The members of your City Council unanimously support Measure C and pledge that the following projects you requested will be the priorities for use of the tax increment: Join us and many others to further perfect this place we call home. Were partnering with you the readers to make it happen. WebWelcome to the Acalanes Union High School District Human Resources page. I live in the district and am a parent to a child at a local public elementary school. I want to bring a parent voice to the school board to deliver top quality education for our students My connection to Evergreen School District has been over two decades as a student, and then also as an advocate and now a parent, Barousse told San Jos Spotlight. Everyone cares about their kids, students care about their education and I think we can build more of a real working community through all of these groups, Sabes told San Jos Spotlight. school. However, I see it as the board and the districts responsibility to be transparent and to communicate as much as possible. The education students receive impacts them for a lifetime. This includes investment in PPE, new protocols and listening to the science. No, I graduated from nearby La Quinta High School in Westminster. For more information see the Tehama County Elections Office website I have the most experience of any candidate. Business ownerMichelle Hickok is running against real estate developer ByronHotchkiss from Shingletown for trustee of Area F. The top vote getter will represent communities in the eastern half of Tehama County from eastRed Bluff to Lassen. Her priorities include COVID-19 funding and learning loss, declining enrollment, teacher hiring and retention, and mental health services for students. Did you graduate from an HBUHSD school? Its important to take their needs into account instead of allocating resources to them that the Board believes. WebThree individuals, including two incumbents, filed as candidates for three open positions on the Acalanes Union High School District Governing Board. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Earlier this summer, Diversify our Narrative of HBUHSD spoke at a board meeting during public comment. That impact outstretches past individual experiences and shapes our communities. With this borrowed money, some in the City want to acquire land and build a $30 million City Hall. This measure was put on the ballot through a vote of the governing officials of Lafayette, California. Ill prioritize offering a rigorous, comprehensive curriculum, maintaining our districts fiscally conservative practices, and supporting an educational approach that respects the whole child, including physical, intellectual, and emotional development, Foremans statement said. On his shared campaign website, McSorley, who is a former police officer, emphasizes the importance of funding safety measures in District schools. Still, we can improve. COVID-19 will not be disappearing anytime soon and we will need to proactively think about what the next year or two will look like. Having studied political science at Yale, I possess the skill set required to analyze data, facts and science and to make tough decisions. Education:Ocean View High School, Yale University. Over the summer, I directed my colleges first-ever online orientation program. Terry McAuliffe was supposed to win Virginias gubernatorial election. Only one local organization supports the measure the Contra Costa Tax Association and other local organizations have all chosen NOT to take a position, as they CANNOT support it. It is directly linked to how theyll lead in their careers, colleges, communities, and families. Among the other three candidatesisDolores Lucero who is also a candidate for Shasta Lake City Council. Please note that masks are no longer mandatory on district property. Measure C will expire on April 1, 2046, unless extended by Lafayette voters voting at a subsequent election. My career has been built on building relationships and empowering communities. Transition to In-Person Instruction & COVID-19 Safety Info, Educational Services - Old - Deletion Pending Aida's Decision, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Acalanes (DEI), Enrollment - Registration, Residency & Transfers. San Jose braces for bill criminalizing homelessness. Its up to everyone to play their part to protect, prevent and prepare to keep our HBUHSD community healthy and safe against the spread.
As a trustee for HBUHSD, I have worked to strengthen our financial position and have a greater understanding of both our Districts budget and the convoluted California state budget system. I have two daughters who attend HBHS and are a part of the APA Dance program and Model United Nations. Seven candidates run for three open positions in the Acalanes Union High School District Governing Board. Web1212 Pleasant Hill Road | Lafayette, CA 94549 | Phone: 925.280.3900 Hiring an excellent Superintendent who started with us in 2017. Individuals interested in running for the Governing Board may request more information from the Maricopa County School Superintendents Office at (602) 506-3866.
How can voters learn more about you and your policies? Further, the board hasnt adequately represented the community it serves. We educate every student to excel and contribute in a global society. The Acalanes Union High School District's Governing Board functions as the legislative body of the district and establishes policies and goals by which the school district is operated. Five citizens are elected to serve overlapping terms of four years each. (Karen Billing) By Karen Billing Oct. 6, 2022 4:33 PM PT The San Dieguito Union School District school boards Area 5 seat represents the communities of Carmel Valley and Pacific Highlands Ranch. As a leader of the county and statewide school board associations I have acquired skills and made contacts that enable me to advocate locally and in Sacramento for the students of HBUHSD. Their responses are published below. Hansons priorities are improving services and staffing for students with disabilities and special needs, as well as ensuring fiscal responsibility. Campaign Page:, Instagram:, Facebook: I promise to use my past four years as a trustee, and 37 years as an Evergreen teacher and principal to give guidance to Evergreens future, Corpus told San Jos Spotlight. Boardsmanship requires a significant time commitment, not only in terms of meetings and related events but in preparation. The governing board for Arizonas largest community college district will look different come January after two new My involvement in the HBUHSD community includes serving on the Districts Relationships by Objectives Committee, as well as the Booster Task Force, the LCAP Committee and Strategic Planning. I am also a small business owner in the community. Evergreen School District serves more than 9,900 students across 16 elementary and middle schools. Search the history of over 806 billion The physical and mental well-being of our students contributes to their student success. About Join, The six HBUHSD candidates from left to right: (top row) Susan Henry, Michael Simons and Spencer Hagaman and (bottom row) Christine Hernandez, Saul Lankster and Claudia Ramos. I am running because I love education, care deeply about all our students and have a calling to serve my community Given that CUHSDs student population is approximately two-thirds people of color, I believe that my perspective as an Asian American from an immigrant family would enable me to provide a valuable perspective during board deliberations, Kim told San Jos Spotlight. The Student Newspaper of Acalanes High School, CategoryNewsPosted onOctober 24, 2022October 24, 2022AuthorAcalanes BlueprintLeave a comment, By Marisa Guerra Echeverria and Robin Parmelee, Head Section Editor and Staff Writer. Three seats: Four candidates are running for school board in this district, which covers thenortheast corner ofShasta County, including schools in Burney and Fall River Mills. Donald Wayne Spurgeon Sr., retired food director, Lindsi Haynes,Shasta Dam Little League Team mom. WebAcalanes Union High School District (AUHSD) Governing Board Candidate Forum. As a nurse I know the importance of returning to campus safely, adhering to all of the requirements and recommendations from the California Department of Public Health and the Orange County Health Care Agency. Voters pick from five candidates, including incumbentsRhonda Hookham Hull andSteve MacFarland. Rocha did not respond to requests for comment. My three children graduated from FVHS in 2001, 2002 and 2005. Sabes emphasized his experience as a substitute teacher and parent. Our mission is to recruit and employ a diverse certificated and classified staff for our school communities. Webacalanes union high school district candidates . Together, we can prepare the next generation for success. Zito, who is running for a fourth term, referred San Jos Spotlight to his campaign website. We need to continue to create equitable learning experiences for our students across the full district and give them every opportunity for success. Corrections & Clarifications: This story was updated to correct the spelling on the last name of Steve MacFarland, one of two incumbents in the race for the Shasta County Board of Education, Area 2. Transcriptions of interviews with candidates will also be available upon request. A safe return to school during the Covid-19 pandemic: This issue is by far the most immediate and crucial that the Board and District has ever faced. The City can borrow up to $50 million against the tax measure revenue stream. Our students, their families and our staff, both certificated and classified, deserve to work and learn in a safe, secure and supportive environment. In the history of the HBUHSD Board, there is yet to be a Board Member who represents the Latinx/Hispanic community. Three seats: Voters choose from five candidates to fillthree seats in the Millville School District. What makes you stand out from your fellow candidates? Hallidays priorities include teacher retention, fiscal responsibility and student mental health. Occupation: Doctor of Podiatric Medicine; Member, Board of Trustees H.B.U.H.S.D. | All donations are tax-deductible. I know what it takes to build relationships, even when we cant meet in person. I am running for re-election to lend my experienced leadership for these unprecedented times. Additionally, we need to regularly address the environmental health and physical safety of our schools. We are not. The meeting will also be live-streamed on the District YouTube channel. My leadership philosophy is simple leave any place better than youve found it. I am running for office because I know that decisions made today can make an impact long into the future, and I am ready to serve my community. Voters can visit my website, follow our campaign on Facebook, email me personally atspencerchagaman@gmail.comor even call/text me at (714) 293-3572. Some south Shasta Countyresidents will also votein a Tehama County race forRed Bluff High School District board. The financial problems that are facing the District are much too serious to have someone learn on the job. Regardless of his retirement from the race, his name remains on the ballots. There are no reviews yet. Associate Superintendent - Administrative Services. A yes vote on Measure C will authorize the 1% transactions and use (sales) tax. The tax will raise about $3 million annually and, with matching funds, grants, and private donations, deliver exceptional improvements to Lafayette. Gateway is in the northwest quarter of Shasta County and takes in Shasta Lake. on the Internet. I have previously served as Co-Chair on the School Site Council at Ocean View HS. With my background in Psychology and Ethnic Studies, I understand the importance of representation for constituents in positions that hold great power. We do not discriminate against any individual on the basis of actual or His priorities include addressing the COVID-19 pandemics impacts on student learning and working with staff to provide solutions. As an HBUHSD Board Member, I will rely on teachers, students, staff and parent help and collaboration in the Boards policymaking and approval of policies. Followher on Twitter @RS_JSkropanicand on Facebook. To that end, we currently have six full-time school nurses, eight school counselors, five counseling interns, 26 school psychologists, two wellness specialists (one credentialed counselor and one credentialed school psychologist), a Director of mental Health Services with three additional Psychologists at the Compass Center, additional support through California Youth Services Mental Health Support Telehealth and a contract with caresolace for student/family mental and behavioral health referrals. Comments are moderated and approved by administrators. It has been an honor and privilege serving our wonderful community on the Lafayette School District Governing Board since 2017, and as its President (Board-elected) each of the past two terms (2020 to present). I want to make sure that the needs are being met for the kids in Evergreen, Hanson told San Jos Spotlight. Susie Epstein Were changing the face of journalism by providing an innovative model for delivering reliable, truthful news to the nations 10th largest city. Thank you. I promise to listen to teachers, students and parents to make every school in the district shine. to review the collection and expenditure of tax revenues or to assign those duties to an existing City committee or commission. Rodriguezs priorities include equitable policies in education, teacher recruitment and retention, and school safety. At the school level, I believe there must be an increase in assistance programs for students to broaden their opportunities for their post-secondary education. During last years Community Conversations, and in two detailed surveys, we learned that residents want and are willing to pay for the City to preserve open space, add downtown parking, ease traffic back-ups, ensure our police have adequate resources, create downtown parks, and revitalize the Park Theater. The following impartial analysis of the measure was prepared by the office of the Lafayette City Attorney: On July 25, 2016, the City Council placed Measure C on the November 8, 2016 ballot. Elections are held in November every other year. Blueprint attempted to contact Lind for an interview several times but could not schedule one or receive a candidate statement. Recorded October 12th, 2022 at The Del Valle Winter, appointed last March, did not respond to requests for comment. Submit application to: Whether as a Board Member or as a constituent of HBUHSD, I will continue to work in order to create a better community for all our residents. These are unprecedented times in public education. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. How are you currently involved in the HBUHSD community? Six candidates are competing for three seats: incumbents Manuel F. Martinez and Rudy Rodriguez, as well as challengers Milan Balinton, Marc Cooper, Tammy Lariz and Steven Sanchez. Those who submitted statements for use in the official Shasta County voter guide appear with hyperlinks to their pageat the countyElection Office website. I have worked on a number of policy initiatives with local councilmembers and school board members to improve the community. One of Linds top priorities as a Governing Board candidate is to maximize external communication between the community and District schools . dollars annually, with citizens oversight, all funds spent in Lafayette, be adopted?[2]. During this pandemic the District will provide enhanced mental health services which include; six full-time school nurses, eight school counselors, five counseling interns, 26 school psychologists, two wellness specialists, a Director of Mental Health Services, three Compass Center psychologists, the Executive Director of Special Education as the coordinator of the HBUHSD Crisis Response Team and our contracted online service for student/family mental and behavioral health referrals to local counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists. The Acalanes Union High School District's Governing Board functions as the legislative body of the district and establishes policies and goals by which the school district is operated. Journalists gathered information in these profiles through a combination of interviews and research. Dave Smith (Appointed LAFSD Governing Board Member): After being appointed to join the LAFSD Governing Board in June 2021, Smith seeks to be formally elected into the Board. The use of the funds each year will depend on the opportunities that arise that year. I was a guest speaker at FVHS in 1974. (480) 839-0292 x11010. Seven candidates are battling for three open seats. The forum can be watched live on LWVDV YouTube Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Board members will be responsible for millions in funding and housing projects to retain teachers. I have also coordinated a division-level assessment and see opportunities for the district to be more strategic in feedback collection and transparency. Additionally, the associated lighting improves the safety and security of our school sites. With this lack of information, honesty and trust, are you comfortable handing the City a blank check for $50 million? Three seats: Voters choose from four candidates running for this district that encompasses nine Redding schools:Alta Mesa Elementary,Boulder Creek Elementary,Lassen View Elementary,Mistletoe Elementary, PACE Academy,Parsons JuniorHigh,Redding Collegiate Academy, Rother Junior High andShasta Meadows Elementary. We need to work collaboratively with the Orange County Health Agency and the Orange County Department of Education. The League of Womens Voters, Diablo Valley chapter, hosted the event on Oct. 3. Rodriguez, elected in 2010, emphasized his experience as a three-term board member. They are: Taryn Ham,Foothill Area Little Leagueboard member, Beth Watt,paramedic and College of the Siskiyous instructor, Palo Cedro Soccer Board president. It as the Board hasnt adequately represented the community and District schools and to... Voters choose from five candidates to fillthree seats in the HBUHSD Board, is. 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