This is further enforced under Threat, Duress and Coersion in that the local Postal Office refuses to deliver to "General Delivery" for longer than 30 days.
It does not include the 50 states themselves , as is confirmed by the following cites: "We have in our political system a Government of the United States and a government of the several States. ] endobj hX[oVE=3_oToD$$$^/F1! WebAffidavit of Sovereignty Equality under the law is paramount, and mandatory by law. That is, if all Americans were to declare legal Sovereignty to them selves, then as one poster mentioned just a few weeks back, there is no legal reason for the American people under their own Sovereignty, to pay Federal Taxes.
Thus, be it known to all, in the nature of UCC 1-207, that I reserve my natural common law right not to be compelled to perform under any contract of adhesion that I did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. No status, high or low, can be assigned to another person through a piece of paper, without the recipient's full knowledge and consent. 507 250 250 418 418 498 498 905 450 705 391 339 850 507 395 487 579 579 579 579 579 579 763 533 488 488 488 488 252 252 252 252 ["ImageName"]=> It is further relevant to this affidavit that any violation of my Rights, Freedom, or Property by the federal government, or any agent thereof, would be an illegal and unlawful excess, clearly outside the limited boundaries of federal jurisdiction. [created] => 2023-03-29 13:07:56 The definition of the "United States" being used here, then, is limited to its territories : 7) Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. 722 722 722 722 722 722 1000 722 667 667 667 667 389 389 389 389 I am neither subject to any entity anywhere, nor is any entity subject to me. If I have participated in any of the supposed "benefits"* associated with these hidden contracts, I have done so under duress, for lack of any other practical alternative. [category_title] => Without Federal Tax revenue the Corporate American Government would collapse. It is further relevant to this affidavit that any violation of my Rights, Freedom, or Property by the federal government, or any agent thereof, would be an illegal and unlawful excess, clearly outside the limited boundaries of federal jurisdiction. Hawai`i, Thus, be it known to all, in the nature of UCC 1-207, that I reserve my natural common law right not to be compelled to perform under any contract that I did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. >> Since I don't carry passengers or freight for hire, there is no law requiring me to have a license to travel for my own pleasure and that of my family and friends. Any document I may have ever signed, in which I answered "yes" to the question, "Are you a _______________________ citizen?" Volume 20: Corpus Juris Sec. I do hereby revoke and rescind all powers of attorney, in fact or otherwise, signed by me or otherwise, implied in law or otherwise, with or without my consent or knowledge, as it pertains to any and all property, real or private, corporeal or incorporeal, obtained in the past, present, or future. I am not in any "jurisdiction," for I am not of subject status. 2 0 obj Hayne's barrister Margaret Cunneen SC tendered an affidavit from Ms Bonnici. The Congress shall have the Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular State.". Pages: 7 Page(s) Related Categories. !6i`hiX H"(E\>l UDKA3=ug={fwQ|U\eQX2cq#/Dw?~"_0/bc1Fb6~.81tg6JJA|a`C>Fg/B
XeC-mkjl3| Q [ [content_title] => Therefore, in addition to the fact that no unrevealed federal contract can obligate me to perform in any manner without my fully informed and uncoerced consent, likewise, no federal laws apply to me or have any jurisdiction over me. . 2134 21451 Google Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a purported language translation. However, because of the lack of education of police officers on this matter, should I be stopped for any reason and found to be without a license, it is likely I would be harrassed. 525 525 527 527 527 527 527 498 529 525 525 525 525 453 525 453 Any such participation does not constitute "acceptance" in contract law, because of the absence of full disclosure of any valid "offer," and voluntary consent without misrepresentation or coercion, under contract law. 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 549 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 -- Internal Revenue Code Section 312(e). The Affidavit must be signed by the server in front of a notary public. After the Affidavit of Service is done, it must be filed with the Court. Proof that legal papers were delivered must always be given to the Court. If the case has started already, the original Affidavit of Service is filed when the original legal papers are given to the Court. Any document I may have ever signed, in which I answered "yes" to the question, "Are you a _______________________ citizen?" . However, because of the lack of education of police officers on this matter, should I be stopped for any reason and found to be without a license, it is likely I would be harrassed. This is because any such change in status, if any may be supposed to occur, could happen only through a hidden and unrevealed contract or statute. Furthermore, my use of such compelled "benifits" may be temporary, until better alternatives become available, practical, and widely recognized. 537 537 355 399 347 537 473 745 459 474 397 344 475 344 498 507 % Angela Kahealani, Principal, by Special Appearance, in Propria Persona, proceeding Sui Juris. Annual Post-Tax Year Income Statement of Qualified NJ Resident Senior Citizen, Disabled Person, or Surviving Spouse/Surviving Civil Union Partner Required to Continue Receipt of Real Property Tax Deduction on Dwelling House, Claim for Real Property Tax Deduction on Dwelling House of Qualified NJ Resident Senior Citizen, Disabled Person, or Surviving Spouse/Surviving Civil Union Partner. 226 326 438 498 507 729 705 233 312 312 498 498 258 306 267 430 Likewise, Title 18 of the United States Code at section 7 specifies that the "territorial jurisdiction" of the United States extends only outside the boundaries of lands belonging to any of the 50 States. 400 549 300 300 333 576 540 250 333 300 330 500 750 750 750 500 In legal terminology, the word "includes" means "is limited to" . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 507 507 507 507 507 507 507 507 507 507 507 507 276 276 498 498 498 463 I voluntarily choose to comply with God[dess]s laws. My use of such alleged "benefits"* is under duress only, and is with full reservation of all my common law rights. 14 0 obj 250 333 500 500 500 500 220 500 333 747 300 500 570 333 747 500 For example, in two Supreme Court cases, it was decided: "The laws of Congress in respect to those matters do not extend into the territorial limits of the states, but have force only in the District of Columbia, and other places that are within the exclusive jurisdiction of the national government," -- Caha v. United States , 152 U.S., at 215, "We think a proper examination of this subject will show that the United States never held any municipal sovereignty, jurisdiction, or right of soil in and to the territory, of which Alabama or any of the new States were formed," -- 44 U.S., at 221, " [B]ecause, the United States have no constitutional capacity to exercise municipal jurisdiction, sovereignty, or eminent domain, within the limits of a State or elsewhere, except in the cases in which it is expressly granted," -- 44 U.S., at 223, "Alabama is therefore entitled to the sovereignty and jurisdiction over all the territory within her limits, subject to the common law," -- 44 U.S., at 228, 229; Pollard v. Hagan , 44 U.S. 221, 223, 228, 229. Web17. Webthe Universe a separate and equal sovereignty, a respectful consideration of that sovereignty requires that they declare the causes which impel them to this present course of action. Furthermore, I hereby revoke, rescind, and make void ab initio, all powers of attorney, in fact or otherwise, implied in law or otherwise, signed by me or anyone else, as it pertains to the government identification number previously assigned to me, as it pertains to my birth certificate, or any other licenses or certificates issued by any and all government or quasi-governmental entities, due to the use of various elements of fraud by said agencies to attempt to deprive me of my Sovereignty or property. 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 549 611 556 556 556 556 500 556 500 507 258 258 435 435 498 498 905 444 720 399 344 843 507 397 520 ( Any supposed "contract" is therefore void, from the beginning. Governor Sheila Oliver, State Capitol Joint Management Commission, Comparable Sales Analysis Form (For use with A-1: Petition of Appeal Form), Application for Full Reassessment Program, Application For Annual Reassessment Program, Active Military Service Property Tax Deferment Application, Application for Certification of Renewable Energy System(s), Certification of New Construction/Improvements/Partial Assessments, Certification of Eligibility to Continue Receipt of Disabled Veterans' Real Property Tax Exemption, Claim for Property Tax Exemption on Dwelling House of Disabled Veteran or Surviving Spouse/Surviving Civil Union Partner/Surviving Domestic Partner of Disabled Veteran or Serviceperson, Application for 5 YearExemption/Abatement for Improvement, Conversion or Construction of Property under C.441, P.L. Decide on what kind of signature to create. WebAFFIDAVIT OF SOVEREIGNTY Be it known to all courts, governments, and other WebThe following is a step by step how to return to your sovereign capacity. Because such returns were filed under Threat, Duress, and Coercion (TDC), and no two-way contract was ever signed with full disclosure, there is nothing in any past filing of returns that created any valid contract. % 6510 Olohena Rd. There are some immature people with mental imbalances, such as the craving to dominate over other people, who masquerade as "government." Likewise, my use of the bank account thereof is due to the absence of a bank not associated with the central bank system. SOVEREIGN AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH Be it known to all who call themselves "government," their "courts," agents, corporations and other parties, that I, Hicks, am a natural, freeborn sovereign individual without subjects. And furthermore, I do not accept the liability associated with the compelled and pretended. Web"Because this prior written notice provision is a limited waiver of sovereign immunity, in derogation of common law, it is strictly construed" (Katz v City of New York, 87 NY2d 241, 243; see Gorman v Town of Huntington, 12 NY3d 275, 279; Poirier v City of Schenectady, 85 NY2d 310, 313; Monteleone v Incorporated Vil. I neither dominate anyone, nor am I dominated. [ 556 556 556 556 556 556 889 500 556 556 556 556 278 278 278 278 556 556 444 389 333 556 500 722 500 500 444 394 220 394 520 778 ", "The Congress shall have the Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular State.". If I have participated in any the supposed "benefits"* associated with these hidden contracts, I have done so under duress, for lack of any other practical alternative. Of the state, and of sovereignty A NATION or a state, as has been said at the beginning of this work, a body politic, or a society of men united together for the purpose of promoting their mutual safety and advantage by their combined strength. It indicates nothing about jurisdiction, nothing about property ownership, nothing about rights, and nothing about subject status. %PDF-1.3 To not use any bank at all is impossible or very difficult, as everyone knows, in today's marketplace. J),%"yzz'El"4=FiO%K`J)/mjl*-.:2%B$,_N'VF/H8W-^y+.l&uu)kZDK+T6~$D?z)d)T SOST=\zY;4wBwxFVA>]'0Nw-EP[?0~tuXJ.*CG\S]o6|5,)nwGt.xt+n;_q/~ _io/,BoIon/9
C+9oD'1;;,{4NaJFH>Hx+ZR{wg6[^F|[PFfoe#&iHX[_Lg52#x6,_& KE,M9kw,"!KXEFU ,&2RJCQ6OAR2vlasc#nZcV~*f^ . Furthermore, I hereby revoke, rescind, and make void ab initio, all powers of attorney, in fact or otherwise, implied in law or otherwise, signed by me or anyone else, as it pertains to the government identification number previously assigned to me, as it pertains to my birth certificate, or any other licenses or certificates issued by any and all government or quasi-governmental entities, due to the use of various elements of fraud by said agencies to attempt to deprive me of my Sovereignty or property. 342 498 338 336 301 563 598 268 303 252 435 539 658 691 702 463 Subscribed and sworn, without prejudice, as said in the Uniform Commercial Code 1-207. My authority for this statement is the same as it is for all free Sovereigns everywhere: the age-old, timeless, and universal respect for the intrinsic rights, property, freedoms, and responsibilities of the Individual, created and gifted by God. Similarly, since no obligation to perform in any manner was ever revealed in print, as part of the requirements for the supposed "privilege" to vote for government officials, any such previous registration on my part cannot be legal evidence of any obligation to perform. WebSovereign citizens believe an Apostille is only issued when the federal, state, or local Were there an alternative, I would be happy to use it. I have used these only because in this country, there is no other widely recognized currency. : , array(1) { This is because any such change in status, if any may be supposed to occur, could happen only through a hidden and unrevealed contract or statute. Earlier in the hearing, Mr Sfinas made an application to detain Hayne, which the star's lawyer opposed. Size: 5.52 MB . [0]=> Once I discovered the tax agencies are lying to the public, I have felt it is my responsible duty to society to terminate my voluntary participation. Be it known to all courts, governments, and other parties, that I, Angela Kahealani, am a natural free-born Sovereign, without subjects. 291 479 525 423 525 498 305 471 525 230 239 455 230 799 525 527 To not use any bank at all is impossible or very difficult, as everyone knows, in today's marketplace. ] 300 494 537 418 537 503 316 474 537 246 255 480 246 813 537 538 . 1015 667 667 722 722 667 611 778 722 278 500 667 556 833 722 778 Likewise, my use of the bank account thereof is due to the absence of a bank not associated with the central bank system. string(16) "" When referring to this "District" United States, the Internal Revenue Code uses the term "WITHIN" the United States. by National Recorder June 2, 2022 June 5, 2022 0 488. I have waived none of my intrinsic rights and freedoms by my use thereof. As understood, achievement does not web jan 1 2014 adavit of nationality washita sovereign nation nis 21 593 pdf pdfy mirror free It urged the U.S. not to walk further down a wrong and dangerous road.. To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such a district (NOT EXCEEDING TEN MILES SQUARE) as may, by cession of particular states and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of Government of the United States, [District of Columbia] and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock yards and other needful Buildings; And -- To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers . Discretionary Trust declaration form. [0]=> I may have received such "benefits" but I have not accepted them in a manner that binds me to anything. [images] => {"image_intro":"images/sager1.jpg","float_intro":"","image_intro_alt":"","image_intro_caption":"","image_fulltext":"","float_fulltext":"","image_fulltext_alt":"","image_fulltext_caption":""} Maybe I am looking at it in a simple manner, probably far too simple, but it is worth some of your people like "S" and "C", with input from others, investigating the issue. 31 Document(s) Flyer Templates. Volume 20: Corpus Juris Sec. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Because the courts have become entangled in the game of semantics, be it known to all courts and all parties, that if I ever signed any document or spoke any words on record, using words defined by twists in the law books different from the common usage, there can be no effect whatsoever on my Sovereign status in society thereby, nor can there be created any obligation to perform in any manner, by the mere use of such words. 556 750 222 556 333 1000 556 556 333 1000 667 333 1000 750 611 750 Annual Post-Tax Year [alias] => 2023-03-29-13-07-56 , .. .. , ( .. ) (, , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 778 778 ;usn|SY^h>z4t@Um(GMs$4E]Z$k"i$$^Pg{3c -{] ZF.`jb pT{r\z7:$hvpn(b~=}\M7\D1;AMS Tc~U7CB;3 jkQK0ft'C;sy3:52HJ^o|KPEV&E zzSk3 q! I may voluntarily choose to comply with the "laws" which others attempt to impose upon me, but no such "laws," nor their "enforcers," have any authority over me. Dozens, perhaps hundreds, of court cases prove that federal jurisdiction is limited to the few federal territory areas above indicated. Similarly, even though technically, my car does not fit the legal definition of a "motor vehicle", which is used for commercial purposes, nevertheless, I have registered it with the state and carry the state plates on it, because to have any other plates or no plates at all, causes me the risk of police officer harrassment and extreme inconvenience. The use of fiat currency to discharge my debts. . WebDefendants and Plaintiff but called the Note in this Affidavit. Volume 20: Corpus Juris Sec. object(stdClass)#1097 (3) { State has lost its monopoly over sovereignty, now it is fractured and shared among the States and non-State actors in multi-level governance structure. /Filter /FlateDecode I can be obligated to fufill no hidden or unrevealed contract whatsoever, due to the absence of full disclosure and voluntary consent. "HI") or numeric federal zone designations (Zip Codes, e.g. Therefore, such a piece of paper provides date and place information only. Sovereign Affidavit of Truth - Tennessee. . The signature is only for verification of identity. Thus, be it known to all, that I reserve my natural right not to be compelled to perform under any "contract" that I did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. ["GalleryID"]=> There are some immature people with mental imbalances, such as the craving to dominate over other people, who masquerade as "government." +:966126531375 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 750 750 If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA That the purpose of this Affidavit is to establish and verify that the Affiant is the same As a free Sovereign, there is no legal requirement for me to have such a license, for travelling in my car, as technically, the unrevealed legal purpose of driver's licenses is commercial in nature. The use of an identification number from a government agency. And furthermore, I do not accept the liability associated with the compelled and pretended "benefit"* of any hidden or unrevealed contract or commercial agreement, and specifically I refuse to be included in any federal zone. Overview Poster Template. 226 326 498 507 498 507 498 498 415 834 416 539 498 306 507 390 endobj My use of such alleged "benefits"* is under duress only, and is with full reservation of all my common law rights. Furthermore, I do not accept the "liability" associated with the compelled and pretended "benefit" of any hidden or unrevealed "contract" or "commercial agreement." Therefore under duress, I carry a "license" to avoid extreme inconvenience. Without a valid voluntary offer and acceptance, knowingly entered into by both parties, there is no "meeting of the minds," and therefore no valid contract. Section 1785: NY re: Merriam 36 N.E. THE USE OF THE NOTARY BELOW IS FOR IDENTIFICATION, AND SUCH USE DOES NOT GRANT ANY JURISDICTION TO ANYONE. Signed _______________________________________, Printed Name _________________________________, Date _________________________________________, My Commission Expires ________________________, Angela Kahealani He listed places to send the Affidavit and supporting doc to Officials. 250 333 500 500 500 500 200 500 333 760 276 500 564 333 760 500 It does not include the 50 states themselves , as is confirmed by the following cites: "We have in our political system a Government of the United States and a government of the several States. ] . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I am the sole legal owner and possess alloidal title to any and all such property, including but not limited to my physical human body. My use of the United States Postal Service to receive mail is under Threat, Duress and Coercion per Federal Law which asserts that this service must be used rather than private commercial delivery services, and the receipt of mail addressed with two letter capitalized federal zone abbreviations (e.g. xZmoF_1(8 Return of Tangible Personal Property for Local Exchange Telephone Co. Return of Machinery, Apparatus, or Equipment of a Petroleum Refinery Directly Used to Manufacture Petroleum Products From Crude Oil, $250 Real Property Tax Deduction Supplemental Income Form, Affidavit of Consideration for Use by Sellers. 22-3230605 Affidavit of Sovereignty International Notice Kyle Thomas Washington legal notices Status Correction. 1991, Application for Real Property Tax Exemption for Certain Contaminated Real Property, Supplemental Farmland Assessment Gross Sales (For use with FA-1: Application for Farmland Assessment), Further Statement of Non-Profit Organization ClaimingProperty Tax Exemption, Claim For Property Tax Exemption For Automatic Fire Suppression Systems. 444 444 444 444 444 444 667 444 444 444 444 444 278 278 278 278 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 500 778 333 500 444 1000 500 500 333 1000 556 333 889 778 611 778 << Any such participation does not constitute "acceptance" in contract law, because of the absence of full disclosure of any valid "offer," and voluntary consent without misrepresentation or coercion, under contract law. Hayne's barrister Margaret Cunneen SC tendered an affidavit from Ms Bonnici. [category_id] => 4636 object(stdClass)#1110 (3) { An Affidavit is a sworn statement made before the clerk or notary public As was shown by Anthony Williams during his extradition hearings in Hawaii, you cannot just say you are a sovereign. Let it be known that I use the number assigned to me for information only , if at all. WebSovereignty Affidavit of Truth Made Simple Template.doc SOVEREIGNTY AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH Be it known to all who call themselves "government," their "courts," agents, corporations and other parties, that I, Secured Party Name am a natural, freeborn sovereign individual, without subjects. Any tax returns I may have filed in the past, were filed due to the dishonest atmosphere of fear and intimidation created by the tax collector and the local assessors' offices; not because there is any law requiring me to do so. Web"Because this prior written notice provision is a limited waiver of sovereign immunity, in derogation of common law, it is strictly construed" (Katz v City of New York, 87 NY2d 241, 243; see Gorman v Town of Huntington, 12 NY3d 275, 279; Poirier v City of Schenectady, 85 NY2d 310, 313; Monteleone v Incorporated Vil. 11 0 obj , , , ( ): , , : , , 180 380 , 5 .. , , [created_time] => 2023-03-29 09:28:14 ", "The Congress shall have the Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular State.". [0]=> 507 507 250 498 418 690 498 498 395 1038 459 339 867 507 468 507 . This is because without full written disclosure of the definition and consequences of such supposed "citizenship," provided in a document bearing my signature given freely without misrepresentation or coercion, there can be no legally binding contract. Kyle Thomas Washington Affidavit of Sovereignty. -- Slaughter House Cases United States vs. Cruikshank , 92 U.S. 542 (1875) "THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT IS A FOREIGN CORPORATION WITH RESPECT TO A STATE." WebReclaiming Your Inherent American` Sovereignty` If ye love wealth better than liberty, the` tranquility of servitude better than the` animating contest of freedom, go home from us in` peace. I hereby waive, cancel, repudiate, and refuse to knowingly accept any alleged "benefit"* or gratuity associated with any of the aforementioned licenses, numbers, or certificates. WebWhat is a sovereign citizen? Government is the manner in which sovereignty is exercised in each Sovereign State, and democracy is that form of government in which the sovereign power is exercised by the people in a body; therefore, democratic government is the body which exercises the sovereign power of the people who consented to it, and, 18. [created_user_id] => 524 In 2021 it was HB 1215. () Report DMCA, SOVEREIGNTY AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH Be it known to all who call themselves "government," their "courts," agents, corporations and other parties, that I, Secured Party Name am a natural, freeborn sovereign individual, without subjects. I voluntarily choose to comply with Gods laws. Such a piece of paper provides date and place information only, at! Affidavit of Service is done, it must be filed with the Court likewise, my thereof! Hearing, Mr Sfinas made an application to detain Hayne, which the star lawyer!, which the user pays nothing to obtain a purported language translation, if at all impossible... 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