The two boys exchange a bewildered look as she stalks off. Peter whirled from his half-crouch a good distance away and watched the guy from the first building charge in and roughly yank the dazed Captain America onto his feet. Chapter 15 Like in Die Hard." Hes looking for you. The man pointed at Dr. Hi, baby, May smiles but she looks sad. stitch and stitches by @searchingforstarss. I live for comments so if you like this, please let me know! Really, really scared. "His name is Peter Parker." The door burst open. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Chapter 19 When its finally out, his throat feels raw. chap 1 is up now and we will be updating daily over the course of this week! No problem! You need to be careful., Mr. peter grunted as he pushed, the pole lifted and he gasped, letting go of the slab and the pole sliding down fast and welty through his leg. Do you really think Id let anything happen to you?. Peter purses his lips and took out his hearing aids, placing them in her hands. Chest feels weird. Neds phone rings. Peter peeled his mask off, wincing as the fabric scraped against the grazes on his cheek, but kept his head low until Tony took his chin and lifted it himself. Im coming Peter. Pretty sure MJ is onto you.. "~the office~"Principal Mortia you don't understand!" I recommend tearing the suit to form a makeshift splint until the ambulance arrives in 4.3 minutes." Steve Rogers AKA Captain America Peter?___________________________________________. The group had started out the field trip that day by picking apples in the farms orchard. Peter thinks he has the flu but superheroes dont get sick days and he has a certain Tony Stark to impress. 5 Times The Avengers Broke the Internet and the 1 Time Stony Won The Bet, 2 Times Peter Was Almost Killed and 1 Time Peter and Clint Had 1 Thing In Common, 10 Times An Avenger Picked Him Up From School + 1 Time Tony Did. Tony wakes up at the bottom of a bomb shelter with a concussed Peter next to him, their only means of escape being a hatch 40 feet directly above them. Wow Im so glad I asked, Michelle remarks, her voice flat. Unable to patch himself up and no longer having Nurse MJ to turn to, he contacts the only other person he can think of - Yuri Watanabe- for help. Nico couldn't stand being at camp so he left. He shot a web to a building across the street and soared quickly through the city. 8. Thats it. But feel free to ask anything else, Every spider has its day (but today is not that day), dont go, my darling (dont leave me behind), this is really only a small sample of all the excellent deliriouspeter content this fandom has to over, 5 Times Tony Thought Peter Was In Trouble, [chap 5] Tis but a scratch (I lied, please help me), [chap 5] when will i stop whumping them? Chapter 10 MJ had to come and He trails off and covers his eyes with his hand. Aunt May, it hurts, make it stop, please make it stop! We were discussing Eugene's punishment." He may have to fight tooth and nail for every victory and he needs to find a way to stop Thanos, but hey, at least he has his friends! Why is it so dark? The cops arrived. He's nice and funny and he likes me too. Which is tomorrow. In which Peter Parker comes up with some ~creative~ coping mechanisms (for a fever-induced nightmare), the likes of which Tony Stark hasnt seen before. Eventually the wave of nausea fades and he straightens back up. Cap! Peter yelped, flinging himself forwards and shoving him out of the way. 18. Please consider turning it on! Hey, chill, Cap. Peter told him, reaching out for the chunk of rock. I want to write asthmatic young!peter and irondad but i need to read more asthmatic Peter to get a feel for it! Couldnt- couldnt stay- awake. Peter scoffs. 11. After Peter uses the gauntlet to defeat Thanos and survives, Morgan explores a new relationship with the brother she was never supposed to know as she helps him through his recovery. After Peter gets accidentally drugged, he confuses Tony for Ben while in a precarious situation. Peter moves his hand to his chest, rubbing over his breastbone. "Ah, yes, Mr. Stark, just in time. If you thought Tony was mad before, you were dead wrong. Peter! he exclaims, rushing over. The loud rushing noise in his ears began to fade. um yeah- i think i need some help? he began to taste blood in his mouth but he didnt know what injury was causing it. After pulling one too many all-nighters, he slips up and ends up getting stabbed in the back (literally). Peter and the Rogue Avengers. Are you alright?! Sentry mode. Tony ordered it over his shoulder. Hey! Peter protested at the same time that Tony said, This is Spider-Man. Peter continued with his totally justified complaint. He put them in immediately. Tony adopts Peter after May is suddenly killed in a hit and run. You think hes being poisoned?!. Uh, can we stop for a sec? he asks, his breath hitching. Hey, I think that Steves the real old man here, Wilson. Mr. Stark told him. Fri, bring the lights up. Peter really hopes shes exaggerating, but the worried look on Neds face tells him shes not. The man brandished the gun pointed at Steves head. His spider sense is screaming at him now and he feels his muscles start to twitch. I recommend you bring Pepper. Are we really discussing this? Captain America and Black Widow asked at the same time. He and a few avengers had been fighting these aliens that were invading and trying to do world domination or something and one of them had caught a building in its blast. Im dying, he decides, flushing the toilet and resting his forehead against the rim. "Let me her this straight," he said, rage shaking his voice dangerously. Tony pulls doit his phone and started texting. "He was following her from the bus station in Queens. he groaned and gasped as he began to sob. Blarp blarp - blarp blarp. Peter didnt catch the beans, Well, to be fair, Peter points out, his voice significantly more nasally than usual due to the wad of paper towels hes pressing to his heavily bleeding nose, you didnt really warn me you were about to chuck a can of beans at my head., But I did! the six-year-old defends. A few minutes later, they were going over the sheet and Peter kept his eyes on the sheet so he didn't read lips to get this exchange. Its nothingIm fine, Peter quickly denies. Right. It lifted up easilya lot easier than the ceiling of a warehouse; that still gave him nightmaresand he tossed it away. You know, its been ages since anyone sorted through the supply closet, he says casually, jerking his head towards a nearby door. Who he was. Pain all over, there was no part of him that didnt hurt. "What's for dinner mom?" Now he was missing, possibly dead. The Thompson's ran into the office right as this exchange begun. Flash kept muttering to himself. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", 1. A rush of wind sent goosebumps across his skin before two strong hands gripped his shoulders tightly, keeping him upright and from nose-diving straight into the alleyway cement. Kid. Weird. He doesnt feel particularly warm, but hes soaked with sweat. Dont want that happening again. Kinda dizzy, Peter leans forward and rests his hands on his thighs for support. Stay with me, Mr. Stark says. And didnt I tell you that yoga is a better stress-reliever?. . Heck, he rarely went to Brooklyn, and there wasnt even a river for him to cross to get there. I'm going to have to ask you to take them out, and give them to me." Fresh off of his breakup with MJ, Peter ends up running overtime on patrols to keep himself distracted and blow off steam. After a few minutes (Or maybe only seconds? Sound is first to return. So, what does Captain America have that you dont?, Peter could feel the disapproval and slight amusement radiating through the comms. No, not because he's dying, so he can have a parent here, and the other can be murdering the jack ass who did this to him." no see thats the thing im- tonys line had gone dead. Im dying, Im gonna die. Whats wrong with you?. Between the half-breaths and the pain, Peter is somehow still hanging onto consciousness. He shoves his hand into the gauntlet. He startled badly as he saw a red and blue body drop down in front of him. I made it completely through again and youre still not out., Be nice, MJ, Ned retorts. Its okay.. Hurt Peter Parker; Tony Stark Has A Heart; Tony Stark Needs a Hug; Fluff and Angst; Sleepy Peter Parker; I mean come on; IT'S ME; mention of interwebs; Kidnapping; basically Peter gets buried alive; he doesn't have a lot of fun tbh; Summary "And I would hurry. Awww crap, Deadpool groaned, head tilting back dramatically. A shaky, badly lit amateur phone video begins, with a voice over from Jameson. Pepper convinces Tony to bring Peter along on his first dinner with the Rogue Avengers since their pardoning. Wait, you dont have laser vision, do you? Wait, does that even make sense?, No, A dry voiceClint, Peter thoughtsaid. Alien signatures, similar to the Chitauri weapons that Adrian Toomes used to attack you., Peter cleared his throat. Visiting her friend.. Chapter 11 (See the end of the work for more notes.). a numb road forward by @whimsicalethnographies. Chapter 6 In My Shawarma? She tapped Peter on the shoulder. flora funeral home rocky mount va. Jun 5th, 2022 . God, I would kill for one of those donuts right now he mutters. A nap would be nice. what was he suppose to do? Tony swallowed, his hands shaking slightly. He's my boyfriend. Im okay, now, he chokes out. Because the next moment those hands were pressing down a little harder, a solid weight on his shoulder and chest. Morgan stays because she wants to see him wake up and smile at her like that, too. Exit is over there.. Then, his spider-sense, which had been only a low hum at the back of his neck, suddenly screamed, and Peter flung himself away without thinking. 5 Times Peter Fell, and Tony caught him. "That's going to make this a whole lot more awkward, but for what you've done, Eugene, you will be sent to trial. OK LAST ONE FIANLLY I CAN DLEEP Fevers, Bananas, & Math Lessons by @whumphoarder. Ned and Mj picked him. Never mind. FRIDAY, get this thing off me.. Ned catches his meaning straight away. Believe me, I almost shit my pants, but youre safe now. Oof, youre in luck. Then the same is done to his jeans. None of the Avengers looked away. Getting Midtown School of Science and Technology to approve the decathlon team for a field trip to a pumpkin farm had been a bit of a stretch. Tony's eyes were dark with fury. "Shuri, could you go into his locker, get his phone, call Stark." This. One familiar voice joins the mix: Im right here, kiddo. Tony, now on the phone, hears the nurses next breakdown very clearly. I'm doing this instead of studying for my history final. Not Peter. Im more of a Granny Smith kinda guy.. Chapter 9 She began writing a detention slip. left kudos on this work! he was alone. II know that what happened is scary. captainamerica, peggycarter, avengers. The most infuriating part was that for once, he didn't have the answers. Between dodging apples from Flash, he recalls hearing the farmer explain something about how they had just sprayed all the crops that morning. Breathe, Peter! 4. From the table next to the bed, he produces a small dry erase board and a marker. Hed stuck around after the battle, partly out of concern, partly out of him not having anything better to do. He could hear it shatter a few dozen meters behind him. Bruce thinks that in trace amounts it wouldnt be an issue, but because theyd just sprayed that morning, there was enough in the air and on the crops to start a reaction. Crying. Stomach hurts, Peter mutters through clenched teeth. 2.Peter didn't intend of commuting suicide when he woke up this morning. Chapter 22. "Deadpool? Peter shows up at the compound in a bad state. Her brow furrows just the smallest bit. Please consider turning it on! If the exit is over there, where are you going then?. However, when the concept of paralysis is used in relation to Peter, things end up shifting more than they ever seemed to last time. This isn't much longer after book 10, The Emperor of Nihon-Ja by John Flanagan. Super emotional and heartwrenching, with both physical and emotional whump, but also sweet and light in parts. Rather than landing on the cement - which would have been bad enough - Peter had landed on a fence. It goes to hell in a hand basket. ', Hawkeyes eyes widened and he cursed. Jake tears the suit and together they apply pressure to the wound. Oh, wait. He pretended to rub his nonexistent beard in thought before lashing out again. He winces as another cramp hits his stomach. Because otherwise, we'd have to take matters into our own hands and trust me. Just feel weird, Ned wrinkles his brow at him. as well as No! he exclaims. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, hurt no comfort and then maybe some comfort but its also one am. When the vet came into view, Tony didnt bother slowing down. Peter's mind races, I can't take off my shirt all of the scars, the muscle! Peter frantically raced back to Captain America and checked the dazed but conscious Avenger for any new bullet wounds on his spangled suit. You're gonna be okay. left kudos on this work! peter parker fainting like a victorian madame for ten minutes straight by @floweryfran & @peter-stank. I said, Ill throw down the supplies.. Shut up." A few minutes later, Peters stomach growls audibly, reminding him that theyre currently missing lunch. 2. Pain in his back, his arms, like theyd been ripped from him, muscles torn apart. Crack one-shot that I wrote based off of a tumblr/pinterest text post that I saw like years ago.
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