Even the most remarkable attribute of the crocotta, its ability to mimic human speech, was likely an exaggeration of real hyena behavior. The mimic octopus uses its amazing skills to avoid predators and catch prey. The crocotta or corocotta, crocuta, or leucrocotta is a mythical dog-wolf of India or Aethiopia, linked to the hyena and said to be a deadly enemy of men and dogs. 8 Berserker. When crossed with this race of animals the Ethiopian lioness gives birth to the corocotta, that mimics the voices of men and cattle in a similar way. Although resilient to damage, it can be overcome by conventional weapons. wolpertinger and the French dahout. Oh shoot i guess youre right. While you did have a close call, you shouldnt worry too much with forests in AL unless you go around the foothills in the north east of the state. Was this unusual animal a product of pure imagination, or could it have been based on something real? Freese) (Greek historian C4th B.C.) It is the size of an ass with the hindquarters of a stag, the chest and legs of a lion" and shows an illustration of it on Folio 15v. Her video doesn't pick up a voice at all. First discovered in the 1800s by lumberjacks in North America, the Slide-Rock Bolter is native to Colorado and looks like a giant eel that hooks onto the side of mountains with its tail (which some natives describe as large, hairy knuckles). It could be their way of communicating with one another. . 6. If you find yourself being hunted by one, its probably best not to try to shoot back. 107 : Real or not, this legend has claimed more lives than most. their respective owners. Latin American; a relatively recent mythological creature first described in the 1990s. While the crocotta was a mythical creature, even some people in the ancient world recognized similarities between it and Maidenhead A female spirit whose haunting howls herald a coming death. According to the Augustan History (Pius, X.9), the emperor Antoninus Pius presented a corocotta, probably at his decennalia in AD 148. Extant "Leucrocotta" redirects here. If you dont want to stop at sounding like victims, you could use doppelgangers and fully impersonate the victims. . 22 (trans. Voice mimicry Wendigos can imitate human voices to lure prey. This has been in the back of my mind for 6 years. If youre concerned about fleshgait activity, heres what you need to know. from rheumatism to snakebite. In most cases, they can only repeat words that have been said around them. Its head resembles that of a hyena and it has cloven hooves, a horse-like mane, and a tail that resembles that of a lion. From its human-like sounds to its scavenging of corpses, the hyena provides clear inspiration for nearly all of the crocottas unusual attributes. They can perfectly mimic voices. It can mimic more than 15 different species of sea animals, including lionfish, anemones, and sea snakes! Press J to jump to the feed. According to legend, they were animal-like creatures that could mimic human speech and then attack and eat their Enhanced strength and speed. One fine summer day near Evansville, Indiana, two friends were swimming in the water of the Ohio River. The student news site of Delphi Community High School. It depends what you're really asking. A complete bibliography of the translations quoted on this page. When these accounts were discovered by medieval writers who had even less experience with African animals, they were taken as factual accounts. This wise-tale definitely frightened kids into keeping their curfews. There are many reports of people using white ash to protect themselves. In the modern age, at least one Crocotta has evolved to contact people by phone or computer. Then I heard her scream, which was planned, and I yell back "Where are you?! Web"In Ethiopia there is an animal called crocottas, vulgarly kynolykos [dog-wolf], of amazing strength. Demons & some poltergeists can do voice mimicry. Fleshgaits hunt people by a wide variety of different methods, though mimicking people seems to be their favorite way to hunt people down. These creatures are supposedly two or three feet tall and resemble humans to an extent (with grotesquely exaggerated noses, ears, feet, and hands). It is advised to avoid these neer-do-wells at all costs, unless youre looking to be blinded with sand, thrown off a cliff, or simply be attacked with a dagger. The wendigo features prominently in the Stephen King novel Pet Semetary. Hyenas are primarily scavengers who often run off with their food to avoid having it taken from them by more powerful animals like lions. Windigo is actually a mental illness that some First Nations suffer from. Some believe that this blue whale-sized beast is hiding dormant in the vast mountains of Colorado. japanadian02 3 yr. ago Oh shoot i guess youre right. One of these was the crocotta, said to live in Ethiopia and India. Pliny differentiated the crocotta from the leucrocotta, although later writers would conflate the two. The three entities I've seen most commonly related to voice mimicry on here are skinwalkers, fleshgaits and goatmen. callmebubba2 6 yr. ago It is classified as a mermaid, if you could even call it such. But it is possible. Dean tells him that he helped Ben make it for Halloween, and Sam admits that it is a good likeness. Janus1993 6 yr. ago Not to mention that all three are hostile to humans. Medieval bestiaries further embellished ancient descriptions, giving the crocotta eyes made of gems that placed its victims under a spell. during the early 1980s, and a water monster, A dog-like or wolf-like creature that drinks the blood of goats and other livestock. While real hyenas cannot mimic human names, they often make vocalizations that sound disarmingly human. We thought that we would try our hand at making one of those cheesy YouTube horror series, so we both started recording on our phones. This scared the beast away and they both made it safely to shore. While trying to find their father, John Winchester, Sam and Dean help a family whose brother has gone missing on a camping trip. Mimic Octopus The mimic octopus imitates a wide range of animals, including lionfish, crabs, venomous sole, jellyfish, sea snakes, mantis shrimp, and sea anemones. Kenora, Ontario, Canada, has been given the title of Wendigo Capital of the World by many. CLEP tests: What are they and why should seniors care? During some harsh winter a guy finds himself starving, cut off from supplies or help. Havent even set foot that deep in the woods since the experience. Descriptions of African hyenas were likely passed on through second- and third-hand accounts until they reached Greek and Roman writers in antiquity. white mustang that roamed the Central Plains Mounted jackalopes are most often seen hanging While the crocotta was a mythical creature, even some people in the ancient world recognized similarities between it and It can appear human, but when it feeds it unhinges its jaw and its large, sharp teeth are visible. Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, Yeren, Yowie; this creature adorns many names and an elusive history. A wendigo is one of the creatures that Sam, Dean, and Bobby hunt in the novel Supernatural: Fresh Meat; this wendigo was a man named William Foster who went on an expedition in 1845 that was forced to resort to cannibalism when the party ran out of food, Foster going so far as to kill his Miwok guides on the grounds that they weren't really human as they weren't white. I have been in love with all things related to Mythology. Pliny specified that the crocotta was the only animal known to dig up human corpses. She loves walking her dogs, watching DCHS English department hosts inaugural Celebration of Self Through the Arts, Eleven DCHS students spending Spring Break in France and Italy. Around 1860, a German explorer translated Wendigo as cannibal. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It had the ability to imitate the voices of men to lure prey. It can mimic more than 15 different species of sea animals, including lionfish, anemones, and sea snakes! Its said that they mimic human voices to lure their prey away from civilization, and then kill them. Those who ignore the instinct often find themselves being attacked by predators in the forest. The r/Paranormal community is a place for believers and skeptics alike. Whether these stories are straight facts or old wives tales, these legends all speak one universal truth: the unknown outside world can be a very scary place. infection that causes skin growths similar The crocotta has no unusual vulnerabilities or powers. Finally, individual animals have sometimes For the mayfly genus, see, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Crocotta&oldid=1145739629, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 20 March 2023, at 18:26. 10 Mythological Creatures and Shapeshifters. Please like and share this article if you found it useful. Hiding in the dark, it mimicked other voices to hunt both men and their animals. The crocotta, also known as the corocotta or leucrocotta, had a strange appearance and supernatural abilities that made it notably dangerous and frightening. The connection between the legendary creature and the real animal is so strong that spotted hyenas were given the scientific name Crocuta crocuta. Normally they dont have the ability to do anything about it but it lets the right people know whens and wheres. All three have some ability to shapeshift to imitate other creatures and are usually found in secluded forested areas. So she takes off running as planned and I'm "trying to catch up with her" Well then I actually got lost. You did right running off. The continued consumption of human flesh over years will eventually make a person less and less human, until they become an emaciated husk of what they were, driven by a never-ending hunger. Get the latest info & news from the Paranormal Authority crew. It conceals itself in thickets and then listens to woodcutters calling one another by name, and even to anything they say. Many people believe that they are one of the following: Yes. Strabo described it simply as a crossbred animal that was half wolf and half dog. Rackham) (Roman encyclopedia C1st A.D.) : What cryptid are you? A dog-like or wolf-like creature that drinks the blood of goats and other livestock. Walls of Jericho area is pretty risky the darker it gets. the Dyche Museum of Natural History on the 107 : Stag's body, lion's neck, bony-ridge for teeth. So I really dont talk people about this, but Ive always wondered if I was crazy or did I really experience something paranormal. These include: PANic in the woods is a known phenomenon which occurs when the woods suddenly become deathly silentto the point that it causes an intense fear in humans who are around. My name is Mike and for as long as I can remember (too long!) also has pheasant wings and tail feathers. 72 (trans. The crocotta has the body of an extremely large dog,sometimes as large as a mule. WebBanshee . The Dokkaebi can also turn from an ugly troll into a beautiful woman with the ultimate goal of seducing men. . " Clark, who is the Crocotta, ties up Sam and Stewie, then kills the tech and eats his spirit. Sometimes, mimicking isnt involved. It cannot be overcome by any weapon of steel. Jinn shapeshift into anything they wish. The crocotta was reported to have appeared more than once in the Roman arena. Comments are reviewed and must be approved by a moderator to ensure that they meet these standards. Apparently indigenous to the Great Lakes region, these evil half-man creatures lurk in the shadows and prey upon the flesh of unsuspecting citizens. creepbay winterford artemis Sightings of the creature in this area have continued well into the new millennium. Using a human-sounding voice, it would call out to make unsuspecting shepherds believe that a friend was calling to them instead. WebDoppelganger is the term when they (Jinn)look like someone and mimics them. UK: Sampson Low, 1975. WebTHE LEUKROKOTTAS (Leucrocotta) was a fantastic creature with the body of a stag, the neck of a lion, cloven hooves, and a wide mouth with a sharp, bony ridge in place of teeth. The New Mexico version is sometimes called and gunfight that resulted from an ownership A fleshgait is a creature that mimics the voices and appearances of people in the woods, often with the intent of luring them away. 6. The only way to make PANic in the woods subside is to run and continue to run until the forest returns to normal. home of this fabulous beast, the brainchild of japanadian02 3 yr. ago Oh shoot i guess youre right. Pukwudgies are known for their horrible tricks, causing trouble, attacking people, and killing people with poison arrows. WebBanshee . ", Aelian, On Animals 7. Enhanced senses Wendigos have enhanced senses of smell and hearing, as well as the ability to hunt in complete darkness. It stalked the areas where shepherds drove their flocks. Web"In Ethiopia there is an animal called crocottas, vulgarly kynolykos [dog-wolf], of amazing strength. About 6 years ago I went to the smokey mountains in Tennessee to just get away and get some spiritual time in nature I enjoy it. Press J to jump to the feed. We were still arguing over whether she said she was at the road or not and decided that we would just prove it. Many traditional Ojibwe people still believe this creature to exist in the woods of Northern Minnesota as referenced by Dean in the episode. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. All the sudden the woods went quiet no birds no bugs this is in midsummer. creatures prodigal leucrotta crocotta mythological dungeons gxi Janus1993 6 yr. ago Not to mention that all three are hostile to humans. My mission is to help guide people seeking answers in a positive and enlightening way. It is said that if you honk 3 times she will appear upon the bridge. It would even feast on dead human flesh, being noted as the only animal to dig up graves. They very clearly view humans as food. Now Im not a drug user and didnt really believe in the supernatural until the experience. And she yells "I'm at the road!!". 8 Berserker. The Byzantine scholar Photius, epitomizing an ancient work by the Greek author Ctesias (Indica, L), writes: "In Ethiopia there is an animal called crocottas, vulgarly kynolykos [dog-wolf], of amazing strength. The one notable attribute of the crocotta that cannot be easily explained as common to a hyena is that it has a single bony jaw ridge instead of teeth. According to legend, they were animal-like creatures that could mimic human speech and then attack and eat their They are human but, in battle, entered into a nearly uncontrollable, trance-like fury and 7 Bakeneko. This page was last edited on 22 June 2022, at 00:51. Bigfoot, sighted near McLaughlin, South Dakota, Comments are expected to adhere to our standards and to be respectful and constructive. branded murder and set free, whereupon for Very little of the creature characteristics changed, the most notables were that they could control electricity and it never fed or called out to dogs like in traditional lore. Many people who were lured out into the woods after a fleshgait mimicked a loved one claim that they knew something was wrong when the woods went totally silent. Berserkers were a group of Norse warriors. Of the hyena, Pliny writes that it "is popularly believed to be a hermaphrodite and to become male and female in alternate years, the female bearing offspring without any male," and that "among the shepherdss homesteads it simulates human speech, and picks up the name of one of them so as to call him to come out of doors and tear him to pieces, and also that it imitates a person being sick, to attract the dogs so that it may attack them; that this animal alone digs up corpses; that a female is seldom caught; that its eyes have a thousand variations of color; moreover that when its shadow falls on dogs they are struck dumb; and that it has certain magic arts by which it causes every animal at which it gazes three times to stand rooted to the spot. The crocotta could mimic human speech and sounds, even learning peoples names to lure them into the darkness. He reaches for a blowtorch in his backpack, when suddenly he is struck with an intense pain and his head explodes in front of his girlfriend. When theyre not on the hunt, theyre trying to strike fear in others. It is commonly described in legend as luring people by calling their name, drawing them deeper into the forest until it can devour them. Even in Greco-Roman times, many writers theorized that the crocotta was based on second-hand accounts of hyenas. but also a number of mounted cottontail rabbits before being hunted to regional extinction in If the dog howls suddenly or if the coal crumbles, get the hell out of dodge. He was known to be especially hairywith crazy black hairand very short. The creature often uses a voice that the victim recognizes and sometimes calls the victim by name or includes other personal information in its cry for help. They are supernatural beings made from msokeless fire, live in clans, have their own religion, rules and some Hell even the air was silent and still. At any rate the Hyaina prowls about cattle-folds by night and imitates men vomiting. She is a senior at Delphi Community High School. Amazon Affiliate Disclosure: Paranormal Authority is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and may earn from qualifying purchases. Pliny, the Roman naturalist, described it as being "an animal which looks as though it had been produced by the coupling of the wolf and the dog, for it can break anything with its teeth, and instantly on swallowing it digest it with the stomach. It is as brave as a lion, as swift as a horse, and as strong as a bull. The Crocotta (or corocotta, crocuta, leucrocotta, or yena), is a globally distributed mythical dog-wolf originating inIndia as well as Ethiopia. jackrabbit and the antlers of a deer or elk or Are you getting ready to play the lottery, Scary Phone Numbers to Call While we normally think of prank calls as being the main type of phone-call based, Scary Games to Play with Friends at Sleepovers. When preparing for their assault on Niveus Pharmaceuticals, Sam notes that he almost misses the days when he and Dean merely hunted wendigos rather than trying to stop the Apocalypse. North America (Minus Mexico and Caribbean), Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology. creatures reported in the Great Plains include They require belief to be able to do more. Since the spooky season is in full force, why not celebrate with some spooky tales of haunting and horror? Some kind of scavenger; mimics loved ones, whispers "come to me" and lures you into the dark and swallows your, The crocotta sucks its dead victims' souls out through their mouths. WebTHE LEUKROKOTTAS (Leucrocotta) was a fantastic creature with the body of a stag, the neck of a lion, cloven hooves, and a wide mouth with a sharp, bony ridge in place of teeth. mythological creatures that mimic voices. Instead of teeth, it had a continuous plate of bone protruding from a powerful, square jaw. Theoi Project Copyright 2000 - 2017 Aaron J. Atsma, Netherlands & New Zealand. The Byzantine scholar Photius summarizing the book Indica, by the Greek author Ctesias, writes: Claudius Aelianus (aka Aelian) in his book On the Characteristics of Animals (VII.22) specifically links the hyena and corocotta and mentions the creature's fabled ability to mimic human speech[3] Porphyry in his book On Abstinence from Animal Food (III.4), writes that "the Indian hyaena, which the natives call crocotta, speaks in a manner so human, and this without a teacher, as to go to houses, and call that person whom he knows he can easily vanquish. Most jackalopes have the body and head of a The town began their tedious hunt for the magical giant turtle. It mimics the sole venomous fish by flattening its body and using jet propulsion to swim at high speeds, raising its arms above the head, with each arm bent in a zigzag They are described as being very tall thin and pale humanoids that have arms that hang down past their knees. It had the ability to imitate the voices of men to lure prey. . Dokkaebi. The email address will not be displayed but will be used to confirm your comments. THE LEUKROKOTTAS (Leucrocotta) was a fantastic creature with the body of a stag, the neck of a lion, cloven hooves, and a wide mouth with a sharp, bony ridge in place of teeth. Mimic Octopus The mimic octopus imitates a wide range of animals, including lionfish, crabs, venomous sole, jellyfish, sea snakes, mantis shrimp, and sea anemones. underground cavern in McPherson County, There is also a class (or several classes) of beingsno one knows if they are ghosts or whatbut I've seen them called just "mimics" in reports. Can appear human. Its generally agreed that fleshgaits are predatory towards humans, with many people believing that they lure people deeper into the woods in order to eat them. Crocotta appear to have animal-level intelligence, and their mimicry seem to be similar to that of a parrot. And said that she hears a man's voice on my end. I thought itd be a cool encounter to have my players go into this forest where theyd hear voices crying for help only to find out that there are creatures that can mimic voices of their victims or something. Plains are told for truth. This octopus gets its name from its ability to imitate other creatures. Either way creepy for sure :). Claws A wendigo has long claws which they use to slash their prey. From Korea, we have the Dokkaebi, one of the small mythical creatures on the continent of Asia. It had the ability to imitate the voices of men to lure prey. Not saying it didn't happen, just giving you perspective. All of these creatures mentioned have the ability to interact with people through a small capability. That we would just prove it to live in Ethiopia there is an animal called,... 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