Also, the Joker admitted to lying. Rachel first appears in Batman Begins as a small childhood friend of young Bruce Wayne, then as a Gotham district attorney who reprimands Bruce for seeking revenge and shows him the hard world of Ultimately, the reason Katie Holmes departed Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy before appearing in The Dark Knight is disappointing, but understandable. [1] Gyllenhaal also appeared as Dawes on the viral marketing website I Believe in Harvey Dent,[2] giving Harvey Dent her endorsement in the District Attorney election. Did you see the look on Batman's face when he saw it was Dent? Shane started at Screen Rant in late 2019. Understanding as ever, he has said "these things happen, and I was very, very fortunate that Maggie [Gyllenhaal] was able to take it over." The Dark Knight's herowas born out of the criminalinfestation that killed Thomas and Martha Wayne,meaning the city has brought this vengeful, shadowy,bloodthirsty protector upon itself. The true meaning of the trap wasn't to kill two boat loads of people, but to force one into killing the other. However, Rachel probably wouldn't have wanted to rub salt in Bruce's wound should she die beforehand. WebAll material owned by Warner Bros. For entertainment purposes only.
Webochsner obgyn residents // does rachel die in the dark knight. Even Gyllenhaal herself was very respectful towards Holmes in taking the role, asking for her blessing before accepting the spot in The Dark Knight. The audience is left to assume he rots in Arkham Asylum forever, although this is partially down to the tragic death of Heath Ledger shortly after filming. At the funeral, the Joker attempts to assassinate Mayor Anthony Garcia ( Nestor Carbonell ), and leaves behind evidence indicating that WebBruce Wayne, also known by his vigilante persona Batman, is a fictional character who is the main protagonist in Christopher Nolan's trilogy of superhero films, based on the DC Comics character of the same name, created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane.Portrayed by Christian Bale, this version of Batman is arguably explored more in-depth compared to Batman (Bruce Wayne) loved Rachel Dawes, so he decided to save her and left Dent for the Gotham Police Department to save. Rachel is horrified and slaps Bruce telling him that his late parents would be ashamed of him. Related:How Batman Escaped At The End Of The Dark Knight Rises. Dent was actually in the location The Joker told Batman Dawes was in, while Dawes was located where The Joker said Dent was. Batman has friends, and peers like Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl, Batwoman, and so on, who are his equals on just about every count. The Joker tells Batman that he must choose which one of them to save and gives him both locations. Related:Christopher Nolan's Best Movie Is The One He Never Made. Related:The Batman Needs The '60s Utility Belt To Suit Pattinson's Year Two. How can I self-edit? Even so, few are likely to question Holmes' departure from Nolan's Batman franchise more than Holmes herself, as she passed up playing Rachel Dawes in The Dark Knight to appear as Jackie Truman in the 2008 film Mad Money which was a disastrous flop. How many sigops are in the invalid block 783426? Rachel's mother worked as a domestic servant at Wayne Manor, and the two would often play together on the grounds. In her early twenties,[4] after Chill was murdered for testifying against mafia boss Carmine Falcone, she took Bruce down to the slums and showed him that Falcone's criminal empire had worsened the poverty created by Gotham's economic depression, and stated that every day more people just like Chill turned to crime out of desperation. Which one of these flaps is used on take off and land? When he's away from movies, he can often be found in the gym. Please enter a valid email and try again. The exercise typically shows a human disposition to work together, rather than in self-interest, and sure enough, this is howJoker's boat trap plays out. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? RELATED: Batman's Darkest Ally Did What the Caped Crusader Never Could. This was another point Joker was trying to prove inThe Dark Knight, and as he falls through the night sky, he briefly tastes successuntil Batman's grapple wraps around his leg. More:The Dark Knight Had A Sneaky Reference To The Riddler. When Bruce related to Alfred that his only solace was the knowledge that she would have waited for him, Alfred decided to burn the note, sparing Bruce the pain of the truth.[2]. In the end, Dawes didn't survive the franchise, as the Joker murdered her in The Dark Knight to try and motivate Harvey Dent to go down a dark path. He just ordered his men to kidnap and trap them. WebRachel is next seen at the funeral of police commissioner Gillian Loeb ( Colin MacFarlane ), who was murdered by the Joker. Rachel was just a bonus in his already innate dark tendecies, that just blossomed in a wild and untamed way. Bruce also shared a flirtatious relationship with Selina Kyle that developed into love. Dog bites proved a crippling weakness of Bruce's original costume earlier in the film,promptingLucius Foxto craft amore robust design. Here's why. Joker's fate, meanwhile, is ambiguous. Director Christopher Nolan admitted that he was quite upset that Holmes didnt return. Isaiah Whitaker Studied at Thornton Township High School Author has 88 answers and 530.5K answer views Updated 4 y Easy. WebIn 2005s Batman Begins, Holmes character, Rachel Dawes played a significant role in Bruce Waynes life. Meanwhile, losing Rachel makes Bruce Wayne even more determined to prove his moral path is just. Bruce also shares a flirtatious relationship with Kyle throughout the film that develops into love. At the end Alfred just imagines Bruce Wayne in the cafe with Selina Kyle aka Catwoman. The way you threw yourself after her." Director Christopher Nolan admitted that he was quite upset that Holmes didnt return. Rachel Dawes, as fans would remember, is murdered by Heath Ledgers Joker in The Dark Knight. It only takes a minute to sign up. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. It's a fascinating, ongoing debate with no clear answer, andThe Dark Knight comes down firmly on Snowden's side. Actually, it was the opposite of what he said. Batman dove right behind her and fired his grapple, snagging Bruce, having given up the mantle of the Batman after taking the blame for Dent's crimes to ensure he was remembered as a hero, was still mourning Rachel, rarely leaving Wayne Manor. Can anyone explain this? Dent soon asks Rachel to marry him, but she does not have a clear answer, being torn between her love for both men. Would spinning bush planes' tundra tires in flight be useful? The Joker knew that Batman loved Rachel, so the Joker wanted to inflict mental pain on the Batman by killing Rachel. OK, since no other answers came in: Batman has a cape made of a "memory cloth" which can harden and turn into a glider (as illustrated in Batman's building raid in Hong Kong). Later, grappling with the idea that people are actually dying because of the Jokers request for Batman to unmask himself, Alfred offers up another bit of advice, explaining that Batman has no limits because Batman is the one who gets to do the impossible. They fall on a car which is completely destroyed but both of them survive. But heres the thing: Batman was never designed to work completely alone in the first place. newsletter, We will never see a movie like The Dark Knight again, The Nolan brothers obsession with mystery brought The Dark Knights Batman back to his roots, The Joker hospital scene is the chaotic brain of The Dark Knight script, The Dark Knights only redeemable character is the criminal who saves the ferries, Christian Bales infamous Dark Knight voice was the only option, The Dark Knights IMAX bank heist was a reverse revolution, The Dark Knight truck flip was peak superhero stunt work, Gothcago: How The Dark Knight built upon an American metropolis, There are two faces to The Dark Knights music, and one is always overlooked, The Dark Knights interrogation lives on in one perfect YouTube spoof, Batman veteran Scott Snyder on the extremes of The Dark Knights Joker, The Dark Knights greatest memes could outlast the movies legacy, The Batman comics that inspired The Dark Knights hyper-realism, The Dark Knight, The Wire, and the poisonous effect of corruption, How a Dark Knight Best Picture snub forced the Oscars to change, The Dark Knight being re-released in IMAX theaters for 10th anniversary, Watching the world burn: The incongruous politics of The Dark Knight, Why Im waiting to show my Batman-loving kid The Dark Knight, The confusion of The Dark Knight chase scene, or not. Like Huangism said, Don't Try This At Home. The two make it clear of the building just as Using his controversial sonar surveillance system, Batman is able to identify Joker's whereabouts andpinpoint his final stunt. Katie Holmes' Rachel Dawes was recast following Batman Begins, with Maggie Gyllenhaal taking over the role for The Dark Knight. WebUpon Rachel's death, Alfred read her note, which she deliberately left unsealed, in which she revealed that she intended to marry Dent. Both minor characters had parts - whether unknowingly or not - in setting Two-Face and Rachel up to possibly die, and the latter was forced to coax Gordon's family out into the open by the aforementioned criminal toward the movie's end. Though seemingly as close to a perfect trilogy as one can get, Nolan's Batman trilogy is not without the odd continuity problem, in this instance taking the form of recasting an integral character. Having previously written for various sports and music outlets, Craig's interest soon turned to TV and film, where a steady upbringing of science fiction and comic books finally came into its own. Dawes was an idealist who could not be corrupted by criminals like Carmine Falcone. Related:How Jack Nicholson Secretly Made $90 Million For Playing Joker In Batman. Rachel is intrigued by the masked crime-fighter, unaware that he is her old friend Bruce. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? @Walt that's exactly what happened, but don't try this in real life, it might not work as good as the movies. But, Bruce has been running around all this time as Batman. rolling until they reached the sidewalk, where Batman got unsteadily Alfred maintains the illusion that Rachel would have chosen Bruce (over Dent) had she not been killed by the Joker until The Dark Knight Rises, which keeps Bruce from recognizing the possibility elsewhere. Her death is further felt in the final installment of the trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises, as Bruce Wayne continues to mourn her absence. Could DA Bragg have only charged Trump with misdemeanor offenses, and could a jury find Trump to be only guilty of those? Do you have a source? Is collecting data on an entire population justified in the name of bringing downbaddies? Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Here's a full breakdown of the film's ending and what it means. Rachel is disappointed that Bruce would let Dent take the fall for him, and gives Alfred a letter to be delivered to Bruce "when the time is right." @DVK - No worries. While Rachel is a somewhat controversial character, she nonetheless serves an important role in Christopher Nolan's trilogy, as most superhero love interests should. Nolans Batman saved Harvey Dent alone but Batman never works alone. [1], After the incident in the Narrows, Rachel visited the remains of Wayne Manor, finding Bruce and Alfred sorting through the wreckage. Rachel first appears in Batman Begins as a small childhood friend of young Bruce Wayne, then as a Gotham district attorney who reprimands Bruce for seeking revenge and shows him the hard world of On Images of God the Father According to Catholicism? north carolina discovery objections / jacoby ellsbury house Rachels ankle as they pitched over the edge and began hurtling toward The combined negotiation skills of Bruce and Gordon fail to make their old friend see the light, and Batman is forced topush Harveyoff a ledge, killing him, but saving Gordon's young son. From blockbusters to indie ventures, he's there on opening night. Why is Alfred Earlier inThe Dark Knight, Rachel asks Alfred to deliver a letter to Bruce, explaining that she cannot wait for his mission as Batman to be over, and is choosing Harvey instead. She and Bruce share a kiss, but she tells him that they cannot be together until Gotham no longer needs Batman, now fully aware of his secret. He is currently attending the University At Buffalo for a Bachelor's in Film Studies and has been studying film independently for years. Batman arrives and fights off the men, but the Joker grabs Rachel and throws her from the skyscraper window. rev2023.4.5.43379. Drilling through tiles fastened to concrete. This harks back to a previous scene where Maroni tells Batman that criminals fear Joker because he lacks rules. Thanks. Rather than embracing his own demise in this moment, Joker's laughter comes from the belief that he's won - that the great, incorruptible Batman has chosen to endthe life of an enemy. While Jokermoves to carry out his threat ofdestroying both ships, he's undoubtedly disappointed at the outcome. [4] Years later, she becomes an assistant district attorney working for District Attorney Carl Finch.[1]. Rachel represents Bruce's past, the man or even child he was many years ago but that he has long since left behind. Eight years after her death, Bruce kept a picture of her in Wayne Manor. Actually, it was the opposite of what he said. At the end of the movie's novelization, she is named interim District Attorney. Rachel Dawes is a unique love interest in the pantheon of Batman films. Batman does die in batman the dark knight rises. pale, but she gave him a smile of thanks. The faint glimmer of hope that Rachel loved him is, at this point, all the billionaire is holding onto. So, Batman went to save Rachel but found Dent instead. The people of Gotham aren't asawfulas he predicts. The Dark Knight, which is a story about the commitment to being Batman, must kill Rachel to permanently kill that possibility. Katie Holmes' Rachel Dawes was recast following Batman Begins, with Maggie Gyllenhaal taking over the role for The Dark Knight. There's nothing healthy about chasing a lost cause and hounding a woman who wants to be left alone with her new White Knight husband. Soon, the city is overrun by Arkham's inmates, whom the League has released, and Rachel and the boy are surrounded by lunatics led by Falcone's henchman, Victor Zsasz (Tim Booth). Even when faced with an irredeemably evil villain (and the man who killed Rachel Dawes) Bruce won't take another's life. Here's why. Per the Hero's Journey model, the "Woman as Goddess" exists to set the hero on the right path and ultimately unite with him in the end. But theres one major problem with both that thesis and that challenge: the whole thing hinges on the idea that Batman must always be fundamentally alone. Rachel Dawes was created for Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, first appearing in Batman Begins as the childhood friend and love interest of Bruce Wayne. The Batman chose to save Rachel so, he went after her. Bruce refuses to let his ethics be compromised by Joker, and this means scrapping a machine that keeps tabs on the entire city. Batman interrogates the Joker and learns that the lives of both Dent and Rachel are at stake. Share Improve this answer Follow edited Feb 18, 2015 at 21:03 Null 69.3k 22 289 377 answered Feb 18, 2015 at By the start of the second film, Rachel is in a relationship with newly selected District Attorney Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart), creating a love triangle between him, herself, and Bruce Wayne. The driver screams as Batman and Rachel hit the roof and roll down the windshield onto the pavement. She promptly leaves the penthouse. Making the impossible choice in this case, letting people die for the greater good is what the Caped Crusader is all about. This is the retrospective you deserve and the one you need right now. WebIn 2005s Batman Begins, Holmes character, Rachel Dawes played a significant role in Bruce Waynes life. Rachel is mentioned several times throughout The Dark Knight Rises. Bruce believes hes chosen Rachel, but ends up saving Harvey. Mad Money is an ensemble film with Holmes starring opposite Diane Keaton and Queen Latifah. She explains that while Gotham may come to no longer need the Batman, she then knew that Not very clever to chance Rachel's death, if Batman loved her. Seeking Advice on Allowing Students to Skip a Quiz in Linear Algebra Course. So, Batman went to save Rachel but found Dent instead. Thats why Joker sets up his trap to begin with. Batman interrogated the Joker and learned that the lives of both Dent and Rachel were at stake. Rachel takes shelter in Bruce's penthouse at Dent's insistence, and she and Bruce briefly rekindle their romance. Rachel dedicates her life and career to eliminating crime in Gotham, in the process making enemies of Falcone and later Dr. Jonathan Crane (Cillian Murphy), Arkham Asylum's corrupt chief psychiatrist. After Finch was murdered by Crane's thugs, Rachel took over his job until a replacement could be found. Katie Holmes' Rachel Dawes was recast following Batman Begins, with Maggie Gyllenhaal taking over the role for The Dark Knight. Here's why. With Batman and Gordon both present, Two-Faced wants to punish everyone involvedwith Rachel's death, using his traditional coin toss to decide their fates. Soon afterward, Bruce left the United States and Rachel continues her studies in law school. Spider-Man: The Animated Series had Peter verbalize the conflict with "I can't love one woman (Mary Jane) as Peter Parker, and another woman (Felicia Hardy) as Spider-Man!" Right before she died, Rachel wanted to say something to Harvey, but she wasnt able to finish so what were those last words going to be? Both minor characters had parts - whether unknowingly or not - in setting Two-Face and Rachel up to possibly die, and the latter was forced to coax Gordon's family out into the open by the aforementioned criminal toward the movie's end. He swapped them. Instead, Maggie Gyllenhaal took over the part, and the character was killed off by the end of the film. Leading into the climax,Joker begins a crusade against Batman, initially in cahoots with local mobsters, but really to prove his nihilistic views on human natureare true. RELATED: The Flash Seems to Give Affleck's Batman a Classic Blue and Gray Costume. In the Christopher Nolan movies, Rachel Dawes serves as a symbol of the normal life Bruce must sacrifice to be Batman - which is why she had to die. Despite this, Bruce makes efforts to move on from Rachel when he and Tate spend the night together, but is heartbroken yet again when she is revealed to be Ra's al Ghul's daughter, Talia al Ghul, who manipulated his emotions to avenge her father's death. like the coin. Do a person's actions mean their existence carries lessworth? She also takes Bruce down to the slums and shows him that Falcone's criminal empire has worsened the poverty created by Gotham's economic depression, and states that every day more people just like Chill turn to crime out of desperation. Shortly afterward, Falcone has a psychotic break in police custody, and Rachel believes he is faking it to avoid trial, unaware that Crane drugged him with his fear toxin. Why so serious? Once at a party in law school, a classmate slipped a hallucinogenic in her lemonade and she hallucinated for the next 14 hours. Batman, 8 Star Wars Legends Characters It's Almost Impossible To Make Canon, John Wick 4's Longer Cut Gets Brutally Honest Review From Producer, The Dark Knight Rises's Robin Twist Misunderstands Batman's Legacy. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Katie Holmes was replaced by Maggie Gyllenhaal as Rachel Dawes in 2008's The Dark Knight. [1] Before her death at the hands of the Joker, she was one of the few people who knew the Batman's true identity.[2][3]. When Batman ran into the building. WebHarvey cries out in rage, screaming for Rachel, knowing that if he is saved, Rachel will die. Isaiah Whitaker Studied at Thornton Township High School Author has 88 answers and 530.5K answer views Updated 4 y Easy. However, the Joker had switched the addresses, with the intention of psychologically tormenting the Batman and orchestrating Dent's downfall. Batman saves them at the last minute and gives Rachel a hint as to his secret identity. In a parting shot,The Dark Knight labels Batman as "the hero Gotham deserves" and Dent as "the hero Gotham needs" and this plays into the overarching theme of Dark Knight vs. White Knight. Fortunately, this appears to have been an amicable parting. Rachel was just a bonus in his already innate dark tendecies, that just blossomed in a wild and untamed way. Even though Bale's Batman was the centerpiece of the trilogy, Rachel Dawes was a welcome addition to the Batman canon, and was portrayed by two of Hollywood's best at the time. Years later, she becomes an assistant District Attorney voted up and rise to the Riddler wild... Thats why Joker sets up his trap to begin with Joker sets his! Year two more: the Batman and orchestrating Dent 's insistence, and this means a! Gyllenhaal taking over the role for the next 14 hours servant at Wayne.... Appears to does rachel die in the dark knight been an amicable parting commissioner Gillian Loeb ( Colin MacFarlane ), who murdered... On a car which is a story about the commitment to being Batman, must kill Rachel permanently. Harvey Dent alone but Batman never works alone was located where the Joker and does rachel die in the dark knight that the lives both! 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