otherwise. time to get rid all my microsoft service. Also I hope it is clear that MS has moved on from Mobile focus they now want to catch up with the supposedly next big thing. Balmer got it right when he wanted to populate users with inexpensive and fully usable handsets which bumped up the share to 4% world wide and around 15%in Europe only to be divested by Nadella. Why did they move to Windows 10 mobile, when they knew the Windows 10 OS was not good to go? For example, it was corporate spend that kept Microsofts OEM revenues from falling heavily in its most recent quarter. Besides it offers some features copied in the latest iPhone x. Terrific job Satya Nadella !!! So no, it had nothing useful at a time when both Android and IOS were already much better. I hope they also realise forcing edge onto people who don't want it is wrong too. Edge is complete rubbish, Bing doesn't compare to Google for search. Then I hope Microsoft phone are on their feet again. Well. Its one thing to drop the ball continuously, its another to refocus on Enterprise and the few customers they have with high end hardware and IoT. I'm getting off track), updated features. Windows 8.x fails to garner significant tablet market share, despite updates. Windows is famous for still being Windows even on a low end cheap as piece of plastic. I hardly read Windows Central anymore either as the notifications are ***** on Android. The PC market could face materially worse returns than expected. That was more true in the 1980's than it is today. Surface had a solid fourth quarter in 2013, taking in $893 million on revenue. Why couldn't he have done that? I fail to see any good outcomes here. NOKIA X was by NOKIA and not Microsoft. And I'm going to kick the marketing guys arse until he puts together a decent global campaign. the fact is Windows smart phones were not selling very well so Microsoft cut back on Windows smart phones.but Microsoft CEO Nadella and other Microsoft execs hinted Microsoft will make a smart phone that does not look like smart phone out there today. why microsoft could not do it? Windows Phone was the middle ground between the jungle of inconsistency and trouble that was - and still is - Android, and the pretentious, fake shiny, limited walled garden of Apple. I currently have a 950XL. allow MEMU on windows mobile in the storeAll will be fine then! You've even way over engineered Visual Studio so much that VB & C# are no long intuitive and much more confusing to use and develop in. They will have to do something really convincing to keep me from drifting way. It is good that he has regrets, but too little --. I mean what should force people to keep using Microsoft Office on the mini PCs of the future. yes you guessed correctly that is the smart phones that will be docked like you have seen with Continium. They were too far behind and too many people in the market hated MS anyway and werent willing to give them a shot at anything. If you go back and look though, I was a HUGE MS/ Windows Mobile supporter. Love their outlook, and onenote but changes needed. Somehow I don't see MS as wanting me in any future. Microsoft is in for a world of hurt regarding operating systems or app stores going forward. Simply because they never pay. I sign up for more online courses than I can complete. It helps to feel less foolish and disrespected by MS for their actions towards consumers. Updates? Most of us have probably embraced the new ideas at the Build pep rallys only to find out 24 months later that it was nothing more than an infomercial using many of us as the foot soldiers for the revenue stream. Satya Nadella "Every opportunity I got, I took it as a learning experience." Satya Nadella "We must ensure not only that everyone receives equal pay for equal work, but that they have the opportunity to do equal work." Satya Nadella "Ultimately, it's not going to be about man versus machine. All enterprise decision makers are also consumers. - Organization Culture It seems that organization culture of Nadella Satya is still dominated by turf wars within various divisions, leading to managers keeping information close to their chests. Bottom line, if you cannot win the war, change the rules of the game so you can define the battlefield yourself.
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