"Rita Hayworth Files Divorce Action in Reno", Last edited on 20 February 2023, at 12:46, Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, "Rita Hayworth, 68, films' 'Love Goddess', "Princess Born to Rita After Pre-dawn Dash to Clinic", "TV's Vincent Hayworth Has Two Beauties Saying 'Uncle', "Rita Hayworth Delights Papa and Mama Cansino. [47] She particularly relied on the advice of Carroll Righter, who called himself "the Gregarious Aquarius" and the self-proclaimed "Astrologer to the Stars", who informed her that the optimal time to sign a film contract was exactly 2:47a.m., causing her to set her alarm for 2:45 so she could be sure to obey his instructions. [29], Hayworth had top billing in one of her best-known films, the Technicolor musical Cover Girl, released in 1944. The Encyclopedia also includes writers and subjects of contemporary interest, such as those relating to journalism, film, media, children's literature, food and vernacular literatures. "[78]:129130. Medical historian Barron H. Lerner wrote that when Hayworth's diagnosis was made public in 1981, she became "the first public face of Alzheimer's, helping to ensure that future patients did not go undiagnosed Unbeknownst to her, Hayworth helped to destigmatize a condition that can still embarrass victims and their families. [18][50] Her biographer, Barbara Leaming, wrote that her mother may have been the only person to know; she slept in the same bed as her daughter to try to protect her from incest. [27], In March 1942, Hayworth visited Brazil as a cultural ambassador for the Roosevelt administration's Good Neighbor policy, under the auspices of the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs. Hayworth rose to fame in the 1940s and is probably best known for . He was a monster. Her headstone includes Yasmin's sentiment: "To yesterday's companionship and tomorrow's reunion.". For her moving performance, Hayward finally received an Oscar. (1958), a movie based on real events, Hayward portrayed Barbara Graham, a prostitute who was convicted (possibly wrongly) with two companions of having murdered a wealthy widow in 1953 and was executed in the gas chamber. That year, she was first featured in a Life magazine cover story. The picture ended up grossing $1million more than her previous blockbuster, Gilda. So I fought him You want to know what I think of Harry Cohn? Best Known For: American film actress Rita Hayworth is best known for her . She sued Orson Welles for back payment of child support which she claimed had never been paid. He hoped Hayworth could influence the government and keep him in the United States. They struggled in their marriage, with Hayworth saying that Welles did not want to be tied down: During the entire period of our marriage, he showed no interest in establishing a home. Advertisement. Pat Bauer graduated from Ripon College in 1977 with a double major in Spanish and Theatre. Hayward's body was buried in the church's cemetery. Omissions? Image of Susan Hayward with her sons Tim and Greg, Academy Awards, Los Angeles, 1956. "[13]:234, Her next film, The Loves of Carmen (1948) with Glenn Ford, was the first film co-produced by Columbia and Hayworth's production company, The Beckworth Corporation (named for Rebecca, her daughter with Welles). Garbo, Hedy, Gardner, Hayworth. [9] Though Hayward did not get the part, she was used for other actors' screen tests by David Selznick and received a contract at Warner Bros.[10], Talent agent Max Arnow changed Marrenner's name to Susan Hayward once she started her six-month contract for $50 a week with Warner's. [5], Her mother, Volga Hayworth, was an American of Irish and English descent who had performed with the Ziegfeld Follies. Birth Date: 1918-10-17 edit. Share Susan Hayward quotes about way, life is and aim. [40] Orson Welles, Rita Hayworth get married Courtesy of AP. Years after her film career had ended and long after Cohn had died, Hayworth still resented her treatment by both him and Columbia. In the Sicilian scenes of the film The Godfather, the bodyguard of Michael Corleone is heard shouting the name "Rita Hayworth" to GI's passing by in jeeps. Vernon left the United States Army in 1946 with several medals, including the Purple Heart, and later married Susan Vail, a dancer. Susan Hayward was born Edythe Marrener in Brooklyn, New York, on June 30, 1917. The public disclosure and discussion of her illness drew attention to Alzheimer's, and helped to increase public and private funding for research into the disease. Hayworth's father sexually abused her starting at a very young age. In 1947, Hayworth's new contract with Columbia provided a salary of $250,000 plus 50% of films' profits. [35], Hayworth's performance in Welles's 1947 film The Lady from Shanghai was critically acclaimed. Paperdoll Review Magazine Issue #61 2015-Susan Hayward,Housekeeping,Play Doctor. Terrible, terrible nights. However, in I'll Cry Tomorrowwhose vocals were once widely attributed to professional ghost singer Marni Nixon[30]Hayward sang the vocals undubbed and appears on the soundtrack. He had invested heavily in her before she began an affair with the married Aly Khan, and it could have caused a backlash against her career and Columbia's success. [23][24] Bob Landry's photo made Hayworth one of the top two pin-up girls of the World War II years; the other was Betty Grable, in a 1943 photograph. She took two or three suspensions! Hayworth threatened to divorce him in Reno, Nevada. [9] Her paternal grandfather, Antonio Cansino, was renowned as a classical Spanish dancer. [83], Biographer Barbara Leaming wrote that Hayworth aged prematurely because of her addiction to alcohol and also because of the many stresses in her life. Haymes's $5,000 weekly salary was attached by the IRS to pay a $100,000 bill, and he was unable to pay his pianist. In Tulsa, after a rancher dies during a feud with a major oil company, his daughter, driven by revenge, starts digging for oil herself. By Phil Villarreal arizona daily star. Sheehan was grooming her for the lead in the 1936 Technicolor film Ramona, hoping to establish her as Fox Film's new Dolores del Ro. Hayworth left Hollywood and sailed for France, breaking her contract with Columbia. 1941. Both films were commercial disappointments. The same year, she played Rae Smith in Ross Hunter's lavish remake of Back Street, which also starred John Gavin and Vera Miles. "[34] Hayward received 37% of the film's net profits.[35]. She also starred in the Technicolor musical Cover Girl (1944), with Gene Kelly. At age 12, Margarita (later Rita) was dancing professionally as her father's partner in "The Dancing Cansinos", 1931. There just isn't anything else in the world that can compare with her sacred chance to do that. Updates? Corrections? Judson had failed to tell Hayworth before they married that he had previously been married twice. Cause o daith. [41] She said, I was in Switzerland when they sent me the script for Affair in Trinidad and I threw it across the room. Nonetheless, she acquired an agentas well as a new name, Susan Haywardand in 1937 she embarked on a series of uncredited bit parts in movies. Movie star Rita Hayworth, the ''Love Goddess,'' was a favorite pin-up of GIs during World War II. In I Want to Live! Rita Hayworth was the definition of Hollywood glamour. That was very clear, and I thought, 'Well, there's not much I can do. [44]:103 Although she appeared to sing in many of her films, she was usually dubbed. [49] She had a modeling contract with Max Factor to promote its Tru-Color lipsticks and Pan-Stik make-up. [17]:3435, Cohn argued that her image was too Mediterranean, which limited her to being cast in "exotic" roles that were fewer in number. [71], In January 1953, Hayworth was granted a divorce from Aly Khan on the grounds of extreme mental cruelty. [6] The picture was so successful, the studio produced and released another Astaire-Hayworth picture the following year, You Were Never Lovelier. "[44]:163. Brain cancer: Restin place. There's no time for that; it has to be done right now!' [31] Hayward performed in the musical biography of singer Jane Froman in the 1952 film, With a Song in My Heart, a role which won her the Golden Globe for Best Actress Actress In A Leading Role Musical Or Comedy. Oor Lady o Perpetual Help Cemetery (Carrollton, Georgie) . The following year, she appeared in five Columbia B movies. She retired Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. [6][19] Because she was working, Cansino never graduated from high school, but she completed the ninth grade at Hamilton High in Los Angeles. Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture Drama, Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture Musical or Comedy, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Susan_Hayward&oldid=1137644340, Best Drama Actress Golden Globe (film) winners, Best Musical or Comedy Actress Golden Globe (film) winners, Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Actress winners, Deaths from brain cancer in the United States, Neurological disease deaths in California, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, TCMDb name template using numeric ID from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, at 18:54. "[34], The fourth atomic bomb ever to be detonated was decorated with a photograph of Hayworth cut from the June 1946 issue of Esquire magazine. She starred in the film version of The Hairy Ape (1944) for UA. Showing Editorial results for rita hayworth. [8], Hayward began her career as a model, traveling to Hollywood in 1937 to try out for the role of Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind. [99] The press release added that Hayworth's daughter, Princess Yasmin Aga Khan, the Alzheimer's Association of Greater Los Angeles, and numerous prominent personalities of stage and screen were supporting the Moss campaign. Susan Hayward won her first and only Academy Award in 1958, two years after The Conqueror was released, for her role as a death row inmate named Barbara Graham in the influential film I Want to Live!.Fifteen years later, her career abruptly ended when she was diagnosed with brain cancer, which also likely resulted from exposure to high levels of radiation. In 1980, Hayworth was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's disease, which contributed to her death in 1987 at age 68. Because she could not remember her lines, her scenes were shot one line at a time. Rita Hayworth was made to explore dancing early. "[17]:322, Alzheimer's disease had been largely forgotten by the medical community since its discovery in 1906. Her father was a transportation worker, and Susan lived a fairly comfortable life as a child, but the precocious little redhead had no idea of the life that awaited her. [49] On March 14, 1975, she suffered a seizure in her Beverly Hills home and died at the age of 57. [21] Her first film was Canyon Passage (1946). Rita Hayworth (born Margarita Carmen Cansino; October 17, 1918 May 14, 1987) was a famous American movie star and one of the most iconic pin-up girls of The Golden Age of Hollywood. Her condition became quite bad. I danced. She had failed to gain child support from Aly Khan. Rita Hayworth. [39] During this period in Hollywood, contract players could not choose their films; they were on salary rather than receiving a fixed amount per picture. She was a friend who we will miss. This article is about the 20th-century actress. Haywards output decreased markedly following her triumph. [30] The film established her as Columbia's top star of the 1940s, and it gave her the distinction of being the first of only six women to dance on screen with both Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire. (1958), in which she played death row inmate Barbara Graham, was a critical and commercial success and won Hayward the Academy Award for Best Actress for her portrayal. "[13]:16, She attended dance classes every day for a few years in a Carnegie Hall complex, where she was taught by her uncle Angel Cansino. In her later years, Rita became known for her struggle with Alzheimer's disease. She was nominated again for her leading role in the melodrama My Foolish Heart (1949). Entries consist of an essay on the topic and a bibliographic portion listing works for further [95] The program was founded in 1985[96] by Princess Yasmin Aga Khan, in honor of her mother. Entdecke DAVID NIVEN ET SUSAN HAYWARD HOLLYWOOD : TIRAGE ARGENTIQUE ORIGINAL D'POQUE in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! "Rita's youthful exuberance meshed perfectly with Fred's maturity and elegance", says Levinson.[21]. In 1943, she was suspended without pay for nine weeks because she refused to appear in Once Upon a Time. Hayworth began a relationship with film producer James Hill, whom she went on to marry on February 2, 1958. [76] On September 1, 1961, Hayworth filed for divorce, alleging extreme mental cruelty. Hayworth once said she might convert to Islam, but did not. At one point, the couple was effectively imprisoned in a hotel room for 24 hours in Manhattan at the Hotel Madison as sheriff's deputies waited outside threatening to arrest Haymes for outstanding debts. "Rita Hayworth Tells of Threats by Ex-Mate". Ava Gardner's most famous film role, The Barefoot Contessa,, was reportedly based on the life of Rita Hayworth; the millionaire character in the film was based on Howard Hughes. Publicity photo of Orson Welles for RKO Radio Pictures, probably to promote Citizen Kane. Chalkley died on January 9, 1966. The world would come to worship her as the sex symbol Rita Hayworth, star of movies like Gilda, You Were Never Lovelier, and . The late icon had two daughters, Princess Yasmin Aga Khan and Rebecca Welles. and the studio wouldn't pay for it. Rita Hayworth, the legendary Hollywood beauty who rose to international fame in the 1940's and 1950's, died Thursday night, of Alzheimer's disease, in her Central Park West apartment in Manhattan. 135. nice. The role, in which Hayworth wore black satin and performed a legendary one-glove striptease, "Put The Blame On Mame", made her into a cultural icon as a femme fatale. She was off the big screen for another four years, mainly because of a tumultuous marriage to the singer Dick Haymes. [28] During the 1940s Hayworth also contributed to the OCIAA's cultural diplomacy initiatives in support of Pan-Americanism through her broadcasts to South America on the CBS "Cadena de las Amricas" radio network. Rita Hayworth (born Margarita Carmen Cansino; October 17, 1918 May 14, 1987) was an American actress, dancer and producer. Aly Khan was also known in circles as a playboy, and it was suspected that he had been unfaithful to Hayworth during the marriage. [6] Astaire's biographer Peter Levinson writes that the dancing combination of Astaire and Hayworth was "absolute magnetism on the screen". Actress Rita Hayworth, glamour star of the 1940s and 1950s, in a sultry publicity photo. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Director Vincent Sherman recalled that Hayworth seemed "rather frightened at the approach of doing another picture". Hayward made Thunder in the Sun (1959) with Jeff Chandler, a mediocre wagon train picture about French Basque pioneers,[36] which was a modest success financially, and then Woman Obsessed (1959) at Fox. [50] A funeral service was held on March 16 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Roman Catholic Church in Carrollton, Georgia. I can't tell you. Clip from the movie "You Were Never Lovelier" and Fred Astaire and Rita Hayworth to a remixed version of "Bossa Nova Baby"by Elvis Presley. But I did the picture, and Pal Joey, too. It also documents her personal life, including her marriages and attempted suicide, and her illness and death at the age of 56. With Susan Hayward, Robert Preston, Pedro Armendriz, Lloyd Gough. "[53], Hayworth's two younger brothers, Eduardo Cansino Jr. and Vernon Cansino, both served in World War II. Haymes was desperate for money because two of his former wives were taking legal action against him for unpaid child support. . At Universal Hayward was in The Saxon Charm (1948) and she did Tulsa (1949) for Wanger. Rita Hayworth was one of the highly sought after actors in the 40s, but unfortunately, while her career was on a constant high, Hayworth's personal life couldn't have been more different. On December 28, 1949, Hayworth gave birth to the couple's only child, Princess Yasmin Aga Khan. He established his own dance studio,[6] where he taught such stars as James Cagney and Jean Harlow. She'd fly into a rage. Fred Astaire, with whom she made two films, You'll Never Get Rich (1941) and You Were Never Lovelier (1942), once called her his favorite dance partner. In 1951, Hayworth set sail with her two daughters for New York. [17]:2830 She played an Egyptian girl in Charlie Chan in Egypt (1935), and a Russian dancer in Paddy O'Day (1935). Haywards portrayal of a nightclub singer who gives up her career for her husband and falls into alcoholism in Smash-Up: The Story of a Woman (1947) earned her an Academy Award nomination for best actress. Rita Hayworth Dancer. Hayworth was the daughter of Spanish-born dancer Eduardo Cansino and his partner, Volga Hayworth, and, as a child, she performed in her parents' nightclub act . For a number of years, exhibitors voted Hayward among the most popular stars in the United States: On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Hayworth was born as Margarita Carmen Cansino in Brooklyn, New York, the oldest child of two dancers. Bette Davis . Her last film was The Wrath of God (1972), a western. ", In 1983, Rebecca Welles arranged to see her mother for the first time in seven years. Hayward in the early 1940s. On Feb. 17, 1945, at St. John`s Hospital in Santa Monica, Susan gave birth to fraternal, non-identical twin boys. She achieved fame during the 1940s as one of the era's top stars, appearing in 61 films over 37 years. She owned 25% of the profits with her own company and had hit after hit and she had to get married and had to get out of the business and took a suspension because she fell in love again! She never returned to acting. Hayward then starred in three massive successes: David and Bathsheba (1951) with Gregory Peck, the most popular film of the year;[25] With a Song in My Heart (1952), a biopic of Jane Froman, which earned her an Oscar nomination; and The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1952), with Peck and Ava Gardner. Haymes was born in Argentina and did not have solid proof of American citizenship. Susan Hayward (1917-1975), Hayward, Susan Hayward, Golden Era of Hollywood, Actress HD wallpaper 2560x1600px cute faces Collection, Kawaii Cute Faces HD wallpaper Leaming said: "Rita Hayworth hated being Rita Hayworth. "But if you ever let it out, I'll swear I lied. That's what it was like. She also appeared in Henry Kings The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1952), based on a short story by Ernest Hemingway. Hayward was born Edythe Marrenner on June 30, 1917, in the Brooklyn borough of New York City, the youngest of three children to Ellen (ne Pearson; 18881958) and Walter Marrenner (18791938). In 1956, she was cast by Howard Hughes to play Bortai in the historical epic The Conqueror, as John Wayne's leading lady. Her family was familiar with show business and excited by the prospect of their child taking the family's legacy forward. The press coined the term "The Love Goddess" to describe Hayworth after she had become the most glamorous screen idol of the 1940s. Barbara Graham. Of course, that didn't really come until the last seven or eight years. Advertisement I never saw her again. Cohn had not been consulted and was furious that Hayworth's image was changed. She died in 1975 of brain cancer. For the 21st-century actress, see, Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Actress, SS. Hayward had met McGuire, an acquaintance of Chalkley, in Rome eight years prior. [6] Before her fifth birthday she was one of the Four Cansinos featured in the Broadway production of The Greenwich Village Follies at the Winter Garden Theatre. Legend has it that Rita Ranch, on Tucson's southeast side, was named after actress Rita Hayworth by one-time beau Howard Hughes, who once owned the land on . [31] "I guess the only jewels of my life", Hayworth said in 1970, "were the pictures I made with Fred Astaire And Cover Girl, too. [citation needed], Her sexy, glamorous appeal was most noted in Charles Vidor's film noir Gilda (1946) with Glenn Ford, which caused censors some consternation. Her final film role was as Dr. Maggie Cole in the 1972 made-for-TV drama Say Goodbye, Maggie Cole. The marriage was a happy one. This is a clip from the movie "You Were Never Lovelier" and dancing to a remixed, b. Myrna Loy, Susan Hayward, Joan Blondell, Glenda Farrell, Gene Tierney, Veronica Lake, Marsha Hunt. Photo by Ernest A Bachrach. She continued to act in films until the early 1970s. Judson was as old as her father, who was enraged by the marriage, which caused a rift between Hayworth and her parents until the divorce. While I respect the Moslem faith, and all other faiths, it is my earnest wish that my daughter be raised as a normal, healthy American girl in the Christian faith. She is the hostess for the events and a major sponsor of Alzheimer's disease charities and awareness programs. Orson Welles, then married to Hayworth, recalled her anger in an interview with biographer Barbara Leaming: "Rita used to fly into terrible rages all the time, but the angriest was when she found out that they'd put her on the atom bomb. Although the couple did reconcile for a short time, they divorced in 1953. Not long after he met Hayworth, U.S. officials initiated proceedings to have him deported to Argentina for being an illegal alien. She continued working throughout the 1960s. Viking, 351 pages, $21.95. American actress Susan Hayward , circa 1945. A poster of Rita Hayworth hides a hole in a jail cell wall in the novella, which was used for the first third of the film, then changed to a poster of Marilyn Monroe for the middle third, then Raquel Welch for the last third. Biographer Charlie Reinhart describes the effect she had on Astaire's style: There was a kind of reserve about Fred. [85] Hayworth lived in an apartment at The San Remo on Central Park West adjoining that of her daughter, who arranged for her mother's care during her final years. [37], She received good reviews for her performance at Caesars Palace in the Las Vegas production of Mame that opened in December 1968. [17]:36 With a name that emphasized Irish-American ancestry, people were more likely to regard her as a classic "American". Eduardo Jr. followed Hayworth into acting; he was also under contract with Columbia Pictures. Cecil B. Her daughter Yasmin, only three years old, played about the court while the case was being heard, finally climbing on to the judge's lap.[72]. Daddy Bill said he had to get the deed signed . They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. [11] Hayward had bit parts in Hollywood Hotel (1937), The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938) (her part was edited out), and The Sisters (1938), as well as in a short, Campus Cinderella (1938). Related Authors. In 1962, her planned Broadway debut in Step on a Crack was cancelled for undisclosed health reasons. [42], During World War II, Hayward supported the war effort by volunteering at the Hollywood Canteen, where she met her first husband, actor Jess Barker. She subsequently worked for Wanger on The Lost Moment (1948) and Tap Roots (1948). Susan Hayward (born Edythe Marrenner; June 30, 1917 March 14, 1975) was an American film actress, best known for her film portrayals of women that were based on true stories. They say that opposites attract, and you could hardly get more opposites than Orson and Rita. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Please keep this Legend name alive because it is fading from the public. [70] Hayworth rejected his offer of $1million if she would rear Yasmin as a Muslim from age seven and allow her to go to Europe to visit with him for two or three months each year, stating: Nothing will make me give up Yasmin's chance to live here in America among our precious freedoms and habits. The assault and crisis shook her, and her doctor ordered her to remain in bed for several days.[75]. [5] According to the Erasmus Hall High School alumni page, Hayward attended that school in the mid-1930s,[6] although she only recollected swimming at the pool for a dime during hot summers in Flatbush, Brooklyn. Search instead in Creative? She continued to star in a string of successful pictures. She stayed at that studio to make the western Rawhide (1951) with Tyrone Power, and the romantic drama I Can Get It for You Wholesale (1951). We had a name at last, Alzheimer's! [21] Although Astaire made 10 films with Ginger Rogers, his other main dancing partner, Hayworth's sensuality surpassed Rogers's cool technical expertise. List of the best Rita Hayworth movies, ranked best to worst with movie trailers when available. It was made for Paramount but was sold to United Artists. "Rita barely knows me now", Welles said. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Marilyn Monroe Owned & Worn Clip-On Earrings & Bracelet from Sydney Guilaroff at the best online prices at eBay! This effort was unsuccessful and added to her stress. [73] On July 7, 1954, his ex-wife Nora Eddington got a bench warrant for his arrest, because he owed her $3,800 in alimony. She has sort of triumph and tragedy story like Rita Hayworth. [40] Her last public appearance was at the Academy Awards telecast in 1974 to present the Best Actress award despite being very ill.[41] With Charlton Heston's support, she was able to present the award. Her last musical was Pal Joey (1957) with Frank Sinatra and Novak (Hayworth had top billing in both pictures but actually played a supporting role in Pal Joey). She reportedly changed her hair color eight times in eight movies. Born: Edythe Marrenner 30 Juin 1917 New York, U.S. Dee'd: 14 Mairch 1975 (aged 57) Hollywood, Californie, U.S. Dismissing Sheehan's interest in her and giving Loretta Young the lead in Ramona, Zanuck did not renew Cansino's contract. [44], In 1957, Hayward married Floyd Eaton Chalkley, commonly known as Eaton Chalkley, a successful Georgia rancher and businessman who had worked as a federal agent. [81] Hayworth's alcoholism hid symptoms of what was eventually understood to be Alzheimer's disease.[82]. "She'd fly into these rages, never at me, never once, always at Harry Cohn or her father or her mother or her brother. It was critically deprecated but a commercial success. [48], In 1949, Hayworth's lips were voted best in the world by the Artists League of America. Hayward's success continued through the 1950s as she received nominations for My Foolish Heart (1949), With a Song in My Heart (1952), and I'll Cry Tomorrow (1955), winning the Academy Award for her portrayal of death row inmate Barbara Graham in I Want to Live! Rita Hayworth married Orson Welles in September 1943. [6], With Cohn and Judson's encouragement, Hayworth changed her hair color to dark red and had electrolysis to raise her hairline and broaden the appearance of her forehead. She shot her scenes on a sound stage with co-star Clark Gable in Hollywood. [86], Hayworth was a lifelong Democrat who was an active member of the Hollywood Democratic Committee and was active in the campaign of Franklin Delano Roosevelt during the 1944 presidential election. [46], Before her Catholic baptism, Hayward had been a proponent of astrology. [65] None of her colleagues knew about the planned wedding (before a judge) until she announced it the day before. Haywards death from cancer was attributed by several writers to her having acted in the 1956 film The Conqueror, which was filmed close to the atomic testing range at Yucca Flat, Nevada; 91 members of that cast and crew later got cancer, including costar John Wayne and director Dick Powell. They lived on a farm near Carrollton, Georgia, and owned property across the state line in Cleburne County, just outside Heflin, Alabama. Then she replaced Judy Garland as Helen Lawson in the film adaptation of Jacqueline Susann's Valley of the Dolls (1967), which drew terrible reviews but made money at the box office. Neither film was particularly successful; nor were I Thank a Fool (1962) at MGM, Stolen Hours (1963), and Where Love Has Gone (1964), which co-starred Bette Davis. Lana Turner dated . During her time at Fox, Hayworth was billed as Rita Cansino and appeared in unremarkable roles, often cast as the exotic foreigner. Leaming wrote that the abuse experienced by Hayworth as a young girl contributed to her difficulty in relationships as an adult. Her father, Eduardo Cansino, was of Romani descent[2][3][4] from Castilleja de la Cuesta, a little town near Seville, Spain. Hayworth is perhaps best known for her performance in the 1946 film noir Gilda, opposite Glenn Ford, in which she played the femme fatale in her first major dramatic role. Paulette Goddard Film actress. In the mid-thirties, Columbia Pictures put her under a long-term contract, transforming dark-haired teenager Rita Cansino into redhead bombshell Rita Hayworth. She'd drive up in the hills suicidally. Of course Rita Hayworth was an undisputed queen of Hollywood; her picture in LIFE Magazine was so much in demand as a pin-up by American serviceman that is was reproduced in . polk county jail mugshots,
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