Amen. Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. To win is to honor Him. Prayer For Athletes Heavenly Father, we thank you for this day, for these two teams, for the chance to study, to understand the world around us a little better, for the health to be here, for the thrill of a sporting event and for individuals leaning to play as a team. May all our actions give glory to your name and promote peace and love to the world. You are literally preparing to walk with God in the midst of a highly competitive, fast moving and intense environment. As a true competitor, what is the correct way to pray before entering the heat of battle? Amen. In your holy name, I pray. Help us to remember that we are all We pray that we would look to you in awe and worship. A few post-game ideas as we close. Prayer for the Team Dear Lord, you have blessed our team with many gifts and talents. Amen. But the honest and noble way we get there. Lord, I admit that my prayers before competition are more focused on the scoreboard than on becoming like You. See me not when I am cheered, but when I bend to help my opponent up. Amen. We pray this in your most holy name. An Athlete's Prayer Dear God, Today is game day and I place myself in your loving hands. Let this free me from anxiety and fear of failure., Lord, let me hold no grudges against coaches, officials or my competitors today. Keep Jesus words in mind as we reflect on how we should pray: Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. prayers to prepare: before competition Pregame routines are important psychologically and spiritually for athletes. The narrative in your head before competition should be mindful and purposeful. Keep us under the protection of Your Son, Jesus Christ. But including prayer in our pregame is not difficult. Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." 10 Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. If I know victory, allow me to be happy. Help me to use them as gifts from you. Athlete's Prayer God, let me play well but fairly. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. Prayer for Help through Injury Dear God, thank you for giving me life and my athletic abilities. They will soar on wings like eagles; Always let me help my. Prayer for Health of Players Jesus, in our upcoming game, we ask for your protection over all of us, on our team and the opposing team, so that no one is injured during the game. Before competition, the word I want you to have in your mind is prepare. It consists of exercises that increase flexibility, range of motion, and joint mobility, all of which are necessary for optimal athletic performance and injury prevention. Set yourself up for success by talking through the event in a positive, uplifting way, as a coach would motivate their team. Let us enter into the competition in a spirit ofsportsmanship and with respect for members of the opposing team. Some of these habits, may include praying. A few days before the start of the European Indoor Athletics Championships in Istanbul, the French team is traveling to a battered country. Prayer to Show Respect Protecting God, as we enter into this competition, we pray for our protection and for the protectionof those with whom we will compete. Help the team work well and communicate with each other. Many times there may be even be opportunities for group prayer among Christians on your team. Some athletes in America recite this prayer before competitions in our day. As a follower of Jesus, an attitude of gratitude is the right rhythm of heart after games. In today's society prayer has been a pivotal part of many athletes' lives. Doing the same or similar things before matches or games can help calm the mind and focus the athletes heart on the task at hand. I do it to get a crown that will last forever. Dear Lord, as we gather before you to participate in this academic contest, make us aware that we do this competition not for our own glory but to glorify your name. We pray for the safety of these athletes. Prayers as athletes who follow Jesus should be no different. I serve those on my team and those I compete against. Help us to play with all our strength and with the spirit of good sportsmanship. It is tough and I am not enjoying it. I will wait on the Lord and be of good courage. I believe it is the way of my becoming the truly human person you destined me to be. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. Bless us with a team spirit Help us to conduct ourselves as you would, with grace and kindness. All these we ask in your mighty name, amen. It has been renamed and reposted here with Reids permission. SPORTS PRAYER BEFORE GAME ATHLETE'S PRAYER God, let me play well but fairly. I have a really tough game today, and I am nervous. Lord help me work through this frustration, God help me relax and shut out distractions, Lord give more strength and endurance then I think I have, Lord forgive me for that flagrant file or stupid penalty where I lost my head. In light of that I offer these as a few examples of ways to pray: God help me today to honor you and all I do and say in this arena of sports (insert: field, court, mat, pool etc). We ask that all involved in today's/tonight's game may be kept free from May it give you ideas for your own prayer life and move you towards action. Ive put in the work. 1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Though war may rise against me,in this I will be confident. PRAYERS TO PREPARE: BEFORE COMPETITION Pregame routines are important psychologically and spiritually for athletes. It might seem strange to offer a prayer before an athletic event, but in truth, the prayer doesnt have to be for a particular winner. God is our refuge." Thank you for showing me my ability to play sports. Prayer for Referees Almighty Father, we ask that your wisdom comes over the referees for our game, so that they may have clarity of thought and discernment when making the calls. Let the winners learn that they succeeded because of your blessing and guiding presence. In every victory and every loss, I play for You. There are so many scriptures about God being our present help in a time of trouble(Psalm 46:1), our strength and our shield(Psalm 28:7), our comforter (Isaiah 40:1,Matthew 5:4,Romans 15:4,2 Thessalonians 2:16-17), the one who prepares our hand for battle (Psalm 144) and the one who will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5,6). Put it on our hearts to give our best and treat each other with the utmost respect. Let us enter into the competition in a spirit of sportsmanship Give each one of us the courage to play the game in a manner, which by our wordsand our actions, is pleasing to you. Let faith be the wind that I feel on my face, Let peace be my shield at the start. Theres a great theological truth you need to know:When you step on the playing field, God is with you. It includes the touchdown you scored and the time you got burned for a touchdown. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Show her the way to give also strength of those girls around her so that she to can help them to achieve their goals. will renew their strength. Athletes Prayer Before a Competition athletes prayers Let love fill my lungs (a prayer for an athlete to say before a race) Let love fill my lungs as I breathe for this race, Let joy fill the sails of my heart. A strong support group is necessary to achieve success in any sport. My love for the game is evidence of my love for You. The athletes who use a clear mindset are those you see before a competition talking to coaches, teammates, or even their competition. Prayer for Sportsmanship Conduct All-powerful Lord, help me to play the game with all my energy and strength. Help us to follow the rules and not be tempted to do things that may end up causing harm to others in our effort to win the game. To those who lack might, you increase their power. But lets focus here on your personal prayer life. For in the time of trouble, he shall hide me in his pavilion, in the secret place of his tabernacle he shall hide me, he shall set me high upon a rock. How we process the post-game is important. It's FREE! Dear God, we thank you for allowing us to gather here before you in this competition not as enemies but as friends. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Any athlete, regardless of sport or level of competition, should include a Athlete Mobility Workout in their training routine. Let my mind to be clear and focused so I can execute to the best of my abilities., Lord, let all glory today be yours and yours alone and let me score, win, lose, etc., in humility and giving all praise to you., God, your Word says that whatever we do to do with all our hearts as unto you. Just remember you dont win or lose because of your lucky socks or your lucky prayers. that we not take days like this for granted. I do it to get a crown that will last forever. The Sovereign Lord is high and holy and can handle your disappointment for sure. Amen. Many times in these gaps the team talks to one another and receives instruction from the coaching staff. The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops. For I believe your full coming into my life is the way to real life, in all I do. Let this free me from anxiety and fear of failure., Lord, let me hold no grudges against coaches, officials or my competitors today. Thank God for at least one difficult thing in the game that you really didnt like and that was really hard for youas an act of faith. And realize that they would not have succeeded without you. Help us to play with all our strength and with the spirit of good sportsmanship. Amen. We ask You now, dear God, to equip us with all the things necessary to make us conduct this event truly in Your honor. Amen. Lord Jesus, we welcome your presence here among us and In our community of (Insert School/League Name). Share with us your Spirit of peace and love for one another. If you can think of more than one, recount them all! Amen. Christian prayer should express our dependence upon God for all things and the centrality of forgiveness found in the gospel. he shall set me high upon a rock. But lets focus here on your personal prayer life. Keep Jesus' words in mind as we reflect on how we shouldpray: Pray then like this: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. I know you will strengthen And finally, we pray for your grace,that you would provide uswith the endurance to pursue our heavenly prize:eternal life in Your Son. Help us to be the best we can possibly be, striving to play fairly and to play well. May it foster love and camaraderie amongst all present here today. Equally as important for the physical ability of an athlete as it is the mental comfort, many athletes tend to consume certain meals, snacks, or drinks before the competition with the intention of replicating past successful performance by producing similar energy levels. I will wait on the Lord and be of good courage. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Just remember you dont win or lose because of your lucky socks or your lucky prayers. 6. If you did terrible give your pain to him as well in prayer. Please keep them all safe on their way to my game, during my game, and on their way home from the game. Lord, I admit that my prayers before competition are more focused on the scoreboard than on becoming like You. With Prayerscapes songs, ministry tracks and meditative instrumental music. Today, we gather together to represent our School/Church. We ask this in your name, Lord Jesus. Thank you for giving me your word. All of life is in relationship with God for the Christian and this certainly includes the moments before, during and after our games. When Jesus was asked to teach his friends to pray he gave them an example which was passed down to us as the Lords Prayer.. 2. Pregame routines are important psychologically and spiritually for athletes. Help me to be a good sport. I wear Your jersey, Lord. Prayer for Conduct Lord God, our Heavenly Father, we thank you for this opportunity to gather togetherthis afternoon/evening in competition. Our opponents are very good, and we need to win this game. Always remember hes a good father who loves his kids and is making you into a person that reflects His character. You said that people do not light a lamp and put it under a bowl, but instead put it on a stand where it can give light to all who are in the house. It includes gratitude for gold medals and if you gave up the winning goal. Remind me that sports are just games. You are literally preparing to walk with God in the midst of a highly competitive, fast moving and intense environment. Let me play today in that light as a servant of Christ., Father, remind me that Im accepted by you fully in Jesus Christ as a daughter or son by faith. Let love fill my lungs as I breathe for this race,
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