Via The Columbia police Haba querido escapar a Estados Unidos para seguir su vida. John Jairo Velsquez Vsquez, cumpla los encargos de Escobar sin cuestionamientos, trabajos que iban desde asesinatos, secuestros hasta torturas de sus vctimas, sin embargo, hubo uno que record hasta los ltimos das, el asesinato su novia Wendy Chavarriaga. Hasta que Escobar se deshizo del abrazo y llam a sus hombres. View our online Press Pack. He also had extramarital affairs with other women along with Wendy Chavarriaga Gil. All estaban algunos de quienes gozaban mayor confianza: Yeison, La Yuca, Carlos Negro y Pasqun. How a damning NOTE 'implicated Pablo Escobar's widow and son My Life and My Jail with Pablo Escobar: Colombian drug Olivia's family release heartbreaking videos after killer is jailed, FIRST LOOK: Vanished's interview with mum of man missing four years, Ohio man walks up to cop and admits to shooting female friend, Ukrainian troops destroy Russian trenches with tanks and bullets, Former President Trump walks into court to face hush money charges, 'Unmissable': 'Not My King' boss details Coronation disruption plans, Deborah James' moving message to fans in her final days, CCTV footage captures van driving around during horrific kidnapping, Charles and Camilla attend historic Royal Maundy Thursday service, Police swoop on suspect in connection with criminal Genesis Market, Huge plume of smoke and flames rise during Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, Asthmatic bus drive loses it with kids over spraying perfume. Viaj con Wendy varias veces a ese pas. At one dinner with friends at a farm in the Colombian countryside, a power failure left the party in darkness and, as Victoria carried on chatting by candlelight, Pablo disappeared. Al da siguiente, el narco le cont a su jefe que se haba enredado con Wendy. Era una mujer cara. Enseguida apareci por el restaurante. For other inquiries, Contact Us. Join Facebook to connect with Wendy Chavarriaga Gil and others you may know. Ella fue. On March 29, 1976, the couple were secretly wed in Santisima Trinidad church in Palmira in front of Victorias grandmother and aunt, with Pablo dressed in jeans and a light blue shirt. Y saba que me mataban a ella o a m. Brits flock to the beaches at start of long Easter Bank Holiday weekend as Getting coronation ready! El da que Pablo Escobar le orden a Popeye que matar a Wendy Chavarriaga, el gran amor de su vida, sin pensarlo, organiz todo, la cit y mand a cinco sicarios que acabaran con su vida. Redaccin MagLima, 09/02/2020 08:30 p.m. Jhon Jairo Velsquez, alias Popeye, el exjefe de sicarios de Pablo Escobar, muri la madrugada del 6 de febrero por un cncer de esfago en fase terminal (estado IV) que le fue diagnosticado meses atrs durante su reclusin en una prisin en Bogot. sta conoca la relacin extramatrimonial de su cuado, pero eligi no decirle nada a Victoria nada por temor o para no hacerla sufrir. (El Tiempo / GDA), La serie Goles en contra, estrenada en Netflix, narra la historia del futbolista colombiano Andrs Esco, Goles en contra muestra cmo los directivos de Atltico Nacional le adeudaban dinero a Pablo Escobar Ga, El narcotraficante quera regalarle a su hijo un concierto especial y escogi a Michael Jackson, pero su, La tiktoker colombiana se llev gran sorpresa al conocer un poco ms de su historia y cmo luce en la act. Pero no pudo apretar el gatillo contra esa mujer de 28 aos. To meet with his lovers, Pablo had the nerve to build an apartment camouflaged behind the stables, very close to the main house, she reveals. bazooka bubble gum wrapper is blue raven solar a pyramid scheme what factors were most important to establishing a civilization? ': Police reveal contents of letter they hope will solve boxing 'She was hit multiple times by a guy in a dress': Terrified Riley Gaines is ambushed by screaming trans 'Lockdown was soul-destroying for Nora': How John Lydon's wife fought tragic battle with Alzheimer's during ITV newsreader Nicola Heywood-Thomas dies aged 67 just two months after the mother-of-three's final Diners slam 'worst McDonald's' in the UK calling it 'disgusting' and blasting the 'terrible' food. Virginia Vallejos, periodista, hechiz a Pablo Escobar Gaviria durante una entrevista y tuvo una relacin con l que se prolong por cinco aos. Cit a Wendy en un restaurante y la orden era acabar con su vida cuando en el lugar preguntaran por ella en voz alta. Suffering for their faith: Devotees nail themselves to crosses in the Philippines in gruesome reenactment of Fresh listeria fears as dozens of artisan cheese varieties are pulled from shelves following Brit death. Despite his role as a drug lord Escobar earned popularity by sponsoring charity projects and soccer clubs. WebEsto es lo que se conoce de la vez que Pablo Escobar hizo que una de sus amantes abortara a los 5 meses: Le mand a dos pelaos y al veterinario para sacarle al beb. Esto es gravsimo. In her new biography Mrs Escobar: My life with Pablo, the widow revealed that she was raped by the drug lord, The mother-of-two also said she was forced her to get a back-alley abortion by Escobar (pictured with son Sebastian) when she was only 14, Ms Henao went on to have two children Sebastian and Manuela (pictured with Escobar) with her husband. I didnt yet feel sexual desire. Pero cuando lleg el da y la temperatura baj, la lealtad de Popeye pudo ms que el flechazo intempestivo. Despite being married to the 'King of Cocaine', she also abhorred drug-taking and fled one gathering after finding "numerous women of all ages snorting cocaine off the counter" in the bathroom. Se haba transformado en informante del Bloque. Ella me enamor para vengarse de Pablo. She also revealed that her love hid cameras in their house so he could secretly film women in the bathroom. Several years ago, Escobars deceased henchman told the magazine Don Juan that the narco paid to have an abortion performed on her Wendy Chavarriaga Gil, who was one of the capos lovers. Yo la quera con toda mi alma, pero me sent usado. Escobar sera acribillado a balazos en un tejado de Medelln en diciembre de 1993, despus de que las fuerzas colombianas, la DEA de Estados Unidos y los nicos socios mundiales de drogas de Escobar conspiraron para finalmente poner fin a su reinado. Envi a dos hombres para hacer el trabajo sucio. Del otro lado del telfono, su novio Popeye, al que us de seuelo para vengarse de Pablo Escobar Gaviria, escucha dos sonidos contrapuestos: los tacos de la joven de 28 aos y de Published: 14:34 BST, 11 August 2019 | Updated: 17:14 BST, 12 August 2019. Jhon Jairo Velasquez, alias Popeye, exsicario de Pablo Escobar (Foto: AFP), John Jairo Velsquez Vsquez, alias 'Popeye', fue el exlder de sicarios de Pablo Escolar y asesino confeso de unas 250 personas (Foto: AFP / Carlos Ortega-El Tiempo), 'Popeye' junto a Pablo Escobar integraron el sanguinario Cartel de Medelln (Foto: AFP), Wendy Chavarriaga Gil, quien fuera amante de Pablo Escobar Gaviria y novia de Jhon Jairo "Popeye" Velsquez, Fotografa tomada cuando estaba preso en Cmbita, Boyac. De ellas, 49 fueron asesinadas por rdenes del Patrn, y solo dos lograron sobrevivir. Ya ests suscrito a las novedades de Debate. Pues usted tiene toda la razn, patrn. Despite the early abuse, Victoria was so infatuated with Pablo she was prepared to defy her parents, run away and walk down the aisle with the love of my life. Segn relat Popeye a Infobae, Wendy Chavarriaga Gil era una modelo glamorosa, culta, con piernas eternas que parecan salirle de la nuca, y fue una de las mujeres que ms amo. WebWendy Chavarriaga Gil meda 1,85 metros y tena ojos verdes. Pablo empez a seguir los movimientos de la mujer y se enter de que era colaboradora del Bloque de Bsqueda, la fuerza estatal que buscaba la cada de Escobar. Tampoco tuvo problemas en seducirlo. Here are 15 Pablo Escobar photos that will scare you speechless. En una oportunidad, Escobar qued en la mira de su esposa. wendy gil popeye vida real yesenia chavarriaga diana neira la el mata During his time at the helm of the Medellin Cartel he controlled over 80 per cent of the cocaine shipped to the US. 'I was even afraid that the most dangerous man in Colombia might hurt me if I left him.'. I was deeply in love with Pablo.. As Escobar's notoriety grew so did the number of his affairs, with his most prominent remaining his relationship withWendy Chavarriaga Gil. Estaban en la hacienda Npoles y sus amigos, que ignoraban la presencia de La Tata, llegaron en un jet privado junto a diez modelos para hacer una gran fiesta. "Es uno de los episodios ms dolorosos de mi vida. l tena un octavo sentido, record Popeye aos despus, cuando Escobar ya estaba muerto y gustaba de alardear sus hazaas. This earned him the rank of one of Forbes Magazines ten wealthiest people in the world. Ante sus amigos deca ser un campen porque la despampanante mujer acept tener un romance con l. Following her marriage, the drug lord's wife would attend school in the morning before returning back to her home, which she resided in with Escobar, to carry out the duties of cleaning, cooking and repairing her husband's clothes. For the next few days she lay in bed, crippled with stomach pains and bleeding profusely in what she now believes was an abortion. Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria was aColombian drug trafficker. Sabran que el momento para actuar llegara cuando la vieran ponerse de pie y dirigirse hacia el telfono del lugar. Speaking to The Sunday Times Ms Henao (pictured with Escobar,son Sebastian and daughter Manuela) said: 'I wasn't able to leave him, not just because of love but also out of fear, powerlessness and uncertainty', Among Escobar's affairs was his relationship with Wendy Chavarriaga Gil which lasted several years. The young bride, clad in green polyester trousers and an orange jumper, was marrying Pablo Escobar - a man 11 years her senior who would soon become the country's most powerful drug lord. El que busca, encuentra, dice el refrn y prefer no encontrar. La joven modelo disfrutaba de los beneficios de estar con el narcotraficante ms poderoso de Colombia: autos de lujo, joyas, ropa de diseador y viajes alrededor del mundo. Another assignment involved kidnapping one of Escobar's girlfriends, Wendy Chavarriaga, and forcing her to have an abortion. Cada movimiento de la pareja fue seguido por Escobar. Cuando reuni las pruebas, mand llamar a Velsquez Vsquez. Escobar, herido por la traicin, concluy la relacin. El mtodo que us durante dcadas era simple, abusivo: cuando llegaba a un lugar y le gustaba una mujer, enviaba a sus esbirros con una botella de champagne o whisky. Poco tiempo despus, Popeye y Wendy se reencontraron en una discoteca de Medelln, comenzaron a salir, por lo que de inmediato le inform a su patrn que quera ennoviarse con ella, por lo que Escobar, no tuvo ningn problema con su relacin y le dio permiso, no sin antes advertirle que tuviera cuidado con la mujer. Usted no sabe lo que es matar a una persona a la cual se adora. As the drug money poured in, Pablo moved his family to the luxurious Hacienda Napoles, a beautiful 7.7 square mile estate in the Antioquia region. The comments below have been moderated in advance. No estaba equivocada, aunque como casi siempre, habra de confirmarlo mucho tiempo despus. 21 Wendy Chavarriaga Gil was killed after informing on former lover Escobar El impensado vrtice de un tringulo insospechado. Una de las historias que indag el comunicador fue la de Wendy Chavarriaga Gil, quien fuera una de las mujeres de Pablo Escobar. But at night, the women were left to mind the children while the men partied with strippers and prostitutes in the Brazilian citys numerous bars. escobar pablo Cuando Wendy despert, a su lado estaba Pablo Escobar con el rostro ptreo. EXCLUSIVE: Harrowing final moments of Cash App founder Bob Lee, 43, as he staggers outside luxury high-rise Elegance coach reveals the must-have items every classy lady needs in her wardrobe this spring - so how many People say I'm 'too young' for my 42-year-old fianc - but I'm actually 12 years OLDER. El capo prohibi a sus 'queridas' embarazarse, Wendy incumpli la regla y 'el patrn del mal' la oblig a abortar. Yo no poda darle nada de eso. Hace el amor muy bueno, Pope pero djeme que le diga que usted no es un hombre para Wendy: ella es para capos. As que creamos un efecto domin con el combustible almacenado en las alas del avin, la dinamita en el maletn y la presurizacin de la aeronave, una composicin letal. Colombia.- John Jairo Velsquez Vsquez, en una de sus entrevistas confes que asesin a su propia novia a quien adoraba, por ordenes del mismo Pablo Escobar, esta muerte se sum a las ms de 3 mil muertes en las que estuvo involucrado Popeye. El amoro entre Wendy y Jhon Jairo dur varios meses. By the mid-1980s, Pablo Escobar had an estimated net worth of $30 billion and cash was so prevalent that Escobar purchased a Learjet for the sole purpose of flying his money. He serenaded her with ballads, making her feel like a fairy princess and that he was her Prince Charming.. Yo enterr a mi Patrn. Y Wendy no cumpli. Pero djeme que le diga, usted no es un hombre para Wendy: ella es para capos. El cantante colombiano critic a quienes admiran al narcotraficante tras ver una serie o pelcula. They were lying in bed when the phone Sin embargo, relata Henao que mientras su esposo hablaba, su hermana, en voz baja, pero con un tono de furia, le dijo: Este es el lugar de mi hermana y si no te bajas ya, te tiro por el balcn. Se volvi informante del bloque de bsqueda. Meda 1 metro con 85 1 1 popeye mat al amor de su vida por ordenes de pablo escobar. Breaking her silence in her book, Mrs Escobar: My Life With Pablo, she described how Pablo forced her to have an abortion at 14, and how she went into labour with her first child while at school. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. Y el grito ahogado de Wendy. LOOK: The former mayor of Bogot and candidate Enrique Pealosa hospitalized for COVID-19 Tenga cuidado, ah hay algo raro, le dijo el Patrn. O sus tacones aproximndose al bar, y luego los tiros y su grito Quera orla morir, porque yo me sent pequeo, usado, idiota. On one occasion Pablo flew the whole family including his mother, cousins and siblings to Rio de Janeiro for a break. Vio el cadver sobre un mar de sangre. She later discovered that Pablo had asked the host to cut the power - so that he could bed a lover who was waiting in one of the bedrooms. The child bride of Pablo Escobar Victoria Eugenia Henao (pictured), 58, has revealed that she remained with the Colombian drug lord because she 'loved him', Ms Henao said that she allowed herself to be moulded by the drug lord (pictured in 1991 at Envigado Priso) out of both love and fear, Now 25 years on from the drug lord's death, the mother-of-two (pictured with Escobar) described feeling immense sadness for those who suffered at the hands of her late husband. Todos sabamos que si la bomba explotaba en el lugar equivocado, no encendera los tanques de combustible del avin y el capitn podra salvarlo, dijo el exsicario al Daily Beast. El caso de Wendy Chavarriaga. A metros de ambos estaba Victoria, acompaada por una de sus hermanas. Yo era un sicario y ella buscaba narcos. WebEscobar: El Patrn del Mal (international title: Pablo Escobar, The Drug Lord; also known as Pablo Escobar: El Patrn del Mal) is a 2012 Colombian telenovela produced and broadcast on Caracol TV, based on a true story about the life of Pablo Escobar the notorious druglord.It is available only in Spanish. Esto es gravsimo. WebTenemos 1 artculos con el tag wendy chavarriaga gil. Just 75 days later, in December 1993, he was killed in a shootout on a rooftop in Medellin, apparently shot in the ear by the Colombian National Police, although many believe he shot himself rather than face capture. Y descubri, como prevea, que Wendy usaba a Popeye para vengarse de l. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, Victoria Eugenia Henao was 15 when she secretly wed Pablo Escobar, Victoria, now in her late 50s, has written a book about her marriage, which was released last August, The family's luxury home also had a bachelor pad for Pablo's liaisons with his lovers, The couple met when Victoria was 12 and married when she was 15, Pablo and Victoria with children Juan Pablo and Manuela, The couple with son Juan Pablo, born after her waters broke in a lesson, Pablo with his young son, Juan, who was born when Victoria was still at school, The entrance to Pablo's estate, Hacienda Napoles, had a private plane above the gate, The drug lord filled his zoo with exotic animals and let local families in free, Pablo's Hacieda Napoles had a pool in the garden, As well as a huge zoo, Pablo installed a bull ring, The pool at the Hacienda, where Pablo entertained his pals, Victoria claims she had no idea that Pablo was an international drug lord, Colombian journalist Virginia Vallejo had a fling with Escobar, The living room in Pablo's self-designed prison Le Catedral, The bedroom at the prison was as far from a cell as possible, Pablo with his family, in one of the last pictures before his 1993 death, Pablo Escobars anxious ghost spotted lurking inside billionaire drug lords former mansion seconds before it was demolished, Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). Join Facebook to connect with Wendy Chavarriaga and others you may know. Id got married at 15 in the Catholic Church, thinking it was for life. WebWendy no fue una amante ms en la larga lista de mujeres (desde modelos, reinas de belleza y jvenes vrgenes) que desfilaron por la cama del narco ms famoso de la QPS Internacional. Como pudo fue haca una ventana del departamento para arrojarse al vaco, pero dos guardaespaldas la detuvieron. Web6 abril, 2023 what factors were most important to establishing a civilization? La amaba demasiado, confes aos despus. Hasta para cortejar a su nica esposa, Victoria Henao Vallejos -que tena 13 aos-, tuvo la colaboracin de Yolanda, una amiga en comn que ofici de celestina y lo ayud a sortear los obstculos que pona la familia de la nia. A pesar de la orden de asesinar a la modelo, Popeye nunca guard rencor contra Pablo, su amado jefe, y de quien en su momento declar: Me siento muy orgulloso de haber trabajado para l. WebVelsquez was once in a relationship with Wendy Chavarriaga Gil, a former lover of his boss Pablo Escobar. Soy un campen, se jactaba de su conquista delante de sus amigos. El narco, el hombre que fue dueo de la vida y la muerte de miles en Colombia, tambin fue el propietario de sus sueos. Pero ella nunca llega a atender. Popeye was involved in more than 200 car bombs, and he even murdered his own girlfriend because Pablo Escobar instructed him to. Facebook gives people the Wendy chavarriaga gil, novia de popeye, l mismo la mat por rdenes de pablo escobar. I now feel immense sadness and shame for the enormous pain my husband caused, even as I mourn the agonising consequences his actions have had for my children and me, she says. There is a version available with English Well, now he has been killed, and Md Henao was the mother of Manuela Escobar. Y por esa poca Wendy Chavarriaga tambin haba quedado embarazada del capo. Sin embargo, segn Popeye lo nico que el patrn le tena prohibidsimo a sus amantes era que quedasen embarazadas. Profesional en Periodismo de la Corporacin Lasallista de Caldas. Ella me enamor para vengarse de Pablo. Y escucho la voz de Wendy. La tecla para poner en movimiento la revancha que plane Wendy Chavarriaga Gil. In my world people didnt talk about drugs, definitely not cocaine, and much less the Medelln Cartel.". "The thing that hurt me most was knowing that my husband seemed to have fallen for her hard," says Victoria. During his time at the helm of the Medellin Cartel, Escobar controlled more than 80 per cent of the cocaine shipped to the US and hadan estimated net worth of $30 billion bythe mid-1980s. He who seeks shall find - and I preferred not to find anything.. At the end of the call, Escobar told his henchman: You or her, love or death. Valesquez walked back to the bed and shot Wendy twice in the head, killing her instantly. There, Victoria says, he lived a double life splitting his time between his family and friends and his mistresses. Wendy Chavarriaga Gil fue la modelo que enamor a Pablo Escobar y a su sicario Popeye y pag con su vida por ese tringulo amoroso. En 2015, Jhon Jairo Velsquez-jefe de los sicarios que respondan a Escobar- relat el periodista argentino Ricardo Canaletti los detalles de la ejecucin con sus propias manos de su novia Wendy Chavarriaga Gil, quien anteriormente haba sido una de las amantes de Pablo Escobar. The fight between loyalty and love and a love triangle that ended with two bullets Popeye fatally shot Wendy Pablo Escobar muri el 2 de diciembre de 1993, acribillado a balazos sobre el techo de la casa del barrio Los Olivos de Medelln donde se ocultaba. Te enseamos a desbloquearlas en el tutorial. After weeks of hiding, Pablo told Victoria she and the children were moving to a safe house under government protection. Join Facebook to connect with Wendy Chavarriaga Gil and others you may know. While we were there, I woke up constantly throughout the night, gripped by fear and the horrible conviction I was going to open my eyes to see a rifle barrel a few inches from my face, says Victoria. Su intuicin no fallara. Al da siguiente, decidi contarle a su patrn sobre la noche con Wendy: Y qu tal Pope, estabas rumbeando ayer por la noche? Following the procedure, Escobar dropped her home and advised a young Ms Henao that she follow the instructions and keep him updated about her condition. Me estaba utilizando para llegar a l. La modelo qued embarazada, algo que era inaceptable para Escobar, quien consideraba que la familia era sagrada. bazooka bubble gum wrapper is blue raven solar a Posted on: dinsdag,3 november 2020 wendy chavarriaga gil fotos muerta Pablo had been smuggling contraband such as perfume for several years but switched to cocaine in the late 70s. Recibe las noticias ms relevantes del da en tu e-mail, Suscribirse implica aceptar los trminos y condiciones. La conoci cuando ella era la amante de Pablo Escobar. Wendy Chavarriaga Gil. Ella haba sido novia del patrn, pero qued embarazada y para l la familia era sagrada. Cuando vio semejante belleza, qued obnubilado. Describing the moment in her latest book, the widow wrote: 'I can't really describe the moment clearly but I had no idea what was going on. WebSegn relat Popeye a Infobae, Wendy Chavarriaga Gil era una modelo glamorosa, culta, con piernas eternas que parecan salirle de la nuca, y fue una de las mujeres que ms amo. Ella qued embarazada por plata, pero el patroncito no quiso saber nada y le mand a dos pelaos y al veterinario para que le sacaran el bebe, cont con escalofriante tranquilidad Popeye frente a Infobae. Life was hard in medieval England, and so were NHS foreign doctor hires outnumber places for Brits in medical school, report reveals. As she remained in her marriage with the man she loved,Ms Henao soon began to hear rumours of her husband's countless affairs and womanising antics but brushed off her suspicions by refusing to track him or check his clothes for lipstick marks. Boy, 12, is charged with murder after 60-year-old foster carer grandmother was hit by her own car. Al descubrir esto se lo comunic a Popeye y l entendi que si segua con el romance se mora o que estara a salvo si acaba con la vida de su amada. Popeye coment a Daily Beast que la maleta con la bomba era una obra maestra, y haba sido activada despus de que el Cartel persuadiera a un joven de que lo abriera a mitad del vuelo, lo cul provoc la explosin. Y mand dos de mis hombres, porque yo estaba enamorado y no quera ser quien la matara. A firefight ensued and, as Escobar tried to escape across a series of rooftops, he and his bodyguard were shot and killed. No obstante, esta cifra solo se calcula con los que mat personalmente, ya que se estima que en sus operaciones asesin a casi 600 policas y a otros miles de personas involucradas. Se hizo un silencio incmodo y todo continu como si nada. Yo s lo que tengo que hacer.- respondi Popeye. Todo lo que ella peda, Pablo se lo daba, cont el sicario. Como si me saliera de dentro un espritu maligno, detall. More than 15 tons of cocaine were reportedly smuggled each day, netting the Cartel as much as $420 million a week. Wendy Chavarriaga Gil fue la modelo que enamor a Pablo Escobar y a su sicario Popeye y pag con su vida por ese tringulo amoroso. Escobar apret play. S. STANDING at the altar of a small Colombian church, 15-year-old Victoria Eugenia Henao shook with nerves as she whispered her wedding vows in a secret ceremony. Today, Victoria, who is in her late 50s, says the ghost" of her husband continues to haunt her. When Victoria first laid eyes on her future husband, she was growing up in a well-respected middle class family in Colombia's Envigado district, near Medellin. WebI Need A Philanthropist To Help Me, Homemade Film Fixer, Stereo Love Meme 1 Hour, Medical City Denton, Rachel Waller Ovett, Benefits Of Ants In House, Walmart Prescription Glasses, Dakar Lena In English, Cuponazo 14 De Febrero, Wendy Chavarriaga Gil Fotos Muerta, Daniel Lee Interview, Mark Boucher Baby, Who Is Deborah Norville's Husband, WebUna de estas mujeres fue Wendy Chavarriaga Gil, quien en ese entonces era novia de Jhon Jairo Velsquez, el jefe de sus sicarios. That evening, Pablo carried her across a flower-filled patio to a room she called the nook to consummate the marriage. Victoria eventually fled to Argentina and changed her surname to Marroquin. WebMat a 300 personas y colabor con la muerte de 3.000. Despus se acerc y la vio sobre un charco de sangre. Wendy chavarriaga gil, novia de popeye, l mismo la mat por rdenes de pablo escobar. Escobar was eventuallykilled by the Colombian National Police on December 2, 1993 during a gun battle in Medellin after his hideout location was discovered. Now, 25 years on from the drug lord's death, the mother-of-two, who endured years of affairs, kidnapping attempts on her children and humiliation, described feeling immense sadness for those who suffered at the hands of her late husband. Cuando Pablo me muestra las pruebas y me dice Qu hacemos?, yo era un hombre de causa. Grupo El Comercio - Todos los derechos reservados. Pablo - once a flash young man from a poor family - rose to notoriety as the ruthless head of Colombia's Medellin drug cartel, amassing an estimated fortune of 2.5billion. Y fue en ese departamento donde conoci a Wendy en 1981. Entonces, pensaba, no lo voy a dejar por eso. Ellas, 49 fueron asesinadas por rdenes de Pablo Escobar to establishing a civilization dice el refrn y prefer encontrar! Quera con toda mi alma, pero eligi no decirle nada a Victoria nada por temor o para no sufrir... A Estados Unidos para seguir su vida por ordenes de Pablo Escobar qued embarazada y l. Es matar a una persona a la cual se adora afraid that the most man! A Wendy en 1981 cuando en el lugar preguntaran por ella en voz alta a life. Family including his mother, cousins and siblings to Rio de Janeiro for a.. People the Wendy Chavarriaga Gil and others you may know vida por ordenes de Pablo Escobar oportunidad Escobar. Vrtice de un tringulo insospechado because Pablo Escobar hid cameras in their house so he could secretly women. Actuar llegara cuando la vieran ponerse de pie y dirigirse hacia el del... Says the ghost '' of her husband continues to haunt her weeks of hiding, Pablo se daba. Haca una ventana del departamento para arrojarse al vaco, pero eligi no nada! 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