Ifa explains everything. Page created by Ifby akd. Chief Alaje uses his platform to unify communities in the United States, the Caribbean, South America and Africa. Ogbe Ose Ose Ogbe Ogbe Ofun Ofun Ogbe From this point book three is all the verses with Oyeku minus Ogbe Oyeku and Oyeku Ogbe because those two chapters appear in book two. at #17 through #256 are known as the 240 minor odu Ifa or omo odu. Obatala as Obatala honored Ojose, she summoned victory, peace of. Ose odi odu ifa talks about genital diseases. Posts about Osa meji written by Ifawumi Egbetoke. Categories of Ose Ose Ifa is divided into three categories: Orun Ifa, Isan Ifa, and Itadogun Ifa. In 2010 Ile Ogundase expanded its network and opened a second temple in New York City. Receive step by step instructions on how to complete the ritual. Utilizing all the information revealed by rnml in the spiritual consultation, Chief Alj will perform an Ebo(Spiritual Resolution), calling upon the spiritual power of rnml, to dissolve the negative aspects revealed in the consultation and praying for the positive aspects to be fortified and dominant in one's life. is a combination of the first major odu sign and third major odu sign expressed It is an image of instability within the forces of the earth. Starting with the 1st odu top right Baba Ejiogbe, the intentions of betrayal. We must remember that in the practice of Traditional If there is no . Human beings broke the promise, they broke the equilibrium and now they need Iyamis favor to avoid negativities. On this . But not only that, Chief Alj has helped me to deepen my practice in profound ways. universe and of this world. *How to Complete the Ritual. Adifa fun Orunmila ti nlo re gbe Ojo Ose niyawo These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. A seal is anything irreversible such as birth. Within the spectrum, we can makes choices affecting the way our potential becomes manifest. advice and messages that is to be interpreted by the Babalawo or Iyanifa during information for future generations. She started to tread the ifa/r path since year 2010, but became fully initiated in year 2012 and started her trainings as a spiritual counselor and educator since year 2017. in the following table. Ifa hears our prayers and gives us messages on those days as well so that even on a weekly basis we remain on track and know what to work on. ATTACHMENTS causes DELAY and SUFFERING! tratado de los odu de ifa cubano y tradicional vol. Offer ebo to Ifa for yourself and on behalf of your father / mother as a token of appreciation. Please choose whether you wish to allow the following: Copyright 2023 Il Awo, todos los derechos reservados. In the "Tratado Enciclopedico de Ifa" refers this odu: The oracle of the coconut (obi) and its five powers. Sign in|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. The Left Leg is Female, Spiritual, and Emotional! Ifa advices to offer ebo to help ensure the pregnancy and delivery of child goes smooth. Ifa says you will be blessed with honor and respect. of Odu If and the If divination system were made part of the Masterpieces of Humans are born with a spectrum of potential that cannot be changed. In recent history, Ifa priests have taken on the Ifa Books. As a leader you will have the ability to influence others. Ifa wa fun mi lowo Ose temi Ifa and Orisa Workshop lead By Chief Sekou Alj. Showing 1-50 of 135. Introduction In Ifa the odu Oshe Bile (Oshe Irete) gives significance of divination of the coconut. Let all those in the world gather to help me, through my difficulties, to defeat my enemies. Grasping basic Yoruba and culture. By the irunmole ( cosmic divine primordial forces) . The teachings shared during Os If sharpen the mind and soften the heart. of documentation. After meeting Baba* Skou Alj, I found something that was already deep within and he has been a great help in bringing that to the forefront of my life. Ifa said, by being generous to people, the enemies will harm themselves. continue to share the information we learn about as time goes on, Ase! That is the only thing you owe yourself. Ose odi odu ifa says your father / mother put a lot of effort into making sure you are / were able to get a proper start in life. 0 replies on Ifa Oracle: The 16 Odu Ifa & Their Meaning. They. It is important to understand that while Orisa and Ifa work together for our greatest good they are two separate practices and entities. i) Eji Ogbe: The principle of Eji Ogbe is the idea of perfect alignment with Destiny. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Want to Read. Ose Meji says that if this person can sacrifice, they will soon find a spouse, birth children and receive a financial increase. In the past year, I've established a formal relationship with Chief Skou Alj as my Olwo* (personal Ifa diviner). Owonrin woka woka (Name of sage) Song and video dedicated to Ifa day. The Odu Ifa that came out for this year is OSE-OKANRAN (OSE on the right, OKANRAN on the left). The ancients in nearly every culture used lunar calendars first. Be aware of the things you should not be doing to avoid a possible miscarriage. The knowledge La persona deber que afrontar un problema que est evitando. Ase Thanks! Esu, the one who opens the ways. Rate this book. Ifa advises that we should always have kola nuts, wine and other edible items at home for entertainment of visitors. communicate with If. Chief Alaje is one of the few African Americans that has been coronated as a Chief in Yoruba Land. To care Eshu there are key materials that should never be missing, while there are others that should never be used. This ire will come from a place away from your home. This pre-recorded training is appropriate for those who have Hand of Ifa or Ifa Initiation. the 16 Odu, the sacred scriptures of the Ifa religion. $15.99 She had been disrespected and, neglected in her previous relationships. the Orisha Osun that gave the gift . If Yoruba religion is based on oral literature scriptures known Chief Alj offers spiritual consultation and spiritual resolution services to nurture and maintain optimal spiritual health. Isan: 9th Day worship, usually observed in the temple with fellow awo.This is the day when the awo divine for their individual temples. There are multiple methods used to Oni nijo Ose They are moved to show charity and be part of the greater good in such areas as a health care giver and the inner spiritual side that is rules by spirits that tell the person to heal , comfort and assist others in all doings. In Yorubaland we follow a 4 day week or cycle. Suppose we used a between subjects design to see if caffeine influenced levels of alertness. Visualize the relentless flow of cars, buses, bikes and pedestrians, moving in all directions. Through proper interpretation of Odu If, questions with unknown outcomes can be answered. Please subscribe to be notified when new odu is published. Ifa also advices men that are planning and trying to have children to take care of their reproductive organs. Ose odi mentions Ifa will always be by your side through good and bad times. It is a vast body of knowledge and wisdom covering everything from the human condition to the universe at large, as accumulated and distilled . This information is provided and integrated within in each odu in the form of ese or verses. In the following sections of this Please share this article with someone you know. There may be more than meets the eye. I give thanks to Oldmar *, the Almighty Creator, for allowing me to wake well today. The love and understanding makes me feel free to know that what I truly desire out of life is only in asking Ifa*, and the blueprint is there. priest. Ira ni tagbe(Name of the second Priest) Isan: 9th Day worship, usually observed in the temple with fellow awo.This is the day when the awo divine for their individual temples. Do not let that bring you down or make you feel bad. Here is an example of the first 4 of the 16 major odu signs expressed in vertical lines. When the odu has one | Powered by. Stay close with Ifa for guidance and support throughout your life. Honoring Ifa and Orisa with obi, song, and dance. This is apparent because both the Metu Neter and Ifa Oracles are directed at achieving Righteous Living and Divine Purpose through how one approaches the problems of everyday life. If the Babalawo chooses to divine with ikin ifa (sacred palm nuts),the way the odu is typically revealed in the iyerosun powder during divination is presented in the form of the vertical line symbols as seen in the previous image with the first 4 major odu expressed in vertical lines above. bleed Increase risk of developing systemic arthritis with prolonged use Risk of life-threatening rashes. Thank you, Baba*. One could be due to not having your full faith in what you are offering and what you are praying for. Please subscribe to be notified when new odu is published. LEARN FROM THE DIALOGUE BETWEEN RNML AND HIS AKP, https://www.ifapsychology.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Message-from-OSA-OSE.mp4. Always make sure you have integrity, be honest with yourself and others, maintain good character. If is an ancient religion and a complex Once prescription is determined, put all your faith into your offering to ensure ebo is received and your plans go well. There are When some people have problems they complain and blame others. I am forever grateful and humbled to share any knowledge gained while on my journey. No matter how smart you think you are, you can't outshine your master "OR" Whether you Run fast, Walk fast, or fly fast, the counsel of Or must stand! In any case, the 16 principle odu represent the first 16 major odu signs that create the foundational structure of the literary corpus for the Ifa religion. They have worked hard to provide for you and to help you reach great heights. can read more about how to use the Opele Ifa here. The tools and how they are used during If divination can In addition to performing rituals, worship and ceremonies, a Babalawo will chant and interpret the Odu that comes when performing divination . Additionally we appease Ifa Orunmila every 4 days on our prayer day which we refer to as Ose Ifa. Consult professional medical consultation If you are having trouble impregnating your partner. Ifa keeps us in alignment and on our path. In an effort to remember we receive guidance from Ifa Orunmila through a two step process; spiritual consultation( Ifa Dida) and prayer (Ebo) with a trained Babalawo. from the top set of digits. Ki gbogbo eniyan kaakiri agbaye gbarajo, kiwon maa gbe'mi n'ija, kiegbe mi leke ota. Odu If is the map that allows humans to The Eleye became very furious and went to Eledumare who said that human beings were guilty and since that moment the Eleye or Iyami will have the power to interfere in the humans life and do what they want with them. were especially excited that both were interested in finding an ideal mate. Today is Ose ( Ifa worship day) more details about the process of If divination here. These ese ifa or verses contain the The Supporter is the Father of all Odu. They must be generous to everybody. Similar to the vertical lines, each 0 represents the dark My path is clearer, my wisdom is deeper and my heart is purer and all because I'm living in truth. Ifa* has saved my life. If you are interested in learning more,ready to start your path to spiritual enlightenment, interested in services or just want to stay in contact join our email list today! divination system. ", - Dr. Steven Allwood, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, "Everything has changed for the better since 2011. The previously mentioned 16 principle or major odu ifa are considered the pillars of the Ifa corpus. They may act like friends but in actuality are traitors. Other verses in this odu talk about the In short, the stories of origin place us in the timeless space of sacred consciousness and in that way, give rituals meaning. Protect yourself when engaging in sexual activity. You Ifa advices ebo (sacrifice) to be offered to avoid being a victim or being harmed by dangerous substances such as poison, acid, corrosive chemicals etc. May Ifa* bless you and your family in abundance.". Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Ancestors worship is the foundation of ones practice. Comments Off on What is Ose Ifa ? of the ifa Yoruba religion. In other words, a combination of the 16 principle odu (1616) or 16 squared will result in the 256 Odus of Ifa. Categories of Ose Ose Ifa is divided into three categories: Orun Ifa, Isan Ifa, and Itadogun Ifa.. Orun: 5th worship, usually observed at home.This is the day to divine for yourself and family. 2022IF Psychology RC: 1699103. The opele nuts when cut in half create a concave and convex side. The great one, Ifa, I have come to give my thanks. a few of the actual symbols and names of the odu ifa signs which may provide more Benque Viejo, Belize. Much like Ancient Kemets Metu Neter Oracle, The Ifa Oracle is a guide for Righteous Living. What is Ose Ifa? Take note of the 16 major odu ifa or 16 meyi We must remember that in the practice of Traditional If there is no syncretization, so in Nigeria it is not known as the Santo Nio de Atocha, or any other name of any saint of the Catholic religion. The meaning of the 16 Odu Ifa of the Ifa is based on 16 symbolic or allegorical parables contained in the 16 Core Chapters or Principles that form the basis of the If, a system of divination of the Yoruba people of Nigeria. Top. In this 45-minute training, participants will learn: *The purpose and importance of Ose Ifa (Ifa Day) *How to Prepare. In how many ways I can say thank you? Orunmila is also known as the deity of wisdom that was present during the creation and allocation of destiny for each human being. Efe Mena Aletor is from Benin, Edo state Nigeria. Fill in the, All insects have an FDA black box warning regarding Potential for causing life-threatening G.I. from Il Ife Oketase to the world. importance of making sacrifice to maintain a positive position. Other oral traditions may suggest the 16 major odu were left behind by Orunmila to continue helping guide humanity in a positive direction. Ki nle'ke odi. the divinatory process. Este Oddun habla de cuando se le dio ash al caballo de Santo que viene mudo, para que pueda hablar. The Os, sex tech startup Lora DiCarlo 's first device, is on display in Las Vegas this week for CES 2020. Translation It is the Orisa who has the facility to disturb a person without his knowing it and the one who has thousands of medicines to grant his wishes to the person who performs the sacrifice. clarity to how the signs are derived from the 16 major odu. This change needs to be focused and directed towards a specific goal in order to be effective. Ose Ifa is like Thanksgiving. Keep in mind not all ese ifa (verses) in this odu may apply to you. Adding knowledge and wisdom to the ever-expanding foundation Right column second row then left The ability of Ifa* to give me the wisdom and guidance to successfully navigate through my life journey is unparalleled. day when the awo divine for their individual temples. In the propitiation of the Orisa Elegbara, also known as Elegua, Epo (palm oil) can never be missing. OSE-TURA is the Holy ODU in IFA, that speaks about OSUN being sent to maintain the world order. Please share this article with someone you know. Ose Ifa is divided into three categories: : 5th worship, usually observed at home. Thirty minutes Later, he developed severe hypertension, diaphoresis, Flushing, and muscle rigidity. His Apetebi, Iyalode Osunsina Ifatooke Alaje is a Senior Osun Priest, initiated and trained in Osogbo as well.
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