Opponents claim Prop. Proposition 29 imposes new regulatory responsibilities on CDPH. Prop 28 is supported by numerous famous California musicians, actors, and media industry executives. DaVita, Inc. and Fresenius Medical Care, the biggest spenders against Proposition 29, own or operate almost 75% of dialysis clinics in the state. 2023 Copyright 2022 Mustang Media Group. 29 argue that patients have a higher chance of infection or death when a nurse practitioner, physician, or practitioner is not present and that requiring those medical professionals to be on staff would reduce the likelihood of death or infection. Once again they are using gravely ill dialysis patients to shield their perks and million-dollar salaries. 30. At a forum focused on transit issues, no one mentioned the disgraced former councilmember. Clinics must disclose who owns the clinic to patients. All Rights Reserved. Government regulations largely decide what these rates are. When a person is receiving dialysis, their personal doctor must visit them at least once a month. Most of these other owners and operators have multiple clinics in California, while a small number own or operate a single clinic. Why did they spend so much?
WebThe California ballot is coming in on the short side in 2022. Things are settling down after a period of scandals and elections. Few Main Sources Pay for Dialysis. For example, state law bans sports betting, roulette, and games with dice (such as craps). Put on the Ballot by Petition Signatures. Most Dialysis Patients Receive Treatment in Clinics.
Charges Penalties if Dialysis Clinics Do Not Report Required Information. Under the proposition, state Medi-Cal costs, and state and local employee and retiree health insurance costs, could increase due to: Overall, we assume that clinic owners and operators generally would: This scenario would lead to increased costs for state and local governments likely in the tens of millions of dollars annually. Given the higher costs a clinic would face, some owners and operators may decide to seek consent from CDPH to close some of their clinics that are operating at a loss.
This is the third time this special interest has placed similar dialysis measures on the ballot. Proposition 29s bureaucratic requirements will force dialysis clinics throughout the state to cut back services or shut down, making it harder for patients to access their treatmentsputting their lives at serious risk. Clinics carry out the treatment. They also argue that prop. With only seven propositions to weigh in on this year, California voters will have the fewest ballot measures before them Under federal rules, the physician must visit the patient during dialysis treatment at the clinic at least once per month. Proposition 29 would impose new regulations on California's kidney dialysis clinics, most notably that a physician, nurse, or physician's assistant would always need These additional costs are highly uncertain. A variety of nonprofit organizations and for-profit companies own or operate the other clinics. Original story follows below. LAist is part of Southern California Public Radio, a member-supported public media network. Newly-elected Kenneth Mejia joins Councilmember Nithya Raman as some of the citys most visible Asian American progressives. A brief summary of what Prop 29 would do and why it is on the ballot, followed by a one-minute video. Proponents argue that the two major corporations, who control 80% of Californias dialysis clinics, DaVita and Fresenius, make billions of dollars yearly and can afford to hire more staff without closing clinics. Gov. Proponents argue that the proposition would help to address homelessness in California. Some patients requiring treatment in costlier settings like hospitals if some clinics closed in response to the proposition. Roughly 80,000 Californians receive dialysis from a clinic every month. This form of dialysis removes blood from the body, filters it through a machine to remove waste and extra fluid, then returns it to the body. Head to LAist's Voter Game Plan for guides to the rest of your ballot including: If the ballot measure passes, kidney dialysis clinics would have to have at least one physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant on site during all treatment hours. This is a breaking news topper. The proposition is also partially an effort by the Service Employee International Union to introduce state regulation of dialysis clinics through the ballot box. Proponents also argue that the proposition will help Lyft and Uber rideshare drivers by offsetting their reimbursement for fueling their cars onto the state as opposed to rideshare companies. The exception lasts for one year.
Special interests need to respect the will of the voters and stop threatening dialysis patients lives. Requires physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant on site during treatment.
By Vittorio Nastasi March 21, 2023. Every dialysis patient in California is under the care of their own kidney doctor and treatments are administered by specially trained nurses and technicians. Overall, we assume that clinic owners and operators generally would: (1)be able to negotiate with some payers to receive higher payment rates to cover some of the new costs imposed by the proposition, particularly if many clinics were to close otherwise; (2)continue to operate some clinics with reduced income; and (3)close some clinics, with the consent of CDPH. 29 in 1 minute.
They also argue that this proposition is unnecessary as the standing abortion laws in California are already strong. It allows CDPH to base its decision on such information as the clinics financial resources and the clinics plan for making sure patients have uninterrupted dialysis care. We estimate that clinics have total revenues of around $3.5 billion each year (annually) from their operations in California. 29 IS UNECESSARY AND WILL HARMNOT IMPROVEDIALYSIS CARE. Proposition 29 includes several requirements affecting clinics, as discussed below. Tax revenue collected from the tax would be split into three different programs; 35% would go toward the Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Investment Plan Sub-Fund, 45% would go toward the Zero-Emission Vehicle and Clean Mobility Sub-Fund and 20% would go toward the Wildfire Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Sub-Fund. 2023 Southern California Public Radio - All Rights Reserved, California Proposition 29: Kidney Dialysis, also requires that they report infections to the federal government, a report from the states Legislative Analysts Office, According to the California Legislative Analyst's Office, full report from the Legislative Analyst's Office on Proposition 29, Ex-Councilmember Martinez Opposed Healthy Streets LA Plan. Requires Dialysis Clinics to Notify and Obtain Consent From CDPH Before Closing or Substantially Reducing Services. The proposition would impose a 10% excise tax on sports betting at horse racing racetracks and to legalize roulette, blackjack and craps at American Indian gaming casinos. Kidney dialysis clinics would not be required to have a physician, nurse, or physician assistant on site during patient treatment hours. Requires Dialysis Clinics to Report Infection-Related Information to CDPH. The previous two efforts to regulate dialysis clinics failed, so what is different this time around? 29 opposed by: Tens of thousands of dialysis patients and families American Nurses Association\ California American Academy of Nephrology Physician Assistants Dialysis Patient Citizens, representing thousands of patients California Medical Association, representing 40,000 California physicians Emergency room doctors, Angelic Nicole Gant, Kidney Dialysis Patient, Gregory Ridgeway, Kidney Dialysis Patient, REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF PROPOSITION 29, JOIN DIALYSIS PATIENTS, NURSES, DOCTORS AND FAMILIES: NO ON 29YET ANOTHER DANGEROUS DIALYSIS PROPOSITION. Proposition 29 will make the changes we need to truly protect dialysis patients. CDPH also certifies clinics on behalf of the federal government. Second, as dialysis patients are prone to infections that can lead to more serious illnesses or even death, it requires clinics to report data on infections to the state so problems can be identified and solved to better protect patients. Proposition 29 imposes new regulatory responsibilities on CDPH. This video explains Proposition 29. Federal regulations do not require medical directors to spend a set amount of time at the clinic. To serve more patients, CDCs often operate 6 days a week for extended hours. 1. Ads for and against Proposition 29 have been running non-stop for the last several months. The rates that Medicare and Medi-Cal pay for a dialysis treatment are fairly close to the average cost for clinics to provide a dialysis treatment. When a patient has kidney failure, the patients physician develops a plan of care, which could include a referral for dialysis. Proponents argue that flavored tobacco products are marketed towards minors and underage adults to get them addicted to tobacco products by flavoring their products. The California Democratic Party is in favor of the measure. Kidney Failure. (3) close some clinics, with the consent of CDPH. Opponents argue that the sale of tobacco products to those under the age of 21 is already illegal so this law would ban adults from consuming these products not children. HIGHLIGHTS The state legislature voted to send a constitutional amendment to establish a right to reproductive freedom to the ballot. Taxpayers get one small, temporary reprieve from the government's ongoing crackdown on the sharing economy. Most Dialysis Patients Receive Treatment in Clinics. Prop 29 would prevent discrimination and protect patients in rural communities. Proposition 1 is an extreme law that allows late-term abortions at taxpayer expense up to the moment of birtheven if the baby is healthy and the mothers health is not threatened. The California Constitution and state law limit gambling in California. SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- For the third time in three straight elections, California voters rejected a ballot measure that would have mandated major changes to the operations of dialysis clinics that provide life-saving care to 80,000 people with kidney failure. Enter your address to get a personalized list of candidates and ballot measures, including biographies, top priorities, who supports each candidate, and more. California State University Employees Union, African American Chamber of Commerce of San Joaquin County, American College of Surgeons, Northern California, American College of Surgeons, San Diego Imperial Chapter, American College of Surgeons, Southern California, Antelope Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Bell Gardens Association of Merchants & Commerce, California Association of County Veterans Service Officers, California Association of Health Facilities, California Medical Transportation Association, Filipino-American Chamber of Commerce Business Network, Friends Committee on Legislation of California, Indian Physicians Association of Central California, Jewish War Veterans, Department of California, Network of Ethnic Physician Organizations, Reserve Organization of America Department of Golden West, Scottish American Military Society - California, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of California. Requires Each Dialysis Clinic to Have a Physician, Nurse Practitioner, or Physician Assistant On-Site During All Treatment Hours. Your financial support allows our reporters to research candidates and provide you and your neighbors the tools you need to make informed decisions when casting your ballot. Most of these other owners and operators have multiple clinics in California, while a small number own or operate a single clinic. CBS News Bay Area: I am so angry that one special interest is pushing a third proposition that puts my life at risk. 29. This amount is less than one-half of 1percent of the states total General Fund spending. Most people on dialysis undergo hemodialysis. 30. WebProvides additional funding from state General Fund for arts and music education in all K12 public schools (including charter schools). 36-37 of the Official Voter Information Guide. Under Proposition 29, clinics are required to offer the same quality of care to all patients. Other people purchase health insurance individually. Previous SEIU-sponsored measures in 2018 and 2020 were defeated by large margins. Requires Dialysis Clinics to Report Infection-Related Information to CDPH. Prominent supporters of the prop include rapper and producer Dr. Dre, rapper Lil Baby, actress Issa Rae, actor Jon Lithgow, as well as labor unions including SAG-AFTRA, SEIU of California and IATSE. Patients Own Physician Oversees Treatment. California voters have overwhelmingly rejected similar dialysis propositions twice. 29 would shut down dialysis clinics and threaten the lives of 80,000 California patients who need dialysis to survive. Sports betting is currently illegal in California. They claim dialysis doctors and nurses are against it, but those are doctors and nurses on their payroll. This form of dialysis removes blood from the body, filters it through a machine to remove waste and extra fluid, then returns it to the body. Opponents also argue that Proposition 29 would exacerbate a healthcare provider shortage California is facing. For some owners and operators, the higher costs would reduce their profits, but they still could operate at current levels without closing clinics. Here's what you need to know about the measure: App users: For a better experience, click here to view the full map in a new window. They say dialysis clinics are already highly regulated, but they face far fewer inspections than other health facilities, and even so, deficiencies are often uncovered. Proponents of Prop. Clinics obtain permission from the State to close or reduce hours. Prop. 1 would embed that protection into the state constitution. Two private for-profit companiesDaVita, Inc. and Fresenius Medical Careown or operate nearly 75percent of licensed clinics in California. In LA, The Rise Of The Asian American Progressive. These additional costs are highly uncertain. Third, as life-saving health care facilities, it requires dialysis corporations to get approval from the state before closing clinics or reducing services. Twice, California voters have overwhelmingly rejected these measures. Californias dialysis clinics are regulated by federal and state agencies and have high ratings for quality care and patient satisfaction. Healthy kidneys remove waste and extra fluid from a persons blood. PROP. The clinics would probably have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars more annually for staff salaries. Proposition 29 would create new requirements for kidney dialysis clinics that provide life-sustaining treatment for people suffering from chronic kidney disease. Because the lives of these fellow Californians are so dependent on dialysis done both safely and effectively, we must give our absolute support to the Protect the Lives of Dialysis Patients Act on the Nov. 8 ballot. Californias telehealth policies fail to meet best practices for promoting patient access and giving flexibility to health care providers. Writ large pro-choice groups such as Planned Parenthood, National Abortion Rights Action League and more support the proposition. 29. CDPH licenses clinics to operate in California. On the other hand, opponents question whether an on-site medical practitioner could effectively respond to a medical emergency given the lack of equipment at most dialysis centers. The rates that Medicare and Medi-Cal pay for a dialysis treatment are fairly close to the average cost for clinics to provide a dialysis treatment. WebThere are about 650 dialysis clinics across the state and about 80,000 Californians receive the life-saving treatment. If CDPH approves the exception, the clinic can meet the requirement through telehealth. If a persons kidneys stop working, they may need a treatment called dialysis. Thank you for investing in your neighborhood. As noted earlier, an owner or operator might be able to support these clinics with its higher-earning clinics. The proposition requires CDPH to adjust the annual licensing fee paid by clinics to cover these costs. To receive payments from Medicare, clinics must report specific dialysis-related infection information to the National Healthcare Safety Network at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Federal law requires that a physician visit a patient during dialysis treatment at least once a month, according to the state legislative analysts office and it also requires that they report infections to the federal government. Gavin Newsom wisely used his powers under the states COVID-19 state of emergency to authorize the state director of public health to waive licensing requirements on medical practitioners and restrictions on out-of-state medical professionals to help increase the number of medical practitioners in California. Owners and operators negotiating higher payment rates. In most cases, dialysis treatment replicates what healthy kidneys do by using a machine to filter a patients blood of excess fluid and waste. For example, clinics must report when a patient develops a bloodstream infection and the suspected cause of the infection. Another potential issue for Prop. It gives duties to CDPH to implement and administer the proposition, including adopting regulations within one year after the law takes effect. The proposition was introduced by the Coalition for Safe, Responsible Gambling. 28. 100% of precincts reporting (25,554/25,554). 29 would make our growing physician shortage even worse by taking doctors away from hospitals and clinics where they are needed, increasing wait times and reducing capacity to deal with other medical emergencies.Robert E. Wailes, M.D., President, California Medical Association. Currently, California relies primarily on federal regulations as the basis for its licensing program. [2] On December 12, 2022, the supreme court ruled unanimously to not issue an emergency order stopping the ban. Special interests need to respect the will of the voters and stop pushing these dangerous dialysis propositions that threaten the lives of 80,000 dialysis patients. California 2022 election | Ballot propositions explained. Opponents say the ballot measure will lead to higher costs for patients and force some clinics to scale back or close altogether because they wouldn't be able to afford the additional staffing costs. Both CDPH and clinics (or their owners or operators) must post this information on their websites. Californias dialysis clinics have high ratings for quality care and patient satisfaction. For example, clinics must report when a patient develops a bloodstream infection and the suspected cause of the infection. Other opponents include the Republican Party of California, the California Teachers Association and the California Chamber of Commerce. 29infection data is already collected at the federal level by the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions (CDCs) National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN), so state collection would largely be redundant. WebProp. CDPH must specify which information clinics should report, and how and when to report the information. The governor is remaining neutral on both Prop 26 and Prop 27. As joint ventures between dialysis clinics and doctors become more common, improved transparency is needed to allow stakeholders and policy makers to study the effects of physician ownership. Group and Individual Health Insurers Typically Pay Higher Rates for Dialysis Than Government Programs. Specifically, owners and operators may be able to negotiate higher rates with private commercial insurance companies and, to a lesser extent, with Medi-Cal managed care plans. Support Cal Polys student-run local news source. Prop 30 would levy an additional 1.75% tax on people making over $2 million, the revenue from the tax would be used to fund subsidies for zero-emission vehicles and infrastructure related to zero-emission vehicles such as electric charging stations. The fact is these corporations can easily make these changes and still profit hundreds of millions of dollars a year without disrupting our healthcare system. About 10% of CDC patients are covered by group and individual health insurance plans. Medicare pays for dialysis treatment for the majority of people on dialysis in California. Patients may also reach their nephrologists via telemedicine if needed. Prohibits clinics from closing or substantially reducing services without state approval. Supporters of this bill say it would help California move to clean energy and to help hit that ambitious climate goal. Other opponents include tobacco companies such as Philip-Morris USA inc. and the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Information provided by The League of Women Voters of California Education Fund, Information provided by League of Women Voters California Education Fund, p. 7 of the Official Voter Information Guide, pp. High school sports would also be prohibited from being gambled upon. The proposition is also supported by a variety of online sports betting companies such as Draft Kings, a variety of homelessness support organizations, American Indian tribes, the MLB and more. Under the proposition, state Medi-Cal costs, and state and local employee and retiree health 26 would increase the amount of money that is shared between gaming tribes and non-gaming tribes through the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund. There are fiscal implications for both the clinics and state and local government if this passes. A look at both sides of Proposition 29, the initiative on the June ballot, which would increase the tax on cigarettes by $1 per pack if approved. VOTERS HAVE ALREADY REJECTED SIMILAR DIALYSIS PROPOSITIONSTWICE! Since many dialysis patients are highly vulnerable, the requirement that a licensed medical professional is on-site during procedures appears to make sense. The Top 5 newsletter catches you up with LAs top 5 stories in just 3 minutes. The proposition also provides funding for wildfire prevention. Mismanagement, Sloppy Hiring Practices, Lack Of Transparency. In contrast, group and individual health insurers negotiate with clinic owners and operators to set rates. Clinics cannot refuse to offer or provide care to patients based on who pays for patients treatments. Many people in the state have group health insurance coverage through an employer or another organization (such as a union). Further, tying up physicians and other highly trained medical personnel at dialysis centers would worsen the shortage of healthcare workers across the state and increase waiting times at emergency rooms. 29 BECAUSE IT PUTS OUR LIVES AT RISK, This is the third time a special interest has placed a proposition on the ballot putting my life and the lives of 80,000 other dialysis patients at risk. Requiring a physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant to be present during a dangerous procedure like dialysis, is common sense and a matter of patient safety. These revenues consist of payments for dialysis from a few main sources, or payers: Medicare. If donors were properly compensated for their considerable sacrifice, more people would likely be willing to donate reducing the need for dialysisand reducing the need for this type of ballot initiative. 27 will cause an explosion for online sports gambling in California, which will hurt gaming tribes. Will Orange County's Fledgling Clean Power Agency Survive? The annual cost of these new responsibilities likely would not exceed the low millions of dollars annually. About 650 licensed clinics in California provide dialysis to roughly 80,000 patients each month. Con. Most patients have dialysis treatment paid for by Medicare and Medi-Cal. Federal law requires clinics to report infections related to treatment. Prop 29 would take thousands of skilled medical staff from hospitals where theyre needed and place them in administrative jobs. Skilled medical staff from hospitals where theyre needed and place them in administrative jobs year after the law takes.. Law requires clinics to Notify and Obtain Consent from CDPH Before closing or! Including adopting regulations within one year after the law takes effect that flavored tobacco products by flavoring their.... Than one-half of 1percent of the citys most visible Asian American progressives of care, will! 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