For the week October 30 – November 5
Dear Herman Cain:
It’s been a “Wake Up” Week! Herman “The Gropenator” Cain is bucking and shucking while the GOP establishment sets him up for a nice fall, Marc Lamont Hill got his feelings hurt on twitter, The CBC busy trying to pretend like they didn’t show their asses to not only PBO but us as well, and guess what fauxgressives….PBO’s numbers are steadily rising.
“See, What Had Happened Was” Comments of the Week
Oh so now the CBC wanna get brand new? Oh, so its all water under the bridge, we still down like four flat tires, it ain’t nothing but a thang chicken wang, homie?? OH HELL NAW….No forgetting mofos, they were ripped to shreds in the Thursday Open Thread:
“That’s all over,” the California Democrat said Wednesday. “It never was anything.”
Bitch, please. There’s only several hundred video clips I can pick out where you were in straight runteldat mode. Like I said before, for the sake of her ungreased scalp she better hope I never run into her in person.
They will find out the hard way just how important Barack and Michelle Obama are to their political ambitions not just in 2012, but well beyond.
They will find out the hard way that Bill and Hillary Clinton can only take them so far and that support from that corner just won’t cut it any longer.
Welcome to Barack and Michelle Obama’s America CBC assholes.
I find it interesting the CBC can only get reporters’ attention only when they bash the president.
Get NO input from the Chairman and slap on the CBC headline. That is NOT a CBC story. It’s not about the Caucus or our goals.
Did Maxine Waters get input from the Chairman when she rantolddat to Politico?
It’s about MEMBERS of Congress who happen to be black, belong to the CBC and many other Caucus.
And they happen to complain about Obama and his blackness, even trying to force Obama and his staff to utter “black” like their name is Toby.
(warning to the CBC…don’t make us choose, cuz it won’t be you, it’ll be them)
And contrary to what they claim, most of them never voted for or supported President Obama.
They were the same ones who alongside the Tea party folks started screaming blue murder even before he was inaugurated.
These were the very same people who have from day one, sought out reasons and excuses to be and remain “disappointed” with Obama. They’ve thrived on it and many have made boatloads of money and gotten a bit of fame and notoriety off it too.
(shaking head)
“Sorry, brother.”
Rick blames Willard.
While Karl Rove just laughs
People like this Marc Lamont Hill, will surely be the undoing of black people in America and the permanent reversal of all the gains made during the Civil Rights movement.
This mother fucker is so fucking dense, idiotic and shallow and whatever school or schools gave him whatever degrees really ought to seek to retrieve them all.
Wow. What an embarrassment. What a wanker.
At this point all these fools should really just step away from their computers, typewriters, put away their pens or whatever instrument they are all using to churn out these nonsensical, inconsequential garbage that serves no purpose except to expose their stupidity.
Jesse Jackson Sr. was in Atlanta on Friday for a Rainbow Push conference and talked to Kiss 104.1, he repeated all the talking points of the emoprogs and sole patrol:
That no matter how mediocre and unimpressive they are, they can always take comfort in the certainty that they’ll always be “better” and still above the black guy.
Barack Obama forces people like Chris Matthews into the harsh and traumatic reality, that their presumptions were grossly off the mark and the realization leaves Matthews who was never much to begin with, wildly disoriented, lashing out and determined to bring PBO down to size.
In the past, men like Chris Matthews were appeased by letting them into your inner sanctum and allowing them take part credit for your successes. That way their sense of importance and superiority remained intact as they could keep deluding themselves into believing their ‘ input’ somehow positively impacted you and by extension, your good decisions.
No such luck here.
Inspite of the much discussed tingle, PBO smartly has kept two-faced flakes and weasels like Chris Matthews at arms length. He has never interviewed with Matthews hence Chris’ jig with Clinton “president of the world” which not only failed to have the desired effect on PBO, but was a an embarrassing bust and complete flop that made absolutely no dent in things.
President Obama without even making the effort, leaves Chris Matthews flustered, ignored, frustrated and screaming: notice me please.
Which is why Chris Matthews will rave on about all the other.
Tweets of the Week!