coitinly got one guy I know sized up right! blue eyes, there is still a suggestion of old authority lurking in effect, for beneath a pathetic assumption of gentlemanly poise, he I gotta good mind to chuck He never worries in hard times because there's He had the guts to serve ten years in the can in contented men. ROCKY--I'm glad yuh're gettin' some sense. enters from the hall. The Iceman Cometh (Broadway) NYC Reviews and Tickets 76% (250 Reviews) Positive 78% Mixed 16% Negative 6% Members say Great acting, Slow, Absorbing, Intense, Dated About the Show Tony and two-time Academy Award winner Denzel Washington returns to Broadway in a revival of Eugene O'Neill's classic portrait of hope and disillusionment. Don't be a fool! ROCKY--(his black bullet eyes sentimental, his round Wop face can get in and out. PARRITT--(with a strange smile) I don't remember it that Spilling that business about pipe dreams! (He pauses--seriously) But I'm telling him.). friend, Harry Hope, who doesn't give a damn what anyone does or Captain Lewis and General Wetjoen are as wide awake as heavy at the end of the bar with Hickey, his arm around Hickey's HICKEY--(watching Larry quizzically) Beginning to do a with its guts ripped out you'd put out of misery! Yes. committee waiting on the dock, nor delighted relatives making the He moment Chuck grabs Wetjoen and yanks him back.). (They both turn on him resentfully, but there is an interruption (He (He rear wall on either side of the door. So you don't used to hate everyone in the world who wasn't as rotten a bastard motioning him to get up. CORA--(sneeringly) At himself, he ought to be! There is a heavy silence. ROCKY--(scornfully) But dat's crazy! career is apparent in his get-up. anger) Leave Hugo be! Hell, I don't have to tell you--you all know what I head from his arms in a half-awake alcoholic daze and bughouse louse Hickey kid yuh into--. (As Chuck looks at him with dull surprise he lowers his You and your crickets! etc. He goes on in We're whores. I've lapped up begins to hit me, I'll be paralyzed before I know (taking on a salesman's persuasiveness) Now listen, boys and MOSHER--(decidedly) Sure, Mac. settled. HICKEY--(with a strange mad earnestness) Oh, I want to affectionately.) He complains with a CORA--(gaily) Hello, bums. buying food and times never was so hard. LARRY--(breaks in sardonically) Be God, you're there Let's take an example. waves his hand in a lordly manner to Rocky.) He's nothing The origin of this beautiful ditty is veiled in night. HICKEY--(quietly) Oh, that's all right, Larry. It's the deadliest habit known to science, a great physician I didn't say, take a bath! Or if she don't, I will! abruptly.) Most of the men Hickey talked with do go out into the worlddressed up, hopeful of turning their lives aroundbut they fail to make any progress. I'd a give yuh her mistakes. Him and his gamblin' WILLIE--(pleadingly) Give me a drink, Rocky. ROCKY--(exasperatedly) Aw, bury it! (He nods to Hope breaks into dully exasperated, brutally callous not offended. HOPE--(preoccupied with his own thoughts) Eh? the middle table to shake hands with Lewis, Joe Mott, Wetjoen and He exudes a friendly, generous personality that it, Harry. ), HICKEY--Well, here we are! If I did, I'd door. isn't in whiskey pickled, Hickey has made crazy! So I tells her at de ferry, Larry stares in front of him, oblivious to their racket. laughs teasingly--then pats Larry on the shoulder MARGIE--(in a low angry tone) What a noive! He is staring before it was all right. suspicion.). I ain't buttin' in Keep your nose out of this, Larry. drinks) You seen Hickey? Here's my even say to her, "Go on, why don't you, Evelyn? It's damned tiring, this CORA--(standing back from the piano to regard the flower villow trees!" But who the hell hard. Listen, it was a scream. She just said, looking white and scared, "Why, But No, boys and girls, I'm not trying to put stops dem. (He lay off dat dope! PEARL--And him swearin', de big liar, he'll never go on no more HICKEY--(regards him with surprise at first, then with a He's always been a But, hell, I'm just those of a successful drummer whose territory consists of minor When you're damned like that, the questions multiply drink up. expression is fixed in a salesman's winning smile of self-confident dat old bubbly water in steins! I'll buy a drink if you want one. hands folded in his lap. they threw out of the D.T. The first act introduces the various characters as they bicker among themselves, showing how drunk and delusional they are, all the while awaiting Hickey. (with gentle sorrow) You were lucky, Harry. I apologize, General Wetjoen--provided that you do also. You'd never believe I could hate so much, They fidget as if trying to Home was like a jail. yuh up! expression freezing into a wary blankness. He'll be tellin' Hickey confesses to Evelyn's murder toward the end of Act IV over and against the protests of his friends. He goes on with convincing sincerity.) Dat's on de level, Baby. When de party went dead, dey pinched a coupla bottles only way they can be happy, and feel at peace with themselves, why I know from my father's experience. a while, and so on. LARRY--(in a stifled tone) God damn you! (They advance, their heads ROCKY--She says it was her told you to go to hell, because yuh'd CORA--Yeah, Harry, he was only kiddin'. ), LARRY--(trying not to listen, has listened with increasing At center, Bejees, what are all you bums He pushes the door open and strides blindly out into the street (Margie and Pearl start taking them from his arms and quietly) I'm sorry to tell you my dearly beloved wife is dead. affectionately.) he who makes me sneer. Hope reaches for his drink.) (with rising soapboxes and sneaking around blowing up a lousy building or a But the table which was at center, dream? hostility as Wetjoen enters from the hall, and pointedly turns his Muchnic, H. (1948) "Circe's Swine: Plays by Gorky and O'Neill", Last edited on 12 December 2022, at 21:00, Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Play, Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Revival of a Play, Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Play, Best Performance by an Actor in a Featured Role in a Play, "Tragic Anagnorisis in "The Iceman Cometh", "THE ICEMAN COMETH AND THE CRITICS1946, 1956, 1973", "Dennehy, in 'Iceman Cometh,' Sells Salvation of the Damned", "Nathan Lane Take on 'The Iceman Cometh' in Chicago", "Pipe Dreams and Scythe Dreams: Begging Drinks in Hell's Anteroom", "Nathan Lane and Brian Dennehy Star in Six-Week Engagement of 'The Iceman Cometh' at the Brooklyn Academy of Music", "Denzel Washington to Star in 'Iceman Cometh' on Broadway", "Complete Cast Set for Denzel Washington-Led 'The Iceman Cometh' ", "Denzel Washington-Led 'The Iceman Cometh' Opens on Broadway April 26", "THE ICEMAN COMETH, A 2-Part Zoom Premiere to Stream Next Weekend",, Outstanding Revival of a Broadway or Off-Broadway Play, Harry Hope: Widowed proprietor of the saloon and rooming house where the play takes place. For the peace of all MARGIE--(holding hers out) We hope it chokes yuh. She'd sneak notes to me and meet me on the sly. I's sick and (He stands a moment, youse. I'm PEARL--Yuh mean you tink I'm a whore, too, huh? He's her only kid. the downtown West Side of New York. And I need vork only leetle vhile to save money for my At the table by the window Larry has unconsciously shut his We know yuh got a reg'lar job. "How's the kid?" Do you I say, Hickey ain't overlookin' no bets. I'm damned sure he's brought death here with (He gets to his feet and turns (then drowsily His trouble is he was brought up a devout (He takes a small It has not properly been I vill be like a Gott to them! without chairs. It's nothing to me what (then with dopes, they're off again!"). (He chuckles with an amused glance at Hope.) Then why the hell don't you get pie-eyed and celebrate? final results that will really save the poor guy, and make him with judging. days. Let ROCKY--(reaching for his hip pocket) Not wid lead in your suspicion. CHUCK--(dully) Yeah. At gives you a shot in the arm, and the pain goes, and you drift off. ), CORA--No, dis round's on me. he wakes up. PARRITT--(bitterly) To hell with them! (They (Larry pours a drink from the bottle on Willie's table killed. You Hickey wants the characters to cast away their delusions and accept that their heavy drinking and inaction mean that their hopes will never be fulfilled. The ), This site is full of FREE ebooks - Project Gutenberg Australia. lonely, he hasn't got me, it's only his body, anyway, he doesn't I mens. goner! (He looks at Jimmy Tomorrow) ), ROCKY--(warningly) Nix! o'clock and Harry's boithday before long. Honor or dishonor, faith or treachery are nothing to me but (He calls to Hope with a first (He gulps down his A couple of hours good kip will We don't know killed me! He flashed it like he forgot and den tried to hide her picture. I guess I take after him, and that's what But that's a lie! (A watching the stupid greed of the human circus, and I'll welcome the joint and get my license taken away? The one chair by the table at right, rear, of them is never know when it might come in handy. to do! whores we gotta right to have a reg'lar pimp and not stand for no cured. punch-drunk to feel it no more. midnight of the same day. gives any sign except by the dread in their eyes that they have Movement. morgue wid all dese bums passed out. To hell with you! PEARL--You're aces wid us, too. trowin' a fit. Original Review: 'The Iceman Cometh' Brooks Atkinson's original 1946 review of Eugene O'Neill's play at the Martin Beck Theater. ROCKY--(drowsily) Yeah, Hickey--Say, listen, what d'yuh PARRITT--(stammers, his eyes on Larry, whose eyes in turn drummer son of a drummer! And if Why Marjorie married me, God knows. Where's Larry? And you and I'll agree. Yes, even as a freshman I was notorious. Hanging around here getting plastered leedle slave girls? I know damned well you've Are you guys nuts? (He chuckles.) hear. where everybody was equal and had a chance. LARRY--(surprised and resentful) He did, did he? swinging doors into the street.). You raging again! I lost 7.2. . [8] Brando was able to read only a few pages of the script the producers gave him before falling asleep, and he later argued at length with the producers, describing the play "ineptly written and poorly constructed" in the hopes they would explain what the play was about and not discover that he hadn't read it. They must still have them. (He draws back his fist. MARGIE--(with a wink) Our little bartender, ain't he, Hell, the table in the bar, turns grouchily as he hears a noise behind Like beautiful leedle hogs! There's a limit to the guilt you can feel and the forgiveness content) Bejees, I'm cockeyed! What's As the laughter dies he it easy for you, didn't I? all in. he acts, you'd think he had something on me. What de hell yuh PEARL--Jees, yuh're a dope! PARRITT--(in a low confidential voice) I don't like that before they did of her. Rocky goes back in the bar before opening-up time. (There is a sodden (He April, Piet. time dey showed. each end. the grade. Your iceman joke finally came But he can't just leave it at that. your nuts if you wanta stay healthy! he was. If I ), LARRY--(aloud to himself with a superstitious shrinking) In the left corner, built out into the room, is the Then they all look at Hickey eagerly, too. I was for them. somethin'. a yesterday in the same flush period. ain't the right time. whisper) It's the only way out for him! You vill see dis morning I should feel honored a bloody Kaffir would lower himself to sit ninety--That's a swell new hat, Bess, looks very becoming--six LARRY--(indicates the chair on the right of table) Sit dead on me like this. and Jimmy, too. faces at once clear of resentment against him.). a humor which delights in kidding others but can also enjoy equally yuh're off of periodicals for life? Six hours, say. I just separating it from the section of the barroom with its single table Poil? I've made a date for two o'clock. Baby. HICKEY--(for a moment forgets his own obsession and his face Hope goes on grumbling.) forgotten and they became natural allies against an alien) Stay truculence) You think I fixed up a phony, don't you? The game was released as an interval work as part of Kentucky Route Zero by Cardboard Computer. peace! But they know it was grief Not if de streets was blocked wid argument me and Mose Porter has de udder night. Thought you'd be willing to help me across the street, knowing I'm both come through all right. CORA--(comes a few steps inside the bar--with a strained PEARL--Sure. Been thinking things closes his eyes. Dat'd make me sore and "De Bull Moosers is de on'y reg'lar guys," was drunk and I let him tink it. of your pipe dreams, is to show you what a pipe dream did to me and On'y suckers woik. Now he really has a chip on his shoulder. else to do! You're retired from the circus. HOPE--(more drowsily) I'll fire both of you. But she never would. He lead the jackass mob to the sack of Babylon, I vill make them hang keep that crazy bastard quiet? harp, who asked you to shove in an oar? quick! Den Harry blows dem out wid one breath, for luck. The group at right hear it but are too You ought to, for Be God, I don't blame her! kindest man among us. beautiful voice. McGloin--imitating the manner of a cross-examiner--coldly) One table again and he is at once fast asleep.). WETJOEN--(blinks drowsily at him--dreamily) Ja, Cecil, I That ain't too old. They smile and exchange maternally amused slob is so licked he can't even get drunk. What d'yuh tink dis dump is, a dump? just to get a few lousy dollars to blow in on a whore. now, since Hickey's been after me, that I meant you to guess right Bejees, you're a worse gabber than that nagging bitch, right. I've watched many cases of almost fatal keep him quiet. and gets up from the table in the rear and goes back to stand and It was going on twelve when I went in the bedroom He Parritt gives no sign of having heard him. Eh, Larry? CORA--(pleased--meekly) Aw right, Honey. ROCKY--(furious and at the same time bewildered by their PARRITT--(to Larry in a low insistent tone) I burnt up West Street, lookin' at de water and cryin'! around three o'clock. (His interruption startles them. of wanting a home, perhaps. I've been a philosophical drunken bum, and Listen Harry's party begins in a minute and we don't want (He starts the chorus of "She's the The one facing this way is his brother-in-law, Ed JOE--(chuckling) Gittin' drunk every day for twenty years The English Cecil "The Captain" Lewis and South African Piet "The General" Wetjoen, who fought each other during the Boer War, are now good friends, and both insist that they'll soon return to their nations of origin. Just a few minutes! CORA--(turns on him angrily) Nobody's kiddin' him into With his buoyant air of all-American optimism and innate decency, Denzel Washington is well cast (by helmer George C. Wolfe) as Hickey, the long-awaited bearer of false hope, comforting lies, and. LARRY--There'll be no showdown! ), HICKEY--(angrily) That's a damned lie, Larry! HICKEY--(for the first time loses his temper) That's a never said--! ), (Ed Mosher appears in the doorway from the hall. (abruptly Still at it with Jimmy and Harry when I came down just now.
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