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Cultural appreciation and appropriation both exist. No calls me out over it. Patterns, symbols, and hairstyles have . Kevin Winter / Getty Images. Im not your cuz. Crystal Raypole has previously worked as a writer and editor for GoodTherapy. But the more respectful thing to do is ask first if they're ok with it. If your use of cultural items or practices exploits that culture in any way, you're appropriating whether you realize it or not. Don't let liberals in media silence conservatives. And thanks to the size of Venus, the body chain is believed to have been used to adorn the statue of Venue rather than a real woman, as is the case today. (2019). But this also is totally dependent on individuals. So, yeah, the hoops are mine. Now, I could go around to different buildings with Greek columns and scream cultural appropriation. Thank you for your input on this. Some people noted that since she grew up locally, her hair and outfit simply showed respectful participation. LIST OF CLOTHING BRANDS WITH A GIRL LOGO! They are frequently fashioned of gold or silver. Cultural Appropriation in Fashion Shows. The only good option is to listen, learn, and change your behavior. It doesnt take much effort to find cultural appropriation in popular culture and on social media. You might not realize, but that design comes from a stereotype about [Y] culture. This isnt really an explanation to your question but sort of explaining some of the culture. Youre not my bro. This can be also seen in the wearing of beads. Hoops arent mentioned in the UD definitions, although most of the girls pictured in an image search wear large hoops earrings, along with bandanas, heavy eye makeup, and flannel shirts. https://fashion-manufacturing.com/disclosure. YOU created the culture of wearing hoop earrings? Then there's the fact that Africa isn't one homogenous country and culture, it's a group of different countries with their own individual things, but cultural appropriation between those countries doesn't appear to be considered an issue. Cultural appropriation has always been an underlying issue in the fashion industry, with many top designers flippantly turning elements of culture into everyday fashion accessories. In Arabic, this kind of dance is called Raqs Sharqi, or Eastern dance. Take henna art, or Mehndi, for example. Her fields of interest include Asian languages and literature, Japanese translation, cooking, natural sciences, sex positivity, and mental health. While the early days of trade opened the door to cultural exchange, it simultaneously made way for cultural appropriation. (n.d.). Its OK to make mistakes, but its also important to inform yourself so you avoid further appropriation going forward. But when you wear another group's cultural signifiers head to toe, it can create the impression that you see them as a costume. They really do seem to hold a lot of significance within the cultures that use them. Navigating the niceties of appropriation versus appreciation can, admittedly, prove a little challenging. According to Wikipedia, The use of waist chains can be traced back to 4000 years or more originating in the Indian Subcontinent. copying another nations visual arts style and design and producing artefacts and materials that originate from that nation. (n.d.). In the 21st century, cultural appropriationlike globalizationisn't just inevitable; it's potentially positive. Afashionblog.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. 1Using black hairstyles, like braids or cornrows. . While being culturally appreciated by the rest of the world, the decision by the Western nations to now label the chain as belly beads or the beaded waist chains rather than the waist beads can be considered a form of cultural appropriation. It's about treating other people and their traditions/ideas/beliefs with respect. While I've seen multiple origins of dreads, none of them are anywhere near where I'm from. Bantu knots are an African hairstyle with a long history. In addition to this, astrology also has associations with the body chains featured as part of the Roman and Greek art associated with the planet/star Venus, and subsequently, the goddess of love. When any one look closely to different people all over the world, you will see the is fast and recent adaptation of different cultures and not only body chains or beads. Bala. Brands can't afford to lose a market in the process, especially during a time when "business-as-usual" has been skewed. The exploitation of First Nations art, culture and heritage continues to be rife. https://fashion-manufacturing.com/disclosure. Seriously! NOTICE: While your contribution is vital and directly supports The Political Insider, it is NOT tax deductible. Cultural appropriation or cultural appreciation? This for some people are seen as good thing as the world is turning greatly into a global community why others might see it as cultural appropriation especially the wearing of body chains or beads. Deadly. The cultural practice was culturally diffused a long, long time ago. The chain could be heavy and thick or delicate and tiny. Shop now at Lovisa! So Cultural appropriation refers to the use of objects or elements of a non-dominant culture in a way that reinforces stereotypes or contributes to oppression and doesnt respect their original meaning or give credit to their source. Fashion-manufacturing.comis a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking toAmazon.com. I'd still like a waist chain, though. The question we all need to consider is whether we are culturally appropriating by wearing these different variations of body jewellery or whether we . COMMENTS POLICY: We have no tolerance for messages of violence, racism, vulgarity, obscenity or other such discourteous behavior. I have dreads. Theres a lot of heated debate about cultural appropriation and what actions belong in this category. Brides wear a nose ring that extend with a chain, and some rural parts of India wear larger nose rings as a sign of marital status or affluence. Pull them aside privately or send them a quick text or DM explaining what you noticed and why it could cause harm. Instead of a chain, a thread may occasionally be worn around the waist. This doesnt make you black because proximity is not a valid criterion. This directly borrows from the culture and supports that artisans who create the intricate waist beads. But what about wearing the yukata around your house back home, saying, Japanese people dress like this every day? [T]he art was created by myself and a few other WOC [women of color] after being tired and annoyed with the reoccuring [sic] theme of white women appropriating styles that belong to the black and brown folks who created the culture. Be prepared to do your own research. In an article on cultural appropriation, visual culture scholar Rina Arya writes: Integral to the definition of cultural appropriation is an asymmetry of power between two cultures that involves . Studies have shown that surf therapy can help with various health conditions. It's fun to experiment with your hair, and there's nothing wrong with that. Recently, especially during the pandemic, the infatuation with body jewellery has returned. And why waste time talking to and interacting with other cultures in the intellectual environment of a university when you can lecture people about their privilege then tell them to Google things when challenged by skeptics or even engaged by sympathizers? Its also worth considering why a movie about a key aspect of Black culture needed a white main character and a mostly white cast. Who would want to be an atheistic liberal communist anyway? Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Rajasthanis of the higher class wore waistbands known as cummerbunds or patkas in mediaeval times. This practice appears to be rooted in Hinduism and may go back to the Pre-Vedic religions (prior to 1750 BCE). Some belly chains are referred to as pierced belly chains because they are attached to a navel piercing. All rights reserved. Many Hindu gods, including Lord Krishna, wore waist chains. Here's the thing about appropriation. There is absolutely no additional cost to you if you take action (click, purchase, subscribe) with one of these links. And if they say, "Actually, please don't take that thing, it is very special to me and my family," you will probably respect their wishes and leave it alone (I hope!). For example: I know a First Nations person, I have an Aboriginal friend, my niece/nephew is married to an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, my neighbours were Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, or I dreamt my identity and I feel an affiliation/spirituality with First Nations culture Big deal! Yes, you could wear the waist beads even if you are not African or Indian. I've seen plenty of WOC making and selling waist beads and waist chains to people of all different backgrounds with no problem! When someone points out an instance of cultural appropriation, what should you do? There has been an upsurge in jewellery worn around the waist, frequently in the shape of hooped chains, threaded strings, or little chains. Ill give you this Greek white girls response below. Depending on the material that the body chains were made of, others wore the chains as a way of showing off their affluence. That might involve finding a cookbook or recipe from a member of that culture, or at the very least, a recipe from someone who learned to prepare it authentically. Ancient Egyptian times gave rise to the term girdle for beaded waist chains. List Of Clothing Brands With A Hummingbird Logo. I could rant about every design that features the Greek Key. if you cant pronounce my name or spell it take off those hoops / I use those instead of your because hoops were never yours to begin with. Aguilera attached an image of herself and the others who spray-painted the wall exposing their own hoop earrings. Yeah, there are some inconsistencies with the concept. We want to let you know that this website contain affiliate links for products. While wearing jewellery is ultimately a matter of personal preference, knowing the background of the pieces origins might give us a better perspective of whether we should or shouldnt do so. Each fashion week, the legacy of luxury giants adopting minorities' culture resurfaces. Heres What To Wear in Toronto in December! Am I using this item (or clothing, word, practice, and so on) to learn more about the culture? Cultural appropriation is considered taking a cultural element from a certain culture, where the jewelry is considered an important part of that culture. Now she is also a writer for our website. Instead of a chain, a thread may occasionally be worn around the waist. People today tends to try out new things in their own way and that is why even the name has changed to belly chains. Why Language Matters, 7 Ways of Honoring Other Cultures That Are Really Just Cultural Appropriation, Cultural Appropriation in Fiction: Here Are Some Tips to Consider When Your Writing Includes Different Cultures, nih.gov/institutes-nih/nih-office-director/office-communications-public-liaison/clear-communication/cultural-respect, stu.ca/lnap/henna-its-history-and-cultural-significance, tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/21565503.2019.1674160, journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1468796819866498, sites.austincc.edu/accent/cultural-appreciation-vs-cultural-appropriation-why-it-matters, herculture.org/blog/2016/5/3/henna-cultural-appreciation-or-cultural-appropriation, open.lib.umn.edu/sociology/chapter/3-2-the-elements-of-culture, pbs.org/whatihear/web-series/cultural-appropriation/, Theres a Big Difference Between Cultural Appreciation and Appropriation Heres Why It Matters, How to Be Human: Giving the Right Compliment to Someone About Their Body, 68 Terms That Describe Gender Identity and Expression. A wall on the side of a dormitory at Pitzer College devoted to unmoderated free speech through art (colloquially named the free wall), was recently painted by a group of Latino students who wrote the message,White Girl, take off your [hoop earrings]!!!. We break it. Let's be friends!Instagram: stylesenpaiTwitter: thefuumanchuuBlog: http://thefuumanchuu.blogspot.com Because white people have long been the oppressors denying other cultural groups their language and traditions and forcing them to assimilate and conform. As a result, we will earn some coffee money from your click. At the end of the day, anyone that stirs up trouble about white people wearing the waist beads is only a societal concern and nothing for you to worry about. In some regions waist chains are common among men as well. Payals, or anklets, are meant to symbolize the arrival of a wife into her husband's house. (6 Reasons Explained). A recent recipe on Half Baked Harvest, a well-known food blog, drew criticism from many followers. Henna: Cultural appreciation or cultural appropriation? It doesnt sound cool, it sounds ridiculous. Full stop. And make no mistake, hoops are the main focus here and the most bizarre because theyve been worn across continents across history. In reality, barbacoa's history as Caribbean "barbecue" evolved as it . Appropriation refers to taking something that doesnt belong to you or your culture. When separated from its religious meaning, as jewelry style, it has. I'll explain how I see it: When you walk into someone's house and see something you like, you can certainly take it without permission, if you want. Yep, didge therapy is a thing. We must all ask ourselves whether wearing these many types of body jewellery is cultural appropriation or an appreciation of different cultures. In fact, this is a great way to appreciate that culture, when you go about it correctly. I am sick of buying my grandchildren woomeras that wont throw a spear, boomerangs that wont come back, and bullroarers that dont roar, said Bob Katter in a recent submission to parliament. By not everyone, we mean white people.. It's pretty hypocritical and not fully thought out. So, if you like waist beads or body chains, you should wear them, and have fun with them. The question we all need to consider is whether we are culturally appropriating by wearing these different variations of body jewellery or whether we . You can also make needed recipe modifications with an underlying understanding of the cultural context of the dish while still giving credit to that culture. Remember that African people, like all other societies and cultures, are always happy to share parts of their culture and not really protective of it. Waist chains have been used for at least 4,000 years, and they first appeared on the Indian Subcontinent. Cultural appropriation is when cultural elements of a minority culture are borrowed or stolen by members of a dominant culture and taken out of context. Rowlings History of Magic in North America stories have earned plenty of criticism for the way they present Native American culture. Some white girls are definitely blinded, ready to bow to the mind-controlling, pretentious, and greedy, fashion industry. White women are not allowed to wear hoops in their ears say Latinas at the Claremont Colleges, according to a report by the Claremont Independent. As well as purchasing them from small Black+brown owned businesses and not some where like SHEIN. However, further research points to the fact that the body chains were part of several other ancient civilizations, with recent records showing that the body chains, as well as the linked medallions, were prevalent during the Byzantine Empire. i still need to learn more behind the meaning but i dont think it its culture appropriation. Seriously stop trying to use and steal colloquial Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language. Just three examples of insensitivity and perceived cultural appropriation that have been criticised in high fashion over the last few years. She also uses the problematic white savior trope. when a particular group (dominant) takes what don not belong to them from a less dominant group. They are frequently fashioned of gold or silver. Griffith University provides funding as a member of The Conversation AU. Examples of Cultural Appropriation 1. Stephanie is a jewelry lover when she was a teenager. Recently, especially during the pandemic, the infatuation with body jewellery has returned. First of all, what is the culture, that you speak of? So, when someone called out for appropriation counters by saying that people of color who wear Western clothing and hairstyles, speak English, or eat fast food are also appropriating, know that these statements are both grossly insensitive and completely inaccurate. Marc Jacobs. Much of this critique focuses on her lack of recognition and respect for Mexican culture, the workers who actually produce the tequila but dont see much of the profit, and agave shortages in Mexico. Thanks for your input on this. To me this is not some sort of appropriation but rather adaptation. Belly dance, as it is known and practiced in the West, has its roots in, and a long history of, white appropriation of . Still, shaming someone or criticizing them publicly usually doesnt have the best impact, so try calling them in instead of calling them out. This is why I care about cultural appropriation. So, if you like waist beads or body chains, you should wear them, and have fun with them. But when you wear henna for nontraditional reasons and fail to acknowledge its actual meaning and importance, youre appropriating, not appreciating. Just know that true sharing requires permission, acknowledgment, and respect. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); girl..i thought this was a legit news article omg.. When a person from a specific culture explains that your actions are harmful, theyre harmful. Proudly powered by WordPress Meanwhile we wonder, why should white girls be able to take part in this culture (wearing hoop earrings just being one case of it) and be seen as cute/aesthetic/ethnic. Here's how to opt, The relationship people have with their bodies is more complex than their Instagram caption or photo. I discovered waist chains a while ago and wanted to finally buy one but noticed it's mostly women of colour wearing them in the pictures. But I'm still looking into this for myself :). (Why are the students at this school even paying the $66,192 yearly tuition when they could be learning from Professor Google for free?) Key elements of culture include: To appropriate, in basic terms, means to take without permission. In other words, people who appropriate generally pick and choose only the elements they consider appealing and ignore the rest, along with any important cultural context behind those elements. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. Looking for guidance on recognizing when appreciation of another culture crosses the line? Ask different people, and youll most likely get a range of answers. An exclusively curated collection of various categories of Indian traditional sarees, Ethnic Weaves - Abu Dhabi, is your one-stop store & website for all ethnic wear needs Apparently, paying to have someone blow a didjeridu over your body is reported to provide relief for a wide range of joint, muscular and skeletal-related pain as well as promote accelerated healing in various forms of bone trauma. Maybe it was coincidental when they did, but Im pretty sure returning is not the boomerangs primary purpose from a First Nations perspective. Change your clothes, take the accessory off, scrub the phrase from your vocabulary. You can appreciate and share cultural elements without appropriating. The body chains, especially the belly or waist chains, can be traced to at least 4000 years ago, and all evidence point to this type of jewelry originating from India, or rather, the Indian Subcontinent. Native American war bonnets are among the most instantly recognizable artifacts of Native American culture, and for this reason, often the most appropriated items of Native American culture.. A war bonnet is a piece of headgear made using eagle feathers and beads and worn either during battle or on special ceremonial occasions . They are also popular in African culture. Does my use amplify and support the voices of people of that culture, or does it prevent them from being heard? I'm black. People have been wearing body jewellery more frequently lately, especially now that limitations are beginning to loosen and we are free to flaunt our new ensembles in pubs, restaurants, and clubs. The problem lies in the fact that white food bloggers continue to rebrand and fuse dishes from other cultures. Chef Jenny Dorsey examines why fast-casual chains get a pass on culturally appropriating dishes in an essay for Eater. The one that especially gets to me is hippy, New Age, non-Indigenous spiritualisation of our heritage. worn around the waist has appeared in several aspects ofAfrican culturesuch as dress, Is it okay to wear jeans on a golf course, Are Hey Dude Shoes Good for Standing all Day, How to use Waist Beads for Weight Loss Steps. While traveling in Mexico, Dorsey confronted her own assumptions about barbacoa and Chipotle's beefy representation of the delicacy. Having children learn about elements of Indigenous culture and . Thats right, someone told you a Dreamtime story somewhere, or you read it in a book written by a non-First Nations academic or writer, from a non-First Nations perspective so you know more about my own culture, language and heritage than I do. At the same time, the body chains and waist beads are largely considered an aesthetic, and not everyone recognizes them as adornments with a form of cultural significance. Is Lead Compliant Jewelry Safe To Wear? Acknowledging all elements of a culture extends to recognizing how white supremacy and racism have played a part in dismantling and oppressing other cultures. All the same, taking a little extra time to research and better understand a culture and its language, and communicate with people from that culture, could easily help prevent such mistakes. The first name Jacquelyn is French, so you cant call racism on anybody not familiar with your particular way of spelling it, and theres a pretty famous singer named Christina Aguilera whos made the whole world familiar with the spelling and pronunciation of your last name. Understanding the significance of the chains and purchasing them from Indian and African-owned businesses is cultural appreciation. Seriously? Appropriation generally exploits other cultures and reinforces stereotypes. Mostly, people view cultural appropriation as simply the adoption of some particular cultural aspects of another culture. You just stand out like a wanna be First Nations queen of the desert. The cultural appropriation will continue to be an issue otherwise. Failing to assimilate can carry heavy consequences, including fewer opportunities for work or career advancement and racist violence or threats. The role of appropriation has transgressed centuries amongst underdeveloped countries, but specifically black female bodies. In the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, every newborn receives a waist chain as a cultural pact. The ancient Greeks were one of the first peoples to wear hoop earrings around 2000 BC. Jacquelyn Aguilera (PZ 19), another student claiming credit for the spray-painted message, responded to the school-wide email thread, If you didnt create the culture as a coping mechanism for marginalization, take off those hoops, if your feminism isnt intersectional take off those hoops, if you try to wear mi cultura when the creators can no longer afford it, take off those hoops, if you are incapable of using a search engine and expect other people to educate you, take off those hoops . Since waist chains have been worn for a long time and are a West African and Indian tradition, this has drawn controversy. Adele wore this hairstyle, along with a Jamaican flag bikini, to celebrate the canceled 2020 Notting Hill Carnival, an annual event originally created to share Caribbean culture and promote multiculturalism. By. Taking time to learn more about specific cultures and keeping the questions above in mind can help you work toward anti-racism and greater sensitivity across the board. In the past, both men and women in India wore waist chains as ornaments, as a part of religious rituals, as accessories, and to display wealth. Oh its just torture to my ears. Last medically reviewed on August 24, 2021. The foot is regarded in Hinduism as the humblest and most impure part of the body since it touches the ground first. If you are wearing African waist beads, it should be purchased or made in Africa. Sure, it can be annoying that nobody gets my name right, but its not evidence of the hatred of Greeks or a freaking micro-aggression! but my friends who are black make waistbeads say it is ok for someone who is not a poc to wear waistbeads. Healthline has provided our top picks of surf products to get you into. And Im sure there are other reasons youre not taken seriously, like saying Latinx or demanding racist dress codes. Just as proximity cant identify you, the overindulgence in First Nations colour and adornment wont bring you any closer to being donned with a traditional name, or get you acceptance into a nation/clan. What do you think of these Latina students telling white girls to take off their hoop earrings? Disrespect or disregard to the values, practices, social, religious or cultural norms. The issue of cultural appropriation in the classroom is definitely one which educators should reflect on. Its worth keeping in mind that you can certainly say or do insensitive and racist things without necessarily taking anything from a culture. You also seek to understand people of that culture, as well as the culture itself, more completely instead of contributing to stereotypes. As a white woman, Adele can style her hair in any number of ways without facing judgment or criticism. I just wanted to let you know people from that culture might find it offensive and hurtful.. These chains were not only worn as ornaments but also as important elements in religious ceremonies. The most notable criticism was levelled at her 2013 AMAs performance in which .