Outer lip straight in lateral profiles. Size: 2-4 cm. Females with an egg-laying groove or sinus on right side of foot; eggs deposited on substrate. 116a, 116b). Many species are secondarily modified to appear right-handed or pseudo-dextral (FIGS. 109a, 109b). Only genera that enter fresh water are treated. Many have been synonymized, some undeservingly so. Shell moderately elevated, over 0.25 times as high as long. Interior of adult aperture with brownish tinge. Biomphalaria havanensis 120). Lobe and flagellum with various patterns of dermal glands (Fig. (The penis is normally recurved into the mantle cavity, except during mating. 159). Malacological Review, 24: 55-72. "If you see one of these snails,. Planorbella duryi One species, Spilochlamys turgida (Thompson, 1969), the Pumpkin Siltsnail (Fig. Newborn shells white. Shell conical to elongate-conical; whorls 4.0-4.5 with a deeply impressed suture. Whorls 4.6-5.3. Giant African snails can lead to giant problems. Last whorl of adult shell smooth or with growth striations, but not with ribs and spiral chords. Acad. Length of shell 2.0-2.5 mm (Fig. Peristome narrow to broadly ovate. Nautilus, 19: 34. 131). Sexes not conspicuously dimorphic in size. (Pilsbry, 1899). (Thompson, 1968). Umbilicus narrow, deep (Fig. Operculum constructed entirely of concentric rings (Fig. Gulf Coast Pebblesnail) Somatogyrus walkerianus (Aldrich, 1905). Adult shell small, less than 3 mm high; umbilicus narrow but not occluded by the columellar lip; columellar margin of the aperture weakly concave (Fig. Apex proportionally longer, about 0.3-0.5 times length of shell. A little practice may be necessary to perfect this relaxing procedure. (Thompson, 1968). 203, 209). Four species currently are recognized, but the genus has received very little study over most of its range. Enterprise Siltsnail) Floridobia monroensis (Dall, 1885). Campeloma floridense Fawn Melania Columellart margin of aperture not flat-faced; apex of shell usually entire; penis with large terminal lobe on left side and small appendage-like flagellum on right margin (Fig. (Thompson, 1968). 160, 163, 166). Campeloma geniculum (Conrad, 1834) is readily recognized by its obese, solid shell; it usually has a normal proportion of males in its populations, although some populations are apomictic parthenogens. (Thompson, 1968). Adults about 2-3 mm long (Figs. 37), which is important for generic and specific diagnosis. 17, 29-32), shell usually banded in Florida forms. 70, 71). In previous editions of the manual the Florida species were placed in the genus Physella. Those had gray-brown flesh. Mantle spotted with black, shaded or unmarked; terminal lobe of penis with complex crests that cause it to look like an animals head; flagellum slender, with scattered and discontinuous glands along edge (Figs. Sides of spire concave in outline (Fig. common name: tree snails of Florida scientific name: Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Bulimulidae Introduction - Identification - Key to the Bulimulidae of Florida - Selected References Introduction (Back to Top) Many snails are found in trees, but only a few are exclusively arboreal for most or all of their life cycle. (Fig. Some species are dioecious with a normal representation of males and females. U.S. Florida Invasive species. Only Elimia is found in Florida. Radial striations present or absent Laevapex Walker, 1903. Shell medium-sized or large; 5.4-7.5 mm long; thick and opaque; ovate or globose; apical whorls depressed; sides of spire rounded; body whorl conspicuously enlarged, ample, rapidly descending to aperture along last half whorl. Columellar margin of aperture wide, flat-faced; apex of spire usually erroded; apical whorls, when present, with minute spiral striations; central tooth of radula with basocones located on ridged surface of tooth (Fig. 200, 206). Click on the link in the row that best matches your snail. Shell conical, spire moderatly high. Choctaw Lioplax Aphaostracon pachynotus Bulletin of the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-600/3-82-026: i-vi, 1-294. 111). Frequently the shells of ampulariids and viviparids are very similar. POMATIOPSIDAE 34, 35). Shell with prominent ribs and spiral chords on all whorls. Base of last whorl with prominent spiral ridges. Shell with darker colored spiral chords that may be smooth or wavy. Opercula of minute snails can be studied most easily by removing them from the animal and viewing them with transmitted light. It is hoped that this manual will stimulate other biologists to contribute to our knowledge of freshwater mollusks. (Fig. Apex behind center of shell. Whorls of spire less rounded. 62). 118). In Florida four types of Campeloma have been recognized. Aperture broadly ovate in shape; parietal wall weakly in contact or solute from body whorl; whorls more prominently arched and with a deeper impressed suture. Florida Applesnail Shell usually marked with red or rust-colored spots, flames, or bands (most apparent on juvenile specimens). 100). Fossaria cubensis It is most common in Southwest Florida, and northwest Florida. Earlier whorls of adult shell with vertical ribs and spiral chords. Basch, P.F. Whorls of spire weakly scalariform, causing the suture to be deeply incised. The genus is difficult to diagnose by shell characters because the three species are very dissimilar. Elimia buffyae Pewter Physa The following key is modified from Basch (1963). Our knowledge of the fauna has greatly increased during recent years, and a summary of this information was desirable to facilitate other kinds of study. Alligator Siltsnail Nat. Adult shell about 4-5 mm high; umbilicus wide; columellar margin of the aperture concave in outline (Fig. After the snails have been in the fixative for a few minutes to several hours, depending upon their sizes, they should be rinsed in water and transferred to 70 percent ethyl alcohol. 22). Shell of various shapes and sculpture. Shell elongate-conical; 10-40 mm long in adult specimens; apex of spire usually eroded; shell with 8-12 whorls although eroded specimens may have fewer; shell usually strongly sculptured with spiral and/or vertical ribs and threads (except in Elimia dickinsoni); central tooth of radula without basal or lateral cusps (Fig. . Penis with papillae along both margins, or right margin only (papillae absent in some Aphaostracon). Central tooth of radula with basocones located on fore or lateral wing of tooth (Figs. Spire short and compact, about 0.5-0.7 times height of aperture in mature specimens, proportionally longer in juveniles (Fig. Marginal teeth of radula trapezoidal with well-differentiated cusps. Incremental striations uniformly weak. (Thompson, 2000). shell with 3.9-4.2 whorls (Fig. Lymnaeids are a nearly cosmopolitan family of freshwater snails. One species, C. chinensis malleatus (Reeve, 1863) (Fig. Wekiwa Hydrobe Includes the limpkin, a Sunshine State specialty. Haitia cubensis Whorls shouldered above near suture (Fig. Seashell Identification Identify your Florida Gulf Coast seashells! Floridobia leptospira The lymnaeid fauna of the southeast is particularly depauperate compared to more northern and western regions of the continent. Its brown spotted exterior provides camouflage, making it a challenge to spot. Conical Siltsnail Parietal margin of operculum convex. This species is a fast and voracious predator, hunting and eating other snails and slugs. All snails in the subfamily Achatininae, including the giant African snail (GAS) (Lissachatina fulica), are regulated plant pests. The beaches in Florida are perfect for shelling and beach combing. (Lea, 1862). Vertical ribs smooth along the periphery, strongly developed (Fig. Shell with a brownish hue. It is important to save some specimens for anatomical studies. (Thompson & Hershler, 1991). Aperture loosely attached to or slightly free from preceding whorl. Accessory crest absent. It became increasingly important to provide an identification manual of the freshwater snails of Florida for many reasons. Umbilicus widely perforate, accentuated by a strong circum-umbilical keel. Whorls flat-sided with suture weakly impressed. Waccasassa Elimia M-879 CONE SNAIL, Conus floridanus A small and less poisonous species, no one has ever died or been stung by one of these slow-movers, but like all cones, they have a venomous proboscis. Hyacinth Siltsnail) Floridobia floridana (Frauenfeld, 1863). Evolution has occurred through reproductive specialization, with each genus and most species having distinctive patterns of dermal glands. University of Florida Adult size small, about 12-16 mm long (Fig. Spurwinkia: Morphology, systematics, and ecology of a new genus of North American marshland Hydrobiidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Shell conical or cylindric-conical. Campeloma parthenum 60). (Say, 1825). Baker, F.C. In previous editions of the manual species of Floridobia were placed in the genus Cincinnatia. Shell with 4.4-5.0 whorls; about 3.7-5.2 mm long. Suwannee Hydrobe Shell sculptured with vertical, weakly curved ribs and much finer spiral striations. Florida Horse Conch ( Triplofusus giganteus) is the largest snail in North America and is Florida's state shell. Seminole Siltsnail By 1973, more than 18,000 snails had been found and destroyed along with thousands of eggs, and the snail was . This pest remains a threat in Florida, Hawaii and the Caribbean. MESZAROS: It's not clear how these snails entered Florida again. Freshwater mollusks of Alabama, Georgia and Florida from the Escambia to the Suwannee River. Clench, W.J. As of last . In the event that only shell specimens are available, picture-matching may be necessary to eliminate some choices in the couplets. Malacological Review, Suppl. Length of shell 2.0-2.4 mm (Fig. 89-91). Thompson, F. G. 1969. 69). Mantle diffusely pigmented or unpigmented. Shell with strong vertical ribs on spire; spiral chords vestigial, confined to spiral series of knobs on top of vertical ribs; adults small, about 13-16 mm long (Fig. Our state park system has won national awards . Shell minute, 2.0-2.3 mm long; thin and transparent; spire 0.7-1.1 times length of aperture; flagellum lacking glandular crests. GAINESVILLE, Fla., Feb. 26 (UPI) -- University of Florida researchers have confirmed the presence of a deadly parasite in three non-native species of snails that have colonized South Florida. Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck, 1822) (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia, Pilidae): A freshwater snail introduced into Florida, U. S. A. Malacological Review, 30:91. Scatter a few granulated menthol crystals on the water surface and allow the container to sit for 10-15 hours, at which time the snails should be extended from the shell and insensitive to probing with a needle. (Vanatta, 1935). In the USA, it was first identified in New Orleans in 1939, but now is found in the Gulf Coast states from Florida to Texas, as well as in Puerto Rico and Hawaii. Aperture oval, about 0.75 times as wide as high. Typically, land snails live on or near the ground, feed on decaying plant matter, and lay their eggs in the soil. Widely umbilicate. Apex of shell slightly convex in outline. Spire shorter, conical, 0.7-1.3 times length of aperture, nearly straight-sided in outline, suture of whorls weakly or moderately impressed. Sculptured with fine incremental striations and a few fine spiral striations (difficult to distinguish except with transmitted light). The focus on most investigations was on rivers north of Florida, and little attention was given to the Florida fauna. (Thompson, 1968). The shells should be rinsed frequently in tap water during the cleaning process to prevent etching by the acid. Shell with 3-4 whorls. 46). They are variable in their shell characteristics, and some samples may be difficult to identify. Apex suppressed to form a nearly flat plane with the peripheral angle (Figs.165-167). 57). i-xxxvi, 1-530 pls. 117). Shell medium-sized, 3.0-3.8 mm long; thinner, translucent or transparent in life; tear-shaped; spire raised and nearly straight-sided, pointed; body whorl less conspicuously enlarged, not descending to aperture along last half whorl. Central tooth of radula with long basocones along base (Fig. (Conrad, 1834). (Sowerby, 1878). Pseudotryonia brevissimus Base of shell usually without spiral band. Shell discoidal, grayish-white in color; transparent when fresh. Aperture never with a septum. Body whorl relatively narrow, not conspicuously enlarging near aperture (Fig. Vail, V. A. After a few years in storage glandular tissues in the female reproductive system deteriorate, and the process gradually spreads to destroy all but the terminal genital structures. Penis with 2 or 3 papillae on left margin (Fig. Sides of spire straight in lateral profile. Aperture broadly ovate. Operculum nearly multispiral with four large, slowly expanding whorls (Fig. 1918. 60). Basch (1963) recognized five valid species. Inside of lip with or without a reddish callus but callus never dark red in color. It can grow to a length of 16 inches (400 millimeters) and is easily identifiable by the left-handed opening of the shell - meaning when you look at the shell, the opening is on the left. 122). Pygmy Siltsnail) Floridobia parva (Thompson, 1968). Campeloma limum A preliminary revision of Florida Lioplax (Gastropoda: Viviparidae), with a description of Lioplax talquinensis n.sp. (Linnaeus, 1758). By Ker Than for National Geographic News. (Dall, 1885). 141). (Vail, 1979). Photo: University of Florida. 64). Those available covered only part of the state or part of the fauna. 36). The snails live in the bays and mudflats, but after they die their shells wash up on the beaches. Genera that serve as intermediate hosts for schistosomatid trematodes have been studied extensively. Dorsl surface of penis with a few elongate superior tubercles that form a weakly defined U-shaped pattern. Physella gyrina aurea Helisoma anceps anceps Prominent minor spiral sculpture along periphery. 85). Umbilicus narrow, without a strong circum-umbilical ridge, outer lip without a callus on inner surface. Adequate preservation begins when the specimens are collected. Shell conical with strongly arched whorls and a deeply impressed suture. Suture deeply impressed, forming a channel. Bayou Physa Channeled Applesnail Other species deposit eggs during the period of March through May, at which time the adults die and immature forms dominate the population through August or September. Some hydrobiid snails from Georgia and Florida. 149). Click on any of the seashell identification photos for information about each shell, where they were found, who found these shells and so much more. Vertical ribs strongly developed, crossed by nearly equal sized spiral threads that form low spines where they cross the ribs, adults about 20-25 mm long (Fig. 1905. Shell grayish-white. Recent studies treat amnicolids as a separate families. 45). 113). 1980. Florida Cone (Family) Conidae Distinguishing Characteristics: The Cones are easily identified by the distinctive cone-like shape and a long aperture that reaches up to their shoulder. The aquatic snail fauna of the southeastern United States has long been recognized for its richness and diversity. Most species are disc-shaped or planular, as is implied by the name PLANORBIDAE. There were no references to cover the entire state. Female ovoviviparous with about 15 large embryos in uterus. (Pilsbry and Johnson, 1903). Shell without conical spines, although spiral threads may be present. Amnicola rhombostoma 89, 90). 115, 116). Whorls globose, with a deeply impressed suture. (Couper, 1844). Basch (1963) revised the classification and recognized only twelve species. 82). Dasyscia franzi Radial striations present on shell but not on apex. We Floridians have so much to be proud of. Shell sexually dimorphic in size, males about one-third as long as females. Apical whorls pointed and raised, but not scalariform. Parapical crest of verge greatly enlarged. Shell highly variable in shape; freshwater forms olivaceous or brown; adults with about 4.5-6.0 whorls; about 3.5-4.5 mm long (Fig. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - An invasive giant African snail that has already had to be eradicated twice in the last 50 years in Florida is back and one county is on high alert. Shell elongate-conical, with about 5-7 whorls. Miscellaneous Publication of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, 6: 1-213. (Thompson, 1968). Elimia dickinsoni Clench, W.J., & R. D. Turner. Outer lip partially flattened in adults. (Lea, 1858). (Thompson, 1968). Additional surveys found four different populations all associated with the CSX railways. Shell ovate in shape, about 1.2-1.5 times as high as wide. Adult shells about 40-60 mm high (Fig. Mantle mottled with black spots and blotches. Arboreal forms, such as Liguus of Florida and Cuba, tend to be brightly coloured; terrestrial forms usually are drab. Rock Springs Siltsnail The primary differences between the two families are based on soft anatomy. Medium- to large-sized tropical freshwater snails. Shell with about 4.5-5.0 whorls; about 3.0-4.8 mm long (Fig. 149). Micromenetus brogniartiana Body whorl rounded (Fig. Burch, J. The snail can wreak havoc on agriculture and carry a parasite that causes meningitis in humans.. Plane of aperture nearly vertical when viewed from the side. 3). Campeloma geniculum A single glandular crest present on apex of terminal lobe (Figs. Littoridinops is found most frequently in brackish water, although the three species found in Florida also occur in frehswater. 92). Ichetucknee Siltsnail Shell with or without bright bands; with low wavy growth wrinkles; large but not robust, 23-28 mm long. 10-12). The coloration of the aperture and the embryonic shell is not consistent within single population samples, and the contour of the outer lip is highly variable within single drainage systems and with the age of the specimens examined. Amphibious; moves by step-like mode of progression (Fig. File Campeloma 16, 17). Average length about 5.5 mm (Figs. Last whorl distinctly shouldered. Melanoides tuberculata 169, 172). Umbilical perforation narrow, 1/8 1/10 diameter of shell. Shell translucent. Shell moderately large, 3.7-4.5 mm long; spire 1.00-1.35 times length of aperture; shell with 4.8-5.4 whorls. Aphaostracon theiocrenetus Spire depressed, much less than height of aperture, occasionally planular (Figs. Aperture relatively shorter, about half or less the length of the shell. Operculum neomelanian, with a small, rapidly expanding nucleus located near the basal margin (Fig. Shell conical; thin and transparent; 4.0-4.5 strongly arched whorls. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer . The current status of these introductions is not known. Knobby Elimia Floridobia is known from peninsular Florida north along the Atlantic seaboard to Maine. Operculum loosely coiled, with 3.75 large whorls, the outer one expanding more rapidly than the others (Figs. Shell brightly banded and with large, wide and wavey vertical folds; robust, usually 21-25 mm long (Fig. Two new species of hydrobiid snails from Florida and Georgia, and a discussion of the biogeography of south Georgia streams. 54). Aperture comma-shaped, tightly appressed against preceding whorl. Micromenetus d. dilatus Elimia doolyensis Transparent white (Fig. Aperture ovate; baso-columellar angle not extended; basal lip not indented. Aphaostracon chalarogyrus Giant African Land Snail Identification Sheet - Florida Commissioner of . Pyrgophorus platyrachis In Florida, the African land snail existed largely in Miami-Dade County, although hundreds of the pests were found in Broward County, specifically western Davie, in 2014. . 110, 111, 68). Univ. 2015; Jayashankar et al. Shell usually opaque in adults, with a dark red callus inside the lip (Fig. Operculum paleomelanian, with a large sub-centrally located nucleus (Fig. The genus is found along the east coast of North America from Maryland south to Tabasco, Mexico. 36); males with a copulatory appendage, a penis (Fig. Conical with relatively obese whorls. Formalin does not even serve as a good fixative or preservative for long-term anatomical studies. Last whorl flattened above. The manual treats only those genera that occur in freshwater. In 1976 in the St. Johns River 1 found Melanoides tuberculatus with population densities of 10,000/m2. 204-207), often eroded in older specimens. Shell larger, 2.2-4.8 mm long. RELATED: Proof of megalodon extinction is in their teeth, scientists say. Operculum calcareous with two pegs on inner surface (Figs. Now officially known as simply a Snail Kite, the subspecies from Florida and Cuba (Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus) formerly known as the Everglade Snail Kite was listed as endangered in 1967.The range of the Florida population of Snail Kites is restricted to watersheds in the central and . Radial riblets on entire surface of shell except apex. Shell conical to ovate-conical. 125); accessory crest absent on penis. Laevapex peninsulas Sculpture consisting of axial striations only (Fig.147). A review of the recent freshwater limpet snails of North America. Brownish-yellow in color (Fig. Thiarids are found in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Aperture non-operculate; mantle cavity modified into a lung. Sculpture consisting of incremental striations only. Penis with one papilla on left margin (Fig. It should also be remembered that many groups have not been studied sufficiently, and the reader may have material that adds to or contradicts previously recorded information. Thicker leaves may have damage on only one side. Umbilicus of shell closed. Most inhabit fresh water, but some also occur in brackish water. Vernacular names are given only for species. In view of the inconsistency of these shell characters, these three forms may represent only a single species, Campeloma limum, which is widely distributed from the Escambia River system of Florida and Alabama east and north into North Carolina and Virginia. Lioplax pilsbryi choctawhatchensis Pomacea paludosa Shell with spiral chords or spirally arranged series of nodes. Vertical ribs reduced in size, but with bold spines at the periphery; spiral threads above periphery relatively weak; adults up to 35 mm long (Fig. Thiarids are ecologically significant because they tend to replace native snails where they are introduced and because of their abundance. Opercula should be glued to cotton plugs and replaced within the aperture. Shell minute, 2.4-2.7 mm long; adults with 3.9-4.2 whorls; spire short, 0.8- 1.1 times height of aperture (Fig. Penis filament white. Tryonia aequicostatus 159-179). CLICK ON EACH PHOTO Fallen Angel Wing -Atlantic Mud Piddock Boring Angel Wing- Striate Piddock Rice Olive Rasp Elimia North American freshwater snails: species list, ranges and illustrations. J. Clench and Ruth P. Turner (1956) published a survey of the fauna from the Suwannee River west to the Escambia River. 88). Viviparus georgianus Video. Floridobia porterae Shell smaller, generally less than 12 mm long. Three new freshwater snails of the genus Cincinnatia from peninsular Florida. 24, 27). Shell usually corpulent, brown or green, generally opaque, but occasionally translucent in juveniles. (Lamark, 1822). (Thompson, 1968). Suture relatively shallow. Florida. (Clench & Turner, 1956). Shape highly variable, usually disc-shaped but some specimens with flat-topped raised spire. 95). Shell globose with a short depressed spire; body whorl ample; umbilicus closed. 11). Base of shell with dark red spiral band. Slough Hydrobe 158). (Pilsbry, 1889). Shell about 0.38-0.41 times as wide as high and about 20-27 mm long. Eight species have been proposed. 169). Shell elliptical in shape. Identify your shells using our popular photo guide to southwest Florida shells from Sanibel Island and beyond. They are most common on tropical islands but occur also in cold regions, where they hibernate. Florida Flatcoil: Golden Zachrysia: Zachrysia provisoria (L. Pfeiffer, 1858) Gastrocopta pellucida (L. Pfeiffer, 1841) Zonitoides arboreus (Say, 1817) Garden Zachrysia: Slim Snaggletooth: Quick Gloss: Mesomphix globosus (MacMillan, 1940) Hawaiia minuscula (A. Binney, 1841) Mesodon thyroidus (Say, 1817) Globose Button: Minute Gem: White-lip Globe One species occurs naturally in Florida, and three others have been introduced. Vas deferens independent of blind caecum and its duct. Most freshwater hydrobiids in the eastern United States are annual species. 134). Size small I I to medium, 8-12 mm in length. 15, 18). Apical whorls depressed; body whorl obtusely angular above and sharply carinated around funnel-shaped umbilicus. Suture more deeply impressed than in 77a. Shell usually with raised spiral threads around periphery, frequently the uppermost thread has conical or triangular spines (Figs. Penis as illustrated (Fig. Banded Mysterysnail 140). It is globose in shape, body whorls are wide, spire is depressed, and the aperature is narrowly oval (Burch 1982). Elimia annae Spiral or costate sculpture usually present. Work through the questions, each time choosing the characteristic that best matches your snail from the two choices. 68); lobe and flagellum with various patterns of dermal glands; central tooth of radula with basocones located on reflected margin of tooth (Fig. 56). The species are highly variable, and there is no consensus regarding the number of valid species. 5). Tarebia granifera The giant African land snail is back in Florida after having been declared eradicated twice. Operculum tightly coiled with four slowly expanding whorls (Figs. Alexander Siltsnail Physid species have similar and superficially featureless, variable shells, and the shell is imprecise for identifying most genera and many species. After the shells are thoroughly rinsed, they can be air-dried in cardboard trays. The reader may be troubled by the imprecise shell characteristics that are used in the key. 102a, 102b). The planorbid snail Micromenetus dilatatus avus in the West Indies and Central America. Aperture terminating below periphery of body whorl. The genus Viviparus (Viviparidae) in North America. Elimia floridensis ssp. 107, 108). Shell with three whorls. Pomacea canaliculata Malacological Review, 19: 85-86. Flatwood siltsnail Florida's Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services said that a Pasco County master gardener reported seeing a giant African land snail in the New Port Richey area on June 23. Whorls of spire pointed and scalariform (steplike with nearly flat shoulders and deep sutures). The systematic relationships of the hydrobiid snail genus Nymphophilus Taylor, 1966 and the status of the Subfamily Nymphophilinae. Aperture moderately oblique. Endemic New World genera occur in Cuba, Jamaica, and northern South America. Numerous species of exotic snails are serious pests of plants and threats to public health. It was first identified in Florida by Dr. Harry G. Lee, who discovered the snail in Duval County in 2009. A synopsis of the classification of the freshwater Mollusca of North America north of Mexico and a catalogue of the more recently described species with notes. (Menke, 1839). Subspecies bear the same name as the nominate subspecies, as is consistent with the standard used by the American Fisheries Society for fishes, and by other societies for other classes of animals. A review of the aquatic gastropod subfamily Cochliopinae (Prosobranchia, Hydrobiidae). Lioplax pilsbryi pilsbryi Mesa Rams-horn In Pasco County Florida, a quarantine order was issued for people after the re-discovery of the giant African land snail, an invasive species that can harm to humans, structures, and wildlife. The sexes are separate and fertilization is internal (Andrews, 1964). (Thompson, 1968). (Jay, 1839). It could take years to fully rid the state of the species, officials say. Shell planispiral, adults large, 35-50 mm (Figs. Outer lip of aperture strongly sinuous in lateral profile (Fig. It is believed the snail was introduced via the railway cars coming from Mexico. They're different than the ones found previously.
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