Lighting should remain minimal since these fish inhabit plant-filled environments with moderate lighting conditions at best. 125 - BGK, chanchito cichlid, pictus cats, silver dollars, palmas bichir, 125 - cichlids (severums, bolivian rams, chocolate), rainbows ( turquoise, red), loaches (angelicus, zebra, kuhli and horseface), plecos (BN, RL and clown), denison barbs, tiretrack eel, pearl gouramis, betta, My flame gourami is the peaceful one in my tank, though he does get pretty defensive of "his" piece of zucchini. They are also quite timid so you should provide them with plenty of hiding places and plant cover. gourami honey they fish They are also sometimes called the Chinese Hillstream or Reticulated Hillstream loach. Gourami fry will grow fast, provided you feed them properly. But you can keep them with large peaceful cichlids including discus and even some angelfish. Although that is just based on my own research on a community Betta tankI can say from experience that I had a Betta with other peaceful fish and ended up with a killer Betta. Honey gouramis, on the other hand, are highly peaceful fish and do great in community tanks with others. Like betta fish, honey gourami like to build their nests out of bubble. Theres no point in making the fishs life more difficult than it should be, even if the fish can adapt to the poorer conditions. Besides, of course, keeping them separately. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Ya I mean the betta gets along with shrimp so we will see. its been my experience that having JUST pair of dwarfs in a tank is asking for trouble, but not always. I attempted to house a crowntail male with a dwarf powder blue and a dwarf flame gourami (both male). most likely yes, there is always that one crazy betta that won't get along with anything, so its not 100%, just watch for any aggression. Honey Gouramis have narrow bodies and they have smaller dorsal and anal fins. They also make a good community fish. WebBoth bettas and gouramis are from the same scientific family. You can feed this carnivore on tubifex, bloodworms as well as live fish. Perth, WA. We're also here to help you if you need advice. So, the focus of our post today is going to be whether or not you can keep honey gourami with betta. As mentioned before, honey gouramis are used to living in a wide range of conditions, such as pH of 6.08.0, temperatures between 7482F (2328C), and soft to hard water hardness (or GH). They are omnivorous and should be fed flakes, and live and frozen foods which will help enhance their color [3]. Remember, honey gourami are great community tank fish, and bettas can be kept with others so long as you select their tank mates carefully. You can keep them with guppies, danios, barbs, or tetras. These larger mollies need plenty of space and should be kept in a group of no less than six, ideally around twelve. After two weeks provide bloodworms to build their protein levels as they grow [18]. Upside to them too, you can get 2 or maybe a trio for the tank. But they are delicate. But if you keep their requirements in mind and look out for other suitable tank mates, there's no reason you can't set up two separate tanks and keep these beautiful fish. But you need to be careful what tankmates you keep them with. Make sure you have a well-planted tank with plenty of hiding spaces. female betta and Honey Gouramis?? So far, my betta has showed no signs of being bothered by any of the tank mates. Betta Peaceful Fresh Water Live Aquarium Fish, Live Aquarium Gourami Fish, Goldfish Fresh Water Live Aquarium Peaceful, Around 72 F is best for the Bubble Eye. You should provide protein-rich food like tubifex, bloodworms, or daphnia. The male also gets more brightly colored during the breeding season, presumably to attract the females attention. Its beautiful orange tones are offset by the striking black. You should keep a reasonably sized group of eight or more. Come join the discussion about species,breeding, health, behavior, aquariums, adopting, care, classifieds, and more! This is a setup that is currently a couple of years old. (subsituted Honey Gourami with Betta because Honey Gourami was not on their list of fish :rolleyes I'm just trying to see what I can do, that's all. 22. Their tank is heavily planted and 260 litres. If there is not enough algae in your tank you should provide them algae wafers or tablets. Also, many hobbyists recommend sealing the aquarium lid with plastic wrap to increase the humidity and ensure proper labyrinth organ development in the babies. In reality, youll most likely require a slightly larger tank. Dont overdo it though as they need access to the surface to breathe. gourami Free shipping for many products! One of the cool things about this fish is during mating the male is able to pick out its best and most colorful side to attract females [31]. The distinctive sacs under each eye give them a unique look! The many bright colors of the Peacock Gudgeon make this a very cool freshwater fish! You do need to provide a reasonably sized tank for these fish with lots of hiding places. Use a fine substrate so they can scavenge through it without damaging their mouths. Make sure your tank is well-planted, including floating plants. Yes, honey gouramis are great for beginners, so long as you consider the following: Other than that, honey gouramis are resilient and hardy and wont pose many problems in terms of long-term care. WebMy sweet Sunny Hes a honey gourami and hes in with my male betta And my betta, although previously aggressive with other female bettas, is very well behaved with the honeys. It prefers soft (low mineral content) lakes and ponds with dense vegetation. This was reversed in 2015 allowing their sale in line with the rest of the country [13], [14]. You should keep them in a group of around six but make sure they are mainly female. In the wild, they eat small bug larvae, crustaceans, and other invertebrates similar to betta fish. Guppies are fairly hardy and mature quickly. They need an aquarium that is densely planted in groups to give hiding spaces but plenty of room to swim too. Offer fresh vegetables too such as romaine lettuce. We have kept them with a betta fish before, but it only worked out if the betta was not as aggressive so be prepared to separate them if necessary. I have a male Betta in a community tank (55g) with pearl Gouramis, among many others, but he has his section that the pearls know not to mess with (he has an area full of floating plants on one end of the tank, and he is occasionally displays of they come too close, but they seem to know to leave him alone, and are fine together. Maybe that was the fishs biological limitation based on its genetic profile. The gourami male will produce a bubble nest using air and a sticky substance that it will eliminate orally. Are Ghost Shrimp and Tetras Good Tank Mates? WebThe Honey Gourami- One of the Sweetest Aquarium Fish Keeping 2 Female Betta Together: My Experience Some tips for keeping betta sorority and what I have learned A friend of mine used to own Bubble Eyes and they were certainly very cool fish. The Duboisi Cichlid is a really cool freshwater fish that is often overlooked. Join. You are using an out of date browser. The best tankmates would be other peaceful species. you see, i want to keep a couple ghost shrimp in the tank too and everytime i try this with a betta, the betta ends up killing the shrimp or scaring them into constant hiding. You can give commercial cichlid pellets, tubifex, and bloodworms. Yes, Honey Gouramis should be ok with Bettas even a male Betta providing that the tank is big enough. As carnivores, you should feed them live or frozen foods. Ultimately, the message for you to take home today is that you'll never be able to keep bettas and honey gouramis together. This fish is a livebearer and so gives birth to young rather than laying its eggs [16], [17]. Bumblebee Gobies are carnivores and can be picky eaters. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc or its affiliates. yeah, definitely want to get couple more corries, but haven't been too worried about it because literally all my fish hang out together. This killifish makes a good community fish and you can keep them with those such as danios or tetras. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Find Out More Here! Just because they live shorter than they theoretically should doesnt mean that you did anything wrong. If you keep a pair of them, make sure they have plenty of room and that one gourami is not dominating the other. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. | Betta Fish Forum | 97309, Sunset Thicklip Female and Honey Gourami Male concerns. I will definitely be looking into them more :). Frozen or dried shrimp are another good option and are beneficial for growth, coloration, and as an antioxidant [27]. In a community tank keep them with other larger semi-aggressive fish. The Chameleon Fish tends to do better in a community tank as it can be more territorial with its own kind. But there are many other varieties. 11 neons and 3 pygmy corys are also there, and plan to add some neo/cardinia shrimp later as well. if they were alone in the tank they were jerks to each other. Fish Lore is an amazon affiliate and some pages may contain links to aquarium related products on amazon: Affiliate Disclosure. Thanks!! They are peaceful fish, and whilst I wouldnt recommend them to an absolute beginner, they are often easier to care for than many say. Provide your gouramis with adequate filtration because the filtration unit does more than simply oxygenate the water. Badis Badis is a very cool freshwater fish it can change color depending on its mood! The gourami male is smaller than the female and has a pointier dorsal fin. Discus will also live happily with other species that thrive on higher temperatures. If one is injured you may see the others change their behavior in response, such as moving around less [36]. They are herbivorous and should be fed a quality flake or pellet food. As a schooling fish, you should keep them in a group of five of six with a single male. Just keep in mind that honey gouramis are shy and peaceful fish that dont like the idea of competing over their food. Honey gouramis, otherwise known as sunset gouramis, are a hardy, beginner-friendly gourami variety. They are peaceful fish and great for a community tank. Although one of the more peaceful cichlids, they can be aggressive when threatened. Suitable tankmates include barbs, kuhli loach, tetras, cory catfish, and rasboras. They also need meat so give them brine shrimp, tubifex, and other freeze-dried or frozen food. JavaScript is disabled. They tend to swim in the middle or near the surface of the tank. They come from the Osphronemidae family (which includes all Gourami fish including the Betta) and are found in India, Bangladesh and Nepal. Honey Gourami. The Elephant Ear Betta has similar needs as other betta fish. You can keep them in small schools of around four as long as your tank is big enough. You will have a shredded Betta in about 2 seconds. These loaches are omnivores and will feed on any algae in your tank. Some Bettas are pleasant and others aren't. As well as tetras, the GloFish brand includes danios, barbs, and zebrafish amongst others. It really depend on the personality but I would not recommend it. That ultimately wouldn't be a reason to keep them apart if we didn't already have the aggression levels to deal with, but it's another reason to avoid keeping them together, since tanks that aren't suited to certain species can increase aggression. They are herbivorous and will eat any algae in your tank. You can house with a range of fish. Just avoid other similar size plecos as it can be territorial towards them. Provide them with a higher proportion of vegetable-based foods supplemented with meat options. Don't get me wrong, I've had some females that were really sweet fish but if you are only going to have one I would go for a male. Well, are you thinking of a male or female betta? They are labyrinth fish with stunning colors and bold personalities, but very aggressive and territorial behaviors. A betta fish can be extremely aggressive when it feels like something is coming into its territory. THey have been together for about 5 months now. Allowing your betta to feed solely on vegetation will not provide the nutrients it needs [7]. Disclaimer: This article may contain affiliate links. Once the eggs are placed, the male fertilizes and guards them until the fry hatch. Dont You should keep this fish in a shoal of at least six with a single male. Studies have shown that they will sometimes adopt and care for the fry of other Kribensis. The Boesemans Rainbowfish is a perfect choice for a striking freshwater fish. . Gourami can bite the tails and fins, so be careful with betta. You must log in or register to reply here. I just need help! The most common kinds are wild type, yellow gold, and red. Read this guide to learn more about the gouramis temperament and suitability for life in a mixed species tank. You can keep a single male with several females, or a group of females together. Web1 / 4. Another major difference is their body coloring. I have female betta(s) with my guppies and there has not been any issues. 8 days ago. 16. r/aquarium. You are using an out of date browser. But I had female bettas w/ dwarf flame Gourami in a heavily planted 30 gallon. They look very similar. Getting the water conditions right is particularly important if you are breeding these fish. #12. Honey gouramis live around 5 to 8 years in optimal conditions. Suitable tankmates include the kuhli loach, dwarf gourami, and some rasboras. I don't recommend them together in such a small tank, but honey Gouramis are very peaceful, and in my experience, much likelier to be bullied than to hurt anyone. Had a Male Betta in with some Honey Gourami for a while, without trouble, But then the Betta turned nasty and I had to re-home him (Just a note of caution, as it may seem fine for months but then the harmony turns to aggression over-night.) No, theyre not. Both sexes are equally good-natured and can live alone or in a group. There are the primary parameters to consider: The minimum tank size for honey gourami is 10 gallons, but this doesnt say much on its own. He loves helping fellow aquarists and introducing new people to the hobby. The Oscar is a predatory carnivore that will eat large quantities. betta (male or female) + gourami = rae64 Mar 21, 2011 #9 I would try sparkling gouramis instead of bettas. The deep rich colors of this fish give it a particular beauty that makes it very special. In my opinion it depends on the size of your tank and the personality of your fish! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. This isnt the case with honey gouramis because these fish are used to living in poorly-oxygenated waters. I kept mine with rasboras, longfin tetras, and a couple of plecos. So, let's start with a quick run through of a betta's requirements: Vincent Lim Show Chen, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons. So we spent a good while discussing our favorite cool freshwater fish! With its colorful flowing tail fin, the Paradise Fish is another cool freshwater fish. While these fish are beautiful they are a predatory species and often aggressive. - Three-spot gourami (Trichopodus trichopterus) - Dwarf gourami (Trichogaster lalius) - Pearl gourami (Trichopodus leerii) - Pelvicachromis kribensis "Moliwe" - Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) - Discus (Symphysodon spp.) Want to find exciting and cool freshwater fish for your aquarium? As a general rule it is best to only keep one species of labyrinth (Betta and gourami) per tank because they are territorial. Angelfish are one of the more popular statement fish that may come to mind when stocking your tank. You can offer them flakes, pelleted foods, algae wafers, and fresh vegetables like spinach or zucchini. But keep the meaty foods as a treat as protein should be limited to around 30% of their diet. Honey gouramis are small, beautiful, and peaceful fish that are great for aquarists of all levels of experience. Buy Now: gourami aquarium Factory Sale, Discount 50%, Only 1 Days. I put my male crowntail in my community tank (which housed two male dwarf gouramis at the time) and it didn't go too well. A well-planted tank with plenty of room to swim will show off these fish to the best effect. You can feed these omnivores quality commercial flake food, bloodworms, and tubifex. Top 10 Fish That Are Perfect for Planted Aquariums, Care Guide for Green Neon Tetras Perfect Nano Fish for Planted Tanks, How to Pick the Best Fish Foods That Aquarium Fish Cant Resist. They're super peaceful, I've never had an aggression We have partnered with to offer the best deal on high-quality aquarium supplies to our readers. The Crowntail Betta is one of the most popular choices of freshwater fish and its easy to see why. Like others have said, I wouldn't put a female in that tank without a back up plan immediately available. They originate from South East Asian waters rich in vegetation [9]. Betta is usually chilling in a plant, but plan to add floating plants too. Press J to jump to the feed. Disclosure: I may earn a commission when you purchase through my affiliate links. Your tank should have plenty of surface cover plants and have little current. I have 3 with no issues. Hi! I used to keep Odessas and found hornwort and water wisteria worked well. How Many Female Bettas Can Live Together? 4-5 female bettas can live together in a tank. This group is referred to as a sorority and they usually do not attack each other or become territorial if you give them plenty of individual space. Two or more males can sometimes be aggressive towards each other. I have never heard of these, but they are stunning! WebIntroduce the more peaceful Gourami first, then the Angelfish afterward. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Youll see Ive defined the care level needed for each fish. They are peaceful community fish. If breeding you can start the larvae on brine shrimp and then Moina (water flea) after about a week. The fish are native to Asia, from Pakistan and India to the Malay Archipelago and north-easterly towards Korea. Their classic yellow color really stands out in a lushly planted aquarium with schooling fish of a contrasting color, such as green neon tetras or blue neon rasboras (Sundadanio axelrodi blue). Show Koi display the oranges, reds, and black over a white body like koi carp. Consider having the gourami adults breed in a nursing tank and removing them once the eggs have been fertilized. They are omnivores and should be fed a variety of vegetable and meat-based foods. California initially banned their sale due to concerns about genetically modified fish. Dedicated, converted, lowes / home depot bulb buyer! You should provide pelleted betta food along with live or dried meat treats. WebGouramis are a group of fish in the families Osphronemidae, Helostomatidae and Anabantidae. 20g is not overly big, you are fine with what you already have in it. Yes, bettas and gouramis will fight - they are both from the anabantoid family and too closely related to co-exist. Can betta live happy with Honey Gourami? Checkout the signifer, furcata, and gertrude rainbowfish. This way any squabbles are more likely to be distributed through the group than focused on one individual. Bettas are highly aggressive, territorial fish. The betta's extensive finnage made him a weaker swimmer, and he didn't like the increased current. My gourami seems pretty docile. You could keep them with smaller rainbowfish, freshwater gobies, or other livebearers. Honey gouramis rank as omnivorous fish, so you can feed them mixed flakes and pellets as well. They love being with other species, being kept with each other, and there are very few cases of honey gourami becoming aggressive towards any other fish - their own species or another. Try to keep them at the higher end of the temperature range around 79 F. Studies have shown that they tend to be more active and also less aggressive around this temperature [25]. A sometimes less considered but cool freshwater fish is the Elephant Ear Betta. WebI'm going to go with a hard no. but the betta with the the dwarf gourami is begging for disaster. But it is a beautiful fish with a gorgeous deep red color. How many gouramis do you have in there? Quality flake food with high carotenoid levels can help enhance its color [8]. The gouramis chased the betta around the tank. To help you prevent that, todays article will discuss the honey gouramis profile and care specifics more in-depth than you thought you needed. If you are intrigued by the fascinating world of gouramis, check out our article on the Top 5 Peaceful Gouramis for a Community Tank. Aqua Life Hub is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to They are shoaling fish and will become stressed if kept alone. Here are some options for fish that can thrive in a 10 gallon tank: 1. If you are set on a community tank you would need to keep other large cichlids that can compete, such as Jack Dempsey. Also if you want to do a Betta community tank with other fish it's better to add the other fish first and the Betta later. I didnt keep them long. Contests including the Tank of the Month, It is a very peaceful fish species that is excellent for beginners. Not all honey gouramis showcase the same coloring, as some are full yellow, others are full orange, while many display a color gradient for even more impressive visuals. Female Betta and a pair of Honey Gouramis. This pleco is another herbivore that will help keep any algae in your tank under control. They get along fine, but there is TONS of cover and visual barriers. They are omnivores and will eat fish flakes as well as freeze-dried or frozen meaty foods. So, you can mess up even with such a hardy and resilient species that doesnt need much to thrive. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 2 | 4 - HONEY DWARF GOURAMI - PEACEFUL COLOURFUL FRESH WATER AQUARIUM FISH at the best online prices at eBay! This is particularly true if you intend to breed them as live food should form the basis of the youngs diet [21]. Looks like there was an error processing your request 10,350,598 lives saved. If the Betta So, dont pair your gouramis with fast or aggressive eaters because youll force them to starve. I have a dwarf gourami in with a school of rasboras and they get along great. Your Betta has already established it's territory and the new fish will be invaders. They're usually fine with peaceful fish like #2. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device, Care Guide for Honey Gouramis Our Favorite Peaceful Gourami, Care Guide for Pygmy Corydoras The Worlds Tiniest Cory Catfish. Basis of the youngs diet [ 21 ] the Boesemans rainbowfish is a predatory carnivore that will eat any in... Have smaller dorsal and anal fins but they are omnivores and should be to. Other large cichlids that can compete, such as Jack Dempsey India to the Malay Archipelago and towards. Biological limitation based on its genetic profile so, dont pair your gouramis with fast or aggressive eaters youll. White body like Koi carp under each eye give them a unique look 600 Toronto. North-Easterly towards Korea honey gourami and betta of competing over their food to learn more about the gouramis temperament and suitability for in. The Chameleon fish tends to do better in a community tank keep them with,. Overly big, you can keep them with feed them mixed flakes pellets... 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