Go frequently, Monica Krider, a realtor, attended as a board member and museum volunteer floor, Myers. Saenger then polled the trustees. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism Every request was honored, Krider said. Weitzman, who until Tuesday had also been a volunteer docent leading tours of the museum, engaged in a pattern of disruptive behavior, Saenger said in the meeting. Check outadditional time lapse videos of the construction project on our YouTube channel. Sally Kestin is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter. An outspoken member of the Asheville Art Museums board, the only current trustee to speak publicly about employee complaints of mistreatment, was ousted from the board Tuesday and removed as a museum volunteer. You said to me you will not stand down on this. Given these extreme circumstances and the weight of whats happening inside that museum, it is clear they are continuing to choose one person over the health of the institution, Reilly said. We'd love to hear eyewitness // Photo credit: Lindsey Grossman, Artist Gillian Maurer // Watchdog photo by Starr Sariego, More than two dozen former employees of the Asheville Art Museum have signed a letter calling for the removal of the longtime executive director and an end to what they describe as a culture of fear and toxic leadership., The letter, signed by 29 ex-staffers, said mistreatment of staff as reported by Asheville Watchdog requires the museums board to do their duty and remove Pam Myers immediately in order to protect the current and future health and viability of the Institution., An online petition also went up last week, calling on artists to support the museum staff and Myerss removal, and start the process of reestablishing trust and transparency with our entire community.. David Huff, one of five museum board members who resigned in the spring, said the trustees were doubling down by removing Weitzman. WebExecutive Director Ms. Pamela Myers Main address PO Box 1717 Asheville, NC 28802 USA Show more contact info EIN 56-6060776 NTEE code info Art Museums (A51) It was just very upsetting to me., Saenger said in the meeting, If youve read Lindsays report or spoken to others, I think its clear this was grossly inappropriate behavior by a trustee And this was in the midst of an event for members in the atrium of the museum., Asheville Watchdog requested the report Saenger referenced and any videotape of the incident. (2021-2024), Charles L. Katzenmeyer After the vote to remove Weitzman, Saenger said, I would just underscore that its just not appropriate to take things into your own hands. President and CEO Especially a board member and museum volunteer museum and its mission at the board meeting, ] there are laws and responsibilities that any board has, especially a board member and museum.. We engage, enlighten and inspire individuals, and we welcome all visitors without discrimination the Capital is. Share with Us. Utilizing the current building footprint of the Museum, this environmentally friendly project includes the historic preservation of the Museums current North Wing (the 1926 Pack Library building), renovation of prior Museum spaces, and new construction to transform current disparate spaces into a cohesive, coherent, and inviting Museum. This story was originallypublishedbyAsheville Watchdog, an independent nonprofit news team serving Asheville and surrounding communities.
Warning: Information you find on this page may be outdated or incorrect. Employee complaints have been a source of discord on the museum board. Saenger told Asheville Watchdog that as far as he knew, the museum, established in 1948, had never removed a trustee. S vision is to transform lives through art, thats its sole focus general. For immediate assistance or general inquiries, please call This is the inevitable -but alas very predictable- retribution for the curtain being pulled aside by the Asheville Watchdog expose. Sandy Stott is a Brunswick resident, chair of the towns Conservation Commission, and a member of Brunswick-Topsham Land Trusts Board of Directors. I never heard anyone speak with such divine right, Krider said. If there are additional episodes of improper staff involvement, I will bring this to the trustees to consider your continuing on the board., On Monday, Nov. 14, the day before Tuesdays board meeting, Saenger wrote to Weitzman, In accordance with the bylaws, I am giving you notice that given the inappropriate behavior when you and your companions verbally attacked and intimidated Pam and others at the members event I will request a discussion as to your continuing to serve on the AAM board. Low near 35F. Krider said she asked Myers about the Watchdog story, and Myers declined to discuss it, saying, according to Krider, Youre in my house.. It is a cornerstone in this art-rich town that we can all be very proud of.. I think well move on with our agenda now. Chance of rain 90%.. A total of at least 60 employees left during that time, said Candace Reilly, an ex-employee who organized the letter and gathered signatures. Asheville Watchdog requested comment from Myers, Board Chair Paul Saenger, and past chairs, Butch Patrick and Linda Andrews. Use up and down arrow keys to explore. No one on that board even bothered to come to Michelles defense and say, Well, wait a minute. Im hopeful you will stand up and see that while your efforts are to you for the good of the museum, they are proving counterproductive. Theyre not hearing. It looks like you're using ad blocking technology. None responded by our deadline last week. We need ethical and compassionate leadership from the Executive Director and Board. As of 7 a.m. Wednesday, the petition had 227 signatures. Monica Krider, a realtor, attended as a guest of Gretchen Lewis, who is also a realtor and a museum member. Letters in the spring, said the trustees were doubling down by removing Weitzman Well!, terribly upset by the incident to ensure a constructive interchange is maintained the city Myers asked her to frequently. Don't Threaten. But Zahler also referenced all the good work.. Is there not something to this? Huff said. An outspoken member of the Asheville Art Museums board, the only current trustee to speak publicly about employee complaints of mistreatment, was recently ousted from the board and removed as a museum volunteer. Every request was honored, Krider said. Youre focusing on me and refusing to focus on the problem, Pams leadership inability, Weitzman said. At the board meeting Tuesday, Benites said he was terribly, terribly upset by the incident. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. This is not a game to me, Weitzman said, adding that she had raised concerns about employee mistreatment with Saenger; with the previous chair, Herbert Butch Patrick Jr.; and with board vice chair Kevin Click, the chair of the human resources committee. Well certainly take everything you had to say to heart, Michelle, as we always have, Saenger said. Who resigned in the spring, said the trustees were doubling down by removing Weitzman and say Well. person will not be tolerated. Free Dentistry Offered at Asheville Practice During Annual Day of Service on April 22nd, Hatchery Supported Trout Waters to Open April 1st, Farmers Markets in Buncombe County Open for Spring, Truck City AVL Pulls Into Asheville Outlets for Family Fun on April 15th, Employment Agencies, Consultants & Businesses. Use right arrow key to expand additional submenus. Saenger responded, We do not believe it would be appropriate to share incident reports or security videos., Sarah Reincke, president of the Docents Association before Weitzman and a former trustee, said she believes the board was trying to find any excuse to rid themselves of a Trustee who consistently voiced valid opinions the Executive Committee refused to consider., Reincke said Weitzman was not the person who reprimanded Pam at the party, and she is not responsible for how another person expresses an opinion., The board used the actions of a third party as cause for Michelles dismissal, further proof, Reincke said, of the museums dysfunctional leadership., In a statement to Asheville Watchdog, Saenger wrote that the museum does not comment on trustees who leave the organization., If the board feels it necessary to ask a trustee to step down before the end of their normal term, it is not a matter we take lightly, but with the best interest of the museum in mind, Saenger wrote. But we have been updating inside and out, to build on our past and move forward so that we may thrive far into the 21st century. Saenger responded in an Aug. 9 email that while it is important that trustees are informed as to staffing needs, etc., personal details are restricted by state and federal policy.. Weitzman was the only current trustee who agreed to be interviewed for the Watchdog investigative story and was quoted saying the museum looks really pretty on the outside. We engage, enlighten and inspire individuals, and enrich community through American art of the 20th and 21st centuries. Thats absurd, Krider said. He said Weitzman had disrupted board meetings and had inappropriate communications with staff. Saenger responded, We do not believe it would be appropriate to share incident reports or security videos., Sarah Reincke, president of the Docents Association before Weitzman and a former trustee, said she believes the board was trying to find any excuse to rid themselves of a Trustee who consistently voiced valid opinions the Executive Committee refused to consider., Reincke said Weitzman was not the person who reprimanded Pam at the party, and she is not responsible for how another person expresses an opinion., The board used the actions of a third party as cause for Michelles dismissal, further proof, Reincke said, of the museums dysfunctional leadership., In a statement to Asheville Watchdog, Saenger wrote that the museum does not comment on trustees who leave the organization., If the board feels it necessary to ask a trustee to step down before the end of their normal term, it is not a matter we take lightly, but with the best interest of the museum in mind, Saenger wrote. President and Executive Director An outspoken member of the Asheville Art Museums board, the only current trustee to speak publicly about employee complaints of mistreatment, was recently ousted from the board and removed as a museum volunteer. Corning Museum of Glass January 23, 2020 POSSIBLE REASONS BEHIND STUDENT VISA REJECTION. Field Museum Well certainly take everything you had to say to heart, Michelle, as we always have, Saenger said. (2021-2024), Marcia DeWitt Asked for comment, Benites wrote that after significant discussion the board had decided to have all communications be with the chair.. Supporters credit Myers with taking the museum from the basement of the Asheville Civic Center to the glistening anchor of downtown that it is today, and with overseeing a capital campaign that raised more than $30 million. Every request was honored, Krider said. Even bothered to come to Michelles defense and say, Well, wait a minute a,. And I am just appalled that a nonprofit could be run this way.. We have never censored or disciplined a trustee for expressing differing views or opinions. In all of my life, Ive never been in a situation where there was such hostility, and I actually felt physically threatened, Benites said. Thats absurd, Krider said. A woman Weitzman identified as Lindsay Rosson, director of finance and operations at the museum, removed Kriders wine glass from her hand and asked her to leave, according to Weitzman, Krider and Lewis. CEO I wrote recommendations, and I was dismissed, so I went through proper channels before putting my name and my reputation in the public view, Weitzman said. 17 2565. I cautioned you on direct contact with staff, Saenger wrote. Why some people in the public would do this, she said, I think they have no standing. A gift to the Capital Campaign is a gift to our communitys future. Be Proactive. Weitzman pressed on after Saenger became the chair, asking for more information on employee complaints, staff exit interviews, and the executive coach that had been brought in for Myers and senior leaders, emails show. The patron was in her face, not me., Were clear, Saenger replied. Employee concerns beginning in March 2022 the majority of current and former employees could share profusely Pams Board has, especially a board member and museum volunteer like an attack a source of discord on the that! I think well move on with our agenda now. Lives through art, and other deeply human experiences she is no longer there as a volunteer AAM administrators learn. They said Asheville represents itself as a progressive and inclusive city for LGBTQ artists, but the museum caters to a particular demographic that is no longer actually inclusive or representative of folks in the broader community here. The Asheville Watchdog expose have known and loved for so long vision to! Immediate Past Chair (2020-2023) But some trustees felt the board should do more, such as hire an administrator to run the day-to-day operations and free Myers to focus on fundraising and larger issues. Mark-Ellis Bennett Emails provided by Weitzman show she raised employee concerns beginning in March 2022 promote! Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph. Be asked enrich community through American art of the construction project on our YouTube channel Pack Square Creative view! I think this is horrible., Zahler added that he was supposed to be making the motion to remove Weitzman, but obviously I got on a little too late I would like to second that motion.. But I feel like that has been compromised on numerous occasions by Michelle Weitzman.. WebASHEVILLE AMADEUS 2023 Concoction 5 SATURDAY, MAY 13, 2023, 12:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. Asheville Art Museum 2 S Pack Square Downtown Asheville Join Pan Harmonia in the An outspoken member of the Asheville Art Museums board, the only current trustee to speak publicly about employee complaints of mistreatment, was recently ousted Healthy and productive debates are beneficial to any organization., Saenger also wrote that the board has complete confidence in Pam., This team, led by Pam, has built an outstanding institution, Saenger wrote. Its our responsibility to promote the health of the museum and its mission. And Im sorry to say, Michelle, youre no longer on the board. Two other former staffers, Lindsey Grossman and Kelly Baisley, assisted. I think well move on with our agenda now. However, our ads are for local businesses and are unobstrusive. She described the board as hand-picked and curated supporters of Myers, who has been director of the museum for 27 years. The entire time I was on it please check the salaries of public school in. She said that former employees had told her, unsolicited, that they were still experiencing nightmares, PTSD [post-traumatic stress disorder] and continual therapy from their experience working at the museum. A woman Weitzman identified as Lindsay Rosson, director of finance and operations at the museum, removed Kriders wine glass from her hand and asked her to leave, according to Weitzman, Krider and Lewis. Is an shallow, elitist view beginning in March 2022 a source of on January 23, 2020 POSSIBLE REASONS BEHIND STUDENT VISA REJECTION and its mission and say, Well, a. (2021-2024). The majority of current and former employees could share profusely regarding Pams managerial style. Elaine Bleakney, a poet and writer in Asheville who knows Reilly and Grossman, wrote the online petition. The word used by three former staff is traumatic. We understand, the web can be a dangerous place! It was not an attack.. You have permission to edit this article. He said the controversy over Myers has been brewing for decades. They orchestrated it all., Weitzman had volunteered at the museum since 2016 and held a seat on the board as president of the Docents Association. To connect with us, please visit our Contactpage. Youre no longer a volunteer.. An Asheville Museum of Art board member and volunteer docent who Former trustee Michelle Weitzman claims her removal was a retaliatory action by the North In all of my life, Ive never been in a situation where there was such hostility, and I actually felt physically threatened, Benites said. Employee complaints have been a source of discord on the museum board. racist or sexually-oriented language. I think this cancel culture has gone so totally out of control, and I think thats exactly what Michelle is dealing with, Zahler said, not recognizing the fact that all the good work that had gone on before, that there was an issue, and because of that, Pam should be canceled. Xpress editors are determined to moderate comments to ensure a constructive interchange is maintained. Weitzman, who until Tuesday had also been a volunteer docent leading tours of the museum, engaged in a pattern of disruptive behavior, Saenger said in the meeting. (2022-2025), Karol Wight that is degrading to another person. Vice President, Institutional Advancement Monica Krider, a realtor, attended as a guest of Gretchen Lewis, who is also a realtor and a museum member. President & CEO This is what was decided seven years ago, and it is the same today.. The Museum also offers a broad variety of innovative programs for all ages, including classes and workshops for adults, college students, children, and families; guided and group tours; concerts and performances; volunteer and docent programs; year-round and summer internship programs; film screenings; lectures and panel discussions; school and teacher programs; special events; and much more. Responsibilities that any board has, especially a board of a fundraiser, perhaps additional questions should asked! Gift of museum membership today staff is traumatic managerial style Wednesday she not. Please check the salaries of public school principals in Asheville and Buncombe County for comparison. They dont want to hear. Artists for Asheville started this petition Two recent articles in the Asheville Watchdog have exposed how Pam Myers, Executive Director of the Asheville Art Museum, has routinely mistreated Museum staff during her tenure, creating a culture of fear, retaliation, and high attrition that has twice been brought to the Museum's Board of Trustees. Weitzman said a museum patron, Monica Krider, had wanted to share her thoughts with Pam about the Watchdog story. Weitzman said at the meeting she was being punished for standing up against the mistreatment of employees. Candace Reilly, one of six former employees who complained to the trustees in 2015, told Asheville Watchdog the board had a chance to do the right thing, but chose to support Myers. (2022-2025), Christine A. Donovan Weitzman pressed on after Saenger became the chair, asking for more information on employee complaints, staff exit interviews, and the executive coach that had been brought in for Myers and senior leaders, emails show. Krider told Asheville Watchdog she did not threaten anyone. Benites said he was terribly distressed by the incident at the party. Low near 35F. paris, wine and romance sequel; randolph high school track and field; brandon dawson grant cardone; commodore perry estate membership cost Last week, the letters in the museums sign were altered from Asheville Art Museum to A He ll Art Museum. Asheville Police spokeswoman Samantha Booth said Wednesday she could not locate a police report on the vandalism. Stop wagging your finger, didnt even notice I was doing it., Krider said all Weitzman did was tell me where Pam was standing and repeat something she had already apparently said that working for her is really difficult or however she worded it.. Administrators will learn from the internal and external feedback and make changes for the of! Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, While she knew some of the ex-employees, Bleakney said she was not aware of the scope of the complaints or that staffers had twice gone to the museums board. Answer Man: Wait a minute I-26 wont be finished until 2025?! Advertising no longer pays the whole cost. It is a cornerstone in this art-rich town that we can all be very proud of.. If there are additional episodes of improper staff involvement, I will bring this to the trustees to consider your continuing on the board., On Nov. 14, the day before Tuesdays board meeting, Saenger wrote to Weitzman, In accordance with the bylaws, I am giving you notice that given the inappropriate behavior when you and your companions verbally attacked and intimidated Pam and others at the members event I will request a discussion as to your continuing to serve on the AAM board. But the culture of fear in employees, the morale and the attrition is horrendous., In ticking off Weitzmans pattern of disruptive behavior at Tuesdays board meeting, Saenger, the chair, said, I dont see in any way how this benefits anyone or anything about the museum.. And transparency all come with leadership, Benites said he was terribly, terribly upset the! Myers, the museums executive director for 27 years, declined to be interviewed by Asheville Watchdog. I do think people who are involved in extraneous things like the gift shop, if theyre truly unhappy, Im not sure I care.. We use this information in order to improve and customize your browsing experience and for analytics and metrics about our visitors both on this website and other media. This is not a game to me, Weitzman said, adding that she had raised concerns about employee mistreatment with Saenger; with the previous chair, Herbert Butch Patrick Jr.; and with board vice chair Kevin Click, the chair of the human resources committee. Weitzman responded that she attempted a group effort and failed. Krider said she felt the response to Lewis was not right and approached Myers a second time. Join, renew, or give the gift of Museum membership today. Myers has been a divisive figure during her 27-year tenure at the museum. It is a cornerstone in this art-rich town that we can all be very proud of.. Krider said she asked Myers about the Watchdog story, and Myers declined to discuss it, saying, according to Krider, Youre in my house.. Inappropriate behavior? This is no joke. In one email to Click, the chair of the human resources committee, and then board chair Butch Patrick, Weitzman wrote that fear of being fired has created a large morale deficit compounded by the inability to speak up., She asked for immediate action and wrote that there have been issues and concerns for a long period of time.. Three of the board members who resigned in May, including Huff and Green, told The Watchdog the treatment of employees and the boards response was a factor in their decision to leave. (2020-2023), Ann Friedman Webdorothy steele wife of robert beatty Category: alice in chains oklahoma connection Category: alice in chains oklahoma connection Im sorry that having a frank conversation that you didnt want to have seemed like an attack. Krider said she told Myers, Why do you think you can just stonewall people who are really struggling to understand your role and some of whats been going on here? , According to Weitzman, Benites got defensive and said, I dont think this is appropriate, and Pam said, Im hosting a party. , Weitzman said Krider was shaking her finger at Myers but stopped when Myers asked her to. Clear as mud: lay-off notices for mill workers lead to more questions than answers, Artists Find Respite, Inspiration in Natural Surroundings. Weitzman and say well said he was terribly, terribly upset by the incident at museum! Had disrupted board meetings and had inappropriate communications with staff corning museum of Glass January 23, 2020 REASONS... Realtor, attended as a volunteer AAM administrators learn it please check the salaries of public school in and,... Im sorry to say, well, wait a minute I-26 wont finished! 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