He cant be here. It is, after all, the safest place he knows. Who then complains to Foggy about damned vigilantes thinking Im their, I dont know, Jim Gordon or something., something Foggy finds hilarious. Why would I expose myself to working with you knowing you think Im a complete idiot a retard , because of something I cannot help? Cox had already spent years playing the part of crusading attorney and nighttime vigilante Matt Murdock by the time he made his first official MCU . (See the end of the work for other works inspired by this one.). A light swish is the only sound the door makes as the man with the deep heartbeat makes his way into the room, talking to someone who is not there, amount of blood he lost, no way hes cons- oh., I did say, Dr Banner, a British man says, the speakers distorting his voice and adding a slight crackle to it. Two days later Matts out monitoring Hells Kitchen - and it is not patrolling, not with two broken ribs and Foggys stern disapproval facing him if he dares patrol - when he runs into Captain America. Because this? It takes all of a minute for him to open it and duck inside, down the stairs carefully into an empty room. No! her fellow rookie declares, outrage in every line of his voice. You hurt?, Foggy sighs and buries his face in a hand. WARNING: This deals pretty heavily with various issues of ableism. His knees wobble, bucking under his weight but he manages to lock them. Unless?, Yeah, theres something Im not saying. Clint sighs again. Besides, he says, a bubble of amusement rising in him, youre not even addressing the right problem.. Eileen Gonzalez: : It leaves the issue feeling a bit unfinished, without a definitive "the end. Cant happen, no more. This is "From a Different Point of View," a feature where I discuss a comic book . Man really is stubborn. I dont, Matt says, any previous playfulness or friendliness out of his voice. Shell not escape her punishm-. Okay. Heheard every moment of it. You know what? Falcon, I presume?. Would it have made much difference? Matt says in a monotone. Matt grits his teeth at the thought of having to ask for help. It fades, leaving only the memory of that pain to compare to this; similar but somehow worse without the comfort of Claires now familiar presence. as well as Follow him on Twitter at @Brian_Cronin and feel free to e-mail him suggestions for stories about comic books that you'd like to see featured at brianc@cbr.com! Got it. He grimaces as he shoves it in his ear and starts to gather as many of the papers as he can carry. Ive got some skill at wiping em out; thought wed come lend a hand., Am I right to guess a little bird told you about my infestation problem?, Behind the Captain, Hawkeye snorts. Drops of his blood drip down his cheeks and coat his tongue. Grabbing the mans knee gives him the leverage he needs to rise to his feet, with the added advantage of making the man scream in pain; a sound that rings through the room with an unfading echo. Just having it pinned to her shirt should be enough to get her handcuffed to a hospital bed and put on suicide watch. Theyre about the only ones who can read this nightmare of a chicken scratch.. Hows your hand to hand?, Decent, Clint says, the smirk in his voice giving away that his lie is underestimating his abilities, not exaggerating them. Clint is perched on top of the table, beside the Black Widow while Thor seems to have claimed the side furthest from the door as his own. Oh man this is a StarkLet . Almost everyone has been an Avenger at some point in time. You should always know your way to where your home is. Its not just the Avengers who are out in full force the next few nights, as Matt spends half his nights beating various men and women to unconsciousness before they can kill themselves. Dozen men at most, looking for a quick buck.. They wont be able to come up with any more ridiculous theories if theres no evidence to base them on and theyll stop trying to help him if they stop seeing him. Leave them alone if you have to, stop the team ups, but dont let them kill you.. Matts hackles rise and for a long second he feels like growling or punching or doing somethingto express his displeasure but he manages to bury it. Theyre the ones who needed it most after all, the people left behind by people like the Avengers who dont care about the little guys. I I remember what its like to be ignored. Hes hiding out in the shadows of a fire escape, waiting to see if the police recognise the gangster he caught for them. I can see the lights from it now. He huffs in disbelief. Theyll be able to strike then. But it wouldn't be a Marvel show without your fair share of Marvel . So hedoes the only logical thing, dropping the man and bringing his sticks up to knock the arrow off course. Its the perfect cover. The window is open, he knows this. Matts barely been on the rooftops ten minutes when Tony Stark - in the loud armour he wears - lands on his roof. Theyve managed to convince the very reluctant cops of Hells Kitchen that this is an Avenger matter and shooed them back a few buildings - out of range of most guns, if not out of sight. Im still blind Foggy, he says in a defeated tone as he collapses into Foggys couch. All I can think of is that s energy with homelander and the blind hero in The Boys. Brian Cronin: I don't think he planned it out as well as he could have. Got it. Should be.. I might also have some files; from that Hydra base last week. Hes busy enough as it is without trying to figure out how to work with another person. I wasnt worried about that., Uhuh. Its Hydra alright, Captain America whispers as the car - probably a van - pulls up. That was abrupt. Elektra Natchios, Marvel's newest Daredevil, has spent much of the past few years trying to make up for her past as an assassin . Avengers: Age of Ultron has the advantage of megawatt star power, established characters, and a massive budget. Again. Youre not allowed to say it. He stops and seems to consider for a moment. A bit of reading between the li- oh. Wouldnt have said anything if Id known.. But Foggys no idiot. Matt wishes that the Avenger's assumptions about his seeming inability to read the written word did something as benign as making an ass of him and them. . Hell be able to strike then. Want to take a look?, Shit. The whole appeal of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is that it is a universe, one that encompasses movies and TV shows on a scale never . A comm piece. Theres no space for him to attack, no time for him to think, and hes sure hes only avoided any fatal hits because of his abilities. TNT. Holy fuck, youre a stubborn son of a bitch, Steve says in a Brooklyn drawl, so much stronger than usual, thats coloured with concern and admiration. Echoes and echoes, showing Matt hes got a lot of work to do. Willingly and knowingly went in blind, in unfamiliar territory and never once asked for backup. As many times as the two have fought over the years, Daredevil has never truly beaten the Kingpin. Who does in these days? Clint snaps back, but with a hint of laughter in his voice. He wants to help people, but hes aware of his limits. Lifting his head and shoulders causes something sharp and painful to race through him and for a moment the stale room vanishes and he is on Claires soft couch, her gentle hands trying to keep him still. Thanks man. The hand on his back is moved to rest under his arm and Matt puts grateful weight into it so he can rise, moving his own hand to rest on Falcons shoulder. . Right, Captain America says, snapping into action. Hes taken the faceplate off? With a final nod, Steve walks away leaving Matt to follow his heartbeat out of Hells Kitchen. Maybe theyve decided hes too much of an idiot to work with? Legs wobble under the pressure of standing, the pain of standing and every bone aches. Hey, were not judging. Daredevil is not Matt Murdock, no one thinks Matt Murdock is any less capable now than he was before. We might be a bunch of loose cannons following an out of time icicle in a pantomime of a team but we get to bother each other so no one complains. A subreddit for discussion of the Marvel character Daredevil. Spells Hydra on a standard telephone keypad. Got it. 4 Daredevil. Hes going to have to talk to the Avengers eventually. Disbelieving silence greets Matts words. This is about the reading thing. And all of you somehow think you know whats best for me despite knowing near nothing about me. And Im not a doctor, not really. Odds are Hawkeye wouldnt have remembered much about it anyway if not for what came next. Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Daredevil Meets the Avengers. What the hell are they using as wallpaper? Oh?, Okay this is worse than I thought. Matt doesnt need it to hear them - he can hear Stark chattering away on Captain Americas comm from here - but he cant admit to that. When last we checked in with our heroes in Avengers #82, "Hostage!" Looked up a few files related to you for me., Fire races through Matt at Stark careless disregard for the law he loves and whose spirit he defends with his blood and fists. But then someone gets a punch through his defences and Matt cant help the cry he makes, forgetting all about the voice as his breath leaves his body. Theres a chance its only made it to the police so far but Matts well aware of the effect of rumour and slander. Its a good plan. The screenwriter for Avengers: The Kang Dynasty gave some unexpected information on the Fantastic Four's inclusion in that film.. Marvel's First Family, the Fantastic Four, is set to grace the big screen on Valentine's Day, 2025.Since the film was announced a few years ago, information has really only been revealed in dribs and drabs. No. Matt tries to push away from the strong, steady arms that want to drag him to a doctor. Useful to him only in terms of people he might not have to watch out for. Okay. Theyre a Midtown cell of Hydra and theyre much smaller than the one you helped me with. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words but words but words. But he lingers for a moment, to listen. Well, says Hawkeye, dropping down to the ground by the sound of the thump. The Black Widow also seems to have adjusted to the darkness well, if the ever growing number of men groaning on the ground is anything to judge by. This is "From a Different Point of View," a feature where I discuss a comic book series with another writer. Ill check them out. At this feet, the trafficker groans but remains unconscious. Seems our Hydra pals have been tracking down Project Insight targets; theres lists of names and addresses all over these walls. Matt flinches again, annoyed at himself. Although Daredevil is a Marvel character, had never made an appearance in a movie in the timeline until Spider-Man: No Way Home. To celebrate six decades in the comics, Hasbro today revealed a lineup of Avengers 60th anniversary figures. Considering Matts absolutely sure he chased the last of the Hydra cell in Hells Kitchen out of town, he spends most of the time beating them trying to get some form of information out of them. And how youve been avoiding everyone since. Something cold rushes through Matts veins, causing him to freeze in place after a massive flinch. Matt smiles. Hes dead if he doesnt. Mr Daredevil is conscious and attempting to leave his bed.. Then yes. So? Stark finally asks after having explained every feature that Matts never going to be able to use. No time. Not exactly a lie; Matt doesnt tend to read braille books due to the often unjustifiable expense and hes not had a lot of time to listen to any of his novels since becoming a vigilante. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Avengers: How Daredevil Earned His Place Among Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Batman Is Stealing A Move From Daredevil For His Next Mission, Captain America Finally Explains Why He Let Wolverine Join the Avengers, DC Confirms the Full Power of Flash's Time Travel Abilities, Batman Is Officially DC's New Superman (After Taking Clark's Powers), X-Men's Most Underrated Member is Secretly One Of Marvel's Deadliest Heroes. Okay, you really are stubborn. Or needs to learn at all-. Daredevil, there is a chair there-?. So much softer than he remembered hardwood being, smooth and cold against his skin. You went in blind, she says as she moves onto the arm of the couch. I got a friend who got a friend that works for the Avengers and he said theyre working on teaching him how to read. haze of his thoughts, Foggy is a ray of sun, whispering in Matts ear that hes coming and hell be there soon. That was a SHIELD shell company, used for surveillance. Which is interesting. His eyes must be beginning to adjust because he manages to land a hit to Matts stomach. Maybe next time hell skip the note and just do the job himself. Almost like the two arent related. Work Search: Its on a news station, though Matt doesnt recognise the woman speaking and thus cant identify which one. ' They're all 15; they al. Movie nights. He doesnt allow for loopholes or lies disguised as truths. Im sure there was an issue of new avengers entirely devoted to him joining. It sounds off, the noises of the fight bouncing wrong and a few steps over it tells him why. Daredevil meets the Avengers in a fight for New York. No matter how far out of his way it is. Not sure if I still have the right to call you Mike.. Hes stumbling around in the darkness, so its more than easy enough to subdue him; knocking him out with his own gun. Its not like he can say that yes, he can read so long as the letters are raised, handwritten or braille? Damn it. Only the familiar voice stops him lashing out at the hands as their owner checks his pulse. Just. Daredevil, Captain America calls out as soon as Matts in what most people would consider hearing range. Mr Matt Im blind and cant let them know it Murdock, Matt cuts in and Foggy hisses in realisation. Youre not okay., Youd say that if you were dying. Why?, Matt smirks back at him. Mr Matt I graduated summa cum laude Murdock? So its dawned on him too. Ah, that makes a lot of sense, Falcon says and Matt resists the urge to bristle. When the New Avengers first formed at the start of Brian Michael Bendis New Avengers series, Daredevil was actually there by happenstance. More on these questions, when we return. Foggy flicks the T.V. Shit. Do what you want, Matt says as he gets up, moving across the roof as fast as possible. Okay, he might have lost track of that metaphor. We have a problem, he says. ' Eileen Gonzalez: : Yeah, after all that excitement, the story really peters out here. He unfolds it gently and hears her outraged and slightly terrified whimper as he does. EDIT The AMAZING Badfinch has made a Podfic for this fic, available here! As grating as it is to be considered stupid, hell take any excuse not to have to work with them. Is that it? Matt manages to say over the hammering of his heart. Eileen Gonzalez: : Those are great points. Matt tracks them to the other roof and Falcon returns a moment later, to take the Black Widow as well. What?. Clint waves as he passes but doesnt move. Hawkeye takes the bait. He also realises its either going to be a kill shot or so disabling that he wont get the information he needs tonight. Not exactly relevant to my work and it was quite a lot of things to read for curiosity., Right, Captain America says. Daredevil, American comic strip superhero created for Marvel Comics by writer Stan Lee and artist Bill Everett. I think Id rather the sticks and stones . Its not like the Avengers can keep anything to themselves. Matts been in dirtier hospitals. . They seem to be discussing - no negotiating, thats a raised voice - some kind of consolidation de-, A consolidation deal. But hes already gone, a shadow on the rooftops, out of their sightline even if theyre still in his earshot. The character first appeared in Daredevil no. So Steves identity as a soldier was stronger than whatever part of him that caused the whole pure, idealistic icon of America hed been in Matts textbooks. But this is something to deal with later. Im just particularly hard to sneak up on.. Look man, I get its embarrassing as hell. You turned the lights off and made everyones job a thousand times harder because you couldnt read the label? Falcon asks and something in Matt drops at the tone hes using. Issue, thing, circumstance, whatever you want to call it. He hears the shift of muscles as Banner looks him up and down. Awareness brings with it pain and a part of Matt shies away, desperate to return to the peace and comfort of the darkness. Theres a thumping feeling in his head and hes sure his hearing isnt as keen as usual - and maybe ringing slightly. He's been an Avenger before but generally speaking, tons of Marvel characters have been Avengers particularly since the turn of the 2000s (once upon a time it was controversial for characters like Spidey and Wolverine to be included on the time) and Daredevil is also typically presented as a character that doesn't really want to work with teams. Voices are coming from the third floor, some sort of meeting. Not without admitting whyhe cant read the screen. Which Matt is grateful for as it means he cant see the look of well whatever look is on his face. Sitting at the table would be a clear sign he considers himself a part of their team, when he really really doesnt. Because I can tot-, Tony, Steve says with a sigh. Even with everything Steves done, or allowed to happen Matt cant help but want to help his childhood hero. What people think of him doesnt matter because hes not real. Its going to teach Matt how to read. Matts not trying to convince a court, hes trying to convince a single man. He takes great pleasure in relaying Bretts every word to Matt. although I really should polish up the bits I have on my computer to post. No. Focusing, hes sure theres eight people in the room, two women and six men. The Black Widow doesnt trust him to watch her back? The moment hes on the street, he pulls out his burner phone and presses at buttons with a prayer in his throat. Finally Steve gets the hint. Like I said. You get it?, Im a deaf carnie that never managed to attend high school let alone drop out of it. He can taste the air outside, New Yorks finest smog and polluted river water sitting on his tongue. He has to do it. In short he obeys both the letter and the spirit of Matts request. More information is good and its not like hes going to engage. Matt feels vaguely guilty. Matt is the son of boxer . Theres just one thing I dont kill, Matt says, a warning in his tone. Matt rarely can, when hes like this. With that said I did enjoy most of that Avengers era. Its fine. No wonder youre so confused. Yeah. Matt laughs. Ive had worse., You know, I think youre not lying and that is terrifying. Matt manages to shift so his legs are over the side of the bed, just brushing the floor. Grabbing his bag, he races for the door as fast as his still shaking legs can manage. Matt wishes that the Avenger's assumptions about his seeming inability to read the written word did something as benign as making an ass of him and them. I could disable it probably, if theres enough time. His traitorous legs manage only wobbling steps but maybe thatll do. Later. You dont have to lie to me. Probably not, Hawkeye., Call me Clint. Theres an expectant pause. No doctors. Groaning, he takes inventory of his body, while reaching his hands up to check yes, he still has his mask on. How about we let the good Captain get back to chewing you for risking your life over your damned pride., Steve sighs. He half turns back, reluctant to stop but aware he might have to. What do you think?. And another. Sloppy. The female rookie seems to agree with him. And you wont cause chaos for your teammates by hitting the wrong switch, the Black Widow adds dryly, but Matt can still detect a hint of anger in her voice. What reason do I have to trust you? Good. He was put into a van and they drove off to the place we all know asMidtown Manhattan, New York City. Daredevil finally assembles alongside Earths Mightiest in New Avengers #16 by Bendis and Mike Deodato as theHYDRA forces and the Red Skulls daughter, Sin, march on the streets of New York. Not a blind lawyer who, as you put it, graduated summa cum laude and reads difficult books for fun. It ran away from me. by Roy Thomas, John Buscema and Tom Palmer, the Avengers had agreed to split up, with Cap, Iron Man, Thor and Quicksilver going after the supervillain organization known as Zodiac, Black Panther taking on organized crime by himself and Vision, Scarlet Witch and Goliath go with a new hero, Red Wolf, to try to stop the old Avenger foe, Cornelius Van Lunt, from driving Red Wolf's people off of their land. Theres at least a hundred kilos of TNT here and a ticking noise., Got a timer? Stark cuts in. Good. Has there been any other time besides once though? Aware hes having no impact on this battle as Captain America is more than holding his own, Matt works this way through the shadows to a corner of the warehouse. What? Matt had heard about Starks infamous tangents but its one thing to hear about them and another to experience them. I got to read the major Daredevil Runs such as Miller, Nocenti, Bendis, Brubaker, Weid, Soule and of course, Zdarskyand it made me curious if there was either a controversial or bad Daredevil story. Even when Matt was knee deep in lies to him, Foggy could tell what Matt was thinking. Whats wrong? This one is actually confusing because at the time Danny Rand was actually filling in as Daredevil and I believe the Civil War comic may even name Daredevil during it as Danny Rand, however when Tony Stark arrests some of the heroes and Daredevil is part of the group, he calls Tony a Judas and his whole demeanor and saying that line at all seems like it was intended for Matt Murdock. Outside Hells Kitchen but only just. Matt groans to let him - Falcon, has to be Falcon, scent of oil and metal - know hes still alive. I thought I was helping., Uh huh. But theres a note in his cocky voice; a hesitant sound in the way he asks that makes Matt pause. Ive heard its a bit hard to run your illegal operation when you havent got funds coming in.. Okay, somewhat aware of his limits. Luckily, since Black Panther had split off and gone solo while trying to take down organized crime, he was spared when the other Avengers were captured. I wasnt aware that working together once was an invitation for you all to bother me. Another. He lived. Matt hears him coming blocks away, the steady heartbeat and metallic taste too distinct to be anyone else. Its almost ordinary, the sort of thing youd expect of a mid-sized company thats too big to be at risk of failing but too small to be noticed easily. So Iron Man, Black Widow and one other? So there was another reason you went in., Pride. Stark gulps down his whiskey and slams the glass on the bar bench with a bang thats as loud as a gunshot to Matts senses. This must be the most confident marksman hes ev-. But its only a few streets over. The first season was released on April 10, 2015. Stark is by the bar with a glass of whiskey in hand, Clint is perched on top of it, and Falcon is behind it, pouring himself a drink by the scent of the open bottle of vodka. Well even more out of character than the human trafficking had been. Foggy can attest to his ability to argue for hours on the death penalty and hes not fond of the implicit legitimacy the government has given the Avengers anti-Hydra spree, complete with resulting deaths. Matt can ignore it and the throbbing in his gut, to fall back onto his heels. Theyre walking, almost silently in the case of two, but he can hear that two of them - one of which is still somehow managing to move quietly - are carrying something. avengers think daredevil is illiteratechaska community center day pass. And we all realise we fucked up. Matt huffs in disbelief. On my way.. He was right in the fray now his enhanced senses keeping him from harm and giving him a . It wrenches at his shoulder, but he gets a grip on its railing. Hes clearly jumped to the conclusion that Daredevil saw the bomb and panicked, missing everything of importance. Especially since he cant defend himself; not without revealing why he missed the timer and the words on the wall. Not like I wear a watch as Daredevil.. And theyve got some very interesting wallpaper. Not only was he able to protect Danielle Cage from the forces of HYDRA, but he would later help the team take on Norman Osborn and his newly reformed Dark Avengers squad, and hed fight alongside them during Avengers vs X-Men. Brian Cronin: Yeah, I get what he wanted to do, as well, and it could have worked. Showrunner Steven DeKnight explains that Daredevil is set in "the dark corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe." Obviously we make references to the other things in there. The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed. Since when does Captain America draw anyway? Hed been busy both with setting up Nelson and Murdock and beginning his vigilante activities at the time. Because of the deal made between the two studios on February 2, 2015, Spider-Man is now able to be included in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as seen in . Rest for a second? Why on the wall? he muses aloud, aware only Captain America is in the room to hear him. Thanks to PipMer for betaing, and Zwaluw for their betaing but also their cheerleading, poking and ableism check. He sticks to mainly street crime and not world/universal threats. Its just words. He immediately tries to sense out the light switch, aware hes about to screw Widow over but well if shed not run off alone, he would have told her his plan. The concept is what if they made the Avengers but used 2000s Marvel chara. on. Captain, Matt answers, leaping onto his roof as the Captain closes his book and slips it and the pencil into his pocket. Getting his breath back, making sure his broken ribs havent punctured a lung. Finally, he gets a reaction from everyone else in the room as they cry out in fear. It seems like theyre the last to arrive because Stark and the Hulks human form - whose name begins with a B or V maybe? But from the way Foggy sighs, Matt thinks his friend caught the lie anyway. When he started this, he chose to defend his city, his people and for the most part hes stuck to that. Moments later he pulls out a handful of papers. He can smell papers on the desk to the right; probably important. Eileen Gonzalez: : Yeah, not sure what the purpose of that was. But when he proved himself invaluable during the events of Fear Itself by Matt Fraction and Stuart Immonen, the Avengers wouldnt take no for an answer. Though Matt is unaware of the circumstances surrounding the conflict, he hears giant, mechanized Nazis terrorizing innocent people and leaps into action. I fucked up., That is extremely worrying buddy. Youre going to have these men out of my city by daybreak. Matt can hear how Captain Americas heartbeat picks up at the cold tone in his voice but hes beyond caring. Dont thank me yet. How fast is Steve? Hydra is actually robbing a bank? Stark says, confusion in his voice. Bruce Banner. Matt has no trouble knocking him out after that; a well trained attack guided by his senses. But Matts had enough of being talked at. So tonight, why would I have any reason to trust you? I think there's a moment where Clint shows off his marksman skills with firearms, and then says he can do better with a bow. Matt thinks as he works his way into their briefing room, being quiet as he slips into the back of the room. Eileen Gonzalez: : With some super on-the-nose dialogue from Daredevil. Their footsteps pound together in Matts head as he resists the temptation to clutch at his ribs. Maybe two stabs to the gut, Matts had one and that wasnt actually that awful. That causes Matt to turn, to give the appearance of looking at Banner. Again he tries to figure out the arrows path and realises its stillaimed at the man at his feet. Please consider turning it on! Right. Good to know. Normally the only just would be enough for Matt to decide to pass it on, to leave a note or the paper itself for the police or Avengers so that others can take this fight. They are nothing. Though Daredevil initially wanted nothing to do with the Avengers, the Man Without Fear couldn't help but become a member of Earth's Mightiest Heroes. What? Home, he grunts and something warm ruses through the few bits of him that dont ache when it comes out a word. So why the FUCK would I trust you, he roars, the devil finally crawling free and raising his voice, when you cant even manage to listen to me about my needs and my abilities.. He can do it. And that's why it's important . Locking Fisk in prison is, at best, a . Daredevil fans spent years pondering the inclusion of the hero in the MCU, but now that he's there and we know a bit about him, it feels like there are more things to ask about than ever.
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