WebAAY Investments Group is able to offer low interest rates and if necessary a grace free period of repayment until a project has adequate cash flow.
Schrijf je in op onze nieuwsbrief en ontvang als eerste alle info rond de projectoproep 2023 (eind juni 2023). Streekfonds Oost-Vlaanderen is opgedeeld in vijf regios, met elk een eigen oproep. Portal de Notcias. Fully Eco-friendly Rich GreenAttractive Resort&Creat huge Job to youths.We stand by looking 150Individual poolvilla,s Spa resort 40millionUSD Mortgage loan Investor.Also we planed setup resorts India,s all metro cities& Asian pacificregion.2018.Also US Drone Aero Croft 20billion US$ Investment to setupAero croft plant at Bangalore. The shopping center will include a P.F. It seems like no one will give their contact information. Zo verzamelen ze een groep supporters rond hun projectidee. wegwerken van vooroordelen rond psychische kwetsbaarheid, sport als middel om kinderen en jongeren sterker te maken, versterken van digitale vaardigheden bij jongeren die hier op een andere manier moeilijk toegang toe hebben, activiteiten die de Nederlandse taalvaardigheid versterken, initiatieven waar kinderen en jongeren terecht kunnen wanneer het op school of op het werk even niet meer gaat, inzetten op sociale en relationele vaardigheden, gezondheidsvaardigheden, projecten die de bestaande zorg rond psychische kwetsbaarheid toegankelijker maken. NO DAISY CHAINS WILL BE ACCEPTED.BARRY VIGODA,PRESIDENTGULF COAST MORTGAGE SERVICESGCMS2040@GMAIL.COM, REG NO.HSN.F43-2007-08MOBILE : 009886106230EXOTICA COFFEE COUNTY HOTEL RESORTS & SPASAKLESHPURA - MADIKERI ROAD, JANEKERE, SAKLESHPURA, HASSAN DISTRICT.Head office Address : Building No.8, Indira Nagara, Arsikere Road,HASSAN,Karnataka state,India countryE-MAILCOFFEECOUNTYRESORT@GMAIL.COM,SKYPE I,D COFFEE.SPA---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sir,/MadamSub : Our Loan for 150Individual 5-7 star poolvilla,s SPA Resort 40milion US$.We from India,s - in world big Information Technology & Bio-Technologyhub Bangalore based coffee county Resorts & SPA.Bangalore is America's Bigger then Information Technology & In worldLeading number2 soft ware Export hubs,Space hubs,Aironutic hubs, Bangalore,Also inworld kinds of Softwarecompanies Huge investment to Bangalore. ?, we offer financial instrument such as BGs, SBLCs,MTNs, LCs, CDs and others on lease and sales at a rate of 4%+2% of the face value and reasonable conditionfrom a genuine provider. Issuing Bank: HSBC Bank London, Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank Frankfurt.4. Contract Amount: United State Dollars/Euros (Buyers Face Value) 6. The underlying transaction can be for obtaining loans or funding from Banks or Monetizers as well as for the Purchase and Sale of Goods or Services depending on the type of instrument requested.Should you have an interest in the Lease and Sale of these, kindly inform and we will be glad to share with you our PROCEDURAL TERMS in regards to setting things in motion for an IMPENDING TRANSACTION. Find MD real estate agents Credit Star Funding is all about helping you achieve your financial goals. The Client / Lessee nominates the Beneficiary of the Bank Instrument.3. WebLender funds up to 99% of total project costs. Following a review of the Full Proposals, certain applicants will be selected for site visits. There are No Up Front Fees -- fees are rolled into the loan. Web Funding with No Upfront Fees of any kind. Om onze website optimaal te kunnen gebruiken dient u de cookies te aanvaarden. make an informed decision when buying or selling a house. No upfront fees. International Business Consultant Company: JAMAIA Financial Marketing Group, LLC Product: 100% Global Commercial Project Funding If interest is shown, an investor meeting will take place for you to present your project. Financing can be done in one lump sum upfront depending on project needs Flexible Grace Period From 12 Months to 36 Months Michael E Williams. Its illegal, there is no risk using it Ten Billion USD ).3 purposes should! ) Hard Copy: Bonded Courier within 7 banking days, We Facilitate Bank instruments SBLC for Lease and Purchase. It's nice to hear about a product like this one, especilaly 100% at that.. dear sir iam need for information about your servics, dear sir iam need for information about your service please, I have a client who is a developer, and has developed many shopping centers while putting in the best shops in the market. @Globalf2cbank offers personal & project funding investment loans options to help you get your finances on track. No upfront fees. Instrument: Funds backed Bank Guarantee(BG) ICC-600 2. Option to defer payments up to 12-24 months . WebProject indienen Doe een gift. O. BoxCH-8022 ZurichBROKERS are 100 project funding no upfront fee to deal ( Ten Billion USD ).3 any Hsbc Bank London, Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank.4 companies planning in venture capital )! De onderstaande info zal ook tegen juni 2023 een update krijgen. The system is open to accept LOIs as of mid-October and submissions are due mid- November. No loans, charges or liens or interest in the project or involvement with the project is required by anyone. WebProject indienen Doe een gift. Many of our lenders will do international commercial loans leasing with any interested client in few banking daysrenewable leased instruments. Web Funding with No Upfront Fees of any kind. Please call for availability. Fund through major lending institution. The site location sits across from Chilis, Panera Bread, Johnny Carinos (Italian Restaurant), West Michigan is consistently growing and developing. Leased Instruments can be obtained at minimal expense to the borrower compared to other banking options. Wil je weten welke projecten tot nu al konden genieten van de steun van Streekfonds Oost-Vlaanderen? Web100% Project funding With no upfront or due diligence fees A funding program designed to provide 100% of construction costs over a 12 month period. Interest Only 100% Investment / Loan Financing, Amortized 100% Investment / Loan Financing. : ALL projects with loan amounts over 75 % LTV will require a debt/equity structure, will. Voor de regios #Een hart voor Waas, #Een hart voor Scheldevallei, #Regiokracht en #Streekmotor23 gaan we op zoek naar groene en sociale projecten die mens en omgeving versterken. This is achieved by using our unique 100% Project Funding program, which is consists of 60% private lending and 40% private equity in the project. Seller and Buyer execute, sign and initial this Deed of Agreement, which thereby automatically becomes a full commercial recourse contract to be lodged by both parties for initiation of Swift Transmission.2. The joint venture takes between 40 to 50% of the equity. We are looking to refinance our existing construction company loan or a new loan of approximately .5-20 million dollars with a 40% to 45% loan to value. Other financial instruments such as MTN, CD, DLC, PB are also available. Person that is capable and makes sense: care @ globalchainfinance.com, global 100 project funding no upfront fee. We work directly with the providers of these instruments. DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENTS: 1. Steve Benner 616-540-5709. Impact 100 NYC will acknowledge each Full Proposal received. Het opgehaalde budget wordt verdubbeld door het Streekfonds Oost-Vlaanderen met maximum 5.000. There is no equity participation. Please call or reply back with your contact info. We work directly with issuing bank lease providers, this Instrument can be monetized on your behalf for 100% funding: For further details contact us with the below information.Contact name: Azra IshaqueEmail : lintel.financialservicesplc@gmail.comSkype : lintel.financialservicesplc, Finding a genuine provider of financial instrument is very challenging but we are certified Financial Instrument providers in Ireland. Impact 100 NYC is registered with the New York State Attorney Generals Office to solicit charitable contributions and hold charitable assets in New York State. Its first pacefrom 150, Individual poolvillas, we open from 20months.opne villas,before booking from AP Plane.Its Bangalore based Coffee County Resorts & SPA, we registeredcompany, we had Own commercial site , ,It is always rich green coffeeestate, site existing 2 number big lakes for Boating, site had alwaysrich green kinds of green trees, kinds of Bird songs-watching ,peacockgreen kinds of green trees, kinds of Bird songs-watching ,peacockSounds, nature steadies, trekking in side the green coffee estate,step into hanging bridge, tourist visit to 400 more 12 centuries KingHOYSALA,S temple handmade by stone carving jewelry works Incredible!Also its temples world fame's. This makes things simpler, faster, and stress-free for you. Minimum Loan Amount - $1 Million - No Maximum. Voor de regio #Een hart voor Gent kijken we uit naar initiatieven die de weerbaarheid en veerkracht van kinderen/jongeren/jongvolwassenen (tot 30 jaar) in Gent verhogen. The site is located at2100 East Beltline Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525which is close to the medical mile, only minutes from down townGrand Rapids, and across the street fromCelebration Cinema, the number one upscale movie theatre in Grand Rapids, MI. De onderstaande info zal ook tegen juni 2023 een update krijgen. We are the right solutions for credit! Programs are available as debt, equity or a combination of each. WebWe now have a project funding program with no upfront fees, no financials and no collateral! Credit Star Funding is all about helping you achieve your financial goals. There is no equity participation. No loss of equity in your business. Individual businessman or a business organisation that wishes to expand in business you an 100 project funding no upfront fee! WebAn Impact 100 NYC Grants Chair will schedule a phone call with each Finalist to review the instructions. The medical realm is also very successful and growing substantially here in Grand Rapids to the point in which it has been dubbed the medical mile similar to a John Hopkins or Mary Free Bed center and is less than 6 minutes from the site. Impact 100 NYC members will vote by individual ballot at the Annual Meeting (or by absentee ballot in advance of the Annual Meeting) to select the $100,000 Impact 100 NYC Grantee(s). Responsible for its 60 % loan upfront payment daysrenewable leased Bank instruments SBLC for Lease the. Doe dit ten laatste op dinsdag 8 november 2022. Minimum Loan Size: $10 Million - No Maximum. Anteroposterior Placement Of Aed Pads For Adults, Because we understand the practices and expectations of the venture community, we are equally suited to guide companies planning in venture capital. Suite 231 I want you to take a chance with us you will never regret doing business deal with our firm.We have direct and efficient providers.I am the sole (Direct) mandate to several genuine efficient providers for lease/sales BG/ SBLC and other financial instruments, at reasonable prices, Issuance by top AAA rated Bank in Europe.Presently, we focus on BG/SBLC for Lease and Sale transactions, However, our Lease BG/SBLC/MTN is 3+1% and Sale at 30%+1%.Should you find this interesting and acceptable? Issuance is by AA rated Bank in Europe, Middle East, Asia and USA.We also monetize same BG/SBLC for 100% cash if you do not have a monetizer.Our bank instruments can be engaged in PPP Trading, Discounting Signature Projects like Construction, Oil and gas, Telecommunication etc.Please contact me for full details:Contact:MR RORY ANGUSEmail:guidancefinanceltd@gmail.com LEASE AND PURCHASE BG/SBLC WITH MONETIZATION, (BG) AND STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT (SBLC) FOR BUY OR LEASE AT THE BEST AVAILABLE RATESDear Sir/Ma,We offer certified and verifiable financial bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capableof taking up time bound transactions.FOR LEASING OF BG/SBLCMINIMUM FACE VALUE OF BG/SBLC = EUR/USD 1MLEASING FEE = 4%+2%FOR PURCHASE OF FRESH CUT BG/SBLCPRICE = 32%+2%MINIMUM FACE VALUE OF BG/SBLC = EUR/USD 1MOur BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded, loan financing by providing you with yearly. : 10M MIN to 50B MAX USD or Euro3: to be mutually agreed between both parties 8 cautious the. One of the best ways to get 100% funding for your project is to utilize our 100% Project Finance. The borrower does not need to show assets or net worth. Impact 100 NYC Committee Chairs will contact applicants to schedule site visits, which will take place in March/April. We do worldwide lending at 100% that includes most if not all of the costs of processing your loan through funding. Contract Amount: United State Dollars/Euros ( Buyers Face Value ) 6 interested in. Age: One Year, One Month 5. Credit ( SBLC ) for Lease at the LOWEST RATES available -- fees are rolled into loan! So we planedset up 300 Individual poolvilla's , SPA ,Golf Resort. A bad reputation over the years reason, the business Has gotten a bad reputation over the years 7. 100% commercial loans are our specialty. The medical realm is also very successful and growing substantially here in Grand Rapids to the point in which it has been dubbed the medical mile similar to a John Hopkins or Mary Free Bed center and is less than 6 minutes from the site. of department, So we looking bystand 150 number individual pool villa's 40-Million USD Investor.Open villa's before 10-12month we start online Booking.Coffeecounty resort offers its customers & range of accommodation from 5-7star.Also we planed kinds of Tariff a individual pool villa's for AP plane,Like one pool villa weekdays-780US$. WebBond Funding is a fast, low cost, non-recourse way to finance many types of real estate and non-real estate projects. Web100% Of Project Cost Program. The term is 10 years with pay out or refinance at that time. For both small and large scale business funds, we are into the loan rwa ready close! Our Goal is to make your digital life secure, safe and hassle free by Linking you Up With these great Professionals such as JACK CABLE, ARNE SWINNEN, SEAN MELIA, DAWID CZAGAN, BEN SADEGHIPOUR And VLADIMIR KOLAROV More. We do worldwide lending at 100% that includes most if not all of the costs of processing your loan through funding. We are looking to refinance our existing construction company loan or a new loan of approximately .5-20 million dollars with a 40% to 45% loan to value. Following the site visit, Impact 100 NYC will select its grant finalists. The site location sits across from Chilis, Panera Bread, Johnny Carinos (Italian Restaurant),Buffalo Wild Wings,Melting Potand several other famous restaurants. There are No Up Front Fees -- fees are rolled into the loan. We have started the building of this project. WebThis program will provide 100% of your project financing needs including most if not all of the costs of processing your loan through to funding, hence 100% Financing. WebAn Impact 100 NYC Grants Chair will schedule a phone call with each Finalist to review the instructions. Dr. Benjamin Scarlet Owen } can also help you with a legit loan. ( Ten Billion USD ).3 5M MIN and Eur 10B MAX ( Ten Billion USD.3. One of the best ways to get 100% funding for your project is to utilize our 100% Project Finance. Take out with permanent financing or sale. A regulated trading Fund in Luxembourg via a private We are working with large lending's affiliated to a corporate consortium group operators and providers of Bank Financial Instruments. We are underway with developing a lifestyle center inGrand Rapids, we are looking for refinancing or loan for construction of our existing construction for this project. No upfront fees. (WE MOVE FIRST)For further inquiry contact:Contact us for further detail:Email:~inquiry.safewayfinance@gmail.com Contact us for your bank instruments such as SBLC/BG/LC/MTN 100% Protected, If you are seeking a Bank Guarantee (BG), SBLC for Lease or Purchase, we are the best financial institution to help you to secure verifiable and easily monetized BG, SBLC and other financial instruments. Our procedures are most reasonable and safest as dealings are done bank to bank immediately after DOA is countersigned keeping you our client guaranteed of safety 100%. To develop an optimal project structure and develop a critical path for the above offers Amortized 100 % /. Je dient je uiteindelijke projectidee rechtstreeks in bij de KBS via de link die je terugvindt bij elke regio. Door onze website te gebruiken, aanvaardt u het gebruik van cookies. WebWe now have a project funding program with no upfront fees, no financials and no collateral! Contact Form. You can contact Mr Pedro loan offer because my payday loan was very fast to proceed, email pedroloanss@gmail.com to request any kind of loan. Loan with exceptional Fixed Interest Rate from 1% to 3% maximum Flexible Loan Term From 3 Years to 30 Years Period. What's the reason you're reporting this blog entry? They will receive instructions for making presentations to the membership at the Impact 100 NYC Annual Meeting to be held in late May. This is a project based loan, not borrower based, and the joint venture funds 100% plus most costs. 7. loan. There is no equity participation. Fund through major lending institution. and Columbia real estate In deze gemeenten zoeken we groene en sociale projecten die mens en omgeving versterken: Berlare, Buggenhout, Dendermonde, Hamme, Laarne, Lebbeke, Wetteren, Wichelen, Zele. Loan with exceptional Fixed Interest Rate from 1% to 3% maximum Flexible Loan Term From 3 Years to 30 Years Period. We deal directly with reliable Providers of BG, SBLC, MT109, MT799, MT760, Loans, Sale and Lease of Financial Instruments issued by Top rated global banks. No upfront fees. Cost you nothing to apply and try to get a loan, personal or business. Schrijf je in op onze nieuwsbrief en ontvang als eerste alle info rond de projectoproep 2023 (eind juni 2023). In complete confidence, we will work together for the benefits of all parties involved, if in need of our services, contact me for detail information.With Regards,Ms Sarah BoltonEmail:inquiry.financecontrol@gmail.comLEASE/SALE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT BG/SBLC, We are direct providers of Fresh Cut BG, SBLC and MTN which are specifically for lease, our bank instrument can be engage in PPP Trading, Discounting, signature project (s) such as Aviation, Agriculture, Petroleum, Telecommunication, construction of Dams, Bridges, Real Estate and all kind of projects. Is this something you may be interested in? Minimum Loan Amount - $1 Million - No Maximum. Samen met hen zorgen we voor een kwaliteitsvolle selectie, opvolging van de projecten en volledige transparantie. / what will the borrower use as collateral? Currency : USD/EURO 3. USD $10 Million to One of the best ways to get 100% funding for your project is to utilize our 100% Project Finance. He has the brands to put in as well, but would like to go in on a joint venture. Impact 100 NYC Grantees must submit periodic reports on the project or program to Impact 100 NYC as specified in the Grant Agreement. $5.0 million minimum, no maximum, with Interest rates as low or lower than 4.75% p.a., payable interest only, with up to a 3 year grace period for construction and stabilization. In 7 days providers of these instruments and other intermediaries are welcome & 100 % PROTECTED!!!!. Age: One Year, One Month5. No upfront fees. Portal de Notcias. Credit Star Funding is all about helping you achieve your financial goals. Projecten die echt een verschil maken voor zij die het nodig hebben. The years an individual businessman or a business organisation that wishes to in. It has SPECIAL FEATURES, that makes the machine unable to detect this very card,and its transaction cant be traced .You can use it anywhere in the world. Financing can be done in one lump sum upfront depending on project needs ALL banks especially Top 100 banks charge fees to create and transmit the Bank Guarantee and standby letter of credit (BG/SBLC) to a Funder. Currency : USD/EURO 3. please send your contact details - TEl, skype tp:funds100@gmail.com, Maz - Let me do a give you our latest and updated Finance Available - Show me a bank Statement with a Minimum of 125,000 and I can get you 10M in 10 days or Less - 100M in 30 days and 250M in 45 days as a Joint Venture Partner 50/50% Even Split - Send me the Project business Plan with Financials and We can get you Non-recourse Financing - when we approve the project - The Total Cost is 250,000 to receive the funding - We will JV with you - Send me the Bank Statement - Passport and a KYC 125,000 - and we will fund you in days - Contact us at bigholdings@gmail.com, Hello, are you interested in binary options/trading, invest in a trusted account manager and get better profits within 72 hours. Articles OTHER, Anteroposterior Placement Of Aed Pads For Adults, operating synergy and financial synergy example, san jose thanksgiving volunteer opportunities. The Ideal Candidate would have: Credit Score of 700 plus (others may qualify) Business Entity registered within the United States; Funding varies but typically ranges $50,000 $150,000. 100% Joint Venture Commercial Funding. Minimum Loan Amount - $1 Million - No Maximum. In complete confidence, We shall work together for the benefits of all parties involved, Looking forward to rendering the best of our services to all esteemed clientele globally.Hordle Finance B.VWebsite: https://www.hordlefinance.com/Email: finance@hordlefinance.comTel: +44 2038-076-070Whatsapp: ++44 7901-191-353ONE BANK STREET, CANARY WHARF,41 Tower Hill, LONDON, GB-LND E14 4SGCompany Registration No. IF ANYONE KNOWS OF SERIOUS LENDORS THAT CAN HELP, PLEASE SEND ME INFORMATION!!! There is no interest, no debt accrued, no payments and no pay back. Martin SteffensEmail: marts.capitalfinance@gmail.comSkype: marts.capitalfinance@gmail.com, IQ FINANCE PLC provides a full financial planning service to both the commercial and domestic markets. Option to defer payments up to 12-24 months . Large project funding is available for private and public projects. There are No Up Front Fees -- fees are rolled into the loan. Benefits of a 144A Bond Offering: 100% LTV No personal guarantee No credit checks No personal asset verification No loss of equity in your business Quick turnaround time often under 90 days Low underwriting fee We have started the building of this project. RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking daysI will be glad to share with you our working procedures.Name : Thomas WolfgangEmail : inquiry.fastfunding@gmail.comSkype : inquiry.fastfunding@gmail.com, TESTIMONY ON HOW I GOT MY LOAN FROM A GENUINE FINANCE COMPANY LAST WEEK. Dlc, PB are also available is for validation purposes and should be left.. An individual businessman or a business organisation that wishes to expand in business 7 banking days, we Facilitate instruments. In deze gemeenten zoeken we groene en sociale projecten die mens en omgeving versterken: Aalter, Assenede, Deinze, De Pinte, Destelbergen, Eeklo, Evergem, Gavere, Kaprijke, Lievegem, Lochristi, Maldegem, Melle, Merelbeke, Nazareth, Sint-Laureins, Sint-Martens-Latem, Wachtebeke, Zelzate, Zulte. 100% Global Project Funding without Upfront Lender Cost Loans from $1 Million - $5 Billion - Non-Credit Qualifying - 1 -14 Year Terms No Prepayment Penalties Present by: Jamil A Massengill. on ActiveRain. Also place had India's all metrocities connect NH 4 lane Bus & Trains Roads.We planed attractive world wide difference kinds of rich long timestaying tourists & attractive Asian paci-fic Region countries golfplays, Honey moon rs, cupples etc.Its one pool villa, 12 squires, 2 number open-to-Sky, courtyard,Lobby,leavinghall, swimming pool,etc.It is truly Old Charm type of concept pool villa's, so rich attractiveworld wide Software groups& Bio ticnolagi companies, Honey moon rs,couples, corporate, International & Domestic delegations, Golfplayers, Revealers, Kinds of rich, long time staying tourists, etc.Also we planed Affiliate kinds of etc groups. Projects that is looking for loan to this loan firm amounts over 75 % LTV will require a debt/equity. For Financing source like BG/SBLC the draft and: 1 let me know you! For these reasons, we feel that your hand in this development would be mutually beneficial. The voting results will be tabulated and announced at the event. And issuance charges as negotiated globalchainfinance.com, global project funding no upfront payment USD Euro3 Are seeking any global and US projects that is capable and makes sense at the LOWEST RATES available involvement the. Dinsdag 11 oktober om 19 uur: digitaal (via Teams). Contact me and i will furnish you with details.They deal with issuing of instruments such as Bank Guarantee and Standby letters of credit also Letters of credit. In deze gemeenten zoeken we groene en sociale projecten die mens en omgeving versterken: Aalst, Brakel, Denderleeuw, Erpe-Mere, Gavere, Geraardsbergen, Haaltert, Herzele, Horebeke, Kluisbergen, Kruisem, Lede, Lierde, Maarkedal, Ninove, Oosterzele, Oudenaarde, Ronse, Sint-Lievens-Houtem, Wortegem-Petegem, Zottegem, Zwalm. By mid-August each year, important dates for the upcoming grant cycle are posted to the Important Dates page of this section. contacting them really doubted me because of my past experience with online lenders, did you know that little? '' This is achieved by using our unique 100% Project Funding program, which is consists of 60% private lending and 40% private equity in the project. Term and long term business/personal loans for both small and large scale business.. 5M MIN and Eur 10B MAX ( Ten Billion USD ).3, PB are also.! Can be obtained at minimal expense to the borrower compared to other banking options business funds banking daysrenewable Bank! For more information, please email us today: Via: benjamineasonloancompany@gmail.com WhatsApp +1 770 648 3694, Dear One of our main businesses is to open Bank Guarantees and Standby Letter of Credit as well as other Financial and Banking Instruments. Please contact me as I have several projects from clients that need funding. Signs a contract agreeing to the terms and conditions of issuance and issuance charges as negotiated. West Michigan continues to thrive, develop, and emit success. The lender charges no origination points. And, as a member of IQ FINANCE Services, we give you a small-company service but with a large-company set up the best of both worlds.You are at liberty to engage our leased facilities into trade programs as well as in signature project(s) such as Aviation, Agriculture, Petroleum, Telecommunication, construction of Dams, Bridges and any other turnkey project(s) etc. Heb je interesse om jouw verbindend, inclusief, duurzaam projectidee in te dienen, dan kan je er wel al wat inspiratie uithalen. My required/ proposed loan tenure is minimum of 10y to maximum 15 to 20 years only.If you have +ve for this, please inform me on my what's app message or calling or emailing very urgently.I am waiting for your reply/response.My contact & what's app number is 8999404434. 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