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Fixed: Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed.The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release. We were the learning curve for Belfield. It didnt work. In a statement last week, the BBC said: We know this has been very difficult for those involved and we continue to provide support to current and former staff. Video, Russian minister laughed at for Ukraine war claims, US-made cheese can be called 'gruyere' - court, AOC under investigation for Met Gala dress, The children left behind in Cuba's exodus, Alex Murdaugh's legal troubles are far from over, Saving Private Ryan actor Tom Sizemore dies at 61, Walkie Talkie architect Rafael Violy dies aged 78, Sonic boom heard as RAF Typhoon jets escort plane, Nelson's 97th-minute stunner gives Arsenal victory. 27 febrero, 2023 . One of the BBC targets was Bernie Keith, a veteran presenter at BBC Radio Northampton who was once Belfield's friend. Belfield, who now runs a YouTube channel called The Voice of Reason, told jurors he had legitimate reasons for his online communications. You have got these proclamations of hate coming out and that it will never end.'. For other inquiries, Contact Us. That is a picnic compared to this guy. The 42-year-old, from Nottingham, is due to be sentenced on 16 September and has been warned he could be jailed. 'In April last year I collapsed at my home and had to be taken to hospital. = I;& Mr Justice Saini added: "You made communications which had serious impacts on the private lives of the complaints and had distressing effects on their physical and mental health.''. Refuses to deny he wrote the email. Russian minister laughed at for Ukraine war claims. Its like an avalanche of hatred that you get hit by., Vine didnt think he had ever even met Belfield, but another former BBC radio presenter, James Hazell, remembers Vine delivering a masterclass to local BBC presenters in 2010. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. Its not enough to leave us to sink and swim, as we had to in this case, Breen wrote in an email to Rhodri Talfan Davies, the BBCs director of nations. All Rights Reserved. . The jurors accepted Belfield caused serious alarm or distress to two victims - the BBC Radio Northampton presenter Bernie Keith . The respondent has carried out acts associated with stalking; The respondent poses a risk of stalking to a person; and, There is reasonable cause to believe the proposed order is necessary to protect the other person from that risk. Follow BBC East Midlands on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Rozina Breen, the corporation's former Head of North, told . Belfields final BBC target was Vine, who made the mistake of responding after learning that Belfield had called him and fellow broadcaster Victoria Derbyshire cunts online. Asked by prosecutor John McGuinness QC to explain the personal, professional and health impact of the alleged stalking, Mr Keith responded: 'I had physical threats and, I believe, death threats. Keith tried in vain to get YouTube to remove all of the libellous videos, even turning up at the social networks HQ to beg it in person. BBC Radio Northampton presenter Bernie Keith was left feeling suicidal by a 'tsunami of hate', the trial heard. The judge said it was an aggravating factor that Belfield's harassment was public, as this caused his social media followers to also abuse Mr Spedding over a "lengthy period". YouTuber Alex Belfield is planning to appeal against his prison sentence for stalking four men online. A few weeks after he was sent to jail, most of the 7,000-plus videos Belfield posted on YouTube are still publicly accessible. Former BBC presenter found guilty of stalking, Alleged stalker 'is victim of BBC witch-hunt', Jeremy Vine tells trial of 'avalanche of hatred', BBC boss 'terrified by radio host's stalking', Ex-BBC presenter 'stalked fellow broadcasters', Police appeal after stolen tools recovered, Jacksdale ferret rescue plans much-needed fundraiser, Plans for fast food outlets and a bar outside Motorpoint Arena, Huge solar farm near Gotham and East Leake recommended for approval, Community clean-up aims to improve feeling of safety in Warsop, Hucknall bus window smashed by yob with a brick, Street fighting in Bakhmut but Russia not in control, Russian minister laughed at for Ukraine war claims. Mr Spedding, the trial heard, was left feeling suicidal by a "tsunami of hate" from Belfield. Alex Belfield is a 42-year-old former BBC radio star and vlogger who hails from Nottinghamshire. However, Alex Belfield was found not guilty of stalking four other people he was accused of targeting. Then began a 10-year campaign of harassment against both Breen and Green, as well as Helen Thomas, Breens line manager, who was head of regional and local programming for Yorkshire. "I will never be able to work out why it has happened to me.". During the trial, Mr Keith told the court he was left feeling suicidal by a tsunami of hate from Alex Belfield. In relation to the women, the judge said: "Each of them suffered a campaign of harassment by email and social media communications. He presents aYouTubechannel called Voice of Reason, which has over 361,000 subscribers. "Alex Belfield's conduct, in the form of messages, broadcasts, insults and threats, left his victims fearful and anxious. Alex Belfield was born in . The optics arent good, says Breen. People who have worked on this game have also collaborated on the creation of the following games: Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One, a group of 620 people; Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault, a group of 361 people; Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time, a group of 357 people; inFAMOUS 2, a group of 347 people; SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs, a group of 328 people Repeating a libel is not a defense in court. And what did he mean by: We will be back? That all stopped in February this year when YouTube suspended monetisation on Belfields Voice of Reason for violating its creator policy, after a negative article in the Times about high-earning conspiracy theorists. 'I will never be able to work out why it has happened to me.'. Prosecutors allege Mr Belfield, 42, caused serious alarm or distress to Vine, as well as Stephanie Hirst, a former BBC Radio Leeds mid-morning show host, and Bernie Keith, of BBC Radio Northampton. The civil application, which pre-dates the criminal case, is for a Stalking Protection Order on the basis he has carried out acts associated with stalking. Mr Justice Saini had sentenced Belfield to two-and-a-half years for stalking one of the complainants, Bernie Keith. Judge tells Alex Belfield to expect jail over nine-year 'campaign of harassment' We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. Belfield, 42, who weaponised the internet, was last month found guilty at Nottingham Crown Court of waging a relentless campaign, where Mr Vine said he was subjected to an avalanche of hatred. Im clearly of more risk to this country than a man who is attracted to children, he deadpanned. I had gone to the police to make it stop and it was just getting worse. By the time Belfield began tormenting Dehany in 2020 he had become a successful YouTuber who could have been earning up to 528,000 a year, according to Social Blade, a website that monitors social media channels. Belfield had denied stalking the 57-year-old, and seven other alleged victims, claiming he was the subject of a witch hunt. The Court of Appeal has confirmed Belfield has made an application for permission to appeal his sentence, but said this is "still in the very early stages of the process". Belfield was given a total of five years and 26 weeks in prison, of which he will serve half, on all four charges he was convicted of. Ben Hewis is perverting the course of justice. Keith Elliot Greenberg Interview The Day John Lennon Died, Keith Chegwin Exclusive 2015 Interview Celebrity Big Brother. But when Aubrey caught Covid, Vine opted to be questioned by Belfield rather than delay a long-booked holiday, and found himself being asked about the true meaning of the word cunt. Nobody from the corporation has apologised for what I and the others faced for more than a decade.. The day he was found guilty he was wearing a Bermuda shirt and shorts. He was cleared of stalking charges in relation to the BBC's former head of North Rozina Breen, former BBC Radio Leeds presenters Liz Green and Stephanie Hirst, and former BBC worker Helen Thomas. Belfield soon became obsessed with ruining Hewiss professional and personal life. I can tell you now their proposed review will not claim responsibility nor say sorry. He has been contacted 5 times to remove his outrageous claims. 'Because of the tsunami of hate and threats that were coming in to me, we had to have someone else sat in the building with me.'. A few months in, alarm bells started to ring, remembers Liz Green, who presented the lunchtime show that followed Belfields each day. He told the jury he was seconds away from killing himself. Alex Belfield, 42, who "weaponised the internet", . Read about our approach to external linking. In court, he claimed to have nine employees, but who they are remains a mystery. Feb 10th, doors at 7, first dance at 7.30- 11.30. A-list trainer shares the ultimate do's and don'ts of workout etiquette - revealing why you should NEVER use a metal water bottle, Trump collaborates with January 6 prison choir in release of new single 'Justice for All' - which dropped ahead of his CPAC appearance, King Charles will offer Prince Harry and Meghan a Buckingham Palace apartment when they visit UK after kicking them out of Frogmore Cottage. After stopping the counselling after three sessions Mr Keith said he also spoke to a specialist who helped stalking victims. Hewis tweet and email vindictively intended to destroy my career and reputation. The judge described Mr Dehanys mother as robust for the way she dealt calmly with Belfield, telling her: Everybody needs a mother like you. Mr Justice Saini said: It was an outrageous and cruel act to call her and make a recording, which Belfield later used as content on his channel. Although jurors found Belfield not guilty of stalking Liz Green, Rozina Breen, Helen Thomas and Stephanie Hirst, Mr Justice Saini said Belfield had harassed them, and he made restraining orders to protect them in future. After being sacked from BBC Radio Leeds, Belfield had to move back to live with his mother in Nottinghamshire and found it difficult to get regular radio work. Then, during a broadcast at Leeds Playhouse, he asked an elderly lady what colour knickers she was wearing, resulting in the theatre boycotting the station. In September 1997, he began his career as part of the launch team of Radio 106. The former BBC radio presenter was jailed for five-and-a-half years after being convicted in September. Breen sacked him on the spot, but agreed to honour the last two months of his contract. 6 months later Ben Hewis REFUSES to release the email. The judge referred to the victims graphic and distressing evidence in court about the impact of Belfields campaign of harassment, and how he had been just seconds away from dying by suicide. His anti-BBC stance soon attracted prominent support: Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen appeared on his shows and last year wrote to Priti Patel, then home secretary, to complain about what he called a BBC witch-hunt against Belfield, after one of his arrests. 'The counselling didn't work for me - I had never had counselling before and I found it very difficult, very alien.'. Horrific, vicious, cowardly.". If you are watching this, I have been sent to jail, intoned Belfield in his Steve Wright meets Alan Partridge boom, standing in front of a skewwhiff union jack in the living room of his Nottingham home, wearing one of his trademark jazzy shirts. "He said he could see their distress in court and feels deeply sorry for what he did.". Asked why it had not banned Belfield from its platform following his conviction, YouTube did not respond. Belfield has worked for over 80 radio stations in the UK. Can Nigeria's election result be overturned? Full statement on legal action & police inquiry BBC Bernie Keith / Bernard Spedding & Ben Hewis. We have begged the BBC to resolve this quietly and privately. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, Alex Belfield has been jailed for five and a half years. hWmo8+}(fI0He&[%@bwYsun!-Q$m>|(c #*fD((B+AH"9hn@*bJM (XDpn+X [EhA8b0BCJ ]JAD*# vb7kG;?+z]VlMow&k]dY\?2z?|Hzm|umLpM'lU),>9S*sD0xXl&[QdyLUvf% 5nLMY/]B~KJJeLPNAbK Clv/?`x8CG]* WAbZa\kC89ZCR7F-EdOzdoEey1*|z`L8}`! i_}Y/z*}Z4V0j_Zn(XP @C!|D@F;= 4`EwsivT! "He was seconds away from taking his own life as a result of your conduct," the judge, Mr Justice Saini, told Belfield. although such was the effect of what Alex Belfield did that some were . Jeremy Vine suffered 'Olympic level stalking' by presenter, court hears, Alex Belfield claimed radio station had 'refused' to mention Manchester terrorist attack, Stalker Alex Belfield has shelled out '300,000 already' on his legal case, YouTube still hosts convicted stalker Alex Belfield's videos, Ex-BBC DJ Alex Belfield accused of stalking tells jury he is the victim of a witch-hunt, Alex Belfield was sentenced to five-and-a-half years in behind bars. Alex Belfield has been warned he could be jailed, Alex Belfield was found guilty of "simple" stalking in relation to BBC presenter Jeremy Vine, Alex Belfield was convicted of four offences at Nottingham Crown Court, Mr Belfield was previously a presenter at BBC Radio Leeds. Both question why the corporation only really took the abuse seriously once a well-known man Vine was involved. I will refer to him by that name. The TV presenter labelled him the Jimmy Savile of trolling during the trial, which heard he repeatedly posted or sent abusive messages, videos and emails. Between 2004 and 2010, he appeared on radio stations, including Mercia FM, Touch FM, BBC Bristol, BBC Radio Shropshire and BBC Hereford and Worcester. How much money Belfield made in recent years is unclear. The prosecution said the YouTuber's stalking was more akin to 'internet trolling' than physical stalking, sending emails, tweets or making videos and subjecting victims to harassment and abuse - some of them over the course of many years. He added there was no escape for Belfields victims, until bail conditions were imposed ahead of his trial. Also speaking during the trial, describing watching Belfields video output as like swimming in sewage, Mr Vine said: It felt like I had a fish hook in my face and my flesh was being torn, and the only way to avoid further pain was to stay completely still.. The fact we were left unsupported from the acts of someone regarded as a prolific, now convicted, stalker is problematic. He did so after the prosecution told him the maximum sentence for this offence was five years, but the maximum sentence is actually 10 years. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. Belfield looked pale as he was led down to the cells as more than 20 of his supporters watched silently from the public gallery. %%EOF Belfield rang Mr Dehanys parents home, where he was shielding during lockdown, and recorded the call for his subscribers while speaking to Mr Dehanys mother. Alex performed 56 shows in 2012, 48 shows in 2013, 52 shows in 2014 & 54 shows in 2015.. With up to 3 or 4 shows a day - this years mammoth tour was his biggest production yet! Bernie confirms on air 'they' think he's "bonkers & loony toons". Send your story ideas to The relief was temporary. View our online Press Pack. Worse, in 2013, a few years into Belfields campaign against her and Breen, the BBCs HR team chose to launch an investigation not into their harassment, but into whether they were guilty of bullying Belfield. The judge, Mr Justice Saini, granted Belfield bail and told him to return to Nottingham Crown Court for sentencing next month. But some of the complainants feel they never really got justice. The club joined the English Football League in 1892 as founder members of the Football League Second Division and though they resigned in 1907, they . A "cruel" former BBC local radio presenter has been jailed for five years and 26 weeks for stalking broadcasters including Jeremy Vine. Former BBC DJ Alex Belfield has been discovered responsible of the relentless stalking of different broadcasters, together with Jeremy Vine, who he Trending 'La Brea' Season 2 Trailer Goes EVEN DEEPER. Ex-BBC DJ Alex Belfield has been jailed for five-and-a-half years for stalking four colleagues including BBC Radio Northampton's Bernie Keith. Why did it take so long to bring him to justice? He ended with one of his catchphrases I love you, and theres nothing you can do about it before making what to his victims was a sinister promise: We will be back.. Ex-BBC presenter guilty of stalking broadcasters including Jeremy Vine and Radio Northampton's Bernie Keith. I had gone to the police to make it stop and it was just getting worse. The post was shared shortly before 3pm on Friday, March 3, and has already had more than 200 responses. All of the people who liked and re-tweeted Hewis libel will be called as witnesses. Prosecutors allege that Alex Belfield caused alarm and distress to eight victims after his contract with BBC Radio Leeds was not renewed in 2011. . We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. 'I can't remember when I have had a run of good sleep of longer than five hours. Yet, he remains unstable and on air at the BBC. Bernie Keith (pictured) who presents mid-morning shows and a weekly rock 'n' roll programme on BBC Radio Northampton, said former BBC Radio Leeds DJ Alex Belfield had subjected him to 'naked' hatred and false claims, Prosecutors allege that Belfield (pictured arriving at Nottingham Crown Court), who hosts a radio channel on YouTube, waged a relentless nine-year campaign of stalking against eight victims, including ex-colleagues, after BBC Radio Leeds did not renew his contract in 2011. VideoRussian minister laughed at for Ukraine war claims, The children left behind in Cuba's mass exodus, Xi Jinping's power grab - and why it matters, Snow, Fire and Lights: Photos of the Week. . (The person to be protected does not have to have been the victim of the acts mentioned above. arring a successful appeal, Belfield will serve at least the next two years and 39 weeks in jail, before being released on licence to serve the second half of his sentence. Russian minister laughed at for Ukraine war claims. Regardless, the judge clearly considered him a threat. Recalling how he was offered counselling in 2020, the presenter told the court: 'I had three sessions before lockdown came into force. Breen and Green both think the BBC failed all four women who gave evidence against Belfield. But some of the complainants feel they never really got justice. What's the least amount of exercise we can get away with? After 6 months the BBC REFUSE to defend Bernie Keith and deny he sent it after 100+ emails. MP seeks inquiry over BBC staff harassed online, Harassed women accuse BBC of failing to help them, The stalker who reported on his own trial, My jailed stalker says he'll be back - Jeremy Vine, Former BBC presenter found guilty of stalking, Alleged stalker 'is victim of BBC witch-hunt', Jeremy Vine tells trial of 'avalanche of hatred', BBC boss 'terrified by radio host's stalking', Ex-BBC presenter 'stalked fellow broadcasters', Police appeal after stolen tools recovered, Jacksdale ferret rescue plans much-needed fundraiser, Plans for fast food outlets and a bar outside Motorpoint Arena, Huge solar farm near Gotham and East Leake recommended for approval, Community clean-up aims to improve feeling of safety in Warsop, Hucknall bus window smashed by yob with a brick, Street fighting in Bakhmut but Russia not in control, Russian minister laughed at for Ukraine war claims. A former BBC DJ has been found guilty of waging a relentless stalking campaign against broadcasters and subjecting TV presenter Jeremy Vine to an 'avalanche of hatred.' Alex Belfield was labelled . Now it's time to hold China to account, Five unexpected signs in your 20s and 30s you're at risk of developing heart disease later in life, Prince Harry interview: Duke of Sussex fans say his Q&A with Gabor Mate 'should have been longer' after he discussed grief, healing and his Royal upbringing with trauma expert, 'You should resign in disgrace': AOC is mocked on Twitter for celebrating Amazon job cuts after behemoth announced it was halting construction of second HQ in Northern Virginia, 'A strong black woman runs this b***h now': Staten Island superintendent claims text messages appearing to show her vowing to sack white principals amid push to hire more BIPOC staff are fake, Security footage reveals moment Jackson Mahomes - younger brother of Super Bowl champion Patrick - 'sexually assaulted 40-year-old female bar owner', Mother in custody for allegedly stabbing her five young children, killing three, when CPS worker checked on her for having unsupervised visits at Texas home, Self-help author and spiritual teacher Marianne Williamson announces her long-shot primary challenge to President Biden with a call to use love to 'override the forces of hatred', Buster Murdaugh breaks cover to walk his dogs with girlfriend Brooklyn just one day after his father was given a life sentence for brutally executing his wife Maggie and youngest son Paul, 'He was crying uncontrollably': Buster Murdaugh COLLAPSED in tears outside court following father Alex's conviction for murdering his mother and brother - after remaining stone-faced through six-week trial, Founder of Murdaugh legal dynasty in South Carolina was killed in a suspicious train accident in 1940 - and his son Buster benefited from it, MAUREEN CALLAHAN: A teen dead in the road a maid's corpse exhumed a 'sex worker' claiming rape all linked to one very powerful Southern family. 'My reputation is now in shreds because all of this has been seen throughout my industry and the wider population. Here's Celebrity Radio's BBC Bernie Keith & Ben Hewis STATEMENTFull statement on legal action & police inquiry - BBC Bernie Keith / Bernard Spedding & Ben Hewis. When Alex Belfield was sent to prison for five and a half years last month for online stalking, his accusers cried with relief. Radio Presenter Age And Net Worth. But the judge made further orders protecting the individuals in the stalking charges where Belfield was acquitted - in favour of Rozina Breen, Helen Thomas, Liz Green and Stephanie Hirst under section 5A of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. One of the BBC targets was Bernie Keith, a veteran presenter at BBC Radio Northampton who was once Belfields friend. Ben Hewis refuses to engage with the police and hand over the email. The verdicts in relation to each complainant were: Giving evidence to the trial, Mr Vine described Belfield's behaviour as "like an avalanche of hatred you get hit by", and "absolutely Olympic-level stalking, even for broadcasting". That is why I say your stalking is in many respects more serious than a conventional stalker, the judge said. The BBC reports Alex Belfield, . 2023 BBC. In August Belfield, of Mapperley, was convicted of stalking to cause alarm and distress to BBC Radio Northampton's Bernie Keith, and guilty of the same charge concerning videographer Ben Hewis. Within days, 15,000 people had signed a Free Alex Belfield petition and Hopkins was on Instagram mocking Belfields targets for whining about simple hurty words. But Breen thought he would bring personality to the station. "He had to ask his family to watch out for you and to take care in and around their home address.". 01604 491005. Iain Lee says he was "too scared" to take former BBC radio presenter Alex Belfield to court, claiming that the convicted stalker made his life "miserable".. Belfield, 42, was sentenced to more than five years in prison on Friday after being found guilty of stalking four people, including the TV presenter Jeremy Vine, 57.. I AM A VICTIM OF A CRIME. Alex Belfield, who now runs a YouTube channel, stalked his victims by harassing them online. Unresolved: Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. Belfield came with certain baggage, not least an Ofcom reprimand four years earlier, after he had referred to a pregnant teenager on Capital Gold as a dirty little slapper and a dirty little tart. With an international audience via YouTube - Celebrity Radio continues to grow. Bernard Spedding - guilty (majority verdict), Philip Dehany - not guilty to the charge on the indictment but guilty of the alternative charge of "simple" stalking (majority verdict), Jeremy Vine - not guilty to the charge on the indictment but guilty of the alternative charge of "simple" stalking (unanimous verdict). A former BBC radio presenter found guilty of stalking four people including broadcaster Jeremy Vine has been jailed for five and a half years. Ms Breen tweeted that she was glad to finally have justice after 10 years. More videos coming soon.. Former BBC local radio DJ Alex Belfield has been found guilty of four . Mr Vine also gave evidence against Belfield during the trial, as he said: "This . Belfield, 42, showed no emotion as the verdicts were delivered. Articles by Alex Belfield on Muck Rack. FORMER BBC radio presenter, Alex Belfield, has been jailed for five and a half years. He bought his detached house in Mapperley, Nottingham, for 314,950 in October 2018, and it is mortgaged. Copyright Celebrity Radio. On this page you will find important information about Human Potential Consultants based in Carson, CA, like the address, contact person and details, as well as the email address 'My initial reaction (to the alleged stalking) was ''He's gone mad'',' Mr Keith said. It is a powerful weapon for fighting political or commercial enemies . Then in June 2020, Katie Hopkins was permanently banned from Twitter, opening up a gap in the market for anti-woke, anti-immigrant polemics with an English accent. @decotheatre. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Find Alex Belfield's email address, contact information, LinkedIn, Twitter, other social media and more. Though the BBC knew Belfield was spreading lies about them in public, at no point did anyone from the BBC refute the allegations, she says. But on August 5, 2022 he was found guilty of "simple stalking" regarding Vine and blogger Philip Dehany. When blocked on Twitter he used other accounts to see what I was tweeting and routinely publicly mocked me to his social media followers, posting screengrabs he could only have obtained by using an account that I hadn't blocked.". No more waking up in the middle of the night filled with dread about what he might have said about them to his then 373,000. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. All prove they have absolutely no understanding of the law. alex belfield wife name. . Ben Hewis refuses to communicate with Nottingham Police. "You made this highly successful and confident radio presenter lose all joy in life and turned him into a shell.". "The Crown makes no submission that the overall sentence was, given the new knowledge of the legal position, inappropriate or unduly lenient," said Mr Justice Saini at Leicester Crown Court. I couldn't destroy the gift of life that they (his parents) gave me.'. is an English professional association football club based in Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire.The club was formed in the late 1870s and in 1884 they took the name Burslem Port Vale, dropping the 'Burslem' prefix in 1907. ): They boast glorious ocean views, but swathes of homes along America's coastlines are at risk of tumbling off CLIFFS due to erosion, rising sea levels and extreme weather events, Are YOU guilty of these gym sins? Read about our approach to external linking. The judge said that while Belfield did not physically approach or watch his victims, the effects were just as damaging. endstream endobj 566 0 obj <>stream Aaron Sidwell was smart enough to retract his comments immediately: Phillip Dehany refuses to delete his post/vlog repeating the lies and endorsing Hewis. Ben Hewis refuses to engage with the police and hand over the email. Apparently jealous that Keith's BBC career carried on while his own was . It could be interpreted as a reluctance to expose systemic failings and a complete failure in duty of care. Stayed tuned - Alex Murdaugh's sordid tale is just getting started, Alex Murdaugh's head is shaved as he is booked into South Carolina prison fortress for weeks of evaluation before being sent to a maximum security facility housing the 'worst of the worst', At least 10 dead as wild storms lash the U.S: Tornadoes and golf ball-sized hail topples trucks and leaves one million without power in Kentucky, Alabama and Arkansas - after dumping 17 feet of snow in California, Massive gas tanker crashes in Maryland and EXPLODES into fireball killing the driver and setting local residents' homes ablaze as large plumes of black smoke and embers billow from crash site, 'I want to be a French child!' "Stalking is a crime. In his closing speech to jurors at Nottingham Crown Court, Belfield said he had a right to freedom of speech, and some of the communications were in his role as a journalist, holding the BBC to account.