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Yes, those are still a thing, and they are no longer only found at swap meets or street-corner sales. Question: I have a very old painting which I believe to be by Nicolas Poussin. There is an example in the results pages of website which sold for US $600 in 2018. Have you ever heard of him? Stay up to date - Subscribe to Newsletter! Some areas may be bare of paint altogether, or else be highlighted with a thicker layer of paint known as.
Velvet Elvis In Art Paintings for sale | eBay Amanda Severn (author) from UK on March 13, 2015: In general Dante Petrucelli, larger pictures have a greater value when by the same artist. Captcha failed to load. I reccommend that you take the picture to an auction house with an in-house art expert to get their advice. Chalked or pencilled numbers on the reverse of a canvas or on the frame, often indicate that the picture has been through one or more auction houses. Turning off personalized advertising opts you out of these sales. Learn more in our Privacy Policy., Help Center, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. Follow the link to his Wikipedia Page : Where can I go for help in identifying the artists? 6 foot by 6 foot. Question: I have inherited a painting by Ferris. There is a label of the company that framed it and it is in Madrid. Vintage Puppy Black Velvet framed Art Painting. 2 Bid s. Register To Bid. Check with your insurers to find out what information or documentation is required. Answer: Auction houses will generally provide you with an estimated value when accepting an item for sale.
How Much Is My Old Painting Worth? Research, Appraise, and Sell - HobbyLark High ticket items often do best at auction, but you can also sell via an art dealer, or via an auction listings site such as eBay. By looking at a range of paintings by this artist you should get a feel for the kind of money you might reasonably expect to make were you to sell your item. Ask an Expert General Questions Antiques Appraiser LadyTanya65, Certified Appraiser Satisfied Customers LadyTanya65 is online now Related Antiques Questions Found an old oil painting. 04 Mar 2023 00:28:45
Black Velvet Paintings: The Art We Hate To Love - WorthPoint Paintings on velvet were plentiful in the South Pacific and the Hawaiian islands. Shown in its original carved wooden frame. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on October 11, 2014: Thanks for stopping by AaronBurton. Tigers and clowns were familiar subjects since they came in bright colors that stood out against the black velvet. Engravings came before etchings when acid was not being applied thus making it a greater task to scratch an image unto a surface.
Manuel Gregorio Acosta Artwork for Sale at Online Auction | Manuel Original Painting: Oil on Black Velvet Canvas. Once the war began, soldiers and sailors serving in the area bought the pictures to bring home as souvenirs. Voted up!
Black Velvet Paintings - Fine Art America It is for this reason that I recommend getting a face to face valuation wherever possible, and a local auctioneer or art dealer should be able to advise you. I don't reply to personal e-mails as this in turn reveals my private e-mail address, so I hope that you return to this article. The frame is ornate but peeling and chipped, the backboard is warped but the painting is on glass. Hi Amanda: I have an original oil painting that my mom bought in the 60's in great condition in beautiful wooden original frame.
People Who Discovered Priceless Items - Insider I can not find information on the value of them but I do have a magazine in French (Noel Paris Match from 1962) about the artist and his copy of the Mona Lisa that he was allowed to paint in the museum and a copy of the original receipt for the purchase. The phrase 'listed artists' is used in reference to those whose works have passed through auction houses and major galleries sufficiently often for them to appear on listings sites such as Blouin's Art Sales Index. Alexandre-Franois Bonnardel (1867-1942) is a listed artist, noted for his still-lifes. I don't think you need to send your painting to Europe for authentication. Labels that give a museum name, such as Museum of Modern Art, NY, Tate Gallery, or Musee du Louvre are a good indication that your picture is a print and is likely to be a low-value item. I'm glad the article was useful. Because early prints are such a specialist area, you should have them valued or appraised by a professional whenever possible. First, make sure it an original rather than a copy or a print. It may well be that there is a market for this artist's work in his home town that does not exist in the wider marketplace. If the surface is made up of tiny regular dots of colour then it's definitely a print. I think you should mention engravings.
Sanchez Painting for sale | eBay Most velvet paintings are things that somebody wanted to pay money for, but sometimes you by the '60s, a leeteg went for five figures, and if there weren't so many replicas, they might still be worth a religious images have been painted on velvet since the middle ages. Use a magnifying glass to look at the picture in greater detail.
+12 Are Velvet Paintings Worth Anything - Asian Paint Card If you have researched your painting and are satisfied that it is reasonably valuable, then you need to approach an auction house. I have a problem with a painting that a friend's family has. The earliest prints were usually either black and white, or sepia in colour, and these can be some of the most valuable. Answer: If you feel that you have a valuable item you could seek advice from an art dealer or auction house in your local area. If, after you've researched your item you believe it may be valuable, then I recommend you take it to an auction house or art dealer for further advice. If they keep good records, they may be able to help you learn more about your artwork. Mexican Original Oil Velvet Painting by Neverez, Still Life. If the painting gives you pleasure and you're not too concerned about its value, just hang it on the wall and enjoy it. Question: I have an old painting on canvas signed "Franco." A uniquely curated, carefully authenticated and ever-changing assortment of uncommon art, jewelry, fashion accessories, collectibles, antiques & more. Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved. [7][8], In Portland, Oregon, a museum devoted solely to velvet paintings, the Velveteria, operated from late 2005 to January 2010. A quick check for similar items on eBay and might be helpful. For this reason, I have to tell you that it is extremely difficult to identify an unsigned painting unless you have additional information, such as a framer's label or some kind of provenance. It is of two sailing boats on a lake and is quite attractive. Original Vintage Style. Thanks a million, that is all i need least it is something to start with. WELL PRICED. I also have a limited edition print by Debra Stroud, copy number 180/195. Keep in mind that anyone can view public collectionsthey may also appear in recommendations and other places. This type of data sharing may be considered a sale of information under California privacy laws. Can you give me an idea of where to see if they are worth anything? He was a prolific artist and his work regular appears on the live auction sites including eBay. Researching from an image is another matter. James McNeill Whistler's etchings tend to sell for reasonable amounts of money, and if you look at the free auction price listings on you will get a feel for the range of prices achieved at auction for works by this artist. Her art can be seen on her own dedicated website: . marshacanada from Vancouver BC on April 27, 2011: Thanks for this helpful Hub Amanda Severn. Answer: It is impossible to answer this question with any hope of accuracy. The Netherlands | English (US) | (EUR), remembering account, browser, and regional preferences, remembering privacy and security settings, personalized search, content, and recommendations, helping sellers understand their audience, showing relevant, targeted ads on and off Etsy, remember your login, general, and regional preferences, personalize content, search, recommendations, and offers. They may be happy to accept a few photos, and a general estimate so long as the value is not in the tens of thousands or even greater! Amanda Severn (author) from UK on December 09, 2012: Hi cmaycraig, how wonderful to have a work by James Ensor! Question: What is the value of an original Baillie oil painting on canvas? Looking at their work makes me happy; thats my only collection criteria. You can also browse their catalog of artists' signatures for an initial fee of around $10. Glad you found the information useful. It's a coastal landscape. Not that he hasn't considered packing up and giving up entirely either. Soft pastel drawings can shed dust long after they are first produced and should always be stored upright. In times gone by, aspiring artists would make copies of famous works, and if you have one of these of a sufficiently high standard in a good quality frame, it may well fetch a reasonable price at auction. Answer: I'm afraid that Johnson is an incredibly common sir-name, and the subject you describe is a popular one for artists to depict. Answer: It is impossible to give proper advice without seeing the picture in person. value. buckleupdorothy from Istanbul, Turkey on March 13, 2012: Fantastic - interesting and clearly explained. There are events that go one so keep an eye out! Thank you . Great! It portrays a woman reaching to put a wreath on a tall statue of Jesus. This is unlikely to cost anything, but you should check with the auctioneer first. [5] A displaced Georgia farmboy, Doyle Harden, was the pioneer who created an enormous factory, where velvets were turned out by the thousands by artists sitting in studios. Answer: Frederic Sackrider Remington is one of the best known American artists, and his artworks make enormous amounts at auction. One of the painting got the signature of the artist but i couldn't read it (it isn't clear) and it is a colored painting, while the other is Black and White but with no signature. Question: Where can I go to get a canvas painting appraised? Answer: Lamar Dodd (1909 - 1996) was a highly regarded 20th century American artist whose work frequently finds it's way into auction.
Black Velvet Painting Value How much is a Snoopy Black Velvet Painting worth? [6] One artist would paint one piece of the picture, then slide the velvet along to the next artist, who would add something else. 63.57, 105.96 That's a great help and starting point. Bracelets Jewelry and Watches. Marco Polo found velvet paintings in Kashmir, where the cloth itself originated. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on August 31, 2011: Thanks for stopping by and commenting Wilrhoades. However, auction houses will often offer you advice for free, based on the premise that you will very possibly then allow them to sell your items. Watercolours, charcoal sketches, and mixed media items tend to do less well, but you might still expect a reasonable sum for an attractive item by this artist, particularly if it is in good condition, and you have proof of provenance.
Antique Velvet Paintings - 171 For Sale on 1stDibs Amanda Severn (author) from UK on March 18, 2019: Sorry Abbi, but this is not a service that I offer. You should also mention the full details of its provenance, and any proof of ownership. (20% off), Keep collections to yourself or inspire other shoppers! I would advise you to show your item to either an auction house or an art dealer if you are hoping to sell it. This site is free to sign up to and once they have your email address you can access their auction results pages. Through velvet painting the future shall be foretold! Experts in this field justifiably charge a fee for their services, and you should expect to pay a reasonable sum if you engage the assistance of a researcher. This is a fascinating story, but unfortunately not one I can help you with, firstly because I am based in the UK, and secondly because restoration is not my area of expertise. Views: 1548 Images: 23 Downloads: 0 Likes: 0, Tags:
Atlanta, - Nail technician focused on nail art and sculpted nails. Some of the technologies we use are necessary for critical functions like security and site integrity, account authentication, security and privacy preferences, internal site usage and maintenance data, and to make the site work correctly for browsing and transactions. His paintings served as a mainstay during the tiki bar craze in the United States during the 1950s and into the 1960s. Question: How do you appraise a painting if it is unsigned? Amanda Severn (author) from UK on September 20, 2017: Thank you for your comment. Because they tend to be more durable and less delicate than watercolours, they are not often behind glass. It is impossible to give a realistic valuation without seeing the item in person, so I, therefore, recommend you ask the advice of an auction house or art dealer in your local area. It is always worth having them checked out. Research of this nature is time-consuming, and requires a lot of patience and perseverence. This site is free to sign up to, and there is no charge for accessing their results pages. (20% off), Sale Price 30.48 There are collectors who look out for pictures of all sorts of niche subjects, including bridges, cricket, golf, horses, local scenes, botanical drawings, football, etc. Mass produced prints are generally low value items, and their resale value is dependant on the quality of the frame and the overall presentation. Alternatively, if you are looking for a valuation for insurance purposes, you should be able to find an accredited appraiser on-line. Picture research is very time-consuming and does not always yield results. It very much depends on artist, provenance, condition and rarity. Also the size of the painting is Hugh in comparison to the ones that were sold by the artist. I have an old painting. Voted up and useful. She is the author of Sink or Swim: Tales From the Deep End of Everywhere and writes a weekly syndicated column for Gannett News/Wicked Local. Good luck with your research, and thanks for commenting.
Pierre-Auguste Cot | The Storm | The Metropolitan Museum of Art It's signed by artist Nevarez on the front and the back indicates Hecho en Mexico. It's not the signature, as its most definitely not Charles Schulz and many black velvet paintings were signed by the artist. The 60's were a more liberated time on Hawaii. At least no one makes fun of it, as they do with paintings done on velvet. Let me know how you get on x. diogenes from UK and Mexico on April 01, 2019: Very useful article, I have a couple of oldish oils and will try to do as you advise. To do this you need to check the artist's signature, and this is usually (though not always) in either one of the bottom corners. For one, satin paint has a bit of a sheen to it, while velvet paint is more matte. There are many lost masterpieces around waiting to be re-discovered.
Velvet Paintings - Etsy here's some beads I just swooped thanks to an order I got today . no to both, probably 70s good condition, just dusty. Do you know anything about this artist or the value of his paintings? Paintings by this artist don't often come to auction, so it may be difficult to get a completely accurate valuation. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Wonder at the online gallery of velvets. Courtesy of Wiki Commons. Who was the artist? Some are not. At Chairish, you won't have to sift through less-than-stellar paintings. Co. Chicago, Illinois', and there is a handwritten note in the corner saying 'Dec.25,1944 Gretch'. Questions About Antique Velvet Paintings What is a black velvet painting? Can someone help with some paintings that I just inherited . My advice to new collectors who have lots of taste, but not too much money, is to buy the things they like, that give them pleasure, rather than be too concerned about investment value. Paintings do sell on eBay, but ask yourself this: If you were a collector, would you risk too much of your hard-earned money on a painting you have never seen in the flesh? If, however, you like the picture, either pay out for some sympathetic restoration, or simply hang it, and enjoy it for what it is.
Murano Art Collection Foglia Glass Decorative Tray | Perigold It sounds as though you have done some research on Ensor yourself, but realistically, without a signature, it may be difficult to prove the link. Most black velvet paintings were sold through tourist stands and shops in Mexico and the artist's are generally unlisted or unknown. Views: 2237 Images: 25 Downloads: 6 Likes: 0, Tags:
Crochet and Velvet Bracelets Duo | EBTH Sometimes these pictures mimic the style of established artists, but are either unsigned, or signed with a Western sounding name. Etching is a specialised form of print-making.
Margaret Keane and Her "Big Eyes" Paintings - PBS The site is free to sign up to and there is no charge for looking at auction results. They are mostly by little known painters or even amateurs, and their value is really only what someone will pay for a purely decorative item as opposed to an investment item. Steve, . It's amazing how many times I've reviewed and tweaked this hub, and yet that never occurred to me! Answer: It is difficult to suggest a likely value for these paintings without seeing them in person. You should be able to get a feel for the range of prices typically achieved. It is in very good condition. Even if your picture turns out to be an inexpensive print, don't despair. Good luck.
The Story Behind the "Dogs Playing Poker" Painting - My Modern Met This can devalue or damage the work. 21" (53 cm.) I got in touch with the artist and he remembers the painting and wanted to get it back. I may be able to buy the painting but there would have to be an extensive restoration on it. Answer: There are quite a number of artists named Whistler, so there are no guarantees that your item is by James McNeill Whistler(1834-1903) although the date does tie-in, and he was certainly an active producer of high-quality etchings. 1848x2400 0 0 30 Best Black Velvet. Keeping you informed, connected, and involved in the antiques and collectibles industry.
An extremely unusual kard with a wootz damascus blade with good figure Oriental woodcuts were extremely popular during the 19th century, when they were imported into Europe in great numbers. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on August 07, 2018: Sorry Brian, but as clearly stated in my article, I do not undertake private appraisal or research work. Must move onwardthis was a great. Matching feather-filled throw pillows master the art of minimalism. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on April 04, 2019: Hi Bob, nice to hear from you.
Suggestion - Velvet painting repair | The Picture Framers Grumble The majority of these are not by listed artists or famous artists. its a picture of a boy/girl and a cat. Example, Paul Dibert, Frank Hamilton, Ron Roesch. Silver is tarnished throughout and will easily clean. Answer: There is no one size fits all answer to this question. Could it be valuable? Family Guy (1999) - S19E15 Customer of the Week 1.9s on a painting of a. An American grocer and businessman, Doyle Harden, was vacationing in the El Paso/Juarez border area and came across velvet paintings in some shops. As described in the article above, there are many options for selling art. On the back of each of the pictures, the cardboard backing has a circular stamp done in black ink. I recommend you approach an auction house with a dedicated art specialist on the team if you are hoping to sell your item. If you are sufficiently lucky, you might be able to identify a possible artist from these lists, then cross-reference them to other works by the same artist on the internet using an image search. Unfortunately, as stated in the article, I do not offer a valuation service, but in any case the information provided is insufficient to give you any kind of guidance. Large Gilded Wood Picture Framed Jewlery Box Signed Oil Painting.Vintage Gilt lined-Jewelry Box-Picture Frame Carved Wood-Velvet lined Trinket-Stationary-Dresser Box. I am based in San Antonio, Texas. (10% off), Sale Price 84.77 Sale Price 50.40 I cant read the names. The print itself might be worth very little, but a lovely old maple frame, for example, can often fetch enough to make your efforts worthwhile. Most are the carpy ones for $35 or so. Once you have an idea who the painter is, you can research past sales of the artist's work. Picture restoration does not come cheaply, particularly when there is damage to the canvas, so you need to be sure the investment will not exceed potential profit. I do have quite old paintings such an oil painting on board signed and dated 1817 or Victorian paintings on ivory with old Victorian frames such as tortoise shell, etc. It dates back to at least the late 1800s, but I can't seem to find anything about this artist. Find out more in our Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. If you feel convinced that your item might be of value, I recommend that you seek further advice from an auction house or art dealer in your local area. You could try searching on-line for an auction house with a dedicated art expert. Hi Amanda, thanks for this great wealth of information. Good luck with your search. His paintings of boats and ships sell well at auction and sometimes sell for substantial amounts of money. Thank you for the great information Amanda. If your print is signed and is by a well-known artist, it may well be valuable. The trend of decorating with wicker bamboo and an island vibe had begun, but the velvet art of the time did not catch on. Can you help? Amanda Severn (author) from UK on October 27, 2018: Italo Botti was a 20th century artist born in New york of Italian immigrant parents. I also love seeing surprised people on the Antiques Roadshow, OhMe. And the Store Inventory Fixed Price is: $75.00 This particular John Wayne Mexican black velvet painting, like each and every other genuine Patriot Portrait Collectible black velvet painting that comes from The Tijuana Black Velvet Standards Series, is guaranteed to be an original work of authentic Mexican black velvet art, each piece from each . That said, it looks like the work of Ernesto Sanchez has difficulty moving at the $2-5k price point, so there's no way in hell this thing is worth anywhere near $30,000. The artist that you mention is not one I've ever heard of, and a search on his name draws a complete blank. I just don't know how to find information on it. I recommend you contact the relevant department of a large auction house by email including images of your item. ADVERTISEMENT Most Downloads Size Popular 1390 23 Downloads: velvet black value elvis century old antique worth 18th Century Portrai. Answer: A cursory search on brings up fifteen results with William Miller in the name, but none at all for William Meller. Answer: Unfortunately, Franco is an incredibly common name both as a first name and as a sir-name, so I can't suggest a likely artist as there are many painters signing themselves that way. Answer: Hungarian artist Mihly Munkcsy (1844 to 1900) is famous for his genre pictures and large-scale biblical paintings.