For the week May 20 – May 26
Another week of draaahh-aaahh-Muhhhh! (that would be “drama” for the phonetically challenged)
No need for niceties, let’s just get to it!
Stay In Your Lane Boo Boo Comments of the Week
Bad things happen when you try to get all in the fast lane knowing you can only drive 45 mph. See Mayor Booker, you tried to put your 10-speed on the Autobahn. boo-boo, get back to the bike lane….over there…there ya go…you stay right there.
MonieTalks, Sunday Open Thread
This is Booker’s “satan sandwich” moment…his “unleash” misstep.
This disappointment is not even about “protecting” the President as some media whores like RoRo Martin try to claim.
Booker and many like him are always concerned primarily with trying to stay in that inner circle of certain politicos (of both parties), and other well-heeled people. People like Reps. Cleaver and Waters could care less about constituents. It has always been about using their political office as a springboard for power, connections, and prestige.
Even with Mitt Romney’s abysmal record as a POLITICIAN on job creation in Massachusetts, he is still awarded the title of an expert on the economy because in his private equity life,he simply bought out companies which in the majority of cases, either outsourced jobs and left people jobless.
And yet the President is not supposed to talk this. This is CENTRAL to the issues of this campaign. Did the President misrepresent Romney’s record…hell no.
Meanwhile, Corey Booker and his ilk will be the same mofos who in a millisecond flat will blurt out “The President does have some weaknesses…has not restored America to what it was”, even though the disaster he inherited was decades in the making. Republican members of Congress were meeting during PBO’s inauguration to specially craft a plan to manipulate the legislative process and destroy the economy further.
Booker is a brown-nosing, out for self, talk-show seeking, front-page headliner hoping politico ho. He’s been snuggling under that ol sweaty teddy bear Chris Christie too long…they have made a pact for sure.
Bab, Monday Evening Thread
Corey Booker has changed his name. He will now be known as Judas. I have one question for Booker, how many pieces of silver did it take to purchase your betrayal?
In the end , the president will still be elected for a second term. He will still be respected by many. He will still be loved and admired by many. He will still continue working hard for the citizens of this country. He will do it with dignity, class, integrity, and truth. That is who President Obama is.
And now we know who you are Mr. Booker. You are Judas. Self-serving, attention seeking Judas. Yow claimed to have rushed into a burning house to save a neighbor. Maybe you did, maybe you didn’t. What you did on meet the press, however, was set yourself on fire.
Jojoraze, Sunday Open Thread
Co-sign. I’m kind of glad this happened and that PBO is not playing Captain-Save-A-Booker. The campaign is letting Dems know that if you betray the president, Dems on Twitter and social media will have your hide and will basically send a horse head and a dead fish to you. The president is letting Cory know that he, not Booker, has the juice and Cory needs to kiss the ring if he wants to get anywhere. Folks in the O-bot blogosphere are heated and those are the people that Cory is gonna need if he hopes to go higher than Newark mayor. Even I was like “You’re dead to me” when I read about his idiocy when I logged on Yahoo. The pushback alone will get others Dems playing “You are not the boss of me” to stay on script or shut up and get out the way. Cory better ask Maxine Waters, Artur Davis, and Charlie Rangel what happens when you mess with PBO. Ricketts and ’em are finding out now that they don’t mess with PBO.
ETA: Questioning Rmoney’s Bain credentials is not character assassination. It is the foundation of Rmoney saying he’s qualified to be commander-in-chief since he’s arguing that his leadership of Bain shows he knows how to create jobs. What is dirty in showing that Rmoney didn’t create jobs, but shipped them overseas, leaving local and federal governments to pay the fired workers’ pensions, etc which diminished the country’s manufacturing base? How is it wrong to put in ads people who were fired by Rmoney and know what Bain did to downsize them?
ETA 2: This pushback is showing Dems who disrespect PBO that PBO has a strong constituency who will not put up with people trying to undercut the president.
Aquagranny, Monday Evening Thread
Yes! I’ve been really disappointed at some of those trying to defend Booker. What he did hurt us Dems & the work we are doing for this election. We knew it was going to be dirty & evil but I, at least, hoped we would not be eating our own.
If I’ve got to stand up in a street rumble then I want to know my friends have my back. If they can’t do that then they need to sit it out or stand on the other side. Then I know who to trust. Booker can never be trusted again.
Conlakappa, Monday Evening Thread
Still choking on the fumes of his own hype machine. When you find yourself not calling the President by his office, you are either working too hard to prove that you are boyz or you are reading from the disrespectful cue cards of the right. Pieces of silver, indeed. Bought.ho. Did Bain leave the money on the nightstand?
Character Assassination No…Truth, Yes (it hurts huh Mitt?) Comment of the Week
Rikyrah, Sunday Open Thread
Willard Romney says that he is qualified to be President of the United States is because he knows how to take care of the economy and President Obama doesn’t.
He’s not saying that he had executive experience because he was the Governor of Massachusetts – something that he has completely run away from. Look at Willard’s campaign – it’s like his time as the Governor of Massachusetts just doesn’t exist.
He’s not running on foreign policy experience – remember the articles from last week about him ‘forming a foreign policy after the election’.
No. He’s staked his claim on why he should be President because he’s a rich White man, and the crux of that is Bain Capital.
I’m fine if he wants folks to judge him on his time at Bain Capital.
Let us discuss the American workers that were given the shaft by Willard and Bain.
Let us discuss the fundamentals of how Bain made money. They weren’t about making jobs. They were about making money.
But, they don’t want to discuss that. They don’t want to talk about:
1. the jobs he shipped overseas
2. the companies he bankrupted
3. the people whose economic lives he ruined.
They wanna bullshyt and call that the President’s attempt at ‘character assassination’.
Just once I wish someone from the Obama campaign to retort – you’d actually have to HAVE CHARACTER in order for it to be assassinated, but I know they can’t.
It’s not character assassination to break it down to the American people that Willard and Bain didn’t give a rat’s ass about ‘creating jobs’. They were all about ‘ making money’. And, they rigged the game, so, whether the company succeeded OR FAILED – Bain made money.
The whole 99% vs. 1% isn’t about the 99% being ‘envious’. They just know unfair bullshyt when they see it.
People understand – if a company is doing successful, then yes, people should make money.
But, it’s hard to explain, in anything other than 1% ridiculousness, how, if you run a company INTO BANKRUPTCY, how your ass should walk away with MILLIONS OF DOLLARS.
And, that is EXACTLY what Willard and Bain did – time after time.
Time after time, bankrupting companies, walking away from the pension and medical benefit obligations of employees and retirees, while making MILLIONS for themselves.
On top of that, not only walking away from those worker and retiree obligations, but putting the AMERICAN TAXPAYER on the hook for them.
All while Willard – AND BAIN – walked away with MILLIONS.
THIS is why Bain is fair game.
Willard has said he should be President because of his ‘ business experience’.
Therefore, every inch of what was done at Bain is part of what the American People have a RIGHT TO KNOW.
Dems Suck As Teammates Comments of the Week
Aleth, Tuesday Open Thread
Van Jones, Ezra Klein, Maddow, Rendell…. all are cut from the same cloth.
Recall how all we heard the last 3 years is corporate whores, sellout, obama not going hard, anti-union etc… The day the team takes on the very entities these people complain about… what do they do.. WHINE and look for cover.
Hypocrites… I think Al Giordiano was always right— this folks don’t know what they want. Outrage is all they seek.
Weren’t these the same people stating the president was too nice and working too closely with the GOP?
In the end it is about a paycheck and upward mobility. Money money money..
I find it interesting that everyone is trying to protect Mitt
Why are they trying to protect Mitt and why couldn’t they extend the same protection and courtesy to the President?
MonieTalks, Tuesday Open Thread
Wow, so they are using GOP’s video…I just can’t.
From reading the threads it is apparent that Rachel “fake Oval Office” Maddow defended good ol rescue, she became his progressice cheerleader. Interestingly, this is the same chick that, in addition to a myriad of sanctimonious rants, claimed that PBO would be “irrelevant” while pissing a predictable fit pre-DADT repeal..putting her too-smart foot in her mouth. Isn’t it amazing how so many like Maddow can run to Booker’s aid in his very pro Wall-Street gaffe, but scream to the high heavens and call this president and owned Wall-Street corporatist. my, my, my!
I have come to realize that sooooooooo many people…pundits, MSM at-large, numerous Democrats, all of the GOP and so many others are grappling so hard with their own insecurity about WHO this President is. So many of them want to write and pontificate about their own idealist society ad fixes for it, but it is the President who is actually working and putting those plans into reality and they hate it..and predicatably move every goal post they can to demean everything he does.
I was pissed the other week with the “Gay President” magazine cover. Let’s be honest, it wasn’t meant to be flattering at all, meant to champion this President unprecedented support for a community at large who does no appreciate one damn thing he did. This was meant to to mock him the same way that 2008 New Yorker cover, with the supposed Muslim garbed candidate and his angry Black militant wife on the front. It is always interesting that these journos always seem to want to have a little fun at the expense of the President….instead of shooting down the absolute idiocy, bigotry, and foolishness that his opponents lob at him, they’d rather join in on the fun. But when you think about schoolchildren, there is always one in the bunch, who ironically likes the kid everyone else is picking, but joins in anyway with the others who taunts the picked onIy kid because that one child is scared is well. He’d rather go with the flow then be courageous.
It is so funny how folks like Ed Schultz can’t even remember that he told folks not to vote in 2010 as a way to punish PBO, but now plead every chance he gets to ask the PBO to get involved in the Wisconsin recall election. Gov Walker was the consequence….deal with it and Ed needs to take responsibility that it was his insecurity and playground antics that helped caused this.
NC gained more Republican seats than ever in 2010 since Reconstruction, and so anti-gay laws was a predictable outcome of that. People already know culture wars is the tried and true GOP playbook because every other philosophical argument they possess is fruitless. But when 30% of gays nationwide voted for Republicans while cursing, demanding, and abandoning this President not even a full two years into his term, then I say deal with it. To me, that is being on the the wrong side of history is. What the hell did folks think would happen when you slapped around the guy who was in your corner only to run into the hands of the clear cut opposition. Only insecurity, which drive irrational behavior would make you do that.
It was insecurity that made a lackluster, half-supporting Democratic Congress too scared to be bold in the President’s vision, and instead time and time again kick the can down the road and forcing the President to repeatedly negotiate to do THEIR job, while they twiddled their thumbs. But yet these same folks, at every chance claim he hands out “satan sandwiches”, begs to be unleashed, and claims he has been an overall disappointment.
I am exhausted for me President. I simply don’t know how he does it.
Now Sen Harry Reid wants to raise a stink legislatively about the filibuster….really?
And people always say “The President did not sell his accomplishments enough…..he should have let the people know. Funny thing is, when the President goes into truth-telling and attack mode, these same politicos say he is being too harsh, bringing up false equivalences, and helping out his opponents every step of the way.
The truth is, there are far too many Democrats, of every background who secretly are insecure, jealous, and who have truly believed every single insult that Republicans said.
Elie, Friday Afternoon Thread
Isn’t it really something how these self-proclaimed progressives like the woman on Ed’s show tonight who after telling folks to stay home in 2010 now command PBO to return to Wisconsin to clean up the mess he warned them would happen if they stayed home, but they were too arrogant, petty and vindictive to listen.
But the nerve of Ed Schultz and his band of selfserving yellers who now want the President they claim is no progressive to come help rescue them from themselves. Even worse is that they make these demands of the President while still using their tried and failed tactics and threatening him to once again withhold their votes in November if he does not do their bidding!!
Ed and his friends are too blind to see just how myopic and ridiculous they just are!!
I swear, I really don’t want to be on the same side with these so-called progressives!! They suck at just about everything that builds and supports a successful effort and movement. Strategy, messaging, organizing.
But they sure do know how to grandstand and self destruct.Their specialty being how they demand purity and yet are so shamelessly compromised themselves.
And worse still, how they viciously and brutally attack their most powerful and effective voice and ally President Obama, chip away at him and his ability to effectively wield influence and win support on their behalf and then turn around and try to use him when they fail on their own, to help rally and positively move support for their cause.
Negro Please Comment of the Week
Oh so now Roland and Jeff Johnson pimping some “black agenda” type panel of sorts…tsk tsk tsk…and mad because we see through it.
Ebogan63, Tuesday Afternoon Thread
People like Roland and other sole patrolers want to comfort themselves in their delusion that black folks are sheep that can’t think for themselves in light of PBO’s election. It allows them to make their phony arguments about some nebulous ‘black agenda’ being abandoned because ‘we lub us some PBO’! They need to be called out for their condescending crap towards everyday black folks with these thinly veiled attacks on the president.
Mandingo! Comment of the Week
oh wait….so basically y’all black folks, ain’t that right?
Daltex82, Friday Open Thread
Genetic evidence shows that the families are the offspring of sub-Saharan African men and white women of northern or central European origin.
In layman’s terms “white women have been loving black pole since the beginning of time.”
Ok, I know, I know I’m headed there now.
Tweets of the Week!
Obama asking crowd to knock on doors, unaware that America now has doorbells. Out of touch?
There are no dressage horses in this neighborhood, only pit bulls. #RomneyRidesThruTheHood
Is RAINBOW a store for gay people? I would never let Ann shop there. #RomneyRidesThruTheHood
@JeffersonObama But Romney is winning White men!! but losing with Women, Indpts, African Americans, latinos, jews, arabs, normal people….
Are We Still Allowed to Criticize #Romney for Putting His Dog on the Car Roof or Is that Now an Attack on Pet Ownership?
Sununu: we “cherry-pick” Romney deals where he profited from layoffs. Like DA “cherry-picked” patients of Dr. Conrad Murray who died.
NEWSFLASH: I feel bad for the Mormons. It used to be the only 2 LDS most people knew were Donnie and Marie. Now, it’s MItt and Glenn Beck.
Inkosi Inkosikazi@AnonyNewsNet
Tattoo of Leviticus 18:22 forbidding homosexuality: £200. Not knowing that Leviticus 19:28 forbids tattoos: Priceless.
BREAKING: In a possible breakthrough, Iran says it will stop making nukes if we stop making Chipmunk squeakquels.
The fact that Republicans have declared a War on Women makes me think women must have oil.
Paul Ryan: “My #GOP Budget Is Based on My Faith. Like When Jesus Took Fishes & Loaves from 5000 People & Gave Them All to Some Rich Bastard”
Im no medium but I can say that Cory Booker wont be giving a speech slot in Charlotte
Cory Booker fears Obama more than he fears fire.
BREAKING: Predator Drone Just Misses Cory Booker