"Tales from Torture's Dark World" by Mark Danner, United States of America / Yemen: Secret Detention in CIA "Black Sites", AI Index: AMR 51/177/2005, Details about "CIA" flights requested to Portuguese government by MEP. However, in 2008, USA Today quoted an unnamed Romanian official who claimed that the military portion of the airport contained three buildings which were strictly off-limits to Romanian officials but were frequented by US agents. [61] The Temara interrogation centre, 8 kilometres (5mi) outside the Moroccan capital, Rabat, is cited as one such site. This area requires 1775 to 2000 to enter. No the bathrooms on these boats are very different, ship to ship. secret floating prisons [78] On January 23, 2009, The Guardian reported that the CIA had run black sites at Szymany Airport in Poland, Camp Eagle in Bosnia and Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo. [84], After the release of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture, the president of Poland between 1995 and 2005, Alexander Kwasniewski, admitted that he had agreed to host a secret CIA black site in Poland, but that activities were to be carried out in accordance to Polish law. Alternative & Objective News, Global Organized Corruption, Technology. See all of the areas of the palace that are not open to the public and even cross the infamous Bridge of Sighs. [2] Black sites in China are also known as black jails. Is there any underground prisons? But the Coast Guard has no clear rules about how long they can hold people. According to the Maritime Drug Law Enforcement Act of 1986, drug smugglers caught in international waters are considered to be committing a crime against the United States,even when there was no proof that the drugs, often carried on foreign boats, were bound for the United States. With the passage of the Maritime Drug Law Enforcement Act of 1986, drug smuggling in international waters became a crime and interdictions expanded farther and farther out to sea. The reality is that when the Coast Guard has had to move people more quickly, they do. Bush said that the interrogation techniques "have been fully disclosed to appropriate members of Congress".[113]. Your email address will not be published. In an interview, Seth Freed Wessler, who wrote the November 20, 2017 Times article, noted the practice of holding suspects at sea for long periods of time has been condoned by the judicial system. [154], Controversy over the legality and secrecy, Representations by the Bush administration, Information derived from investigative reporting, Amnesty International November 2005 report, The European Parliament's February 14, 2007, report, US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Study of the CIA's Detention and Interrogation Program. The property was purchased in 2004 by Elite LLC, a company registered in Washington, DC. In 2004, Amnesty International alleged that the DST is a recurrent and flagrant abuser of human rights and that many of these offenses have occurred at Temara. [128], In January 2012, Poland's Prosecutor General's office initiated investigative proceedings against Zbigniew Siemitkowski, the former Polish intelligence chief. 1.6m members in the conspiracy community. [70], The Egyptian Foreign Ministry later explained that the intercepted fax was merely a review of the Romanian press done by the Egyptian Embassy in Bucharest. On November 25, 2005, the lead investigator for the Council of Europe, Swiss lawmaker Dick Marty announced that he had obtained latitude and longitude coordinates for suspected black sites, and he was planning to use satellite imagery over the last several years as part of his investigation. Ships that are understood to have held prisoners include the USS Bataan and USS Peleliu. The site was closed in December 2002. [1] As long as the state continues to lock people in cages and try to cure America's drug problem with the barrel of a gun, this horrific scenario will keep playing out like a broken record. 24, 2022 . Are they proud of this or are they a little bit wary of what's going on? Landing fees were paid in cash, with the invoices made out to "probably fake" American companies. British Prime Minister Tony Blair said that the report "added absolutely nothing new whatever to the information we have". [13], In January 2012, Poland's Prosecutor General's office initiated investigative proceedings against Zbigniew Siemitkowski, the former Polish intelligence chief. [135], In its edition of January 8, 2006, the Swiss newspaper Sonntagsblick published a document intercepted on November 10 by the Swiss Onyx interception system (similar to the UKUSA's ECHELON system). [131][132], Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri are said to have been held and subjected to physical punishments at the Stare Kiejkuty intelligence base in northeastern Poland. In 2008, The Guardian reported that human rights organization Reprieve, which claimed that the US has admitted to holding at least 26,000 people in secret prisons, had discovered that the US was operating a fleet of "floating prisons" that span the globe. Reprieve uses international and domestic law as a tool to save lives, deliver justice and make the case for world-wide reform. secret floating prisons. Far from it.. Some of the inspector general's work on detention issues was conducted by Mary O. McCarthy, who was fired from the agency in 2006 after being accused of leaking classified information. Since then, there have been more and more people leaving. In fact, the specifics of the network of black sites remains controversial. 4. Their findings were that, although human rights had generally improved in Morocco over recent years, there was also an increase in reported torture cases in the North African nation. Black site. This was in direct opposition to a public legal opinion issued in December 2004 that declared torture "abhorrent". In August 2018, the Royal Thai Army announced that another suspected Udon Thani black site, the former Ramasun Station, would be turned into a tourist attraction. Pawn Stars Chumlee Sentenced To Life In Prison After This. Now, it turns out, there's a secret U.S. detention system in the War on Drugs, too and this one is aboard U.S. Coast Guard cutters sailing in the Pacific Ocean. Cardboard, have the actions of the Bush administration given us any reason to believe that this is not true? You write about some Ecuadorians who are out there transporting drugs and they end up shackled for many, many days on a Coast Guard boat. Two of the Italians were also convicted in person. [125], Gomes was highly critical of the Portuguese government's reluctance to comply with the European Parliament Commission investigation into the CIA flights, leading to tensions with Foreign Minister Lus Amado, a member of her party. Unofficially, according to a 2014 report from Al Jazeera America, Djiboutis Camp Lemonnier is also a CIA black site that saw dozens of suspects secretly detained, interrogated, and tortured. [70] Slovak ministry spokesman Richard Fides said the country had no black sites, but its intelligence service spokesman Vladimir Simko said he would not disclose any information about possible Slovak black sites to the media. Follow him @timothybissell. Gizmodo reports that the largest floating prison in the entire world is currently docked off the Bronx in Long Island Sound. Romania claims that Mihail Kogalniceanu Airport is only used as a transfer point for CIA prisoners and not for actual detainment or interrogations. The Coast Guard has a broad mission. FACIAL. [136], On June 27, 2007, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe voted on Resolution 1562 and Recommendation 1801 backing the conclusions of the report by Dick Marty. He was also sentenced to a decade in U.S. federal prison. [8], Black sites operated by the US government and its surrogates were first officially acknowledged by President George W. Bush in the fall of 2006. Siddiqui's family maintains that she was abused at Bagram. By 2005, the CIA had overwhelmingly outsourced operations related to the program. Siemitkowski was charged with facilitating the alleged CIA detention operation in Poland, where foreign suspects may have been tortured in the context of the War on Terror. He describes the experience of feeling like he really might disappear. The report also uncovered the use of secret detention facilities used in Europe, including Romania and Poland. A number of the alleged detainees listed above were transferred to the U.S.-run Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba in the fall of 2006. Jim Chalmers has been spotted de-stressing after a horrible week in which he was called an 'L-plate' treasurer and publicly pulled up by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese over tax reform plans.. Dr . As he was moving this cocaine on a boat with three other men, another Ecuadorian man and a Colombian man, they were approaching Central America, approaching Guatemala and the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard intercepted that boat and pulled these men off. The war on drugs has produced the vilest police state one can imagine. Lets see. [49][50][51][52][53][54] A Geneva-based human rights group, SAM for Rights and Liberties called on the Emirati forces to close all its secret prisons being operated in Yemen. In their report, they've also stated that a huge number of those people are held on ships that are known as "floating prisons". "[116], On December 6, 2007, the CIA admitted that it had destroyed videotapes recordings of CIA interrogations of terrorism suspects involving harsh interrogation techniques, tapes which critics suggest may have documented the use of torture by the CIA, such as waterboarding. This is a Coast Guard ship and they're basically exposed to the elements and basically shackled and not getting much food. These have been alleged to constitute "severe pain or suffering" under the UN convention, which would be a violation of the treaty and thus US law. However, the Central Intelligence Agency was discovered using waterboarding in secret prisons following the 9/11 attacks, justified as "enhanced interrogation." . Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the alleged mastermind of the USS Cole bombings, was also supposedly held at Site Green. Food logs from Coast Guard ships and testimony from Coast Guard officers show that on some ships, detainees meals consisted of only small portions of black beans and rice, on occasion with a bit of spinach or chicken. How can the Coast Guard get away with keeping people under those conditions when the men haven't even been charged? According to the Times report, the 2005 Justice Department opinions remain in effect, and their legal conclusions have been confirmed by several more recent memorandums. Mwatana has also verified the torture of detainees at these Emirati-run secret detention centers where some have gone as far as committing suicide to protest against their unfair detention, as cited by one of the victim's brothers. The European Parliament's report, adopted by a large majority (382 MEPs voting in favor, 256 against and 74 abstaining) passed on February 14, 2007, concludes that many European countries tolerated illegal actions of the CIA including secret flights over their territories. So the Coast Guard is arresting these people in these boats and it's not clear whether the drugs on these boats are going to the U.S.? Mihail Kogalniceanu Airport is the main airport for Romanias southern Dobrogea region, located just a stones throw away from popular tourist resorts on the Black Sea coast. Siemitkowski is charged with facilitating the alleged CIA detention operation in Poland, where foreign suspects may have been tortured in the context of the War on Terror. They are war criminals of the highest order. Because it's honestly a show about grown men, running a pawn shop, trying to do all they can to get both interesting items, and items that can make them a. Give us the quick thumbnail sketch of this one guy, in particular, Jhonny Arcentales, and how he ended up there? It also awarded Abu Zubaydah 30,000 euros to cover his costs. Wilkerson stated that this was done by the CIA in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. He really didn't know all that much about what he was doing. Tim Bissell is a writer and researcher who works in the Canadian television industry. He didn't tell anyone and disappeared. [82] However, in a file submitted in September 2015 to the European Court of Human Rights, a lawyer for a Saudi-born Guantanamo detainee said the Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture released in December 2014 leaves "no plausible room for doubt" that Lithuania was somehow involved in the Central Intelligence Agency programme. One of the CIAs guinea pigs was Abu Zubaydah, a Saudi national captured in Pakistan in 2002. The Outlaw Ocean Project. the dramatic story of a small island nation on the other side of the world . Often, these waits can last weeks or months, according to new reporting from The New York Times. In the article, it was noted that the aircraft's registration showed it as being owned by Premier Executive Transport Services, based in Massachusetts, though as of February 2005 it was listed as being owned by Keeler and Tate Management, Reno, Nevada (US). Iliescu further stated that had he known of the intended use of the site, he would certainly not have approved the request. The reality is that when the Coast Guard has had to move people more quickly, they do. The CIA's Detention and Interrogation Program damaged the United States' standing in the world, and resulted in other significant monetary and non-monetary costs. Although no clear evidence have been found against the United Kingdom. According to the report, the CIA had operated 1,245 flights, many of them to destinations where suspects could face torture. Malinowski's comments prompted quick denials by both Polish and Romanian government officials as well as sparking the concern of the International Committee of the Red Cross ("ICRC"), who called for access to all foreign terrorism suspects held by the United States. I certainly hope you dont believe all of the idiotic crap shoveled by the US mainstream media. your username. The vagaries of international maritime law allow the Coast Guard to engage in what could fairly be described as a pattern of kidnapping and human rights abuses. According to the article, the same aircraft landed in Guantanamo Bay on September 23, 2003, "having travelled from Kabul to Szymany (Poland), Mihail Koglniceanu (Romania) and Sal (Morocco)". Learn how your comment data is processed. Defense lawyers have challenged the practice in federal courts with no success. Yes exactly right, and we are going to have a hell of a time righting things. [12], In December 2002, The Washington Post reported that "the capture of al Qaeda leaders Ramzi bin al-Shibh in Pakistan, Omar al-Faruq in Indonesia, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri in Kuwait and Muhammad al Darbi in Yemen were all partly the result of information gained during interrogations." We all know prisoners are kept locked inside prison cells and monitored 24/7, but have you ever heard of a floating prison? The UAE runs secret prisons in Yemen where prisoners are forcibly disappeared and tortured. On November 28, 2005, EU Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini asserted that any EU country which had operated a secret prison would have its voting rights suspended. Some media sources have noted her comments do not exclude the possibility of covert prison sites operated with the knowledge of the "host" nation,[19] or the possibility that promises by such "host" nations that they will refrain from torture may not be genuine. The Assembly declared that it was established with a high degree of probability that secret detention centres had been operated by the CIA under the High Value Detainee (HVD) program for some years in Poland and Romania. Over time, it passes. However, Marty's interim report, which was based largely on a compendium of press clippings has been harshly criticised by the governments of various EU member states. The Coast Guard has gotten away with this inhumane and horrific practice for years by claiming that logistics make it hard to get these people back. [108], On September 14, 2007, The Washington Post reported that members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence had requested the withdrawal of the nomination of John A. Rizzoa career CIA lawyerfor the position of general counsel, due to concerns about his support for Bush administration legal doctrines permitting "enhanced interrogation" of terrorism detainees in CIA custody. [77] In September 2008, two anonymous Polish intelligence officers made the claims about facilities being located in Poland in the Polish daily newspaper Dziennik. Secret prisons are operating in the United States today. It is. 9. Coast guard cutters on missions to interdict suspected drug smugglers in international waters have become de facto prisons for detainees. [1] A 2021 Associated Press news story defined black sites as "clandestine jails where prisoners generally are not charged with a crime and have no legal recourse, with no bail or court order. The US Coast Guard is operating floating prisons in the Pacific Ocean, outside US legal protections!!! Welcome! [98], A story by reporter Dana Priest published in The Washington Post of November 2, 2005, reported: "The CIA has been hiding and interrogating some of its most important alleged al Qaeda captives at a Soviet-era compound in Eastern Europe, according to U.S. and foreign officials familiar with the arrangement. To quote the report, "At this stage of the investigations, there is no formal, irrefutable evidence of the existence of secret CIA detention centres in Romania, Poland or any other country. [3] The report: denounces the lack of co-operation of many member states and of the Council of the European Union with the investigation; Regrets that European countries have been relinquishing control over their airspace and airports by turning a blind eye or admitting flights operated by the CIA which, on some occasions, were being used for illegal transportation of detainees; Calls for the closure of [the US military detention mission in] Guantanamo and for European countries immediately to seek the return of their citizens and residents who are being held illegally by the US authorities; Considers that all European countries should initiate independent investigations into all stopovers by civilian aircraft [hired by] the CIA; Urges that a ban or system of inspections be introduced for all CIA-operated aircraft known to have been involved in extraordinary rendition.[138][139].
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