You had to train and endure everything that was thrown at you, prepared or not. In order of precedence it is awarded after the Defense Superior Service Medal and before the Distinguished Flying Cross Medal. MSG Cameron was accountable for all professional development for the enlisted Soldiers, and ensured the Senior NCOs employed proper leadership and supervisory techniques. Over his 31 year career, Lieutenant Colonel Alfred J. Padden has distinguished himself by exceptionally meritorious service in a succession of positions of great importance and responsibility to the Army and the Nation, culminating as the Strategy and Policy Branch Chief, Stability Operations Division, Strategy, Plans and Policy Directorate, Operations and Plans (G-3/5/7), Headquarters, Department of the Army for the past eighteen months. Fox served with honor and distinction in numerous positions, from those associated with his career in the Marine Corps to his various assignments within the Civil Affairs community, and his most recent assignments within European Command. Webnarrative for legion of merit SERGEANT FIRST CLASS HAZAEL D. HERNANDEZ For exceptionally meritorious service while serving in positions of increasing responsibility, culminating a 24-year career as the Senior Movements Noncommissioned Officer for the 3-383D Training Support Battalion. [8] In contemporary use in the U.S. Armed Forces, the Legion of Merit is typically awarded to Army, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Space Force general officers and colonels, and Navy and Coast Guard flag officers and captains occupying senior command or very senior staff positions in their respective services. He has always been the go-to mentor for the entire command and I am honored to recommend an NCO of this caliber for this award. The ribbon for all of the decorations is 1+38 inches (35mm) wide and consists of the following stripes: 116 inch (1.6mm) white; center 1+14 inches (32mm) crimson; and 116 inch (1.6mm) white. lieutenant general and vice admiral) and above, civilian Department of Defense personnel at assistant service secretary or Assistant Secretary of Defense level and above, or equivalent secretary-level civilian personnel with the Department of Homeland Security with direct oversight of the U.S. Coast Guard. He has personally saved 5, Soldiers with direct interventions and securing them the medical, assistance they require. His success was built upon his superb efforts in his previous post which saw him mentor, coach, train and lead by example what would become the best brigade in the 2nd Iraqi Army Division, in Mosul, then the most complex and lethal part of all Iraq.
As a result, awarding authority for the Legion of Merit resides with general officers/flag officers at the Lieutenant General / Vice Admiral level or higher. Master Sergeant Kirk Cameron has distinguished himself with over 37 years of exceptionally meritorious service to the Nation and the United States Army. The Legion of Merit medal was authorized by Congress in 1942 to award members of the Armed Forces for exceptionally meritorious conduct and outstanding service. At the center of the medallion there is a blue circle with 13 stars, representing the thirteen original colonies and forming the new constellation, a name the signers of the Declaration of Independence called the United States. WebArmy Legion Of Merit Narrative Example Last Updated These contractors are filed under secretary as well as evett et al. WebPersonal Narrative: The Honor Guard The Honor Guard tryouts, they were a great deal to those wanting to be the best of the best. The Legion of Merit is awarded to those in key positions or responsibility and power, for their service and achievements. Is there a test bank available for C785 Objective Assessment: Biochemistry JEO1? The memo sets policy and prescribes procedures for the peacetime recognition of soldiers in the ranks of colonel and below with the award of the Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal and Army Achievement Medal who are assigned to Army headquarters and its major supporting activities. Serving as the Commander for Camp Arifjan Kuwait Zone 6 from September 2010 to September 2011, Lieutenant Colonel Doe led a newly formed ad hoc to run base operations, security, and contract management for 6000 service personnel at Camp Arifjan. 1SG Matthew s leadership ensured the success in medical support of six NATO missions, three deployments of a medical personnel to Africa, and was key to the success to the 212th CSH becoming the first hospital to pass the NATO medical Role III evaluation. Test Your Vocabulary Love It or Hate It. Contributions are moderated and will not show up until reviewed. Sergeant First Class WESLEY G. STAPLETON, RA37818647, United States Army, distinguished himself by exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service as a member of the Engineer Fire Fighting Company, 8075th Army Unit, in Korea, from 27 January 1953 to 4 May 1954. Army or Air Force personnel are awarded the Legion of Merit have bronze oak leaf clusters attached to the medal to denote additional awards. His understanding of engineer qualification tasks and the complex operational environment in Afghanistan resulted in the 864th Engineer Battalion conducting squad Live Fire Exercises, two Command Post Exercises and a Culminating Training Exercise. After attending the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), he became a registered trainer within 90 days. He was responsible for operation of the Army Cyberspace Integration and Operations Center (ACOIC) which maintains and defends all Army networks consisting of 817,000 Windows assets, 33,000 servers, and 71,000 mobile devices across six theaters of operation. HELP! The degrees of Chief Commander, Commander, Officer, and Legionnaire are awarded only to members of armed forces of foreign nations under the criteria outlined in Army Regulation 672-7 and is based on the relative rank or position of the recipient as follows:[9], When the Legion of Merit is awarded to members of the uniformed services of the United States, it is awarded without reference to degree. He has personally saved 5 Soldiers with direct interventions and securing them the medical assistance they require. On this page are examples to help get you started. Despite obstacles imposed by extremely congested areas, lack of fire breaks, an inadequate water supply system and numerous routes inassessable to fire fighting equipment, his actions in directing fire-fighting operations during the Great Pusan Fire of 27 November 1953 and the devastating fires of 29 January 1954 and 3 April 1954 reach heroic portions and resulted in the saving of hundreds of lives and millions of dollars worth of military and civilian property. His efforts on behalf of the Army Special Operations Task Force contributed directly to the success of the Coalition Force mission and the removal of Iraqi forces from Kuwait. His hard work and dedication to duty led to the preparation of future Soldiers to support the Global War on Terror. thank you. NARRATIVE FOR LEGION OF MERIT EXAMPLES.docx - NARRATIVE FOR LEGION OF MERIT SERGEANT FIRST CLASS HAZAEL D. HERNANDEZ For exceptionally meritorious, 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful, For exceptionally meritorious service while serving in positions of, increasing responsibility, culminating a 24-year career as the Senior, Movements Noncommissioned Officer for the 3-383D Training Support, Battalion. Proposed designs prepared by Bailey, Banks, and Biddle, and the Office of the Quartermaster General were provided to the Assistant Chief of Staff for Personnel (Colonel Heard) by the QMG on January 5, 1942. As the Senior Operations and Personnel Sergeant he was responsible for supporting over 520 military and civilian personnel. MEDAL DESCRIPTION The Legion of Merit is also the first award to have different degrees. Authority to award the Legion of Merit is reserved for general officers and flag officers in pay grade O-9 (e.g. Lieutenant Colonel John Doe distinguished himself by exceptionally meritorious service in a succession of positions of great importance and responsibility to the United States Army and the Nation. WebNarrative to accompany the award of the Legion of Merit to Command Sergeant Major Myron Geter Command Sergeant Major Myron Geter distinguished himself with an exceptionally outstanding record or accomplishments for over 27 years of selfless service to the DoD and United States Army culminating as the Command Sergeant Major of the Webnarrative for legion of merit SERGEANT FIRST CLASS HAZAEL D. HERNANDEZ For exceptionally meritorious service while serving in positions of increasing responsibility, culminating a 24-year career as the Senior Movements Noncommissioned Officer for the 3-383D Training Support Battalion. He oversaw a $1.5 million annual budget, 18 personnel, and over ten contracts per year. The Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard authorize gold stars for additional awards. WebExamples of Meritorious Civilian Service Awards include but are not limited to: Secretary of Defense Meritorious Civilian Service Award; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) Joint Meritorious Civilian Service Award; Department of the Army Meritorious Civilian Service Award (third highest award) He oversaw logistics of an entire BCT cycle of training where he coordinated 200 meals, produced 75 risk assessments, and planned a graduation ceremony with over 500 attendees. The decoration is issued to members of uniformed services of the United States as well See Definitions and Examples Get Word of the Day daily email! Upon retirement, Sergeant First Class Hernandez is recognized for distinguished performance of duty that represents exemplary achievement in the finest traditions of the United States Army. MSG Cameron was responsible for securing the Top Secret building, ensuring only appropriate personnel gained access to the facility and the Top Secret briefings. WebArmy Achievement Medal (Template and Examples) Army Commendation Medal (Template and Examples) ARCOM with V Device (Template and Examples) Joint Service Achievement Medal. This order supersedes United States Total Army Personnel Command, Permanent Order 019-09, dated 19 January 2001. In awarding the Legion of Merit for exemplary meritorious service, Carstens added, "That's the reason we serve -- to take care of other people, to take care of our Soldiers." This example demonstrates to merit for its duties. Major BLANK served as the Special Forces Tactical Command Post Operations Officer in support of combat operations to liberate Kuwait and defeat the Iraqi Army during Operation DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM. The superior effort, outstanding leadership, and personal initiative display by Lieutenant Colonel BLANK reflect great credit upon himself, the United States Army, and his country. His leadership in a multitude of critical leadership positions across the entire spectrum of the Army positively impacted hundreds of Soldiers over the course of a very honorable career. Army and Air Force recipients are not authorized to wear the Combat V device. Upon retirement, Major Fox is recognized for distinguished performance of duty that represents exemplary achievement in the finest traditions of the United States Army. Most recently, as a member for the Army Reserve Element-U.S. European Command (ARE-EUCOM), he contributed to planning the use of multiple air and maritime assets assigned to U.S. Air Forces Europe and U.S. The decoration is issued to members of uniformed services of the United States as well Additionally he has supported strategic overseas humanitarian (demining) relief in collaboration with the United Nations and Pakistan, supported the training of multiple allied nations Armies, completed the Combined Arms and Services Staff School, and the Command and General Staff Officer Course. Test Your Vocabulary Love It or Hate It. Under the memo, principal officials at Army headquarters, except the sergeant major of the Army, can delegate award authority for the Army Commendation Medal and army Achievement Medal, to members of the Senior Executive Service under their purview. For meritorious service in positions of increasing responsibility, culminating in a 20-year career as an operations / action officer assigned the United States Army Reserve Element European Command. He leveraged resources to incorporate new technology to remote sites in the enclave, increasing speeds tenfold and reducing recurring costs by $200,000 annually. His team reduced the base manning time for FPCON Delta from three hours to less than 90 minutes. Following the invasion of North Africa in November 1942, a number of United States officers were awarded the Legion of Merit in the degree of Officer. His understanding of a total Army concept generated positive relationships with the Guam National Guard and the University of Guam gaining valuable support for the Cadet Corps. The performance must have been such as to merit recognition of key individuals for service rendered in a clearly exceptional manner. He led the 84-bed deployable hospital overseeing the training, readiness, and health and welfare of over 190 soldiers and their family members. Lieutenant generals can now approve the award of the Legion of Merit, an authority that previously was limited to four-star generals, the chief of staff and secretary of the Army. accountability of over 590 pieces of equipment valued at over $19 million. In the last two years, he has, trained more than 600 Service Members across the US Army Reserves, preventing countless suicides and saving lives. Testing current His cybersecurity expertise and leadership were required to manage a team of twenty-five military, civilian and contractor personnel to synchronize efforts to design, operate and defend all Army networks. Webochsner obgyn residents // legion of merit narrative example army. After, attending the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), he, became a registered trainer within 90 days. His coordination and management allowed the company vehicles and equipment valuing $3,880,000 to arrive at the destinations on time and with zero safety mishaps or shortages. Sample Legion of Merit. Unlike the Legion of Honor, however, the Legion of Merit is only awarded to military personnel. In this role he also served as the state Mission Assignment Coordinator, representing the National Guard at the state Emergency Operations Center during state emergencies where he was the key advisor for military assets. His organizational and leadership skills were vital to the development and training of over 60 fully qualified Drill Sergeants during his four-year tenure as the First Sergeant. The decoration is issued to members of the eight uniformed services of the United States[5] as well as to military and political figures of foreign governments. Lieutenant Colonel Doe, by extraordinary leadership, integrity and personal skills, enhanced the readiness and mission capability of numerous units throughout the Army, Army Reserve, and the National Guard. WebThe Legion of Merit may be awarded for combat or noncombat services; in the case of American military personnel, if the award is for combat service it is shown by the wearing of a combat V device. Upon Retirement, Sergeant First Class Howell is recognized for distinguished performance of duty that represents exemplary achievement in the finest traditions of the United States Army. When not awarded as a retirement award, it is most commonly awarded to officers in pay grade O-6 and higher. 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Contributions are moderated and will not show up until reviewed. WebArmy Legion Of Merit Narrative Example Last Updated These contractors are filed under secretary as well as evett et al. The Legion of Merit has a lot of visual similarities to the French Legion of Honor; both medals feature white five-armed, 10 pointed crosses with gold balls at the end of each point. WebThe meaning of LEGION OF MERIT is a U.S. military decoration awarded for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services. Web(3) Sample Legion of Merit Citation (4) Sample Meritorious Service Medal Citation (5) Sample Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal Citation (6) Sample Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal Citation (7) Sample Flag Letter of Commendation (8) Sample Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal 1. A true patriot, initially retiring in 1992 after supporting strategic counter-insurgency, combat and nation building operations in the Special Operation community, Major BLANK returned to service after a 13 year break in service to support the Global War on Terror. A very illustrious award, the Legion of Merit is a medal awarded by the U.S. ",,, "Ann Bernatitus - Angel of Bataan, First Legion of Merit recipient", "Pentagon implements 'C' and 'R' awards devices, removes 'V' from 2 awards", Legion of Merit Criteria, Background, and Images, Inter-service awards and decorations of the United States military,, Military awards and decorations of the United States, Awards and decorations of the United States Air Force, Awards and decorations of the United States Army, Awards and decorations of the United States Coast Guard, Awards and decorations of the United States Marine Corps, Awards and decorations of the United States Navy, Awards and decorations of the United States Space Force, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements. Even still you cant prepare for everything. Web(3) Sample Legion of Merit Citation (4) Sample Meritorious Service Medal Citation (5) Sample Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal Citation (6) Sample Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal Citation (7) Sample Flag Letter of Commendation (8) Sample Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal 1. legion of merit narrative example army. He served on five short overseas tours from 2014 to 2017 as a Team Chief for the Joint Operations Center. MSG Cameron was an essential asset to the execution of the event, oversaw and ran the security checkpoint for the area along with random checks of the building. This preview shows page 1 - 3 out of 17 pages. Like many awards the attachments associated to that award vary based on the branch of service of the recipient. The Legion of Merit is one of the U. S. military's most prestigious awards, ranking just below the Silver Star, and ahead of the Distinguished Flying Cross. Lieutenant generals can now approve the award of the Legion of Merit, an authority that previously was limited to four-star generals, the chief of staff and secretary of the Army. The Legion of Merit is similar to the French Legion of Honor in both its design, a five-armed cross, and in that it is awarded in multiple degrees. Soon after, regulations for the award of the Legion of Merit were revised so that it would not be awarded in the degrees above Legionnaire to United States military personnel. Departments of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Homeland Security. Sergeant First Class Hernandez has an amazing ability to build his teams, communicate ideas and develop others which was most evident as he served as a HET vehicle driver and Squad Leader while assigned to the 377th Transportation Company (HET) at Ft. Bliss, TX. For exceptional meritorious service from 23 May 1990 to 31 May 2018 culminating as the Operations Officer and Joint Operations Center Team Chief for the United States Army Reserve Element, United States European Command. During 2009-2010, while mobilized in support of Operation Enduring Freedom at Fort Knox as the Company Executive Officer, MSG Cameron completed high-quality training laydowns and schedules for two full BCT cycles that fulfilled the Commander s intent and set the standard tor the Battalion. The design of the Legion of Merit (change of name) would be ready for issue immediately after legislation authorizing it was enacted into law. His actions, over 31 years of military service, are in keeping with the finest traditions of military service. The Legion of Merit (LOM) is a military award of the United States Armed Forces that is given for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements. Until 2017,[16] the sea services (the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard) awarded the Combat "V" for wear on the LOM. Whether it was transporting to exercises or a, deployment to Kuwait, there was over 30,000 safe miles driven. 40, dated August 5, 1942. He was responsible for the accountability and control of over 200 enlisted troops. His coordination and, management allowed the company vehicles and equipment valuing, $3,880,000 to arrive at the destinations on time and with zero safety, mishaps or shortages. Contact Disclaimer. From 2012 through June 2015, 1SG Matthews was assigned to the 212th CSH as the Operations NCO and Installation Coordinator. Lieutenant generals can now approve the award of the Legion of Merit, an authority that previously was limited to four-star generals, the chief of staff and secretary of the Army. You had to train and endure everything that was thrown at you, prepared or not. MSG Snuffy is recognized for distinguished performance of duty that reflects great credit upon himself, the United States Army Reserve Element European Command and the United States Army. MEDAL DESCRIPTION The Legion of Merit is also the first award to have different degrees. His actions, over his total 25 years of military service, are in keeping with the finest traditions of the military and reflect great credit upon himself, the Special Forces community and the United States Army. DAHLGREN, Va. -- Lt. Col. Jill Wagner, U.S. Army Ret., was awarded the Legion of Merit before an audience of senior Navy technical leaders and managers here April 14.Martin Westphal - Vice Director for Director Command, Control, Communications and, Saving the news module on this page because of difficult settings. In 1943, at the request of the Army Chief of Staff, General George C. Marshall, approval authority for U.S. personnel was delegated to the Department of War. He developed DMZ policies and integrated NH State network applications. Members of the Uniformed Services of the United States and political and military leaders of allied states. north carolina discovery objections / jacoby ellsbury house Lastly, Lieutenant Colonel BLANK followed his tenure as the PMS for Guam by serving as the Battalion Commander for the Cleveland Recruiting Battalion. nationals.[6][7]. Lieutenant generals can now approve the award of the Legion of Merit, an authority that previously was limited to four-star generals, the chief of staff and secretary of the Army. From October 2015 to September 2017, LTC Cruise was assigned as the Command Duty Officer at USARCYBER. Due to his unparalleled training techniques and, ability to connect with students, he was selected #1 over 20 fellow ASIST, instructors within the 85th Support Command. The Legion of Merit (Commander degree) is one of only two United States military decorations to be issued as a neck order (the other being the Medal of Honor), and the only United States military decoration that may be issued in degrees (much like an order of chivalry or certain Orders of Merit), although the degrees including a neck ribbon are only awarded to non-U.S. In 2008, as the Operations NCO for the 1st Battalion, 304th Regiment, 4th Brigade, MSG Cameron oversaw training directives, yearly training programs, and operations orders for the Battalion. He conducted full-spectrum cyber operations, coordinated and synchronized the execution of DoD information network (DoDIN) Operations, Defensive Cyber Operations (DCO), Offensive Cyber Operations (OCO), current operations, and intelligence operations for 1.1 million users experiencing over eight billion cyber events per month. , LTC Cruise was assigned as the Command duty Officer at USARCYBER of precedence it is awarded to in! 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