\end{array} & \begin{array}{c} The House and Senate floors were both active with debate of weighty measures like Governor Kemp's "Safe Schools Act" ( HB 147) and legislation amending Georgia's certificate of need law ( SB 99) to . C. Clarence Thomas Which of the following statements about executive orders is LEAST accurate? a. the Office of Management and Budget d. Department of the Treasury. 38. c. Power is shared through the line item veto. "The President needs help." d. was taken primarily for the purpose of garnering favorable publicity, d. was taken primarily for the purpose of garnering favorable publicity. d. Avoiding ambitious individuals who would use the temporary advantages conveyedby national crisis to permanently alter the constitutional order. OA) The president orders the federal bureaucracy to carry out his policies and it does so without resistance because he is the president and oversees the executive branch. ignored the fact that the Constitution withhols the kind of authority from the President that CEOs typically enjoy, and Congress initially rebuffed the proposal and only relented to a scaled-down proposal, The two critical elements of the Executive office of the president are the, Office of Management and Budget and the White House Office, It was fitting that a separate presidential staff would arise during Roosevelts' presidency because, Roosevelt persuaded Congress to create many relief agencies outside of the bureaucracy so this increased management responsibilities for the President, It is possible to view the institutional presidency as, a presidential branch of the government separate and apart from the executive branch that attempts to coordinate the executive and legislative branches in its own behalf, is staffed by accountants, economists, and tax lawyers, is larger and more complex because of the expanded responsibilites of presidents and the centralization of tasks that used to be performed in agencies and departments. c. The requirement that a two thirds majority of both the House and the Senate ratify treaties 3. Who was the first president to take an expansive view of presidential powers underthe "take care" clause? - Most EOP positions experience high turnover. The Constitution gives presidents a modest role in the legislative arena includingwhich of the following? b. Response Feedback: corre ct Question 5 0 out of 2 points Which of the following statements about executive orders is LEAST accurate? He delivered a minor address almost every other day. In 1937, the President's committee on Administrative Management, also known as the Brownlow Committee, concluded its detailed analysis of the state of the presidency with which of the following? \text { Purchase 2, Mar. C. proportional Ein Company began operations in February 2019. incurrate Custom orders This document is signed, published and written decree ordered by the President. EAch president has spend more days on both foreign and domestic political travels. Which examples of presidential executive orders would be most likely to be supported by the Supreme Court? B. associate justice. A. two It was the most harmonious period of national politics. To foster the best possible atmosphere, presidents try to maintain a collegial style. b. does toyota financial allow you to skip a payment? The Order includes 72 initiatives by more than a dozen federal. Which of the following is true about the lawmaking powers that Congress shares with the President? The requirement that a two thirds majority of the House ratify treaties 16. C. 9 E. Samuel Alito, Which of the following Supreme Court justices is generally viewed as the MOST conservative? b. 15. a. Roosevelt persuaded Congress to create many relief agencies outside of the bureaucracy so this increased management responsibilities for the President. d. are ever diligent against efforts to dissolve Congress and call for new elections. d. The Framers got the balance of power between the executive and the legislative branches over war powers exactly right. There are few disagreements on whether executive orders fall on the right side or wrong side of the Constitution's limitations. During 2012, Nieland incurred research and development costs of$96,000 and brought a patent infringement suit against a competitor. c. The worst fears of the Framers were realized because presidents take advantage of their ability to declare to protect their power. a. is always done from programmatic necessity since the President has the ability to manage the bureaucracy effectively. While helping presidents compete successfully with opposition-controlled Congresses, the development of cable television and other mass communications technology has also done which of the following? Which of the following statements about the President's veto is accurate? Which of the following statements about the executive summary is true? In a civil lawsuit, negligence that causes harm to another person's body or property is known as have created political tension because he has addressed controversial issues such as immigration and the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, arise from the authority and responsibilities explicitly delegated to the President by law, Who was the first president to take an expansive view of presidential powers under the "take care" clause, Which of the following statements about executive orders is accurate, Executive orders are not laws because they are confined by the scope of discretion delegated to the President. c. He delivered a minor address almost every other day. While helping presidents compete successfully with opposition-controlled Congresses, the development of cable television and other mass communications technology has also done which of the following? d. ensuring the Senate overrides any order issued by the House. OB) The . What aspect of presidential power increased the most during the New Deal era? National Security Council and the Bureau of the Budget. This patent had a book value of $288,000 and a remaining useful life of 8 years. c. Cooperation with the opposition party is the norm as those partisans hope some of the President's popularity rubs off on them. incorrect During the planning for this years bash, a disagreement broke out between the treasurers staff and the controllers staff. 13. Answer: C. Explanation: An executive order can be defined as orders issued by the President of the United States. E. Congress and other legislatures. b. produces tremendous responsiveness since the President depends on Congress for his budget. D. symbolic D. opinions of constituents regarding the candidate b. They start with their party allies, but while shared electoral fates provide incentives for cooperation, they will not bow to the President's wishes. B. discuss lists and "friend of the court" briefs E. Executive orders are not subject to judicial review. B. E. the accuser, Which of the following issues serves as the basis for most common civil lawsuits? while about 25 percent of the federal budget is allocated to nondiscretionary expenditures, most of it can be used to fund any program that Congress desires most of the actual review of legislation in congress takes place in committees Question 1 2 / 2 points Which of the following statements about Executive Order 13228 are accurate? Which qualitative characteristic of accounting is not followed? A. the chief justice What do you conclude? a. is responsible for managing most aspects of executive branch agencies. D. the Department of Justice Executive Order 13880 of July 11, 2019 (Collecting Information About Citizenship Status in Connection With the Decennial Census), and the Presidential Memorandum of July 21, 2020 (Excluding Illegal Aliens From the Apportionment Base Following the 2020 Census), are hereby revoked. Match the example of presidential power on the left to the type of power it demonstrates on the right. d. Public opinion is too temperamental to count on as a source of political support. The president must have congressional authorization to keep troops deployed after 60 days. Determine the ratio of liabilities to stockholders equity for Year 2 and Year 1. Which of the following is true about the lawmaking powers that Congress shares with the president? C. Constitutional law arises from federal statutes. The compilation of all the laws passed by the U.S. Congress is known as B. precedent. \. D. slightly liberal Who files suit in a case dealing with a violation of criminal law? c. the extent the President's party also controls Congress Who was the first president to claim executive privilege? C. Kennedy Transcribed image text: IPES Which of the following below is an accurate statement or statements characterizing the president's power over the federal bureaucracy? It was struck down by the Supreme Court as violating the Constitution's separation of powers doctrine. If the framers of the Constitution were to evaluate the current state of the government today, how would they react to it? D. Presidents rarely issue executive orders. D. the Supreme Court and the House of Representatives What legislative tools are given to the president in the Constitution? Eroded the Presiden'ts capacity to enlist television to go public. C. the Supreme Court c. use these longer bills to "go public" and undermine public support for the President. b. are often communicated privately to Congress so that both sides can find room for compromise. c. has gotten longer because political polarization has decreased, and there is a greaterinterest in resolving political gridlock. The most important constitutional limitation on the President's leadership in foreign affairs is which of the following? The President's role in 19th century politics was which of the following? 31. It has lost much of its luster as offices with real political clout. b. Presidents have a particularly difficult time working with an opposition-controlled Congress. h. Focus on standardized units, From 1800 to the 1930s, which branch of government was most influential. Each president has spent more days on both foreign and domestic political travels. Examining te President's role as commander in chief reveals which of the following? \end{array} \\ a. invited members of Congress to join the President overseas d. home style. a. was eagerly accepted by a Democratic Congress that wanted to ensure that President Roosevelt would have all the help he needed to enact the New Deal. a. A. Earl Warren d. is staffed by accountants, economists, and tax lawyers. The focus was during presidential election years as presidents pulled the party train but receded into the background during midterm election years, represents a cumulative product of the changing place of Washington in national and international affairs. What is required for Congress to override a presidential veto? How does the shape of the normal distribution differ from the shapes of the uniform and exponential distributions? Eroded the President's capacity to enlist television to go public. Select all that apply. b. although the public is more responsive to radio addresses than television appearances. E. None of these answers is correct. Presidents are typically able to build loyalty in their party while also building bridges to the other party. They have the force of law, but can be retracted by the next president. There CupSix The Most Trusted Place To Find Answers Mathematics History English 9Purchase3,May29Sale2,July10Purchase4,Sept.10Units968109158PurchasePrice(perunit)$5872808696SalePrice(perunit)$150150150. a. Lowes recently reported the following balance sheet data (in millions): b. Compared with its 19th-century counterpart, which of the following is true about the modern cabinet? the inability of Congress to administer the programs it creates The demands of Congress on the President no longer exceed the resources available to meet those demands. c. is nonexistent because of the growth of cable television and social media making it easier for the public to ignore the President. how much does a thyroidectomy cost without insurance. Selected Executive orders have been used to change federal policies Answer : d. the division of powers among various actors in the executive branch. B. Office of Management and Budget and the White House Office. Executive orders are a type of presidential lawmaking. b. Which president's administration marked the turning point in the history of presidential power, when having a strong president became the rule rather than just the exception? c. sponsorship and promotion of major policies and a central role in administration. The order was created to inform an international strategy. c. It was achieved by court action. Which of the following is true about hte line item veto? Executive orders usually create new policies, while signing statements alter a policy already passed by Congress. It has had no effect since divided government has long been a feature of American politics. Correct Answer(s) answer choices Cases appealed by the solicitor general are automatically granted certiorari. b. appointing a friendly Speaker of the House of Representatives and seeking allies to occupy positions of leadership in the Senate. \text { Sale 2, July 10 } & 15 & & 150 \\ D. stare decisis. They are issued in relation to a law passed by Congress or based on powers granted to the President in the Constitution and must be consistent with those authorities. C. more than the legislative branch, but less than the executive branch. Which tool is primarily a management tool, but has also been used to shift domestic policy? Which of the following statements about presidential power is accurate The president has enough resources for coordinating national responses during emergencies, but insufficient authority to usurp the Constitution President Grover Cleveland noted which of the following about presidential appointments "I make one integrate and ten enemies." Executive Order 12829 amends Executive Order 10865, February 20, 1960 . \text { Activity } & \text { Units } & \begin{array}{c} Each president has spent more days on foreign political travel and fewer days ondomestic political travel. a. C. ideologically neutral, with equal numbers of conservatives and liberals b. has gotten shorter because of partisan polarization as opponents quickly swing to disapproval so presidents often speak to audiences of like-minded partisans. Most presidents since Franklin Delano Roosevelt have "gone public" only reluctantly, preferring to rely instead on polished press secretaries. d. was abolished after Watergate and its responsibilities were returned to the departments and agencies. At least in part because of cable television, from 1965 to 2015 the percentage of households that watch the State of the Union address has done which of the following? A. state high courts judges Today, appearing on prime time television is the most dramatic way of going public, but presidents rely on it sparingly so they won't lose the public's attention. Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole. Presidents often commit troops and engage hostilities and then go to Congress for authority to continue. D. more than the executive branch, but less than the legislative branch. a. The_____ is a powerful tool for the president to set the policy agenda by ______ policy proposals to Congress. a. the veto and the ability to call Congress into special session a. a great drain on the resources of the federal government. Executive Orders are given numbers and abbreviated as "EO XXXXX". C;CRNAs do not require supervision by an anesthesiologist. b. D. concurrent court a. the existence of an external threat, since insecurity abroad leads to security at home Select the best answer. C. Legislative input is necessary for executive order enactment. A signing statement can alter implementation of a law already passed by Congress if the president intends it to do so. b. C) It contains extra information not covered in the report itself. Power is shared by delegating to the executive branch the discretion to implement policy. Delegation to the President Which of the following statements about the President's role in the legislative process is correct? The demands of the office have been reduced so much that they no longer exceed the resources available to meet those demands. Providing Congress the power to declare war has limited the role of the President in foreign affairs. E. the president, Which of the following issues articles of impeachment for federal judges? a. Which of the following nineteenth-century presidents stood out as particularly powerful? President Bush issued the executive order as a result of 9/11. E. discuss lists and closed conference, C. "friend of the court" briefs and oral arguments. b. a. 22 } & 8 & 80 & \\ b. (Check all that apply.) E. 13. Find, copy, or describe an advertisement for an item that reflects Americans' attitudes toward admire or overcome nature values. The president must notify Congress about any planned campaign. (Do not use relevance.). incorrect The Iran-Contra affair (Persian: -, Spanish: Caso Irn-Contra), often referred to as the Iran-Contra scandal, the McFarlane affair (in Iran), or simply Iran-Contra, was a political scandal in the United States that occurred during the second term of the Reagan administration.Between 1981 and 1986, senior administration officials secretly facilitated . B. contractual matters B. b. reaction as Congress passes bills and presidents suggest minor alterations before signing them. E. the U.S. Attorney's Office in each state, For the Supreme Court to hear a case, how many of the nine justices must want to hear it? NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. ( WCSC /Gray News) - Authorities in South Carolina say a former student ministry leader is facing more than a dozen assault charges for inappropriately touching young girls . 5 c. The demands of the office continue to exceed the resources available to meet those demands. Which of the following statements about the President's veto is accurate? Transition to more democratic institutions is not created simply by . What type of court system exists in the United States? Criminal trials require a higher degree of certainty of guilt or responsibility. Executive Orders state mandatory requirements for the Executive Branch, and have the effect of law. From the time of Franklin Roosevelet onward, generally speaking, which of the following is true about presidential travel? a. try to anticipate efforts by an unsympathetic administration to suborn or redirect policy. Which of the following statements about executive orders is accurate? A. D. Sonia Sotomayor 43. d. the explanation the President provides when exercising his ability to strike out objectionable parts of bills that he signs into law. B. dissenting They can only advocate general issues or positions, and cannot attack an individual candidate. A. attitudinal model. A. Which of the following statements about executive orders is accurate | Answer:C. Explanation:An executive order can be defined as orders issued by the President of the United States. attorney general. Modern presidents deal with an opposition Congress using vetoes and threats but also by c. are not carefully delineated in the Constitution so its use is ambiguous. The constitutional foundations of the veto B. writ of certiorari. 24. d. executive agreements which are exempt from Senate ratification, d. executive agreements which are exempt from Senate ratification. When Congress passes legislation that grants delegated powers to the president, the legislation is likely to be ______ in scope and ______ on the means of implementation. c. Overriding presidential vetoes is relatively easy so presidents use the veto scarcely. a. try to anticipate efforts by an unsympathetic administration to suborn or redirect policy. E. the Supreme Court and state high courts, E. the Supreme Court and state high courts, According to the Constitution, which of the following is empowered to establish federal district courts? b. is advisory, but Congress is required to vote on the President's budget so the voters have a clear choice of competing policy priorities. Which of the following statements about 527 groups is LEAST accurate? B. How does divided government affect the normal state of affairs in Washington? b. d. The War Powers Act, b. The controllers staff believed that any cuts were unwarranted, as the firm continued to be very profitable. Open access orders and limited access orders differ fundamentally in the way power and influence is distributed. Why has central clearance strengthened the President's hand in national policy? \end{array} c. pulling decisions into the White House through executive orders, centralized administration, and broad assertions of executive privilege. E. Burger, Which of the following best describes the ideological distribution of the Supreme Court today? B. more than both the legislative branch and the executive branch. How can a vice president help a president? C. federal appeals courts declare legislative policy in the State of the Union address Why did the Founders choose a single individual to lead the executive branch instead of a group of individuals? can be overturned by executive action alone 53. The vast majority of crimes in the United States are dealt with by _______ legislation. Identify five factors that a business should consider in deciding how to raise capital. Today, appearing on prime time television is the most dramatic way of going public A. Warren a. The President's budget It is long on generalities and short on details but embodies limits on presidential discretion. The Office of Management and Budget Which of the following is a key difference between criminal trials and civil trials? Which of these special courts has come under increased media scrutiny due to its use since the 9/11 attacks? A. Samuel Alito D. state high courts incorrect d. He generally succeeds in building bipartisan coalitions especially on matters of national security. A. federal bureaucrats an order to remove the ban on women in military combat roles a. the text of the President's remarks when signing bills. C. executive orders b. the necessary and proper clause of the Constitution A. If you could design a system of presidential selection that would make the president as powerful as possible, which of the following methods would you choose? incorrect FIFO method. b. Correct Answer(s) C. concurring Executive orders are a type of presidential lawmaking. A. the family d. so presidents frequently try to appear on reality television shows. Ein uses a perpetual inventory system.
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