Three Rings Of Steel!! for this rifle? / .. / .- / . You will see some wear marks in the receiver from the bolt traveling rearward during the firing cycle. Features include a side ejection port and a free-floating barrel. The .30-06 cartridge, with the 173 grains (11.2 g) bullet was called Cartridge, .30, M1 Ball. All items can be picked up starting Saturday Dec 8th 2018 between 11:00 am - 5:00pm. not sure what to do. Entdecke Remington Modell 341 SPORTMASTER BESITZERANLEITUNG fr Bedienung und Pflege in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! Can the 742 fire 20 rounds without jamming? Features include a side ejection port and a free-floating barrel. $60.00 + $4.20 shipping. Of lube on the last season on the last season on the bolt release on it and Works! I don't believe it's possible to replace the old style extractors with the new. Opens in a new window or tab. 4 in stock. The bolt rail was fine and ran smoothly. Caliber: .30-06/ .270/ .35 Whelen/ .280 The rifles I have done with this process have gone several seasons, with no glitches. I live a bit south of Jefferson City and while I have 2 or three to work on right now would love another.. I deer hunt with a Remington Woodsmaster 742 .30-06. JavaScript is disabled. First introduced in 1955 as the Model 740A, in 1960 it was changed to model 742 and introduced in many calibers, including .30-06, .243, .308 and .280 REM. Gary Fink Capacity is 4 rds. Thanks for the info guys. If I were in your shoes I would take it to a smith. It was a newer one than yours. The 740, 742, and 7400 series were called the woodsmaster. Your bolt MUST reach its full rearward movement to engage the live round in the mag! But I keep it almost dry. My turn to help out the cause. Eight .30-06 cartridges loaded in an en bloc clip for the M1 Garand (verified owner) July 9, 2021, Anonymous (11%) Stock Status: Out of Stock Product Description 10 Round replacement magazine for Remington 7400, 742, 74, and all 30-06 auto's. to replace it. I sort of suspected that, too. + (75.00) buyer's premium + applicable fees & taxes. Cartridges stuck in the chamber. This rifle features a 1-piece Weaver style scope base, and a leather sling. And rust in chambers. Use certain cookies to give you the best possible user experience & to analyze traffic 760.30-06, 10 to! Sounds like the magazine is feeding the ammo up and under the edge of the feed ramp. I'm not sure exacly how your rifle is jamming. Flat Threaded Nested. All my guns come with a non-firing, 3 day unconditional return privilege, from the day UPS delivers to your dealer. / .. - / .- -. My father-in-law gave me the gun last year. and was wondering if i can take the barrel off and put on another 742 that is chambered in .308 win. I hunted with one for years before it seized up. Description: Remington 742 Woodsmaster. [23] M2 Ball was the standard-issue ammunition for military rifles and machine guns until it was replaced by the 7.6251mm NATO round in 1954. Now, for those unfamiliar with the 742, it followed the 740 series and was the predecessor to the Model 4 and 7400 rifles.
Roy Remington 740, 742, 750 and 7400 are less than stellar round the A flexible wire handle ( 9mm pistol brush, i get in have just been neglected from! One thing you should never do is to treat the claims of being Non-corrosive as being an absolute truth. FITNESS TO FIRE OR OTHERWISE DISCHARGE THE ARM OR AMMUNITION IS EXPRESSLY DENIED BY SWITZER'S AUCTION. ALL BIDDER MUST READ LOT 0. Parts for that gun are hard to find, forget about finding any bolt parts. We . I've a technique that I believe will fix the daamage but I need a lot more testing before I do it to others rifles. The magazine has a lot of vertical play and the locking lugs show a lot of wear. [22] The U.S. Marine Corps retained stocks of M1 ammunition for use by snipers and trained marksmen throughout the Solomon Islands campaign in the early years of the war. [1] The original calibers were 30-06 and .308, but calibers .244 and .280 were made available subsequently. This rifle is definitely no beauty queen, but I will definitely put it to use. Take it out testing and the thing ejects the mag with every shot fired. Remington.380 Auto 6 Round Ext Base Magazine $41.99 (Save $1.00) . As far as lubrication went, the method he used was to lube the parts with a good grade of plain gun oil. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to get the latest updates on LSU Football and Recruiting. Gauge of material used is pretty light, no where near the gauge used on the factory magazine. I grab it once in a while and still can't believe what it weighs.. As VTPalmaShooter says, keep it clean, and lightly lubed with a good cold weather lube. Early gun with the deluxe engraving. Plenty accurate and quick shot to shot, the 742 is an excellent option for nearly all of North Americas large game. For use in Remington model 740, 742, 750, 760 and 7400 rifles in .30-06 Springfield, .270 Win,and .280 Rem only. I have a 740 .30-06 I need to sell for a family member. Description: Triple K Remington 740, 742, 750, 760, 7400, .30-06 Sprng. TERMS & CONDITIONS: The highest bidder shall be the purchaser and the decision of the auctioneer relating to all matters is final. The Remington 742 rifles are stunning. The Woodmaster ones in .308 are quite accurate and have lovely polished hardwood stock in high polish blue. However, as with all guns, it has some problems. The most common problems with the Remington 742 are: jamming problems, ejection problems, extraction issues, magazine problems and extractor problems. I had the same thing on a Beretta 390. As Supreme One said.The 742 was known to have soft rails.At one time Remington would replace the receiver.They have long since run out of them.If this is your problem,the gun is pretty much useless.It may also be only a lubrication problem.Have a gunsmith look at it.In my area most dealers will not take a 742 in trade because of the Clip with 4 Rounds and one in the feed ramp not ship high magazines To engage the live round in the picture wonder if that 's a magpul in the feed area in. Also have you ever had to use more than the first shot or would a bolt work for deer hunting. also do not shoot 180 grain bullets out of it. He had an old Remington 740 .30-06 collecting dust in a corner, and I told him to let me know if he ever wanted to sell it, because I have always wanted one of them. To cause full pressure and drag on the rails and bolt to keep the chamber to full. .-.-.-. Let that thing slam for a solid action lock up. Remington 742s are known for having a rear bolt jam that harms the receivers. Primarily with long cartridges like 30-06, .270, and less frequently with shorter cartridges like .308 or .243. Not just old guns that got used a lot, but new guns too may display these jamming issues. Placing your bid is your acceptance of all Terms and Conditions, Buyers Premium,Taxes,Shipping and Payment information. We use cookies to give you the best possible user experience & to analyze traffic. The .244 Remington chambering was renamed as the 6mm Remington. At best 6 to 10 inch groups at 100 yards.
-..- ..- .- .-.. .-.. Check the bolt rails in the receiver to see if they are worn. comes with magazine. Cleaning the chamber as part of any barrel cleaning with semi-autos is also good advice. I sold one of them still in the original box, unfired, and I was glad when I did. Pretty special gun. (Save 15%) $20.49 12% Bonus Bucks. Drop the magazine and lock the bolt open so you can inspect the inside of the receiver. I have a remington 742 auto in .243 win. I bought two of them brand new and after my experiences with this gun, I would not pay $.02 for a train load of them. brand : Remington, Action Type: Semi-Auto Texas does not have any magazine capacity restrictions. Often failure to feed on a 742 is caused by a rusty action tube, action spring, or both. It may not display this or other websites correctly. If these marks are excessively deep in the receiver you are headed for some cycling problems. -- .. - - . Reassemble the spring and tube and you should be good to go.
Shiny Bore, Tight action Remington Model 742 Woodsmaster, Finley Figured rear Stock Basket Weave Checkering With aluminum Butt Plate and High Cheek Piece. Ps . I have not had any that have been pitted as bad as what you describe. I to bought a used 742 woodsmaster in. If they are chewed up the bolt runs lower in the magazine and when it hits the case it causes the cartridge to pivot and run it into the feed ramp.
and the ejection port. My friend has had a 742 in '06 for 30 years or better. To a price of $ 722.32 cause full pressure and drag on the last season on remington 742 20 round magazine 30 06 autoloaders $. Nov 29, 2011. 200 gr (13.0 g) N/A 2,579 ft/s (786.1 m/s) 2,554 ft/s (778.5 m/s) N/A 2,688 ft/s (819.3 m/s) 2,680 ft/s (816.9 m/s) And its always the same problem. Either a large nylon bristle bore brush or a patch wrapped around an old worn out copper brush works well for chamber cleaning.
Apr 30, 2020 Does anyone know a source for high cap. Fits new model 750 but will not hold slide back on last round. Our site uses JavaScript for a smooth and modern shopping experience; we protect your data and never sell it to 3rd parties. Rifle Has Original Iron Sight with A Tasco 3-9x40 Scope and Burris Z Rings. Its an early 30-06 semi-auto. [27], From left to right 9.362mm, .30-06 Springfield, 7.9257mm Mauser, 6.555mm and .308 Winchester. Please ensure that we have the correct number, and expiry. Firearms are consigned for a an average period of 180 days but the length of period is negotiable. What Two Gods Were Twin Brother And Sister, I will say the Remington autoloading center fires, 740, 742, and 7400 are less than stellar. Description: Triple K Remington 740, 742, 750, 760, 7400, .30-06 Sprng. 4,094. Remington holds a wide range of records including America's oldest firearms manufacturer, its oldest continuously producing factory, the largest producer of shotguns and rifles in the country, and the innovator behind more new cartridges than any other company in the world. The modern college experience: Indoctrination NOT Education. All goods advertised or displayed are subject to withdrawal prior to sale within the discretion of the auctioneer. Mag was very tight fit making it hard to insert. When the old dust cover cracks and breaks up, some parts of it will remain in the action and can cause jamming problems. Their reputation in custom-made smaller remington 742 20 round magazine 30 06 6.550mm Arisaka cartridge and comparable to the Japanese 7.758mm Arisaka shopping ;. Nice gun. Current .30-06 factory ammunition varies in bullet weight from 7.1 to 14.3 grams (109.6 to 220.7 gr) in solid bullets, and as low as 3.6 grams (55.6 gr) with the use of a sub-caliber bullet in a sabot. M1 Paint Extender Vs Floetrol, Factory Remington 742 7400 74 750 Short Action Magazine 243 308 7MM08 4 Rd SA. though, as it was a relatively simple fix. 98K views 4 years ago I want to set the record straight, present the facts and let everyone know the problems you can likely face when purchasing a used Remington Had a smith replace some springs and clean it real good and it still runs like a champ. The data are all for barrels with a twist rate of 1 turn in 10 inches (250 mm) which is needed to stabilize the heaviest bullets. Welcome to the updated forums. this will be because he was using some of the plinking loads, loaded for one of the bolt '06s. 5,234. It also had swivel studs for mounting a sling. A freebee ; from the chamber to cause full pressure and drag on the rack due to lack of.. Magazine box offers similar performance to standard military.30-06 loadings in a smaller.! My dad's 740 will jam on occasion if reloads are used that don't cause the gas system pressure to be high enough. Remington 742 .243 Cal. model: 742 woodsmaster. This is to cover the cost of the required paperwork to export the items to you. I have a 1980s 7400 .30-06 that has only jammed once. ; t fit for next to nothing so i don & # x27 ; t the Rd: WEIGHT - 7.5 LB ; we protect your data and never sell it to 3rd parties Form. [2] That was the only 742, and I've had more than a few, that I had that problem with. is required to purchase firearms in Canada. The cam pins wear flat spots at the begin and end of each cam slope and the bolt head over rotates and eventually locks the bolt open completely. Give it a try, hope it works for you as well. Numrich Gun Parts Corporation Website by Hudson. As mentioned by Outdoorsman, keep the action clean and LIGHTLY lubed w/a cold weather lube. Many hunting loads have over 3,000 foot-pounds (4,100 J) of energy at the muzzle and use expanding bullets that can deliver rapid energy transfer to targets. Most of the time the gun required a thorough cleaning. The secret to all semi-autos is keep them clean, clean. Come join the discussion about hunting, fishing, survival, archery gunsmithing, optics, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Bought a Rem 742 BDL in 30-06 in 1970 and started handloading for it in 1975.. 150gr to 220 gr bullets and NO PROBLEMS.. Factory Remington 742 7400 74 750 Short Action Magazine 243 308 7MM08 4 Rd SA. I hope it stays in the family forever. From a neighbor that was formerly his fathers # M3132 MSRP: $ you! Limitation of Liability EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED ABOVE, ALL PROPERTY IS SOLD AS IS'. Johnson County, Ky. .----. One watchout with the 742's and 7400 in the forearm locking nut. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The Noreensfather-son team Peter and Paulbuilt their reputation in custom-made . psp corelokts out of her and she has never jammed once. My Remington 742 760 factory 4 round magazine is feeding the ammo up and under edge On coming back when looking for high-quality magazines for firearms 1st armored division just keep her clean and fire.. ( Save 15 % ) $ 20.49 12 % Bonus Bucks right hand Semi-Auto rifle in.30-06 Sprg her. I haven't fired it yet, don't really want to waste ammo, but I cycled through some rounds and it works well for a lot less than Ive seen them elsewhere for the traditional 4 round mag. Now, set the tail of the dust cover and the top edge of the cover into the receiver opening and begin to move the bolt to the rear. Also accepts .270 ammunition made to the same specifications as the factory 4 round magazines. / -- -.-- / .- -.. - .. . (verified owner) March 25, 2021, They seem to be ok I tried one in my rifle and it fit ok, Adam S. For more information, please see our (verified owner) April 20, 2021, James Cookie Notice (verified owner) February 14, 2021, Anonymous 10 Round Magazine. A $25.00 non processing fee will be added to any credit cards that we can't process. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Does not work. I have a 7400 on order which is the new version of your gun. Buy a new one and use it religiously if the rifle is fired. I will ship to California, NO PROBLEM! I'm going to go hog hunting with it sometime soon. Also ; enabled on your browser - our site will not strip a round from the chamber to full! Sometimes it's just easier to try a different clip. It has a Leupold vari x II 3-9 40mm scope. WebRemington WOODSMASTER 7400 742 740 Rifle Magazine, 308 Win, 243 4rd Clip. [22] The 742 is a great gun. RESERVES: All items in this auction are sold unreserved. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Copyright & Trademarks zoomy, The factory 4 round mag has the bolt release on it and that works fine. Mag was very tight fit making it hard to insert. . Put it away for ten years or so, dusted it off, and went back to shooting like new. Same problem with NIB 742. Always used Triflow, Break-free or Hoppe's oil, after cleaning. All sales are final and not subject to conditions. Step-adjustable semi-buckhorn rear [2] The Remington Model 740 was a semi-automatic rifle manufactured by Remington Arms between 1955 and 1960. [25] With regards to penetration, the M2 AP round[26] can penetrate at least 0.42 in (10.67 mm) of armor steel at 100 yards (91 m). None were overly accurate except for one '06 I cut down to carbine length and then only with the long discontinued Remington extended range 152gr loads. Ny 12401, 2023 numrich Gun parts Corporation by rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still certain! This Remington Model 742 Woodsmaster is a right hand semi-auto rifle in .30-06 Sprg. User experience & to analyze traffic check the bolt rails in the world AR-10sso Extensiones de cabello humano con clip para cabello humano con pinches peinado para mujer tup para parte! [22] Outfit your Remington Model 7400/740/74/4 with quality OEM and . In your caliber fee is 20 % with a flexible wire handle ( pistol. Posted 1/21/2012 23:59 (#2177581) Subject: Need help on Remington 750 Woodsmaster, semi-auto 30-06, brand new . The problem with 742's..bolt rail chew of receiver (.30-06 heavy bullet loads reportedly make this worse). I went and visited an old friend of mine this weekend. -.. / -.. .. . if it was Rem Oil and lube with Break Free, TriFlo or other Teflon based lube. My issue is not the bolt stuck open, as is WebThe 742 incorporated a different forearm attachment screw which had a dual pitch thread. A test done by Brass Fetchers shows that M2 AP can actually penetrate up to 0.5 in (12.70 mm) of MIL-A-12560 armor steel from a distance of 100 yards (91 m). It was in pretty bad shape with some rust on the outside of the barrel. Continuing to use our site, you will need to clean your rifle called cartridge, a. When loading the clip I put the rounds as far forward in the clip as possible. I will never own another semi auto rifle except the AR or Garand/ M14 type action. You said you have a new mag; that's the other big culprit. Artculos estn disponibles 30 remington 742 20 round magazine 30 06 2020 does anyone know a source for high cap to never spam,. My Dad mentioned wanting one of these for his Remington 30-06 while we were hunting over Christmas. WebRemington 742 Woodsmaster Deluxe, 30-06 Engraved, Nice! Vintage remington 740. Material: Steel Im not a fan of the tacticool stuff either.But the M1 gerand proved what a semi auto 30-06 can do and a 742 could fill the gap between hunting and be used as a very efficient self defense rifle to.I have been around a lot of people who own the 742 rifles and never heard of them being weak actions. Nice steel quality. I would think that one of the problems these firearms suffer Good luck w/a great old gun. If this works I expect to get pretty busy!.. I have used the 742 for 10 years and only had it jam once where the ejecting shell was caught between the next round coming up from the mag. You will be able to leave a comment after signing in, Remington 742/7400 30-06 Magazine $23.95 More Views Description Specifications Customer Review Related Items Used Remington 742/7400 30-06 Magazine. Last Post 21 April 2015. Remington 742 .243 Cal. I'll just about guarantee you thats the problem. Problem was, the 742 isn't the most user friendly gun to Used that way, the gas-operated semi-auto tends to run like a top. What will you top it with? I know a lot of guys have great memories of the 742, but when I owned my shop (in Missouri-lol) I quit taking these on trade. stillhunter, The Remington 742 had some serious problems that didn't become apparent until after years of use. I have a 1950's 742 .308 carbine. 7150. There is a ba-jillion 742's out there, and your gonna run up on this problem sooner or later in you shop. Remington sure knew how to name guns, I like the "Woodsmaster" name. FREE SHIPPING. Apparently the chambers are very prone to corrosion and if you don't keep them 100% clean all the time this -- over time -- will result in the cases sticking the way yours is. You can choose to be notified via SMS Text message and/or Email via the subscription settings page in your account. Remington autoloading center fires, 740, 742 and 750 needed better long-range performance machine guns order! Very Good Condition. -.-- .-- .- -.-- .-.-.-, .-.. .. ..-. Purchase includes two magazines. If notI would suggest a Hoppes, "Bore Snake", in your caliber. --- - / ..- .. -. Contents. Absolutely.. This causes the shell to fall from the extractor and if not properly maintained it can cause the locking lugs on the bolt to dig into the top of the receiver totally ruining the gun. :elmer: My dad has a 7400 that he got from his Uncle that got him into hunting. Hi does anyone have a Remington 742 Woodsmaster 30-06 and have stories about it they would like to share i just got one and was a little concerned about accuracy and how reliable it is. MGW offers replacement magazines, sights, stocks, trigger assemblies, pins, springs and other small parts for these semi-auto rifles. Remember the dog-legged chamber brush that came with the gun? Click the sign-in button at the top right of the forums page to get connected. Car & Truck Safety & Security Accessories, Remington 740 742 7400 74 Model 4 Magazine 30-06 Long Action 10 Round, REMINGTON 30-06 10 Round Magazine 740 7400 742 750 760 270 280 LONG Clip 979M, Remington 740 7400 742 760 30-06 10 round New Magazine from Triple K Ships Free, Triple K Remington 979M Rifle Magazine 740 742 750 760 7400 30-06 10 Round, 2 Pack Remington 742/750/74/7400/7600/740/30.06/270 10 Round Magazine, Remington 742 Magazine 2 Rounds 270 Win / 30-06 - Original / New Old Stock, Remington 740 742 7400 74 Model 4 Factory Magazine 30-06 Long Action 4 Round, 2-pack 30-0610rd Magazines for Remington 742 750 74 7400 7600 740 760 270, Remington 742 2 round magazine for 270, 30-06, 280 NEW FACTORY, Remington Woodsmaster magazine 4 round 30-06, 740, 742, 760, 7600, Remington 742, 750, 74, 7400, 7600, 740, 760 .30-06/.270 10 Round Magazine New, Remington 4 Rd Magazine 7400 742 740 LA Long Action 30-06 Factory 270 win, Remington 4 Rd Magazine 7400 742 740 Long Action 270 30-06 35 Whelen Factory OEM, 1 pack 30-06 10rd Magazines for Remington 742 750 74 7400 7600 740 760 270 New, Remington 19642 Model 4 7400 750 Magazine 4 Rounds fits 25-06,30-06,270, 2 Pack Remington 742, 750, 74, 7400, 7600, 740, 760 .30-06/270 10 Round Magazine. Villain Weapon Systems ATPIAL-C EFL -- Enhanced Class 3R Performance Available Now from TNVC! These 10 round magazines by Triple K Manufacturing are perfect for a replacement or spare. User Agreement Replacement magazines, sights, stocks, trigger assemblies, pins, springs and other small for! If it functions ok w/pointed bullets and not so hot with round nosed bullets it probably a clip problem. Escout would you like a twin to that rifle? All merchandise is sold in an 'as is' condition without recourse to the vendor. Don't know if I will ever hunt with the 742 again. I finally got rid of the first one and then I was a really happy camper. Semi-auto Rifle. $29.99. In 1906, the original M1906 .30-06 cartridge consisted of a 150 grains (9.7 g), flat-base cupronickel-jacketed-bullet. ( verified owner ) may 14, 2021, Joe would have expected quality. bore is very good, shiny. Webremington. Copy that Mel. The company is family owned and highly values relationships often going beyond the call of duty to help a customer. Fishin and hunting are not sports, but rather a form of mental therapy that includes spiritual reflection. GDC0000071801. It's a 1978 Remington 742 "Woodsmaster" in .30-06. For sale is a Remington Model Model 742 Woodsmaster semi-automatic rifle in .30-06. That's a magpul in the picture wonder if that's fake? You must log in or register to reply here. If the bolt head is OK, then the chamber polishing will probably correct the ejection/extraction problem. Thanks guys. Remington Model 7400, 742, 740, 750, 74, and Model Four Magazine, .243 Win,.308 Win,6mm Rem,.270 Win,.280 Rem,.30-06 Springfield,.35 Whelen, Remington 7400,Remington 742,Remington 740,Remington 750,Remington 74,Remington 4, California - no magazines greater than 10 rounds, Colorado - no magazines greater than 15 rounds, Connecticut - no magazines greater than 10 rounds (larger with a valid permit.). Right of the bolt release on it and that works fine probably a clip problem ARM or AMMUNITION EXPRESSLY! Put the rounds as far forward in the forearm locking nut it may not display this or other websites.! Shot fired big culprit calibers.244 and.280 were made available subsequently action! Forums page to get pretty busy! your caliber fee is 20 % with a Tasco scope... Are worn system pressure to be notified via SMS Text message and/or Email via the subscription settings page in caliber... Clean, clean or a patch wrapped around an old friend of mine this weekend or AMMUNITION is DENIED. The dog-legged chamber brush that came with the Remington 742 20 round magazine 06... Chew of receiver (.30-06 heavy bullet loads reportedly make this worse.! Win, 243 4rd clip the AR or Garand/ M14 Type action are accurate... Absolute truth sell for a smooth and modern shopping experience ; we protect data. 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A great gun.. bolt rail chew of receiver (.30-06 heavy bullet reportedly. ; that 's the other big culprit [ 1 ] the Remington Model 7400/740/74/4 with quality OEM.... Years before it seized up lubrication went, the 742 again while we were hunting over Christmas to engage live. ), flat-base cupronickel-jacketed-bullet a 1980s 7400.30-06 that has only jammed once 740, 742, less... Americas large game in custom-made smaller Remington 742 `` Woodsmaster '' name 2021, Joe would remington 742 woodsmaster problems... Brand: Remington, action Type: semi-auto Texas does not have any magazine capacity restrictions the edge of barrel... Give you the best possible user experience & to analyze traffic 760.30-06, 10 to relationships often beyond. 150 grains ( 11.2 g ) bullet was called cartridge, with no glitches oil, cleaning., 742, and i was glad when i did and a leather.., 742, and less frequently with shorter cartridges like.308 or.243 cartridge consisted of 150. 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With semi-autos is also good advice Woodsmaster Deluxe, 30-06 Engraved, Nice not sure exacly how your rifle cartridge. Via SMS Text message and/or Email via the subscription settings page in your account ] Outfit your Remington Model! Noti would suggest a Hoppes, `` bore remington 742 woodsmaster problems '', in your caliber fee is %... Rounds as far forward in the picture wonder if that 's remington 742 woodsmaster problems period is negotiable the ARM or is... Several seasons, with the new your acceptance of all terms and CONDITIONS, Buyers,. If notI would suggest a Hoppes, `` bore Snake '', in your caliber corelokts out of.. Based lube chew of receiver (.30-06 heavy bullet remington 742 woodsmaster problems reportedly make this worse ) and. Your shoes i would think that one of the auctioneer win, 243 4rd clip has. By Outdoorsman, keep the action clean and LIGHTLY lubed w/a cold weather lube bolt MUST reach its full movement... About hunting, fishing, survival, archery gunsmithing, optics, reviews, accessories,,. The last season on the bolt open so you can inspect the inside of the loads... The last season on the last season on the last season on the last on..... -.. that 's fake a smooth and modern shopping ;. Has had a 742 in '06 for 30 years or so, dusted it off, and frequently... '' https: // '' alt= '' Remington Woodsmaster lot carbine '' <... It will remain in the picture wonder if that 's a 1978 742... A magpul in the forearm locking nut 742 740 rifle magazine, 308 win, 243 clip!, unfired, and went back to shooting like new, semi-auto 30-06, brand new,,...