The decoration was later expanded to include "ethnic German" mothers, such as women from regions that were incorporated into the German Reich, like Austria. We will tag yoursocial media account whenever your item is included in one of our posts so you can gain even more exposure. Much like all other Third Reich items, many of these were probably disposed of after the war, especially since wearing anything containing a swastika out in public in Germany became illegal in 1957. She was further scrutinised to make sure she was of good standing; if she was deemed promiscuous, had an abortion, had an interracial relationship or cheated on her husband, these were all excluding factors. The decoration, which was intended to encourage women to bear more children, was considered to be the most significant award that could be conferred upon a woman. Mothers Cross in gold (Ehrenkreuz der Deutschen Mutter) Bronze gilt and enamel with full-length original neck ribbon. No work on your part required at all. The enamel on the medal is undamaged and the makers mark on the reverse of the award is L11. This protects you in case the item never arrives or the item is not as described. Only women fulfilling Nazi racial ideals were eligible for a cross; to receive one both parents of the children had to be 'German blooded' in line with Nazi ideas of racial purity, and mothers had to be considered 'worthy'. [13] A maker's mark was never applied to the crosses produced; though each official house of manufacture did apply their name to the dark-blue presentation case (inside cover) for the 1st Class Gold Cross and the presentation sachets (reverse side) for each of the 2nd and 3rd Class Cross. 25) stated: "the holder of the Mother's Cross of Honour will in future enjoy all types of privileges that we by nature have accustomed to our nation's honoured comrades and our injured war veterans."[21]. 2023, A&E Television Networks, LLC. medal nazi [3] An official pale-blue photo identification document (Ausweis) was also available, this identified the holder and attested the bestowal of the decoration to the recipient mother, as well as provided instructions on the reverse side for correct wearing of the decoration, permitted at all "formal" state, celebrative and family occasions only. All articles are regularly reviewed and updated by the team. Dezember 1938) in Gold. [12][18] The conferral of the Mother's Cross was so highly regarded by the government in Berlin, that additional bureaucratic resources assigned to lesser civil and military decorations were pulled for the exhaustive administrative procedures that this decoration alone required. Physical Description:Medal in cross form on blue and white ribbon. [7] The first year presentations were also extended to include 1 October 1939 "harvest festival" day (Erntedankfest), equivalent to thanksgiving, and 24 December 1939 Christmas Eve. [7] Local government agencies such as the Social Welfare Agency (Wohlfahrtsamt), Public Health Department (Gesundheitsamt), Youth Welfare Agency (Jugendamt), Police (Polizei) and other government agencies were all consulted in the eligibility investigation process. WebThe Cross of Honour of the German Mother represented the fundamental ideologies of the role of the mother (the role of women under National Socialism) and ethnic-nationalism (the Vlkisch movement) of that time period in Germany. The Vlkischer Beobachter (People's Observer) national newspaper (1938 Issue No. [4], After the end of Nazi Germany in 1945, the Mother's Cross was occasionally referred to as the Mtterverdienstkreuz (Mother's Cross of Merit). Between each arm of the cross are five-ray projections in gold. The reverse has the stamped simulated handwritten script, "16 Dezember 1938," and a facsimile of Hitlers signature. You can also take advantage of our 2 specialist militaria auctions per year to sell your single item or collection through. You can find them under the description of the product, in "Accessories". WebGerman Mothers Crosses (or medals) In Gold Silver And Bronze Class GOLD, SILVER & BRONZE MOTHERS CROSSES Instituted on 16th Dezember 1938 MORE PICTURES & INFO (T678) A Bronze German Mother's Cross that has been adapted by the original owner. The Mothers Cross in Gold / The Cross of Honour of the German Mother. This example is for sale from Kriegsmarine Plus for 80. Modell (16. It was declared inconceivable and abhorrent to consider or recommend any mother of such a family background for the Mother's Cross honour. The award was established in three classes, Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The obverse design of the Mothers Cross depicts a round shield affixed to a cross bearing the inscription Der Deutchen Mutter encircling a black enamel swastika on a white enamel field. Contact us at 757-737-2055. The enamel is in good condition and the engraving on the back is clear. No other format of wear or placement was permitted. It comes with it original ribbed rayon blue and white striped ribbon. Much like with all the other awards, mothers also had to meet many other criteria. Having a child with genetic conditions or other disabilities would have meant the whole family itself came under scrutiny. [2][6] The cross design was the creation of the established Munich-based architect and sculptor Franz Berberich. The Mothers Cross officially Cross of Honour of the German Mother was a medal given to mothers of 4 or more children, who were also deemed to be worthy of acknowledgement and praise. Further Information Again, totally free! WW1 Imperial German Army (Deutsches Heer), WW2 Wehrmacht Breast Eagle (Wehrmachtsadler). This looked exactly the same as the bronze award, except for the middle metal detailing around the swastika, which in this case was silver, not bronze. german cross mother gold grade case All rights reserved. A similar practice, that continues to this present day, was already established in France since 1920, by conferring the Mdaille de la Famille franaise (Medal of the French Family), a tribute to the French mother who raised several children in an appropriate way. Through beautiful original songs, music and emotive story telling, we hear the recollections of musician, luthier and Holocaust survivor Ari Vander. WebThe Mothers Cross in Gold - Manufacturer: L. Bertsch. Image Use: Use of images owned by the National Holocaust Centre and Museumis governed by our Terms and Conditions. So, much like any other item from that period, these awards are also becoming rarer to find. The precise requisites are unknown, but a photograph of this variant (seen on page 75 in the book Political and Civil Award of the Third Reich .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}ISBN0912138165) stated that it had been awarded to a Dresden woman who was the mother of sixteen children. Sighted public exhibits of government-issued deeds' of conferral (, The Internet Archive, Short Format Films , "Die deutsche Frau und ihre Rolle im Nationalsozialismus (English: The German woman and her role in National Socialism)", Die Deutsche Wochenschau (The German Weekly Newsreel), Archive 31 May 1944 Film No. WIEN VII inside the lid. It was made by the maker Jakob Bengal and the award comes in its original packet and with its ribbon.This example comes in its packet.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'militariatoday_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_13',320,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-militariatoday_com-medrectangle-3-0'); After having and raising 6 or 7 children, the mother was eligible for the Silver Class of this award. [19][20] An annuity was also considered for a recipient mother of the decoration, but due to government budget constraints, this proved unworkable. At the butcher's shop, the best cuts of meat would go into their baskets. First class award, rendered for bearing eight or more children. The mother was indeed "worthy" of the decoration (I.e. Hi, if English is not your native language please change it from the language menu. Rare Anti-Semtic Book "Jdischer Imperialismus" 1940, Death Card of a German SS Soldier who was 21 Years Old 1943, 2 Ground Dug Daimler Benz Motorenfabrik Tokens from Genshagen Factory. Eligibility later extended to include Volksdeutsche (ethnic German) mothers from, for example, Austria and Sudetenland, that had earlier been incorporated into the German Reich.The decoration was conferred from 1939 until 1945 in three classes: bronze, silver, and gold, to Reichsdeutsche mothers who exhibited probity, exemplary motherhood, and who conceived and raised at least four or more children in the role of a parent. The Mother's Cross, however, belongs to the decorations and medals bestowed during the Third Reich era of Germany, and as such, incorporates by design the adopted swastika symbol; the wearing or display of which in public places, especially in Germany of such decorations since 26 July 1957, is restricted and regulated by German law (Ref. The case was manufactured by Hans Gnad, and carries the insignia HANS GNAD. We share items and posts of interest to collectors and enthusiasts. Collecting is about community and enjoyment. 224, Page 1923),[1] and its stringent nomination screening protocol. [7][8][12][18] In a further extract from the official application screening protocol,[12] the local mayor's office was also encouraged, if his office was recommending a mother, to consider whether the mother in question, who has gifted her children life, has borne children likely to bear sacrifices in the interest of preserving the German nation, or whether the children posed a burden and peril to the future of the German nation, and the children perhaps should have better remained unborn. [13], The decoration was worn around the neck on its accompanying narrow blue and white ribbon[2] of about 6070cm in length. [7][8][9] Its inception followed the earlier "Roaring Twenties" or "golden 1920s" as it was later referred in Europe and a period during Germany's Weimar Republic, which saw young women breaking with traditional "mores" or likewise step aside from "traditional" lifestyle patterns. WebThe Cross of Honor of the German Mother (a.k.a. You can navigate days by using left and right arrows. The Cross of Honour of the German Mother was instituted on December 16, 1938, to recognise women who had given birth and successfully raised a large number of "racially pure" children. The first Model features a reverse inscription with a facsimile of Hitler's signature and an additional inscription reading, "DAS KIND ADELT DIE MUTTER," which translates to, "The child ennobles the mother." This cross is complete with ribbon. The German Mothers Cross Ehrenkreuz der Deutschen Mutter In Gold. This could be purchased privately from state-approved jewellers. The Cross of Honour of the German Mother (Ehrenkreuz der Deutschen Mutter) was introduced by the Nazi party by Statutory Order on December 16, 1938. The Cross of Honor of the German Mother (a.k.a. The reverse features an engraved date of December 16, 1938, along with a facsimile signature of Germanys infamous Fuhrer. Webactually occurred within the knowledge of the writer's mother. This was the most prestigious of the Mothers Cross medals, and it is the rarest due to not being given out to as many women as the other two. France, the Soviet Union and Germany all had awards for mothers but today we will look at the German Mothers Cross in detail and will show a few examples currently for sale online. b) that the mother of the decoration was indeed "worthy" of the decoration, I). Antrag auf Verleihung des Ehrenkreuzes fr kinderreiche Mtter, Organisation durch die NS-Volkswohlfahrt 19391944 (In English: Index (B Burg an der Wupper 16531975) RS, A. [11], The Mother's Cross was composed of three classes,[2] and conferred to mothers in accordance with its statutory legislation: Verordnung des Fhrers und Reichskanzlers ber die Stiftung des Ehrenkreuzes der Deutschen Mutter vom 16. [12], The cross design is a slender elongated form of the Iron Cross or cross patte and very similar in design to the Marian Cross of the Teutonic Order (Marianerkreuz des Deutschen Ritterordens), enamelled translucent-blue with a slim opaque-white border. Evidence to be provided by the mother in the form of a signed declaration "that the motherand her husbandis/are. They were treated like royalty with the greatest respect. The award is in the form of a Christian cross in blue enamel with a white enamel border, both outlined in gold. There were sighted public exhibits of government-issued deeds' of conferral (Besitzeugnis/Verleihungsurkunde) to recipient mothers for the Mothers Cross on other national annual dates of celebration. nous utilisons les cookies afin de personnaliser le contenu et les publicits, de fournir des fonctionnalits pour les rseaux sociaux et analyser notre traffic. [1] The preamble of the statutory decree declared: The crosses were awarded annually on the second Sunday in May (Mothering Sunday or Mother's Day), but also extended to include other national annual occasions of celebration. [7][8][19] As one recount recalls "they were always given the best of everything: housing, food, clothing, and schooling for their children. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Web14k wholesale gold jewelry and diamonds located in Virginia Beach, VA. [14][15], The Mother's Cross of Honour, upon the death of the honoured recipient mother, was permitted by statute to remain inheritable with the bereaved family as a keepsake remembrance. The receipt of the decoration was no guarantee of permanent recognition, it could be annulled on a case-by-case basis under certain circumstances on the advice of the Reichsminister des Innern (Reichs-Minister of Interior). WebBelow is a complete list of all American Gold Star Mothers, Inc., departments and chapters. This example of the German Mothers Cross in gold comes in its original box with the makers name to the inside. The award comes complete with original case, with slight scuff marks complete with makers mark Tmobard siaper & & Sohn, Ldeneoherd. However, the archives were mostly destroyed towards the end of the war, so it is extremely difficult to estimate the total number. It doesnt come with a ribbon, box or packet but it is a nice, clean example of the actual medal, which is rare to find these days. Dezember 1938) in Gold. The criteria of the German Mothers Cross criteria were awarded to parents with pure German descent who were worthy of the award. Both the mother and her husband needed to be of pure German bloodline, leading up to their own grandparents. All Rights Reserved. It started such encouragement early. WIEN VII inside the lid. Wearing their treasured medal out and about in everyday life was a bit tricky though, because of course they wanted to preserve it and keep it safe. Between each arm of the cross are five-ray projections in gold. A state official, for example the mayor, would have to nominate the mother, and the process was a lengthy one. MilitariaToday is full of interesting militaria. Once members of the distaff wing of the Hitler Youth movement, the League of German Girls, turned 18, they became eligible for a branch called Faith and Beauty, which trained these girls in the art of becoming ideal mothers. This silver miniature Mothers Cross is for sale at Regimentals for 65. This was issued to women with 4 or 5 children but only live births counted. Dark blue hard case for the Gold Mother's Cross with hinge along top edge. All for free! These women were deemed to be outstanding members of society and commanded respect. Crosses could be withdrawn if officials decided a woman had become 'unworthy' for example by not raising her children in line with Nazi ideals. And so each year, in honor of his beloved mother, Klara, and in memory of her birthday, a gold medal was awarded to women with seven children, a silver to women with six, and a bronze to women with five. The award came in three grades to recognise and reward German mothers. A mother was rumoured to have received one in Dresden and in 2013 one such example sold in the US for around $3,000 but its authenticity remains a mystery. Ribbons and accessories are sold separately. Information: The Cross of Honour of the German Mother (Ehrenkreuz der Deutschen Mutter) was introduced by the Nazi party by Statutory Order on December 16, 1938. Knight's Cross of the War Merit Cross 1939 - Without Long Service Wehrmacht Medal - 25 Years (Gold), Long Service Wehrmacht Medal - 18 Years (Silver), Long Service NSDAP Medal 1st Class - 25 Years (Gold), Long Service NSDAP Medal 2nd Class - 15 Years (Silver), Long Service NSDAP Medal 3rd Class - 10 Years (Bronze), German Olympic Medal of Honor 2nd Class - 1936, Long Service Police Award 1st Class - 25 Years, Long Service Police Award 2nd Class - 18 Years, Long Service RAD Medal 1st Class - 25 Years (Gold), Long Service RAD Medal 2nd/3rd Class - 18/12 Years (Silver), Long Service RAD Medal 4th Class - 4 Years (Bronze), Long Service SS Medal For 4 Years Service, Long Service SS Medal For 8 Years Service, Long Service SS Medal For 12 Years Service, Long Service SS Medal For 25 Years Service, Shoulder Boards Cyphers - Field Marshal Batons (Silver). The decoration was conferred from 1939 until 1945[5] in three classes: bronze, silver, and gold,[2][6] to Reichsdeutsche mothers who exhibited probity, exemplary motherhood, and who conceived and raised at least four or more children in the role of a parent. Mothers were honored in three different classifications depending on the number of children they had borne. There were many hoops to jump through to prove she was an exemplary German woman, raising exemplary German children. WebThree German Mother's Crosses; Gold, Silver & Bronze $176 View G18107 Add to Compare A German Mother's Cross; Bronze Grade with Packet $51 View G15185 Add to Compare A Bronze Grade Mother's Cross $65 View G7312 Add to Compare Mothers Cross Gold Grade $120 View G12863 Add to Compare Mother's Cross; Bronze Grade $65 View G7088 Add There were plans for a gold Mothers Cross with diamonds for having 16 children, but whether any were actually produced and issued is a very debatable subject. No standing in line for them. [12][18], Various privileges were bound to honour, one example being preferential treatment, precedence and priority service within society and public services. Cross of Honor of the German Mother, 2nd model read more Specifics: Between each arm of the cross are five-ray projections in gold. Propaganda - Book about Nazi Racial theories "Rassenkunde des Jdischen Volkes" by Dr. Hans F.K. [17], The Cross of Honour of the German Mother represented the fundamental ideologies of the role of the mother (the role of women under National Socialism) and ethnic-nationalism (the Vlkisch movement) of that time period in Germany. Assmann & Shne Quality Control Insignia Collection, The Notable Figures Auction Series - The Estate of SS-Obergruppenfhrer Arthur Seyss-Inquart, eMedals Presents; A Finely Curated Selection of International Miniature Awards & Decorations, eMedals Presents; A Finely Curated Selection of German Awards, The "Santa Monica" Collection; A Multigenerational Collection of German Third Reich Belts & Buckles, A Collection of Medals & Tokens from the Golden Age of Zeppelins, Notable Figure Series; The Awards of Communist Leader Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, A Lifelong Collection Dedicated to the Wartime Awards & Decorations of the Independent State of Croatia, Prestige & Distinction, Auction I: German Imperial Orders, Decorations & Awards, The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement; A Gentleman's Collection, Prestige & Distinction, Auction III: An International Selection of Orders, Decorations & Awards, The Estate of Generalissimo Francisco Franco Bahamonde, Prestige & Distinction, Auction II: A Selection of German Militaria 1933-1945, The Nicolas Skriabin Collection; Medals & Tokens of Imperial Russia, The M. Quigley Collection: Orders of the Japanese Empire & Associated States, The Orders, Decorations & Documents of NASA Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, Three German Mother's Crosses; Gold, Silver & Bronze, A German Mother's Cross; Bronze Grade with Packet, Germany (Third Reich). The Mothers Cross was instituted by Adolf Hitler on December 16TH 1938 as part of the propaganda campaign aimed at increasing the birth rate. During any war, an army inevitably builds up a huge amount of kit to be carried by the individual soldier. There were many perks that came with having a Mothers Cross. Modell (16. WebBeautiful WW2 German Mothers Cross in Gold - CASED. Imperial-(Reichs) Law Gazette (RGBl) Part I, 1938, No. Gold award, 16 December 1938 and Hitler's signature are engraved on the back. On the reverse is a simulated hand inscription script dated 16 December 1938, and Adolf Hilter Signature. We love to show items for sale from all around the world, so grabthechance toput your item in front of thousands of potential buyers worldwide. Customer Service: (800) 648-0808NOTE: Minimum Purchase $25. Price: Sold out Product category: Sold items/Archives The Mothers Cross in Gold / The Cross of Honour of the German Mother. Available at: (Accessed: 17 January 2015). Articles with the Editors byline have been written or edited by the editors, including Amanda Onion, Missy Sullivan and Matt Mullen. Model II features the institution date and a facsimile of Adolf Hitler's signature on the reverse. WebAmerican Gold Star Mothers, Inc. headquarters is located at: 2128 Leroy Place, NW, Washington, DC 20008 A pleasant residential street with embassies and consulates nearby. Germany (1938) Deutsches Reichsgesetzblatt [German Reich Law Journal] Statutory Order of the Leader and Chancellor on the establishment of the Cross of Honour of the German Mother (December 16, 1938) Part 1: 224/1924-1926 [Online]. Karlsruhe. The case was manufactured by Hans Gnad, and carries the insignia HANS GNAD. Due to this, population was quite low and many countries tried to encourage women to bear and raise a high number of children. Posts of interest to collectors and enthusiasts, raising exemplary German woman, raising exemplary children... Lengthy one Cross criteria were awarded to parents with pure German bloodline, leading up to their own grandparents 6. Consider or recommend any mother of such a family background german mothers cross gold the Gold mother 's Cross with along. Simulated hand inscription script dated 16 December 1938 and Hitler 's signature on the of... Encourage women to bear and raise a high number of children they had borne so you can even! 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