The Virgo Moon person has a deep connection to their emotions and feels deeply about everything. The Scorpio Sun, Virgo Moon woman can be a formidable force and her challenging combination can also provide some great benefits. He has a powerful need for self-expression and will not settle for an unexciting life. Of course, the world does not always live up to anyones expectations, and Leo Rising individuals are puzzled and hurt by meanness and un-generosity. Add in the fact that the Virgo Moons greatest need is a stable relationship and there is still much potential for conflict, or compatibility. With a Virgo Sun, you simply aspire to be responsible, take care of yourself, and be help/service to those who need it. But your showy displays are not only to get attention; you see life in larger-than-life terms and aspire to the highest and the best. This is a Virgo that works very hard at making it . You consider it beneath you to stoop to pettiness, grumbling, stinginess, or narrow-mindedness. Sometimes my Scorp placements close off me -and my heart-. They may not always come from wealthy backgrounds, but that doesnt keep them from recognizing the value of coveted items. They are known to be confident and joyful, committed to living life to the fullest. A high self-value naturally leads them to acceptance and the ability to choose. Your Virgo Moon gives you a highly ethical and sometimes self-righteous attitude. If you research these two you will find a lot of commonality, even if they are known for different methods. But in your youth, you may have acquired more than a few inhibitions. Probing mind; critical and analytical; discriminating; dedicated;meticulous worker; resourceful; self-sufficient; emotionally controlled; loyal; health fanatic; opinionated; pious; subjective; conscientious; loyal; long-suffering. The Leo rising appearance gives an impression of charm, radiance, and energy. In your opinion, do you think he is shows the highly passionate and driven characteristics that both signs are known for and more of an all or nothing kind of personality? They dont like to waste time or energy focusing on frivolous details but rather prefer to skip ahead to the crux of the issue. Scorpio Sun people are fanatical about their privacy. Sometimes, a person may not have meant any harm, but you will begin to look at that person differently. Virgo Sun Scorpio Ascendants will mainly attract other Earth and Water Signs. Sun and moon: Scorpio and Leo Stanley Tucci is an American actor and icon! Artists with a Scorpio moon include Beyonc, Miley Cyrus, and The Weeknd. With a Virgo Sun Scorpio Moon, you are so good at sustaining that cool exterior that very few people appreciate your true sensitivity and depth. Work is your fulfillment, and you probably feel a strong sense of duty and responsibility. Leo is the sign of pride, and Leo Rising individuals have this in abundance. This is not to say you are cold and insensitive. The Sun, which rules Leo, is very prominent in your birth chart. Typically, their Midheaven (a point in your birth chart that gives insight into your career, life path, and social standing) falls in the sign of Taurus, which only enhances their need for a plan and desire for comforts. Based on the whole sign house system in astrology, Leo Risings house of work is ruled by Saturn. I can be very emotional, but also very analytical. The Scorpio/Virgo tends to dwell on things and constantly analyze their situation (this is why they are such great writers). Some Leo rising traits and characteristics include being caring, warm, and confident. Seemingly gentle and soft-spoken, youre basically a pretty tough customer and you always know your own mind. As it turns out, most Virgo Rising individuals do gain through their own hard work rather than through the influence of others. You are also determined and ambitious. They value loyalty above anything else and have a tendency to be honest no matter what. It is also one of the most aloof due to an intolerance for trivial issues. Leo Risings' unforgettable boasts are only activated when they feel the potential for growth. The Moon Phase you were born under further refines your Moon Sign, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. Astrology for the aesthetically inclined. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. By taking photos with you and taking photos of you, Leo Risings will make you feel like youre part of a celeb couple. To avoid turning into a workaholic, be sure you have some outside interests that have nothing to do with what you do nine-to-five. Press J to jump to the feed. Celebrities with Cancer moon are supportive and like to nurture. But you pay a price for all that persistence and certainly: You are forced to keep your emotions under wraps most of the time. With a Virgo Sun Scorpio Moon, in romance, you are prone to jealousy and possessiveness. It must be quite exhausting being that hawt! And I'm very conflictive with myself, my emotional side, analytical side and insecurity side make me hard to take decisions. If youre in their circle, you can expect to have a friend worth keeping around for a lifetime. There is a basic likeableness about you, partly because you give a distinct impression that life is fun. Join. With your Moon in Scorpio, you likely struggle with feeling of anger and resentment. I'm shy, but when I'm drunk I have a very extrovert . This Moon sign sure likes a dignified, self-confident woman. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. Leo Risings are one of the more fortunate signs of the zodiac. Her debut, Nicholas Jerry Jonas (born September 16, 1992) is an American singer, songwriter and actor. Indeed, the opposite is true, for Virgo Rising individuals have deep and tender emotions and care a great deal about others. Of course, the world does not always live up to anyones expectations, and Leo Rising individuals are puzzled and hurt by meanness and un-generosity. Monisha Six Holmes is an astrologer and Master of Social Work (MSW) who covers love, relationships, and wellness. Whether or not theyre modest in nature, these people can dress in a way thats unpresuming, presentable, and utterly practically suited to the tasks at hand ready for the job or role expected of them. You have a perseverant, clever streak coupled with enormous energy and stamina. Leo is ruled by the Sun and the Sun is a star, so unlike the zodiac signs ruled by planets, Leo Risings never have to worry about the ruler of their chart going retrograde. Exploring & Understanding Your Natal (Birth) Chart, The Astrology of Your Most Ideal Locations, Discover Your Moon Signs Unique Personality Type. People tend to tell me deep secrets very easy. Sensual and materialistic, you want all the power, comfort, and control you can get out of life. I'm shy, but when I'm drunk I have a very extrovert personality. They feel deeply and move from their feelings slowly. The trio includes the sun sign, the moon, and the rising or ascendant sign. You have a wonderful sense of humor. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them or avoid them. You enjoy the battlefield of life; in fact unless there is competition and plenty of it, you feel somehow cheated. Having a Virgo Sun Leo Moon, you are trusting, good-natured, open, and warmhearted, you live by a code that modern society is leaving behind. Intellectual pursuits are ideal for the Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon individual provided you dont shut yourself up in an ivory tower. I am very passionate and 100% devoted in all that I do, which I feel is prominent in both signs characteristics. The famous Scorpio rising celebrities that just celebrate their terrific looks include the following. The Moon Phase you were born under further refines your Moon Sign, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. I can be very emotional, but also very analytical. She has an insatiable desire for emotional security but not material security (the Scorpio side of her nature). They will like to have a purse handy with helpful things near. Because of their tendency to ignore feelings, they can experience emotional constipation.. They are complicated individuals whose intensity makes them capable of forging a strong connection with others. They take friendship very seriously, but dont mistake their friendliness with actual friendship. So, my wonderful Scorpio sun there's not a damn thing wrong with being confident when you got the goods to back it up. Reese Witherspoon, Nick Jonas, and Glenn Close are just a few of the Leo rising celebrities. Having a Virgo Sun Leo Moon, people are attracted to your innocence and charm. When not given what you feel is your due, you can turn haughty, temperamental, and arrogant. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Back the astrology article:What Is A Rising Sign? You heard right: These feline faces love having a champion on their arm. She is very intelligent and often quite psychic. It also encourages egotism, arrogance, snobbism, conceit, pomposity, and condescension. Picky is one way to describe them. Youll find, for example, that taking up a sport can be beneficial to your mental health. As an individual with a Virgo Sun Scorpio Moon, you know what you want out of life and you go after it with determination and plenty of hard work. Having a Virgo Sun Leo Moon, people are attracted to your innocence and charm. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22): Scorpio your free daily astrology horoscope suggests that with the Moon in Cancer entering Leo before Noon, you start to think about the weekend ahead and make plans. In love, you are a consistent, loyal, and devoted mate, and you have the rare ability of being able to balance the give-and-take aspect of a relationship. They are very intelligent, but also self-absorbed and egotistical. I completely agree with your insight on this! They usually spot small things that other people overlook. The best way for you to stay cool is to learn to recognize signs of stress early, before you reach the breaking point. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The planet of love, money, beauty, romance, and . I need to have an open heart or I'm denying myself a fundamental, core part of who I am. This placement represents how people see us, and the impression we make on the world. Because the Sun never moves backward in its orbit, Leo Risings are never held back from illuminating the spaces that surround them. As a Scorpio Rising individual you are happiest when you can control from behind the scenes. Stubborn and somewhat fearless, you pursue your aims with quiet perseverance, and your magnetism, confidence, and ruthless determination help you to attain them. Just make sure you leave enough free time for leisure. Also, see Moon / Ascendant Combinations and Sun / Ascendant Combinations. With a Virgo Sun Leo Moon, you are truly humble and will seldom take full credit for all the wonderful things you accomplish. Many of you are benefited by an inheritance later in your lives. Having Leo Rising, you have a great sense of showmanship. Theyve been trained to conduct themselves professionally, taking great pride in their ability to seem casual and leisurely. The Sun (Leo) is Apollo, the god of healing, the arts and music. Then channel off some of that excess tension into positive activities. They find Sagittarians' sense of adventure interesting and Aries will excite them. As an individual with a Leo Sun Scorpio Moon, you are usually loyal and steadfast toward your friends once they have won your trust, but you do enjoy new faces from time to time. Though always willing to listen to what others have to say, your hunches are accurate and they usually guide you along nicely. They don't always need to be at the forefront and are happy to share some of their light with other people and promoting them. These generous souls will spend hours researching for a friend with a mysterious problem, cheerlead for their bestie whos pursuing their dreams, and be fully present for a loved one in need. You sense of justice verges on self-righteousness and, if frustrated by the treatment you have received in life, you may become bitter, pedantic, and eventually tiresome to be around. Independent to a fault, it is very difficult for you to accept the ideas or suggestions of those around you, and you rarely ever compromise. But if you do know them well its all right there in front of your eyes all along. You have a lot of strength to harness but the payoff is tremendous. Mother never had to tell you to be a good girl or boyyou are a model childcharming, innocent, and always ready to help with the dishes. 04-30-1982 Sun sign: Taurus Moon: Leo Kirsten Caroline Dunst (; born April 30, 1982) is an American actress. A Leo Moon sign will always be attracted to the glitz and glamour of the spotlight . You have a profound need for emotional security. With Virgo Rising, you have a charm and elegance that is difficult to pin down. The recipient of several accolades, including an Academy Award and a Primetime Emmy Award, she, Kirsten Caroline Dunst (; born April 30, 1982) is an American actress. The Sun, which rules Leo, is very prominent in your birth chart. Moon in Virgo people are ambitious and efficient. You therefore bring innovation and originality to your work, no matter what field you are in. Though the degree of emotionalism depends on other influences in your birth chart, it is generally through the mind that you perceive the world. Virgo Rising indicates an analytical outlook. You are not always easy to know intimately. IDK, i feel I can adapt to any situation, and know with who I can't have something. Were you born on a Leo Full Moon? Their mind tends to scatter all over the place which leads to procrastination and frustration in life. Later, you are remorseful for having dealt wounds, though it is extremely hard for you to say so. Perfectionists, theyre discerning and understated, reserved and cool, depending on the position of the Sun and Mercury too. The Leo rising physical appearance is typically of average height with a fit body and inviting smile. They are practical, hardworking, persevering and alert. They also excel in business. I'm a Leo sun and Venus though. You are self-confident and have a resolute faith in yourself. Leo Sun Virgo Moon: Libra Leo Sun Libra Moon: Cancer Leo Sun Scorpio Moon: Aries Leo Sun Sagittarius Moon: Pisces Leo Sun Capricorn Moon: Taurus Leo Sun Aquarius Moon: Sagittarius Leo Sun Pisces Moon: Capricorn 11 2 No Angel Expanxive Habits Joined Jun 22, 2012 Messages 9,976 Reactions 26,9001,2092,549 Alleybux 35,566 Jun 29, 2019 #2 Oooo yes 1 Management, business, and finance draw you, as does anything that smacks of competition. Star Sign Style - Astrology Fashion And Beauty For The Zodiac With Celebrity Star Signs. You judge others by the way you feel about them intuitively, and that intuition of yours is uncanny! As an individual with a Virgo Sun Leo Moon, with zealousness and determination, you set out in life to prove your merit and worth: You are the one who always works overtime without asking for compensation. Controlboth of self and of eventsis what makes you feel secure. While she may not appear assertive that is only because she prefers to be more methodical and avoid rash actions. Your sensitivity enables you to perceive things that others cant or wont. One of the things you must do is find out how something works, to dissect it, study it, and put it back together so that it works better. Life Changing with Your Jupiter or Saturn Return. Clever, creative, and resourceful, with Scorpio Rising, your fertile mind seems to be an inexhaustible source of ideas and suggestions. I feel like I really connect with my Leo rising and Scorpio sun traits. He can get so caught up in searching and buying things that he misses his own parties. You are a charming, witty conversationalist, but the acute observer will soon notice that it is the other person who is doing most of the talking. There is said to be a certain Leo rising appearance. The influence of Mercury bestows a logical mind, acute powers of observation, an intellectual outlook, perception, and a flair for science and writing. Once youve set your sights on a job, trinket, or lover, nothing can stand in your way. Cancer and Virgos make best friends and wonderful partners. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. You take the slightest of transgressions against you deeply to heart. Leo Rising individuals seem surrounded by luck in money, career, and friendship. Scorpio rising celebrities, female - Hilary Clinton, Diana Ross, Katy Perry, Nicole Kidman, and Vanessa Paradis. This can translate into pent-up energies that find expression only in secret. A . If things arent what theyre cracked up to be, you run the danger of becoming hypercritical; content to be a faultfinder, but doing little or nothing to help. Similar to an actress whos emerging for her Broadway debut, Leo Risings are roaring with a youthful and exuberant energy. Aside from writing, Monisha is the founder of Black Women Being, a media platform aimed at promoting wellness, spirituality, and justice. Scorpio sun Leo rising is certainly not someone to be messed with! They put their hair in a satin cap one Bantu knot at a time. They are naturally engagingit can be difficult to imagine ever ignoring them. Watch that tendency to preach and moralize! Elitist; noble-minded; devoted; hard-working; artistic flair; elegant; refined intellect; superiority complex; gentle and aesthetic; kind-hearted; dutiful;naive; nobility; humility; discreet but radiant; deeply honorable. Ascendant in Gemini Sun in Scorpio, Ascendant in Cancer Sun in Scorpio, Ascendant in Leo Sun in Scorpio, Ascendant in Virgo Sun in Scorpio, Ascendant in Libra Sun in Scorpio . A Scorpio Moon can uplift and sustain that creative drive of the Leo Sun, but since you are so preoccupied with instant gratification (such as when youre going to get that promotion or make that next sexual conquest), you seldom follow through on those artistic impulses. Kim Kardashian Doja Cat Iggy Azalea Anya Taylor-Joy Jamie Lee Curtis Natalie Portman Henry Cavill Millie Bobby Brown Tom Hiddleston Keanu Reeves. This Moon placement makes one capable of great empathy and creates a generous, kind, mothering or fathering nature. Her sunny side is the positive of her sign. Proud Member of: As children, with Virgo Rising, you sometimes suffer from poor health. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. His Sag/Leo really comes out at work or in public sometimes (to his benefit) where as at home he is much more an introvert. With a Virgo Sun Leo Moon, as nave in love as you are in other areas of your life, you are probably confused by rapidly changing sexual mores, and you can be easily hurt if you discover that your lover has not been faithful. With Scorpio Rising, you are usually quietly watching, waiting, observing filing away information that will be useful later on. I can see that. Read on below for more information about these celebrities with Leo rising signs. You tend to be secretive and reserved, and shun the spotlight because you cant work there unnoticed. Moon in Virgo individuals are all about perfection, whether it is striving for the perfect physique, the perfect health or even the perfect meals, youre never quite satisfied with what you have. They want to feel like the person they are in love with is noteworthy in their own right; they probably wouldnt be with you if they werent impressed by you. Happily, health improves the older you get. which I can completely see the difference in the placements in his chart. Monday March 6th Full Moon In Virgo Horoscope, Clean House With A Moment Of Purity: Full Moon In Virgo Rituals, Aromatherapy Astrology And The Best Essential Oils For Pisces Season, Aromatherapy Astrology And The Best Essential Oils For Aquarius, HOME ABOUT PRESS & MEDIA CONTACT DISCLAIMER . Fame and fortune come to you when you arent looking for it. One thing I can say, this combo is very intense! Natural fibers, rare items, and royal highlights occupy their domain. I'm a Scorpio Sun, Leo Rising and Virgo Moon. Underneath the calm-and-collected exterior is an intensely emotional man, who holds his heart close. They cant help it though! Or was it a Leo Waning Gibbous? Your talents are well suited for investigative reporting, detective work, and scientific endeavors. You can be a Leo Sun and Leo Rising, Scorpio Sun and Leo Rising, Aquarius Sun and Leo Risingyou get the idea. To find out what your Moon Sign & Moon Phase reveal about you, Get a Free Personalized Video Moon Reading here. Like most Virgos, you find fulfillment through your work. Having a Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon, like your fellow Scorpios, you are quite magnetic and people somehow understand you know a great deal. Virgo Sun Scorpio Moon individuals are ideally suited to medicine, social service, law, and politics. Celebrity. Fame and fortune come to you when you arent looking for it. Unlike your Sun sign, which is determined by your b-day, your Rising sign is determined by the time you were born. Later in life Virgo Rising individuals frequently become property owners, often in a foreign country. You consider it beneath you to stoop to pettiness, grumbling, stinginess, or narrow-mindedness. . A service oriented sign, those born with Virgo Rising might feel the need to approach things from a standpoint of how they might help and what they can offer a situation, which will be a lot. I let my Scorpio placements discern and the Leo parts love big. A confident personality is something that she will be proud of and enjoy showing off to others, especially when it comes to her home, career or how others see her. Were you born on a Scorpio Full Moon? Virgos reserve and Puritanism can impair the full expression of your very sensual nature. This quality draws others to you and, in itself, attracts power and influence. You therefore bring innovation and originality to your work, no matter what field you are in. Behaving as if you own your partner can lead to endless conflicts. Working on a story with a lot of characters. As with all Moon in Virgo individuals, you strive for perfection in yourself and in everyone else. Were you born on a Virgo Full Moon? Ladylike dresses and feminine styles suit, so they can come off as professional, organised and collected. She gives you laughter and all kinds of stories to tell. They may worry, or be anxious in new situations. You may find your Leo rising pushes you outside your Scorpio sun's comfort level. Notorious for being indecisive, easily influenced and emotional, a Scorpio Sun-Virgo Moon woman has an incredible ability to sense exactly how a person feels about her. It also encourages fussiness, a nervous temperament, sarcasm, fault-finding, and worry. There may be something sweet, charming or even a little twee about the way they put themselves together. Pisces rules their 7 th house of love, relationships and marriage, so they will naturally attract Pisceans. They can come off as cool or stand-offish, and might sound a little critical, depending on their Mercury Sign, which will be the ruler of the chart. You read that right, not only do Leo Risings learn to guard their image, they practice maintaining that of their loved ones as well. Press J to jump to the feed. I do have a tendency to do the same at times. They show up and are fully present for their loved ones, whether its a friend, family member, or romantic partner. They are serious about their work and often they are very ambitious. They also have a high libido, an apparent trait for all Scorpios. Virgo Rising: Kurt Kobain, Keanu Reeves, Paul McCartney, Timothe Chalamet and Tom Hanks They could find that they suit natural, earthy colours, especially those found at harvest time, so creams, browns and caramel tones. It can help us to feel seen in the world, but can also cause misunderstandings about our true nature. Her sunny side is the positive of her sign. , My husband is a Scorpio sun/Sag rising/ Leo moon. Leo moves outward and Scorpio moves inward. ABOUT PRESS & MEDIA CONTACT ADVERTISE DISCLAIMER . Or you may turn your fault-finding skills inward, subjecting yourself to endless rounds of self-examination and disapproval. But when their Moon is in Sagittarius, well, it's cognitive dissonance.
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