POU family member GovChris1988 has a few (ok, maybe more than a few) words regarding the teary-eyed apology given by MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry to the Romney family over a nontroversy ratcheted up by the right wing. So get your “Amen corners” ready! Its time for Church!
On the MHP shit, get ready, because I am delurking to tell the truth and shame the devil. I’m about to put the paws on some folks feelings without filter and some folks may feel some way about it, so I am ready for the hateration. I’m going to piss some people off with my comments and I know it will set some people off, so get ready.
That Steppin Fetchit apology vid from Melissa Harris Perry was just sad. I’m going to keep it real. It was sad. No, it wasn’t a damn sincerity dripping video, it was just someone buckdancing to Mr. Charlie once again. If you are getting the vibe that I am not feeling that video or that Melissa Harris Perry has no sympathy from me, you are right. Karma just checkmated her behind, because I remember she was big and bad berating Barack Obama.
I remember THIS!
She went after President Obama like he was her ex-husband, emasculating him and hitting him below the belt, measuring up his very thought provoking comments as an attack on her personally. It just goes to show that Michelle Obama is a graceful and benevolent woman, because Mrs. Obama could have done what Jill Scott did in this video and nearly catch ass whuppin fever on Melissa for that.
(By the way, Ms. Jilly from Philly also said the very same thing the President said and IS a single mom as well. Her points as per this article)
And when Black Twitter chin checked her for that, she then went bad after us like we slapped her mother. Yeah, when its black folks, you can pull your wig off, kick off your shoes, take your earrings off, do the Ms. Thang neck roll and shake your finger at us and hogcall, but when its white folks, you clam up,shamelessly grovel and tapdance for Mr. Charlie sanging Mammy. How she pointed out she was biracial and came from Mormons as if that would make Mitt Romney and crew show mercy from the thrashing she would probably get from him tomorrow. And his comments with that little Parakeet wife of his will be shameless. It will be like the fake interview with Katie Couric on Real Husbands of Hollywood.
I’m going to say something about the Romney’s adopting that black child. I believe it was done as a cynical political ploy. This family doesn’t do SHIT for ACTUAL charitable good reasons or good faith. These people are ALL about bullshitting niceness and sincerity for TV media appearances. These delusional folks thought they were gonna win in 2012 and thought that since black folks in America would obviously be in a ginormous funk about the first African American President being defeated by a man whose religion considered us demons until 1978, that the way to salve that wound would not be to formulate policies that would benefit people of color, but to have a black grandchild to parade around news cameras to assure white folks that his policies would not really be bad for black folks, because hey BLACK GRANDSON, LOOK HERE! (Because really, thats who that really would be for. Most people of color would see right through that. Except of course, the ones who pine for white peoples seal of approval which now seems to include the aforementioned MHP) I feel bad for the kid, because one day, Kiernan is going to run up on some brothers who will let him know who he is, and that day will be when the Negro wake up call descends on him. Oh, it will happen. With the Romney’s raising him, it is damn impossible NOT to happen.
This whole spectacle of vituperative farce is amazing. Since that election loss in 2012, the media has been popping the Romney’s out like a fuckin Jack In The Box. Just trying and pining to make us realize we made a mistake in 2012 and that these folks should be in there. And really, look at the evidence. The news media saying Barack Obama is unpopular, Barack Obama’s Presidency is over, Barack Obama would lose in a do over election, No one likes Barack Obama, Barack Obama had a bad year, Barack Obama lost the debate and somehow that was bad even though he WON!!!!, Ann Romney is giving Michelle Obama a run for her money in the red dress she wore at her convention, ALL THE BULLSHIT!!!!! And instead of Melissa Harris Perry standing firm and true for the Angela Davis, raise a solid fist principles she supposedly embodies, she caved to pressure from Mr. Charlie and unnecessarily apologized for shit she was absolutely correct on. She doesn’t care about progressive and liberal principles, she cares about her paycheck and livelihood which I guarantee she wouldn’t have if she went back to Tulane.
This is why I am not one of the ones calling for more black voices on news and television. I’m sorry, I’m not for putting more black folks in the anchors chair if all they are is a mouthpiece for white corporate words, Liberal or Conservative. I don’t want it. Don Lemon is a perfect example of this. I would have thought a Black, Gay mid forty year old man would have more self respect than what he is shown. But he is as attention whorish as Miley Cyrus and Snooki. I read his ass when he tried to “George Michael” Jonah Hill in the men’s room.
I don’t want him representing me on television and I highly doubt the LGBT community is embracing him with open arms either. If this is what it means to have black voices on television, then damnit silence me.
I’m not here for this, “We need voices like her’s on television.” I don’t want to hear that rancid shit. Television didn’t win Barack Obama the 2008 or 2012 elections, WE DID!!!! It was us. Stop putting stock in these personalities that are not there for us, but for themselves. Melissa Harris Perry is getting her Negro Wake Up Call and we all need to just let it happen for her sake and ours.
End Rant.