Even though the above concepts might appear terribly abstract, Kundalini's energy is real. Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. And yet it is practical not mystical or occult or mysterious. Hyaluronidase is therefore sometimes designated the "spreading factor." 'Hydrogen' si 12 can pass into do of the next octave with the help of an 'additional shock.' The following is her three-step process for doing so: When you feel you've harnessed your sexual energy and you're ready to channel it, dive immediately into the area of your life you want to focus that energy on. Considered female, this invisible energy is often symbolically represented as a serpent, a goddess, an ocean or a spiral. xbbf`b`` (*Note that I may have sensed this only because I have been through major dissolution and have experienced the left-brain freeze sensation before. The metamorphic cycles are a reflection of the growth and activity of the immune cells involved. This increase in the heart EMF may be one of the reasons for the sense of heart expansion during kundalini and for the massive Solar Heart event itself. It is fascinating that the immune system is activated with the fight or flight response during danger to prepare for possible damage to the body.What probably happens is that during the years of kundalini cycling there are periods of increased immunity followed by periods of reduced immune activity. And when they have become sufficiently saturated, the matter si 12 begins to crystallize. It is 'seed' or 'fruit.'. " gYdKRon Kundalini is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. #chakra racine quilibr #sige de la kundalini #cerveau reptilien #besoins fondamentaux #scurit . rUwqD(jvU(7.=qEWQC|`p>mh$z(ls;';A8O|l,bwBG$&l``d5UP[4:fb$:m!f There are 2 Volumes. With consciousness and practice, we can learn how to redirect the body's energy and the desire for sexual expression towards other thoughts and other pursuits. Aisthesis is gnosis of The Good, The True and The Beautiful through the empathetic direct perception of the heart. The metamorphic cycles are a reflection of the growth and activity of the immune cells involved. While there is also an increase in endorphins and NO which reduces smooth muscle contraction, thus causing the smooth muscles in the arteries to dilate, increasing blood flow. Suddenly, there is a radial shift in one's sense of identity, and you abide as the seer without an object, the Singularity of "I as I" Consciousness Itself, as the sun of the heart outshines everything. Expressing sexual energy through sex and desire dissipates this energy. Key to the transmutational ability of kundalini is that DNA is EMF sensitive, as is RNA and protein synthesis in general. &slg(&fd4]U0uDXr0 L,Rn/;f: ULB]0L{c#bE- The whole of the physical body, all its cells, are, so to speak, permeated by emanations of the matter si 12. Kundalini and Yoga. I disagree. [1. Although the acute aspect of this crisis happened over a two-week When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination . Jung intuited this nondual Pleroma to be a collective transpersonal reservoir, an ocean of collective unconscious. "This is the normal and natural way to use the energy of si 12. 'New birth,' of which we have spoken before, depends as much upon sex energy as do physical birth and the propagation of species. " stream Acute kundalini events are similar to the immediate threat response and produce adrenalin and histamine. Can we divert Kundalini energy into socially acceptable activities? Only the heart-brain can grok the ineffable. Heart coherence also reduces cortisol production thus enhancing hippocampal activity as well as boosting the immune system. And above all, Kundalini is not anything desirable or useful for man's development. All complex electric systems in the body have their own field systems because a current creates a magnetic field. My top 10 attunements include a cross-section of attunements that I recommend and use most often, the scope of application, energies, structure, etc. It is very curious how these occultists have got hold of the word from somewhere but have completely altered its meaning and from a very dangerous and terrible thing have made something to be hoped for and to be awaited as some blessing. FOR SALE! This catabolysis probably through the activation of the reticuloendothelial system (RES), part of the immune system, consists of the phagocytic cells located in reticular connective tissue, primarily monocytes and macrophages. Immune suppression resulting from prolonged high adrenaline/cortisol levels must occur for different reasons in both the peak and the exhaustion phases and that although there are periods of radical immune activity during die-offs and restructuring, the majority of the awakening probably involves immune overload if not outright immune suppression because of hyper-nervous system activity. Books, Teachers Training Manual, Sitemaps, Kenny Velez/Guru Kar Singh Memorial Scholarship Fund, Elzbieta (Ela) Geske Memorial Scholarship Fund. Biological transmutation, photosynthesis, acquiring the energy necessary for supporting vital processes by metabolizing nutrients are far from being new entries to a specialist in . Discussion about Sexual Kung Fu: Energetic Transmutation and Inner Alchemy [Page 2] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. 292, The Body Electric, Robert Becker M.D. How to belly-breathe for sexual and emotional transformation Sit down in a chair, a pillow or on the floor with your spine upright, put your hands on your knees with the palms facing upwards. When this power is awakened, it releases a powerful potential for inner growth and . Considering that the body's energy field, and the heart in particular is greatly enhanced by the extra nerve flow and metabolism of kundalini we can assume that there is increased informational communication via energy waves and the alteration of receptors and all body processes. Macrophages play a major role in acquired cell-mediated immunity. "Macrophages, certain cells of the immune system, produce nitric oxide in order to kill invading bacteria. 'Hydrogen' si 12 is the 'hydrogen' which represents the final product of the transformation of food in the human organism. If you haven't actually dug into any healing work, then going into the advanced states could actually be triggering.". You begin to become aware that you are a spiritual being, as the light of consciousness overflows and dissolves the bondage of impressions that had been imprinted in the bodysystems. Sexual transmutation or sexual sublimation, an attempt to transform sexual energy into creativity and thereby facilitate spiritual awakening -Wikipedia Can we use Kundalini for sexual transmutation? Elastase and collagenase are enzymes capable to spit collagen and elastin, the basic members of connective proteins." Interestingly during an awakening we have the hyper-activation of the sympathetic nervous system creating the physiology of "stress" and this increases the permeability of the blood vessels. Indian yoga, emphasis on the transmutation of energy to higher consciousness. Suggested keywords Search Subscribe RSS Feed Subscribe to this site with an RSS Feed Reader . Samadhi is a state of Consciousness characterized by clarity of perception and the absence of the ego. Kundalini. Macrophages can live up to 2-3 years and it is probably due to this that the main awakening phase also corresponds to this duration. Sexual transmutation is taking the sexual energy that's building inside you and channeling it into something else. Pt. Our online classes and training programs allow you to learn from experts from anywhere in the world. Tingling/throbbing in left foot and leg is one of the main signs that kundalini is active. As one begins to practice Kundalini yoga, the progress towards this realization is steady, continuous, relentless. The process of transmutation This is the process of assimilatiof new spiritual on and integration energies. You feel coolness, heat, electricity, an etheric illumination, and steady abiding awareness that expands beyond the body and in and through the arc of your aura. The heart has a much larger EMF than the brain, so one can imagine that during metamorphic heart expansions the heart has a radically increased field. Histamine produces larger pores in the blood vessels as the first step in launching an inflammatory response. The blood sweating phenomena is also undoubtedly due to the increase in histamine release during extreme stress. The video walks you through four simple steps by which you can transmute sexual energy into spiritual energy.Related Topics:sexual energy transmutationsexual energy exchangesexual energy transmutation pdfsexual energy meditationsexual energy chakrasexual energy and creativitysexual energy transfersexual energysexual energy and spiritual energysexual energy alchemysexual energy and kundalinisexual energy and yogasexual energy and law of attractionsexual energy and attractionhow to have a sexual energysexual energy build upsexual energy benefitssexual energy channelingsexual energy circulationsexual energy cultivationsexual energy chisexual energy conservationsexual energy celibacysexual energy during meditationsexual energy definitionsexual energy exercisessexual energy explainedsexual energy enhancementsexual energy empathsexual energy enlightenmentsexual energy esotericsexual energy for manifestationsexual energy frequencysexual energy flowsexual energy foodssexual energy for successsexual energy for healingsexual energy fieldsexual energy feelingsexual energy guided meditationsexual energy geniussexual energy healingsexual energy heart chakrasexual energy healthsexual energy harnesssexual energy holy spiritsexual energy is creative energysexual energy into spiritual energysexual energy is sacredsexual energy into creativitysexual energy is the most powerful energysexual energy is spiritual energysexual energy importancesexual energy is powerfulsexual energy increasesexual energy jingsexual energy juicesexual energy transmutationsexual energy kundalinichanneling sexual energy kundalinitransmuting sexual energy kundalinikeeping sexual energysexual energy life forcesexual energy losssexual energy libidosexual energy leakagesexual energy lostsexual energy lovesexual energy levelssexual life energysexual energy meaningsexual energy manifestationsexual energy manipulationsexual energy mantrasexual energy magnetismsexual energy magnetism pdfsexual energy meditation youtubesexual energy medicinesexual energy no ejaculationsexual energy namesexual energy nervous systemsexual negative energyincrease sexual energy naturallyhow to boost sexual energy naturallyno sexual energytransmutation of sexual energypower of sexual energysublimation of sexual energytransfer of sexual energytransformation of sexual energyexchange of sexual energytransmutation of sexual energy pdfbenefits of sexual energyalchemy of sexual energylack of sexual energysexual energy powersexual energy pdfsexual energy pranasexual energy projectionsexual energy psychicsexual energy pineal glandsexual energy personal magnetismsexual energy practicesexual energy pullxual energy qigongsexual energy releasesexual energy retentionsexual energy root chakrasexual energy rejuvenationsexual energy redirectsexual energy risingsexual energy spiritualsexual energy spiritual awakeningsexual energy sublimationsexual energy to manifestsexual energy transmutation booksexual energy twin flamesexual energy transformationsexual energy to creative energysexual energy transmutation techniquessexual energy upwardssexual energy usessexual energy up the spinesexual energy universemoving sexual energy up the spineraising sexual energy upwardsmoving sexual energy up the chakrasdrawing sexual energy upsexual energy vibrationssexual vital energysexual energy and visualizationsexual energy worksexual energy working outsexual energy wastehealing with sexual energydealing with sexual energymanifesting with sexual energysexual energy yogasexual energy youtubesexual energy youthsexual energy transmutation yogaTeachings of Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi of SKY Yoga.Visit:https://www.simplifiedkundaliniyoga.comhttps://www.kayakalpayoga.com Hydrogens - cosmic scale. Brain nutrition and oxygen supply would be greatly enhanced by the dilated and porous blood vessels. Tantra is More than Just Good Sex, Its the Art of Spiritualizing Everything in Life | Using Tantra Sex to Increase Sexual Energy and Intimacy, 4 Key Steps of Discernment Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. The meta-activation of the sympathetic nervous system of course would profoundly facilitate changes in the immune system and endocrine system. Now releasing the breath put the left hand under the shoulder of the right hand and right hand under the shoulder of the left hand. When you practice sexual transmutation, creative energy will fill the space where sexual thirst previously controlled and dictated your every move. Joseph Chilton Pearce in Biology of Transformation p.57, mentions that inserting a single ion into such a vortex will create a powerful electromagnetic field. The Lower Dantian. [1] If men could really see their true position and could understand all the horror of it, they would be unable to remain where they are even for one second. The Divine Mother is that creative force or intelligence in nature that gives life to everything. "You want a basic knowledge of how to work with your breath and a basic cultivation of awareness training, so you can stay present with what's happening.". But in the same organism there is a further possibility. These changes are a matter of sensory experience. Kundalini & Transmutation The Abuse and Use of Sex L. Ron Gardner Celibacy, the Great Aid to Meditation Carlos Castaneda Comments on Sexual Energy H.P. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. Macrophages are large, phagocytic cells that engulf foreign material that enters the body and the dead and dying cells of the body. FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT: DIVINE LOVE AND THE TRANSMUTATION By Ron Macfarlane Mint - $77.21. The capillary wall is only one cell thick, composed largely of collagen and can be as little as 3-4 mm in diameter, and red blood corpuscles are 7.5 thousandths of a mm. When I was a younger man, before I found out about Gnosis, I had an experience dealing with a nasty boss. startxref This explains why we are automatically more connected, awake, intelligent and spiritual in high negative ion environments. This is one of the ways our cells are impacted by the vibrational Universe. This is the birth of the 'astral body. Increased demand on hippocampal function from feeling the world through heart-centered cognition, stimulates stem cells to form new neurons in the hippocampus. #TreeofLife #HolyGhostBreath #VagusNerve #kundalini #Transmutation By: George W Carey Audiobook Animation Read along.Here is a link to the entire book in pdf. To fulfill their many functions macrophages in their activated state are able to produce more than one hundred different substances. Pt. I am convinced that it is largely the macrophages which do the catabolic breakdown of tissues in preparation to building the (more) spiritualized body capable of carrying deeper consciousness. 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. Chemical transmutation is the process of changing a substance from one form or state into another. This increased heart field would reorganize the matter and energy in the body (transfiguration). For those interested in Hindu based history, Jinn States, Paramahansa Yogananda, Yogis, Knowledge on Sacred Hindu belief systems, a beginning guide to yoga, etc. Two forms has Kundalini: dormant and awake; Only connoisseurs of Yoga know its true nature! A Science and Protocol of Spiritual Alchemy, Creative Here's what it's all about, plus how to try it yourself. Blood moves through the heart and vessels in a vortex-flow. 0000001049 00000 n Other terms for it are metamorphosis, transmutation, substantiation, and transfiguration. Gradually these areas begin to purify and carry a greater and greater charge, voltage and overall electro-magnetic balance.
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