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You want no tats or piercings? WebNFL players without Tattoos. Of course teams have the right to at least request this. To: BIGTROUBLEhow dare you judge people here in such a manner? They just want the most talented guys. Its his team so he can do so. I have no problem with people who love tattoos (I know several) and want to cover their body in them, but just dont complain about your lack of job prospects because you dont look very professional no matter how you dress. Cam can choose to bag groceries instead of get paid 30 mil to play a game. We wont allow an employee to enter a home with vivible tattoos or piercings. Cam can choose to bag groceries instead of get paid 30 mil to play a game. What makes you part of the team is not the draft but the contract that is signed, which most NFL contract do have a morality/ dress code clause look at Plexico Buress and others who violate their teams contracts by doing stupid things. This is no different than someone going to work for a store that required a certain presentation.thats what the owner wants.his team.if Newton doesnt like it, he doesnt have to play! Lionel Messi or Kylian Mbappe? tats are so common if he held the rest of the team to that rule he would have a lot of roster spots to fill . The problem I have with this is that Newton is probably the only player on the panthers that has to abide by these rules. There is nothing wrong with the owner telling Cam his preferences with tatoos. I have to side with Richardson on this one. Cam wanted the money that comes with being the #1 pick. Man I usually HATE when the race card is played but this sure walks a fine line. Then Richardson would have to risk cutting talent (Im not a Cam fan), taking a PR hit and letting Cam take his talents to another team. Thigh Football Tattoos 11. I didnt realize having tattoos and piercings was unreasonable. The NBA says the players must wear normal clothes before and after games. In this country we have the freedom to make bad decisions. This is the NFL not Wallstreet. This is a discussion on CujoMatty Madden 20 Generic Tattoo Project within the Madden NFL Football PC forums. Its his team so he can do so. The main reason Mo Salah does not have tattoos is that he is a Muslim and tattoos are forbidden in Islam. Take Donald Driver for examplehe wears two big earrings and it looks like (from a quick google image search) he has some tattoos on his arms. Though, he usually likes to show off his collection of cars that he has deserved. Let your play do the talking. 5. In the real world one is not restricted to one team or look for a new line of unemployment. This isnt a matter of an owner telling a player how to dress and act; its about a businessman maximizing his products marketability. On the other hand, if it doesnt interfere with your job function, its not in the bosss interest to lose talented employees because of the personal choices they make. Carolina expects its players to look nice. I have no visible tats and no piercingsbecause its BAD FOR BUSINESS!!! French international NGolo Kante remains a humble human being despite his recent successes. An employer has the right to create an image with its employees that it wants to foster with the public. Its one thing to ask fans to spend a thousand bucks on season tickets; its another thing entirely to convince a corporation to spend a quarter-million dollars on a luxury box for one season, or millions of dollars for high-profile advertising space. Not to be superstitious but a tattoo would definitely mess up the team mojo if he got one now, right? That being said if Newton is going to be the face of the franchise the Panthers have the right to tell him the image they want him to portray. 5. This while working in Chicago. Ronaldo is a great player on and off the pitch and has opted to help humanity. Especially one that isnt uniformly applied, to all positions, teams, etc. My job gets done the same whether I have hair like repunzel or Im completely bald, whether I have a collared shirt on or not, whether I have piercings or not, or whether I have tattoos or not. Its a business and some of those things do alienate fans which is alienating customers. Pittsburgh, New England and New York are thought to have the best onwership and those rules dont exist. Richardson is trying to keep Cam Newtons already tainted name from getting anymore questionable. I know there are those who will argue the New York Yankees no facial hair rules if one wants to play for the organization. Both of my sister-in-laws kids fathers (dont even get me started) have MULTIPLE face tattoos (they also dont have a GED or a diploma, or a job between them-again, dont get me started). Forearm Football Tattoos 2. The Senegalese star devoted himself completely to football and does not care about fancy stuff. He interviewed for a sales position with a company, and showed up at the interview with an earring. Instead they are becoming more involved in the Global Business that their team is and investing their personal time into the players, employees, and teams. The only issue is: a) Whether the team is willing to enforce the code to everyone fairly. Better keep him away from LameBron James then. Truth is though, Richardson is doing Newton a favor. the guy owns a team and has a right to employ whomever he chooses to as long as he doesnt discriminate on a very specific set of items. If Jerry wants the face of the Panthers to appear clean-cut, thats his right. Is hard reset only way to salvage Jets QB dilemma? Joel Embiid. Salman Chaudhary Some employers even take it a step furtherMy partner is a firefighter, and she had to sign a morals clause as part of her employment contract with the city. There are huge differences, to be sure, but the same laws apply. Lavezzi, as well as being one of the strongest Argentine strikers, is one of the most tattooed football players in the world. If they are, then hell, I wish I was too. You can. If Cam really wants a tat that badresign from the team. They have the ability to quit and do something else just like we all do if they dont like the business they work for. Arm Football Tattoos 4. LMAO @ mrmilstead, havent seen a comment that good in a while. They trade 90% of their drafted prospects anyway, but the guys they do bring up go along because that is the standard in the locker room amongst the veterans. The Jaguars have had a resurgent season and one of the best defenses in the NFL. is. However, the players that chose to go there generally are free agents and choose to acquiesce to that rule. ************************************************** And, with that change, youre right. You CAN tackle by the hair. First of all, there is no race issue here. Im not sure why NFL players should be any different. ( conservatism reigns)Not unlike the person in the White House, Cam is being rejected for who he is and not what he does. He doesnt seem to have any issues with the request so Im not sure its even a problem. AGAIN. Im not arguing the merit of the request with this post, but I do think youre off base if youre throwing out the companies have policies line here. The kids might like it but adults ie people with money were turned off. Im in professional services. We want is not the same as I order or you must. If the Panthers owner feels that a certain outcome will lead to better marketing and sales while also happening to agree with his values then why shouldnt he say he wants that outcome? Nothing wrong with JR stating his preferences to kid that hes going to draft and pay to be the face of his franchise. First I think we need to remember that the NFL is a JOB! A perfect example is Robert Kraft and his relationships with his team. The Liverpool star has decided not to wear any tattoos. So u really want to believe that a QB spends every waking moment studying game films? It is up to them, however, I have higher opinions of players who choose not to get tattoos or piercings. Richardson, who said that Newton was dressed perfectly for their meeting, was blunt. I can also name several white players in the league with tatoos and piercings. That being saiduntil the NFL states itI dont think the individual owners have the right as they are just pieces of the whole organization. and second, since when did just having a tat make you immoral for some reason? Richardson, while appearing to be draconian, is essentially correct. At least u admitted that ur white cause sadly, it seems catagorizing blacks is what many of u seem to enjoy doing without even thinking This is way different. Richardson, who said that Newton was dressed perfectly for their meeting, was blunt. and no rap music. If the owner of a club wants to project an image, and said player wants to continue to work for that owner, then he should do everything possible to work with the owner. I think its probably aimed at the Look at me persona that a lot of NFL players have adopted. The bottom line is the man is saying that right now I dont want you to leave this franchise and we will all benefit from it. Ex Barcelona Pep Guardiola boss reflected on why Andreas Iniesta does not wear any tattoo, Iniesta doesnt die his hair, he does not wear earrings and he hasnt got any tattoos. Julius, you may be the best DE in the league but I dont want my best player to have tattoos, so GTFO. You should be able to suggest to the face of your franchise that he should keep it toned down and not get to wild in public. Allen Iverson crapped on all of the hard work of Jordan, Bird and Magic. The reality is if Newton is playing top-level ball, Jerry isnt going to say jack-sh!t to him about his appearance, much less bench him for it. Of course, if Richardson keeps writing checks like he has these past few months, Im sure those offended players could get over it. ===================. This Baltimore Ravens fan is chronicling his team's 2021 season in a permanent way -- tattoos for every win. Cam Newton doesn't have any tattoos on his body, and his ears are unpierced. The thing is, as the article mentions, it has to be consistant with the business or in this case the franchise. We want to keep no tattoos, no piercings, and I think youve got a very nice haircut., Interjected the host: You sound like a Lombardi., Said Richardson, No, I just sound reasonable to me.. he should be allowed to get a BUST tattoo on his forehead. I have no issue with an employer enforcing a dress code, theyre paying you to be at work. LaMarcus Aldridge has more than one tattoo 1. Aug 24, 2011 5:45 AM And to those who say there is no place that would fire an employee over tattoos and such I can name several Two are family entertainment venues namely Walt Disney who has strict policies against and Universal Entertainment. Most fans will still come, even if they think the player is not a role model. No one can reasonably claim that a tattoo on a players butt affects his appearance. I think we are seeing more and more owners stay out of the football side of things. Jerry owns the team and can ask his player (s) to have no tattoos. The decision to hire "police tattoo experts" to examine NFL players is not only racist, but a really stupid idea, every way you consider it. I for one do not mind a boss/owner being allowed to dictate to his employees what they can or can not wear, decorate, etc Cam was drafted and signed a contract with the team to play in Carolina. Other dumb black QBs? Richardson, a former teammate of Johnny Unitas with the Baltimore Colts and the first ex-NFL player since George Halas to own a team, was awarded the Panthers franchise in 1993. I dont see what the big deal is. Okay so I agree with the whole no visible tattoos in the normal workplace but the NFL is a lot different you dont apply for a team like you do in a normal job youre DRAFTED so I think the players can look however they want to and not have to pay the price because they got selected to a team with a strict coach. Hes going to represent a whole franchise. ************************************************** . 4. Virgil Van Dijk Gets A Huge Compliment From Michael Owen. WebDerek, or Derek Arthur Paggao-Ramsay, was born in Enfield, England on December 7, 1976 to British father Derek Ramsay Sr. See Derek Ramsay full list of movies and tv shows from their career. i work for a guy that wanted to fire someone because they had an extra-marital affair with someone who wasnt affiliated with the job. If Cam chooses to do something contrary to the owners wishes then Richardson will no doubt calculate it when decided to resign him or not. Itd be racist if he said it to all black players which he didnt. Manchester Uniteds star midfielder, Paul Pogba refuses to wear any tattoos on his body. So what if he doesnt want his team represented by someone with sleeved up arms and a long hair cut. If I want piercings or tats, I can go do something else. but when its their time (ie: off the clock), they let the arms show. lets review the poll question: Should teams be able to tell players not to get tattoos or piercings? First thing he should have asked his new QB is whether he though he could win a Super Bowl. Cam liked what he heard, Richardson liked what he saw and heard. You are watching the sterilization of this country happening right before your eyesand I notice that most of you respondersare already touting the corporate linelike good lemmings do. Its a business people. Ya know, ol JR has been given a pass before when he berated a player in a meeting. Come to think of it, Ive seen far more whites with tattoos and piercings falling off their bodies than I have blacks. It wont happen if he has alot of tatoos or piercings. The fact is, in todays game, corporate money is where its at. They asked him before the draft if he could be that public face and he agreed. Business owners (and the NFL is a business) have a right to do so. 1.8k Views. Angry, by This is the NFL. I guess he would turn down the new Tom Brady? Web1. Arent there baseball teams that dictate whether a player can grow a beard? Also, I doubt paying customers will care about any of that assuming TDs are being put on the board. Show me one NFL player without any tattoos and I will show you 15 that do. That could be construed to be a health and safety issue, particularly in a contact sport. Just for the record, most old people prefer young people to not have any piercings, tattoos, or ridiculous hair. It was simply a job interview. They want the money too. He grew up during WWII for crying out loud. Someone tell Jerry no whiskey and well see how he likes that. If Cam is a decent guy who wants to be a franchise QB hed probably just not get tatoos and piercings anyways. Those who choose not to abide by the new regulations will be subject to fines and other disciplinary action including the possibility of suspension.