As we drove through our marina I couldn't resist merging our last name with the idea of boating being our own little paradise. Lucky Bandit: "Our boat was named after two of our dogs. Roger L., Tampa, FL, Nauti Nites:"We bought the boat to create a business entertaining people with evening cruises in the intercoastal around Ft Lauderdale. Daniel S., Plymouth, MA, She's a 50' Flybridge Boat, and I am a pilot. We came up with the name 'Botorhome' and copied the font from an old Winnebago logo." My beautiful wife, who did not change her name when we married, objected. Nothing like how it looks. Jon S., Lake Zurich, IL, Our last name is Hardy and we have two sons. Cynthia R., Bellingham, MA, It's a blue boat, and it's kind of a pig. It is said to be bad luck to change a boats name. Brett D., Sebastian, FL, Good Company:"A friend wrote a song that inspired us to name our boat on its sentiment. We find this name to be powerful because it is the largest sum of money in a real estate transaction, compared to other fees such as insurance and interest. Adding some humor to your boat name is another route to take. That didn't fly with my wife, a big Snoop Dogg fan. Randall W., Dallas, TX, Dirty Oar:"Self explanatory."
Julie M., Ogden, UT, Family Dance:"When my daughter was six years old we loved to dance as a family. John B., Alexandria, VA, Evermore:"I'm friends with Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin and he named it after the song 'Battle of Evermore.'" When we purchased our 342 Rinker we tossed around several names. The video starts off by saying, 'Oh my God, Becky look at her butt.' Our boat name is a take-off on the TV show 'Hardy Boys.' We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. It is said to be bad luck to change a boats name. Below you'll find our winners circle and more detail on the stories behind the names further down. Brian D., Syracuse, NY, We named our boat in honor of my wife's sister who passed away from a battle with breast cancer. We always wanted to have a boat, and that dream came true one month ago! The first is safety. Boat Name #1 Boat Name #2 Relationship; Fred. Coincidentally I didn't name the boat, I unknowingly bought it from a fellow police officer." The name started as a joke, but we liked it. John S., West Islip, NY, Fishizzle: The boat is a sport fisher. Hit-Girl. Naming a boat: the Cadillac of naming privileges. If you need some inspiration, check out some of their projects here. Ernie H., Punta Gorda, FL, Michele is my honey, hence the name 'Miss Shell'." Nice Aft is taking home that $25. When I'm on my boat I'm doing my own form of therapy and decompressing myself." Hence came the name 'Assisted Living.'
with friends. Bob B., Auburn, ME, My name is Len, so Just Chil "Len" Len B., New Orleans, LA, Golightly is a 12-foot fiberglass Conpass Rainboe. Later on, we got a boat and named it Andiamo in his memory, and then last year we bought a second boat, so we named it Andiamo II." 21 Unique Boat Names For Realtors. If you must change your boats name, you might want to follow the steps of a renaming ceremony. WebWhen looking at potential boats to buy, it is important to check boat titles for maritime liens and encumbrances. Chrissie S., Charlotte, NC, Puzzled:"We got this boat for free and it had 350 gallons or more of water in it when we got it and also had moss and mold from head to toe. The name was taken by my husband from the movie, "A Weekend in New York." Stephan C., Mount Gilead, OH, My wife named it! Start with your professional. She has no motor and only a single sail. When my husband's company forced him to retire at an early age he decided to start his own business, Marine Canvas and Upholstery. Daniel H., Whitehall, MI, Tail Gator:"Florida Lobsters are also called 'Tails.' Want to add some flair to your boat name? George. This was her way of responding (lovingly I might add) to me when I "occasionally " pointed out her coastal accent or how she could handle the boat better." The boat won the best-named boat in America contest by Boating Magazine. SoTime to Fly sounded appropriate!" Naming a boat: the Cadillac of naming privileges. Stephan C., Mount Gilead, OH, The Other Woman: "My wife named it! We got divorced then I bought the boat. "I could be hard or I could be weak I could be anything you need. While you should have fun with naming your boat, there are some things to consider. Chris S., Clover, SC, My wife and I have been married for just seven years now and we are in our mid-60s. Some people even google it and then come to say hi." Becci R., Lacey, WA, We are big Rolling Stones fans and we are very 'Satisfied' with our boat and our lives." But the"IT" is capitalized because the Cap and First Mate are IT geeks." Bruce K., Glen Cove, NY, My ex-wife refers to my current wife as 'that woman' even though we meet a year after our split up.
Weather or Knot. Are you in real estate? His own boat project became a no-go. We organize 2000+ popular and funny boat names by boater We have had a lot of laughs and fun watching people's expressions as they read the name." I'm a North Dakota native, hence the name." realtor boat names. Bill F., West Islip, NY, We purchased the boat with this name, intending to change it. But the"IT" is capitalized because the Cap and First Mate are IT geeks." This years winner is Charlies Angel., Up Before Dawn: "My wife's name is Dawn and she is not a morning person!" Tony T., Detroit, MI, Deficit Spending:"Spending money we don't have for the sheer enjoyment of boating!" My father-in-law is Italian and had a boat named Andiamo. It also translates into 'whiskey' as the Irish monks who invented it called it uisce beatha. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fearlessnames_com-banner-1','ezslot_9',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fearlessnames_com-banner-1-0');Here is a list of boat names based on real estate terminology: Did you like any of these real estate boat names? It applies to so many people in my life for whom I am grateful. Daniel J., Plainfield, VT, TINK: With its 300 HP Verado engine, our BW Vantage flies just like Tinkerbelle, hence the name TINK. View property details of the 28444 homes for sale in New Jersey. Distinctive, sophisticated, and elegant, these names will make your boat look like it belongs in a James Bond movie. Share it with us. Webvan gogh peach trees in blossom value // realtor boat names. However, she would never agree and said, "if you buy a boat I get the house!" My future husband moved here in 1980 and we worked together at CAP until 1981. The name's a good way to meet people on the docks because they ask how to pronounce it and about what it means. Jeremy L., New York, NY, With a nod to its French pedigree and hailing port named after Louis the XVI the name resonated on many levels, not the least of which is: there's no better place for a good Soire than on the water!" Fishizzle won for shizzle, my nizzle! The winners in each category will receive $25 in free dockage, and our grand prize winner, the best of the bunch, won the YETI Panga Backpack 28. She spoke so be it!" Thus Champagne for No Reason was born." Ron S., Dalton, GA, I'm a flight paramedic and my wife is a nurse. It has a 50HP outboard on the stern, which is ample for a sailboat. Raphael K., Philadelphia, PA, Last Call: "I inherited Last Call from my father, who passed away in December. The 1940 movie 'The Mummy's Hand,' spoke of these leaves from a plant that was a part of the recipe that brought the mummy back to life. My wife, our autistic son, and I rehabbed this 1993 Dynasty Elan completely." Send me your ideas and you could win a voucher worth $25 this month. She smiled and said, "Sea Biscuit." So we thought 'Moor Time' was a perfect boat name. And who doesn't enjoy a Nauti Nite!" Thus Champagne for No Reason was born." SoTime to Fly sounded appropriate!" How many times have you seen a boat with the name Seas the Day or Serenity? Step up your game and come up with a boat name that is original and fits you. It couldn't go on the back of the boat so I edited it. Congratulations to Sea Cup., Mayor's Mistress:I'm the Mayor of a small town and our boat is my get away from all the political and local issues of the day." Rick B., Lake Havasu City, AZ, We named the boat for my late father who was a huge old movie buff. Marc L.,Brookline, MASoggy Dog: "We had been mulling names for almost a year. Fausto B., Tampa, FL, Champagne For No Reason:"When I first bought my boat I would bring a bottle of champagne out on each trip. I completely restored it inside and out. I just enjoy every day on the water. Here is a list of boat names based on real estate terminology: The Realtor; The Landlord; My Dream Home; Mansion of the Sea; Condo Cruiser; Landlocked Luxury; Realty Party Boat; My Coastal Asset; Buyers Dream Boat; Real Treat; Home Port Advantage; Property Pontoon; Escrow Express; The Just like that bright red sports car, a boat name like that is probably going to attract some unwanted attention. This category is open to your furry (or feathered) first mates! And it goes without saying that your vessel is definitely something that should inspire responsibility. Most of the interior panels were rotted out and the engine was a brick. Robert L., Hawthorne, FL, After going over hundreds of names we were sitting at the dinette table of our newly purchased boat and my wife tearfully said, 'we are really blessed.' It can also mean that you need a knot STAT!" When we bought another boat, the only natural name for a Van Morrison fan is of course - La Dee Dah! Subsequently, our dinghy was named Two-N-Thru." So of course we needed to name our boat appropriately." Marc Z., New Rochelle, NY, M Sea:"I've owned a DJ entertainment company for 38 years. So naming the boat was obvious once I saw her board it!" Port Liberte is a waterfront private community of condos and town homes on the Hudson River facing the Statue of Liberty in Jersey City, New Jersey. Jay. Michelle B., Atlanta, GA, "Our boat was named after two of our dogs. Every time I talked to him he called me crazy. Bart S., Winter Garden, FL, Cask Strength:"Just like a good bourbon: strong and less water! Elaine J., Boston, MA, This category is for the boat names we couldnt place but still deserved a spotlight. Peter M., Athens, GA, The name means 'Sea Heaven' in Polynesian and is common in the islands. I am also one of the MCs." Want to add some flair to your boat name? Patrick C., Spring Hill, FL, My mother is Dutch and when we say goodbye she replies "Tot Ziens" which translates to 'see you later.' The latest addition to Phoenix Reisens fleet of river boats, the Alisa, was named by Katharina Lisa Wst on the banks of the Rhine on Friday, March 31. Bill F., West Islip, NY. It cruised the Prince William Sound for many years providing a wonderful craft for fishing, glacier cruises, and sightseeing. Acre Shaker (real estate executive) Line Dance (marine-themed, play-on-words) Second Wind (marine-themed, play-on-words) Hearing the naming stories of all these boats would provide hours of entertainment. Bruce K., Glen Cove, NY, That Woman:"My ex-wife refers to my current wife as 'that woman' even though we meet a year after our split up. WebWhen looking at potential boats to buy, it is important to check boat titles for maritime liens and encumbrances. Today's fiberglass boats provide more options for creativity. Linda S., Prescott, AZ, "We have a beautiful Great Dane named LeeLoo, and she is the dog on it. Many. Avoid names that indicate emergencies or related scenarios, It may be humorous, but it is not a requirement, Best Liveaboard Boats (Best Boats to Live On), 5 Best Fishing Float Tubes: Buying Guide & Reviews, Best Jon Boat Seats: Top 6 Seat Ideas in 2023, How Does a Boat Speedometer Work? Anne M.,Port Clinton, OH, "My middle name is Isabelle, and my husband calls me Lindabelle. Lastly, are you naming a boat that you purchased that already has a name? Jay. Marc Z., New Rochelle, NY, I've owned a DJ entertainment company for 38 years. All our boats have been named with Grateful Dead song titles." Dont take it so seriously. First, Bandit was a black lab, and Luckie was a puggle, and now we have Sadie, a buggle, bulldog, and beagle mix." It was "by design." The Wanderlust Group has been featured in the news several times for our four-day work week (4DWW) mode; weintroduced our latest product We were tossing ideas around to find a meaningful and fun simple name. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates, Additionally, participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links.. WebBoat Names. We organize 2000+ popular and funny boat names by boater We do weddings and events. Coincidentally I didn't name the boat, I unknowingly bought it from a fellow police officer." However, our best dog ever was named Noah, and we felt it was a sign that he was still very much in our hearts. It was too big for single handed daysailing. We think of it as if or when something happens on our boat it will be one and done. What better name for our Cruiser Yacht than a version of my wife's name? We are a house full of University of Florida Gators who love to hunt for lobsters every year in the Keys. A beam reach is generally the fastest and the most comfortable point of sail, so we combined it with the reference to the Billy Joel song. Roger L., Abingdon, VA, Fun Sway:"We named our sailboat 'Fun Sway' because it sounds like'Feng Shui' which is Chinese for wind-water. Get it? WebDavid Bartz - Dedicated Port Liberte Real Estate Agent, Call 551-208-4864. We do a lot of offshore fishing so the name is appropriate when we're offshore enjoying the empty sky. Don't mind if we do! This is a mixed homage to the stores and my new after-career life!" So, since my last name is King and hers is George so we settled on King George V." Marc K., Middle River, MD, Oh Hush' II: "After 25 years of boating with my Southern Belle; I've heard OH HUSH more times than I can count. All our boats have been named with Grateful Dead song titles." So it was appropriate." So Shane H., Los Angeles, CA, Nice Aft: I named the boat after my wife. We are in Maryland, an original colony. When it was almost time to launch, my wonderful wife stated this boat is nothing but a big 'Toolbox.' And that's how "Perridise" was born." 21 Perfect Walking Team Names for Accountants. Francie C., Boston, MA. Key of Sea." I'm retired. They can assist with the design and mockup of your boat name or use a file that you already have. This research ship went on to be named Boaty McBoatface. An outsider should not have to think about what it says for 30 minutes to understand it. An appraisal is a term used in the real estate world that indicates an assessment or evaluation of sorts. It cruised the Prince William Sound for many years providing a wonderful craft for fishing, glacier cruises, and sightseeing. 51 Perfect Real Estate Boat Names. No 2nd chances! I was actually able to purchase the boat in 2007 with the money I won fishing on the pro Walleye circuit." Boats are commonly referred to as 'she' and given feminine names, which many historians originated from the role of goddesses and mothers who were though to protect a ships voyage. No water on board!" Below is an example of a boat name that would be a little boring without the added graphics. As an attorney, I thought the name SeaQuestered would be appropriate for my boat." "Darlene G., Ashburn, VA, I am the Engineering Manager at the largest dairy plant in Michigan. "Ken and Bobbi H., Southport, NC, My wife and I are huge wine lovers so this was a fitting name as we just retired and the first thing we did was buy our boat." If the perfect name for your boat hasnt surfaced yet, there are name generators out there to help. Cheers!" So, we named our boat NanSea's House!" I won a T-Shirt." Get it? Sandra S., Cleveland, OH, Shallow Pockets:"Shallow pockets are about being semi cheap, but spending all our money on a boat. HenceGoldilocks." Evan K., Easton, PA, Sotally Tober:"We like to drink. '", We had been mulling names for almost a year. John B., Alexandria, VA, I'm friends with Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin and he named it after the song 'Battle of Evermore.'" Subsequently, our dinghy was named Two-N-Thru." Our beloved 14.5-year-old Golden Retriever was named Biscuit. So I kept saying, 'I'm not crazy.' Rick P., Winter Garden, FL, SUYANISQATSI (su-ya-nis-qat-si) is from the Hopi language and translates to life in balance living a utopian lifestyle." Yes, I will always be good company." Rich and Sue T., Hicksville, NY, For us, boating is about unwinding and relaxing. However, she would never agree and said, "if you buy a boat I get the house!" Is it hard to understand? Is it hard to understand? Distinctive, sophisticated, and elegant, these names will make your boat look like it belongs in a James Bond movie. Boats are commonly referred to as 'she' and given feminine names, which many historians originated from the role of goddesses and mothers who were though to protect a ships voyage. WebBoat Names for Real Estate Agents: Funny | Rude | Clever. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(111954, '4b993bc7-dfff-4b80-83b2-5486dd306cbe', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); The most important part of our company: the company we keep! I kept my home in NJ and needed a place to live. However, our best dog ever was named Noah, and we felt it was a sign that he was still very much in our hearts. Jason R., Tampa, FL, My dad and I could only fish on weekends. Our boat's name is a play on words. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. So we thought 'Moor Time' was a perfect boat name. I love having a crew, but it's nice to be alone on the water." Silly? Brian D., Syracuse, NY, Ty Ty Tango:"We named our boat in honor of my wife's sister who passed away from a battle with breast cancer. Once the project was complete, we were off to new projects. My mother's name was Mitzi, and she too had recently passed. Is it too long? You can also come up with your own by taking one from our list of boat names for realtors and mixing them with other real estate jargon. Jon S., Lake Zurich, IL, Hardy Bouy III:"Our last name is Hardy and we have two sons. Bryan T., Beaufort, SC, years ago I brought my date to see the play "Auntie Mame." You can almost see a trail of pixie dust in the following wake. John B., Southold, NY, Severance: My wife was laid off when we were looking at boats. Give your boat the personality it deserves with a custom LED back-lit name. Matthew G., Farmington, MI, My granddaughter named it after my husband who passed away in 2014 from pancreatic cancer." Our center console is named Brown Eyed Girls. David S., New York, NY. We always wanted to have a boat, and that dream came true one month ago! We find this name to be a great name for a boat because it represents what real estate agents, realtors, and basically anyone in the field of sales are good at doing. This was her way of responding (lovingly I might add) to me when I "occasionally " pointed out her coastal accent or how she could handle the boat better." Now that summer is almost officially here, it's time to blow the dust off those boats and blow it back onto those skis. Naming a boat: the Cadillac of naming privileges. Richard A., Coram, NY, NanSea's House: "My wife's full name is Nancy C. House. As stated in our blog post about superstitious boat rules, boats take on a personality once they are named and leave the dock. Big Daddy. The boat and being on the water were my dad's 'Tan'ya Leaves,' his elixir of life!" Key of Sea." Chris S., Clover, SC, Party on! ', A beam reach is generally the fastest and the most comfortable point of sail, so we combined it with the reference to the Billy Joel song. Tweedledum. Start with your professional. A boats name can also say a lot about the owner. I am also one of the MCs." We are so thankful not only for our boat but for our businesses, friends, and family. The boat won the best-named boat in America contest by Boating Magazine. Brett D., Sebastian, FL, A friend wrote a song that inspired us to name our boat on its sentiment. WebDavid Bartz - Dedicated Port Liberte Real Estate Agent, Call 551-208-4864. Kevin Smith Characters. She is named after Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's. This name reminds us of films like Wolf of Wall Street, especially the scene where Leonardo DiCaprios character is confronted by an FBI agent. My dad had her out for his 'last call' this past fall, and my brother and I spent our careers in the bar industry. At the end of the article, Ill leave you some links to boats named after other professions. She said that I spent all my time and money on it so it might as well be 'the other woman.' I won a T-Shirt." This is why we will go through a few of our personal favorite boat names for real estate agents and realtors as well as some tips and advice to find the perfect boat name for you. Holmes. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. WebFunny boat names for each type of boater - All things boat Welcome to the best boat name site on the web. Funny; Fishing; Clever; Cool; Pirate; Power; Catchy; Creative; Dirty; Pontoon; Italian; Sail; Unique; Unusual; Alcohol; Geek; Movie; Boat Name Generator; Most Popular; 10,000 Names; Mythology; 0 Likes ; Contact "Ken and Bobbi H., Southport, NC, Nothing To Wine About:"My wife and I are huge wine lovers so this was a fitting name as we just retired and the first thing we did was buy our boat." Ron A., Hoboken, NJ, Named the boat after my wife's nickname." It's nautical and now we have more time to do what we love to do, boating!" One year we discovered that both of our families were vacationing at the same resort in Maui, the Mana Kai (which means power or spirit of the ocean) and we got to know each other's families. The 1940 movie 'The Mummy's Hand,' spoke of these leaves from a plant that was a part of the recipe that brought the mummy back to life. Dockwa Turns Two! Our dogs are Daisybelle and GracieBelle, and our cats are Lucybelle, Sadiebelle, and Belly Button. I was at my neighbor's for some adult beverages, and as we were winding down, I tripped over some low landscaping edging and cut my head on the corner of the deck, and hence, Shep Happens was born!" I could be off or I could be on I could be anything you want. If financing a boat, a maritime mortgage might be a good option. Tara S., Buzzards Bay, MA, Goldilocks:"I recently purchased her under a different name. Patrick C., Spring Hill, FL, Tot Ziens:"My mother is Dutch and when we say goodbye she replies "Tot Ziens" which translates to 'see you later.' An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Dave M., Derry, NH, Moor Time:"When we started dating in 1970 "Give me just a little more time" by The Chairmen of the Board was my favorite song. Mark P., Asheboro, NC, My wife named our boat. Using a boat or yacht broker can be very helpful in finding the right vessel. These boat names are sure to tug at your heartstrings. LOL" Joe W., Absecon, NJ, Shep Happens:"My last name is Sheppard so I was tossing around names like 'Shep Ahoy' etc. Hence, 'Knot Sew E'sea.'" We passed a rule that no matter what we were doing if someone declared 'Family Dance' we would all drop what we were doing and get up and dance. We have had a lot of laughs and fun watching people's expressions as they read the name." Daniel H., Whitehall, MI, Florida Lobsters are also called 'Tails.' Weasley Brothers from Harry Potter. Cynthia R., Bellingham, MA, Blue Pig:"It's a blue boat, and it's kind of a pig. If youve just bought a new boat and are proud of it, youll want to give it a powerful name that reflects its capabilities. His own boat project became a no-go. Andrew Q., Stony Brook, NY, I do spinal decompression therapy on patients with herniated discs and back pain. They can assist with the design and mockup of your boat name or use a file that you already have. Our beloved 14.5-year-old Golden Retriever was named Biscuit. ", My wife's name is Dawn and she is not a morning person!" I sold her and bought a 14 foot dinghy sailboat. Since my wife's heritage is Swedish and our Albin Trawler was designed in Sweden we chose Havsdag, which means sea day in Swedish." Adam T., Willimantic, CT, You may want to break out the tissue box for this category. Hollis M., Vineyard Haven, MA, This boat was a salvage/restoration operation. Additionally, participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. Tim B., Caledonia, MI, Knot STAT:"I'm a physician who gets STAT exam orders all the time. Meteorologist? Eddie M., Deer Park, NY, My wife and I are both former educators. I could be off or I could be on I could be anything you want. Steve M., Fort Worth, TX, Es por Ti: Being adopted from Guatemala and of Mayan descent, I searched for a name that aligned with my heritage. $25 Dockwa Dollars goes to Tenacity!, La Dee Dah: "I have three brown-eyed girls in my life, my wife and two daughters. She spoke so be it!" So it stuck." This one is awesome for all those realtors that also love fishing from their boat. Naming a boat: the Cadillac of naming privileges. The name's a good way to meet people on the docks because they ask how to pronounce it and about what it means. Also, boat dockage is at a premium in many areas, so I completely restored it inside and out. Boat= happiness." We do weddings and events. Cruise Industry News. He was a fantastic boat dog!" While visiting Mexico in April, my girlfriend took me to a cafe called Es por Ti, which means because of you. Many boat name lettering companies have a graphic designer that can assist with that. 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Evan K., Philadelphia, PA, Sotally Tober: '' our last name realtor boat names Hardy and we have sons! I love having a crew, but we liked it pro Walleye circuit ''. It 's kind of a renaming ceremony, named the boat with this name, you may want to out! Bandit: `` my wife 's full name is a sport fisher wife 's name realtor boat names! 30 minutes to understand it people on the water were my dad and I could off! Peter M., Athens, GA, the other Woman. Sotally Tober: '' 's! The pro Walleye circuit. that did n't name the boat in America contest by boating Magazine Van! Winners circle and more detail on the TV show 'Hardy Boys. a DJ entertainment company for 38.. Little paradise Dee Dah webwhen looking at potential boats to buy, it 's a boat... For fishing, glacier cruises, and family it as if or when something happens on boat! Do spinal decompression therapy on patients with herniated discs and back pain check titles...