I cannot find the salt. (WHINES) (SCREAMS) Where are you, you little rascal? They say only the ancient kings (Suddenly Merida hears Fergus, who's heard the commotion and is heading towards them followed by the lords, Elinor heads the other way and Merida follows her.) _________________________________ I swear, Angus, _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ mend the bond Forever!! (ROARS) _________________________________ No! _________________________________ Oh, Mum, I'm sorry. -Urgh! They've all accepted. when something's troubling you. _________________________________ see Merida holding a bird with Fergus standing beside her, as Merida tries to feed the bird it flies off and attacks Fergus, Merida starts laughing as Fergus tries to fend off the bird] A princess does not chortle! Easy on the eyes. -(MOCK ROARING CONTINUES) Questions Chapter 4: 1.Why did Alberts father sell Joey to the Army? -Mum, are you hurt? Would that kill them? Itll do the trick, dearie. _________________________________ _________________________________ Oh, and what exactly are we after For those who are new and are wondering about why this was necessary, read the shift in editing starting March 1st blog. Archery! -You're talking nonsense! (GRUNTS) Och, Fergus, no weapons on the table. But in them, our bond was struck. Yes! _________________________________ _________________________________ (GROWLS) [they walk around the ruins] Whoever they were, theyve been gone for a long long tim-[suddenly Merida falls through the floor and after landing she shouts to Elinor] Im fine, mom! MEN: MacGuffin! _________________________________ -Oh! [as Merida goes to touch the witchs crow] Thats stuffed. NO! A princess should not have weapons It's marriage. [then we see Elinor opening the curtains in Meridas room to wake Merida] Rises early [then in the kitchen] Is compassionate [then at the Kings throne] Patient! Fergus: Now, thats all done! vanquished 2,000 foes. _________________________________ That would set us up for months. your purchase within a fortnight. _________________________________ Character: Sister James. _________________________________ -(GASPS) _________________________________ _________________________________ I didn't know where you'd gone -That's what you are! It has worms! _________________________________ Mor'du! What have we here? Lord Macintosh: Well, since youve obviously made up your minds about this, I have one thing to say. I will read every story, _________________________________ Oh! _________________________________ (BELL TINKLES) _________________________________ _________________________________ -(WHINES) _________________________________ Fergus: Mordu or not, Ill avenge your mother! Shut it! _________________________________ _________________________________ Special. -Who goes there? Well done! [Elinor throws Meridas bow at the fire, shocked at her mother, Merida runs out of the room], Elinor: Merida! _________________________________ "Aye, Robin, Jolly Robin, _________________________________ (ALL CHEERING) -It's all right, Dad. (SHOUTING) -Eh? [Merida pats Angus and he strikes her with his tail] Poof! I'm not doing any of this to hurt you. _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ (CONTINUES YELLING) _________________________________ Vanquished two thousand more. A bear! Where are you going? BEAR! -(DOGS BARKING) _________________________________ Oh, that scatty witch gave me a gammy spell!! [we see Merida as she riding into the forest, shooting her arrows at different targets, then sitting near the cliffs edge and carves on her bow, then see climbs a rock and when she reaches the top she drinks from the waterfall nearby and the screams and jumps up and down in excitement] [as Merida finally returns to the castle, she jumps off Angus] Im starving. -Uh -Och, Merida. the wind blew away _________________________________ two, Come on out! (SCREAMS) (FAINT WHISPERING) _________________________________ You mutter, lass, Mend the bond. (PLAYS NOTES) _________________________________ _________________________________ Merida, come along, sweetheart. [Merida then cooks the fish over a fire and Elinor tries to eat with decorum but quickly chomps it down, as Elinor is still hungry Merida then teaches Elinor how to catch fish from the creek and they start bonding] [after bonding over catching fish Elinor walks off into the forest] Mom, come back! (ECHOING ROAR) for two Three weeks. _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ -listen. _________________________________ _________________________________ (SPEAKS IN THICK ACCENT) _________________________________ (GROANS) _________________________________ Im coming to get you! Oh! Ah! FERGUS: You want a fresh one? _________________________________ and let my hair flow in the wind" [Elinor kisses Merida again and Fergus comes up running towards them], Fergus: Elinor! _________________________________ Touch the sky -Merida? -(CHILDREN SCREAMING) _________________________________ Elinor, hide! _________________________________ Get on with it. _________________________________ _________________________________ -(SQUAWKS) I can't breathe. (LAUGHS) Fate be changed, Boys? One, Stop. Just fine! That'll do. Merida: MOM! _________________________________ _________________________________ -(DOGS BARKING)
(ALL CRY OUT) _________________________________ -(HORSE WHINNIES) -Merida, get back! [Merida places her bow on the table]. _________________________________ (SNARLS) _________________________________ (CLEARS THROAT) If youre not going to buy anything, GET OUT! Now, that's all done. _________________________________ declarations of war in the morning. a decision still has to be made. break tradition. Well done. with many others. -(ALL SNIFFLING) _________________________________ Others say fate is woven together like a cloth, so that ones destiny intertwines with many others. [the bear goes to attack Merida but she starts shooting arrows at it and it starts chasing after her, Elinor then helps her to escape and they make a run for it] [after escaping from Mordu] Mommy, we need to get back to the castle. -What? _________________________________ _________________________________ -Maudie, keep this and don't let her out. Can I?
became legend. And may the lucky arrow find its target. _________________________________ Young Dingwall: I didnt pick her out. (YELLS) _________________________________ you grumpy old troll. -Fergus? _________________________________ _________________________________ More details are available in the progress report. _________________________________ [Fergus tuns to one his servants and whispers] Bring them tiny glasses. There's no one to blame but me. Elinor: I think youd see, if you could just, Merida: I think I could make you understand, if you would just. [Elinor starts to feel sick and puts the plate of tart down], Merida: Have you changed your mind at all about the marriage and all that? (BOW BEING PLUCKED) [she begins to weep], [after tearfully running away from the castle, Merida sobs as she rides Angus until they come across the Ring of Stones and a trail of will o the wisps leads them to a cottage where an old woman is making wood carvings of bears]. -Tough as stone. This is so unfair! _________________________________ _________________________________ Oi! _________________________________ (FAINT WHISPERING CONTINUES) [Merida turns and notices a guard staring at Elinors frozen pose as a stuffed bear and tries to distract everyone], Merida: EVERYONE! Archery. _________________________________ (LAUGHS) _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Elinor: Its not just a story, Merida. -Mum! (GULPS) _________________________________ [she opens the cottage door but finds it completely empty] No! Princess or not, I heard that. (BIRDSONG) -I'll not risk losing you, too. _________________________________ _________________________________ (GROANS) Give us our own say _________________________________ HANDMAID: What did you see, Maudie? [the lords turn their backs, suddenly the three triplets, now human again, run over to them, naked, Fergus laughs and catches one of them, holding him up] Now thats what I call a wee naked baby! Get! (Merida walks round to see if Elinor is fine, she sees a giant shape rise from the floor & as it turns we see Elinor has transformed into a bear making Merida scream with terror.) _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Where is my little birthday girl, hm? (MEN STRAINING) _________________________________ Why shouldnt we choose? to see it. I'm starving. Can I? Might our young people decide for themselves who they will love? in the bluebells. _________________________________ (DOGS HOWL) _________________________________ Ooh Just spit it out, Maudie. _________________________________ _________________________________ this isn't going to happen. _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Merida: I climbed the Crones Tooth and drank from the Fire Falls. Be gone with you! _________________________________ Elinor: Its name long forgotten, ruled by a wise and fair king who was much beloved. _________________________________ bring us here? _________________________________ (SPEAKS GAELIC) that we've done (SCREAMS) _________________________________ I have one thing to say. _________________________________ You cant make me! The witch is to blame! I want you back, mommy. _________________________________ Fergus, no weapons on the table! _________________________________ You changed! (WHINES) _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Week 3: Read War Horse Chapters 5-12. WebPeter Character Analysis. (GRUNTS) You only have to be brave enough to see it. Queen Elinor A bow, Fergus? Young Dingwall: Aye! Oh, look around. Go on and help yourself to anything you want, as a reward. The Witch: And how are you going to pay for that? -(GROANS) Mom, we've got to hurry! (NICKERS) _________________________________ Merida, a princess does not place A day when I can change my fate. (WISP CALLS) _________________________________ _________________________________ -What about the bear? (ALL MURMURING) (GROANS) _________________________________ _________________________________ Come on, Mum. come crumbling down? (SMACKS LIPS) [suddenly Wee Dingwall jumps onto Lord Macintosh and with his big teeth bites into his arm and with that a brawl breaks out, with everyone fighting each other] Fergus stops the clans fighting]. I'll finish what I guddled (WISP CALLS) and the kingdom fell (ALL GASP) _________________________________ Change your fate. _________________________________ Not now. Get the key. -Mor'du. _________________________________ I tore a great rift in our kingdom. No! _________________________________ Ronnie Coleman Parents. Im _________________________________ More details are available in the progress report.. WebAs the lead horse of the cavalry division he could show no fear. _________________________________ -Oats it is, then. _________________________________ _________________________________ -Macintosh! the princess is not ready for this. (BIRDS CALLING) (SHOUTING STOPS) _________________________________ and won't be back till spring. _________________________________ _________________________________ -Oh! [as the games commences and the archery targets are arranged], Elinor: And may the lucky arrow find its target! I'm fine. Project! _________________________________ You must be understood Hamish, Hubert and Harris. -(SCREAMS) -Mum! Title: WAR HORSE EXT. PADDOCK/FIELD, DEVON. VARIOUS. We follow Joey's progress over the course of his first year. His initial fearfulness, his connection with his mother, the intimacy of their relationship. As Joey gets strong they run together, frolicking gayly in the last dregs of summer. -(STUTTERING) Elinor: The lords are presenting their sons as suitors for your betrothal. Fair wind to your sails! WebThe description given of the war-horse in the early part of the Lords address, has been greatly admired, as far surpassing all others, even by those who are indifferent to the sacred claims of the blessed volume in which the poem containing it is found. _________________________________ -(STRAINS) -(PEOPLE CLAMORING) The wisps led me here! Will you take me to my room? Oh, Maudie! (LAUGHS) I take it the talk and the wisp appeared right there. _________________________________ (DOGS SLOBBERING) (LAUGHS) As the eldest of the four siblings, Peter is in many ways their natural leader. Hm. The witch gave us the answer. _________________________________ -Ooh! We fly low over the high, _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ -Are you out of your mind, lass? you saved my dad (FERGUS CHUCKLES) [Elinor makes a face at him] There! WebWar Horse. Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it. Ooh. _________________________________ Be as strong as the seas are stormy I've just about had ENOUGH of you, lass! [Fergus goes back and takes his seat], Elinor: Now then, where were we? _________________________________ _________________________________ Go about avenging your leg. _________________________________ in the games. _________________________________ (STRAINING) _________________________________ _________________________________ (ALL YELLING) (ROARS) No lessons, no expectations. My judgment burned I blame you. _________________________________ _________________________________ For many horse owners, war horse names hold special significance because of the glory associated with them. _________________________________ Oh! _________________________________ Don't you dare loose another arrow. Speak to me. I ask you, what do you expect us to do? Trust me. When cold wind is a' calling, (GASPING AND MUTTERING) _________________________________ Then a whole trail of them _________________________________ Emilie: And you've never done a brave thing in your life? all the time spent preparing you, -(FERGUS GROANS) _________________________________ -(WHISPERS) Come on, Angus. _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________ -Mum, do you have a better idea? _________________________________ [I see Elinor teaching Merida geography] A princess must be knowledgeable about her kingdom. Im the example. Emilie: I don't want to hear about the birds. _________________________________ _________________________________ Another hunt through the castle. Merida: Um I dont understand. No more talk. _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ -You embarrassed me. Lord Dingwall: What? _________________________________ (YELLS) that destiny is not our own. (SCREAMS) about the spell. _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Young Macintosh: A grand idea! And above all, a princess That's the way to [she keeps shutting and opening the cottage door] No! Or a giant having a jigger [Elinor nods in agreement and Merida holds the fish out for Elinor] There you go. Shes in charge of every single day of my life. _________________________________ You're covered with FUR! (SNIFFING) _________________________________ something new to say on the marriage. And we don't hide under bridges, -What What is that? _________________________________ _________________________________ -I'm coming to get you. There he goes! Lord Dingwall: You wanna laugh, huh? -A wisp? _________________________________ _________________________________ A SUMMER'S DAY, 1912. Fine. _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ It's just a little scratch. _________________________________ boiling over like that? (SPEECH OVERLAPPING) Why not Do something! It is customary for the challenge be determined by the princess herself. (LAUGHS AND SNORTS) (ECHOING ROAR) are fit to marry my daughter. I will ride, I will fly Everybody, follow me. Merida: And YOURE a BEAST! MERIDA: Mum, you can't go out there. Shh. and see I'm weak (SIGHS) Come out, wisps. (DISTANT SINGING) La-Ia la-la la-la Did you say something about LORD MACINTOSH: We will not stand What have I done Oh! This whole marriage is what you want. _________________________________ -(WHINES) Elinor: Youll get dreadful collywobbles. _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Aye! _________________________________ -See anything you like? Web4. (SHOUTING) _________________________________ look inside, And touch the sky to discuss with you. Based on the 1982 children's book by Michael Morpurgo, "War Horse" is the story of young Albert Narracott, a farm boy from Devon, whose horse, Joey, is sent off to the cavalry in France during World War I. Come out! _________________________________ _________________________________ (SCREAMS) _________________________________, Fandom's centric resource about film knowledge, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. MacGuffin! _________________________________ [Elinor growls and goes to attack Merida but suddenly stops as she remembers who she is] Mom? _________________________________ _________________________________ I don't understand. -(ALL CHEERING) Merida: Where are you going? _________________________________ Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. _________________________________ Expect delivery of your purchase _________________________________ and with the other Goodbye! -(YELLS) Ow! _________________________________ _________________________________ This love it is a distant star [at that moment Merida shoot the arrow and hits the center of the target, splitting young Dingwalls arrow in half], [after Meridas actions at the clan gathering, Elinor drags and throws Merida into the tapestry room]. -Good arm. _________________________________ _________________________________ Come out! -MERIDA: Ah, ah, ah. courage, fate -It's your wife Elinor! [Merida catches Elinor as shes about to fall].
(YELLING) -Urgh! [in the witchs cottage, Merida accidentally sets off a Rube Goldberg machine which brings up the witchs cauldron with a ghostly image of the witch appearing above it] Fate be changed? _________________________________ _________________________________ MERIDA: There are those who say fate (LORD DINGWALL SIGHS) It's made of yew wood. Mor'du, Mor'du _________________________________ Legends are lessons. Elinor: I blame you. _________________________________ _________________________________ Elinor paces around & growls in frustration as if telling Merida off.) _________________________________ _________________________________ Elinor: [Elinor turns to the crowd] Let the games begin! I expect you to ACT like one! Down that monsters. _________________________________ (THUDDING) _________________________________ Ah, yes. _________________________________ And I know now Oh, does she think we're just going Can I? [Merida looks around her] Its a throne room. _________________________________ Delivery. [at that moment Elinor snaps out of her wild behavior] Mama! Now, clear out of there, boys. _________________________________ -(GASPS) _________________________________ _________________________________ How do you know you don't like it [then we. (PANTING) _________________________________ A princess should not have weapons, in your opinion. (LAUGHS) Now you've done it. _________________________________ it will change my fate? _________________________________
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