Hey P.O.U Family! I want to introduce a new thread entitled Digging Deeper. Digging Deeper is an open forum for the P.O.U. Family to have an enlightened discussion about a particular topic. The only rule that will be enforced is that the discussion should only focus on the topic at hand.
Last week, one of my good friends sent me an email with this strange image that she had entitled, ” Entering the mind of a Wingnut'” that seem to epitomize how crazy the modern GOP has became.
The artist’s name is Jon McNaughton. If you check out his website- http://www.mcnaughtonart.com/, you can actually move over the image and figure out what some elements of the paintings mean.
What is up with Conservative wingnuts and chickens?
How do you feel about this painting fellow Obots? What do you think the artist was trying to convey with this painting?
I have actually seen a panhandler with a sign that stated, “Homeless because of Obama”
I have even seen a t-shirt that had President Obama dressed as Mao Zedong.
How… lame?
Have you seen any other similar pieces or expressions of wingnut concerning President Obama and his administration elsewhere?
Share your experiences or opinions below.