Today has been quite a revelation about the POU family! In determining whether or not we’re black – still not sure if we’ve resolved the question about ourselves! It all started with Miss Kathy tweeting this:
@lorchal @PragObots @arthuromeo @WilmaJazz @wilson6923 @TessieD2 typical black life is NOT growing up with white people and private schools
— kathy B (@katidid7) August 5, 2013
Well, how bout that. I’m not sure to what degree one cannot grow up with white people to classify as typically “black” (can white people be your classmates? neighbors?)…..and apparently we’re not privy to private schools, that’s a white thing. Anyway, we’re on a quest…to find our black life.
Now I bet the fabulous Fredi Washington would really mess ole Kathy’s mind up. Here’s a woman that embraced ALL her negritude with no apologies! During the Jim Crow years no less!
Today, our BLACKETY BLACK President honored the Negro Leagues! That’s mighty black of him!
I dunno, I believe we might be pretty darn black…blue black as a matter of fact. We really must stay abreast of the criteria, it changes so. Until the goalpost is moved again, STAY BLACK Y’ALL!