Y-DNA:R-FGC12948 If youve taken the Big Y test, click on the Block Tree on your results page and then look across the top of your results page to see if the haplogroup in question is upstream or a parent of your haplogroup. Forms a new branch down of I-BY158446. Location:Kaagrden, Langeland, Denmark Age:Viking 10th century CE They found T2a1b in the Middle Volga region and Bulgaria, and T1a both in central Ukraine and the Middle Volga. Location:San_Lorenzo, Foggia, Italy Y-DNA:R-M269 Location:Frojel, Gotland, Sweden Y-DNA:I-Y19934 Location:Gerdrup, Sealand, Denmark See more ideas about viking history, norse vikings, vikings. Y-DNA:T-BY215080 FTDNA Comment:Shares 5 SNPs with a man from Norway. Location:Troms, Nor_North, Norway Forms a new branch downstream of I-Y37415 (P109). Y-DNA:I-CTS8407 Forms a new branch down of I-BY19383 (Z2041). FTDNA Comment:FT83323- Age:Viking 10th century CE FTDNA Comment:Splits I-Y22507. Have seen it on Genoplot! Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden mtDNA:H3v-T16093C, Sample:VK232 / Gotland_Kopparsvik-240.65 Below, youll find the information from Y DNA results in the paper, reprocessed and analyzed, with FamilyTreeDNA verified SNP names, along with the mitochondrial DNA haplogroup of each Viking male. Y-DNA:I-DF29 Ancient sample STR_486 also belongs in this group, at I-Y130747 FTDNA Comment:Shares 1 SNP with a man from the Netherlands. For example, Ive typed I-BY3428. mtDNA:T2b, Sample:VK289 / Denmark_Bodkergarden Grav H, sk 1 Age:Viking 9-11th centuries CE Y-DNA:R-Z198 mtDNA:H28a, Sample:VK505 / Estonia_Salme_I-2 Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE FTDNA Comment:Shares 6 SNPs with man from Sweden down of R-BY38950 (R-Y47841) Y-DNA:R-BY64643 At least some Viking raiders seem to be closely related to each other, and females in Iceland appear to be from the British Isles, suggesting that they may have become Vikings although we dont really understand the social and community structure. Age:Viking 900-1050 CE mtDNA:T1a1, Sample:VK42 / Sweden_Skara 62 Based on their DNA, the brothers probably came from Sweden. FTDNA Comment:Shares 5 SNPs with a man from Sweden. Y-DNA:I-L801 According to Ian Logan's mtDNA database, a particular T1a1j holder tested by Doron Behar's team and carrying the GenBank code JQ702925 has Sephardic Jewish roots in Rhodes, Greece. mtDNA:J1c1a, Sample:VK16 / Russia_Ladoga_5680-2 Location:Nordland, Nor_North, Norway Location:Hessum, Funen, Denmark mtDNA:H1c, Sample:VK309 / Sweden_Skara 53 mtDNA:HV6, Sample:VK508 / Estonia_Salme_I-5 Location:Oppland, Nor_South, Norway Y-DNA:I-SK1234 mtDNA:H5c, Sample:VK489 / Estonia_Salme_II- mtDNA:I4a. The two of them have very different distributions, which are diametrically opposed in most regions. The geographic distribution within subclade T2 varies greatly with the ratio of subhaplogroup T2e to T2b reported to vary 40-fold across examined populations from a low in Britain and Ireland, to a high in Saudi Arabia (Bedford 2012). Location:Ladoga, Russia Age:Viking 880-1000 CE Y-DNA:I-Y103013 The basal haplogroup T* is found among Algerians in Oran (1.67%) and Reguibate Sahrawi (0.93%). Y-DNA:I-Z2900 mtDNA:H1s, Sample:VK582 / SBM1028 ALKEN ENGE 2013, X2244 mtDNA:I2, Sample:VK260 / UK_Dorset-3735 Location:Church2, Faroes Y-DNA:R-CTS11962 mtDNA:H1-C16239T, Sample:VK401 / Sweden_Skara 229 Age:Early modern 16-17th centuries CE Y-DNA:J-BY62479 Location:Oland, Sweden . Location:Bogvej, Langeland, Denmark Age: Viking 10th century CE Location:Kopparsvik, Gotland, Sweden mtDNA:J1c2c1, Sample:VK419 / Norway_Nordland 1522 mtDNA:T2b6a, Sample:VK220 / Russia_Ladoga_5680-11 Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Y-DNA:R-CTS11962 mtDNA:U5b1c2b, Sample:VK31 / Sweden_Skara 194 Location:Pskov, Russia Y-DNA:R-M417 mtDNA:U5a1b3a, Sample:VK338 / Denmark_Bogovej Grav BV Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK Location:Oland, Sweden Location:Bogvej, Langeland, Denmark Y-DNA:R-BY33037 Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Y-DNA:I-CTS10228 Age:Viking 10-12th centuries CE Y-DNA:R-M459 mtDNA:H1e1a, Sample:VK273 / Russia_Gnezdovo 77-255 Y-DNA:I-FGC22153 Location:029, East_Settlement, Greenland 435 Y-DNA:R-BY30937 Y-DNA:R-BY67003 Y-DNA:R-L23 mtDNA:J1c2t, Sample:VK397 / Sweden_Skara 237 mtDNA:H1a3a, Sample:VK123 / Iceland_X104 Age:Viking 880-1000 CE . Haplogroup . mtDNA:I4a, Sample:VK421 / Norway_Oppland 3777 On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia New branch = R-Y96503 mtDNA:H4a1a1a1a1, Sample:VK204 / Orkney_Newark for Brothwell Y-DNA:R-Z16372 [2], Haplogroup T is present at low frequencies throughout Western and Central Asia and Europe, with varying degrees of prevalence and certainly might have been present in other groups from the surrounding areas. The split between T1 and T2 probably occurred 21,000 years ago. mtDNA Haplogroup T1a Phylotree History Phylotree.org is the maternal (mtDNA) tree of humanity. Age:Viking 847 65 CE Performance & security by Cloudflare. mtDNA:T2b5a, Sample:VK550 / Estonia_Salme_II-D FTDNA Comment:Splits R-Y13816. Y-DNA:R-YP4932 Location:Hedmark, Nor_South, Norway This is a list of haplogroups of historic people.Haplogroups can be determined from the remains of historical figures, or derived from genealogical DNA tests of people who trace their direct maternal or paternal ancestry to a noted historical figure. Y-DNA:I-Y22507 Y-DNA:G-M201 Y-DNA:R-P312 Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Location:Hesselbjerg, Jutland, Denmark Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia New branch = R-PH420 Age:Viking 880-1000 CE mtDNA:H3, Sample:VK210 / Poland_Krakw-Zakrzwek gr. mtDNA:T2e1, Sample:VK490 / Estonia_Salme_II-N FTDNA Comment:Shares 8 SNPs with a man from France. The Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups found were the same as those found nowadays in Europe, but with a much higher percentage of the now very rare haplogroups I and X. Haplogroups I and X are each found in only 1% of the modern European population. Derived for 5 ancestral for 3. Y-DNA:I-BY266 Y-DNA:N-Y4706 VK399 possibly groups with these two as well Y-DNA:R-U106 mtDNA:T1a1, Sample:VK296 / Denmark_Hundstrup Mose sk 1 New path = R-BY67003>R-BY45170 mtDNA:T2b5, Sample:VK139 / Denmark_Galgedil ANG Age:Viking 10-11th centuries CE mtDNA:H6a1a, Sample:VK418 / Norway_Nordland 1502 FTDNA Comment:Both VK449 and VK259 share 3 SNPs with a man from Sweden. Location:Ladoga, Russia Y-DNA:I-Y10639 ", "Unravelling migrations in the steppe: Mitochondrial DNA sequences from ancient central Asians", "Major genomic mitochondrial lineages delineate early human expansions", "The Emerging Tree of West Eurasian mtDNAs: A Synthesis of Control-Region Sequences and RFLPs", "Molecular instability of the mitochondrial haplogroup T sequences at nucleotide positions 16292 and 16296", "Mitochondrial DNA variability in Russians and Ukrainians: Implication to the origin of the Eastern Slavs", "Mitogenomic diversity in Tatars from the Volga-Ural region of Russia", "Evidence of Pre-Roman Tribal Genetic Structure in Basques from Uniparentally Inherited Markers", "Evidence of Authentic DNA from Danish Viking Age Skeletons Untouched by Humans for 1,000 Years", "Most of the extant mtDNA boundaries in south and southwest Asia were likely shaped during the initial settlement of Eurasia by anatomically modern humans", "Natural selection shaped regional mtDNA variation in humans", "Phylogeny of mitochondrial DNA macrohaplogroup N in India, based on complete sequencing: Implications for the peopling of South Asia", "No evidence for an mtDNA role in sperm motility: Data from complete sequencing of asthenozoospermic males", "Drawing the history of the Hutterite population on a genetic landscape: Inference from Y-chromosome and mtDNA genotypes", "Genetic Evidence for Complexity in Ethnic Differentiation and History in East Africa", "Where West Meets East: The Complex mtDNA Landscape of the Southwest and Central Asian Corridor", "Tracing European Founder Lineages in the Near Eastern mtDNA Pool", "Extensive Female-Mediated Gene Flow from Sub-Saharan Africa into Near Eastern Arab Populations", "Genomic identification in the historical case of the Nicholas II royal family", "Human mtDNA Haplogroups Associated with High or Reduced Spermatozoa Motility", "The Druze: A Population Genetic Refugium of the Near East", "The Expansion of mtDNA Haplogroup L3 within and out of Africa", "Mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosomal stratification in Iran: Relationship between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula", "New genetic evidence supports isolation and drift in the Ladin communities of the South Tyrolean Alps but not an ancient origin in the Middle East", "History of Click-Speaking Populations of Africa Inferred from mtDNA and Y Chromosome Genetic Variation", "Tracing the Phylogeography of Human Populations in Britain Based on 4th-11th Century mtDNA Genotypes", "Classification of European mtDNAs From an Analysis of Three European Populations", "Updated comprehensive phylogenetic tree of global human mitochondrial DNA variation", "Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of Semitic languages identifies an Early Bronze Age origin of Semitic in the Near East", "Geological records of the recent past, a key to the near future world environments", The Genographic Project Public Participation Mitochondrial DNA Database, Genetic Genealogy: A Personal Perspective on Tara, Karelians and Kent, England, Analysis of a Haplogroup T sequence (T5/T2), Phylogenetic Networks for the Human mtDNA Haplogroup T, mtDNA Haplogroup T - Full Genomic Sequence Research Project, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Haplogroup_T_(mtDNA)&oldid=1137138591, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, G709A, G1888A, A4917G, G8697A, T10463C, G13368A, G14905A, A15607G, G15928A, C16294T, This page was last edited on 3 February 2023, at 00:31. New ancient path = I-Y6908>I-FT273257>I-FT347811 Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Y-DNA:I-FT105192 mtDNA:T2b21, Sample:VK184 / Greenland F7 Female Viking Warrior Discovered Through DNA Testing. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Age:Viking 10th century CE Location:Galgedil, Funen, Denmark mtDNA:H74, Sample:VK409 / Russia_Ladoga_5680-14 Y-DNA:I-FT3562 mtDNA:N1a1a1a1, Sample:VK474 / Gotland_Kopparsvik-137 mtDNA:H6a1a5. mtDNA:K1a4a1b, Sample:VK529 / Norway_Nordland 642 Y-DNA:I-P109 Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden Derived for 2, ancestral for 7. Location:Oppland, Nor_South, Norway Location:Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia Sample:VK215 / Denmark_Gerdrup-B; sk 1 New branch = R-FT31867 Age:Early modern 16-17th centuries CE Y-DNA:R-BY58559 Location:Tollemosegrd, Sealand, Denmark FTDNA Comment:Links up with PGA3 (Personal Genome Project Austria) and FTDNA customer from Denmark. Age:Viking 10th century CE Location:St_Johns_College_Oxford, Oxford, England, UK Users in this group may want to share their family trees with each other to find overlaps and merge duplicate profiles in order to join or expand the World Family Tree and discover new . Age:Early modern 16-17th centuries CE Age:Early Viking Late Germanic Iron Age/early Viking Age:Viking 10th century CE Age:Early Norse 10-12th centuries CE The largest single group are probably Jewish, then Finnish. Location:029a, Eastern Settlement, Greenland Age:Early Viking 8th century CE Location:Hofstadir, Iceland Location:Varnhem, Skara, Sweden The two sites sampled in Britain lie outside the Danelaw (Dorset and Oxford) and have been interpreted as 'execution cemeteries' containing the remains of Viking raiding parties.
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