For the week Jan 29 – Feb 4
It is rather entertaining to watch the gridiron battle of the GOP Primaries. No offense to the Giants and Patriots, but its gonna be hard to put on a show today that tops Gingrich’s press conference from last night and I don’t think Belichek’s gonna bench Tom Brady because “everybody’s talking bout him!” like Romney benched his debate coach. The Grand Ole Party in 30 seconds could clearly top the commercials we’ll see tonight. Now on to the comments! “So Why Do You Want To Be President Again?” Comment of the Week
Romney wants to be president for the same reason McCain, Palin, Cain, Gingrich, Santorum, Bachmann, Huntsman etc. wanted to be president: For the prestige, the honor, the smoke blowing up their asses. But none of them want to actually WORK. None of them actually want to learn. None of them want to take that 3 am call. They just want their name in the history books, and Air Force One, but none of the responsibilities that come along with it.
Dear Mr. Kansas Secretary of Agriculture HELL FRIGGIN NO!!! YOU PISSED IN THE POOL, NOW SWIM IN IT. However, we should be receiving the resume of some out of work Texas engineer from his bigoted/ignorant/disrespectful wife shortly we will pass it on to you for consideration. Signed the Federal Government.
Ditto Ms. Kitty, because my reply would have been “I keep the proof on the bottom of my shoe, bend over and I will share it with you”. The next White House press briefing would have been to announce my replacement.
Does Bobby really want to bring back memories? Does he really want to go there? Because I remember even Tweety knew he was a joke as soon as he walked onscreen to give his rebuttal to President Obama a few years back. As Tweety said, and I quote, “Oh, God..”
You’re Just Like The Black Panthers? GTFOOHWTBS Comment of the Week
OK if they have ‘roots in the BPP, where is Occupy’s school lunch program? Free Clinics? Sickle-Cell Anemia screening? How many folks have run for city offices? You see, I was living in the Bay Area in the late 60’s, and while I was young(early teens) I distinctly remember all the above and no, these layabout, rag-tag leftist mofos ain’t nuthin’ like the real deal, relevant Holyfield, Black muthafuckin’ Panther Party!! I am so sick of these trifilin’ jackasses, they can go run really fast to the edge of the SF-Oaktown Bay Bridge, and jump the fuck off!! Nobody but they family members will miss they sorry azzes.
The War On Women Didn’t Just Start Comment of the Week
This is a bunch of BS. Hey Maddow, Keith and the rest of you clowns. While you are busy bashing the president the gop is busy taking down planned parenthood. What a bunch of idiots the prof left is. The right is not going to stop until planned parenthood is taken down for good. Oh but the occupy wall-street needed all our support and donations this fall. Meanwhile planned parenthood is being attacked. This issue with planned parenthood did not begin overnight, this is just like the union mess in WI, this is typical of the so called left. The right wing throws them a shiny new ball, they play with it, all the while they are being distracted and robbed. Then they expect us rational folks to help them get their furniture back. I cannot wait until this election is over.