Welcome to the weekend POU! OK, this is the ultimate love pentagon - too many sides for just a triangle. The babies on Twitter and TikTok are just learning about the infamous Cooke-Womack saga. It is a dereliction of duty that no screenwriter has tapped in to do this yet. … [Read more...] about Saturday Open Thread: Peaking Into Celebrity Affairs
Friday Open Thread: Peaking Into Celebrity Affairs
Good Morning POU! Remember this scene in Ray? … [Read more...] about Friday Open Thread: Peaking Into Celebrity Affairs
Thursday Open Thread: Peaking Into Celebrity Affairs
Good Morning POU! Smokey Robinson says he and Diana Ross have history together. … [Read more...] about Thursday Open Thread: Peaking Into Celebrity Affairs
Wednesday Open Thread: Peaking Into Celebrity Affairs
Good Morning POU! We all know about this one! … [Read more...] about Wednesday Open Thread: Peaking Into Celebrity Affairs
Tuesday Open Thread: Peaking Into Celebrity Affairs
Good Morning POU! Ooooo, Sydney and Diahann! … [Read more...] about Tuesday Open Thread: Peaking Into Celebrity Affairs