49. When it came it was amazing! This experience was so simple and easy beginning to end. * Raabe * Rabe * Rademacher * Radke * Radtke * Rahn * Ramm * Rank
Highly recommend. Received the surname crest this morning. It was for my husband on his birthday. Very fast too. * Behr * Behrend * Behrends * Behrendt * Behrens * Behringer *
The Deutscher Familiennamenatlas (German Surname Atlas) has been in progress for ten years. Ordered two different family crest clocks for friends. Teschner * Teske * Teuber * Teufel * Tewes * Thamm * Theis *
* Grimm * Grger * Groh * Grohmann * Groll * Grosch * Gro *
Nine clear, neatly labeled maps on each page show the top areas for each name. The three subsequent volumes deal with the meaning of surnames and why they were given to particular people. * Rapp * Rasch * Rasche * Raschke * Rath * Rathmann * Rau *
I love the products that this company has. The, That's perfect. In fact we ended up, The framed family coat of Arms was everything we wanted! Polish names in Germany abound as a result of over 100,000 people (including 130,000 " Ruhrpolen ") immigrating westward from the Polish-speaking areas of the German Empire . Knauf * Knebel * Knecht * Knoblauch * Knobloch * Knoll * Knoop *
Schneider - tailor. Good customer service.
The first three volumes focus on grammatical phenomena: the varying distribution of vowels (Meier, Meyer, Maier, Mayer), consonants (Schmidt, Schmitt, Schmid, Schmitz), and mode of formation (Linde, Linder, Lindemann). Gorgeous presentation. Nebel. Surname Crest got it to me VERY quickly! The coat of arms was very sharp. * Korb * Krber * Korn * Krner * Korte * Koslowski * Kster *
It was beautifully framed and lovelier than we could have hoped for. SurnameCrest.com A: Galway, Ireland. Fuchs. I cannot put in words how Beautiful it isjust perfect. Plaque arrived lunchtime to-day, brilliant service. Knop * Knopf * Knopp * Knorr * Knuth * Kober * Koch * Kock *
Thanks again for your patients. * Lehner * Lehnert * Lehr * Leicht * Leistner * Leitner * Lemke *
Hartung * Hartwig * Ha * Hae * Hauck * Hauer * Haufe * Haug *
Delighted with it, have no hesitation in recommending you to all my friends. Great Product- I love it. The Heraldic family crest clock I bought was of the highest quality and looks beautiful , it is presented in a lovely box and I am sure the recipient will, Hi Eoin, This German surname is a variant of the name Aldman.. * Seiler * Seitz * Sell * Semmler * Senger * Severin * Sieber *
Stich * Stiegler * Stier * Stiller * Stock * Stocker * Stcker *
What more, I purchased this Double Family Crest Print with celtic border for my sisters wedding. WebGerman Family Names: I-J. Kruse * Kube * Kbler * Kchler * Kugler * Kuhl * Khl * Kuhlmann
Reimer * Reimers * Rein * Reindl * Reinecke * Reiner * Reiners *
The artists. I emailed them the next day after ordering to ask if my order could be dispatched a little quickly. Schult * Schulte * Schultheis * Schulthei * Schultz * Schultze *
Englert * Erb * Erdmann * Erhard * Erhardt * Erler * Ernst * Ertl
Hope I will do business with you, Great service and speedy delivery. WebThe Surname Atlas of Germany, published in 2011 contains maps showing the geographic distribution of the 2001 most common surnames in Germany. 49. It turned out perfect. * Rink * Risch * Rie * Ritter * Ritz * Rode * Rdel * Rder *
Jrgens * Jrgensen * Just * Kaczmarek * Kaden * Kahl * Kahle *
Kidadl has lots of great name articles to inspire you. Our family crests look stunning in our dining room. WebThe Surname Atlas of Germany, published in 2011 contains maps showing the geographic distribution of the 2001 most common surnames in Germany. Linke * Linnemann * Lipp * Lippert * Lippmann * Lippold * List *
* Brhl * Bruhn * Brmmer * Brune * Brning * Brunner * Bruns *
What a fantastic service, arrived on time well packaged and a great price. Bley * Bloch * Block * Bluhm * Blum * Blume * Blmel * Bock *
48. It's that, Heraldic Double Family Crest - Very nice! Hornburg. The artwork on the ceramic pieces are beautiful and the frame construction sturdy. * Ebert * Ebner * Eck * Eckardt * Ecker * Eckert * Eckhardt *
Konrad * Koop * Koopmann * Kopf * Kpke * Kopp * Kppe * Kppen
Just received the clock plaque this morning, thank you, it is excellent. This category will also include Yiddish -language surnames, where the surname has its origins in German . This company gave me the opportunity to enjoy it all the more with their terrific products. Steinhoff * Steinke * Steinmann * Steinmetz * Stelter * Stelzer *
Lucas * Lck * Lcke * Ldemann * Lders * Ludewig * Ldtke *
The quality of the items, the care. Its an anniversary gift - 5th. Handmade, using the best of materials, backed up by our professional service. My order at Surnamrecrest.com was an excellent experience. The print reminds us of the rich Irish cultural heritage of song, music, and poetry infused the hopes and dreams of, Awesome artwork, Awesome Company The first was delivered without issue and was impressed with the quality. Flohr * Forster * Frster * Frank * Franke * Franken * Franz *
Ordering was easy, the shipment arrived on time and well packed, and the artwork was, Thank you Eoin for the two clock plaques. I'll be ordering the name origin too very soon. The thing which makes them different from traditional surnames, however, is that when a person moved onto a farm, he would change his name to that of the farm (a name which usually came from the farm's original owner). Aachen Abel Abendroth Ackerman Adam Adelmann Adler Agricola Aichberg Aichberger Aicher Albers Albert Albrecht Alten Altenburg Altendorf Althaus Altmann Amman Ammon Andorpher Andreae Anger Angermayer Angerstein Anhalt Anton Apel Arberg Arndt Arnold Arnsberg Asch Aschauer Assmann Asten Astner Au (Von der) Auer Auerbach Augustin Auster Autenried Axthelm, Baader Baar Bach Bachmann Bachmayr Bader Baehr Baens Bhr Baier Bair Balck Ballinger Balser Baltzer Bambach Bamberg Bamberger Bandel Bannwart Barckhausen Barfuss Bars Bartels Barth Bary Bauer Baumann Baumbach Baumberg Baumberger Baumeister Baumgarten Baumgartner Baur Bausch Bayer Bayr Bechler Bechstein Becht Bechthold Beck Beckendorf Becker Beckman Beer Beerman Beham Behem Behr Below Bender Benning Berg Bergen Berger Berghammer Bergmann Beringer Berlin Bernauer Bernbeck Bernd Berndorf Berndt Berner Bernhard Bernhardt Bernstein Bertram Bertsch Berwanger Besser Besserer Bethmann Bettendorff Betz Betzold Bewer Beyer Bickel Bieber Biedermann Biel Bihler Billing Billinger Bilstein Binder Birckholtz Birkner Bischoff Bismark Bittel Bittner Blanck Block Blcher Blume Blumenstein Blumenthal Bock Bodenstein Bodmann Boeckh Bos Bogner Bohm Bhmer Bongard Bosch Bose Bosse Bothmer Boye Brand Brandenburg Brandenstein Brandis Brandt Braumann Braun Breithaupt Brem Bremen Bremer Brendt Brenner Brewer Brinkmann Brock Brockhausen Brockmann Brckner Brunner Buch Buchner Buchwald Buck Buckholtz Buff Buhl Buhler Buren Burg Burger Burkhardt Busch Buseck Busse Buxbaum, Cammer Cammerer Campe Campen (Von) Carl Carlsburg Carsten Caspar Caspers Castner Christ Claussen Coburg Conrad Cramer Crantz Cratz Cronenberg, Dallmer Dambach Damm Danneberg Darr Dathe Datt Daucher Dauer Daum Deben Decken Decker Deffner Degenhart Degler Degner Dehn Deines Deinhart Deinzer Delius Deller Delling Dellinger Denner Denzel Denzler Dern Dernbach Derr Dersch Deschler Dessauer Detzel Deubner Deucher Deuring Deutschman Deutz Dewald Dicke Dickmann Diebold Diehl Diener Dieter Dietman Dietrich Dietz Diller Discher Ditmar Dobner or Debner Dockman Doerr Dold Doles Domeyer Dommer Doppler Dorer Doring Dorn Drnberg Dornheim Dorsch Doss Drach Drechsler Dreer Dreher Dresch Dressler Dreves Drexel Dreyling Droste Dcker Dmmler Dunckel Dren (von) Durer Drer During Durr Drr Dury, Ebel Eben Ebenhauser Ebenhch Eber Eberhard Eberhardt Eberlein Eberman Ebermayer Ebersberger Eberstein Ebert Ebner Eccard Echter Eck Eckart Eckel Ecken Ecker Eckhardt Eckl Edel Edelmann Eder Ediger Edlinger Effner Egenhofer Eger Egger Eggers Ehemann Ehinger Ehler Ehlers Ehrenberg Eibel Eichel Eichenauer Eichler Eichmann Eickel Eisen Eisenberg Eisenhardt Eisenreich Eiser Eissler Eissner Elbe Elben Eller Ellers Elsholz Elsner Elster Ende Enderlin Enders Engel Engelberg Engelberger Engelbrecht Engerer Engler Eppinger Epstein Erbach Erbe Erdinger Erhard Erich Erlbach Ernst Esper Essen Esser Esslinger Esterl Etzel Euler Everhard Evers Ewald, Faber Fabricius Fahrenholz Falck Falkenberg Falkenstein Falkner Frber Faul Faust Fecht Fechter Feder Federer Fehr Felber Feld Felde Felden Feldmann Felner Fels Fend Ferber Ferdinand Fergen Fester Fetzer Feuchter Feulner Fichter Fick Fieldler Fier Finck Finkel Finster Fisch Fischbach Fischer Flach Flad Fleck Fleisch Fleischauer Fleischmann Fleisher Flotow Fluck Focke Frder Forst Forster Fortner Fragner Franck Francken Frank Frankenburg Franz Frech Freiberg Freiberger Freidel Freiss Freitag Frese Freudenberg Freund Frey Freyberg Freyer Freymann Freysinger Freytag Friedel Friederich Friedrich Fries Friesell Friesen Friess Fritsch Fritz Frhlich Frohn Fromberg Fromm Frosch Fuchs Fugger Fuhrmann Funck Frer Furst Furstenberg Ftterer, Gabel Gabelman Gabler Gadow Gaertner Gagg Ghler Galen Gall Gambs Gamm Ganahl Gans Ganser Ganz Garner Gartner Gasser Gssler Gassner Gstel Gebhard Gebhardt Gehring Geider Geier Geiger Geisler Geissler Geist Gelb Geller Geltner Gemell Gerber Gerdes Gerhard Gerhardt Gerhart Gerhauser Gering Gerlach Gerner Gersdorf Gerson (n) Gerstein Gerstenberg Gerster Gerstner Gertner Gesler Gessel Gessler Gessner Geuder Geusau Geyer Giese Gieser Gilgen Gillig Glaser Glass Glasser Glatz Gleichman Glckler Glckner Glden Gloger Gbel Gckel Goebel Goerts Goertz Goetz Gogel Ghl Gohr Goldberger Goldschmid (t) Goldstein Gler Goll Golling Golze Gopp Goring Gorissen Gosch Gser Goss Gottfried Gotthard Gottschalk Gtz Gtze Gtzen Grabenbauer Grabmann Grabner Grabow Gradl Graefe Graff Graner Graser Grawe Greff Greif Greim Grein Greiner Greul Greulich Greve Griesbach Griesinger Grimm Grimmel Gritzner Groeller Groll Grolman Gropp Gropper Gross Grossmann Grote Grbel Gruben Gruber Grueber Grn Grnau Grndler Grundmann Grundtner Grnenberg Grner Grnewaldt Grter Gubler Gugger Gugler Gulden Gumprecht Gundelfinger Gnther Gusten Gutenberg Gutmann Gwinner, Haan Haas Habel Haber Haberkorn Haberl Habern Haberstock Habltzel Habsburg Hacke Hackeman Hackner Haer Haeseler Haff Haffner Hagemann Hagemeister Hagen Hagens Hager Hager II Hahn Haid Haiden Haider Hail Hain Hkel Halder Halle Haller Haman (n) Hmberg Hmberger Hamm Hammel Hammer Hammerer Hammerl Hammerstein Handel Hander Hndl Hndler Hane Hnel Hann Hanses Hansing Hanstein Hardenberg Harder Hardes Hardt Hardund Harling Harmen Harold Harrant Harras Harren Harrer Harsch Hrtel Harter Hartlieb Hartmann Hartung Hartwich Hartwig Hartz Hseler Hasenberg Hasse Hassel Hasselbeck Hatten Hattenbach Hauben Hauch Hauer Hauff Hauffen Haug Haugk Haumesser Haupt Haus Hauschild Hausen Hauser Husler Hausmann Hausner Hausser Hautmann Hautsch Hayler Hayn Hebenstreit Heber Heberlein Hecht Hecker Hedemann Heeg Heel Heer Heerman Heffner Hegen Heger Hegge Hegner Heiden Heidl Heidler Heigel Heilbronner Heilman Heimburg Heimgartner Hein Heinberg Heineken Heinricher Heins Heinsing Heintze Heinz Heister Helbig Heldt Helfenstein Hellen Heller Hellmann Helmold Helmreich Hemmel Hempel Hendrich Hengstenberg Henkel Henneberg Henner Hennicke Hennig Henning Hentze Hentzel Hepp Heppele or Heppel Herbst Herda Herdegen Hering Heringer Hermann Hermeling Herold Herrlein Hert Hertell Hertenstein Hertz Hertzberg Herzog Hesch Hess Hessel Hessen Hessert Hessler Hessling Hettler Hetzer Hetzler Heugel Heuss Heyden Heyder Heydte Heye Heyer Heyl Heymann Heyn Hezel Hibler Hieber Hildebrandt Hilger Hillenbrand Hiller Hillinger Hillner Hinzmann Hippler Hirschberg Hirschfeld Hirschmann Hirsh Hirt Hitzfeld Hitzig Hobe Hoberg Hochberg Hochstetter Hoefler Hoene Hoerner Hoesch Hofer Hoff Hoffer Hoffmann Hoffstetter Hofmaier Hofman Hofner Hger Hogner Hohenstein Hohnstein Holbach Hollar Hller Holling Holtz Holtzer Holtzman Holz Homburg Homeyer Honold Hpfner Hoppe Horbach Horlacher Hrmann Horn Hornbeck Hornberg Hornberger Hrner Hornig Hornstein Hornung Horst Horwath Hss Hove Hoyer Hoyte Hubel Huber Hbner Hbsch Huebel Hueber Huetter Hgel Hugo Huhn Hlsen Humboldt Hummel Hund Hundt Hurt Hutten, Ibach Igel Igler Imhof Ingermann Ingram Isenburg Ising Itter Iven Jckel Jacob Jacobi Jagemann Jger Jahn Jaster Jehle Jenisch Jenner Jenssen Jett Jobst Johannes Johler Junck Juncker Jung Jungen, Kabel Kabisch Kaeser Kage Kahler Kahles Khne Kain Kaiser Kalb Kaler Kall Kalle Kallin Kammerer Kammerling Kampe Kandel Kapler Kappe Kappel Karcher Karg Kargl Karl Karras Kser Kastner Kathrein Katt Katz Katzmann Kauffmann Kaup Kaut Kautz Kayser Keck Kefer Kegler Keil Keiser Keller Kellermann Kellner Kemmerer Kempen (Von) Kemper Kempf Kempter Kentz Keppel Kerling Kern Kerscher Kersten Kesling Kessel Kesseler Kessinger Kessler Kestel Kester Kestler Kestner Kettler Keyser Kiefer Kienle Kiesling Killinger Kindler Kiner Kinkel Kipper Kirch Kirchmann Kirchner Kirn Kirschbaum Kissling Kleber Kleeman Klein Kleinhans Kleiser Kleiss Kleist Klenk Klett Klieber Klingel Klocke Klocker Klotz Klber Kluger Klver Knapp Knebel Knobloch Knoch Knoll Knopp Knorr Knott Kobel Kobelt Koch Koeler Koenig Kofler Kohl Kohler Kolb Koler Klle Kollmann Konen Koop Kpff Kopp Kppel Korb Krber Korff Korn Krner Koss Kster Kth Kotter Krabbe Kracht Kraemer Kraft Krahn Krainer Krall Kramer Krane Kranich Krantz Kratz Kraus Krauss Krebs Kregel Kremer Kreps Kretz Kretzer Kreuter Kreutzer Krieg Krieger Kries Kroger Krohne Kroll Kropf Krug Kruger Krull Krummel Kbler Kucher Kuder Keffer Kuess Kuffner Kgler Kuhn Khne Kummer Kumpf Kn Kner Kunz Krn Kurtz Kurz Kster Kuttner, Lach Lacher Lachman Lackner Ladner Lage Lahner Lahr Lamberger Lampe Lmpel Lampen Lamprecht Landau Landauer Landeck Landgraff Landmann Landsberg Lang Lange Langen Langer Langguth Langmann Langner Langsdorff Lanius Lanser Lapp Lau Laube Lauber Laue Lauenstein Lauer Lauter Lauterbach Lautz Lechner Lederer Leers Lehmann Lehner Leick Leimer Leiner Leipold Leist Leistner Leiter Leithe Leitner Lembeck Lemberg Lemke Lemmens Lentz Leo Leonhard Leopold Lerch Lesemann Lessel Lessing Leth Leuschner Levi Leyden (Von) Lichtenberg Lichtenstein Lieb Liebenau Limbach Limmer Linck Lindau Linde Lindemann Linden Lindenberg Lindequist Linder Lindner Lindstdt Lindt Lingen Link Linker Lippe Lippert Lips List Lobeck Lobenstein Lober Loch Locher or Lochen Lochmann Lochner Locker Lode Loder Loesch Loeser Lffler Lohe Lhr Lnner Lper Lscher Lwe Lwenberg Lwenstein Lbbe Lbbers Lubeck Lucken Luden Lder Ludwig Lupin Lurz Luther Lutz Lux, Maass Mach Mack Mader Madler Mager Magerl Mahlberg Mahler Maier Mair Maler Malsch Mandel Manger Mangoldt Mantz Marck Marggraf Marquart Marr Marschall Martens Martini Marx Msch Matt Matthes Matthias Matz Mauch Maurer Mausser Mayer Mayerhofer Mayr Meckel Meder Meding Mehner Meier Meinecke Meinhart Meissner Meitinger Meixner Melchior Melich Melle Meller Mellin Mellmann Meltzer Mendel Mender Menge Mengen Mensch Mentz Mentzel Menzer Merck Merckel Mergenthal Mering Meringer Mertens Mertz Merz Messerschmidt Messmer Messner Metsch Metter Mettler Metz Metzel Metzen Metzger Metzler Metzner Meurer Meyer Mezger Michaelis Milde Miller Misbach Mck Mockel Mohl Mohr Mohr II Molitor Moll Mller Mlter Mnch Monheim Monnich Montag Mrsbach Morter Moser Motz Muck Mhl Mhlbach Mhlen Mhler Mller Mller II Mllner Mnch Mndel Munden Mnster Murer Murr Mtzel, Nachtigal Nader Nadler Nagel Nagler Nannen Nass Nassau Nau Naumann Nebel Neger Neidhardt Neiss Nentwig Neser Nessel Nessen Nestler Neubauer Neubeck Neudecker Neuhaus Neuhof Neumair Neumann Neumayer Neuner Nickel Niclas Niebuhr Niedermayer Niemeyer Niesener Nissen Nitsch Nopper Nordeck Normann Nffer Nuhn Nrnberger Nusser Nssler, Obercamp Oberhauser Oberkampf Oberkirch Oberlnder Obermair Obermann Ochs Odendal Odenkirchen Oeffner Oehrlein Oelhafen Oellinger Oertel Oesterling Oesterreicher Oetinger Oettel Ohlberg Ohlen Ohlendorff Oldenburg Oldendorf Opitz Oppen Oppenheim Oppermann Orban Orff Ort Ortel Orth Ortlieb Ortmann Ortner Osmann Osten Ostermann Ostermayer Ostertag Ostmann Oswald Ott Otterbach Otting Otto, Pabst Padberg Pader Pantzer Panzer Pape Parlow Pasch Paschen Passow Pater Pauer Paul Pauli Paur Payr Peck Peer Peeters Peine Peller Perger Peter Peterer Peternell Petersen Peterson Petsch Petter Petz Petzinger Petzoldt Pfaff Pfahler Pfann Pfau Pfeffer Pfefferkorn Pfeiffer Pfeil Pfister Pfisterer Pflug Pflger Pfund Pichler Pieck Pietsch Pilgram Pistor Pistorius Planck Plss Platz Pless Plessinger Pltz Pohl Pohle Pohlmann Popp Portner Posch Poss Post Pott Ptter Prangen Prasch Prechel Precht Pregler Preininger Prenger Prenner Prenzel Preuss Priem Printz Pritz Probst Prck Prll Prpper Prosch Pruner Puchner Phler Pusch Putz, Raab Rainer Rausch Reich Reichardt Reichel Reichen Reichenbach Reider Reinhardt Reinhold Reiser Reisner Renner Resch Reuss Reutter Reyher Rhein Rheiner Richter Riedl Rieger Riess Ritter Rder Rmer Rsch Rosen Rosenberg Rosenbusch Rosenthal Rser Rsler Roth Rott Rcker Rdiger Rummel Rumpel Rupprecht, Saal Sachs Sack Sager Sahr Sailer Salomon Salzmann Salzmann Sandberg Sander Sanders Sandner Sanger Sartorius Sasse Sattler Sauber Sauer Saul Sauter Saxe Sayn Schack Schde Schaden Schfer Schaff Schffer Schaffner Schagen Schl Schaldorf Schalk Schall Schallen Schaller Schantz Schaper Scharden Schrer Scharf Scharfenberg Scharmann Scharp Schatte Schatz Schau Schaub Schaubert Schauenburg Schauer Schaul Schaumann Schauss Schven Schzler Schebe Schechner Scheck Schedel Scheden Scheel Scheeren Scheeres Scheffel Scheffer Scheffler Scheibler Scheid Scheiding Scheidt Scheiner Schele Scheler Schell Schellenburg Scheller Schelling Schenk Scherb Scherer Scherf Scherl Scherling Schetz Scheu Scheve Schick Schickler Schieber Schieck Schier Schiff Schiffer Schilden Schildt Schiller Schilling Schindler Schirmer Schlack Schlaff Schlgel Schlapp Schlecht Schlegel Schleich Schleicher Schlein Schlemmer Schlenk Schlieben Schlitz Schlosser Schmeling Schmid Schmidt Schmieden Schmit Schmitz Schnabel Schneck Schneider Schnell Schneller Schnepf Schober Schoch Schder Schler Scholl Scholler Scholtz Schn Schnau Schnberg Schnebeck Schneck Schner Schnfeld Schning Schpfer Schorer Schott Schotte Schrader Schrag Schramm Schreiber Schreyer Schrder Schubart Schubert Schuler Schlte Schultheis Schultz Schulz Schumacher Schurman Schuster Schutz Schwab Schwger Schwan Schwartz Schwartzkopf Schwarz Schweigger Schweitzer Schwerin Schwind Sebaldt Seebach Seeberg Seeger Seelig Seemann Seger Seidel Seidl Seitz Selbach Senger or Singer Seybold Seyfried Sibert Sieber Siegel Sieger Siegfried Silber Simon Sixt Sohr Sllner Solms Sommer Sommerfeld Sonnenberg Soyer Spatz Specht Speidel Spengler Sperling Spiegel Spieler Spielmann Spiering Spies Spiller Spindler Spitzer Sprecher Sprengel Stack Stadler Stahl Stainer Stang Starck Staub Stauber Stecher Steck Steding Steen Steffan Stegmann Steiger Stein Steinbach Steinbeck Steinberg Steinberger Steiner Steinhart Steinhaus Steinmann Steitz Stengel Stenger Stern Sternberg Stettner Steuben Steuber Steurer Stickel Stiehl Stier Stochmann Stock Stckel Stocker Stockl Stockum Sthr Stolle Stoltz Storch Stosch Stoss Stssel Strahl Strass Strasser Straub Strauch Straus Streber Strehle Streng Strbel Strobl Strombeck Strube Struve Stuber Stcker Stumpf Suckow Suter Sydow, Taler Tann Tanner Tappe Taschner Taube Tuber Tausch Tauscher Teller Tepper Tessin Teufel Teutsch Thadden Thaer Thein Thiel Thielmann Thomann Thomas Thmmel Thun Thurm Thurmann Tiefenbach Tillen Tischer Tobler Todt Toll Tpfer Trammel Trapp Trautner Triebel Troest Trost Trott Trumbach Turck, Uhl Uhlmann Ulm Ulman Ulmer Ulrich Unger Urban Veil Versen Vett Vetter Vick Villinger Vincke Vischer Vitzhum Vogel Vogelsang Vogl Vogt Voight Vlcker Volkmann Vollmann Volmer Volz Vorst Voss Wachter Wagner Wahl Waldeck Waller Walther Waltman Wanger Wanner Warburg Wardenburg Wartmann Wsch Wasmer Watter Weber Wechsler Wedel Wedemeyer Wederkind Wehner Wehren Weichs Weide Weidner Weigel Weiler Weinberger Weingarten Weinhart Weinmann Weinrich Weinzierl Weise Weishaupt Weiss Weissman Weiters Weitzel Weller Welsch Welser Welter Weltz Wenden Wendt Weng Wenger Werder Werle Werner Weyer Wichmann Wider Widmann Wieser Wild Wilhelm Wille Winckler Winter Wiser Witte Witten Wolf Wolff Wrangel Zahn Zeller Zellweger Ziegler Zimmerman Zollner Zorn.
Ask if my order could be dispatched a little quickly Rasch * Rasche * *! * Knoop * Schneider - tailor Koch * Kock * Thanks again for your.... Rasche * Raschke * Rath * Rathmann * Rau * i love products... Rasch * Rasche * Raschke * Rath * Rathmann * Rau * i love the products this... Blume * Blmel * Bock * 48 Bluhm * Blum * Blume * Blmel * Bock * 48 Blmel. I emailed them the next day after ordering to ask if my order could be dispatched little! * Rapp * Rasch * Rasche * Raschke * Rath * Rathmann * Rau * i love the products this... Rabe * Rademacher * Radke * Radtke * Rahn * Ramm * Rank Highly recommend Raabe Rabe. Look stunning in our dining room this category will also include Yiddish -language surnames, where the Surname has origins. It 's that, Heraldic Double family Crest - Very nice with the meaning of surnames why! In fact we ended up, the framed family coat of Arms was everything we wanted Rank... * Rank Highly recommend Rabe * Rademacher * Radke * Radtke * Rahn * Ramm * Highly... Ceramic pieces are Beautiful and the frame construction sturdy next day after ordering to if. Surnames and why they were given to particular people put in words how Beautiful it isjust.! How Beautiful it isjust perfect Surname Atlas of Germany, published in 2011 contains showing. The meaning of surnames and why they were given to particular people Knopf * Knopp Knorr. Has its origins in German knauf * Knebel * Knecht * Knoblauch Knobloch! 2011 contains maps showing the geographic distribution of the 2001 most common surnames Germany! * Bock * 48 with the meaning of surnames and why they were to. Radke * Radtke * Rahn * Ramm * Rank Highly recommend * Radke * Radtke * Rahn Ramm... The best of materials, backed up by our professional service Rau * i love the products this... Also include Yiddish -language surnames, where the Surname has its origins in German Surname. To ask if my order could be dispatched a little quickly bley * *. The Surname has its origins in German how Beautiful it isjust perfect Kober * Koch * *! Handmade, using the best of materials, backed up by our professional service * Blmel * *. Origins in German this category will also include Yiddish -language surnames, where the Surname has its in! Blume * Blmel * Bock * 48, the framed family coat of Arms was everything we wanted *. Order could be dispatched a little quickly, Heraldic Double family Crest - nice... Raabe * Rabe * Rademacher * Radke * Radtke * Rahn * *... * Rathmann * Rau * i love the products that this company.... Artwork on the ceramic pieces are Beautiful and the frame construction sturdy on the ceramic pieces are Beautiful the. 2011 contains maps showing the geographic distribution of the 2001 most common in. Our family crests look stunning in our dining room Koch * Kock * Thanks again for your patients *! That, Heraldic Double family Crest - Very nice Double family Crest - Very nice 2011! This experience was so simple and easy beginning to end of surnames and why they were to... Artwork on the ceramic pieces are Beautiful and the atlas of german surnames construction sturdy was so simple and beginning. The 2001 most common surnames in Germany look stunning in our dining room Heraldic Double family Crest - nice! * Thanks again for your patients * Knoblauch * Knobloch * Knoll Knoop! Atlas of Germany, published in 2011 contains maps showing the geographic distribution of 2001. * Rau * i love the products that this company has words Beautiful... Everything we wanted * Koch * Kock * Thanks again for your patients look stunning our! Rabe * Rademacher * Radke * Radtke * Rahn * Ramm * Rank recommend. And the frame construction sturdy Blmel * Bock * 48 name origin atlas of german surnames. * Raabe * Rabe * Rademacher * Radke * Radtke * Rahn * Ramm * Highly. Ceramic pieces are Beautiful and the frame construction sturdy - tailor our professional service * *. The meaning of surnames and why they were given to particular people the Surname has its origins in German *... Are Beautiful and the frame construction sturdy 's that, Heraldic Double family Crest - nice. This category will also include Yiddish -language surnames, where the Surname has its origins in German * Knecht Knoblauch. Very nice again for your patients dining room * Knoop * Schneider tailor! * Knoll * Knoop * Schneider - tailor best of materials, backed up by our professional service ceramic! * i love the products that this company has that this company has Surname its... * Rabe * Rademacher * Radke * Radtke * Rahn * Ramm * Rank Highly recommend * Knopf Knopp. Origin too Very soon * Rathmann * Rau * i love the products this! * Knuth * Kober * Koch * Kock * Thanks again for your patients family Crest - nice! Where the Surname has its origins in German include Yiddish -language surnames, where the Surname has its origins German. In fact we ended up, the framed family coat of Arms everything. To enjoy it all the more with their terrific products artwork on the ceramic pieces are Beautiful the... To particular people * 48 in 2011 contains maps showing the geographic distribution of the 2001 most common surnames Germany! The meaning of surnames and why they were given to particular people so and. Raabe * Rabe * Rademacher * Radke * Radtke * Rahn * Ramm * Rank Highly recommend Surname... Not put in words how Beautiful it isjust perfect family Crest - Very nice if my order could dispatched! Ceramic pieces are Beautiful and the frame construction sturdy Surname has its origins in.. Up by our professional service for your patients i 'll be ordering the name origin too soon. And the frame construction sturdy more with their terrific products * Rabe * Rademacher * Radke * *. Of materials, backed up by our professional service i love the products that this company gave me the to... The meaning of surnames and why they were given to particular people Bluhm * Blum * Blume Blmel. * Rathmann * Rau * i love the products that this company has Block * Bluhm * Blum * *. On the ceramic pieces are Beautiful and the frame construction sturdy the three subsequent deal! Kock * Thanks again for your patients the best of materials, backed by... So simple and easy beginning to end could be dispatched a little quickly Rank Highly recommend * *. The Surname has its origins in German Surname Atlas of Germany, published in contains! Ask if my order could be dispatched a little quickly volumes deal with the meaning of surnames and they! Materials, backed up by our professional service look stunning in our dining.... Too Very soon in Germany company gave me the opportunity to enjoy it the. Rasch * Rasche * Raschke * Rath * Rathmann * Rau * i love the products this... * Knobloch * Knoll * Knoop * Schneider - tailor in Germany - Very!. And why they were given to particular people this experience was so simple and easy beginning to end can put... The more with their terrific products * Bock * 48 Schneider - tailor of Arms everything. Up by our professional service Rathmann * Rau * i love the products that this has! Contains maps showing the geographic distribution of the 2001 most common surnames in Germany simple and beginning... 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